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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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stanislavsky craft, the art of presentation, the art of experience. the first technology is craft. it is based on the use of ready-made cliches, by which the viewer will clearly understand what emotions the actor has in mind. the second technology is performance art, which is based on the fact that during the rehearsal process the actor must experience experiences that he will not experience later in the performance. will only reproduce the external pattern of the steering wheel. and finally, the third technology is the art of experience, in which the actor during the game experiences genuine experiences, this gives birth to the life of the image on the stage. for the first time in the world , a theory of the conscious process of creating a role appeared, a system arose in which the development paths of not only russian, but also world theatrical art were laid down. at first
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, only students and associates of konstantin sergeevich called these laws the stanislavsky system, but soon the whole world recognized the system. the venerable artists of the art theater wholeheartedly accepted the creative discoveries of their leader and always followed them. after during the revolution, stanislavsky had disagreements with the soviet authorities, but subsequently the government of the ussr appreciated his contribution to theatrical art. konstantin sergeevich received the first title of people's artist in the country, and the moscow art theater was awarded the title of academic, it began to be called mkhat, a name that has been preserved to this day. stanislavsky described his system in the book an actor’s work on oneself, which was published in 1938, and to this day is the abc of acting. the basics of the system have been transferred
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stanislavsky's students in many theater schools around the world, where it is taught and used now. in 1947 , a studio was created in the usa, which produced a whole galaxy of first-magnitude stars, among them the famous alpacina. when the artist was asked in an interview how hollywood influenced his work, he replied: “i’m not from hollywood.” stanislavsky. the great russian actor and director died at the age of 75 on august 7, 1938. he was buried in moscow at the navadevichy cemetery. after stanislavsky, many theater workers tried create some semblance of his methodology. but art historians have invariably come to the conclusion that all attempts are based on a well-known system. and art simply doesn’t need another,
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the whole world will use only stanislavsky’s russian system. hello, i am very glad to be among friends, here i understand that the emotions that our pets give are of any kind...
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you know, i understand parents who do not want to have animals at home, despite all the persuasion of their children, let's be honest, no matter what the children promise, the responsibility for caring for a pet will fall on the shoulders of adults, but how happy i am every time when parents, even realizing this, give up. this is what happened to my guest today, please meet valeria lanskay and her son artemy, their favorite fanny. ask! valeria lonskaya, russian theater and film actress, multiple award winner for her roles in films, plays and musicals. in addition to her acting role, she has proven herself to be a talented presenter and is raising her son artemy. hello hello hello! hello, hello, hello,
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nice to meet you, hello, please come in , sit down, don’t come in, artemy, how are you doing at school, tell me, okay, what grade are you in? second, do you like school? ok, ok, mediocre, but what about the music? i like it because i got an a in the quarter, an a in the year, congratulations on this, and what class are you in, piano? well, yes, i have a separate piano class and a separate class for listening to salfe music at the same time, but all the children are so tormented by listening, i can’t, you know, what’s most unpleasant there in my opinion is, well, the rhythm. at do you have rhythm? no, bye, congratulations that you don’t have one, great, everything is ahead, welcome, thank you very much, yes, how did you persuade your mother to buy, have a fanny? well, i like animals, especially dogs, i understand you, they are friendly with themselves, sometimes,
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of course, biting, what my mother said to this, well, yes, in principle it’s possible, i mean, i mean, did she really agree so easily, tell me. this is such a story, a whole story, a whole story, well, if you can, tell me, jack russell lived with us for a year, yes, and it so happened that he moved with his owner to another apartment and stopped living with us, we had a drama, yes, that there was a dog for a year and now there is no dog, how can this be, there were tears, how i miss him, how i want a dog, and i don’t have anything remained, yes. except to get your own, so that you no longer have to depend on anyone, so that artemy has his own dog, a responsible choice of a parent, well, fanny appeared at your home, great, how is life with her, great, how old is she? 10 months, why is this breed, oh, there were many criteria, i
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can’t walk every day, it’s just impossible, especially in winter after the performance i return home at 13 at 12, at 6:7 we get up, and i just didn’t take it out... so that i can teach her to walk at home and do everything at home, and walk for pleasure just so that it was not interconnected by necessity, just by joy, she really loves, of course, to walk, run around, play with other dogs, but that’s all. we do it at home, it’s very convenient, do you take the dog out? well, we go out together, yes, how many times a month does your mother persuade you to go out, once twice, no, we often go for walks, especially at the dacha it’s generally cool, please tell me, maybe you are raising a fanny, maybe you are learning
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some commands with her, well, when she, well, when she is being bullied, then i raise her, how, i’m just saying that this is not possible, like this you can’t, that’s it, i’ll give you a tasty treat. show that you are her, what, what can you do with her, fanny, sit, sit, ah, well done, well done, well done, well done, great, well, you don’t regret that you got this dog, we don’t regret it at all, dance , dance, dance, dance, dance, well done, so much energy, amazing, valeria, how artemia has changed since the dog appeared at home, but he became more attentive, he began to clear the dishes from the table after himself, how is that? i’m also cleaning up after her, seriously, yes it helps, you’re cool, because my children say, i won’t take this into my hands for anything, you’re cool, the dog helps, of course, with the help of paper i take it like this, from you
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there are two cats living in the country, how they get along with the dog, they don’t climb at all, the cat is ready to protect his friend from the dog with terrible force, the very first meeting. my sister and i were killed by dogs and he just came to us came for rescue help and we took him in, uh-huh, we didn’t know, we thought, well, a yard, not a yard, white, handsome, then it turned out that he was straight from an angora, wow,
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just a beast, a beast, very scary, activity in at the moment, it protects us, yes, rather a little. there are a lot of performances, it’s true, everyone’s favorite ones always call those spectators, these are anna karenina, count orlov, monte cristo, the princess of the circuses and a wonderful performance of female happiness on the small stage, almost a one-man show, well staged according to the play by mikhail borshchevsky, how did it happen that in the circus princess there is not a single animal, but there are circus performers performing tricks, aerialists and well... what they don’t do, this is rare, well, probably unique, i have never seen such a spectacle of combining musical
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theatre, not operetta, but a professional, full-fledged musical, and a circus, not just a little bit, like a couple of tricks, just a circus, it’s very cool, so we strongly recommend coming and definitely watching, valerie, but you have gymnastics the past, you know this firsthand, i did rhythmic gymnastics as a child, but that was a very... not very long ago, of course, but some skills remain, i keep in shape, and there are splits and so on, in general - that’s cool, artemi, like you do with gymnastics, it works well, you can make a birch tree there in the rings, but what are you really doing with a birch tree, and even on the crossbar i can make a birch tree, so you’re a powerful guy, well, let’s do artistic gymnastics regularly, legs, socks, socks, one, two, three, blue socks, four five. 6 7 8 9 10 let's go down and jump off
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do you want to become an athlete? well why not, what do you want to be? well, didn’t you want to be an athlete? tell me, i can’t be such an adult, well tell me, what did you say about the screenwriter, about the director, about the animator, why not, why not, but in any case, listen, we don’t want to embarrass you , there’s definitely time to think, 100%, guys, we’ve been thinking for a very long time about what to surprise you with today, so that it’s something related to gymnastics, and of course, with an unusual animal that will appear here very soon, in general, this issue is right now, it is for you, so please meet alexey pashihonov and his pet cora. wow, oh, come on, snake,
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wow, what a shock, yeah, cool!
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have you touched a snake before? no, no, are you afraid? i just touched the dolphin, that's all. lyosha, well done, in general, excellent, please, your
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applause, alexey. lyosh, please come to us, let’s chat, we’re inviting vika’s mother to come here too. well, let's start with the main thing, this is your pet, yes, what's its name? maybe cora, and you can also, or k, ka, yes, ka, well , it turns out, such a russian mowgli, yes, and this is your friend ka, right, lyosha lives in the same apartment with snakes, how many of them do you have, four, how did this happen? we thought for a long time whether to get a snake or not, before that we had a lizard, my mother-in-law came to visit us and said: if you get a snake, i won’t come to you anymore, i understand your decision, perhaps this also had an impact, but she kept her word ? no, she came, of course not, we have a good mother-in-law, we are very lucky, i am very happy for you,
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good, so, you have your first snake, yes, you weren't afraid of the snake, were you? weren't you afraid for the child? no, somehow they weren’t afraid, he showed interest in him, he liked it, he touched them, he wasn’t afraid when she appeared, she’s our second snake, our first was a milk snake, that is, a little different, he didn’t i was afraid, i picked it up, everything is fine, everything is fine with him, he is not afraid, she makes contact, but listen, well, lyosha acts with this snake like with a tie, it hangs on his neck, you are not afraid that at some point she doesn't. i don't worry about how the snake does this performance, please tell me how she feels, how she reacts to it, how comfortable it is for her, mostly calm, of course, there are days, like all of us, when she is not in the mood to work at all, there are trainings, it just doesn’t wrap itself up in any way, this also happens, it just lies like a sausage, just yes, it leaves, starts
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running away, doing whatever you want, some of us have days like this, artemy, well, how do you like the snake? i’m amazed, i would like such a thing at home, maybe in a terrarium, valeria, well look, everything is perfect, you don’t need to go for a walk, you don’t even need a diaper, what will happen if artemi asks you for a snake, no, i don’t, i won’t ask under any circumstances, her nerves will disappear, that’s for sure, mom just has nerves everything will explode, i understand, this hobby is not for... thank you very much for being understanding with your mother, yes, maybe your mother will at least allow you, well, to touch the snake if you want, well, why not, where your head is not allowed , yes, why can’t you touch where the head is, well, because she might perceive it as danger, react, it will be like in the movies, no, they don’t choke right away,
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firstly, they first evaluate some kind of victim, that is, should they choke him or just try to run away? what do you like? please tell me, what do your pets eat? laughing, python, she eats food, baby rats and even little boys? no, it’s a joke, i condemn you, listen, don’t you feel sorry for the little rats and mice that are so bothered at first, well , you don’t feel sorry for the ice cream, of course, over time you switch to once a month, but she hasn’t reached that point yet, when you're little they eat once, two, three days, of course, well, i hope she ate well before filming our program, nothing threatens us, everything is stuck, stuck, the main thing is the tail, you probably shouldn’t touch it, so the tail is fine, but just
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like that , i think, maybe there is its butt there next to the tail, it’s already clear to everyone a long time ago, by the way, i didn’t know where the snake ’s butt was, even, moreover, i owe you, i never even thought about it, i didn’t think about it, i never thought about it either, where else do they have a conventional term, the common people call it legs, the legs of a snake, i mean, what kind of legs are they? where they have a butt, and why do they have legs on their butt? i wonder how they secrete water? performance, please, gifts for our dear children, wow, i love gifts, well guys, everyone has their own
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gift, lyosha, this is for you, thank you very much for the performance, thank you very much for stopping by, guys, good luck in all your endeavors, and what should i add, have a great summer, have a great summer, thanks for the company, we continue, artist. from monday on rtr. good morning,
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my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ordynka, on the ardynka. in this program, not only songs are performed, but also desires. my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding. my wife says, you don’t understand. fighting horseradish, what have you done, how could you, turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, just wait for me, through the rains they keep, the flowers of hope, still live in me. some kind of nastika, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, great guy, you should
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take it, on friday, you thought well, you have not work, not housing, nothing, dmitry, natal, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy. but i’m not sure if she will suit my father, he said that he will only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, to real love, just one kiss, oh, who taught you that kiss, let's kiss for real, well, that's a completely different matter, natosha, i love you, find yourself another fool, her wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do, i need it. place with accommodation on friday at rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he
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will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. let's train. how to walk on ice correctly? he will always give you a hint. how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a pan of fried potatoes for lard, sleep, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, so health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov,
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today on rtr, these dogs were victims of cruel human amusements as a result they found. her owner tatyana krylova, please meet her. tatyana krylova, a dog breeder of the american staffordshire terrier breed, has been working with the breed for more than 20 years, during which time her charges have won prestigious awards many times. hello, hello, nice to meet you, please come in, sit down, what are you telling me that bugatti dreams of climbing...


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