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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:25am MSK

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wow, god, wow, in every, in every bedroom there is a toilet, in every one, right there and even a shower stall, where, what? don’t rush, oh well, whatever you are, don’t rush into anything, not here, here. also the sun,
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oh, christmas trees, but that’s not it, they could have repainted it, after all, what the hell, well, there, you know, there was a river nearby, don’t worry, we’ll find it now, but you don’t remember the address at all, where am i from, little one? there was, i remember exactly, there was a river and a church, you could see it from the window over there, uh-huh, let’s go to that alley over there, come on, come on, i’ve been dreaming all my life, my dear, i thought i’ll come here and see, i’ll find out right away, no, well, we just arrived, wait, we just haven’t gotten there yet, now we’ll rest and look for another hike, but maybe it’s good that i won’t find it, no, love, you know, it’s so good. and live comfortably, mom, dad, he
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was my engineer, all the time in a white shirt, so prigalsky, he would take me, start throwing me around, and i was screaming and laughing at the same time, and scary, i don’t know, reliable, or something, i knew that my father is strong, that he loves me, but they keep yelling at me, let me go, don’t, don’t throw me, god forbid he breaks, and then... he left us, in short, he didn’t love me, he never even congratulated me, didn’t call me, happy new year, my mother then filed for child support, but they didn’t even find him, and so i felt like, love, it sucks, in short, what’s wrong with me...
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he’ll fix it on fishing, it’s a shame, but i didn’t have a father at all, he also ran away, yeah, even before i was born, my mother came up with the idea that my father was oleg gazmanov, and every time i saw him on tv, i just i prayed that he would see me from the tv and come back. and
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then my mother, when she realized that i was already going crazy, admitted that she didn’t know who my father, either a military man or someone on a business trip, it would be better if my father also left immediately so that i wouldn’t see him and wouldn’t know, nothing is better, believe me, i know for sure, you remember how he dropped you off ? okay, you and i are like little children, well, wait a minute, vadik, where are you going? vadik, vadik, wait, i found it, this is my home. you see
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the sun, yes, and the folder also called the sun, i nailed it, helped, this is where the strawberries grew. only it got kind of small, and it was painted brown, now it’s yellow, hello, what are you doing here? yes, 3 years have passed, he later. well, after your mother, i got married two more times, but somehow it didn’t work out, so i lived alone for 20 years, i drank, but what can i hide, i cried,
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i remembered you often, but... in recent times, here’s vadim, that’s how life is , and i look out the window, look at the impudent face, right in the wasps, yes, that’s how we live,
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and what, black raven, then... you’re flying around, shaking your head, you’re prey , you’ll wake everyone up, i’m quiet, i’m quiet , darling, i’m quiet, baby, everything is fine, everything is fine. “everything is fine, i won’t, you love me, i’ll tell you only one thing now, these are the things,
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which my father did, never did in his life, i answer, i will be the last creature. well , you can’t do that, son, you know, go, it’s cold, now i’ll come, sit for a little while,
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lyuva, lyubochka, anyone, open the forests, the bear came, well, they didn’t agree that he abandoned me. yes, you'll do it, love, well, i'll tell you that i don't know exactly what you're doing, lyuva, open the door, i
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'll break it down now, listen, lyuba, in the trash heap, you found yourself, it's a long time to beg, there's no way. yes , i didn’t beg anyone, do you hear me, open the door, lyuba! fuck you!
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good morning, bon appetit, i'll be there soon i'll come.
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it's so salty.
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volda, near lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain, a learned cat, no one remembers the pincott for the chest, girl, i want to make a purchase, if you want to buy carrots, click one, here you go... i say hello, just a minute, one thing doesn’t interfere with the other , humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday
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on rtr, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you’re taking me for a fool, well , honestly, we’ll watch it on the weekend, help! i need to know who i'm dealing with, who sent you? my mother told me about you before she died, and i foolishly decided to see you. well what, now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood. you and me. you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister. give this girl some money and that's enough. i know that she is my daughter and she has no one but me. i think i'm in love. and i love dads, you know, i love, not like a sister,
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swings, on saturday on rtr, you watch 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a trick, the name of which character from pushkin’s works is all know. oh, with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, electricity, uh housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr
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come on in! can the packages come here, thank you, sit down, what are we going to do? everything, and so, in more detail, what event is expected, maybe a wedding, a funeral for a rich aunt who left a million dollars, anniversaries,
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a birthday, the wedding night, yes, what and the afterbirth? you're kidding, i'm kidding, but i'm not, i understand, uh, beauty, come on, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, yes, thank you, my husband is... listen, why is it like that, when i see a handsome man, i’m definitely married, because there aren’t enough beautiful ones for everyone, that’s bad, mom’s department, i i'll say so.
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gusting ka kër.
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“ladik, vadim, you are, excuse me, in short, well, what happened at night, well, i understand, in short, yes, yes, of course.” i understand, i understand what the vodka was saying in you, that’s it. in short, thank you, why so much,
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i bought everything that was on the market, well, i bought it with my own money, and why did you leave the money, i left myself, the main thing is that i left, you can’t have money without supervision, i’m somehow not used to thinking about money. eh, it’s also called a caser, it’s beautiful, like no one else before this color, no, are you going to torment me for a long time?
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thank you, for what? for being you! like this, not like that, something’s wrong, yeah, everything ’s wrong, everything’s wrong with you, what do you want? you teach me, i can quickly do it, for your sake, really, i didn’t understand everything you want,
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i’ve never had anything like this as with you, i feel all of you, every cell, you breathe, i also begin to breathe, heart it beats, mine also beats, my heart has never beat like this. damn, i can’t explain, i don’t have enough words, you know, after this i always felt somehow ashamed, i’m happy with you, and more. i didn’t know that you were a girl, i don’t know how to speak correctly, but i say it as
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it is, as i feel, in general, love, i love you, never like that. i didn’t tell anyone, i thought that i would never tell, but it turns out that perhaps he was loved, as if he had never lived before .
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i can’t sleep, breakfast in bed, good morning, good morning, i even started to wash my face, and you can also go to siberia or even to far east, who is there, who needs us there? i
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’ll also sell my house, it’ll be a good start, i can open a car service center, i’m good at it, it’s not bad, but i can get a job in a bank, and then rob it again, love, well, it’s all not serious, but a car service station is serious, or green stuff you can grow mushrooms in greenhouses, what are you laughing at, champignons, you know, how great it is, by the way, to pay for the house tomorrow, what are you talking about, uh-huh,
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it’s been like this for a month since we flew by here, it’s so beautiful here, right? yes, such a little world, look how small it is, a normal chick, only tune the hood a little, what did you say, why are you having problems? bahlan, grab your sheep and move the rolls from here, but today is good, batik, batik, batik!
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where have i seen you? well, the city is small, but what do you say? yes, everything is fine, there are no complaints, that’s good, you’ll see each other on the street, turn in different directions, okay? there are questions, free. that everything is fine with you, my head was spinning, yes, yes, i was just scared, let’s go, for you. hey man, no offense, bro,
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they were wrong, okay, let's go, hello, there you go where? oops, hello, please tell me, do you have a pregnancy test, right? devonka, i’ll tell you without tests, you’re pregnant, it’s written on your forehead, i think so too, i’d like to make sure, 200 rubles. thank you, oh
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thank you very much, good luck, lots of it. well, what are we going to do, but i don’t know, don’t mow down the fool, think wildly, think, you know everything, well, how much, well done, you say, you don’t know, you’re lucky, i’m not greedy, half a lemon, how much, well you're such a charming nomad, they can put you in a cell, huh?
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you understand, what if you try me cheat, i'll make a complete mess for you, and your lover won't find it enough, i understand, i understand, let's go, tell me where to go, i'll take you, come on. well, look, nomadic, everything will be fair, i ’ll sit here until tomorrow, i’ll protect you, just in case, so don’t relax, i
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said that everything will be fair. oh, hello, what have you been doing for so long, but you’re hungry, it’s just that you’re cooking, surprise, don’t look, don’t look, everything’s fine with you, yes, why did you go to the pharmacy, you should have, of course, what’s the question of the bike? -it’s not like that,
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nothing hurts you. oh, lyuba, don’t bother me, burn everything already, in half an hour everything will be ready, intro!
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that’s how my family is, i’ll curse you, look at the rtr, it’s your work, and if it’s mine, then what did you pass? i cursed all three of them, i never regretted that we didn’t get along like this, not with you, i feel sorry for masha, if you’re afraid of getting hurt, then take him away from here, you love me, but who do i love, well, if you love , let's go, it's not difficult to leave, the main thing is to decide who to take with you, let's go to mary, let's go, let's go, limit ourselves, continuation, look at rtr on monday, i thought that was all here more seriously... go and think, there’s no need to think here, it’s all here, to play
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or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i'm out of competition, here 's a question, how is everything running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be... it was just, i had referring, of course, to the bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i'm oops, five on one, on saturdays on rtr. do you really
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think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well, let's go home, to get married soon, wait, well, vika, sobo, yes, by the way, he has an eye on you - it caught fire, my 20 years ago, your happiness was found, but now it’s found, i’ll take it and we’ll... forget about everything, but what if figure it out, three girls on saturday on rtr.
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a squirrel on the left, a knife on the right, well, everything and nothing. not just, as i know how, you need to be louder, wait,
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uh-huh, come on, kiss me already.
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yes, i'm going out, yes.
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here is a goat, a creature, a girl, well, what can’t you see with the passes, everything is closed, hello, my name is lyubov kochnevo, and i came to voluntarily surrender, did you kill someone? no, i robbed a bank.
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batik, forgive me, dear, it’s necessary, leave , money in your bag, i love you, you deserve happiness, that means you’re alone, you planned and committed a robbery, alone, yes, and... not with affairs, it turns out he didn’t know, yeah, and where the money came from, he didn’t know either, i texted him that i won it in the lottery, and that i managed to spend it all, well done, yes, but
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there’s a problem here, you told me, my dear , what... that slam took a million, yes, your boss indicated in the statement that you took 5 million? no, i only took one, yeah, here i have the note you left, i’m reading it out, i took the money, lyubov olegovna kochneva, no one else is to blame, your message is absolutely correct. well, what a fool you are, what are you couldn't you indicate the entire amount? i wanted her not to get hurt, so i didn’t think about anything else at all. found someone to feel sorry for? yes, sergeant, take the prisoners away.
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i ask everyone to stand up, the court is leaving to pronounce a verdict, yours hasn’t come, and no one needs you except your dear mother, mom, did you pay for the tv? “forgive me, daughter, mom, but you didn’t love your father at all,
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what is this, well, i was just born without love, that’s why everything is like this, but how could it be without love, why did i call you my dear daughter, it was all out of love , everything is by agreement, just..." no he could, he himself had three children, he cried, begged, and i said: “go away, don’t suffer, don’t torture me, so it was all out of love, it was out of love, daughter, you misunderstood me , vadik, well you crap"? come on, are you blue? now, i’m going to go to the five-year school, that’s all, yeah, while they were filling out the forms, by the time the minibus arrived, that’s it,
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fifth, tenth, well, congratulations, now you’re homeless, yeah, no apartment, no car, horse, that’s it, i’m running , the law is announced in the name of the russian federation, having been considered in open court, in a special procedure for adoption court decision, a criminal case against kochneva lyubov olegovna, born on april 10, 1987, previously unconvicted, accused of committing a crime under paragraph b of part three of article 158 of the criminal code, established: kochneva lyubov olegovna committed theft, that is, secret theft of someone else's property on a large scale , on the basis of the above and guided by articles 307, 308, 309 and 316, the court sentenced lyubov olegovna kuchneva to be found guilty of committing a crime under paragraph b of part three of article 158 of the criminal code
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sentence her to one and a half years of imprisonment in a general regime colony. the verdict can be appealed on appeal to the judicial panel for criminal cases within 10 days from the date of its proclamation. if an appeal is filed , the convicted person has the right to petition for his participation in...
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nothing, nothing, love, nothing, it will pass, how beautiful.
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let's go to the sea, let's go, we're going to the sea, love, let's go, hey! the gang's third foray - in just 5 days across moscow, once again what rumors are circulating, they even came up with a name, death's head, gangs of ordinary people are not killed only by the naked ones, andrei smolikov, these bandits know too much about our repeat offenders, which means the bandits are not random, victor dobronravov, what else is the bandit gang working in threes, the threes are not related to each other, but they have a common head and kliche, artist , andrey merzlikin, no matter
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what this death’s head is, if i can’t cope with them, i won’t be forgiven. ursulyak, the death’s head, i heard about her, the artist, you don’t know who he is, yes, i don’t know yet, alexander ustyugov, we are all under suspicion, that's it, marina alexandrova, they'll kill you, yours will fight, alexander gorbatov, give you a day, otherwise i 'll roll up this whole gang of yours according to the law, i'll come in, artist, death's head, a new raid, get ready, starting on monday. on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories he tells, i was daring in a white smoking suit, markolievich zakharov is leaving, and that was for me, probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people,
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how many secrets are told, i’m like a man. a how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. yes , it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditional, as it is a parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform, watching.
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substation. you are the podcasts that we watch, vladimirovich, what have you already bitten, bitten, let me light a cigarette. and another one, vladimirovich, can you put aside 150 until payday, you’re a good man, vladimirovich, greetings to your family, bye, bye.
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people, help, police, people, help, help! hello, good morning, tatyana sergeevna, what did you find new in it, nothing, just
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interesting, we were told at school that cacti grow spines because they have little water, but ours has plenty, so soon there will be leaves, and what did you have in biology at school, well, between... what's with the cats, tailless kittens or not? what's the matter, what happens here during working
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hours? good morning, hello, irina yuryevna, what’s the matter? there are still 10 minutes before the start of the working day, right? or maybe your watch is slow? maybe it's already 5 minutes into the work day? you are less than 15? you're never late, girls, lita, i'll finish later, okay, i like it so much, what a beauty, she did it herself, varka, she even went to some courses, can you imagine, what are you doing, so you i did it, but i’ll go and come in now, don’t go. that mymra has already arrived, they haven’t even finished painting the little fingers, right from the doorstep of the girls, it’s working hours, and girls, help, if my roof is leaking, i’m off to the clinic, but no, it’s not the same roof, this what’s-his-name ceiling, well, it’s been flooded
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me, iroda’s neighbors turned on the washing machine and left to rest, they rested for a long time, and this was two weeks, you couldn’t go into the apartment, so it flowed until everything leaked out, you’re in the second office on the right, judge vakhmestrova. come on, it's working time, there's still 15 minutes left, let's apply it, i've already been to this one, she says, i need to write some kind of statement, so i would write, who needs a lawyer, yeah, a lawyer, listen, i have an idea, that means you need a lawyer terentyev, you'll say that from tatyana sergeevna. well, he gave the order to the grandfathers, to whom the pirates, well, we took them out from the third attack, very interesting, probably the day after tomorrow is saturday, yes, it’s your birthday,
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i remember, you’ll come, well, of course, i’ll come if you invite, but what am i doing , i invite you, okay, i’ll come, okay, let’s go, now it’s biology, we’ll be late, well then, catch up. no, tailless, cats were not born, and then the theory was called pseudoscientific, which means i ’m waiting for her there, she’s flirting with the judges here, but a normal person explained everything about cats to me, otherwise i’m in pain all day, thank you, tatyana sergeevna, yes . excuse me, can i invite you to dinner today, why are you looking at the restaurant like that? and i have today, i just have business today, i also have business
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today, we always have things to do, such work, or you, wait, you refuse, no, i mean, but tomorrow we can, but tomorrow, yes, let’s tomorrow, well... then tomorrow is better, come on, irina yuryevna, yes, yes, i would like to see the matter. shake yourself off, take off, yes, listen, varya, a gentleman has come to you, help him, i have nothing to do with it, and the certificate, please, please, and our father of one of the judges is playing online games, can you imagine, yes, and we were just discussing, how strange it is to do something beyond your age. that's it, what do you think? i, i
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think age is a relative concept, yes, thank you, you are as old as you feel, yes, we have half of the court here first-graders, pass, pass, and also run for yourself, the future today, we don’t need this kind of hockey, that with our face i wanted to come right up, good, i wanted, here i am, but it’s a stupid day here, i put it on again. ..
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i ask everyone to stand up, the court is in progress, please sit down, the court session is declared open, the case is being heard on charges of maxim yuryevich boloshin committing a crime under paragraph 2 of article 158 of the criminal code of the russian federation, challenge to the court by the parties. application, petition, please include in protocol that the parties have no challenges to the court, no statements or petitions have been received, mikhailovich copied, please, dear court, february 9, 2013, at about 5:00 pm, defendant... maxim
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yuryevich voloshin, with intent to secretly steal someone else's property, entered through a hole in the roof into a storage room, specifically into a container belonging to the owner of a retail outlet at the voskhod market, adela lvovna ogurtsova. the defendant stole a women's leather coat and a men's down jacket, after which he left the container and headed towards the exit from the market. however, when he saw the guard heading towards him, the defendant put it down. the stolen things near the lamppost tried to hide, you are mine, and you are only mine, and you are mine, stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money, oleg is doing well, in any sense, maybe he has some problems.
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there was an accident with your husband's car, get out of here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me a very large amount of money, victoria, it always seems to me that someone is watching me, sunday on rtr, a special edition of the program hello andrey, dedicated.
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on saturday on rtr. let's see. love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see. look, well, look at the screen. look at me, carefully, look, look. agreement, sign. we sign at the same time. one, two, three, let's sign up and look. let's see. maybe we'll go. not just watch a movie, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season. with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from in this completely featureless room we are creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into
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projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. good afternoon, good, tatyana sergeevna, i i’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time, you don’t treat hooligans well, it’s a strange question, i don’t see anything strange in it, but you dressed, well, if you
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managed to notice, at work i always talk only about business, you can be calm, i treat hooligans bad, yeah, that's right, because hooliganism is the scourge of our society, while indulging hooligans, many do not realize the harmfulness of their actions. i realize that hooliganism is bad, and moreover, it is criminally punishable. that's it. well, actually, that’s all i have, i’ll go. and what was that? he is part of that force that always wants evil and always does good. where is this from? and this is from mephestopheles' monologue. yes, what a mephestopheles, he’s funny, and every day he’s getting funnier and funnier. i graduated from a vocational school as a welder, but there was no suitable work,
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so i’m either a loader at the market, or delivering lunches, or cleaning, my wife is five months pregnant. why did they steal it? no, after working three jobs, i decided that i couldn’t buy her a banana, well , i got into this stall or whatever the container is called, but i didn’t take these kurtas for sale , i took them for myself and my wife, of course, yeah, intercepted the puck, a second, ah, guys, i would like pavel, look, i forgot, pavel, not anatolyich or, well, him himself, but what do you need from him, i have a case for him, from the referee,
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it will definitely help , grandpa, because i know him well and i’ll ask him personally, well , she didn’t ask him personally, but she’ll ask, she’ll definitely ask, and you seem to have already helped, i’m the winner, okay, grandpa, what happened, that means it’s hairy he was delivering lunches at our market, well, he was cleaning there, he already talked about it, and i asked him... to help me tidy up the container, i’m a single woman, you see, i can’t bear everything on myself, work, home, and everything in the world, i’m sorry, yes, on the same day, well, yes, oh, i have a very
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old container, before everything his hands can’t reach it, the roof is leaking, but they just brought new goods, expensive things, favorite things, down jackets, here by the hair, it’s as if i asked him to help me, he helped, so to speak, in the form of a patron’s help. tell me, victim ogurtsova, did you pay for the work of my client? what kind of job? you said yourself that you asked him help? well, yes, well, this is, so to speak, out of acquaintance, or rather out of friendship, he will always help one or the other, there’s also... this is a story, what a story, i sat down to play cards with the owner of the market, and lost, and so to speak, he sold himself into slavery, naked bosses, but... there’s also a pregnant wife, he won’t leave the market, no, your
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relationship in the market is funny, you confirm what was said to the witnesses, i won’t answer, tatyana sergeevna, but why is this new lawyer gusieva looking at you like that lately, as if you were walking with empty buckets? have you moved? with empty buckets, well, yes, that ’s what they say, when, well, to an empty relationship , in short, she won’t get married, get married, get married, get married, get married, who won’t get married, kuseva, lawyer, and why won’t she get married, so, okay, i’ll go check the turnout, i’ll be back soon, yes, okay, thank you, here... i’m going to give marinka a birthday present, will you come? yes, i’ll go, but i haven’t chosen a gift yet, otherwise
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she’s already asked me five times, are you sure you ’ll come or not? wait, what are you doing? as my dad says, girls choose handsome guys girls ruin friendships, what are you talking about, handsome, i understand. artyom, why are you standing there? so, the plaintiff's name, what's your name? so this is afanasyev, vladlen yurievich. vladlen? well, this is vladlen, this is vladimir lenin, so that’s what my parents called me, they didn’t ask me. it's clear. defendant's name. is it like penka, or what is his name? quiet please. yes it. what is the name of penka, who lives above you? what's his name? i don’t remember my son, what’s his name? not
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son! pavel anatolyevich, what’s penka’s name? and i always call him stump. it's clear. paul? further. i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway, please sit down, the court hearing is declared open, a criminal case is being considered against sergei vladimirovich pshonkin, accused of gross violation of public order, committed with the help of an object used as a weapon. secretary, are all the participants in the process in place? yes, your honor, all participants in the process and witnesses have appeared, stand up, your surname and
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patronymic, i am pshonkin sergey vladimirovich, born in 1965, i work as a cleaner on horse-drawn base, married, have two children, requests to remove minors from the courtroom, yes, your honor, please leave the courtroom. give us a chronology, otherwise we will be filing this lawsuit before chinese easter, and that means everything from
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the very beginning, right? so, i settled in this house in 1983. sorry, continue. alexander ivanovich, do you work as a security guard at the voskhod market? yes, i have been working as a security guard at the market for 10 years. tell me what happened. that day - when i approached the container, i saw how the accused was crawling out of container, over his clothes he was wearing a blue down jacket, in his hands was a leather coat, i immediately conveyed the signs of a suspicious type of attack to the guys, i myself began to move towards him, and as the defendant began to act, when you approached him, he got scared, he threw the down jacket , threw his coat. the pipe began to quickly leave, i followed him, i called him, he began
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to run, climbed onto the fence, well, then the guys came up, took him off the fence, with... vicious motives, grossly violating public order and expressing disrespect for society, not struck less than ten times on glass display cases and store windows, which created a real threat to the life and health of the citizens in the building. in addition, the store was damaged for a total of 70,000 rubles. defendants, stand up, do you understand
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the essence of the charge brought against you? it’s clear, you admit your guilt, partially. the court proceeds to interrogate the defendant. sergei vladimirovich, please tell me, what did you want to buy in the store that day? caviar, red. red caviar? which one? yes, i don’t really understand anything about it. here's the thing. i didn’t have a job for almost a year, well, it happened, it happens. dad, he brought something, but you still found a job, that’s right, yes, i found it, according to an advertisement, a cleaner was needed for a private stable, this is just the job for me, i can’t lift heavy things, he gnawed at me, here, well, go in the stables, sweep up, we
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finally got our salary, my head was clouded, i haven’t held money in my hands for a long time, so i wanted to buy something just like that, well, not for myself, for the children, tell me, when exactly did you decide to steal the coat jacket, well, when in the evening, i was already going home, i passed passed by and well, i remembered, i missed these jackets and i remembered this hole in the roof, well, well, i got confused by the weight, right? well, i’m not for sale to myself and my wife, i don’t have a jacket or a coat, i see my wife sitting there, crying, you assumed such an outcome, i didn’t think about it, in vain, an adult would have thought, but judge, if everything
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thought, so, probably, you were left without a job, so it’s clear, at the court hearing it is announced, until 10:00 tomorrow, i ask everyone to stand up, so, vladlen yurievich, you assessed the damage caused to you, how it was the utility workers who were invited, they had to draw up an estimate; the estimate could be drawn up by an independent expert, an independent one. it’s not enough, well, give me the hockey, i said to the man, i’ll finish it, then i’ll give it back, so, vladen yuryevich, so, you have an estimate act, an act of light, what a light, good bunny wife, the other one will be better, you’ll be kind, look at the rtr , ninka is walking around, twirling her whip, masha
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can’t do anything, i’ll give you an apartment, where are masha going, ninka? you yourself, hello, neighbor, i’ll see you with ivan, i’ll kill you, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, it’s scary, who are you going to kill, me or him, what did you do, no, you added grandma’s powder, the train, i’m freaking out, are you out of your mind, limichians, continuation, look at the rtr on monday, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so... this is where my question begins, can delicious food be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? a do you make a wish? yes, yes, mm, mm, yes. yes,
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once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this is uplifting. mood, that's for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr. altai, majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, beluga whales are especially rich in glaciers. the two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find the entrance to shamvala, belukha - the highest point of siberia, and
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cradle in the great altai river kotun. a pearl among the mountains is lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today. its mysterious beauty fascinates people just as it did many centuries ago. lord, are you sure you can handle it? look at rtr. i am asking for official permission to court you. that’s it, why the hell can’t this be resolved? take care. did you just get laid? so what, how is she doing? oh, i don’t know, what can i say, now that’s all, we’ll have to get married, everyone sees, we have a small town,
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everyone knows about each other, everyone hears, the murderer found, just don’t talk to anyone, okay, we agreed, he’ll tell everyone everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed, and i’ll run away for now, okay, heaven knows everything, so contact me, starting monday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but one thing unites them: sincerely strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, and so on. tame the biter, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm me up
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stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, all the guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are in a circle. among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, hello, grandfather, that’s great, come on, come on, lunch is on the table, what have we got, i accepted one into the clan, she’s so smart, by the way, from my mother’s job, seriously , uh-huh, the storm of the seas is called, come on, go, sit down, eat, i introduced myself to you in the chat, sergey, wow, yes, yes, yes, well, and she told me
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replies, well, after we talked that she is a judge, i say, well, those, she, my daughter is also a judge, i need to tell my mother, no, no, no, well, tell my mother, tell my mother, and tell my mother, well, it’s impossible, it’s work time, what are you saying, well, we’ll set someone up, that’s not good, ah... is this gratitude, are you trying to bribe a judge, trying badly, from
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the bottom of my heart with nuts, i can’t with hearts with nuts , do you hear, is this a chocolate bar? yes, i thought it was a ring with a diamond, you are tamara valerievna lishchinskaya, 1970 birth, salesperson in the gostiny dvor store, yes, your honor, please bear with questions, thank you, your honor. “please answer me, victim, what was the defendant doing when he came into your store? well, first of all, he smelled terribly of some kind of toilet, it was just a terrible smell, i stood there when he walked a few meters , but the deer was terrible, and why did this smell prevent you from serving the defendant, right?”
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"it’s not the smells, you know, he, he looked like a homeless person, but what kind of money does a homeless person have, well, here i am i thought that he wanted to blur my eyes, to steal something himself, and then, he says, let me look at the caviar, and what to look at it, and the manufacturer, the expiration date, would ask, oh, i beg you. what kind of caviar, look at him first, and then at the caviar, well, he’s red caviar, well, the concepts are incompatible, he’s telling you now that he wanted to buy it, in fact, steal it, you can’t say that, but what all i had to do was wait for him to steal, yes, there are still questions for the victim, no, yours honor, you may take your seat. we move on
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to the interrogation of witness koshkina. tell me, was there no one to leave the animal with? no, he only understands me. ekaterina andreevna, you called the police that day. tell me what you saw? that day i went to the store. i needed pineapple, this is my diet. and i often go to this store. here i come. honor, ekaterina andreevna, please answer, have you ever had bad service in this store, or maybe they insulted you, but never, what are you saying? always politely, with a smile, thank you, your honor, continue, excuse me, why didn’t you go home, you were packing, the matter was serious, it turned up, it didn’t work out, so listen,
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maybe then... today, today for sure, i say , business, but today, i say, i’m all in worries and labors, okay, len, oh, you’re here, i’m here, or maybe tomorrow i’ll go home, okay, let’s read the criminal code, he says to us, come on of course, i don’t plan anything for tomorrow. okay, well, well, well, well, well, well, look, look, in my opinion, this is a success, oh well, that means you say you like marina, well, yes, we’ve been friends with her for a long time, she’s pretty, yes, but vitalik never told you that he’s also not indifferent to her, he did, but.. it just so
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happened that she likes me in poland, maybe your friend, but otherwise you don’t know, but i know, okay, it’s up to you to decide, but what would you do in my place, first of all, this is not about me. , and then, you know, in such matters any advice is not very good, i understand. "witness hwasha, you work as a cleaner at the store where the crime occurred, yes, do you remember the day when the pshonka came for the first time, of course, i remember, i was just then washing the floor in the sales area, he wanted to buy caviar, and the seller refused him, yes, yes, she said, go about the write-off, his calves, and he all at once somehow turned white, and then cut.
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so he turned and left, well, who knew that he would return with a stick? the court hearing is adjourned until 10:00 tomorrow morning . can you imagine, zhen, my beloved son comes and says: dad, i want to get married? i can’t say that i understand, it’s still too early for me think about it, not 20 years old, but he’s getting married, how old were you when you got married? well, the time was different then, we got married while still students. that’s what we’re paying for, what do you want, but i don’t want anything, well, there’s no peace anywhere, don’t cheat. no, i don’t want to return to this issue anymore, that’s it, that’s it, i won’t change my decision, i’m at a meeting, well, there’s a stressful situation here all day, you come home and he’s getting married, move on, don’t
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complicate things, everything goes on as usual, yes, it seems so to you, zhenya. hmm, i really need a deputy, you know? well i want normal you're on vacation. vacation, holy, do you agree? i, you agree, otherwise i, honestly, i’m your cactus, like this, don’t touch the cactus, blackmail is a criminal offense. you're cursed, you can't live without a focus,
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you're going somewhere, but that's it. i decided to go through my wardrobe, well, if you don’t want to answer, don’t answer your father, but lie, and ah-ah, ah-ah, your daughter was invited to a restaurant, ah, finally, what does it mean finally, your father has been around for a long time no one invites you to the restaurant anymore, it’s a waste, by the way, hmm, so, what, in the box? better, this one well, maybe you're right, good morning, good
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morning, good morning, uh-huh, tatyana sergeevna, is it your birthday today? no, it's not my birthday today. oh yes, today you and the cossack are going to a restaurant. how do you know? well, tatyana sergeevna, we don’t live in the desert. julia, gossip and candy will ruin you. why are you young? please give me 10 glasses of chocolate, thank you, dear court, i believe that
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during the judicial investigation: the defendant’s guilt was fully confirmed, the testimony of the defendant himself, who fully admitted his guilt, the testimony of the victims' witnesses allow me to say with confidence that the crime of which the defendant is accused was committed and committed by voloshin, taking into account the repentance of the defendant, his difficult moral and financial situation, as well as the fact that the crime committed by him for the first time, i ask the court to impose a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 1 year. i have everything, your honor. thank you. victim grutsova, you have the right to participate in court awards, well, i don’t know, what can i say, i feel sorry for him, and for myself too, as you decide, so it will be, that’s all, yes,
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sit down, your husband died, the whole debt is now on you, in 3 days. you are bringing the entire amount here, i didn’t even know anything, how can you live with a person and not see that he is dying before your eyes, your daughter-in-law, by law, is entitled to half of oleg’s share, i definitely won’t live with her, that’s what you come up with, you won’t kill her, victoria, on sunday on rtr, i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here that's all, to play or not to play, yes, yes. that's it, there can't be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i... have no competition, there are questions here, while everything is running, wow, i
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really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is no 100,000, zhenya add your own, what they use many, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program,
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igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you’re taking me for a fool, well , honestly, let’s look at the weekend, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with . who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about
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you, and i, a fool, decided to see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister, give this girl money and that’s enough, i know that she is my daughter, she has besides me there’s no one, it seems to me that i’ve fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i don’t love like a sister. swing on saturday on rtr. near the lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain, a learned cat, no one remembers pinkot for the chest. girl, i want to make a purchase. if you want to purchase carrots, click one. and here i am, let’s be strict. i'll be in a minute, one thing doesn't interfere with the other. humor. humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr,
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boy, so much ice cream won’t hurt you, i hope it will hurt you, whatever you don’t do, as long as you don’t have to go to school, this wooden the club destroyed not only private property, but the rights and dignity of a citizen of our country, yes, i agree that the defendant committed a crime, but why did this happen? didn’t the victim do everything to turn an ordinary, normal person into a bully? her duties include providing goods , and her duties certainly do not include humiliating a person, and even publicly. how can we evaluate this circumstance? i believe that we
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are obliged, according to article 61, of the criminal code of the russian federation to recognize that the immorality of the victim’s behavior was the reason for committing a crime, and these are mitigating circumstances. i have everything, your honor. i draw the court’s attention to the fact that the defendant did not fully implement the criminal intent, since theft can be considered. completed only after the criminal had the opportunity to dispose of the stolen property; in this case, my defendant did not have such an opportunity. consequently, we can consider these crimes only as attempted theft, and the social danger of the defendant less than for a completed crime. therefore, i ask the court to impose a sentence that does not involve imprisonment. according to the circumstances. about which the state prosecutor spoke. elena petrovna,
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can i see you? yes, sure. what does non-custodial punishment mean? beating with rods, racking or tying to a pillory? actually, i am not a supporter of medieval methods. but i am not a supporter of judging the accused by the presence of his pregnant wife. please sit down, thank you. defendant, stand up. the court provides you with the last word. i have nothing to say. judge what is right. taking into account the presence of mitigating circumstances, namely the presence of marriage for two minor children, as well as the immorality of the victim’s behavior, which was the reason for the crime, the court sentenced. sergei vladimirovich pshonkin
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is found guilty of committing a crime , as provided for in paragraph a, part one, of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation and sentenced to 6 months of imprisonment. since the defendant has already served the assigned term in a pre-trial detention center, he is subject to release in the courtroom, the court hearing is declared closed, open, open, in general, come out, come out, why are you standing there looking at me, come out, shonkina, come here, papi, papi, quickly, thank you, but you’re welcome, just listen, don't forget the caviar for me. okay, i don’t understand, well, caviar, okay, okay, that’s it, don’t think about it. find maxim yuryevich voloshin guilty of committing a crime under part three of article thirty, paragraph b, part two
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of article 158. namely, attempted theft with by entering the premises, impose a punishment on him. freedom for a period of 2 years, the court considers it possible to apply the provisions of article 73 of the criminal code and consider this punishment suspended with a correctional period of one and a half years. the court session is declared closed.
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you know, i didn’t even imagine that you were capable of spending a whole day like that on some grandfather, it’s just a noble impulse, really, not. that is, for you, me and nobility are incompatible, yes, well, don’t exaggerate, ah, my dear, you just don’t know how to identify reputable clients yet, who is this respectable client, your grandfather, yulenka, pavel anatolyevich, here i ask. and by the way, pavel anatolyevich, tatyana sergeevna asked to thank you for helping the oncoming person yesterday, well, tell her why,
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len, where are you going? i’m home, i’m tired, my process is difficult. “baby, but dinner is better than a dog, not today, well, they didn’t execute you, velislavich, lenochka, don’t lose that hope, well, where did you manage to do that, yes, but i don’t know, i’ve got a cold, i probably have something else.” - my stomach hurts, well, maybe i was poisoned, but can you get poisoned from ice cream? can you do it on purpose, or what? well, yes, a great way to avoid making decisions, but where? ok, ok, i understand, of course, otherwise all decisions will be made without you. well,
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shall we go? pavel anatolyevich, won’t you be offended? who will he be offended by, you or me, us, are you afraid, what else? let 's go to the attraction, i'm not going to the attraction, i've already ridden myself, it's gone, then he pumped out the whole yard for me, but let's go to the cinema, he's watching, yes, okay, let's go, thank you.
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i'm sorry, i understand you, you have nothing to do with it i'm sorry, let's go another time, if you allow it, i'll help you, you're even more beautiful in this dress than always, i thought it was impossible, after all. thorns can turn into flattery, it’s unscientific, but it’s beautiful and romantic, and i’ll give you a ride, i’ll be
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very grateful to you, she’s a good dog, you’ll be more trustworthy than others, look at rtr, ninka walks, wags her tail, masha is here to stay, i’ll give it to you you need an apartment, where to go, ninka, that’s all. neighbor, i’ll see you with ivan, i’ll kill you, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, scary, so who are you kidding, me or him, what are you doing? i did it, i grabbed her grandma’s powder, the train, i’m messing around, you’re in yours, the limiters, continuation, we look at rtr on monday, once again, many, many times, once again, the region, the place is very good.
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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at
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the russia exhibition, do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say it’s a divorce, well, let’s go home and see the ambulance. marriage, wait, well, vika, owl, yes, by the way, his eye lit up for you, maybe 20 years ago your happiness all ran away, but now it’s found, i’ll take her, and we’ll forget about everything, so what? , how will two men figure it out, three girls, on saturday on rts, please, acquaintance and switching. it’s possible without building, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea i’ve drunk, how many stories i tell, i was cocky in
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a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, here it goes to waste mark antolyevich zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad we imagined... that i would have a completely different husband, and how many still to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr.
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when people talk about siberia, images of severe frosts immediately appear. expanses, but do you know that in its very heart, in the city are they still looking for treasure in omsk? there is a legend that the gold reserves of tsarist russia, brought by kolchak, were lost there, but i was lucky to find completely different treasures, craft traditions that were brought here by settlers and carefully preserved by modern masters. omsk, a city located at the confluence of the irtysh and ami rivers, is the industrial center of siberia. its history began when peter ii issued a decree on the development of siberia. a fortress was built on this site, and settlers flocked to new, unexplored, but rich lands. to us in siberia,
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when moving, each nationality brought its own traditions. sometimes they interacted, intersected, sometimes they existed very, very locally, without intersecting with each other, all this was reflected in everyday objects, utilitarian objects, that is, what was used in everyday life, what people needed in everyday life, of course, dishes, every housewife could make them herself from clay using the rope method, but that was not the task, the liquid leaked from such... vessels. settlers from central russia brought another method sculpting. more reliable. over time , not only household items, but also musical instruments began to be made from clay. andrey
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zaderey, a famous ceramic artist in omsk. many years ago, having arrived in siberia from central russia, he brought with him the traditions of making the famous dymkovo whistle, acarina. in russian culture, it had a sacred meaning; with the help of its sounds they called for rain during drought, and called for spring. that is, of course, you can play a well-known melody on them, tweak it, pick it up, that’s it, but basically you tune in to some some images that you
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start playing inside of you, that is, it’s eastern. andrey zaderey often plays for guests; for this he made a whole set of musical instruments from clay. this instrument is a ceramic drum, a very rare instrument, it is called udu. utar, an arabic instrument, well, i’m doing it, i’m practicing, i watched videos on the internet of how people play, i’m slowly learning. musical instruments appeared in his work by accident; friends asked him to make them for an ethno-festival, but andrei zaderey started with classics of pottery and tableware. clay is such a material, it seems to fall asleep, but when it lies somewhere, it needs to be revived, awakened, somewhere they crush it with their feet, somewhere they spank it, somewhere
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they tear it, like that. then they beat you into pieces like this, then again and with a slap they hit you like this, like this, so that it slaps straight, clay, such a material, it’s kind of warm, you know, it has such an energetic filling, that is, if it you, if you have a cup at home, or you eat from it all the time, you seem to fill it with your energy, for now... 34 years ceramist he works with clay, but still considers the ability to make a traditional jug to be the pinnacle of his skill. everything is in the jar. everything is thought out, because you see, dozens of generations of ganchers have practiced this form, it’s convenient to take, that is, it’s handy, that is, an adult can take it with one hand,
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a child can take it with both hands, in the omsk region, based on our ethnographic findings, there’s a lot krink, a lot, why, because milk, some dairy products were always in our traditional... life there were a lot of deposits clay, but somehow in cherlak it was more explored, in the middle of the 20th century in cherlak production was made on the basis of, let’s say, artel clay products. based on traditional forms and technologies, andrey zaderey experiments and creates his own ceramics. i really like improvisation in general in life, i don’t like it when everything is the same.
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and there is an opportunity to be a little creative, this is such a material, it is very unpredictable, that is, from some kind of spontaneous, incomprehensible chaos, do something in a structured way, this is how a collection of moroccan vases appeared, essentially the same shape of a jar. but much larger . the vases are decorated with oriental colorful patterns. there is another bright interior item in the artist’s collection, this lamp, a small copy of a fiery sculpture. this is a fire sculpture - made as part of the city's day celebrations. and the project was called faces of fire. here. the sculpture is called the fire horse. just here is the fire. burst out of the mane here, here, here, here, here, tongues of flame, it was a mane, the idea was that in order to make
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something big out of clay, you need a large kiln, and ceramists in different parts of the world, but they came up with this method, it’s called self-burning... sculpture, instead of a pipe they put a hollow sculpture, the fire goes into this sculpture is heated from the inside and flies out from above when you open it , it all glows, fire and earth are two elements that return the master to his roots. i realized that i need to turn to my roots, only there can i draw inspiration, in general, all art, i think, will return to its roots and it returns. in addition to fragments of pottery in the omsk region, archaeologists find amazing things carved from bone,
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for example, amulets, daggers, arrowheads, today bone carving is an elite art, because finding a mammoth tusk is not so easy, the tradition of carving on...
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on hair with the help of straps that were inserted, threaded here into these holes, and the straps were tied at the back, and maybe it was sewn onto some kind of headdress . over time, people began to use this material is not only used for making jewelry tools. in fact, figures made of bones appear at the same time when all this appears in the upper polyolite, that is, for a master who could make such a thing, yes, such a thing. very fine workmanship, yes, it didn’t cost him anything to take a piece of bone and cut out a figurine of a mammoth from it, here we will simply talk about when this image was born in his head. why did he
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need it, that is, what did he then do with this figurine, how did it participate in some rituals? the art of bone carving was brought to us from the north, where walrus tusk was harvested, yes, that is, where, let’s say, the tooth of a purse was mined, that is, in the northern seas, then people from bone carving trades moved to the omsk region and opened their own here. .. small, like workshops, and we are already, let’s say, heirs of these northern traditions. nikolai perestov, castares artist, head of the arha studio, as a treasure hunter, equips expeditions to the north of the region in search of valuable material. most often you don’t even have to arrange excavations, everything lies underfoot. i have always been interested in paleontology, these are unique works, there are fragments.
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her secrets, that’s it, but if she succumbed to you, then i watch how a person comes for the first time, so he doesn’t know what to do, i say, don’t be afraid, come on, i’ll show you everything, it still takes time, so that he can switch with it, nikolai perestov has been working with this material for more than 30 years, he uses not only tusks, but tubular bones of mammoths, plays with... the natural color
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of the material, experiments with shapes, here there is not a single cut bone, this is how i took it on the expedition, this is how i also mounted it, that is, bone and skin, which is nearby, for example, these are the ribs of a mammoth, the master called this work siberian madonnas, in contact with their work in what way plan, here are the shards, ceramic ones? remain along the banks of the rivers, this is where our ancestors lived, well, mostly some kind of turkic population, so i see, this was clearly done by a woman, because such patterns on ceramics, only a woman can be painstaking there, such all sorts of things like that. nikolai perestiy is often called an artist-philosopher; in each work, kostores invites his contemporaries to fantasize about how our ancestors lived, for this the master dives deeply. in
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history, what we need to know, we need to know the history of the costume, of course, the history of weapons in general, there, well, that is, everything is as it was, that is, we need to read a lot, a lot, use a lot of literature there, and so on. his workshop resembles a museum where ancient objects are stored, including a collection of rare mortars, weapons and samovars. here time seemed to turn back so that everyone could touch. by the past, settlers created comfort from what was at hand, the most popular material was willow, from twigs, craftsmen called them weavers, they made baskets of all sizes to collect crops, boxes for things, and later bent furniture. every nationality, well, living in the territory.
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why? because it is convenient for storage, the russian empire had wicker items, it is easy to make and easy to replace the item used. the delights of this material yulia stepanova appreciated it when she moved to the village. an environmental engineer by training, she dreamed of living in nature since childhood. this is beauty and this is silence.
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willow is harvested for the whole winter; we have a very long winter and there is a lot of time for it to be used for making household items. different nationalities had their own slightly traditional weaving methods and shapes that they preferred. therefore, you and i can meet, and let’s say, round baskets, and let’s say, baskets with a flat bottom, and baskets more square.
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after which, in which direction it weaves, where from above, where from below, there is a sequence, when you understand the patterns, then their hands, well, they themselves are already simply weaving. julia started with traditional forms, baskets and baskets, but she was so carried away that she decided to show imagination and ingenuity. i began to think in general, what are the opportunities this material gives me, i got some new year’s decorations. i started weaving pegs, some kind of interior baskets, garden sculptures, i have this one right now the topic is very interesting, what i like most about this process is inventing, i go to bed, close my eyes, i think, how to connect these details together, and
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how to do that, well, this is what i want, i first took a long time i think to do something new, i like to do new things, so she has a whole series of modern wicker bags with leather and knitted... elements that can decorate any urban look. this is my first backpack, and i started walking around with it, i liked it so much, so here i am i’m walking and i, well, somehow it’s so warm because of this that i’m walking with what i made myself. now we will weave the simplest version of a ladies' evening handbag. i had already made the blank in advance, inserted the twigs into the wooden bottom and wove three rows. now we will continue the quest, we also moisten the twigs with plenty of water, we make an even cut on each twig so that everything inside is smooth and even, now i need to insert 12 tinders into the basket,
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the weaving method is called the correct one, which i am doing now i’m working, because when i insert the 12 others, they will diverge like this, beautifully, with the butt behind the stand, the butt is the thick part of the rod, it is attached to the stand and is woven a little, we finished the fan, we still have thin tails, their we cut with wire cutters, cut closer to the counter so that they don’t stick out anywhere, look neat, now i’ll take three twigs and use them to weave another row to secure. now let's decorate our handbag with beads. this is how we got the wicker shape, we bent the posts, laid out nicely. and now all we have to do
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is insert the strap inside the case. wood was also an excellent material for making household utensils. anyone could make a spoon like this, don’t worry too much about aesthetics, the main thing is that it’s comfortable. often they used the natural form altogether, trimming away the excess. modern wood carvers also rely on the material, creating such bizarre figures. traditionally, there are a lot of forests in siberia, and if you consider that our first settlers were russians, those who came to siberia, they came mainly from north and there are also a lot of forests there, so wooden household items, they were
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in demand there and in demand here, mostly it was distinguished by its simplicity, because there was no such rich carving, there... it was with an ordinary wooden spoon that sergei chemirilov began, master from bolsherechye. in the village they call him the local nugget, because he creates fabulous wooden sculptures from ordinary logs. there was a felled tree lying on the road, someone asked my son to bring it, he brought it to me. i quickly cut out in about a week, i’m just a woman on my own here iga was born, well, on the other hand, they are rich. born from all the bitches kept. in bolsherechye, a graduate of the art and graphic
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department of the omsk pedagogical institute came after his wife. since then, the school teacher of drawing and drafting has been engaged in wood carving in his free time. the master creates in collaboration with nature itself. the shape of the tree suggests the plot. for example, in this large-scale composition from a single pine trunk, he saw two people who... were entwined in close embraces, he called the sculpture love, nature gave birth, already man something like this cannot be done as if done with one’s own hands, because it is clear that this is, well , nature, sometimes you can create a masterpiece from an ordinary birch log, the main thing is not to cut off too much, so the master always draws out the details and prepares a model, well, like a model, so that ... don’t make a mistake in the trees, because you made a mistake in the trees, then you can’t glue anything there, you can’t glue it, when
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you’ve thought through the model, everything is already there, the back profile, 3/4 there, you look at the model, cut it out, not just the shape, but even the drawing of the tree dictates that a master will cut it out, it’s not a man-made one, there’s a texture that goes like this in a circle through his hair, because you can imagine, when you cut out his face, he has... not like boards, they’re vertical like that, but they’re they walk around and give hints, even the texture on the face. fairy-tale characters occupy a special place in his work. most of all, sergei chimirilov loves to carve baba yaga; he sees something mystical in this character. he has a series of portrait works, it all started with this mask of evgeniy leonov. when was young. a film appeared, great luck, well , they gave me the nickname of assistant professor, because he looks
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like evgeniy lionno, something struck a goal, to cut her out, well, even in the end, to cut her out, dvorzhetsky has such very interesting faces , it’s just like, well, they just beg to be for this one, for volume. as a material , sergei chimirilov uses everything that is at hand, because forest resources are just a stone's throw away. in the north of the omsk region , birch, linden, and cedar grow, even birch burl and suvel are accepted, this is for growth on a tree. now the master is getting carried away root plastic, so it often happens in nature, i’m walking along the shore, everything is there, i can’t pass by indifferently, past the koryak, so every year my classmates and i go rafting, from umsk there to bolshorechy, well , to tara. koryak lies on the shore, such trunks, from waste material he creates cosmic
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compositions in which the outlines of animal birds are guessed, this is, for example, an eagle with open wings, the master dreams of making a whole series of works dedicated to forest inhabitants, the snag itself will tell you what kind make yourself a beast, you can bend it any way you want, twist it around a tree, oh around a table. everything is there, well, you can betray any pose to the beast, that’s what they call it, when a worm lives in the soul, creativity, or something, and you feel it, today wooden spoons, clay jars, wicker baskets are no longer an item of urgent need, like this was in the old days, but the people of the north are still drawn to their roots. today these things get a second life, from such a cup a drink seems more flavorful, from
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a wooden spoon food tastes better, wicker things they make the house cozy and warm, all thanks to the craftsmen of the omsk land, who preserve the secrets of traditional crafts. my planet tv channel presents. to save space in the refrigerator , square watermelons have come to japan. you can probably expect rectangular peppers and zucchini to appear.
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there, in general, just to reach the bed, here we load the fish into the refrigerator, freeze it, 15, 18 degrees, it reaches 20, well, within 24 hours, probably, then we pack it, loading it, today on
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the winter shore, that’s what these places were called in history pomors, there are only... years left, the collective farm of liberation even had its own icebreakers, not to mention other transport equipment, what can we say about the tasks of catching fish, today the quotas and profits of local fishermen are minimal, they can find work in the historically rich, hardworking russian north it’s very difficult, there’s nothing to even say, our grandfathers all fished, well, who? on ships, who were on, well, they used to be on boats, father and mother are also on the shore here, fishing in the sea, at work the day flies by instantly, fishermen have several hours to do other things, each has their own, their small house gives the impression
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of a cozy home, where everyone is busy, everyone is in their place, the kitchen, yes, that... yuri is responsible for all the mechanisms in the big fishermen, he has already taken his three-day vacation, and will now be able to return to his native koeda only after the end of the putin in a few weeks. yuri is a local kulibin, although very modest, in principle, the majority are self-employed, by profession, a tractor turner,
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the rest is all electric.
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yes, there was nothing there anymore, only letters, what was everything, how not lonely, of course, lonely, you have to do everything yourself, dig potatoes, and a lot of housework too, drag water, you have to do everything yourself. the life of a pomor generally consists of continuous separations, as it happened historically, men did not have time to be at home, however, jacob’s children.
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however, there is somewhere to hide from it, in the fisherman’s house the stove is hot, the fish soup is smoking on the table, it’s time for dinner, with such a rhythm of work, the fishermen don’t have a full lunch, you don’t know, you’ll go home tomorrow, so don’t i know, today you look at what we have with food, what to take, what products, well, we’ll call you for the rest, communication will be difficult to access.
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the key condition for peace is the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from four new regions. vladimir putin meets with hungarian prime minister viktor orban in moscow. there is a change of government in great britain. richa sunok resigned. the new prime minister outlined his priorities in his first address. main internal policy. central regions in the region. new day on the russia channel, you are watching the news, in the studio
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karina ilyina, hello! moscow stands for the complete and final end of the conflict in ukraine, one of the key conditions for peace, and calls the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from four new regions. vladimir putin spoke about this following negotiations in moscow with viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, the country that currently holds the eu presidency. the meeting touched upon current aspects of bilateral cooperation, as well as pressing issues on the international and regional agenda, including the situation around ukraine. orban noted that he arrived in moscow to continue. peace missions, and called the conversation with the russian leader honest and open. vladimir putin briefed viktor orban on the russian plan for a settlement in ukraine. however, according to the head of state, the kiev regime is not ready to give up waging war. mr. prime minister spoke about his recent meetings in kiev, where he made a number of proposals, in particular calling for a ceasefire in order to create conditions for the start of negotiations with russia. as for russia,
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i have repeatedly said that we always. the pretext for extending martial law disappears, and if martial law has to be lifted, it means that elections will have to be held, which were not held on time for the presidential elections, but the chances of winning them for the ukrainian, ukrainian rulers who have lost their ratings and legitimacy are close to zero. i said, mr. president: europe needs peace, for the last 2 and a half years.
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we realized that without diplomacy, without communication channels, we will not achieve peace. it was precisely the ways to achieve peace that i discussed with mr. president today. i wanted to know which way to the end of the war is the shortest. shortly before his visit to moscow, on july 2, viktor orban visited kiev, where he discussed the possibilities of resolving the conflict in ukraine with vladimir zelensky. however, the ukrainian authorities rejected the proposal of the hungarian politician. a number of people also criticized urban's visit to russia. the european commission said that the hungarian leader with his trip undermines the unity and determination of the european union. almost 14 thousand soldiers and officers. such cumulative losses were suffered in the ssu in a week - this is data from the defense forces. the warehouse in abandoned fury ammunition storage. an attempt by a sabotage and reconnaissance group to cross to the left bank of the dnieper was stopped. attacks were carried out on enemy airfields and
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energy facilities of the ukrainian military-industrial complex. drones and missile storage sites. the investigative committee opened a criminal case after the attack in the ssu on primorsko-akhtarskaya, where a six-year-old girl died and five more civilians were injured. one of the apartment buildings was damaged, roofs and balconies were destroyed, windows, cars and a children's room were broken. the site is covered in shrapnel. residents were evacuated. another blow hit the electrical substation, which supplies a significant part of primorsko-okhtarsk. in the coming hours. city services will restore power. the central region is in the grip of hurricane arkhan, a giant thunderstorm front moving through the capital from the west and covering a huge area. showers with thunderstorms and hail have already attacked moscow and the moscow region in rafaminsk, istra, and solnechny dubna. at the epicenter of the atmospheric vortex , wind squalls reached speeds of 100 km/h. under them the pressure tore electrical wires and broke tree branches. after
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the hurricane, the novgorod region was left without electricity. change of government following the results of the elections crushed for the conservatives, the parliamentarian announced his resignation, he will also step down as leader of the tore, and the king has already appointed labor leader keir starmer to the post of prime minister, one of the first in the residence at 10 downing street, he was welcomed by a permanent resident. as starmer said, it will take time to renew the country, the government will work to improve the situation national health service


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