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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 12:50pm-2:01pm MSK

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lump, why lump? because the mother hit her daughter on the head and asked when 500 rubles. you will return 500 rubles. calm down, come on, come on, little hat, why was there a little hat, the little hat was on her head, the mother said, very much. go to the bathhouse, to grandma, to the bathhouse, to grandma, the box was too dirty, go, he says, to grandma, take her 500 rubles. bring it to her, bring her some pork pies.
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it’s impossible to tell a fairy tale with you, let’s better about three little pigs, about two little pigs, why about two, because pork pies, i’ll tell you better, my friends, about 12 months, yeah, a girl went into the forest to pick snowdrops, suddenly they saw... 12 men by the fire, barbecue, what kind of barbecue, the pig was too big, his brother was also with him , boor, nah-nah, then the month of april has risen, he says, you roll, roll, the girl is out of here... you roll, roll, little ring, to
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the spring porch, why are you freaking out at all, because you got me, i said , i’ll give it back when you give it back, soon, soon, the fairy tale tells, ivan appeared, not expected, not invited, turned the hut around, aroused the old woman. what's there, it’s a good thing, he woke up the old lady, one thing doesn’t interfere with the other, and the old lady says to him, hello, he says, prokhor chaliapin.
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she says: "hello, proshka." hello, he says: “ivanushka, oh, come into the bathroom with me.” why in the bath? the old woman was too dirty, what a black sea! fairy said to cinderella: “cinderella, go to the ball, but remember, as soon as the clock strikes 12, you won’t be able to buy vodka in the store, you won’t buy it, as soon as the clock strikes 12, the magic will disappear, well , that’s right, what a magic of anhydrous,
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why did you drink and because we made it to the store up to twenty, unlike this fool. if only i were a queen - says one girl. i would quickly give 500 rubles to everyone. i
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’ve had enough, you’ve already fed me up, that you’re freaking out, that it’s because you’re ruining all the fairy tales, but i’m the one ruining them, you’re ruining them, keep your 500 rubles. well, that’s a completely different matter, one two, three, here there are 300, you can count, and another 200, well, that’s another matter, so every concert, here i stand and fan myself, so let’s move on, well, now you can tell a fairy tale, yes from behind the forest... egor is coming to rospotrebnadzor, for what? check if everyone is in the fairy tale and wearing masks? in a certain kingdom, in a certain
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state, there lived a beautiful barbarian, 100 bucks. half an hour and the hen laid eggs, the grandfather beat and beat the grandmother on the head, that’s it, i’ve had enough, now i’ll be angry, yes, because i’m sober, yes, and today is friday, and there is no money, well, you don’t care, yes , no money, yes, okay, i have 500 rubles. give it to me, i’ll go to a restaurant, to a restaurant, yes, for 500, give back my kdam, i won’t give it back, finally, you gave it to me, gave it to me again, i don’t have it anymore, that’s the end of the story, whoever listened, 500 rubles, people kind,
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the first rows are 800, the balcony is 200, well, the audience is... light, fuck off, damn it, there’s no money, where to find that line between a fairy tale and reality, how much fairy-tale magic there is in life, if a fish speaks to you, maybe you’ll just stop trying, fools are lucky in our fairy tales from forever, that if you are smart, take a risk at least once, be funny, order, in the oven towards the side , crack an arrow from the fire, come out and taste us every day, we are waiting for you on thursdays , come in the morning at six, there are rejuvenating apples if the night is always dark but don't worry where
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let's make a funny fairy tale funny and then life will be good. since childhood, zmey gorynych dreamed of being a fireman, they don’t hire him, he got a job in a bathhouse, frying shish kebab, heating water , blowing steam, drunk three times so that they would stop drinking, the bun found himself in football, only he is our chance to beat everyone else, this ball is from he leaves all those who are not ours, only lets himself be kicked by his own people, and the little guy on chicken legs... has become friends with the two-story house, so they began to hatch out of the bush there, so renovation is going on in the forest, come visit us with you, bring us from your mothers, all sorts of different pies
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in a red cap, but without wolves, oh, how bright it is with a light bulb, wow, plop, fun paddle! eh, laughter dissolves evil, like in a fairy tale, we are all very lucky, like in a fairy tale, we are all very lucky, thank you. lord, are you sure you can handle it? look at rtr, i’m asking for official permission to look after you, so don’t allow it, look after you,
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did you sleep raw, so what, how is she doing, oh, well, i don’t know, well, what can i say, now that’s all all? that getting married, everyone sees us, the town small, everyone knows about each other, hears everything, they found the killer, just don’t talk to anyone, okay. we agreed, he will tell everyone everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed, and i will run away for now, okay, raya, raya knows everything, so contact me from monday, on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task, everything is on the board open, we’ll handle it, if you ask, it’s a catch. what character's name from pushkin's works does everyone know,
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what is 7 and 8, 7 and 8, how much will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what... also geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr. “your husband died, the entire debt is now on you,
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in 3 days you will bring the entire amount here, i didn’t even know anything, how can you live with a person and not see that he is dying before your eyes, your daughter-in-law, according to the law, half of oleg’s share is due, i definitely won’t live with her, that’s what you come up with, you don’t want her you will kill, victoria, sunday on rtr, provocation is..." behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism is a parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts we watch. do you
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really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well, let's go home, to the imminent marriage, wait, well, vika, yes, by the way, his eye lit up for you, maybe 20 years ago you were looking for happiness, but now it has been found, i 'll take her. to the question: do you use the internet, 100% of respondents answered in the affirmative, this is the result of a survey conducted recently in...
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the opportunity to find a thousand dollar bill in a spring jacket. my advice is this: you need
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to give your body a shake-up once a month and don’t go online. keep in mind that nothing helps with housework more than having the internet turned off. and that's enough scare about the end of the world. this is not scary for anyone, it’s better to scare everyone with the end of the internet. it’s a strange thing, life is virtual, even if it’s electronic, but it’s still real, it’s easier to communicate here, it’s harder to offend, here you can. everything is really confused in this little world, here feelings always fit into lines, when the internet disappears, you can immerse yourself in your thoughts and seriously turn everything on, girl,
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excuse me, but where is this vegetable stall that was here just now, and this is us.. . there is, only now we have gone online, everything is for the convenience of our customers, but can i have this? this one, just a minute, to place an order, you must call first, we have an online store, where to call? 8 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800, this is the area code, the phone number is 800, again, maybe, i didn’t remember. 8 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 phone number 800, well, i’m calling, hello, you called the online store of fruits and vegetables, now all operators are busy, please wait, one minute, i have an important call, wait until the end, operator
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zinoid how can i be useful, listen to the girl on the phone, on the phone, say hello, girl, yes, yes, you can hear me well, hello, hard to hear, maybe like this , this is better, yes, you don’t want to, like this , great, stay like this, girl, i want to make a purchase if you want buy carrots, press one, if you want to buy betting onions, press two, if you are interested in participating in...
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we have an online store, lord, hold on, how do you give me a passport, but how should i give it? well, you’re here, and i’m there on the internet, send me a scan of your passport in electronic form, as soon as you open it on the first page, take a photo and send it by email. to what mail do vegetables dot fruits dog yum disappeared well sent everything i can already buy yes of course please come up with a login and password for whom login for tomato thank you login for tomato password idiocy some hello hello you are going somewhere
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i say idiocy this is bullshit thank you so, remember, to enter your personal account, use your tomato login, password, idiocy, bullshit. that's it? yes, of course, that's all with registration. now let's complete the purchase. listen, there's only one buyer one thing, here's the seller - one thing, here's a tomato, it's one, is this information enough already? almost. what is its diagonal? i don't know what diagonal a tomato can have. are you choosing tomatoes for the kitchen or the living room? for the kitchen i will choose it, i will eat it under the table in the kitchen, without washing it, you know, i will sit all night and eat this tomato, which means a kitchen 1.7 inches is enough, the picture will be juicy, saturated, how many megapixels, what oh , sorry, i got busy, i looked in the cucumbers column, what else is there, now that’s all, yours
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the order is in your cart. are you sure? just a minute, i'll clarify. man, why are you slowing down, put the tomato in the bag. well, thanks for waiting. yes, your item is in your cart. now i can go and pay. how will you pay, cash or card? cash, it's faster. to transfer cash, write the details of our store. account number, correspondent account and nann. about grn, kpp, bik, oknh, okato. i will pay by card. the terminal is not working. why are you asking if the terminal doesn't work? tomatoes, pick-up, take-out at mouth, you see, i’m about to take out my tomato, thank you for your purchase, we will be glad to see you again in our online store,
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well, that’s unlikely, men, go, i have an important call, with this work i won’t be able to do my repairs, hello, hello, yes, this is a renovation apartment, hello? hello, the remote service for online apartment renovation is listening, there is a virtual molar on the phone vasily, if you want to renovate the kitchen, press one, if you want to renovate the living room, press two, come up with a login for the bathroom and a password for toilet, and do not forget to change the number in your personal account. my collection contains many curiosities related to music. for example, a certain romano mirida from the colombian city of bogata
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was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and since he behaved well, his sentence was reduced by several years, but merida refused to leave prison. the thing is, without his beautiful voice. the prison choir couldn’t get by, the management allowed a penalty lover to come to prison for life and sing in the choir, this is a love of art, or something like this an incident in the city of toronto, where the metropolitan opera theater came on tour, for some reason the performances took place in the sports palace, where hockey competitions are held. after the performance, the journalist called the director of the opera to ask whether you were satisfied with the result of the performance. the director replied: “i think that if hockey players performed in our opera, it
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would be much worse. well, what can i say: the artists of the oblom duet, whom you will see now, themselves also represent a musical curiosity. to a first approximation, if listen to them, that's two. in my table, in my small bedroom, among
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the toys and toys, there is a photograph of a young wanderer. the smiling gaze does not look into the soul. above completely, i can undress there, otherwise
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i’ll sleep with someone, palm trees in pairs on the shore, seagulls, in pairs, waves running, seagulls, in pairs, palm trees, in pairs, dogs , in pairs, cats, in pairs, pigs, in pairs, cows , bars, birds,
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shield me with your hand, shield me from the background moon, i am ready to be led by you, the lower the love, the higher the love, the higher the love, the higher the love, the lower the kiss. i'm crazy, i'm crazy, what a shame, efim shifrin was drawn to sex in this monologue, so we follow him. these are young, so
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-called comedians, who always speak only in this direction, openly, without shame, reminding me of hooligan boys in the gateways, so we were drawn there, apparently, one woman admitted, and because a woman in a rumpled bed always feels rested, rejuvenated, and... he was like a stallion, snored, kicked, bastard, girls, they don’t say sex, they just call it romance, as they say, whoever you mess with, that’s what the children look like, another woman told me, my husband told me to be less predictable, so i
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got fed up at the climax. but because he said that he was a man of the machine, but it turned out, oh, a children's train, the kriktel puffed, oh, and he has his own version, all wives are like wives, but this one never has a headache, never, she sighed, oh , man. they love beautiful and inaccessible, oh, i’ll go put on my makeup and lock myself in the safe, and you know, now in moscow in the spring and autumn there’s simply no one to work in these strip bars, it’s a session, but you know how vovochka skipped a whole semester at the institute and
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is coming back. back to the institute, marya vanna tells him, where have you been hanging around all semester? he says, marya was sick, why are you lying to me, don’t be afraid, you were hanging around this striptease with the bar, why was marya sick, don’t believe me, don’t lie to me, i saw everything from the stage, and we also read the advertisement, visit the stripbar coligula. "plunge into the world of greek luxury and roman debauchery, well, why not take a plunge, the course is 500 rubles, inexpensive for roman debauchery, well, they sat you down on the sofa, on table, whiskey, twilight, on the podium these girls are marching naked,
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only panties are from greek luxury, and one blonde from the platform comes down to us, the waiter whispers: don’t touch with your hands, you can put money in the ropes if you are a true connoisseur of beauty, and how much is required , no matter how much you don’t mind, or rather 100 rubles. i put it like that like a beauty connoisseur, then i feel the second blonde rubbing instead of the first one, the waiter whispers, well, don’t forget to know. and i looked around, and there were 15 girls in the chain, multiply by 100, 1500 rubles down the drain for each, with such a striptease you yourself will leave without panties, we took so much whiskey in one gulp to relieve tension, we didn’t have time to finish drinking, the girls squeezed in again, and this waiter wags his finger, saying don’t forget to know, when the girls went around the third round, we howled from roman customs, and this is blonde
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to me... her face smiles, she thinks, i ’m putting money in her panties, and in the twilight, smiling at her, on the contrary, i take it out. and so all 15 of them took turns, when they got out to the car with their friends, they spoke out, because of which the roman empire collapsed, i say, wait a minute, who said that on you can watch experts for free, the grandmothers counted it, 25 thousand rubles came out, no, when i have a hard time with money, i personally plunge into the roman one to sort it out.
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lenischitsy in the previous episodes, we will have our own separate apartment, refrigerator, tv, tape recorder, nina takes ivan away from her friend masha, and why did you come for soap? he exchanged me for another, we are in love, but just before the wedding she runs away with someone else, seryozha, wait, now nimka has been taken away, come to life with this, out of grief, ivan proposes, and will you marry me or will you already you will start to swear, and zoya understands that she will have to fight for her happiness. i’m inviting you to vasel’s day today, where to go, you know, come, i need the baby, and i ’m afraid he’ll leave, limit girls, continuation, we’ll watch rtr on monday. altai,
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a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region. picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, belukha is especially rich in glaciers, a double-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend you can find the entrance to shambola, belukha is the highest point in siberia and the cradle of great. altai river, katun. a pearl among the mountains, lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its
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mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. great guy. you have to go on friday, you thought well, after all, it’s not work, not housing, nothing. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i ’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he will only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on me girl, real love is just one kiss away, who do you think you are?
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that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white suit, and i start, suddenly mark antolyevich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, as a man, i am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i’m still giving up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday
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on prt, the gang's third outing is in just 5 days, in moscow, the devil knows what rumors are circulating, they even came up with a name, a death's head, a gang of ordinary people does not kill , only criminals, andrei smolikov, these bandits know too much about our repeat offenders, viktor dobronravov, what else about the gang? the gang works in threes, the threes are not related to each other, but they have a common leader, nickname, artist, andrei merzlikin, whatever . death's head if i'm not with them i can handle it, they won’t forgive me, daria ursulyak, the death’s head, i heard about her, the artist, you don’t know who he is, yes, i don’t know yet, alexander ustyugov, we are all under suspicion, everyone, marina alexandrova, they will kill you, your chain sorotz, alexander gorbatov, i’ll give you 24 hours, otherwise i ’ll kill this whole gang of yours according to the law of my kindness, artist, death’s head, but... get ready
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for rtr on monday. i often read to you excerpts from modern russian wit. in order to do this, you need to turn over 100 times more materials than remains as a dry residue. these balances are updated every six months. but... but over six decades, i have compiled a comprehensive mosaic of our wit. we always had a lot of wits. someone noticed that if two wits start arguing about which of them is sharper, then keep in mind that these wits may become dull. but they didn’t become dull. many jokes have remained for centuries. judge for yourself how... bonfire. the famous actor of the alexandrinsky
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theater vasily andreevich koratygin, a wonderful artist of the past, was present at the funeral of the famous gambler, cossack officer s. when asked how he liked the funeral? the question, of course, was unexpected in itself, but the journalist got it right. i liked it, that's the main thing. but what is the question, is the answer. witty, great. russian actor karatygin replied: “a magnificent funeral. first there were cossacks with spades, then musicians with tambourines. there were clergy with crosses, then the ess himself with hearts. behind him came queens, aces, jacks, and finally twos, threes, fours.” and sixes. they don’t come up with anything. the minister of education
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and the minister of health failed to pass the unified state exam 10 times. lost consciousness in line at the clinic, the deputy died of hunger, having lived for a month on child benefits, only after that pensioner ivanov released a goldfish into the lake, it will appear soon. a tax called just like that and a fine, what difference does it make, for what? the play on words is very interesting, a comedian always feels the word, he should in any case feel who came before us, these are the ancestors, who will be after, descendants, and we turn out to be tutki,
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i would say, if smoke spreads along the ground, go back, turn off the iron , if it rises like a pillar, you don’t have to come back, this one i always really liked the phrase, it had a good idea, he timidly looked into the neckline of her dress, she was wearing blue shoes, that ’s how quirky, in the village of kukueva they encountered a bentley with a lamborghini, the traffic police officers who arrived at the scene took pictures for 2 hours. more from the news: japan bought the rights to show
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the film sex and the city, and now it will be called chpokyo in tokyo. hello, radiva, radiva, please play a song for our boss, and i’m walking around moscow, yesterday his license was taken away. boy petya hit the labor teacher’s fingers with a hammer and received a high five. new souvenir cuckoo clock, every hour the cuckoo comes out and voices to the minister of finance
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: “dear citizens, your money is peek-a-boo! here someone suggested, let’s do the opposite, to allocate money from the budget for operations for sick children, for fees for football players their trainers, collect with the help of text messages. what does your applause mean? they mean complete agreement, this is such a signal, since the audience applauded. the mood was
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so bad that even the liver. offered me a drink. now i thought at 2:00 in the morning, and put the drill down and picked up the guitar, there’s a lot of fun here, and everything is different, as you can see, the buyer, dissatisfied with the quality of the manure, couldn’t do it. find the right word to describe the product. the conductor on the bus is a man, the horns need to be wrapped with a rag or something else. you are on public transport, not in the forest. why
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are you touching your head? they are sticking out of your backpack. lucy ran away from the maniac so quickly that already on the second lap she caught up with him and attacked him from behind, so the reaction was very strong, yes so i call these things pearls, pearl translated from greek as pearl. natasha always greeted the grandmothers on the bench, so she was considered the most polite prostitute in the entrance, one there said: oh, okay, all women get fatter over the years, there was a time
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when i weighed 3,600, she’s right. the cuckoo asked: how many lovers will i have, so this is the gouge, when it started cuckooing, oh, i had to hit it with a stone, i also found a prostitute for me, maybe i and the wives went,
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it means that the woman hung a notice in her kitchen, i don’t eat after six, my husband finished writing in the morning, he called me the one and only, he said: “you’re a bitch like no other, i like to take my husband in the car, he yells, swears, smears his hands, emotions are overflowing, but then he sits at home, quietly silent, happy that he returned home. my husband comes. from a business trip, immediately runs to the closet, opens it, no one, an impudent voice from the bed, and here i am, a drunk man, coming home at night, but at the same time i don’t understand that he is already at home, opens
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the refrigerator and slams the door as hard as he can, which means. , like this he clapped, saying: “chief, you'll take two to gogol, no, to hell with you." and so, all night long. "ef, on gogol two, you'll take, no, to hell with you, in the morning he sobered up a little, saw that he had broken the refrigerator door, took him to to the foreman, until the wife woke up, the wife got up, saw that there was no refrigerator, said, what a nasty one, he left after all." my
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wife in sex is like a train on rails, how is it then, then, then, then, then, then , hairdresser, we’ll wash your hair, yes, what’s there, give everything a bath, one visitor writes on the internet: i met my grandmother 89 years old, i buy her bread, milk, sometimes a chekushka, she once told me, you’re going to die, i’ll be left all alone, an advertisement on the beach: a girl with a bust size of 5, stop surfing near pensioners, the ambulance can’t handle it. hello, good night, can you hear me? 3:00 am, who are you? this is your
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student’s dad, elena vasilyevna, you are sleeping, of course, and we are sawing chestnuts, piercing acorns, preparing a craft for your school competition tomorrow, goodbye autumn. girl, girl, you have a bag.
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black humor, but i only recognize black humor the one when the listener understands that this is a joke and not mockery of something. a man is about to commit suicide, standing on a bridge, preparing to jump into the river, suddenly someone taps him on the shoulder from behind. sorry, please don't take the kittens. two blondes in the car listen to the navigator, after 300 m to the right - he reports, after 100 to the left, in
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the next minutes the navigator is silent, one asks why he was silent, where to turn, the other replies, are you stupid, we’re not alone on road, he is now telling someone else. now the woman is in the elevator i tried to press the twelfth floor with two buttons one and two, you fool, you can only get to the third floor, wits are always on the alert, noticing nuances, weaving such things, only having time to follow the play on words. here 's a game, a homeless person at a doctor's appointment. hello, doctor, my stomach hurts,
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what did you eat yesterday? ate a pigeon, and you ate a naked pigeon, caught it, crushed it, and ate the head of a pigeon, and you ate the head of a naked pigeon, and ate the head, head, of a pigeon, uh-huh, and you ate the naked head of a naked pigeon, and the bare head, a naked pigeon. “we are born with a cry, we die with a groan, all that remains is to live with laughter, health to you
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in all organs, happiness to you in all corners”! money in all pockets and smiles for life. special edition of the program hello andrey, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of baikal on the amur mainline.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, sovereign, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you? wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look, the ox
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is shaking, the walls are shaking , came. big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects, i i love plants, i'm generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtl.
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on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are performed, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, wife says no you don't i understand, you fighting devil, what did you do,
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how could you? through the rains, they keep the original flowers, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. recently it turned out that in the same language that doctors write. announcers at stations make announcements, but i must say, it’s not always inaudible, sometimes it sounds intelligible, attention, the ambulance train from chelyabinsk is meeting, your train is delayed
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by 10 minutes, you can still meet the passenger one from khabarovsk, in 20 minutes, there are also people going there, they will be pleased, what is not happening in this anthill? a railway worker asks a man running after the trains, waving his arms: citizen, are you late for the train, no, damn it, i’m kicking him out of the station, a taxi for suitcases is inexpensive, one suitcase costs 100 rubles. two suitcases 200, three suitcases free, i’ll let you steer the cart, i agree, boss, go for it. touching for a fee, young man, firstly, i was the first to come, secondly, i’m older, maybe give in, but i was the first
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to sit down, chick-chick, i’m in the house, if i were you i’d i moved more with your weight, boss, let's go, i understand, i ask for your train, your carriage, the moscow train, let's go to the boarding station, present our tickets, seat thirteenth - bottom, seat fourteenth. upper happy travelers, we get out of the trailer, we get out, mourners.
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eh, you probably want to change? no, i like it where it’s higher. young man, tell me, have you ever seen an avalanche? how are flatbreads made? how does a roller lay down asphalt? will you see? maybe it’s not necessary, well, how will it turn out, the shelf is narrow, the rails are crooked, the carriage old man, the road is long, the road is long, you
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will suffer without sleep, you will wait until the morning for a surprise, even if you don’t get enough sleep, but you will learn, just in case.
1:52 pm
so you know, i would like to warn you right away, this is a classic, you need to listen to it in silence, preferably in the grave, wolfgang madea mozart is a little night serenade. what’s
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the matter, i asked, it’s worse for you, i’ll start earlier, you’ll last longer, mozart, a little night serenade, well, what is it, i understand, you do n’t care. and i should play, although i feel sorry for you too, wolfgangka, amadeus mozart, little night serenade, i hate it, this is a flute, this is a flute, this is a flute, if you blow here, mozart will come out, so it’s better not to blow. although
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you have to live somehow, wolfgang, amadeus, mozart, a little night serenade, summary, this is brahms, here are the classics, stealing melodies in black, from tchaikovsky. they stole a symphony, a symphony at the station, he wrote an opera, the opera wrote: “watch your things, palfganka modai motart, little night serenade, i hate it, i’ll tell you more, it’s still funny, it means chikovsky is walking through the station with chupaev, he says, let me introduce yourself vasily." tchaikovsky is very
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nice petka, there’s also anna karenina, that ’s how we met, wolfgang mazart, a little night serenade, in general he wrote a lot of little serenades, but this is nothing to look at, it’s some kind of
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trick . patapam. enjoying life while using humor is a very right decision that needs to be made several times a day. step over sadness, you smiled, then everything is fine, laugh more often, be happy, and let the smile become your exercise, just like that.
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vladimir petrovich, you are dressed, sorry, just kidding, look at rtr.
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igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you take me for a fool, well , honestly, look at the weekend, i should know who i’m dealing with, who sent you. before she died she told me about you, and i foolishly decided to see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood. you and i, you have a miracle brother, if that, and you have a miracle sister. give this girl some money and that's enough. i know that she is my daughter, she has
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no one but me. i think i'm in love. and, i love you, dad, you know, i love you, not like a sister. swing. today on rtr. the news goes on air on a russian tv channel. i greet you, i, maria sel. hello. the russian army liberated the village of sokol on the pokrovsky sector of the front. the spaniards, having worked in one place for 2 hours, always
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change positions, but the equipment does not turn off. and at the new place, literally in 10 seconds, rpkpan comes from the duty room.


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