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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:51pm MSK

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i fell in love and i love dad, you know, i don’t love you like a sister, kochel, today on rtr. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitdel, hello. the russian army liberated the village of sokol on the pokrovsky sector of the front. the spaniards, after working in one place for 2 hours, always change positions, but the equipment does not turn off.
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we are all one big country, i don’t even want to leave here, this is the meeting place, the russian exhibition at vdnkh is preparing to close in all its glory, this is the russia exhibition. at the elections president of iran, the reformist masoud pezeshkan won. i have never seen a president with a 36% rating get re-elected. i don't believe this is my approval rating. biden's first interview after the disastrous debate.
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whether he convinced voters? well, after the tv interview, back to the future. i'm staying in the race, i'll beat donald trump, i 'll beat him again in 2020. this weekend , the rise of the unique soviet aircraft tb-3, which lay at the bottom for 84 years, begins on lake ladyshskoye. we are exactly at that point, below us the plane is now down. and for the first time, the turkish series bahar premiered on our television. 3 2 1 motor and fill in at the beginning of the release new data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation: over the past 24 hours, our military liberated another settlement in the donetsk republic - the village of sokol and units of the center group of troops defeated the ukrainian formations. in the area
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of ​​selidov and toretsk. total losses of the ukrainian armed forces in all directions. almost 2,000 people per day. but this is footage from the poltava region. our iskanders dealt a new blow to air defense systems of ukrainian militants. two s-300 systems were destroyed. according to the ministry of defense, combat control vehicles, vehicles and personnel of anti-aircraft missile crews of the ukrainian armed forces were also hit. the crew carried out new attacks on strong points and manpower.
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changes positions greatly, the equipment does not turn off. in the avdeevsky direction, the military equipment of the position of the central military district is protected from air attacks by the batteries of the pantsir air defense system. the operator of the complex with the call sign kinzhal tells us about the most frequently hit purposes. their speed is at the final speed. at the stage
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from 300 to 500 m/s they usually go in a cluster, descend to their destination in jumps, the altitude drops, in addition, missile attacks... their speed can reach 100 meters per second from a very high altitude they go almost vertically downwards, we find that we disrupt combat alert in areas of work of units of the grouping center are carried out in any weather, night and day, there is only one meeting. west, this t-90 is operating today from a closed firing position, which is located kilometers four from the lines of combat contact. a mechanic-driver with the call sign taxi driver tells us about working on the front line, which
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is called direct fire. fear is always present, but when you shoot from her in the shelter, the rap is also muffled by the birds, so you have a direct surge of adrenaline, you are the whole crew.
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this is an excellent example of the brussels bureaucratic nonsense that did not allow finding a path to regulation between ukraine and russia. if we want to achieve an end to the fighting, we need a political, not a bureaucratic, approach. and also orban criticized the north atlantic alliance, called nato's policy towards ukraine suicide and said that starting monday he would continue efforts to find a solution to the crisis. hungarian mit. against the backdrop of disagreements with the european union, he even canceled a meeting with german colleagues in berlin; there is no need, the head of the department, peter szijart, dryly commented on this decision. and the famous american journalist takir carlson asks the question: why orban is the only leader in europe trying to stop the complete destruction of ukraine. any,
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“whoever opposes this supports evil, ” carlson wrote this question on his social network page. robert fitzo also supported orban. slovak prime minister. for the first time he appeared in public after the assassination attempt, he attended the celebration of the enlighteners cyril and methodius. in his speech, fitzep emphasized that if it were not for his health, he would have gladly come to moscow with the hungarian prime minister. among other things, we are criticized for the fact that we have a clear opinion on the need for a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict. by the way, sorry for being blunt, but i i want to express my admiration for viktor orban for the fact that... he did not doubt, but went to kiev to moscow, if my health condition allowed, i would gladly join him. the slovak prime minister, while he continues his course of treatment, let me remind you that in may fitsa was attacked, he received several wounds and underwent a number of operations,
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the criminal was detained on the spot and accused of assassination attempt for political reasons. a state of emergency was introduced in buryat due to natural fires, which were engulfed in flames. 2000 hectares, due to the abnormal heat more and more new ones are appearing outbreaks, temperatures in the region remain around 40°. the trans-baikal region is languishing. forecasters have already called the weather there unprecedented. in the capital of the region, even in the morning hours it is more than 35°. under the blazing sun, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and the grass dries up. and the weather gave residents of the central part of russia a short respite. the temperature dropped by 15° immediately after the strongest hurricane. it hit several regions the day before. in the moscow region, one person died; in moscow itself, two people were injured by falling trees. more than thirty damaged cars. and at sheremetyevo airport dozens of flights were postponed due to the weather. passengers are reporting record crowds in
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waiting rooms. about the rampant nature, igor roslavtsev. remove fallen trees and repair roofs. the capital is recovering from yesterday's disaster. after the abnormal heat in... this is how the final chord of the work week sounded in the capital region. the first blow of the elements on yourself. moscow region, wind, clouds, rain and pea-sized hail, like this, because of the rain there was a july ice drift in moscow region, it’s all floating ice, it’s hail. the hurricane interfered with the schedule of air flights in moscow and the moscow region; nine planes that flew to sheremetyevo went to alternate airfields. those who wanted to fly from this airport in the evening and at night found themselves in queues. some flights were delayed; judging by the online board, we had to wait from 30 minutes to several hours. the ruler of the fortress, as arkhan is translated from persian, came to moscow from the west, this is footage from
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the stankin tv tower, it flooded the whole city, roads turned into rivers, parks were closed the day before, in the evening the owners of underground parking spaces decided to follow their example: props, plywood, sandbags, everything went in, these are shots from the kaluga region, nothing is visible beyond arm's length, the wind picks up and how the fluff is carried away by the trampoline, it is not surprising that the trees could not withstand the blow of the elements, here you are... central russia, in addition to kaluga, the yaroslavl and ivanovo regions were flooded, in the latter 63 settlements were left without electricity, this is 701 private houses, in which almost 2.0 people live people, the regional ministry of emergency situations reported. in total , more than 100 settlements were cut off in three regions. now in the cities of ivanova, kaluga and yaroslavl it is slightly less than 20° c. it got colder too. in these morning hours, compared to what happened in the evening and at night, the weather has cleared up, although it is still
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quite fresh outside, and the sky is gray and there are clouds in some places, today the forecast is again possible for rain , gusty winds, and then the bad weather will go away, tomorrow in all cities where the elements have been rampant, it will be sunny and warm, the thermometers will show more than 20°, although the capital's weather forecasters promise muscovites a new heat wave. on monday 29-31° on subsequent days of the work week 27:32. igor roslavtsev, ekaterina cherushova, pavel bitrynsky, anastasia roif. news. a large-scale parade was held in venezuela to mark the anniversary of the country's independence. over 15 thousand military bolvarian national armed forces marched solemnly through the caracas square. russian crews of ships of the northern fleet also took part in the procession. during the construction , the country's president nicolas maduro went down to
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military personnel to separately greet our sailors and thank them for strengthening the strategic fraternal ties between the two states. let me remind you that at the beginning of the week, part of the naval group of the northern fleet, including the frigate admiral gorshkov and the supply tanker academician pashin, entered the port of venezuela as part of a long-distance voyage. this weekend on ladash. lake off the coast of karelia, work begins on raising the unique soviet aircraft tb-3, which lay at the bottom of ladyga for 84 years. a new one is dedicated to what this amazing plane was. a film by sergei brilev, which was filmed in carili, the moscow region and brazil. the dive was going to be a very difficult one, more than 70 meters, a dive like going out into the open. space, right now, now there will be a blow to the bottom, il will rise from it, but when the suspension settles, we will see the steering wheel, but once again
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the steering wheel is from an airship, both pilots were constantly at the control rudders: the comrade’s comrade, the pilot of the water drunks, so this is the one who in 1937 was the first in the world to sit on the north pole, that’s right, it was a grandiose triumph for our people, our aircraft, ant-6 aircraft or otherwise tb-3, what is the difference in... in which city in the world do most italians live? this is not rome, this is not naples, this is contrary to stereotypes, well, those who watched it is not new york, this is brazilian sao paulo, this brazilian, a descendant of italian emigrants, claudio lukesi, is not just a fanatic of aircraft modeling, but also the publisher of the largest latin.
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yes, yes, such strategic aviation, and we also think that you, like us, will gasp when, from the documents of the central archive of the ministry of defense, you find out who was next? the helm, which now at the bottom of ladager, an unthinkable coincidence, but for now an excerpt from another film, which itself, the legend, the planes, ours, in the film based on the book by konstantin simenov, living and dead in june '41, soldiers watched in horror as german vultures watched this pride of soviet aviation torn to pieces. but after the war
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, we ourselves destroyed the remaining such aircraft, saying they were old, but this, in fact, legacy haunted a group of our friends, true enthusiasts. your layout will be larger than that of your brazilian friend claudia, the models are yes, that’s all good, here are the real cars in full size, as i would like to see, there are none of them in the world. a year after the epic with the conquest of the pole in 1938, the mosteh film studio shot a film about a tb3 deep raid. attention, attention, listen to the emergency message from the government. the imperial air force treacherously attacked the soviet union.
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we're above the city. give me the first bomb. the film was positioned as fantastic, but fulfilled the ideological goal that we will fight, quote, with little bloodshed on foreign territory. when in the next frames the engines are started and hundreds of such cars actually fly to iron out the aggressor, this is no non-combined shooting. and the soviet air force met the filmmakers halfway, and the industry produced exactly a hundred such airships in the thirties. dropping amphibious tanks on... tb3 became a flying aircraft carrier, fighters were attached to it and jumped from it in the air, which, with their limited range of action, ended up where needed. well, how come we don’t have a single copy of such and such aircraft? here
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we will introduce you to another of our interlocutors, the one who collected documents for us on tb-3 in the central archive of the ministry of defense. why did we treat the legacy of the war so lightly, why were they all sent for melting down, for anything, but not a single copy. well, unfortunately, we always later realize that we once did something wrong. in this diagram, yellow is what scattered, and green is what remains of the tb-3, which sank to the bottom lake ladoga but until now only robots have examined it, but now divers have also been there. we just surfaced, the guys, of course, had to come to their senses after this, they were very tired, well, noticeably, however, the coordinates of both this plane and two more, which the finns then forced to go into forced action, were only the most approximate, we are these three planes were looking, well, or rather, something from what was in the archives, we were looking for almost 5 years, the ship was set on fire by mister shmit 109 fighters, the crew
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jumped out by parachute, receiving strong burns, landed at the location of our troops, but this is exactly according to konstantin siminov. they saw, right above us, they saw our falcons, like blind kittens, that is, the nameless pilot with whom simenov is talking, this is tikhon ivanovich waiting, yes, yes, it’s possible to lift, no, i think that it will be possible to lift, because that piece of frame that we have is perfect.
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watch sergei brilev's film this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel. a special award ceremony took place in astrakhan happiness. its participants for the fifth time were parents raising children with disabilities. this year , seven more new regions joined the project. many applications came from residents of the donbass republics. the goal of the project is to attract public attention to families with special children and provide support. parents, in addition, within the framework of the project, participants share their experiences and exchange successful education practices, this is a unique project that today has proven its worth, it was invented and organized by caring people who really put their soul into this project, and thanks to this project, today there are 57
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laureates from different parts of our country, from sevastopol to the altai territory, and today they became laureates, which unites this family, mothers, fathers, relatives who are raising special children - this is an incredible strength , incredible willpower, fortitude, and this front of the fight for our children today is precisely led by those who care for their children with their hearts and souls. vdnh zaryadiya park, the victory museum and, of course, red square. in nine large families awarded with the orders of parental glory and mother heroine arrived in moscow at the invitation of the president from different parts of our country. in the capital, in addition to excursions, they will visit the vernadsky circus oceanarium-zoo. vladimir putin invited large families to moscow a month ago during a video conference. let me remind you that this year a unified status for large families was established in russia, which is important for determining social support measures. today at vdnkh there will be a ceremonial closing of the international
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exhibition forum russia. over the 8 months of operation , it was visited by more than 17 million people; guests got acquainted with the achievements of all regions of our country, major corporations, federal structures, public organizations, and also saw advanced technologies. breakthrough discoveries and major victories of russia in industry, culture and sports. in honor of the closing of the exhibition, the organizers prepared a large festive program. will continue the topic. olga armyakova. there is nothing like this anywhere else on the planet, in terms of scale and design, so that everything is in one place immediately a unique, vast, multifaceted country in all its beauty, this is an exhibition of russia, where the past, present and future are intertwined together. from the western borders to the eastern shores, 1/6 of the land, the journey along which begins at this point, the main arch of vdnkh, and such a picture is here every day,
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an endless stream of people, my friend and i live in different cities, and it so happened that we together we came to the russia exhibition, because this is a meeting place, you can imagine how many children are here, in general, we are also here with children, we simply divided them here according to interests, and we are already ticking the boxes, so we were here, we will come here again, 8 months. works as an exhibition, it would seem that during this time everything can be seen, although the scope is such from atom to space that the pavilions cannot be seen in a week, but it ’s not even a matter of scale, the exhibition is constantly updated and becomes a reflection of a large country. the main goal was to show everyone, especially our children, how much has been done in the country over the past few years and that there are so many reasons to be proud, we succeeded, that's why we have 98%.
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and almost 300 more couples in love, perhaps the best results in the year of the family, which was also solemnly opened at vdnkh, and speaking of results, over 18 million people visited the exhibition, and this is every eighth resident of russia. friends decided to leave, we had to get up very early at 5 am to get to moscow, stand in line, when we entered, we realized, of course, that it was not in vain, it was not in vain that the chairs were traveling to the capital and even in the queue to enter, such was the excitement at the winter konica. that the exhibition will end soon,
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i would like it to continue, but this is truly unique, you come to the capital of our country, here you meet several regions, here you meet beauties, here you meet people, first of all, these meetings will continue, even though the exhibition is finishing its work, part the exposition will disperse to the regions, but the forum management will simply change its registration from vdnkh to the expo center, there will now be a national center russia, it will show how... what opportunities for development do every resident of our countries. olga armyakova, philip dubrovsky, alexey karpukhin, maria dementyeva and pavel alekseev. news. bright costume, national crafts and unusual sports. the kolomenskaya reserve museum celebrates bantuy today. the organizers have prepared an extensive festive program. groups and performers representing a variety of russian peoples perform on the central stage. stylized farmsteads from the last century appeared in the park, where you can get acquainted with
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the life of the residents. there will also be national dishes, you can taste them on the kitchen area peoples of the world. you are looking at the following topics, then we will talk about the results of the iranian presidential election, about biden’s new interview after the failed debate about the high-profile premiere on our television from monday. more on that in a few minutes. i’m inviting you to a housewarming party today, what do you say, head of the family? why did she move, what does she need, wants ivan for herself, a clinic, on monday on rtr.
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we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to
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the doctor when... we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. anyone means there is a reverse side with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit everything. body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body comprehensively, run yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtar. you are mine, and you are only mine, and you are mine!
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“stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money, everything is fine with oleg, in what sense, maybe he has some problems, there was an accident with your husband’s car, get out from here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me a very large sum of money, victoria"? i always feel like someone is watching me, sunday on rtr, love, separation, we have you have a ticket, a special edition of the program hello andrey, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the baikhal of the amur mainline, we didn’t just work there on this road, people invested in their
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lives, it’s difficult for an artist to leave from monday on rtr,
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with us, if it’s sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday , then folk. we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. you watch the news, we continue the release. ukrainian militants today in the morning shelling of donetsk was resumed. arrivals were recorded in the kiev district of the city; a civilian was killed and another was wounded.
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the number of victims also increased after yesterday's strikes by the ukrainian armed forces. as a result of the terrorist attack on donetsk and volnovakha, five people were killed and 26 were injured. several emergencies ministry employees who arrived at the scene were also injured. almost 200 different types of ammunition were fired, 18 residential buildings and 25 cars were damaged. fighters of the north group, according to the ministry of defense, destroyed equipment and manpower in the areas volchanska, starets and liptsev, this is the kharkov region, and the enemy is making desperate attempts there.
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the fighters of the southern group worked harmoniously, and a complex attack on the ukrainian defensive unit was carried out by crews of anti-tank missile systems, tank and artillery units. most of the militants were destroyed on the spot, and those who managed to survive hastily fled, leaving the remnants of weapons and equipment in their positions. and new details of ocheretin’s liberation were told by stormtroopers from the center group. it went under our control in early may. so, according to the soldiers, they had to enter the city. in small groups through the trenches, and the decisive factor was the effect of surprise. today is the last day of an exhibition of captured nato equipment in the sverdlovsk region. armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles,
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tanks, and all-terrain vehicles captured by fighters from the center group were brought to the urals from the northern military district zone. a total of more than 130,000 people came to see the once formidable fighting vehicles. report by kiril bortnikov. the caterpillar was hit. a couple more drones they have already hit the guidance systems, this is one of the key exhibits of the exhibition, the american abrams tank and more than ten examples of other nato equipment, but the children are interested not so much in the technical characteristics, but in how the combat vehicles hit the front lines. ours stung this example, did not completely destroy it, put it out of action, the crew left the car and when the front moved back a little, we took it. to see so close is a unique opportunity for the children of the special operation participants, their relatives are now at the front dealing a serious blow every day to the enemy, i feel the pride of our fighters, they work every day, fight, we wish
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them victory, so that they win, a sense of pride for our fighters, well done guys, in the main part of 14 exhibits they were knocked out and captured by military personnel.
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ural the exhibition will open in chelyabinsk on monday. kirill bortnikov, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov and lengaleeva, conduct the sverdlovsk region. masoud pezeshkin will become the new president of iran. as a result of the second round of elections, he managed to gain the support of almost 54% of voters. now he will lead country, at least for the next 4 years. vladimir putin sent his congratulations to pezeshkin. in a telegram, the head of state expressed hope. that work in the new position will contribute to increasing cooperation
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between the two countries, including in the interests of stable regional security. pezeshkon himself is considered a moderate reformer from the islamic republic in his homeland. report by vitaly kormazin. there has not been a runoff in iran's presidential elections since 2005, with two candidates leading in all polls during the presidential election. race, the first round did not reveal the winner, and in the second the former minister officially won. healthcare of iran masoud pezeshkin, out of just over 30 million voters, 16 supported him. here are the final election results, in total we counted 30,530,157 votes, masoud pezeshkin scored 53%, said jalili - 47. the turnout was almost 50%, this is against 40 in in the first round, the candidates were level, obviously, such competition added interest to the vote. the day before, the spiritual leader of iran also noted this. i heard that this time people are voting with
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with great desire, praise be to allah, if this is true, if this is really so, then this cannot but rejoice. the president in iran is the second person after the spiritual leader, the winner of the elections, masoud pezeshkian, a former field medic and heart surgeon, was the minister of health of iran from 2001 to 2005. he is called a moderate reformer, who, however, according to experts, will continue iran's foreign policy, determined by the spiritual leader. islamic republic of iran. the flag of belarus was solemnly raised today in beijing. the ceremony took place at the secretariat of the shanghai cooperation organization. let me remind you that 2 days ago the sco summit in astana. belarus became the tenth member of the international association. since 2010 , the republic began interaction with the sco as a dialogue partner. after 5 years , it received observer status, and last year it began the procedure for joining the membership. joe
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biden considers himself in excellent shape and is confident of his impeccable reputation among democrats for holding nato together. the first presidential interview is being discussed in the united states today. after a disastrous debate with trump. the twenty-minute conversation was supposed to convince americans that their leader is capable of leading the country for at least one more term, but in reality, biden only had to fend off awkward questions. it turned out unconvincing. as a result, three democrats. in congress, after the interview, they expressed support for biden, and a whole group of senators, on the contrary, is preparing a new call to refuse to participate in the elections. more details about everything, denis davidov. biden's first interview after disastrous debate they ask him first. the president attributed his failure to illness; he fell ill on the eve of his meeting with trump, but the journalist doesn’t really believe in colds and openly hints at problems.
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biden does not specify where and when he stopped putin, and his interlocutor does not ask. journalist george stephanopoulos is his own man for the president, a democrat, a raft of flesh.
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i'm staying in the race. i will beat donald trump, i will beat him again in 2020. and by the way, we will beat him back in 2024.
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biden lasted 15 minutes on stage in front of voters. on over the weekend, he again flew from the white house to his house on the coast to relax. about the battle in the kharkov direction, how they managed to destroy 11 ukrainian combat aircraft in a week. what did orban bring to see putin in the kremlin? the positions of the two sides are very far from each other. new details of the peace mission of the hungarian prime minister. what did
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moscow offer? not some kind of pause. russia stands for a complete and final end to the conflict. rat marathon, democrats vs. biden. how i kicked this old, worthless pile of junk. who stayed with joe except from the wife and son of a drug addict. why disney netflix's biggest backers refused to fund the company. so will biden stay or go? why admit that you screwed up? you know, i screwed up, i caught a cold? and loves to sleep, i rule the world, the us anthem on bandura, our striped flag instead of a puppy died, it looks a pity that with zelensky, why did he stop being rude, forgot about the borders
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of the ninety-first year, why is he asking for a meeting with trump, what does right... turnaround for the eu. who is winning there, the extreme nationalists or macron? what do we have to do with this? results of the most important european elections live. who does larry from downing street serve now? and why didn’t a prostitute help usunak? and ulyanovsk region. the legendary loaf, the first car, irreplaceable uazs, powerful ruslans. the endless mother volga, why simbirs is not only the birthplace of lenin, but also the letter y. watch the big news, on sunday 20. today
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, one of the first presenters of the program, aza lekhichenko, passed away. she was 86 years old, the legendary announcer of central television for many years told viewers about the main events in life of the country has won truly popular love. good evening. hello comrades. songs advice. the composers are performed by the male vocal act of the likhochev automobile plant. according to the ussr hydromidcenter, today in turkmenistan it is 23:28, in the southwest it is up to 33° c. on screen, she maintained an impeccable image, reserved, but always confident and open. since childhood, aza vladimirovna dreamed of becoming an actress, but life decreed otherwise. she got on television by accident through an advertisement, but from the very first days of direct the air became for her. premiere on russia tv channel. from monday on our air is the turkish
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tv hit bahar named spring. a dramatic, multi-part melodrama about a housewife who decided to radically change her life. the series became the highest rated on turkish television this year. unlike many other projects, the number of viewers grew from episode to episode. the plot twists were appreciated by anastasia letvinova. she lives the life of an ordinary housewife, cleaning, cooking, husband, family and children. you don't even know when the shirt was ironed, the blanket put away, and breakfast prepared. but the children grew up, the mother-in-law became even more picky, and her husband stopped noticing her long ago; he is a successful surgeon and is building his own career. good morning, good morning, doctor. and she only remembers that 20 years ago she graduated from the medical institute and could also become a doctor. i haven’t treated anyone for 20 years, am i not lying? please, i beg you, help! but it’s hard, having fallen ill and finding herself on the verge of life and death, the main character bahar seems to wake up, she
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no longer wants to turn a blind eye to her marital infidelity, what are you doing, your son is here, we need to be more careful, or regret the missed opportunities, she decides to return to the profession to her dream to herself. application for internship bahar ozden. she closed her eyes to the existing problems for a long time, but now it’s as if she has woken up from... a wonderful, strong feeling, and as for men, in all our tv series they are unpleasant creatures, they cheat with all their might, in fact, i
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just like talking about women more. for turkish tv series, sets are usually not built in pavilions, literally like for the series bahar, they take an entire building, decorate and rebuild it like a real hospital with operating rooms and wide hospital corridors, and at the director’s command, 3 2 1 the engine starts. urgent surgery, dr. evren, i told you my blood pressure was dropping. all other scenes were also filmed in real locations in istanbul ; the streets were not even blocked during filming, all in order to convey the atmosphere of city life, to make this story as close to the viewer as alive as possible. i really liked the format energy and dynamics of this project. there is a women's question, women's history, the rebirth of a woman, but everything is presented without unnecessary drama and suffering, with a certain amount. and bahar, what are you doing, what’s wrong with you, where did you end up, you ended up right in minisk, how...


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