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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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rectors, its product based on artificial intelligence is considered one of the leading ones, neurosey is able to maintain a conversation on any topic in a matter of seconds, write an article and abstract, but now someone else has gained access to these secret algorithms. on the island of sicily today , the tallest active volcano in europe is demonstrating its restless nature, with flames and fountains of hot magma bursting out of the crater of etna. i would. and smoke rises to 4,000 m above sea level, tremors intensify. italian authorities have raised the alert level from green to yellow, and another volcano is currently erupting nearby in strombola. the helicopter managed to remove the emergence of volcanic gases, ash and rock fragments. today is the seventh episode of the music show on our tv channel, catch me if you can. the stars will compete with the team. don't
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miss it right after the evening news. vesti is monitoring developments in russia abroad, do not switch. armenia, tajikistan and belarus. it is important that citizens of the cis, coming to us to live and work, knew russian and respected the culture of our country. everything to create conditions
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for learning the russian language on the territory of the cis countries, this is the contribution of the state duma and its deputies to migration policy, so that educated and responsible people come here and treat the citizens of our country with respect. gold medals were awarded to the winners of the all-russian student olympiad i'm a professional. this year almost 850,000 people applied to participate. the directions are very different, from natural sciences and healthcare, to art and military technology. 136 medalists were awarded at the atom pavilion. when choosing people, what do each employer look at? looks at the ability to take on challenges. the world is changing very quickly, and those who do not wait for changes, who create changes, win. each of you was not afraid
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to make a choice, each of you was not afraid to take a risk and take part in the olympics. the fleet of the naryanmar air squad was replenished with a new mi-8 mtv helicopter. it was made to order at the kazan plant. this is already the third helicopter that the company has purchased at leasing development program with the help of government funding. report by dmitry khozyainov. several hours of travel, three refueling stops in kirov, sektyvkari at... the helicopter passes through the water arch, this is an international tradition, which is treated with special reverence in aviation, this is how the aircraft is congratulated on its arrival at its permanent home port. a good tradition, let there be more new helicopters. congratulations, thank you very much for bringing such a swallow. at the helm as co-pilot. as
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always elvira khakimova, this is already the third a helicopter that a girl in the crew brings from kazan to narinmar. we arrived in 6:40, but plus the preparation was in the morning before departure, it was good, it was very hot, warm, real summer, everything was green, beautiful, there was something to enjoy. such machines are produced at the kazan plant, which is part of the russian helicopters holding company, the rostec state corporation. here... it produces up to 100 helicopters a year, our eight are ready to carry out passenger, cargo, ambulance, rotational flights, rescue missions and extinguishing landscape fires, additional fuel tanks with a capacity of 915 liters each are installed outside, which will increase the flight range to 1.00 km, whereas without them this figure would be less, almost half. the car is the same as last year, we brought two, they are absolutely identical. just as good, smooth
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controls, a pleasure to pilot. the helicopter also has space for medical modules; they will be needed when evacuating patients from remote villages and deer farms. the machine can work in large temperature range from -50 to +50° celsius. the new eight, of course, aroused great interest among the children from the movement, who asked many questions about the characteristics and were even able to sit in the cockpit. the narinmar joint air squadron annually renews its helicopter fleet with the support of the administration of the nenensky district. since 2016. in total, the air squadron has 24 units of eights of various types. dmitry khozyainov, adim stasyuk, lead zapolyaria. atomoh 50 years of victory went on
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its first tourist expedition this year. on board is the legendary traveler fedoryukhov, experienced pilot igor potapkin. could he have set such a task except for fedor konyukhov? he will be accompanied by igor to reach the north pole on a steamboat, who else is potapkin, the owner of all the trophies in the world of motor-paragliding competitions. for what? extreme sports enthusiasts are probably already tired of answering this question, but there are answers, the famous traveler sets off on a journey to see pure snow again. there is dust in the forest, there are mountains and this wind blows away everything and so you can see in the snow when, well in good weather, well, in ireland, of course , there are also mountains, they blow away the dust, whoever has not been to the gray pole means he has not seen pure
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snow, it will be very interesting and unusual, for example, i often fly over the continents of our vast homeland, it is large. the arctic beckons in its own way with its magic, when for 1.00 km there are no roads, no civilization, this is a challenge in its own way, and it is very interesting. on this incredible flight, the brave pilots took with them the flags of rosatom, the first movement and the murmansk region. we hope that fedor konikov will return, we will also meet him let's take this flag, of course, it will continue to participate in our numerous actions. nikolai sovelyev, president of the polar travel club, also goes on the sea part of the trip. now this will be my twenty-ninth voyage to the north pole, the next one will be the thirtieth, every time everything is different, never in all these 25 years have there been the same trips, always something new, always something different, so no, i’m not tired and whatever it is in moscow now it’s +35, that’s
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beauty, where is murmansk, everyone here, captain lidakula ruslan sasov reached the north pole more than 50 times, admits that he is proud and happy to participate. 14 hours of flight, the altitude of the upcoming trip is from 1 m to 2 km, difficulties, an open aircraft, the threat of icing, thin air, you can get into snow, rain, pilots understand that sometimes decisions will have to be made at lightning speed. 2 years ago, konyukhov and potapkin already flew in
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the arctic; the experience was taken into account in long-term preparation for the air-sea expedition. after a test training flight in 2022 year, the design of the password was modernized and improved. touched upon maximum streamlining, safety and flight range. the best specialists from the composite division of the state corporation rosatom worked on unique materials. flight range is about 800 km. after landing, travelers will have to wait 2-3 days for the icebreaker. he will take igor potapkin, and fyodor konyukhov will remain until the end of the month to collect data on the presence of microplastics in the arctic ocean and paint new paintings. he took 10 canvases with him. andre. the world of family albums, communal apartments of a bright future, which were built in the soviet era, an exhibition has opened in st. petersburg - a monument to a vanished civilization, this is a city consisting of installations that immerse the visitor in the life of a soviet
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person. olga skripkina looked at the exhibition. soviet-style, laconic and at the same time festive in the style of the era. the atmosphere hints that this is no longer a hermetage, but rather an exhibition. the palace of culture, and many years ago, because we are talking about a monument to a vanished civilization, the project of the museum of ilya and emilia kabakov, where exhibits, installations personal stories, stories about life and through the eyes of a little person. in the great soviet union, multi-layered and much more serious than it seems at first glance, of course, this is like a calcasse of what archaeologists do, they dig, find things, put them together, which is how they were and say: here is another vanished civilization , we have revived it, it is an underground bunker city, closed from the rest of the world, with a park on top inside a room with installations that convey the spirit of the era, mood and emotions. the artists described the contents of each space in detail. v models, drawings and photographs, in the center there is an area of ​​ideology and propaganda, a huge
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construction of communism, which has begun and will not end, consists of trailers for workers, where they continue to live, but it is not clear whether they continue to build, another door leads to a large archive of the bureaucratic world , narrow and endless corridors consisting of papers, various forms, some lists, rules, codes, rules, and so on and so forth, again, the viewer, not understanding what lies ahead of him, is already... beginning to be exhausted, a feeling of constant expectation that you have to wait here, and then sit there, stand under this door, and whether they will accept you or not . this is a story in which there is no line between utopia and reality. in their projects , artists show how you can dream, even if you are squeezed into the cramped space of a communal apartment. visitors are sent either to an abandoned school, then to a hospital bed or to a neighbor’s apartment, where they can sneakily try on angel wings. be sure to close the door behind you so that... none of the neighbors or those who live next to us did not see and did not think that we were doing something strange, and
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by trying on these wings, we repeat this process regularly, yes, on an ongoing basis, we really become better, the authors created each space separately were shown to the public, but they were unable to unite everything together; in the main headquarters building on permanent exhibition you can see two fragments of the monument to the disappearance. civilization, a toilet in the corner and life in a closet, they, like those that remain only in photographs, provoke look back at the era of black forests, meeting desks, the world from which flies into space, now carefully hidden under glass. this exhibit is perhaps the only one that you can not only touch with your hands, but also need to. each visitor to the exhibition can continue the chronicle of memories, leaving on yellowed paper what he remembers most in the soviet union, and hiding the piece of paper in a ball.
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with us, again, don’t understand when, because the weather is good, we go to sea, the weather is bad, we sit at home, and once again order depends on the tides, it is important to go out through high water to get to the place, and then catch the moment when the depth is approximately hip-deep, then the long stems standing in the water column are most conveniently cut with a regular scythe, the cut algae floats on the surface, they are collected with a pitchfork or just with your hands and throw it into the boat. our gold, focus is called king algae, the richest source
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of iodine, vitamins, and most importantly alginates and fukaidan, which are not found in land plants, it is believed that they remove salts from the body heavy metals, regulate cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, at coastal tourist centers they prepare salads for guests from the focus, and we prepare it from ordinary ingredients, like zucchini, the focus herb itself, of course i already have it boiled in advance, we cook it for 15 minutes in boiling water , with a large addition of vinegar and sugar. the zucchini is fried, fucus and a tablespoon of soy sauce are added, and the finished salad is garnished with lightly salted whitefish and cucumber. but native kolymsk resident valentina anisimova adds another seaweed to the soup - kelp, which she already treats pain in the hand, wrapping it on an inflamed area and even sunburn, i need so many vitamins of all sorts, well, iodine most of all, the temperature goes away... inflammation goes away, well, 3 days, that's basically on average, however, on
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an industrial scale, the collective farm produces seaweed not for salad or to treat burns. the focus is mainly purchased by agro-industrial enterprises for the production of fertilizers and feed additives. during the season , 1.0 tons of dried seaweed are harvested in the republic; about two tons of raw material are placed in a boat. fishermen scatter this large mountain across drying rocks. in good weather. a day is enough, and if you’re unlucky, you’ll have to go raking, or else cover it from the rain, during which time the weight of the harvested food will decrease by four, so they took it. and again mowing, loading, scattering, raking, the work is physically difficult, but they like this life. you feel free here, it’s just you and the elements, here you can see whales, beluga whales, snow-white ones, when you see them in general, they’re like something straight from the inside, it’s some kind of feeling that’s so extraordinary, like a fairy tale.
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pavel, a priest, came to this land back in 1864. from the first note, beauty, repen, from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head,
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business, or something, we are with the first together as a class, we are also responsible for everything we do together. and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, slow down from the car, the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, you’re looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open the entire scoreboard? can we handle it? if you ask, then with a hint. surname of which character from does everyone know pushkin’s works? what is 7.8, how much? those at work talk a lot and loudly. if you celebrate it with humor? i
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would chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr. you are mine, and you are only mine, and you are mine, stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money, oleg has everything ok, in what sense, maybe he has some
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problems, happened. with your husband’s car, get out of here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me a very large sum of money, victoria, it always seems to me that someone is watching me, sunday on rtr, if you accept this ring, i i will be the happiest person in the world. i repeat once again, we do not accept rings, either pay the bill with money, or i call the administrator, what is the reason for this strange behavior of this male, well, let's make changes to your passport, this is some kind of mistake, i’m about remodeling, a little more, right here,
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just a little, oh, what are you doing, what kind of belly festival have you arranged for yourself? so eat with your wealth, some crazy person, but they said that we won’t find a free table, that’s it, well done, timofeeva, don’t study, knowledge is power, history of a big country, today on rtr, well, let me invite you today , what do you say, the head of the family? what did she come for, what does she need, does she want ivan for herself, on monday on rtr, magadan hunting councils are searching for the bear. who walked along the territory of the city seaport. kosolapov was captured by passing drivers, who scared the beast away. this year , so-called
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sanitary zones are being created around the region’s settlements, where bears should not enter, but the bears don’t know about this and appear in the most unexpected places. report by lyudmila sherbakova. this footage was taken by eyewitnesses in the early morning of a bear running through the magadan seaport. the clubfoot is apparently frightened; drivers honk their horns, trying to drive the beast away. hurry up the bear! predator ran along the rocks and disappeared into the bushes. people immediately called game wardens. here the bear climbed the rocks and went further into the forest. the area near the seaport has already been examined by game wardens and the predator has not been found. but the bear that came into the city is considered dangerous, so the search for him continues. residents were advised not to walk along the ecological trail in these places for now. a bear can overcome up to several in a day. 100 km, or maybe walking somewhere nearby. magadan residents often come here for spring water, now they say they are looking around with caution, i had just left and he,
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well, half an hour later came running here, but he himself was scared, you saw him too, but just carefully, they are walking everywhere now, truckers are really filming bears in different parts of the city , a whole family of club-footed people was caught on video recorder. crossing the road in the area of ​​​​the village of sokol, he is no longer afraid of anything, he especially stands on nickels at the urma, so he goes there, feeding them like feeders. the most dangerous place to meet a bear is in the forest, say scientists and biologists. magadan residents will soon they will go pick berries and mushrooms and must remember the main rules - talk loudly, and if something happens, do not run away. they will be looking for the bear that traveled through the seaport of magadan for the next few days. if the predator does not approach the city again. colums from different settlements of the magadan region. now that salmon have entered the rivers of the region,
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it is possible that bears will appear less often in cities and towns, but residents are still advised not to let down their vigilance. lyudmila shcherbakov, alexey gilov, host magadan. in uzhevsk an arts festival has started in cheikovsky’s homeland, one of the largest and oldest musical forums in russia is being celebrated this year. igor butman and the moscow jazz orchestra. the festival was opened by the ludmurti children's symphony orchestra. report by irina kropcheva. three-year-old polina is in a hurry to go to the concert. mom says that the baby loves to sing at the performance of the republican children's and youth symphony orchestra, it must be interesting for her. she loves to watch how children perform, play instruments, violins, drums. the orchestra was created last year; 45 young musicians from all over the republic have been preparing for this concert for a whole year. thanks to the presidential fund for cultural initiatives,
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the children and youth symphony orchestra of the udmurt republic was created; mentors from the yuri abramovich bashmet foundation selected the children in september. two creative shifts passed, many rehearsals. and also tours, performances with famous musicians today. exam. the artists present their team and essentially open an arts festival in tchaikovsky’s homeland. in the program of works not only a world-famous composer, but also udmur classics. the musicians try to cope with their excitement and show everything they have learned. this project is considered very important here and they expect it to continue.
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to our urmur musical territory. the arts festival will be held for the sixty- seventh time; for connoisseurs of classical music there will be not only concerts, but also theatrical performances. this year, for the first time , the ballet swan lake and the opera the queen of spades will be presented on an open-air stage. irina kropacheva, denis chukhlantsev, news from udmurtia. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website we have everything by this time, denis polanchukov was with you, see you.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air, 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, in a hurry, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, go out on readiness number one, what an image of victory he is, he will destroy the gang in his head.
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it wasn't a death's head if i wasn't with them i can handle it, they won’t forgive me, daria ursulyak, the death’s head, i heard about her, the artist, you don’t know who he is, yes, i don’t know yet, alexander ustyugov, we are all under suspicion, everyone, marina alexandrova, they will kill you, your couplings , alexander gorbatov, i’ll give you a day, otherwise i’ll kill this whole gang of yours according to military law, artist, death’s head. new raid, get ready, from monday on rtr, near lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain, a learned cat, no one remembers the pin code for the chest, girl, i want to make a purchase,
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if you want to buy carrots, press one, here i am, arranged it, just a minute, one does not interfere with the other, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. “i bet i’ll write a song “black boomer”, it will blow everyone up,” the then little -known singer seryoga told his colleague, sitting in the kitchen and coming up with ideas for creativity. it so happened that the song called “black boomer” was released exactly 20 years ago , and then produced the effect of a bomb exploding. come on,
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the only girl he proposed to refused him . an affair with a cuban model, who moved to kiev for his sake, but the ukrainian dancer polina olololo became the mother of the singer’s two sons. it is with her that the loud scandal in the artist’s life is connected, which led to legal proceedings for the children. polina accused sergei of almost all mortal sins; according to her, he cheated on her with several
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girls in a row. being drunk, he beat her so hard that she couldn’t open her eyes for several days, kidnapped her sons, turned them against their mother and subjected the children to cruelty humiliating punishments. which of all this is true and which is false, what the court decided, and where the sons of the famous rapper mark and plato live today. for the first time after a difficult breakup , the singer is ready for an extremely frank conversation about all these events. the fate of a person, the fate of the singer seryoga. thank you, i welcome you, boris. you flew from minsk especially with luggage, what a beauty, how i love potato pancakes, this is a belarusian culinary landing, boris, whether you like it or not, i recommend you try it, i adore them, i
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i hear this smell, just as you want, you see belarusian pancakes are brought to your knees, this is not a myth, this is reality, thank you, i... i’ll take some lard for myself with sour cream, i’ll oblige you, no, thank you, i don’t eat expensive ones, it’s very tasty, you must agree , that this is exquisite, this is a temptation, yes, now we can talk, thank you, you, in fact, god, we are meeting you for the first time and... i know that this is your first such a big interview after so many events , after moving back to your homeland from ukraine, where you spent many years, after many dramatic events in our personal lives, literally a minute
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before the start of our shooting, you looked at this photograph and said the phrase that you look and you will never see such a person again, there will be no more of him, i am like that at that moment looked at you, again there, again at you, again there, well, i just wanted to understand: the difference, here’s the difference, this person smiles, you need to smile more often, my friends, what stopped you from smiling before, and what has changed in recent years, so that suddenly that's even it they said sharply, this person will no longer exist? no, well, i’m actually joking, because this is a question of mood, this is a question of some kind of internal attitude of yours, this feigned smile, made so false, unreal, this is what we often encounter , uh.
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aside, listen, sergeky, just now a crazy thought came to my mind, in this new genre, yes, right at the table, maybe a cappella, you can put a black boommer on it, for example, yes, of course, but we can do this now you can demonstrate, yes, i grew up on the outskirts, a working-class city, a boy in a fashionable cap, or a boy now without a cap, a worn, gold tooth, and the tooth is no longer gold, not worn, the boy is all simple, not at all handsome, but everything is coming towards me the girls are smiling, because i have a black boomer , i’m always with me, because i have a black boomer, fast and crazy, because i have a black boomer, a groovy boomer, sit down boldly, boris,
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let’s ride with you and the chorus of the black boom, well, the classics, nice always humming, for those who maybe didn’t know or forgot, put it on, let’s remember how... it sounded 20 years ago, to feel the difference, i grew up on the edge, an urban worker, a fashionable boy with a cap, a worn gold tooth, the whole simple guy is not at all handsome i, and towards me. all the girls smile when in the evening i go out of the house into the yard, get into the car, smile, start the engine, turn on the music and multi-colored lights, they all look at me with longing love in their eyes, because i have a black boomer, it is always with me, because i have black boomer, fast and pitiful, because i have a black boomer, groovy boomer, sit down and the lady vchenka will ride with you, black boomer, black gumec, toxicali hierarchs? black boomer, black boomer, if you can guess,
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black boomer, black boomer, dates, black boomer, black boomer, i really like the girl, and our little neighborhood is located in chiba city, and you look at your current self, back then, with what eyes now, with proud, it was 2000 third, 2004, that’s 20 years ago, yes, i then returned from germany, where i studied, i got very involved in music, i was interested in rap then, that’s why i definitely wanted to make folk rap, i set myself the goal of making a big, big, big hit, it definitely had to break the format, i set exactly the same task for myself that i will do one now a rap composition that will just go everywhere, will spin everywhere, play everywhere, it just got to the point of funny, i remember now, i ’m sitting opposite you now, i was sitting opposite
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one of my friends, belarusian musician stanislav satsur, i say: stas, i bet , that i will now write a song that will blow up all the charts, it will be called black boomer, so we bet on something formally, so in the end i wrote a song, it turned out that it really became a big hit, plus i have to give it back, of course , due to the situation itself, that is, at that moment... it was the year when peter buslov’s film boomer came out, remember this rod movie, this is about how yes, well, of course, well, of course, a group of street guys got caught in a difficult situation, in the image of a metaphor for a generation, and from a black car, it means that this film was incredibly popular that year, 2002, 2003. i don’t remember, it was around this time, so i just
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saw, had a presentiment, yes, that if such a song appeared now, it would be called black boomer , it will become a hit, most likely, we will remember the film that gave the first impetus for this song, yes push, like push, put it on. don't you carry money in your wallet? in vain, banknotes are better preserved, but is this a fake or what? yeah, i’m deliberately breeding suckers, i’ll confiscate it, don’t take it, what do you think, they don’t have it anymore, well, it’s small, on... since the fine has been paid,
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i won’t delay it any longer. oh, have a good trip, as they say, come to us again, well, their black boomer ended badly, ended badly, of course, and but no one’s fate worked out there, but... you, on the contrary, on this black boomer you drove into an incredible page in your destiny, after all, this is a colossal success, attention, all this collapsed on a person, i don’t know, you were internally prepared for this, you spent your whole life there as a quiet, handsome man, gomel there, in general , i’m planning a completely different fate for myself, not was about it i’m ready now, i’m not ready for this, that is , the irony of fate is that, despite the fact that i am a media person, i am a recognizable person. i mean, but inside i’m
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really different, that is, i’m very modest, very suspicious, loving such inconspicuousness, as if yes, when they began to recognize me on the streets, it was a big blow for me, yes, because i didn’t know, how to live with this, i didn’t know how to react to it, i became very lonely, now i understand that star fever, it doesn’t... begin in a person to whom this test of glory happened, surrounded by, yes, that is , this person, who remains the same, suddenly looks at him differently, he is evaluated differently. and it’s impossible to resist it, it will change in any case, it will change a person, and it changed me too, i’m sure for the worse, and this is the kind of story that you need, well, you have to live with and you need to constantly control yourself, your behavior, his attitude towards people, his attitude
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towards life, that is, any media person is in in a sense, i’m not free, you understand. i can only tell you that i have never experienced such crazy attention from fans, although of course they confessed their love to me. declared their intention to be friends with me, i , as a rule, distanced myself from such proposals, yes, because here is a copper man, he experiences such cautious distrust, that is, it is difficult to let people in, you also know this, nevertheless, i know that there is true
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love, now i understand it, yes, that there is love, but there is passion, and there is no need to confuse these two books, but do you remember when you experienced this real genuine love, which is not passion, it was at that period of life or earlier, and you understand, boris, it seems to me that i haven’t experienced love yet, i just know that it exists, i just came to the realization that what i previously considered love, or what i previously assessed and designated as such, was.
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this question was often asked, that is, did lala really exist, did she really end up so tragically, i wouldn’t want this mystery to disclose, i can say that several years ago in gomel, in my hometown , one of the organized criminal groups was destroyed, liquidated,
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which was responsible for such a terrible crime, including these serious crimes with a fatal outcome... with regard to women, when they were killed, raped, when i wrote about the fate of this girl, i walked with tears in my eyes for several days, precisely because suddenly, in a completely inexplicable way, i was overcome by a burden, a terrible burden, boris, i don’t i could get rid of it, and i just wanted to and wrote, walked, wrote, wrote, wrote, these rhymes were shooting out of me, and then i came to the studio, and i told the sound engineer valery shoman, a wonderful person, i said, valera, turn it on microphone, i want to read, when i started reading, the microphone was not adjusted, but he still wrote, it turns out that this take, which later ended up in
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the recording and which went into circulation, was the only and first one, because after that, when he set up the microphone and we started recording the final one. i have not it turned out so convincingly and so well and so clearly and so quickly, you understand that that is, i am a one-take man, you understand, you are dealing with a limited person, boris, i really liked your expression, a one-take man, this after all, not only about songs, probably, but about many situations in life, they would say that they didn’t love it yet, that there were also engine commands, that’s how it really sounded, there was no first or second take, but a duplicate.. . children were born, i have two sons, but with them mother,
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things didn’t work out with the mother of these wonderful guys, we broke up many years ago, she already has other children, other relationships, i also had relationships after that, and the children are with you now, the children are now with me, yes they live in minsk, seniors. my son studies at the suvorov school, well, the youngest goes to a general education lyceum, this older one is smart, wow, he’s a suvorov student, yes, yes, i managed to pay attention to them, yes, because there are fathers, artists, who are like the tumble of the field, so they are constantly on tour, at concerts, in tours, but thanks to a wonderful disease such as... covid-19, we had such a pause in the concert movement and i was able
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to devote time to my children, which i don’t regret in any way, this is an important period, a transition the age, uh, when boys should be with their father, communicate with him, when very important questions are asked, questions that... form a picture of the world that helps to correctly place good and evil with all their complex characteristics. so i was nearby and it seems to me that the boys will grow up men. it’s generally a rare story today that children live with their father. mark and platon have been with you all these years in minsk, their mother, i am in the country, yes, polina, she.
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a responsible approach and an approach where there is not much responsibility, between patriotic, in a good sense, and liberal, as it is now fashionable to put it, in general, to put it very succinctly, i did not want my sons to be raised by nazis, so we agreed with their mother that i will... raise boys, yes, and this story, it did develop, at what point, like this
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sergei, it happened that you realized that she, or the person who appeared there next to her, is a nazi, well, today it is very difficult to hide any information, we live in the information age, i had information. about the danger the guys were exposed to at that moment in kiev, we can say that i foresaw the development of the event, anticipated it, now it is clear, now it is clear that i was right, at that moment a decision had to be made, i made it, everything that happened happened within the framework of the law. this there was such a usual process when parents determine the place of residence of children on one of
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the parties, and if there are disagreements, the trial at that moment took place in ukraine, and it did not reach the end, that is, it was not completed, because it began a special military operation, but preliminary... a preliminary decision, it was made in favor of my father, that is, in my favor, and it was not possible to get them out of the country several months before much blood was shed there, you are right, because certainly, now you can’t hide any information, and all these statements, when these trials were going on and sorted out, they were public, how much polino publicly said about you then, well... how much everything the children lived most of their lives with me, they were bored, they wanted to go home, they were subjected to cruel punishments, stood on
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buckwheat, accused you of treason, so i was beaten. they had blood all over their fur coat, and so on, that is, a lot of these, you can quote these revelations, that you raised your hand against her, and tortured children, and at the same time, this is the court’s decision, but why did this hell suddenly begin in your family? i have great respect for the mother of my children, no matter what it is, i’m very sorry that she found herself in such a difficult life situation. where it was used in the dark, god be his judge, so i had a choice, this choice was difficult, but everything i did, i did for the happiness of my children, but human consciousness is ukrainian, and you don’t have ukrainian citizenship, you are belarus , yes, i have always been a citizen of belarus, but human consciousness, the information space
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is structured this way, yes, what about us... when this happens, the parties always have a choice of how to behave, how to be frank with the audience, i am not one of those people who, well, maybe love to be frank, i am sure that... the time will come, everyone who participated in this story, who perhaps pursued some goals, being in error, yes, because we, we are changing, and the attitude towards life is changing, with over time, over the years, i am sure that
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everyone will re-evaluate, i... am grateful to fate for the fact that i have these wonderful boys, and i will do everything to make them happy, you know, i will be extremely careful, this phrase, of course i can’t miss it, it was used in the dark, let’s talk about it, what do you put into these words in a couple of minutes. next in the program: singer seryoga, for the first time about the fight for his children in ukraine, would they simply be taken hostage in order to put pressure on me regarding my position, use me as an information weapon and was he ready to go a deal with conscience for the sake of saving my relatives, this stream of lies, this injustice that switched in my family, because not only did i suffer, even as much as
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the people around me, my father, who... just brought clinical death, look in a few minutes, i have a very good intuition, and i hope it won’t let me down, confused, excited, let’s have a good fight, two in two, like that.
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igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you’re taking me for a fool, well , honestly, let’s look at the weekend, help! "i i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i, fool, decided to see you, so what, now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, but you have a miracle sister, give this girl money and that’s enough, i know that she’s my daughter, she has no one but me, i think i’ve fallen in love, i love you,
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dad, you know?” “i love you not like a sister, swing in saturday on rtr, catch a big fish! why do people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region
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of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on saturday on rtr. lord, are you sure you can handle it? look at rtr, i’m asking for official permission to court you, so why not allow it? take care, are you crazy? slept, so what, how is she doing, oh, well, i don’t know, well, what can i say, now that’s all, that’s all? i’ll have to get married, everyone can see it, we’re a small town, everyone knows about each other, hears everything, they found the killer, just don’t tell anyone, okay, we agreed,
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he’ll tell everyone everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed, and i’ll run away for now , okay, raya, raya knows everything, so contact me, from monday, rtr love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at screen, look at me, it doesn’t take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1-2, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to me? just watch a movie, somewhere everywhere it gets caught, then at a gas station, then in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself and hold out your hands, they will have to reckon with us, lift off the ground,
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take off, such a technique beautiful, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about it trump bully. what do you like best? see herring under a fur coat or olivier. there are no forces that could hold her. this is impressive. it's good that they are watching and listening to what i say. first person. and at 3:30 am. thank you very much, come again.
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three united russias, you yourself are a belarusian, who knows russia well, who knows ukraine well, who lived for many years in ukraine, how did you end up in ukraine, where so many dramatic things happened in your destiny, and where you predicted almost everything that is there now happens, i'm from the soviet union originally, and even to this day, when at the border they ask me the question where they came from, i... they answer, every time invariably from the soviet union, remember such a country, and therefore everything, everything is connected like that, i have a ukrainian surname, but i was born and raised in the belarusian
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gomel, some of my relatives live in ukraine, my father and mother are now in sevastopol, that is, i am a patriot of the large russian space and the fact that i was a patriot... of the large russian space even before the events of the maidan , yes, when i said that sevastopol is a russian city, guys, whether you want it or not, go and talk to the people who live there, i knew this because...
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that’s why everything is so intertwined, three republics, three sisters, that it’s difficult to determine the moment when it took root there, yes, i do not separate, now, the pain of the people who are suffering from the situation, being there from those who are worried about this...
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which is organized, produced, as many times, many years ago, centuries ago, by a large, collective, very predatory mind that part of humanity that considers itself the best, and how these words of yours, this position of yours were accepted, i repeatedly received an offer to persistently change my position, even after a special
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military operation began, i received threatening calls, letters, they tried to put pressure on me, but it was it’s impossible to do, because the only moment where i could have been hurt was in relation to my children, but i did everything to get the children out of there, that is, it was impossible to persuade me to cheat. necessary, and i didn't have to change your beliefs, change your shoes and bend your heart, and at the same time how many years have you lived in ukraine, about 10 years , but with breaks, about 10 years, that is , somewhere from 2004 to 2014, i was there almost all the time was before the maidan in 1914 - you wrote a song in
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which you seemed to predict it, how it was, what it was, it seemed to be standing in the air, or what kind of feeling was it? there is a song called fog, it didn’t become a big hit, but it came out on the eve of the events, put on a tragic song, in general, let’s remember who the director is and the producer of this reality, in which you knock each other down, and who has a cartridge in the machine gun, he was born from his mother just like you, and this mass trance in front of the blue screen, that you are...
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all traces are fog, the flame is not visible behind it, you can’t be seen behind it, if we now analyze the text, then in essence this is a summary of the rap. form of the meaning of gene sharp's manual on the bloodless elimination of unwanted regimes, that is, the scenario of color revolutions. there, with great speed, i read how this happens and what consequences this fog will have, yes, that is, they are making cognitive fog, that is, they powder our brains, cloud our consciousness, change places
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in our picture of the world, good and evil, black and white. they pass off the right as wrong and thus begin to control us, push us to destructive actions, this is what the song was about in 1920, just when this story was developing with my children, it became media, became noticeable, so it seems to me that it and served as such a trigger for...
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i understood that we would not return there, i left without breaking the law, i left with permission from the mother for the children to stay with me, this is the irony of fate, that is, from a legal point of view, there are no claims against me at all, there could not be, but the fact that i anticipated this development of events, yes, i consider it a big, big my good luck as a father that i managed to do them...
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it’s difficult to decide for a person, it’s difficult to think out ideas for him, but it seems to me that without the serious media support that she suddenly had, she would not have been able to carry out such a massive demarche, her sister says , everyone is connected there, what does it do? parhomenko disgusting, terrible, confidently the boys have already acquired a huge one.
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tears all this time, i saw, all i can remember is playing, laughing, activity, look at this photo, they look like guys who have something wrong, i made a small film a few years ago about how we live and posted it on my channel, a quiet adventure is called a film, so ... there i tried to answer some questions that the public had accumulated at that moment, let's watch a small fragment, plunge into this quiet adventure yours, put it, this is 5 years ago, i love
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spending time with him in nature, we fish here , swim together, it’s very spacious, i have a very big one, there ’s practically a mansion here, i don’t know who lives like that, to be honest. happened in my family, because not only did i suffer, but even the people around me, my father, who had just suffered clinical death, he was with me then, i rehabilitated him, my mother was very... because it was their first time faced with such media pressure, i look at this photo, not
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they smile, i also want to smile, this is literally a few days ago, they are now in a pioneer camp, because well , let’s call it that, such a good soviet childhood of the present, they have already grown almost on par with their father, well, mom is still a mother, they are for these years they communicate there, not here in this regard, they call each other, yes. well, mother and mother lives in europe, thank god, about those statements by polina and her sister, and you once explained it to her, moreover, when she said all this, you tried to to stop, to convince, of course, unfortunately, i was not able to influence the person in such a way as to find understanding regarding education. in relation to the vision of the future of these children, i was simply
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the only person who could provide them with protection, they were in real danger, now i think this is understandable, now it is clearer than ever, i don’t even want to think about what could have happened, if they had stayed there, what could have happened? their relatives are practically hostage, as is the case today with them, with their children, well, you
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talk about what is happening, i , as a father, must tell them my vision, i have the right to do so, yes, because they are a continuation of me, they live after me, and i, as the bearer of a long story, must pass it on to them , because without history they will have no roots, they will be defenseless, they... will be divorced from reality, they can be misled, they can be manipulated, they can commit unseemly acts in the dark, so my task as a father is to explain to them, what is good that there is evil, show it by example, and there is no other way out, if you have children, believe me, boris, i know, seryozh, that now you are going to go to donbass, let’s talk about it through. a few minutes. see below. singer seryoga. new sound of your favorite
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hits. performing it now, i would do it with some nostalgia. without such expression, which was inherent with a certain age-related imposing feeling of confident mastery of life. near your house. near your house. watch right after the ad.
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three girls on saturday at rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this room, absolutely without a face. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work,
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plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear, but dreams become reality. look, let big changes into your home. every sunday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday. it's been a while since we've seen each other. derzhki,
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white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one. i'll fall in love with them. who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero from my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only we look at the platform. “i’m getting ready to get married, on the upcoming anniversary, the sold-out star of the crooked mirror, comedian igor khristenko will talk for the first time about his fictitious marriages, but the main thing is why he didn’t marry the actress who gave birth to his son. two fictitious wives, an illegitimate child, another one in marriage “
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it seems to me that your story is not at all humorous; your illegitimate son is already 44 years old.” live broadcast today on rtr, girls, which of you ratted me out? eh, you lived for a year like family, i’ll curse you, look at rtr, your work, and if it’s mine, then what did you pass, and i cursed all three of them, i never regretted that it didn’t work out for us, not with you, i feel sorry for you if you...
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the fate of a person, the fate of the singer seryoga, our first big conversation with you, after so much has changed in your life, at some point you said that rap, rap in the language you spoke at one time is a very powerful and well-known thing throughout the country, you have now moved away from it, now you like to sing more often in a different genre, and no? it’s not that i ’ve moved away from rap, the set of meanings has been exhausted for me, which i could broadcast with with the help of this style, with the help of this genre, and maybe it’s age, but - i’m drawn to sing, that is, i listen to utyosov, i listen to the northern one,
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i listen to very warm, analogue music of yesteryear. precisely because this music is the spirit of the time for me, the spirit of good times, good times, it seems to me, a craving that now not only me, the whole people are experiencing this craving, but tell me, do i understand correctly that the song is near the house yours, you also perform it in a new interpretation years later in a new genre, but i would perform it i would do it now with some nostalgia.
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this is a great acquisition, mainly it comes with age, with experience, can i boast of my glass gift within the framework of your program, thank you, of course, thank you. i remember once passing, passing by, passing by, a fine rain was drizzling, the rain was drizzling, the rain was drizzling, when i saw you, i enveloped you. i saw you, then my pulse stopped beating, stopped beating, stopped beating, i decided that i would compose this
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gangster rap for you, i decided that i would compose this gangster rap for you, i decided that i would compose this one for you gangster, i’ll sing it to you, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house... yours, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, when i see , you’re coming, i see you’re coming, i see you’re walking, it makes me tremble so hard, it makes me tremble so much that the price is terrible for me, i don’t know whether you love it or not, whether you love it or not, whether you love it or not, ask about it tet tet , i’m very scared, what if you answer no, maybe i shouldn’t have written that gangster, maybe i shouldn’t have written that one gangster, maybe it was in vain that i composed this
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gansterak for you, i sing it to you near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, i expect changes from life, for changes, for changes, i have become just like... i even dream about this rap, sad gansa rap, sad ganzoret, i urgently need dr. dre, i need dr. dre, i need dr. dre, he will understand everything when he hears this gansa rap, he will understand everything when he hears this gansa rap, he is everything. will understand when he hears this hansa rap, will help sing it near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house, near your house
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, near your house, near your house, near your house, and now with you near your house, you are my favorite choir, near the house. my friends, i didn’t promise that this would be the best performance of this song, but it’s mine, thank you, it ’s alive, it’s yours, yes, exactly, but i liked it very much, you say, but i liked it, as if the girls didn’t i liked it. for some reason i saw you singing this somewhere in the donbass, i know that
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you are going there, yes, you want to perform in front of guys, they want girls and artists to visit them first of all, i found out, they say, this is what we need, we have enough of our own, we ourselves sing well, no worse than yours, they say, send us some girls. well, you can understand that the witness himself listens with joy and accepts everyone who comes to them with a kind heart? i ’ve been performing for some time with the exemplary orchestra of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, and there’s a photograph on the screen, so of course we’ll go. in our repertoire there are not only sad songs, like near the house yours, there are still a lot of funny, playful, dance tracks, accompanied by an orchestra
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it will be wonderful, and if you go, what would you say to the guys on the front line there, in principle , even now, what would you tell them, they are now hearing, watching this program, maybe be you heroes, thank you. thank you for not sparing yourself, thank you for finding the courage. be careful, be vigilant, god grant you the insight to see the real enemy and defeat this enemy completely, for our cause is just, victory will be ours, i will always you could turn to him today, this
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little one. parkhominko to your own self, so that you today tell your little self, write a letter to your past self, dear seryozha, next, what will happen, what will you advise him, what will you discourage him from, maybe something to warn him about? i would ask little seryozha to be more restrained, because this boy’s temperament is repeated. did not serve very well, relationships with people deteriorated, some opportunities were lost, yes, the hot blood of this boy made it difficult for him existence, but without this his life would not be so interesting, full of storylines, unexpected turns, fate, and if he were not like that, he would not be sitting here now,
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so thanks to him for everything. including the fate of a person, the fate of the singer seryoga. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the russian military in the special operation zone destroyed another bradley infantry fighting vehicle. eliminated camouflaged strong points and infantry in sou.
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yars strategic missile systems took part in a training exercise in the irkutsk region. in ukraine, they lost a million men; to fulfill the mobilization plan, they propose to search every house and apartment. the disastrous failure of the tories in britain is summed up by the results of the parliamentary elections, what now awaits foggy albion. extreme heat of forty degrees has covered the south of russia. storm warnings for almost the entire central part of the country. we are expecting heavy rain and thunderstorms. and even a tornado, and an oncology center is preparing to open in saratov, and construction of a new city lidocer is starting in rybensk. 120 objects in ssu today our aviation, artillery, missile troops and drones struck in the special operation zone. four factories immediately struck the positions of ukrainian formations in
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the kharkov region. two more air bombs destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the volchansk direction. shot. in the zaporozhye region , the crew of the geocent b gun disabled an armored car. it took the fighters only a few seconds to aim the first shot to hit a car camouflaged in the forest belt. a few more targets for the operators of our drones: a warehouse in abandoned truck and storage. ammunition, and at night an attempt by a sabotage and reconnaissance group to cross to the left bank of the dnieper was stopped. attack aircraft continue to advance in the southern donetsk direction, reporting by sergei samokha. the task of the bmp-2 is to overcome the gray zone as quickly as possible and land troops at the very edge of the enemy trench. stormtroopers dismount almost on the move. but as practice shows, capturing an enemy stronghold is half the battle. it's still needed.
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hold, make the sign of the cross, take a defensive position, successfully dismantled it, after which he covered, one might say, the group’s retreat for 6 hours, was seriously wounded, but continued to fight, used up his ammunition, only one grenade remained, and prepared it for personal self-destruction. the stormtroopers of the vostok group do not retreat and do not abandon their own. help for the commander of the assault group arrived on time, and as a result they were taken prisoner. six soldiers in iisu and completely recaptured the enemy fortifications. in the southern donetsk direction , the enemy is still throwing forces into meaningless attacks. only for the past three counterattacks were repulsed during the day, during which... they work in the ugledar direction, provided with full ammunition with everything necessary, they go on the attack with the support of artillery, tanks and mortars,
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the enemy prefers to flee, at some point they simply abandoned their weapons, yes i threw off my helmets and body armor to make it easier to run and tried to leave the field of wallpaper, the only effective one. the remaining ones the enemy has are drones; up to a dozen of them can be thrown at one attack aircraft. i danced two attacks, they threw resets at me, i dodged there, they exploded behind a tree, well, in the end they got tired, apparently, of finishing me off, they just decided to throw an efka right onto the crown of the tree, it fell on my head, i thought that was it, it exploded, and then i felt that it rolled , well, it exploded on the contrary, the bulletproof vest with serious wounds, the commander of the assault squad went to the evacuation point and saved a colleague along the way. we galloped around in a limbo, as i remember, he was on his right leg, he was on his left, because his right one was broken, well , in general, about 3.5 kilometers between us
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the evacuation points were still moving. now the assault groups of the vostok group continue to advance throughout the southern donetsk direction. sergey samokh, oleg sokolchuk, news! the investigative committee opened a criminal case after the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on primorsko-okhtarsk, where a six-year-old girl died and five other civilians were injured. my colleague, correspondent of the kuban-24 tv channel, vanik abrahamyan, gives the details. we continue to work in primorsko-okhtarsk. according to the latest data , one girl died. this was announced by the governor of the region, venemin kondratyev. let me remind you, that this night, as a result of the attack. in so , two three-story houses were damaged, the roof was broken, destroying the balcony on the third floor, everything on the ground, in the entrance, was just a blockage, people ran out, all
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the windows were broken out by the wave, the residents were evacuated, placed in temporary accommodation centers, we were immediately placed in a specially designated room for this purpose, there were cots there, we had the opportunity to stay there, the head of the district is working on site and the work of the power substation that supplies part of the city has been significantly disrupted, they are now all operational services were involved, repair and restoration work was underway. vanik abrahamyan from primorsko-okhtarsk. yars strategic missile systems began large-scale maneuvers in siberia. takes place in the teikovsky and irkutsk strategic missile forces formations, crews make a march of up to 100 km, practice changing field positions, camouflage and combat guard skills. in addition, missilemen learn to fight sabotage and reconnaissance groups
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of a mock enemy. a new cancer center is preparing to open in saratov, with vyacheslav volodin got acquainted with the progress of commissioning work. the speaker of the state duma began a working trip to his election. the clinic is equipped with modern equipment for wounds, for early diagnosis and treatment. for the first time in the region, two smart operating rooms will appear that will allow operations to be broadcast for teleconsultations with leading specialists. the center will open in october. with the commissioning of a new modern onc center, our people will now have the opportunity to receive help in saratov. all this. the equipment is the most modern, the task number one, prepare specialists. extreme forty-degree heat has covered the south of russia, hot air is driving an anticyclone from africa, in the zone of abnormally high
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temperatures in kuban, crimea, novorussia, stavropol and the entire north caucasus. in transbaikalia, where it is now +30, forest fires are flaring up with renewed vigor. today , a state of emergency was declared in another area, with fire covering an area of ​​430. this, as forecasters say, the storm warnings announced today in almost the entire central part of russia have been passed, heavy downpours, thunderstorms, hail are expected, but the main thing is the wind, which can accelerate almost to a hurricane. even tornadoes cannot be ruled out. victoria chernikova in our studio.
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victoria, hello, tell me what to expect in the coming hours and weekends. the atmospheric front is already pouring heavy rains in the northwest, and by noon we are expecting it in the moscow region. tomorrow the bad weather zone will go to the east of the central region, during the period of maximum aggravation it will affect the north and the volga-vyatka region. there is a thunderstorm and +22 in arkhangelsk. in the center at night. showers and thunderstorms are still possible in the morning, but the weather will clear up in the afternoon no sweltering heat - 20-25, a little less, in the north-west clouds from the baltic can cause light rain, in the volga region there will be thunderstorms in places, but generally it is still dry and very hot. in samara -36, about the same on the don in the kuban. the black sea has a more comfortable 28:30, rain is possible in the caucasus in the stavropol region. in st. petersburg in the afternoon 18:20 short-term rains, in moscow
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at night there are still heavy rains, with thunderstorms during the day almost no precipitation, but still windy and 21:23. the respite from the heat will be short-lived, with temperatures returning to the thirties on monday. thank you o victoria chernikova told the weather. the construction of the city icebreaker, narvskaya zastava, has begun at the rybensk shipyard; it is designed to operate in the water area. both night and day, so that there is no need to raise
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bridges. you look at the news, that’s what we’ll talk about later in our program, three ammunition depots, 600 ukrainian militants and three cars destroyed our units on the western sector of the front. in ukraine, they lost a million men to fulfill the mobilization plan, they propose to search every house and every apartment, in the usa they are scared the first electronic brain drain in history. about this and more immediately. advertising, stay with us, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes today on rt, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i am your daughter, you take me for a fool, well, honestly, look.
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i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you, my mother told me about you before she died, and i foolishly decided to see you. so now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood. you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, but you have miracle sister. “give this girl money and that’s enough, i know that she’s my daughter, she has no one but me, i think i’ve fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i don’t love like a sister, swing, on saturday on rtr, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common, sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want
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a white cat, here it comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he loves to grab there with his claws, tame the biting one, voice. , voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, to play nice with the dear fellow, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder. ready to do anything for the sake of your beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance, in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior , there are differences. between a man and a woman, i noticed, then
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it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditional. some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, continuation conversations in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch, you’re mine, and you’re only mine, and you’re mine! “stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money, everything is fine with oleg, in what sense, maybe he has some problems, there was an accident with
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your husband’s car, get out from here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me a very large sum of money. victoria, it always seems to me that someone is watching me, sunday on rtr, i have very good intuition and i hope it won’t let me down, confused, how cold we were, surprised.
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cool, catch me if you can, incredible final game, why are you looking at me like that, yes i think so, today on rtl, good bunny wife, the others will be better, be kind, look at rtr, ninka walks, twirls her tail, masha hasn’t gone anywhere, i’ll give you an apartment, masha, where, ninka, that’s it herself, hello, neighbor, i’ll see sevan, i’ll beat you, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, it’s scary how you’re beating someone, me or him, what did you do, i poured grandma’s powder on her, poneshty, i’m a kocurica, are you out of your mind, limicians, continuation, we’ll watch on monday on rtr, look at the news, we continue to release: three
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ammunition depots, 600 ukrainian fighters , three vehicles destroyed our unit on the western sector of the front, during... the counter-battery fight, six guns were disabled, including the american m37 howitzer and the english l-199 gun. and this is already footage defeat of another m37, which was camouflaged in the forest belt. so, the soldiers destroyed the t-64, the tank was firing at our positions when it was overtaken by an attack drone. tanks with precise shots. the west factions left the ukrainian armed forces without strongholds and manpower. a howitzer was destroyed in the northern direction. the weapon was hidden behind an abandoned building, but our drone operators showed skill, destroying the target with the first hit. in the zaporozhye region, fighters from the dnepr group of troops knocked out ukrainian formations from a large fortified area and cut off
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track supplies. report from the oryakhovsk direction by the military correspondent of vesti igor pikhanov. kilometers of trenches and broken. vindazhi is all that remains of the ukrainian militants’ fortified area in the orikhovo direction in the zaporozhye region. russian fighters and dnepr troop groups knocked out the enemy. the operation made it possible to take control of the strategic heights. strengthening the area was of great importance for the armed forces of ukraine. the militants were rotated around the roads and ammunition was also delivered. now the supply routes for the enemy forces have been interrupted. the deputy commander of the assault group with the call sign student says the battle for the heights was fierce, counterattacks. walked one after another, our fighters were opposed by trained enemy special forces, thanks to the courage and professionalism of the russian military , the enemy was driven back, the missions here were prepared specifically for assault operations, we entered the outpost, we took two prisoners, they did not have much training, ordinary ones were mobilized, but when they did the counterattack,
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well, they were even more prepared, but they are also afraid anyway, if you give them... then they they run on their own to capture the fortified area , neutralize a large number of militants , rescue wounded comrades, the student, along with his colleagues, is presented with state awards, he is 25 years old. came to the armed forces after mobilization, now the man is a professional military man, i myself am from kobarkariya , from a small village, from the cheryaksky district, i worked as a sales consultant, the fighters of the assault unit are on rotation from the front line, but even on vacation, work at the training ground continues every day, the soldiers hone their skills to destroy enemy fire skinny, you need to hone your skills, because even a professional makes mistakes. makes mistakes, you need to hone it so that even in a dangerous situation, you simply perform the same elements from muscle memory that
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you practice here 100%. during such training at training grounds, fighters share their experience and develop new methods of assault work, are now preparing for the mission, based on the intelligence data received, they have built an exact copy of enemy positions, they are practicing the capture of crepreine, the fighters say that the key to success is this careful preparation. igor pikhanov, sergey! news zaporozhye region. the f-16 fighters that the west promised to ukraine will be destroyed very quickly. the british telegraph writes about this, citing journalist and military expert from the united states, david ax. according to him, american planes will be vulnerable, like ukrainian ones. he recalled that in recent days alone, the ssu lost five su-27s and two mig-29s as a result of iskander strikes. french journalists at all. doubt that the cars will arrive in kiev this summer, with every day, delivery times become more uncertain as pilot training takes longer than
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expected. however, even if they reach the conflict zone, they are unlikely to change the situation on the battlefield. as the polish military publication notes, russian anti-aircraft systems were created specifically to defeat such targets. in addition, the level of training in the armed forces of ukraine is significantly inferior to the skill of russian pilots. kiev was missing almost a million people liable for military service, a figure announced by parliament deputies after the next update of the base. according to them according to him, after the tightening of mobilization, people went into seclusion and hid with friends or relatives. particularly active representatives of the ukrainian public called for a search of every house and apartment. these are official documents. show me what i can prove? we have a presumption of innocence. there are approximately one and a half million people with disabilities, the reservation needs to be confirmed, but not everyone, without much difficulty received a deferment
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from military service due to asma ruslan khanumak, a friend of zelensky, a former colleague in humorous projects, he has already left for states, passions do not calm down in the carpathians, where shopping centers tried to set up checkpoints and catch vacationers. residents, who, due to arbitrariness , are losing income from tourism, wanted to limit themselves to a peaceful picket, but in the end they went on the attack, smashed and pushed the military commissars’ car off the road, they themselves were beaten until the police intervened. in iran today is the second round outside the regular presidential elections after the tragic death of ibrahim reisi; according to tradition , the country's supreme leader votes first, casting his ballot in the ballot box. not addressed the population, urging them to vote more actively. the former health minister and iran's leader's representative
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on the top national security council are vying for the post. reformist masoud pezashkian, a supporter of improving relations with washington, his rival said jalili, a conservative and adheres to the reisi policy, that is , participation in brix, the shanghai cooperation organization, strengthening a strategic partnership with russia and china. in the first round, which took place on june 28, the candidates scored. there are 370 seats in parliament, while for government formation is needed 326. report by alexander khabarov. early
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elections organized by rishi sunak's cabinet led to a crushing defeat for the conservative party. having been in opposition for 14 years, the laborites received an absolute majority in parliament. after an audience with king charles ii, their leader, a former lawyer. because it's your democracy, your community and your future, you voted, now it's time for us to act, thank you very much. richa sunok lost his position as prime minister, but retained his seat in parliament and, according to at least for now he remains the leader of the conservative party. he took responsibility for the defeat himself. tonight the british people delivered a damning verdict.
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we have a lot to learn and a lot to reflect on.
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will have to appoint key ministers of the new cabinet, he will not have to celebrate for long, the outgoing conservatives have left a large number of economic and social problems. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead london. meanwhile, the press openly mocks. even the chopurnaya times joined in seeing sunak off. the newspaper remembered him early departure from recent celebrations in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the opening of the second front, the so-called the day. a month later, the tag on the suitcase tells where it is... usa and france. in the cartoon, a huge ballot box, which symbolizes the will of the voters, crushes sunnak macron and biden. even the media are openly calling on the latter to withdraw from the presidential race and stop disgracing himself.
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an economist's article was published with this title. and the publication week depicted the american politician. in the form of the united states is trying to find a desert through which some young, sane leaders are crawling in despair. the trail of failed debates will not dissipate, biden admitted that he screwed up at the debate with trump, the president justifies himself due to lack of sleep , and believes that an unsuccessful 90 minutes on stage cannot erase 3 and a half years of his work in the white house. trump is making fun of him again. excuses from the enemy and proposes a new round of debate, now without rules, but the owner of the white house is already throwing up reasons to doubt his adequacy. at a concert in honor of independence day, he got scared by loud music and lost orientation in space. to get in shape
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to win the election, joe biden is going to sleep more, from now on he will not plan an event later than 20 o'clock, the president told democratic governors at a meeting at the white house, cnn reports. while the head of state is looking for a magic pill to stop talking about his health, the washington post has already written a speech for him about leaving the election race. journalists believe that biden could compare the current events since george washington left politics and... knows that the nation needs an energetic leader working for the good of america. the united states is frightened not only by the uncertainty of the election, but also by the first electronic leak in history.
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the tallest, active volcano in europe is trying to overcome its restless disposition. flames and fountains of hot magma burst out from the crater of etna. columns of ash and smoke rise 4.0 m above sea level. the tremors are intensifying. italian authorities have raised the alert level from green to yellow, and another eruption is now erupting nearby. one volcano stromboli. the helicopter managed to remove the fall of volcanic gases, ash and rock fragments. today on our tv channel is the seventh episode of the music show, catch me if you can, the stars lyubov ospenskaya, stas kostyushkin, alyuna apina and khabib will fight with the team.
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don't miss out on whether the performers will be able to pass off their complete inability to sing as real skill right after the evening news. vesti is monitoring developments in russia abroad, do not switch. hello, this is for me, look at rtr, you promised me, working time, no dates, no mottos, your informants are pretty, she killed her husband, you’re not afraid, why should i be afraid, i’m not married, what’s wrong with you, seriously, i wouldn’t force such a girl to wait, i’ll see you again with the light, i won’t look at the chase, you understand, i won’t be able to live if... they kill you, you, san, don’t know what friendship is, or what love is, you don’t know, artist, autonomy, from me , it’s hard to leave, from
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monday to rtr, near lukomorye, green oak, golden chain, learned cat, to the chest. who doesn't remember the pin code, girl, i want make a purchase, if you want to buy carrots, press one, here i am, ustroga, i ’ll wait a minute, one thing doesn’t interfere with the other, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, apparently we need to talk for a couple of minutes, ex, dangerous and vile,
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test, test 2, look on the website in the app. “ everyone knows the star of the crooked mirror comedian igor khristenko, but no one even knows what the popular artist has been hiding all these years. on his upcoming anniversary , igor khristenko will talk for the first time about his fictitious marriages, why he didn’t marry actress who bore him a son. he thought that he would not live to see his anniversary, artist, parodist, theater and film actor, igor khristenko live." question for filling, guys, please tell me who is your favorite
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artist? il gristenko. how unexpected, but you they once said that you wouldn’t live to see 65, why did you think that? well, the fact is that now time is changing so rapidly, i remember when i was a boy, then a person who had reached retirement age, but seemed really old, now, well. you look at people who are over 70, they are young, elastic at the right time in the right place, you bury yourself in the seventh tenth, and i understand correctly that you now feel young, elastic, well, i’m like 16-17 years old, that’s how i feel, they were going to conquer the capital, did you even think that you will celebrate your 65th birthday on the federal tv channel, i entered college in 1976 , then of course. well, in general
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, it was impossible to imagine that, firstly, i would live to this age, and secondly, that i would end up visiting you, it was impossible, for which thank you guys, a lot awaits you today surprises, i really hope they are pleasant for you, but first let’s show you the place where it all began. i arrived in moscow, the competition for admission to the theater school left 380 people empty. who, here are the sufferers , end their lives in poverty. hello, fellow applicants, tell me, who is your favorite actor? igor, oh, this is incredible, guys, how is it, well, in general, would you become a businessman to trade oil, for example, take photographs, no, no, with a person who is an incredibly talented person.
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this is the cannon street, in which my youth passed, from the place where the lights were burning, and to the muddy street there was an area where i worked as a janitor, in the morning a broom, in the summer, in the winter a shovel like that, well, it was convenient from top to bottom, from top to bottom, we had a scholarship good, but small, 40 rubles. so naturally we all worked and somehow, during a period of complete lack of money, i get off the trolleybus , it’s raining, i take a step, and from here , 25 rubles float past me, so i ran to the institute and said to the guys, we live here now , they always sold forgings on the corner. strings,
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you could buy a krimon guitar at double the price, and of course jeans, hats off, yes, hello, hello, once upon a time, there were so many forests, well, now i’m in charge here, i understand, i’m glad to see you, this is so you know rock- n-roll, vitrovsky lane, of course, everything is changing incredibly, i haven’t been here for 100 years, i’m coming, of course, memories stir my chest. hello, don't close, i'm just...
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hello, my name is igor, i’m here, do you know? yes, no, i was just in this dormitory at the shchepkino theater school once rented the first floor, on the top floor lived the great composer igor nikolaev, and igor nikolaev, who, being in dire financial straits, or based on his culinary preferences, he...
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uh, moscow, and he gave permission for a two-room apartment, well, life, life of sex, collision, guys, igor nikolaev, the one who will drink to love and five reasons, ate pigeons? the fact is that survival obviously required, because chickens were not raised at that time, igor had such a saucepan, about 20 liters, and there... nothing changed, as soon as the pigeons reported and the water was added, and he plucked them, partially, and what’s the story, you were twice in a fictitious marriage, because you had a moscow registration, now you can kind of buy an apartment and register in it and live, then you had to to be a muscovite, in order to be able to later join a cooperative, buy and... i
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first had to enter into one unsuccessful fictitious marriage, nadya was a baker, she worked, she worked in a bakery shop, but she married me. and said that she had it turns out there is only one room, and she cannot register me, but she deceived you, she took advantage of me, in a fictitious marriage, the first wedding night, real or also fictitious, a wedding night a priori could not have happened, since i was already living with my wife then, i already had a child, an illegitimate son, well, the fact is that the illegitimate son is already 44 years old, he will be here now, and your wife, she knew about this fictitious yes, of course, but she, she was also the initiator of the first second a fictitious marriage, we had nowhere to live, we rented corners, wandered around moscow already with a child, with a boy, and somehow
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it was necessary to have some kind of corner, a second wife, the first natka buloshnitsa, the second effective, the second also a girl from the trade, but in my opinion she worked in a vegetable store. “she lived in a room on novoslobodskaya, she also needed space, but she was already with a child, and you have seen your fictitious wives for a long time, but i haven’t seen them for 100 years, and you had fictitious children, no, in these fictitious marriages , i don’t have, there were real children in your fictitious marriages, let’s meet, your fictitious wife, ta-da-da-da”? but you’re really tense, this is a joke, your hands give you away, you know, two fictitious wives, an illegitimate child, another
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in marriage, it seems to me that your story is not humorous at all, well, it’s full of tragedy, because, well, i survived, guys at that time, i ... what kind of work did i have? i worked as an orderly at sklefosovsky, i washed the floors in the red mak cafe, in the red mage rumashny, now there is a huge hotel in the center on this place, and the famous medical examination room is about your work in the sklif, let’s remind everyone that laughing idiots? i'll laugh at you, you idiot, who
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did this in class. that's right, change it for dad, they went, the teachers came to check, they called from hockey, they said the doctor was sick, i see he was sick, they said there was an epidemic at school, there was a mushroom going around the class. we need to identify it, stand there, idiots, tell me quickly, where is the mushroom, of course, we are silent, stuck in the nest, when
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the really big money came, my concert rate was 8 rubles, then 950, then 11:50, then 13.50, and this was already , as it were, the outcome of soviet power, then let’s go the first so-called cooperative concerts, and the call, he says igor, listen, he says, well, there’s a concert in one organization, you’ll work for 100 rubles, and i put it down, i remember the phone, to my wife, i say, lenka, i say, now we let's live, but you not only worked on the stage, you also got the main role in the film for a minute, the eighty- second year film silver relays, i received rubles, probably 600, there's something like that,
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let's remind everyone of this film, come on, here it is, you hear this song again, but it’s time for us to part ways, friends... somewhere across the seas , somewhere nearby, a fairy tale wanders around the world, wishing good things to the whole world, in a fairy tale everything is both easy and not difficult. everything is clear, everything can be, only one thing is impossible, only one thing is impossible, it is in no way possible for evil to defeat good, this is what a strange, amazing story happened, guys, today the world says goodbye to you, until we meet again.
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but you are in this film with alexander shirvent, marina yakovlev, pugovkin, well, some are young, some are older, but these are still outstanding names, you forgot one more. what, well, i’m fine, and you, i
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, well, somehow everything is, well, so what, well , welcome from me, yes, come on, call, if you call, come on, come on. it’s very nice, yes, yes, you know, i still see you somewhere, somewhere also somehow by accident, that’s right, listen, what about you, aren’t you, dad?
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my hero, yours, my stupid, how are you doing, i still don’t understand where from, wow, oops, great, super, stupid, your miniature partner, mikhail tsirishenko, came to congratulate you on your anniversary, welcome.
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we ask, but sometimes we call each other, but during these rare meetings, igor older than you, he, as a younger comrade, gives you some advice, instructions, well, regarding the younger comrade, i would, it’s just that i’m also 65 next year, so i invite my wife and i to come to us next time and celebrate our anniversary in the same studio, if igor lives, he will also come, well, by the way, i will come, he will live, and since... we remembered about your wife, your divorce from ekaterina semyonova was discussed by the whole country, everything is fine, we are together again with my wife,
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and 30 years of marriage, but already 33, that is, you are officially married to her again, and no, we are not officially married, but we live together, because there is still no time to get to this post. mikhail, we invite you and your wife to our studio, we will arrange a wedding, we will sign it, igor will officiate. we are used to the fact that you make the whole country smile, there is a lot of sadness in life, at such moments you call each other, of course, we try to support each other. but this is a very delicate question, because all artists are quite vulnerable people, and here you can do more harm with your support call, how can i help, hello you got divorced, congratulations, yes, here, here is such a brotherhood, such a substance, it’s very, i know, you didn’t
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advertise it too much, your mother recently passed away, at that moment you called igor, supported him , some? but your job is to make people laugh, when you found out about your mother’s death, you were also on stage, i was on tour, yes, but... of course, i dropped everything, arrived on the same day, but , unfortunately, i didn’t have time to say goodbye , well, mom , she was already in such a state that she didn’t speak anymore, she was already leaving, she was already i was there for a long time, i was already there, so it was as if communication was excluded, unfortunately, let’s move on, your program, in which you
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were with igor, no longer exists, this is because of that scandal when... you were kicked out of there for incompetence, by the way, they took you for, i don’t know, you were removed with the wording incompetence, yes, yes, he says, igor, you’re untalented, we’re firing you, he says, everyone who told you this, teddy bear tserishenko, but i was the acting artistic director leader, that's why i spread rot on him all the time, we worked there for how many 12 years, well, every project has its own lifespan, like every theater, some artists left. the second from the project, well, obviously the time has come that i have become unnecessary, you didn’t even ask evgeny vaganovich why he removed you, what a disgusting face i am, igor, well, now the moment has come, it’s your anniversary, evgeny vaganovich watches and loves our program, you have the opportunity to contact him in his cell and maybe bury the hatchet, i didn’t
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know that yevgeny vaganovich was in his cell now, it's a pity, of course. that at this age, that’s what zhenya means: let’s take care of the third kid, everything will be okay, the lads will support you, well, the joy of communication and work you had with evgeniy vaganovich petrosyan, let’s remember. 17 years ago, attention, daughter, i wanted to confess to you for a long time, but i was embarrassed, the time has come, it’s time to confess, oh, i don’t even know how to say it, in general, i was going to
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the pharmacy, well, it’s time for you, pharmacy, buy yourself some anti-adryachlin , then she fell into a snag, what do you think, we have cats all over the apartment shit, because sand is pouring all over your apartment, i got ready, yeah, i got ready, i know where you’re going, you’re going to a nursing home. here is an american company, one starfart production, the establishment has opened, it’s called happy end, yes, you’ll let me finish in the end, i’m getting married,
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it’s the right day, otherwise it will turn out in the wrong direction, now there’s a short pause, right after on the air, actress , who gave birth to a son to igor khristenko, why didn’t he marry her then, be sure to wait. girls, who from you betrayed me, oh, you lived like family for a year. i ’ll curse you, we look at rtr, and i’m work, and if it’s mine, then what did you pass, but cursed
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all three of you, i’ve never regretted that we didn’t get along like that, not with you, with masha it’s a pity if you you’re afraid for ninka, then take him away from here, you love me, but who do i love, well , if you love him, let’s go, it’s not difficult to leave, the main thing is to decide who to take with you, let’s go to march. let's go, let's go, limiters, continuation, look at rttr on monday, no need to sign up with him, just kidding, he's on his own will come to the house, we start, will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, and how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl
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of macaroni and cheese, this a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday rtr, yours is gone, that he joked just now or hasn’t received a diamond for a long time, she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you. what did he do, the ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i will marry her, scotch, i will sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million,
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why are you withdrawing all the money, for a classic operation, what will you buy, there won’t be enough beauty if happiness cannot be expected, maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, yes, where did the city go? you’re not a man, you’re not responsible for your words? ugly love, today on rtr, special issue program hello andrey, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of lake baikal, will be the most.
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how did it happen that you gave him a child, but he didn’t marry you? well , it had to be, because the only opportunity,
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although my mother is a native muscovite, my grandmother lived on kutuzsky prospekt, and my grandmother was hit by a car to death, and i lose this apartment, and i already lived my whole life in moscow as a child, without moscow i did not think, as they say, life, and only. because i lost my apartment, that’s all, well, that’s what i’m saying, he did all this with these women just so that you stay in moscow, you understand, he’s a victim in this situation, i would have
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stayed anyway, and. but at least you are a real wife, for love, guys, well, you are like a real one.


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