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tv   Lichnoe delo  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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sunday on rtr. ethno has become more active again , huge clouds of ash and fountains of lava are bursting out from the mouth of the famous sicilian volcano. this level of activity is considered average. the slope of the mountain is not yet closed for tourists, but there are restrictions for airplane flights, because the height of the ashes reaches 4.5 km. the eruption of another.
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she was roughly a wife and mother, but bahar was divided into before and after, for many years an accident forced her to rethink everything, then bahar firmly decided to go towards her dream despite the circumstances. indeed, in this world... everyone has
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their own purpose, right, yes, right, we are given little time, the main character of the serial melodrama bahar, named spring, is looking for her place in the sun in istanbul. it is in this hot and noisy city that the main action of the series takes place, so in addition to interesting plot twists and bright emotions of the characters, the russian viewer can expect impressive views and acquaintance with turkish life. for example, such ferries, one of which bakar rides in the series, are popular public transport in turkey, they transported. passengers through the basfor from the european part of istanbul to the asian part and back, or as the main character from the old life to the new. the example of bahar, who is not afraid to start from scratch, has inspired many. immediately after the release of the first episode, the series' ratings soared, and it soon became one of the most high-profile projects on local television. in turkey, literally everyone is ready to confess their love to the series, we have personally seen it. it has become popular and i enjoy watching it because it shows how women need to be.
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this is a series about women’s freedom of choice, about how they can create in different life situations. it’s not for nothing that the creators of the series gave the main character the name bahar, which means spring in turkish. as the story progresses, she blossoms and tries to help others. true, this does not always work out, because the story is very real. before the viewer's eyes, characters performed by turkish stars love and hate, laugh , cry, betray and forgive. and remain indifferent. the characters’ experiences will not work out, the russian viewer will be able to verify this on july 8, the premiere of the series bahar named spring at 15:00. grandma's dress has become an internet sensation as a designer from the us state of illinois brings to life sketches made by her beloved grandmother georgette. sometime in the forties of the last century, she left the fashion school she attended for the sake of her family. and recently, my granddaughter discovered all the sketches that her creative grandmother drew and began. submit
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your own outfits based on them. i have already sewn 30 granny dresses, all of which are in great demand. evetta, lisette, usetta, zhaneta. by the way, it turns out beautifully. in dresses like these, at least date with the prince. however, as practice shows, the leap from rags to riches is not always so successful. how did the marriage of girls from ordinary families with lead-bearing persons work out? our expert anna aksyonova studied the most significant cases. good morning, remember how most end. and they lived happily about her for a long time, it’s just a statement of everything, believe me, but how did life really turn out there, for example, the same cinderella with the prince, the question is, no matter how sweet and beautiful she is, she’s a simple woman, suddenly into the world of royalty especially, maybe, of course, everything was fine there, but there are some doubts, so maybe in life such a gift of fate from simpletons to princesses works better, more precisely, more fabulously, who is remembered first of all, of course,
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markle: that’s it, it would seem , fabulous luck charmed the prince himself, calmed him down, bore him children, built almost everyone in the palace, hired many people to work on her image of an ideal cinderella. and these people really worked hard for their money, but everyone knows that from this it worked out, although maybe this was her plan, simpletons are not always such simpletons, and if megan could not forget that she is an actress, then what can we say about a stripper, it was sofia, a worker in this field, who was chosen as his wife by swedish prince charles philip, no, he didn’t go looking for her in the bars with the glass slipper, it worked out, the couple met mutual friends during lunch, which is also a little strange, mutual friends, true, but in any case, love happened at first sight, the prince immediately left noble bride and announced to his relatives who he would bring to the palace. there was a terrible commotion in the royal family, they say it’s a disgrace to the crown and all that, but what kind of dad, even in the crown, can
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prove something to his son in love. as a result , the wedding took place, and the entire royal world came to attend it. the young people were beautiful and happy, how long will the manner last? “the dancers will certainly make themselves known,” said the spiteful critics, but this year their marriage turns 9 years old, and yes, they say that the princess is still not very loved, they don’t give her family jewelry, and even they don’t let them vilify them, but she, what’s wrong with her, she seems to be a happy princess. queen letizia of spain, it seems that everything here is according to a fairy-tale scenario, yes, noble relatives were also once very unhappy that their beloved son philip brought an ordinary journalist into the house. where is the divorcee from, philip’s mother was especially indignant, she still tries from time to time, but laetitia no longer allows herself to be offended, today she is a real favorite of the public, a trendsetter, a role model, yes, she has her skeletons, as it turned out, remember at least a book that her supposed
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lover had recently published, but the family reacted to this in a royal way, that is, in no way. another cinderella, princess charlene of monaco, or most. princess, as she is also called, an athlete, a beauty, a swimmer, then suddenly a whole prince fell in love, sought and achieved, hurray, well, that’s it, everyone remembers these tears of charlene at the wedding, and no matter how they tried to explain to people later, the court professionals, what it is there were tears of happiness, it didn’t work out, many are sure that the princess is unhappy, her husband albert is credited with numerous betrayals in non-marital affairs children, and she should run away from the palace, but you can’t escape from there so easily, what’s left here? man, you’re a princess, so what, are they different fairy tales? you know, there is an expression, no matter what happens, always say, everything is going according to plan, who knows what your plan is, interesting, right? so if you ladies or your daughters are a little over 30, and
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the prince’s white horse is still not knocking its hooves under the windows of your high-rise building, then maybe this is your plan. besides, these princes too, you know, there are still those, but that’s not quite the case. other history, that's all for today, have a fabulous weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat. music that inspires. call, a seventeen-year-old pianist and video blogger from britain, performs piano covers at st. pancras station in london and posts them on social media. success came to the musician suddenly 5 years ago. he performed a bohemian rhabsody, someone recorded a video and posted it. the video received 125 million views. since then... the guy has many fans and thanks to his enthusiasm , hundreds of children come to music schools across the country. found young musical talents today our colleague andrey petrov. hello, andrey, introduce us to your guests. good morning. good morning, studio, good morning everyone. yes, it’s time for our musical section,
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you are very familiar with the children’s choir “giant” on our film set today. guys, i welcome you. look what it is, because we were waiting and everything was a little sour for... so who should perform like this more , please tell me, if they just said more than one song here, i understand that now we’ll sing for 5 minutes and everyone will run home? and performing is it’s probably an hour and a half there, how many songs are you ready to sing at the concert, how many do you have? you definitely have 20 songs rehearsed, yes, for some songs you also shoot videos, as i understand it, right? well, they don’t
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make videos for all songs, not for all of them, but what does it depend on ? we’re shooting a video for this song, we ’re not filming for this one, but whether it’s promoted or not, yeah, well, let’s at least assume that. russia, a video was filmed for it - they filmed it, they filmed it, so someone didn’t participate, someone was sick, it was a full-fledged one, just like that a full-length film, with costumes, makeup, everything, yes, yes, then it wasn’t, well, well, those who weren’t, those who didn’t see the clip, now have the opportunity on the russia channel to watch how the guys perform, for children giant choir, especially for you. let's go, guys, just, simply,
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we are little stars, sing with us, dance with us, we all know the moves, relieve the tension, and it will be. yes, ah-ah, it will be cool, hey, if you don’t have a friend, and you are offended by the whole world, we will extend our hand to meet, you will open up. heart in response simple, simple, we are little stars, fight
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with us, dance with us, we all know the moves, relieve tension, ah, it will be cool, ah, ah, it will be cool, hey! don’t walk alone gloomily, stretch your smile from ear to ear, so what if there is no tooth yet, the main thing is that he was a good person, just simple, we are little stars, fight with... we dance with us, we are with us, we know everything, movement , relieve tension, ah,
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it will be cool, ah-ah, it will be cool, hey, simple, simple, we are little stars, fight with us, dance with us, knows everything movements, relieve tension, oh it will be... the main thing is that the person is good, look how many good people we gathered today on our set, the giant children's choir performed with us, and it will be cool, the name of the composition, thank you guys very much, it was great, thank you andrey, to your wonderful young guests, and see you later. here you will find people of different professions
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and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here comes up oh you're good, caress the obstinate one. he likes to grab there with his claws. tame the biter, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw. guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, today at 11.50 on the russia channel, then banana bread, for which
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you will not do anything, sorry, zachary, you will not help me with bags, then i’ll treat you to banana bread, uh, yes, of course, incredibly tasty, thank you, good luck, get ready to write down a recipe that will be perfect for a saturday morning and turn you into a desperate housewife after the news. the key condition for peace is the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from four new regions. vladimir putin meets with hungarian prime minister viktor orban in moscow. in the uk, change of government rishi sunok resigned. the new prime minister outlined his priorities in his first address. the main thing is internal politics. the central regions are in the grip of the hurricane arkhan, narfaminsk,
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dubna and other cities near moscow are drowning in rain. forest area is growing in transbaikalia fires. it’s a new day on the russia channel, you are watching the news in karina ilyin’s studio. hello! moscow stands for the complete and final end of the conflict in ukraine and calls the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from four new regions one of the key conditions for peace. vladimir putin spoke about this following negotiations in moscow with viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, the country that currently holds the eu presidency. the meeting touched upon current aspects of bilateral cooperation, as well as pressing international and regional issues.
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to begin negotiations with russia, as for russia, i have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement, but on the other hand we hear about the reluctance to resolve the issue in exactly this way, as we see the state of affairs, including including and taking into account what i heard today from mr. prime minister in kiev, i am still not ready to abandon the idea of ​​waging war to a victorious end, in my opinion, the very thought...
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i said, mr. president: europe needs world. over the past 2 and a half years, we have realized that without diplomacy, without communication channels, we will not achieve peace. it was precisely the ways to achieve peace that i discussed with mr. president today. i wanted to know which way to end the war was the shortest. shortly before his visit to moscow on july 2, viktor orban visited kiev, where he discussed the possibilities of resolving the conflict in ukraine with vladimir zelensky. ukraine rejected the proposal of the hungarian politician. a number of eu leaders criticized orbán’s visit to russia, they considered that with his trip he undermined the unity and determination of the european union. ukrainian artillery dealt a new blow to the peaceful cities of donbass. there were 26 wounded per day. at least three shells,
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presumably hymers, exploded on the territory of a construction enterprise. two people died. there are victims in gorlovka in the kirovsky district of donetsk, where it was attacked. gas station, gas pumps and several cars were damaged. the central region is in the grip of hurricane arkhan, a giant thunderstorm front is moving through the capital from the west and covers huge territory. some planes are forced to leave for alternate airfields. showers with thunderstorms have already attacked moscow and the moscow region in rafaminsk, istra, solonichny dubna. at the epicenter of the atmospheric vortex , wind squalls reached speeds of 100 km/h. under their pressure, electrical wires were torn and tree branches were broken. in the novgorod region, after the hurricane, 20 thousand people were left without electricity; two residential buildings caught fire as a result of lightning strikes. there are 13 social facilities without power supply, including the station in old russia. in the hospital promptly connected to backup power sources. meanwhile, the area of ​​natural fires in transbaikalia is growing. additional aviation from the ministry of emergency situations has already been brought in to extinguish the fire. the city of nerchinsk is shrouded in smoke. the fiftieth anniversary
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of the bam is celebrated by railway workers throughout the country. on this occasion. i was mentally drawn into it, but i was going specifically for the bam. the entire large country was building a railway through eastern siberia and the far east. it is a symbol of time, perseverance and fortitude. at the end of the 20th century
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, the baikal-amur mainline received the first compositions. this relay train will proceed from khabarovsk to tynda, where a second similar train from irkutsk will arrive, where a big celebration will be held for veterans and railway workers. in 3 days the train will pass seven stations that were opened during the construction of the highway. the path is not close - 1,157 km. kirill rogachov. berkinov, vesti khabarovsk. in the uk, a change of government following the results of elections that were crushed for the conservatives, the parliamentarian announced his resignation. he will also step down as tory leader. and the king has already appointed a labor leader to the post of prime minister kiir starmer. one of the first at the 10 downing street residence, he was greeted by permanent resident lary the cat. starmer said the government would improve healthcare, strengthen border security and reduce energy bills. according to experts, britain's foreign policy will not change. and in palestine , the humanitarian catastrophe due to military actions against israel has already led to famine and severe
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water shortages. there are three gases, hundreds of children are taken to hospitals in those that have not yet been destroyed in the enclave itself in the hospital neighboring countries friendly to palestine with diagnoses of dehydration and malnutrition. israel continues to strike targets in gaza; over the past 24 hours there have been more than 50 attacks. the situation is difficult on... on the israeli border, dozens of forest fires have started there due to shootings, don’t switch, lord, are you sure you can handle it, look at rtr, i’m asking for official permission to look after you, so why not allow- then, take care, you really slept with her, so what is she doing there... oh, well, i don’t know, well, what can i say, now everything, everything, we have to get married, everyone sees, we are a small town, everyone
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knows about each other, hears everything, they found the killer, just don’t talk to anyone, okay, we agreed, he will tell everyone everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed , and i’ll run away for now, okay, heaven! raya knows everything, so contact rtr starting monday, lukomorye has a green oak tree, a golden chain, a learned cat, no one remembers the pincott for the chest, girl, i want to make a purchase, if you want to buy carrots, press one, here i am. i’m strictly a minute, one thing doesn’t interfere with the other, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today on rtr,
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why do you want scams, she seems chic all over the money, only there is melancholy in her eyes, this morning in the store she told me how i remember she misses her, how she wants to go to the city, that’s how, this sergei, he just... arrived without warning, but why can’t a husband come to his own wife without warning? three girls today on rtr, good morning, hello, welcome early saturday morning in our company entirely.
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new 3d simulator. this device using columbia university baked a cheesecake using a special code that prints a complex multi-layer cake with seven edible ingredients. this whole kitchen is run by the girl shir goldfinger, who... oh, after a long wait, it worked out, you just need to create desserts without pans, mixers and fill the printer with the necessary products, wait a few minutes and voila, well, i don’t know if it’s tasty, here’s our masha cooking always with soul, so it always turns out tastier than any robot. this time i found a simple banana bread recipe for us. from the series tea housewife, watch and lick your lips. sorry, zachory, can you help me with the bags? then i’ll treat you to banana bread. eh, yes, of course, incredible. delicious,
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thank you, good health, zakori. felicia is the same villain from the famous series desperate housewife, she obviously understood perfectly well that anyone could be lured by the smell of banana bread, because this dessert smells of homely warmth and comfort. banana bread appeared during the great depression; housewives, apparently out of desperation, used overripe bananas into action and it turned out to be an excellent dessert. inochka, hello.
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the most difficult part of preparing this dish is peeling the bananas, mash the peeled bananas with a fork, you can of course use a mixer, but this way the banana dough will be more structural, then in a separate bowl you need to mix the eggs, they should also be at room temperature, i’ve already completed everything , and i continue to beat, we combine the butter with the eggs , we continue to beat together, it seems to me that i ’m still whipping so well... it’s great that a little even reaches the operators, oh, now it’s the turn of the dry ingredients: you need to mix the flour, baking powder, salt, it’s better to do this with a whisk so that nothing scatters, then add the dry mixture to the butter, and then add our mashed bananas there, don’t forget to mix everything well, put the dough in the mold and level it out on top, please don’t stain the edges,
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because it will start to burn, this is very... i said it at the right time, of course, i think i’m already a little bit, i’m thinking about being silent, being silent, and then i think, well, i can’t be silent at all, but now small culinary life hack: often cupcakes with when baking, they crack unsightly in the most unexpected places, to prevent this from happening, we make a cross on top, fill it with butter, it’s convenient to use a cooking bag for this, and now we send it to bake, 160° for 30-40 minutes, wait, you mean that’s it , we're done, i didn't deceive you, you see. let the finished banana bread cool, then take it out of the mold and sprinkle powdered sugar on top, well , it’s beautiful, very beautiful, why are you always making pies with a knife, at least give me i have no patience, i have no patience, banana bread is wonderful.
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watch a movie and cook with pleasure. good morning and bon appetit. while some are preparing, others are preparing for nothing more than the conquest of space. chinese scientists have found moss that can survive on mars. it grows in antarctica in the american mahavee desert, easily tolerates drought,
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high levels of radiation and extremely. low temperatures. during the research, experts created conditions for sphagnum similar to those on mars. for 5 years the plants were kept at temperature -80 celsius and 30 days at temperature -196. after irradiating it with gamma rays with a power of about 500 gray, moss even produced new growth. the prolonged absence of moisture did not affect it either. researchers are confident that the presence of this species allows us to talk about the possibilities of colonization of deep space, without actually speaking. well, in the meantime, the stars can tell us what the next week will be like for us earthlings. our guest is astrologer vera khubelashvili. good morning, vera, good morning. so, what will this coming week be like for us, for earthlings? well we are probably meeting on such a magnificent day, today we have a new moon, and the new moon is in the sign of cancer, but we are also in conjunction with one very strong star, the star sirius. you've probably heard it somewhere.
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who has flights, transfers planned, after all, yes, after all, it’s vacation time, the train, well, july in itself is quite such a difficult month, i don’t want to scare anyone, but in the middle of the month there will be such a very difficult configuration, the planet mars - this is the
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famous god of war, the planet uranus is a planet of very serious surprises, starting somewhere from july 12th until the 18th, i would still warn you to be careful and... to a greater extent this applies to water transport, because the sign of cancer, which is triggered by the new moon, has certain aspects that warn us that it is the water element that can be unsafe, you just need to take this into account, well , at least not swim too far, because many are now on vacation and try to swim somewhere closer to the shore, well, be careful in general, absolutely everything that connected with water as such, because i want to supplement, and there can be a lot of poisoning at this time. this is stated by the stars, especially difficult days will be the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth, the gastrointestinal tract is the first thing that can be affected even in absolutely healthy people, and if this is your weak area, just be very careful at this time, but vacation
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is not for everyone, it is not yet or no longer a vacation for those who work tirelessly, how to behave, what to do, where in what places to be careful, may not approach the cooler on work. well, since our uranus is very active, you already understand, and our uranus is primarily responsible for electricity, do not approach, be careful, be careful, and well, transport, electrics, all this is also in the zone of such, well, turbulent influence, i would still recommend being as attentive as possible, they say that next week is the most favorable for people in creative professions, artists, organizers of some events, i would like, yes, you are leaving anyway. i still have time, but what about financiers and accountants? it turns out that it’s good to go on vacation, well , in general, it’s good for everyone to go on vacation, even creative people and everyone, but we have such a july, it’s a little turbulent, as we already understood, although this energy can pull
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more toward our loved ones, with us it’s precisely on this new moon on the sixth and the sixth that it occurs, and the so-called midpoint of intereclipses occurs, that is , everyone also knows these eclipse corridors... probably, and this is the midpoint between the eclipse corridors, the point is quite fatal, quite strong, well i would say the concentration of energies is very high, and since this point falls on the new moon in the sign of cancer, and the need, or even i would say the need, to be with your family, with your loved ones, relatives, and maybe even sort through your photographs somewhere, please plunge in, into this energy, the energy of your kind, be sure to launch in your life some programs that you want to implement, for those, especially those who are free and would like to find their soulmate, i highly recommend taking advantage of this day, thank you, thank you to you, it was forecast for the week from the astrologer vera khubilashvili, let's go, life is a clean slate,
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nephews, on monday at 21:20, and sanctions, love, separation.
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the us police stopped the car for driving into oncoming traffic, but there was no one to fine, the car turned out to be an unmanned taxi, the robot obediently lowered the side window and connected. an obedient automaton that breaks the rules, it’s amazing, here’s a big ship without a siren captain, and it immediately slows down, this one won’t go on a voyage, for example, the tourist ship alexander nevsky, it’s controlled a man who built dozens of ships with his own hands, albeit in miniature, viktor ivanovich, hello, hello, viktor ivanovich chekhovskikh, a very unusual captain, he has been managing this ship for 20 years, even earlier he began creating small ones like this.
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it helps a lot, for example, when there are some stressful situations on the bridges, but let’s go, the weather is bad there, i got nervous, yes, that is, that’s all it seems, oh how beautifully the ship moves, how it docks, in fact it’s hard, complicated work, for such it takes a lot of hobbies free time, says the captain, being accepted on a cruise ship , it takes more than six months to assemble one such beauty, now in the works at once... several are almost completed, the russian giant motor ship mustai karim, we still need to find inspiration for these passenger ships, they are about a third ready , passenger teplokuchersky built 92.016 type valerian kuibyshev and german-built ships, this is project 302, the series would be quite large, if there were only nine of these, then this is a much larger series, details victor ivanovich makes it himself using a machine.
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a pencil, a ruler, etc., at first i drew a drawing, but now you do it all on a computer, that is, the technology is present, viktor ivanovich came to the profession immediately after graduating from the nautical school, and tried to make his first miniature ships while working as a senior mate on an oil ore carrier, the captain was cutting masks, he was engaged in wood carving, one fine day he said, victor, sit down, i’ll teach you how to make masks, this conversation seemed to give an impetus. make these models, that's it so gradually it became more and more
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delayed and so i say 30 plus years, even almost 40. the captain is the author of more than sixty such ships, today they adorn the museum, private collections, of course, the motor ship alexander nevsky. by the way, there is also a miniature copy of it. you probably have a special relationship with this specimen, with this exhibit, of course, special, especially since it is. a model of our motor ship alexander nevsky, made on a scale of 1,200 and not just so that it stands so that people can see how the ship actually looks not only from the outside, but in miniature. passengers carefully examine each of the thirteen models for a long time. by the way, often along the way, viktor ivanovich meets people who are equally passionate and in love with modeling, and you can exchange ideas. sunsets and sunrises are certainly beautiful, but we... practically don’t notice them, because we need
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to look for floating conditions, coastal conditions, monitor the movement of other ships, etc., that is, this beauty passes us by, but it still sounds romantic. passengers, as expected, are resting, the crew is working hard, for example, now there is a very important parking lot in the port of volgograd, viktor chekhovskikh is checking all the mechanisms, and he also needs to hear reports before leaving for the voyage. and...
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“a fish, a fish, big or small, well, in general, you have chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why people count eggs, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty ones be healthy, i’ll try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can there be any benefit? pleasant?" fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, mm, mm, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but and useful. and it lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula, today on rtr girls, which of you
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betrayed me? eh, you lived like family for a year, i ’ll curse you, look at rtr, it’s your work, and if it’s mine, then? that you gave in and cursed all three of you, i never regretted that it didn’t work out that way, not with you, it’s a pity masha if you’re afraid of zaninka, then take him away from here, you love me, well, who do i love, well, if you love him, let’s go, it’s not difficult to leave. the main thing is to decide who to take with you. let's go to mary, let's go, let's go. limitchitsy. continuation, watch on monday on rtr.
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a sensation in the world of fauna - a flying hippopotamus. finally. researchers from the uk have noticed that these seemingly hulking , huge animals can hover in the air while running fast, their huge bodies weighing up to 4 tons rising by about 15% of their stride length. this is absolutely unique for mammals of their size, because elephants and rhinoceroses remain on the ground even at speed. the flight of a hippopotamus lasts about 3 seconds. by the way, before this study, science basically knew little about how they move. here is the discovery of a flying hippopotamus, as they say, it’s good that cows don’t fly, well , much more is known about how people move, for example, many people practice yoga, in the summer you can improve your body flexibility or just meditate in the nearest park, what exercises to choose for beginners why they laugh so much in class, i figured it out
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varvara ermakova, a park, yoga and a small child would seem to be completely incompatible concepts, but try and... with this bully, please tell me, i can really somehow get him addicted to yoga and even practice a little myself, of course, really yoga in parks is a very cool activity for establishing contact with your child and, of course, getting a lot of pleasure from an outdoor activity, so now i’ll show you a few exercises that we can do. yoga kids don't a hindrance, international class coach alina kapitonova is sure, on the contrary, a little athlete will help a beginning mother or father, improve stretching, pull well, frame your back like two triangles, and even pump up your muscles, we start with a simple plank,
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classic, lie directly parallel to your mother , oh, now the arms and back are working out well, in general, balance... mom is also straining at this moment so that she doesn’t go anywhere, by the way, the children are progressing , the child is also learning balance, because you are like very quickly, these are real professionals, together with their mothers, they go to the park for special children's yoga classes, three in one it turns out to be sports and a walk, and most importantly - fun. in general, we need to talk about fun separately, you've probably heard that when you laugh, a huge number of muscles of the face and abdomen are involved, you want to pump yourself up, and this sport was created just for you, laughter yoga, take your best friends, prepare a couple of tales jokes and go to the nearest park. we laughed, now we can fly, just like that, right into
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lunch break time. one of the most popular trends in recent years, yoga in gomak, seems to be created for classes in parks. well, if you like to attract increased attention, you can’t do without elements of acrobatics. we take a stronger friend with us and set off to explore the direction of antigravity. here it is very important to trust your partner, so before going out in public, professionals recommend practicing the elements on the mats. by the way, studying together with colleagues is not only convenient, but very useful. yoga in the park with a coder, an accountant and a programmer can be done by any team. stronger, it’s good when it’s like this with colleagues and friends, but if you work remotely from home and the only colleague is a cat, we can try to persuade him to work out too. but if it doesn’t work out,
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we still go out to the park, and the lack of sports equipment will not be an excuse, because everything you need is already waiting for you in the nearest park or forest belt. the most important thing is desire, that’s all, you don’t need special suits or any equipment, you just need desire, take the first step, just collect. go out and do at least something, even if it’s even if you don’t know anything about yoga, even if it ’s just a walk or stretching to begin with, as the body tells you, it will always tell you, one of the practices that i did on the road, it i was in the forest, and there, instead of equipment, we simply used pine trees, trees, and so we did inverted poses, leaning directly on them. we can confidently say that even a minimum of exercises performed at your own pace will bring tangible benefits, the main thing is not to chase quick results, because activities in the park... with children, colleagues or solo are a way to lift your spirits, laugh heartily, breathe life to the fullest,
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and feel how little you need to be happy. to be happy, you at least need to be healthy, and summer is the time of spread of rotavirus infection. massive infections are being recorded throughout the country. in a holiday home near moscow , the infection was detected in twenty children, more than thirty boys and girls became infected with an intestinal infection in the penza camp, with a sharp increase in the incidence of almost one and a half times. faced the samara region, and traditionally there has been an outbreak of infectious diseases in the resort areas of the black sea. yes, according to the insurer, 88% of incidents are recorded in the krasnodar territory; the most dangerous cities are adler, anapa and sochi. we will learn about how to protect ourselves and our children from olga goryachevo, associate professor of the department of propaedeutics and childhood diseases of the pediatric faculty of the russian national research and medical university named after pirogovo. olga, good morning, good morning, good morning, well, we already said it. dangerous intestinal infections, and as if you probably know that summer is a time of sadness, most often it will force you
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on vacation, but on vacation that’s how it is, can you yourself distinguish between banal poisoning or heatstroke from a rotavirus infection, well everything is very simple, if not only you got sick, then most likely it’s an infection, if only you got sick, you were the one who ate that very last candy, a chocolate bar, which later made you feel sick, then most likely it’s a foodborne illness poisoning, and... heatstroke is still simpler than heatstroke, most often these are signs of malaise without a change in stool. if we talk about intestinal infection, directly, what are the reasons? yes, of course, a pond, dirty water, children putting water in their mouths on purpose or by accident, dirty hands, unwashed fruit, what else? people who are sick nearby, and this is also a story about the fact that you can lick everything around, this especially applies to their children, that is, you should not let children lick strange surfaces, stones there. stones and spit in your mouth, but for how long the infection can live on surfaces, well, roughly speaking, for example, yes, we are checking into some
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hotel room in which someone may have had rotavirus before, how long is there a risk of infection there, the virus can live on surfaces for up to 30 days absolutely calmly, if they clean the room there, it saves, or the problem, to be honest, is that chlorination does not definitely help. it all depends on what kind of means will be used to clean the room and how well it will be cleaned, well, that is, this requires special cleaning, and not classic room cleaning, which are usually carried out, i think that yes, you can somehow protect yourself, so i heard the advice that before the trip you need to drink sorbents for several days, in the first days of the trip you also need to take a spoon in the morning just in case, this is not evidence-based medicine at all, it doesn’t work, no matter how much coal we drink, unfortunately, it won’t... won’t save us, well, a conditional waste, of course, but here you have to be reasonable, if this is a small child, then be sure to vaccinate him, and
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besides vaccination can only protect if the child is vaccinated within a certain period of time, this means washing hands up to the elbows, not drinking from dubious sources and it is better to drink bottled water, wash vegetables and fruits with soap, and at least just wash them well, but regarding vaccination, i would like to clarify at what age it can be done, is it one-time for life or?


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