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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 8:35am-9:00am MSK

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the stress and deformation parameters were compared with the calculated values: the bridge across the volga, the largest construction of the northern bypass of tver on the m11 highway, length 738 m, width more than 24, height of span above the water 17 m, this will allow a large cruise ship to pass under the bridge. a block of floating houses may appear on vasilievsky island in st. petersburg; construction has already started, but the project has caused a lot of controversy. officials and local residents have questions for him. the arbitration court even intervened in the matter. details at sergei nechai. the wind of change blew in golerna harbor 2 years ago, a private company began advertising a tempting offer for exotic lovers: a floating house near the center of st. petersburg with its own garden, pier and terrace. according to the general infrastructure concept and design, 10 houses will be united or. as houseboats are usually called,
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the first one has already begun to be built. each house is assembled according to the principle of a designer, an iron frame, placed on these huge plastic pontoons, and then the aqua foundation is launched into the water and the residential building is completed there. part of houseboat. it is planned that the first five houses of the floating quarter will be ready by the end of the year. these are not the first floating houses in st. petersburg; several, for example, are moored at krestovsky island, and the project in galernaya harbor is an attempt. to create the only , albeit small, but full-fledged water district in the city. there is no development here and there will not be, and in general it is incorrect to call us developers, so we assemble watercraft here. according to the ideologist of the project anna afonina, legal ones are not houses, but small vessels. such buildings cannot be the only housing because it is impossible to register there. to each buyer who is ready to pay 20 million rubles for a future houseboat. they will issue a contract for mooring in the harbor. until
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2034 and a ship's ticket. anna herself moved from an apartment to a houseboat about 10 years ago. the european example inspired her to live an aquatic lifestyle. in holland, portugal, france, such neighborhoods are commonplace . the woman assures that everything has been thought out to the smallest detail with a connection to city networks and modern sewerage. we have all the engineering in a floating base, local tanks where the rack is assembled. water, and they are all in a pontoon, and this is an absolutely isolated system, that is , absolutely nothing gets into the water of the water area, but there is such a vacuum sewerage system, so we use it here, however, already at the initial stage of work, questions about the project arose rosprirodnadzor, firstly, the agency was not provided with a positive environmental assessment, which is mandatory for any construction on water. secondly, this video was taken by eyewitnesses, workers: as part of the inspection, we saw
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the presence of construction materials, including presumably waste, and further eyewitnesses, after our visit to the site , recorded a discharge into the waters of the galley harbor, thus indicating non-compliance with the requirements for the protection of water bodies, which can lead to pollution, clogging and or depletion. and the neva-ladyzhsky basin water administration, which issues permission to use the water area, paid attention to the conditions of the current one.
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as a result, the arbitration court banned construction in galernaya gavan until there is smolny's lawsuit against the implementation of this project was considered. the committee on state control, use and protection of monuments made a statement. officials demanded that unapproved structures be dismantled. however, in this story it is too early to put an end to the first hearing in the case. with
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a global opening. during excavations, archaeologists discovered evidence that stone age people, the same authors of rock paintings, never actually lived in this territory. anna leonova, more details. bird's eye view, good the scale of archaeological excavations on the banks of the kiya is visible. scientists remove cultural layers millimeter by millimeter, which are at least 10 thousand years old and reveal scientific sensations to the world. the most important sensation for us so far is that we...
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the model could not provide the population with enough food. the scientist still has to puzzle over the reasons, but there are facts that no longer require refutation. for the first time, archaeologists can say with confidence that the stone age people who made these cave paintings never no one lived here, no fishing or hunting tools were found during the excavations, but fragments of bright festive vessels were discovered. this means they were used not for everyday life, but most likely for sacred rituals. the color is unusual, rosy. indicates that the pot was covered with red paint based on ocher, and it was even brighter. tamara godina holds a 3,500-year-old shard with trepidation. ornament - atypical, sharp angles and luck. there are traces of soot on the pot, after an examination they will be able to prove that it is unlikely that people
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they cooked porridge in it. they drilled holes like these along the crack with a stone drill and tied them with some kind of ropes or plant threads. and for the first time on a geophysics expedition. echnothermal properties, what will happen if this pot is heated again, it behaves somehow strange, since no one has ever described it anywhere, so we again had a question, are these unique conditions for the burial of these pots, for example, we have high humidity, maybe it’s longer burial time, or maybe it’s... some kind of the special composition of the clay, all the artifacts found during the excavations will be sent to laboratories after the expedition, and the surprises of the kiin writings and sensational discoveries will definitely start talking loudly in the world scientific community in the fall. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk.
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the silk way rally has started in tomsk. riders will have to cover more than 5.00 km of off-road terrain. the route was studied by stas sredikultsev. we wish you better health! the cossack choir bids farewell to the silk road riders with kind words and bread and salt, tricks with they impress the audience with logs and checkers, until trucks break out into the off-road. the legendary rali marath silk road 2024 begins in the siberian forests. look at how andrei korginov leaves the start, the first special stage, in general, by the standards of marathon rallies, the sprint is only about 25 km. you. racing trucks, despite all their power , are especially
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slippery and cramped on the damp ground in the siberian forests, and spectators literally lined up along the silk road route for the first time in fifteen years the story turned into tomsk, they greet
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the day and at the same time drive quickly, carefully, not to break your car or motorcycle, but at the same time, since according to the results of today's special stage, the start is given tomorrow, in order to be higher in the starting table, you need to immediately drive quickly. equipment that conquered off-road terrain in the morning in all its glory conquers the hearts of citizens in the center of tomsk in the evening. the ceremonial start of the race is given by the minister of sports of russia mikhail dekterev, who could not resist the steel legend of rally-marathons, the racing kamaz sat in the cockpit. this is, of course, a masterpiece of our engineering and i am sure that it will perform well. we are open to the whole world and once again show that we do not accept any discrimination on political national grounds.
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we have good relations with the americans and the europeans, with everyone, thank god that they have enough, as they say, understanding that no matter how well they spoil relations with us because of politics, it’s a shame that they are forced, let’s say, not participate in russian races under pain of deprivation. red, juicy, very sweet, it’s not august yet, the first watermelons are already being harvested in the stavropol region,
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what kind of harvest is expected this year, report by alena klimenko. the ringing crunch of a watermelon says: the berry is ready to eat, the flesh is bright scarlet, ripe, sweet juice literally pours from each cut piece of watermelon, just what you need on a hot summer day. juicy, delicious watermelon. a little tasting right there. on the field, but this is a rare case for our film crew, the rest of the time all the watermelons are sent whole to the boxes of a truck, the foremen know how to recognize a ripe berry bakhchi. they sang a watermelon here, they sang it, look, the light has changed, it has become lighter, and these three lambs are dry, here they are dry and you can check by the crunch, press that it cracks inward, this is an early victoria variety, one the berry weighs approximately 5 kg. another variety growing in the neighborhood can compete with it in sweetness and size.
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rub the kremsan, they are big, about 9 kilograms, and these ripe giants also go to the car, and the rest of the fragile watermelons will have to bask in the sun for a few more days, the heat, by the way, is not scary for them; special irrigation technologies save them. each bed has drip irrigation set up, here, look, the water goes exactly under each watermelon bush, this allows you to control the flow of water, while preventing the plants from drying out or draining. to be saturated with moisture, now five ultra-early varieties have ripened, which were grown in field greenhouses, using film, drip irrigation, that’s why they are so early, that is , using the seedling method, we planted them in greenhouses back in february, grew the seedlings, then planted in the fields, this watermelon of dutch selection is called the pastana variety, it is distinguished by pink flesh, sugar content is approximately ... 12%. juicy, sweet. by the way, on the counter now you can see not only
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traditional varieties of watermelons, but also exotic ones, with yellow orange flesh, they have their own benefits. in general, varieties with yellow and orange flesh have been bred by breeders for people who are allergic to red pigment, plus a very large number of yellow varieties of watermelon and carotene. this is a substance that allows you to preserve. expected less than in the past, hot april, rainy may and not very warm june still managed to spoil the harvest, then a lot of pests appeared, such as thrips, aphids, well, we don’t see this as a critical problem, of course, that is okay, the watermelon won’t be very big, but the most important thing is that it’s delicious and sweet. so far, 10 tons of watermelons have been collected at bokce, but this is only the beginning. over the entire season, the plan is to collect 800
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tons of sweet berries, the peak of harvesting occurs at the end of july and august, the summer delicacy will be collected until the beginning of october, so that there is definitely enough for everyone, despite the spring surprises from the heavenly office. alena klimenko and vyacheslav gaidukov, lead the stavropol region. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. ru, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, see you later.
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the kakrod theater of art appeared over 500 years. era in all centuries there were actors whom contemporaries considered geniuses, but since the times of ancient greece, each of the artists performed in performances, as he saw fit, in russia, where the first theater was created in 1672, under tsar alexei mikhailovich , it was customary to play with pathos in a pretentious way, emphasizing intonations and especially significant words: love, blood, revenge. in the 19th century , a wonderful...
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in 1863, in moscow, in a wealthy large family of the alekseevs, a boy was born, who received the name konstantin. kostya’s father sergei vladimirovich, a foreman of the moscow merchant society, owned a commercial and industrial partnership that produced gold canidel. kostya's mother elizaveta vasilievna was the daughter of the french actress marie varlet and the russian merchant yashtulev. konstantin never met his grandmother, but he was sure that he inherited his love for art from her. konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky, russian and soviet theater director, actor, teacher, theorist, theater reformer, creator of the famous acting system, which
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has remained popular in russia and the world for more than 100 years. having been born weak and sickly, the ladies kostya straightened out and grew stronger, began to develop quickly , became the ringleader among his brothers and sisters, but there was still time for games in the house of the merchant alekseev very little time, most of it was devoted to study. in the spring of 1875, kostya immediately entered the second grade of the fourth classical gymnasium, located on pokrovka, in the former house of the trubetskoys, which muscovites simply called a house in a chest of drawers. in august 1878, konstantin left the gymnasium and entered the fifth grade of the lazarev institute of oriental languages, which in status was equal to the gymnasium course. but in the fall of 1881, he left the institute and went to work as an accountant of fractal metals in the office
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of his father’s factory. after 2 years he became assistant manager, then rose to should. alekseev converted the rooms of his mansion into a hall before the performances, and a theater outbuilding was built in the lyubimovka country estate. friends and acquaintances joined the household members who were captivated by the stage, and little by little a circle of theater lovers was formed, which began to be called alekseevsky, and more and more operettas and comic operas were staged.
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the circle did not attempt serious drama for a long time. in the fall of 1800... the alekseev mansions in carriage row, which muscovites called the house with pegasuses, in the house merchant korzinkin, where there was also a stage. the premiere was a success, and the marriage was then
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played out many times. other good plays appeared, but the audience, which became more and more numerous over time, demanded light zhadr, and this genre suddenly became dangerous for konstantin, because he was not only an artist, but also the chairman of the board. factories. for me, as a person of position, speaking was far from safe from the point of view of my reputation. i had to hide behind some fictitious name. in 1885 , konstantin alekseev took over the stage pseudonym stanislavsky. under this name he was recognized as an actor by the entire theater of moscow. and the first one. his directorial work was leo tolstoy's play the fruits of enlightenment, staged in 1891. his achievements on stage became
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so noticeable that the creative community of moscow offered him the honorary position of member of the directorate of the society of art and literature, a kind of club of art lovers, thanks to which konstantin sergeevich entered the first rank of the creative elite. soon. a dramatic drama appeared in society, in which the actor stanislavsky brilliantly played in various performances of the classical repertoire, and also staged many performances himself, which received constant audience success. on june 22 , 1897 , the famous actor and director stanislavsky and the famous playwright and critic nemirovich danchenko met in the slavic bazaar restaurant. both the acquaintances and the so-called historical dinner, which lasted 18 hours, led to unexpected results. they agreed to create a professional theater with
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a new form of ethics, a new dramaturgy with new ways of acting and directing. vladimir ivanovich nemirovich danchenko, russian soviet theater director, teacher, playwright, writer, theater critic, together with konstantin stanislavsky. is the founder of the moscow art theater. in the fall of 1898, the moscow art theater presented to the public its first performance, tsar fyodor ioanovich, based on the play by alexei tolstoy. we rehearsed in lyubimovka near moscow, the premiere took place in the hermitage theater building, which is in carriage row, just opposite the alekseev mansion.
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performance art, art experiences. the first technology is craft. it is based on the use of ready-made cliches, by which the viewer will clearly understand what emotions the actor has in mind. second technology. the art of experience, in which the actor experiences genuine experiences during the game, this gives birth to the life of the image on the stage. for the first time in the world, a theory appeared. role creation process


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