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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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to death, and i am losing this apartment, and i had already lived my whole life in moscow as a child, i could not imagine life without moscow, as they say, and the only way out was a fictitious marriage, the only one, she was her own, no, no, no , no, we came together, we left, a model just appeared, which seemed to give us the opportunity to join a cooperative for money, for my son, and ours, here, as far as i remembered, all the fictitious marriages, all these women are for your sake, well, why for your sake, it was an opportunity to cling to moscow, because i lost my apartment, that’s all, well, that’s what i ’m saying, he did all this with these women just so that you would stay in moscow, you know, he’s a victim in this situation, i would have stayed anyway, but you at least a real wife, for love, guys, well... she
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beats me, beats me, you seem to have devoted so much to an effective marriage, in fact it was such a game, because it was fun, and in general i’ve been lucky in life, even now i saw marishka yakovleva, yes, when they were filming with igor, she had a husband, andryusha rostotsky, and then, when we saw each other, she says, i’m surprised, he calls you from morning to night, andrey doesn’t call me, i was lucky, because even a fan, like igor, they... come, they spend the night with us, and the main thing is, they are immediately disappointed in igor , because we have such oksana, he says: well, quickly set the table, she began to cut, as you cut, she looks at her idol, thinks, is he like that in everyday life, but he would be a very complex person, you have had a child out of wedlock for 8 years, that he was a witness at our wedding, and what did you find in him, you are such a steely, bright diva, nothing is steel. in the city of ivanovo and
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i spent my childhood there and i’m happy, because when i came to moscow, the daughters and mothers there were all like that, and we jumped from the roofs, we conquered these roofs, houses, that is, i, which is still the case continues, but you played together in the series, yes, and you are an actress, let’s remember how it was, a nice house, so spacious that there is water and gas, and water, and gas, and a telephone, all i have to do is buy a microwave and wash my dishes. for a car, like this, like this, yes, we’ll buy a microwave, a dishwasher, everything let's buy, yeah, here are the foreign bourgeoisie, they came in large numbers and spoiled our women, yes, yes, this is normal, here i am, a normal, healthy man, get 30 times less than the bogeyman in the office, the first time i received my salary i blushed, but as if i steal.
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well , lucky, that’s how they pay, but you would refuse, no, the scene is full of drama, and in your home it’s also customary that a man is at the head of the table, a woman looks after him, i thought about this topic, it’s good when a man doesn’t know how to do anything, yes, the husband, and the wife, the queen in the kitchen, well, it so happened that igor does everything and cooks, cleans up. natural, you know, no one adapts to anyone, because that would be false, and we probably wouldn’t have lived that long, well , that’s what... as for everyday life, you just
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showed us how igor manages in the kitchen , and there he is the most important, attention. lena, like my wife, the woman who took my passport 47 years ago and still hasn’t returned it, works for free. lena, meet the guests, yes, please come through, the main place where our whole life takes place, the kitchen, gatherings all the holidays took place in the kitchen, so we kind of adhere to these rules today . fish day, guys, i will cook pike perch, well, i’m a fisherman, pike perch in polish, for pike perch in polish, what is required, guys, hard boiled eggs, peeled potatoes, of course, fish fillet, herbs, preferably dill, and good, good butter, my passion for fishing arose from my early days...
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i cut a knife on the shore like a fish, so that i can bring the finished product home, without messing around, well, i have a wife, thank god this is already doesn’t work, only for fish, fish, am i a bad cook, lena, you cook very well, any birthday, the two of us
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think of something delicious, we don’t need anyone, no one, because as they say, we live in the present, but still about... how you’ve been together for 46 years, you’ve probably already talked about everything, well, that’s stupid, yes, i ’m going fishing, you see how it happens, that’s how it happens, he confronts me with the fact that i i’m going fishing, for some reason many of my friends are very nervous and say: here’s fishing again, but i’m happy, at least i i’ll take care of myself, i love to serve the table, it’s beautiful, let’s say, than with what... these suckers, these cream cups, you know, you eat less when it’s beautiful, when there are pots you can eat with a spoon and eat a lot with, when there’s a male company, i’m telling you, a blonde or a brunette, that’s how we have girls, you see, here they are, here they are, there, there, the main thing
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is not to step on the cat lying on the floor, because the effect will be amazing, well... thank you for being she helped me a lot, she caught fish, cleaned them, dug up some potatoes professional, thank you, i saw your son in the story, what was the most difficult thing in his upbringing, well, difficult upbringing, well , because there was nowhere to live, and we wandered from apartment to apartment, but this is the first grandson born, oh this is the second, this is the second. the third and , of course, we just wandered around moscow in the corners with a child without a registration, but then everything was tough, the district police chased everyone away, and of course he had such a nomadic childhood, we went to london to my friend, and we
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lived there for 3 years , 3 years old, so my son graduated from college there already knew, communicated, knew language, this is london, this is the nineties? very much, first you hang around in apartments, and then 3 years in london , british education, yes, these are my friends, who he became, a person, but he followed in your footsteps, yes, no, he was a very artistic child, he acted in a good night, the kids and the alarm clocks, he sang, danced, but then something somehow happened in his head, and he finished.
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there is no collection, here we were in moscow for 2 days in april, so we run to our grandchildren if, as they say, they are not sick or we are not we have a cold, that’s why they don’t... stress us out, we just celebrate, we only look at photos, videos and have fun on tour, you just told me so much about your son, who almost never appeared on television, leads a closed lifestyle, but leon izmailov was the first to show your son on television in 1992, attention, let’s, let’s finally finish off the topic of zmey gorynych, yes, yes, he’s flying, that means he’s flying and shouting at all three throats: glasnost, democracy, perestroika, baba yaga sits below
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and says: “and the fool lets the deputies get drunk again at night.” so, a group of people are sitting, drinking, drinking, one says: here we are sitting here, drinking, our friend vasya is now suffering, he’s passing, a friend knocks on the door, vasya comes in, they ask him: how did he pass? he says: yes, how much? he says four, why is it so bad? yes, he says, the neck of the fifth one was broken off. boy, the boy’s father has a good upbringing, i haven’t even seen this program, such izmailov, i think, but he is an avid fisherman like you, unfortunately, no, well, he’s kind of. in other areas, but i think that you have never seen the next video either, 22 years ago, together with your son
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, you told andrei malakhov in the big laundry program about your passion for fishing, attention, our next hero claims that he was born not only with a fishing rod in his hands, but he also takes a fishing rod with him on tour, meet the funniest, most passionate fisherman of our stage, igor khristenko, and... just a minute, you ask, ask me, no, you, are you sure that you will catch, well, i’ll catch something, the watch is there, nothing, it’s special hours, but for fishermen, well, while fishing, you need to be silent, you probably can’t do it, while fishing, i’m a scary person, i’m me. when i go fishing, it’s like this in my head, a bright, dazzling taste and complete darkness, it’s all separate,
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you know, just like in movies now, it’s a different reality, it’s completely different, you come there, it’s like that, you know , longer than faryent, as the italians say, beautiful without doing anything, your loved ones, how do they feel about your attraction, what do they say in general, my relatives, here's a camera, here's my wife, son, daughter-in-law.
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doroshina’s heroine says: oh, it’s good that it was this raisa pisa, she says, i don’t remember, because, probably, there is some kind of revaluation of values, and any situation, it was not given by chance, thank you, god, that a man there is always a choice, so i never tense up, i think that as things go, maybe we will be punished by someone else, because yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. well, in your family, of course, there is true love, and we remember the legendary number of the same name
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called love love, attention, many people think that we are beautiful, but stupid, this is not so, now we will sing one. a very smart song, it’s such a philosophical joke, a stupid ballad 3:15. love love, ah, love love, ah, your colleague in this legendary act , love love, and colleague at the crooked mirror theater, alexander morozov, today i came to congratulate you on your anniversary, we meet you, i’m
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buzzing with bangs , i’m friends with a christian woman, i eat and drink all the time, and dear igor, i want to congratulate you on your anniversary, give you this this bee's butt, because i've already lost weight and am not as old as you, but it will come in handy for you, thank you, hold it, like... so let's not, but i suggest that you be in tren, oops, 65 years old, a fool, in
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kristenko had a kardashian meltdown live, but so what? and what, i’m a little bee, i’m buzzing, i’m buzzing, now i’m not buzzing, that’s what a real artist means, a real tinder, thank you, come on, you ruined my props, oh well, now it’s yours, laugh with laugh, that’s if. not about creativity, but about life, something spiritual, these are the situations, what stories you remember with kristenko is very bad, all my stories with khristienka are bad, i even lived in their kitchen, constantly went fishing with him, and fishing you yourself understand what it is, that is, i know the whole inside of this person, very funny, and how long did you
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live in the kitchen of a christian woman, well, periodically spending the night for like 30 years, how did you endure it all? yes , i adore it, there’s a bear sitting there, sasha, i adore them, this is the backbone of a distorting mirror, no, but it’s one thing when a distorting mirror is on the tv screen and another thing when a distorting mirror is on your kitchen, no, and then the guys, they weren’t guests, i was always there in a distorting mirror, but the whole country, the whole country was watching how alexander morozov was losing weight, you advised him, but no, what does it have to do with me , he has closer souls, no? now many, of course, say that sasha has lost his individuality, but if sasha has gained health, then it’s worth it, wait, what did i lose, in my opinion, on the contrary, the kids loved you, i always talk about this, now there’s a short pause, right after live on
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air, as well as...
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songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show on sunday on rts, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you ’re taking me for a fool, well, honestly, we’re watching on the weekend, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with who sent you, my mother told me about you before she died, and i decided i was a fool ... with you, so what, now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother , if anything, you have a miracle sister, give this girl money and
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that’s enough, i know that she’s my daughter, besides there is no one for me, it seems to me that i have fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i love not like a sister, the swing, on saturday on rtr you watch 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, don’t worry about problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry,
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algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, a hundred to one, every saturday and sunday, what's wrong with you, vladimir petrovich, become mine, raya knows everything from monday on rtr,
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if you accept this ring, i will be the happiest man in the world, i repeat to you again, we do not accept rings. either pay the bill with money, or i call the administrator. what is the reason for this strange behavior of this male? well, let's make changes to your passport? this is some kind of mistake, i'm redesigning it. just a little more, right here, just a drop. op. what are you doing? what kind of belly fest are you? did you arrange it for yourself? are you boasting about your wealth? some kind of crazy person, but they said that we wouldn’t find a free table, that’s all, well done, timofeeva, where to study,
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knowledge is power, history of a big country, today on rtr, russia tv channel, live broadcast, star. a long time ago, look, you recognize someone here, well, of course, these are my schoolmates, sort of classmates, what class is this, what class is this? the tenth is the city of volgograd, lenka smetanina, zhenka davidov, oleg akimovistrata kistratova, i don’t remember, where are you, i thought that
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this person is you, i’m over there, it’s you, yes, and this is zhenya davydov, zhenya davydov came to our studio today, your friend from school, let’s meet. “hello, i know him too, you sit with us as you wish, sit in the middle, evgeny, as he was in his school years, because now here we see the soul of the company, the favorite of women, as it was then, the girls are behind him , well, not in herds, but in flocks, let's remind you about ' stops a taxi, stops a taxi, opens the door,
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she... bends over to him and says: boss, free, he says, free, let's dance, so this is another woman's story, also like this on holiday, a woman invites a man to visit you, she has set a beautiful table, there is champagne on the table, snacks, fruits, they have a great time, everything has already been drunk , everything is eaten, she looks at her watch, then looks at him and says, well, that’s it, you’re mine, he says, yes, yeah, mine, a familiar situation, okay, i’m looking, somehow here on our left such very stern women sit, well, i know that there is a stern woman such children's stories work very well, well, too, at school we have a day
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of knowledge, the teacher has a lesson. they ask their students a question, he says: guys, please guess this riddle, two crocodiles are flying along it, one from north to south, the second on friday, how old am i? one boy gets up and says: 24, she says: right, says: how do you know? he says: well, you know, when i asked this riddle to my dad at home, he told me that i was an idiot, and i was 12 years old, when your classmate became famous, you somehow went back to school with each other friends. they discussed that igor is now wow, what they said when they saw igor on tv, well, especially oleg akimov, sergei abramov, they said, this is his struggle, this is his path that he should follow, yes, what you got an a in geography, i loved geography very much, why are we asking, sasha madly loves the number love love, but i still think that the best most famous number of igor khristenko is where canada is located, attention. now
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we're going to start the geography lesson, so duty officer, duty officer, what kind of disgusting thing is there behind me, it is written that spartak is a champion, without prostration, quickly erased, i said, a piece of idiot, write, dynamo is a champion, so, the topic of today's lesson is yes, yes, well, whoever says where canada is will get five, which means where it is,
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but then the mirror is distorted. did you all work together, were friends, spent the night in the kitchen, do you communicate now, are you dating? well, of course, much less often, but periodically, well, mostly, of course, at some concerts, national teams, yes, with misha i have a lot of private performances, we play at concerts, we had an established fishing group, when the rehearsal and filming process was ending, we all didn’t run away, these were the fishermen, the team, the new russian.
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thank you, if lena allows it, by the way, you allow it, don’t even ask what to say, len, you didn’t even smile at this proposal, stop it, we just saw the plot of you carefully covering everything, bowls, napkins, when that’s all these will gather in your kitchen, there will be nothing left of the apartment, it’s not true, it’s not true, we’re sitting there, cultured, keep quiet, we look bad, all of these are like theirs, well, crooked mirrors, the hot lady is absolutely wonderful - an artist, a wonderful partner, a sincere person, and i would like to wish you, firstly, you have it, but let there be even more, such great family well-being, such a large family, so that everything goes smoothly, please, the request is not only mine, but of all the people who watch your, our wonderful program, remain as foolish as you.


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