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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 7, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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that mr. trump, as a presidential candidate , declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in ukraine, we take this quite seriously, i am not, of course, familiar with his possible proposals on how he is going to do this, and this is of course a key question, but i have no doubt that he says this sincerely, and we will support this, in conditions of global super tension, it is clear that even at 5:00 in the morning, when putin’s plane landed, there was journalistic excitement at the airport, well, our cameramen again saw unusual footage game shadows on board number one are two extremely busy days, different time zones, long-term meetings, physical exercise helps, but for some it is still difficult to help, judging by these... the russian
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delegation has a schedule scheduled minute by minute. these are lavrov, ushakov and shugaev, obviously in upcoming negotiations with the head of china. preparations for the meeting were already completed at that moment. one immediately notices the size of the hall prepared for negotiations between vladimir putin and sizempina. as always, very large-scale. we looked up, now we decided to check the fortress of the crowns, one, two, three, something about this, apparently, was confusing. one, two, three again drew attention to him. only a month and a half has passed since the recent meeting of the leaders of russia and china, here are new negotiations, meetings, so much so.
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they often talk, of course, about a lot of things, here is a new handshake between the leaders of russia and china, they communicated in a friendly manner, every second at every stage putin does not sit down at the table until, traditionally they sound, dear friend, familiar words, my dear friend, i very happy about our new meeting, but accidentally caught emotions speak better than any words. lavrov sees someone he knows well. dear friends, chairman. among his chinese colleagues, putin even winks at some. how did the negotiations with the head of china go overall? great, great. complete, complete understanding. our cooperation is not directed against anyone. we do not create any blocs or unions. we are simply acting in the interests of our peoples. the negotiations are over, look, but
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vladimir putin and sidimpin continue the conversation already, as they say, on their feet, in general, every minute, every second here is used to resolve the most important issues relating to bilateral relations, of course, to the situation in general in the world. these moments were not included in public broadcasts; only our program was able to capture such footage; it is unlikely that at that moment the leaders had time to inform that video shooting had resumed. it is more valuable to see non-protocol communication, smiles, agreement with each other, exactly what the leaders announced a little earlier, publicly in the presence of video cameras, to maintain a commitment to friendship forever, to make tireless efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interests, as well as the basic norms of international relations, after the meeting this very communication on feet continued for several minutes. and
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the assistants, not understanding how long this unscheduled part will last, decide that they need to close the doors from prying eyes, but the concern turned out to be unnecessary, because after that the leaders almost immediately completed the communication and the doors began to open again. the leaders of russia and china say goodbye until the next day, sidimpin enters the elevator, leaves, well, she. the program rushes to find out how the negotiations went and what was discussed? substantively, bilateral relations, all areas, and exchanged views on regional problems; in the context of ukraine, by the way, the futility of any formats without russian participation was clearly noted. the presidential press secretary was on multiplex in those days. there are a lot of questions on all the screens, and even on the plane the photographers were busy . such positions for filming, and
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the journalists almost risked their health, you won’t fall, it’s clear that first of all i was interested in the details of the negotiation. with other leaders about ukraine, and putin was directly asked why not turn to the legitimate verkhovna rada? of course, you can appeal to the rada, but in conditions of usurpation of power, the ruling elite in ukraine is pointless, because they are illegally in power and do not even appeal to the constitutional court to confirm their powers. all powers should go to the rada, but it does not take these powers for itself. such an obvious change in the rhetoric of the current, well, let’s put it this way, ukrainian leadership, which either has leadership or no leadership, but nevertheless suddenly has less categoricalness, it no longer says exits to the borders of the ninety- first year, well, he could just as well say tomorrow, something exactly the opposite, we will count on
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specific deeds, and we will only value specific deeds, evaluate them, and what they say every day, well, there is such a proverb about having, well... that’s why it’s better not to base your policy on this, but to determine your actions based on those tasks who were delivered as part of a special military operation, it was ukraine that refused negotiations, and did so publicly on direct orders from london, which means there is no doubt about it from washington, which ukrainian officials say directly and openly: the istanbul agreements have not gone away, remain... on the table and can be used as the basis for the continuation of these negotiations, when our troops stood near kiev, we received a proposal and even a request from the western partners to cease fire in order to certain things were undertaken on the ukrainian side, and we did it,
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the ukrainian side did not stop hostilities, and then we were told that the ukrainian official authorities could not control all of their armed formations, so we were with... the armed conflict. we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that would make their army and be ready to continue irreversible and would be acceptable to the russian federation. turkish journalists, yes
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and many members of the delegation. emotionally excited. for obvious reasons , there are negotiations one after another at putin’s residence, but in the meeting with rdokan it is clear that there is interest on a special scale, there are too many different nuances and sensitive topics. the first second of the meeting, we are watching what is said in open mode, and we will try to find out what happened in closed mode. we are going with you to a bilateral meeting of the presidents of russia and turkey. see and hear all this so much that putin tells erdogan. as if nowhere here to trip over. erdogan welcomes the russian delegation. lavrov answers like this. the turkish president seems at home here, listens
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to putin and doesn’t even think about transferring. the russian president nevertheless reminded whether it would be better with a translation device. of course, first, again about economic cooperation. and akyuyu nuclear power plant. it’s always nice when the president of a friendly country begins his speech, remembering our objects, that’s when this happens all the time. turkish partners see how rosatom, russia really treats the project as if it were our own, you know, as if it were our own, as if we were building it at home, for ourselves. that's how it really is, you see. how much do sanctions prevent you from working there, if they interfere? yes, of course they interfere, of course they interfere. the system of mutual settlements is under attack, they are hungry for money, they... the americans who go between our legal entities, between our banks, well, a lot of little things arrive, well, it’s like dogs barking at the caravan, who’s stopping us, it’s well known what’s helping us - this is the political will of the president erdogan, we resolve all issues, all these issues were resolved in a closed format, can we
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close the doors, please, but before closing, the massive doors made this sound: when the doors closed like that. they talked about ukraine, and putin was also later asked who could be a mediator during the crisis, they always advocated negotiations, never refused them, to finally end the conflict with... with the help of mediators only through them, it seems unlikely to me, unlikely the intermediary will be empowered sign the final documents, and moreover, lead to the signing of even the final documents, who can give powers to the mediator such that they could put a final point to put an end to this confrontation, i just think that this is unlikely, but mediation, since, for example, mr. erdogan did this during our negotiation process in istanbul, we will bring mediation in itself. talk about difficult issues again, an opportunity to introduce them again. erdogan insists on visiting turkey. at the very
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i'm waiting for you, mr. president, in my country as soon as possible. thanks a lot. and when the meeting ended, the leaders demonstrated that it was clearly a success. there were many important conversations, meetings that day, before the meeting, and many times it was clear how other countries treated russia and its foreign policy, here is the head of the boat after shaking hands with putin, the beginning of negotiations with the leader of pakistan, putin in those moments when one meeting ended, but...
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they are sitting on the kremlin floor, all the places in the press center with journalists are also occupied,
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an amazing case, no one here knew 100% at that time, so with whom are the negotiations, the regime of complete secrecy until the last, then 15 minutes before the start peskov reveals his cards, that is, now negotiations between vladimir putin with putin and orban are expected here, yes, who arrived on a working visit to moscow, ukraine to discuss, naturally, including soon at these doors. the prime minister of hungary appears, and hungary is now also the chairman of the council of the european union. viktor orban begins negotiations with vladimir putin. vladimir putin begins sentences with victor. our program immediately manages to see. at the beginning of the meeting, the minister of foreign affairs put a folder with documents seemingly next to him. but when the operators were asked for premises.
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what is the status of the presidential assistant here, as an assistant to the president, i seem to be working for now, thank you, as a participant, as the head of the negotiating group, assistant to the president, the composition of the delegation on our part at such negotiations, who determines it, the president of russia, the president, the presence of vladimir medinsky there says that he continues to act as the head of the negotiation team, that’s right, he actually led the negotiations, so of course the entire array of developments is supervised by him. now, of course , there is no negotiating group, because there are no negotiations and there are not even prospects for negotiations, but what was developed in those
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old istanbul agreements could be some kind of basis for resuming the process. orban's arrival in moscow caused a storm among eu politicians. however, even six months ago they were indignant at the meeting of the hungarian prime minister with putin in china. it is also clear that now, well, he obviously faces obstruction from his western colleagues. this is how you generally feel about such methods. belongs to the small cohort of european politicians who know how to defend their interests, do it persistently, consistently, and, in my opinion, quite tactfully. our views with him do not always coincide; moreover, we are often on completely different platforms, but this does not stop us from talking and looking for solutions to some issues, some problems. one can absolutely highly appreciate orban’s firm, understandable, consistent line to try
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to compare the positions of the two sides, he was in kiev, now he is in moscow, and he is only curious. that he said that there are fewer and fewer countries that are able to talk to both sides. i am very grateful to you that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to accept me. of course, this has not happened in the kremlin for a very long time, probably the last time before february of 2022, when numerous negotiations on ukraine were also taking place here, a huge number of journalists now they are heading to the catherine hall. where, as expected, vladimir putin and viktor orban will make statements to the press, perhaps they will be able to ask some questions, we are watching with you, at least how the atmosphere of the negotiations was, the atmosphere was generally good, we managed to come to at least some compromises, i can say that many issues were
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discussed, including, of course, ukrainian, which was the main one. the ukrainian issue was among the main ones, yes, now the president and prime minister will talk about this, with these words the minister of foreign affairs of hungary leads away minister lavrov from the audience, can you talk more? all the news from such important negotiations was published earlier than others in the zarubin telegram channel, you definitely need to subscribe. lavrov then returned, and the president and prime minister continued to communicate. the russian foreign minister was simply attacked by journalists. i can't talk at all right now.
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communication channels we will not achieve peace, peace will not come on its own, we need to work for it, they worked together for several hours, they go to journalists, putin quickly begins to read out his statement, sentence after sentence, but after a few seconds it becomes clear
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that something is clearly wrong, peskov shows the translators standing nearby, join in yourself, but i’ll try... decide to interrupt the president, peskov catches a pause in the text, but the translator makes up her mind - please cough into the microphone, please, please, apparently, due to the fact that the visit was organized on the fly, the translation was not instantaneous through headphones, but sequential, when there are no headphones, and the interpreters translate phrase by phrase into microphones,
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that is why i was in kiev last week, that is why i am now in moscow, and i realized that the positions are very far from each other, many steps need to be taken in order to get closer to the end of the war, but we have taken the most important step, made contact. i will continue to work in this direction. there are more and more signals that nato and european allies are beginning to prepare for an outcome of the us presidential election that they, as they say, do not like. and they are preparing in the sense that they are already gathering some guarantees to issue support to ukraine, that no matter the outcome of the presidential elections, we will still support the kiev regime. well, that’s what they say, yes, but i can’t imagine that all the people who utter these words...
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so that putin and orban can continue
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communication, relations between the european union and russia are now at their lowest point, of course, mr. prime minister outlined in generally familiar to us from the western point of view, nevertheless we are grateful to mr. prime minister for visiting moscow, we perceive it as an attempt to restore the dialogue and... give it some additional impetus, is it possible to restore relations with europe, in general it will take years or decades, in your opinion, to restore at least to twenty, to the level of twenty-one, it’s hard to say, yeah , i don’t have enough imagination, i don’t have enough, because even hungary, which is part of the european union, is now being disgraced for its connections with moscow. we are a sovereign country, and i don’t think we should think about it. goodbye, goodbye, victor. leaves the kremlin, these personnel, but you and i understand that this is not just the departure of a european leader, now from moscow you and i see, we understand perfectly well that most likely viktor orban
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is leaving from moscow to his home with some, perhaps, signals, some... then, perhaps, with messages from moscow to other western politicians, together with you we will monitor the development of the situation. european leader orban leaves the kremlin at the russian senate. the manufacturer of these cars is under western sanctions, all these public details of the visit are now being discussed by the media, but much big politics should remain a secret, this is how the hungarian minister communicated with colleagues, covering his mouth with his hand so that no one could read anything on his lips; at the sco summit, peskov, the chief of chinese presidential protocol, also spoke on the phone. well, putin always has important documents close to his heart, only journalists leave the room.
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lavrov also acts, such large summits, always brings a lot of unusual shots, because a variety of situations constantly arise, they talk about which a variety of journalists. surprisingly, the closeness of the two countries is evident even in this: chinese hongs, xidimpins and vladimir putin's russian aurus are parked together, look how close to each other, today vladimir putin and xiding ping are together again at the back table of the shanghai cooperation organization summit. major political events are often called historical by many journalists, but this does not always correspond in reality, but today this is definitely a historical summit,
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the sco has officially expanded. these are not people for him, here our well-known vavano lexus recently spoke with hillary clinton, who directly told them: “under no circumstances should you continue our common cause.” well, this is, in fact, where we are now. clinton thought she was talking to poroshenko and insisted on continuing the war, and before the ukrainian crisis , for two decades, the united states destroyed the entire system of international security, withdrawing
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from one treaty after another. it was all done by the usa, we sometimes hear from the united states states, that they want to resume conversations on this topic, well, it’s not clear, sometimes they want it, sometimes they don’t want it anymore, during the last period of president obama’s administration they gave us signals that they wanted it, then suddenly they stopped wanting it, now during the election campaign, and one that is of a very acute domestic political nature, it is impossible to say that we can now establish some kind of constructive dialogue with the united states. we need to wait for the elections in the united states to understand the mood and preferences of the future administration, we will they are ready for this, but russia cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that the united states, after withdrawing from the inf treaty, has actively taken up shorter-range missiles. as for the deployment, i said that we are declaring a moratorium on the possible future deployment of our respective systems until these reagent complexes
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appear somewhere.
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the principle of equality of all states is observed there, and these countries, in which half the world's population lives, together declared their common, very important position against placing any weapons in space is still a signal to the rest of the world about how we feel about the militarization of outer space. stras has a very negative attitude towards the use of the american currency as a weapon, when the dollar printing press only works for the benefit of the united states, it harms the rest, this cannot but worry. the sco countries are moving towards creating their own payment systems, essentially an analogue of a common currency.
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partnership, taking into account the volume of trade and economic cooperation, considering the role of india in regional and international affairs and the role of russia. it is obvious that the agenda will be rich, if not overloaded. this will be an official visit, and we hope that the heads will be able to communicate in an informal setting, and , of course, negotiations will take place in a narrow format, directly in the kremlin, in an expanded format, as part of a delegation. rumors have just begun to spread about this visit, and immediately there is powerful jealousy.
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the plans are again such that even for us it will be very difficult to be on time everywhere, we expect very important, full-scale visit, so significant for russian-indian relations, the leader of a country of one and a half billion people will make the first visit after re-election to russia; according to information from our program, there will be not only official communication with putin, but also many informal moments, and after all, india is a geopolitical giant, western countries in the last 2 years they also tried to subjugate. its, as they say, rules, i can’t imagine that fashion can be frightened, intimidated, there is such pressure, i know, last week putin took part in sco summit, this year we are presiding over brix, so next week the president will speak to
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participants in the brix parliamentary forum, putin will also hold a meeting with members of the government, with permanent members of the security council and will communicate with the finalists of the all-russian competition, this is our family, another important for...
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a seizure among western partners. the reason for this is a visit to moscow. the main subject of conversation was possible peace negotiations. we think so. i really don't know what's good because real big politics is not born in front of a camera, not on the air, and not the way macron did it, when people sit, film, and partners don’t say anything, that at that moment a dialogue is written, i think that what happened much more than just a visit by the leader of hungary to russia. that is why barel says that
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the eu council did not give orbán any mandate to visit russia, and stoltom said that nato did not give it either, and is really looking forward to details from these negotiations. wait a minute, what is a negotiation mandate? is there such a form? who is a barel, an insignificant official, to indicate to the leader of an independent country, whom the people elected. of this country, if you think about it, who is barrel, a european official, leaving to state his claims to the leader of the country, who at this moment in time is delegating the powers of, as i understand it, the main one, yes, the main one in the eu, well, in general, yes, suddenly he , someone on the salary starts saying: we didn’t give you a mandate, but show me... this mandate, this is what we’re talking about at all, that is, this
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already raises the question of how powers are distributed within the eu, that is , it turns out that you have whoever you want there, let your eu head on rotation, for six months or however long they have six months, but at this time do not dare take a step to the left without the permission of insignificant bureaucrats, so it is not very accidental. .. look, orban turned out to be much larger
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than hungary, relatively speaking, with all due respect to an independent state, but orban pulled the political weight of hungary to a level that would seem to be a country with such a relatively small population, economically, here we have several examples, similar examples alexander grigorevich lukashenko, well, a country of 10 million people, for all that respect is not the greatest, but what a striking example it sounds like. silvia berlusconi, whose name i read in the telegram channel, after which the milan airport will be named, because it was berlusconi who brought italy to a completely different level of international sound, turning it from a beloved tourist power and high fashion there, to a serious political player, but this was because that what we see now is no longer about what. that is, if berlusconi was a person who pulled italy along with him and raised it
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to a higher level, then the current citizen, well, it’s just her policy, it stinks, it’s impossible to talk about it at all, putzary, a wonderful italian verb, that is, well, this is it indecent, that is, it is not necessary at all, that is, this is impossible, while the statements that were, that is, all the accumulated ones are better than...
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well, listen orban, putin is more than 100% rational person, when he negotiates, when he starts judge to explain things, when he puts forward proposals, they say:
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that is, this vulgarity cannot be called democracy, at one time i infuriated the british journalist stiva, whom sergei viktorovich lavrov mocked when he told him that listen, well, and compared british cuisine with that , what do they think about it, i
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said, well, you can’t eat it, that is, well , it’s so boring, i just can’t understand how to correctly call british cuisine tasteless. he decided that the russians had some kind of cunning form of supporting each other, well, because the next prime minister of small britain, came under the slogan: change begins
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right here, said that there will be no changes, said that we will also support nato, ukraine, well, he will end up the same way as all his predecessors, a colossal failure, because the curse . the more he talks, the scarier it becomes. now it turns out that he doesn’t know what year he promised to defeat trump in 2020, that is, he is actually now living in the opposite direction. guess what, they're trying to get me out of the presidential race. allow me i need to be clear: i'm staying in the race, i
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'll beat trump, i'll beat him again in 2020 . although on the other hand, what else can you expect from a black woman, no, you may think that i want to offend someone, no, biden, a free man in a free country, finally felt who he really is and declared himself a black woman. by the way, i am proud that i, as i said, am the first vice president, the first black woman to serve with a black president, proud to be associated with the first black woman. well, the first black president means obama, and he was his vice president, he was already the first black woman, which, of course, republican
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congressman from florida mat gets mocked him for. i expected the first black woman president to look less like... a white walker - he said and posted a photo from the famous tv series, yes, of course, i understand it, i understand, as they say in the same tv series, winter is coming, winter is coming, well, in general , everything is fine with baidan now, he realized that he doesn’t need worry, god will tell him whether to stay in the elections or not, if they convinced you that you are not...
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no, no, he still has it there, he has it, that he rules the world, it was, it was, it was, it was , yes, that yes, yes, that he rules the world, it was, it was, otherwise i’m like a baitan, i don’t
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remember exactly what happened, a black woman was able to pronounce this, this, then look, suddenly the world didn’t understand that they they control, this is who they need, this is the leg, who needs the leg, and of course, this wisdom has its own idea of ​​​​what a bad night is, yes, somehow i never heard that... to define a bad debate performance as that, it was a bad night, have you ever watched the debate after it was over, i don't think i did, no, well, i'm trying, i want to understand what you felt during debate time, do you know how bad this is going, yes, look, the way i prepared was no one's fault, only mine, no one's fault but mine, i, i prepared the way i usually cook, sitting at the table when returning with foreign leaders or the national security council to clarify details, and i
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i realized about halfway through that you know, everyone was quoting me in times where i was 10 points lower for the debate, nine now or whatever the hell it is, the thing is that i noticed that he lied 28 times , i couldn't, i mean the way...
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you can do it like this, innovation is a process, let's encourage innovation, i think we could make something better than these flimsy plastic straws, but we really the use of plastic should be banned. 5 years have passed, nothing has changed, well, this is about the effectiveness of the american authorities. alexander mikhailovich, well, of course, you started a serious conversation and at the same time showed, quite with subtle humor, a separate cut of those leaders on whom... oddly enough, a lot in this world depends today, but returning to orban, i would like to say that when he talked with vladim vladimovich, he mentioned a very important
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aspect, it was not a complaint, but it was an objective reference to the fact that the current situation, it also affects the economic situation in europe, and he sees to what extent europe today is in that, in that economic situation not inappropriate for its level, complete dependence, he did not indicate from whom, but it is clear that from the americans, and of course, he understands perfectly well that a country like hungary, which is a transit , the meaning of existence, the economic meaning of existence of which is to ensure maximum transit of any types of services, there is energy, there is oil, gas, here he is building a nuclear power plant, why, because he needs to ensure life and well-being of his people, naturally he understands that all the steps that europe is taking today in relation to russia have a negative impact on the economy, including europe, so i believe that the economic situation in our country... is the answer to many questions, including including the main question: can we take advantage of this relatively, perhaps, short
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pause and political leapfrog that is being observed today. these countries in order to only increase the economic potential in our country, and for me today this is extreme, not only for me, i think for the majority of our citizens today this is a key issue, at the same time we understand that yes, we have ideological differences, and this is a normal situation when there is a struggle, a struggle for views, minds and so on, but something else is striking, and it’s good that your program did not lead to discussions on the part of the financial bloc there, but they began to talk a lot, just now there was a financial forum there and... and you know, they said enough, as at any other time they said, well, enough for certain people, they opened up, yes, well, for example, this was the thought of one of the heads of the department there, it’s not even worth mentioning names, i hope they are not this, they are not worthy of being remembered for a long time, where it was said that if the central bank finds evidence of an alternative economic scenario, then they are ready at the next meeting in july on
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july 26 to increase the discount rate by another two points, well, i didn’t specify it there, but... and this is why so few people immediately ask me several questions, what this is for an alternative an alternative scenario to what, in fact, and is it possible to decipher, well, they don’t waste time deciphering, they just sort of, you know, such simple-sounding truths, as it seems to them, so we hear from the mouth of the head of the central bank a fairly correct argument regarding the fact that we are close to exhausting extensive growth, so we need to do something, we need to increase labor productivity for...
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understand that this is a long race, this is not a short distance, but really a marathon distance, and along a rugged terrain and with obstacles, so we need to calculate the strength to understand how we work with the limitations. speaking about restrictions, i would now highlight three types of restrictions, they are interconnected: this is the workforce.
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it’s already funny, the second thing, which is important, is the physical meaning, i’ll be very brief, in order for long money to arise, what is money in general, these are signs in the computer, as we talked to you, such icons, so long-term investments are a set of agreements between those who take and those who give, well, i won’t be there decipher banks and enterprises, but still, behind all this there are two large institutions, this is the government, well, or the state represented by the government and the financial bloc represented by the central bank, but there is another important one: the aspect is the sovereign issue and the sovereign central bank, let's see what we lack, we have a government, we have a central bank, we have, we have enterprises, we have, what we lack, we do not have enough sovereignty in these matters, in emissions and in the central bank, what is sovereignty, sovereignty is the right of the state to independently write rules for issuing and using its own money for
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its own projects, for its own. and through our own efforts, listen, well, we are already trying to decipher this, and if it doesn’t work, then you can just tell yourself that in this case we are talking about the fact that the rules were written by others, for other conditions, we just live. in this paradigm, we live, understanding, we are told that long-term money is needed, but unfortunately, it is impossible, so let's see what was said there further, and it was said that imagine that it turns out that the discount rate is reduced to the level of 4 dash 5%, this is a failure in the work of the central bank, i quote this, and further in parentheses, horror, i also quote, it was further said, with inflation at 8% , hypothetically we can imagine that banks...
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are in a situation, but i’m more concerned about something else, but in general why it wasn’t discussed at this forum, no and cannot be in our current one , and what do we need to do to, on the contrary , increase the growth rate or maintain at least five percent growth rate, which was
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recorded and announced by our president, well , based on the results of the first quarter, what we are doing today in order to develop at a growth rate above the world average, what we are doing so that our country finally gains financial and economic sovereignty. what we do at every workplace, including our colleagues, in order to fulfill the tasks set by the president, why the goals of the president and the goals of the central bank banking system sometimes do not correspond to each other, i put it mildly, in general they must contradict each other, but all this why there is exactly one opinion: they are scaring us with this emission, but there is no need to scare us with the emission, the fact is that i will say a little further about this, i have a question when we say, this is what we had, for example. inflation and the discount rate, in the twentieth year we had an inflation rate of 5, a rate of 4.5%, in the twenty-first year, an inflation rate of 8 , a rate of 8.5%. this year we have an announced figure of eight-something inflation, and the rate is
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16, but where is the logic? then a very, well, actually, if i remember the basics correctly, theory economic mix, that usually the rate should be half of inflation, that is, theoretically, well, at least the american idea is that if you... i, of course, understand, i even taught at a university for some time, but i can’t, i cannot decipher this phrase, but that is, growth rates, they should lead to an increase in the number of goods and services, and we understand perfectly well that if a certain
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money supply is correlated with a certain commodity mass and this commodity mass grows in relation to monetary power, then the price for these goods and services are declining, but this is even, but this is elementary, well, maybe i’m wrong, well , well, well, in my opinion, well, maybe it’s not so elementary, but it’s clear to economists. further, we must understand that many experts say that in russia, in today’s russia, in general, inflation is not of a monetary nature, it is determined, among other things, by high tariffs, high services, low competition, this is what we need to work on, we must generally talk not about inflation itself, but about the relationship between inflation and income growth population, let's turn to the period of ninety-nine, 2013, our inflation neatly dropped from 36% to six, and income... real income increased three times, nominal income 16 times. gdp grew overall, gdp grew overall annually from seven to 10%. over these years, our gdp has grown almost 16 times in
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ruble equivalent and in dollar terms, well, listen, well, well, if we don’t want to listen to the examples of our neighbors, then let’s listen, or read, study the issues of our modern period, here when we talked about what sovereignty is. a what was the central bank rate these years? the central bank, well, it was, it was also slipping, and it was lower, lower, well, not 16, well, this is even, i want to tell you that the sovereignty of the approach, here it is, we are on... china, okay, i like it from the point of view of what we should not copy, well, we don’t copy, but we can refer to the numbers, just last week , sovereign china, sovereign from the point of view of the financial sphere, made a decision on what it allocates, well, i’m in the ruble translate equivalent, makes a decision on financing modernization of their industry to the amount of 6.2 trillion rubles at a rate of 1.75, this despite the fact that they are already accounted for at a rate of 340.
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but maybe we will listen to how the neighboring state realizes the need for the modern stage of industrial modernization, and we we understand perfectly well that behind all this there are, well, well, let’s just say, liberal views, liberal, this is not a curse, this is not an insult, it’s just an understanding that these liberal views are simply the current state of our economy and needs the economy does not correspond, well, listen, today our economy has reached the very heart, so...
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today it is, perhaps, this is what i ’m assuming, in a certain confusion in the economic sphere, but he is a strong, strong opponent, and we must understand that sooner or later, he is simply waiting for our any mistake, we should not allow it here, and i would like to say that by the way, well, maybe this is a coincidence, but last time we talked about some jumps, to put it mildly, on the exchange rate ruble, you know, i raised the data of this week, fluctuations of 20 kopecks, well, maybe it coincided. yes, but, but maybe, or maybe it didn’t coincide, but why did the ruble exchange rate suddenly this week, so it allowed itself to maintain such dynamics, it means it’s possible, and i believe that your program, among other things, should orient the interests of the majority those who are busy with this issue, that we should become a truly financial sovereign country, it’s beautiful, yes, well, when i listen to mikhailovich himself, corfagen should be destroyed, i, on the one hand, of course agree.
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it's impossible to work in such conditions, i'm like mechanical engineer i understand what you are talking about, on the other hand, i was listening to this regular forum, three forums took place literally in a short time, st. petersburg, legal, now this financial one, and four large bankers are sitting, naturally they praise each other and diripasko, who is a very industrialist, a serious industrialist, who in general must be given his due, has done a lot of things. talks about the stolypin forum, which, it turns out, was also held recently, i had never heard of it, where there were manufacturers, and where the producers formulated approximately what you, mikhailovich, are talking about, it is clear that everything is much more complicated there, yes there are development funds there and so on, but essentially speaking, this is so, but i, just like you about carthaginians, i keep talking about other carthaginians, about what you touched on a little, for example, about tariffs, we passed a law in the state duma last week... despite the
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fact that we have created a spawn of operators, a lot of operators who sell electricity, and so to speak, the first mile is this green, where they receive money, and then pay, do not pay, and also different tariffs, besides , each country, each operator, we adopted this law, after a long resistance, finally the state duma adopted it, stating that the main operator should be in every region, it should be in terms of reliability and tariffs subject to the general government policy, and not like we say here. there are about seven or eight of them in the region, that’s for sure , so if i start counting now, but i’m afraid that this will not, unfortunately, lead to lowering tariffs, because tariffs are an even more serious thing than loans; loans , of course, can be fraudulently given through the industrial development fund, as we are doing, but it seems like 17%, it seems like it should be given at 20%, in accordance with the key rate, and we give there three or five, understanding that there are state needs. but we
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can’t give everyone the same, of course, and machine tool building, so there in the paddock, here are the tariffs for everyone, they are for everyone, both for the military, and for industry, and i, as a former part-time worker, i remember, it was state, when i worked there, i remember how chubais fought with raoes together with the late nemtsov, they fought and said, only mutual offsets, only mutual offsets, no others, then they took him and installed him, or more precisely, he... broke through there to this role the head of the races of russia, the first thing he did was refuse the accounts, began to build this system for himself in order to then finish it off, and he finished it off. this means that if we say today, here i have cited the law, we need to return this entire system to that same bed so that industry was growing, tariffs need to be reduced, for this we have already practically consolidated the electricity producer, now here is the operator that
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transmits, and we need to further reduce it, then a lot of things will work out, because i ’ll be there in a vase in, well, not in a week, in 2 weeks, i see what is happening, there is not enough labor, there is a lot of electricity. these are the largest in production costs, the industrial development fund helps, reduces the rate, subsidizes, although the problem is understandable, it really is, but to be honest, yes, then the state needs to make a decision, because the president, the prime minister, because the same deripasko says: putin accepted, when he debated with nabiulina, he said, well, putin speaks in programs. development, but how can we develop if this is the rate, ripinsky von just became, somehow he once said this, well, he’s uncomfortable, he says, well, here i am, she says, where is your profit , he says, yes, i don’t have a profit, although in the state duma we remember they said yes, that the profit of the enterprise does not prevent it from entering into this industry, he says: here are my
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senior comrades, bankers gref, this one means vtb, and i re-mortgaged everything there, mortgaged, of course, a problem, even for him, but what is it like for mechanical engineering, for machine tool building. i’ll move on to politics, back to politics, or rather, me, you spoke about orban, i also praised him all the time there for this firm policy, let’s do it, so as not to interrupt, let’s get to politics right after the advertisement, because i’m here i listened, i didn’t understand anything, and what i didn’t understand was that tariffs need to be reduced, but i don’t understand who the question is to, the state, and to whom he has a question, that’s who the question is about reducing the lending rate. “well , first we did everything possible so that the market would come there, first chubais came there, this is not a market, chubais came, they installed chubaes, chubaes came from the authorities, chubais was in power, your communist installed him, borka yeltsin, who installed him , communist,
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found a communist, who, who banned the communist party, who banned the communist party, wait a minute, you had him who all your life, i don’t know, you had him”? but let me remind you who brought him to moscow, yeltsin, who brought him to moscow, he is from yekaterinburg, then sverlovskin was still there. so, that’s the point. the meaning is completely different. if the state did everything possible to create some kind of electricity market, which, as it turned out, only led to the fact that now you are talking about
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how to lower the tariff, then why not develop a system, work everything back, i just said this, i i don’t understand at all why we are abandoning the soviet experience, so we advise the general there we are worried that there are no nvps at school. but it can’t be carried out at school, because you can’t buy anywhere, for example, a model of a kalashnikov assault rifle with assembly and disassembly, because some guys think that you need to weld the lid so that you can only watch, keep it in the room, why , why in soviet times they trusted soviet children and there were no marching exercises, each of us knew how to assemble and disassemble, now someone decided, and i don’t know who, but how to prepare a soldier if he only saw a machine gun in this form, wooden what is this even about? we say that a guy should come out to be a man, but what will we end up with? you had a shooting range at your school, of course, i shot with pneumatic guns, tell me now, right, but tell me now, for example, do svorov schools have shooting ranges? no, why? why, yes, why
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, instead of solving the problem, seeing what it really is, we pretend that we are a nation of pink ponies, not warriors, in the suvorov military schools in the soviet union . they will want to kill, they will kill with axes, cutting with knives, this is a question of the psyche, and not a question of what he will take in his hand, but now it turns out, we imagine, we need to take guys into the army, well, i was just now...
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we’re fine, great guy, we have to go, on friday , you thought well, you have no job, no home, nothing, dmitry, it’s you who need a nurse, i ’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he will
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only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, to real love, just one kiss, who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well , this is a completely different matter, natoash, i love you, find yourself another fool, she has a wedding in 3 days, but for... you know how much you can do business, you need a bride with accommodation, on friday at rta, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, people, here you come and you are good, to caress with a straptive. he likes to grab there with claws, to tame the biting one, voice,
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voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, but you’re flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, that’s it , guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so leonid, look, when you and i argue every time about the communists, yes, you understand, i tell you i say with pain, my...
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the championship of the soviet union, our school, here we are assembly and disassembly, we have everything like this, so then i came to the institute, at the same time i went to dsaf to acquire a professional driver and studied for a year in parallel, there in the daytime, there in the evening, dosaf, then i was like that in dsaf the specialty of divers, military divers, sports, these are the ones that western stream 3 should now blow up, and we really have become.
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so it was all desav, it was all there, why now it’s not worth a lot of money there, it’s not worth anything, of course, well still returning to the topic, finishing on the forums, of course my soul hurts when we give a bet, this is good, well, i saw a panel at the st. petersburg forum when chernyshenko said with pain, we must now come up with everything to do for in order to equalize teachers' salaries , regardless of regional ones. sufficiency, but for this there must be a program, including the allocation of money, for this it is necessary to provide that this is a super important task, as well as dsaf, teachers, those who, returning to orbavo, how can you do this with teachers, only if everything is transferred to something like a federation, right, naturally, well, of course, that’s what i’m saying, we need a program, we need money, well, we need to change the basic
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legislation, because now our schools are given to municipal and regional schools.
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heads of some diplomatic service at the top of the european union, the president of the russian federation would suddenly say, but you didn’t agree with us, but you know why i have this idea, i think that when he, by the way, said there, that you will also see my unexpected next flight, i think he will return to america, he should not go to america anyway, i think, well, he will go to nato, but he will turn around and talk, i think, maybe to iran.
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listen, he was engaged, he was engaged in prostitutes, he was involved in some kind of leftist fires there, then he came to america, he was almost imprisoned there, he returned back, he eventually became the owner of three major weapons companies and the eighth richest person in the world, and vickers, this famous company, it belonged to him, he started then worked there,
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which means he sold these weapons little by little, including maxim, this machine gun, this was before the first world war. so why do i say that he is the founder, there are two submarines, the first one, all the books that you read in a week are in these media all the time, yes, yes, he will sell it to some, write to others, and they bought it from them they, they are like this, in this situation, i see that this is not only the voice of stoltenberg, this is the voice of the gunsmiths, who suddenly just began to gain a huge the number of weapons orders, because few people know that after the cold war there were 50 large contractors, such as... like something like that, which means that boeing, 50, after the cold war there was no need, they took and made five of them , these five today dictate the will of all of america to the entire west, because it’s not in vain that they burned the old weapons in this current cauldron in afghanistan, and they will now supply new ones, and it doesn’t matter if trump comes there, not trump, but orban needs
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show, of course, respect, because he here in this situation, there can be many outbreaks there, but here he says: on the border with europe, we are threatened, he understands perfectly well what nuclear weapons are, he understands perfectly well what this can turn into, and that is partly why he, his drive. dictates certain such behavior, by the way, at the same time he also solved another problem, because of which, by the way, one of the goals of the war is happening between us and ukraine, over the hungarians, for which in 30 years not a single ukrainian president has solved this problem in transcarpathian hungarians, there are only 160,000 of them lives, 160, everyone said, no, we won’t decide anything, because it threatens the federation there, and we are russians, how many are there, how many russians are there, yes, so what, and this is also ours, this is ours is safe. and i’m saying after all, ukraine, if they don’t come to their senses, is threatened with lebanonization, beirutization, i was there in beirut twice, it was destroyed three times,
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rebuilt three times, well, what’s the point, now they ’ll restore ukraine, but if we we will not solve the security problems, but putin is right, he even before orban’s visit said in astana, he said, we will not work through intermediaries, even before he knew that orban was coming, why did he say that, but because he was at the st. petersburg forum, remember he recalled. most likely with america. orban
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did something else. well, orban did a very right thing, orban destroys the myth that they are trying to plant in the heads of european-americans that putin is an irrational evil who seeks to conquer all of ukraine? orban says: it’s not like that at all. orbán says.
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i'm proud of this because to become a member cpsu, in my time, i was already an officer for this, so you had to be a true example for all the rest of your subordinates , all those around you carefully looked at you, as if through a magnifying glass , for a long time, then they called you several times, they told you , what’s wrong, what’s wrong, only after that i became a candidate member of the cpsu.
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to be honest, with what happened, and little understood why it happened, it unfortunately happened, we were just real communists, those who did their job, defended their homeland on those distant borders, there is no one else in baska, i apologize, nothing happened, and we performed our service with dignity, just like an ordinary communist, now as for orbán, i believe, i give credit to the courage of this politician for what he did. but i think that this is a huge victory for our president, frankly a huge victory, not in the sense that the viestas are all pissed off, well, even if it’s not a yelp, something will change, the trouble has begun, you have to
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start somewhere, that’s it this is the beginning, it’s very worthy, where will the turbo go next, who will it talk to, i think he knows about it one, two or three people, no more than that, we’ll see what the result will be, what it will turn out to be, but what happened now and the fact that orban has this interview on the plane, but it’s in any version. scattered all over the world will be so fundamental, look at the strange press, it is teeming with this question everywhere, there are several points there, the first is about biden,
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they are trying to level out any merits, trips are included, well, it’s clear why, and how this happens, now, okay, how will this affect our progress there? special military operation, and in any case, firstly, the president clearly said, there will be no ceasefire, there will be no other conditions, you were given conditions, because every day the conditions will change and not for the better for that state, which... today is called ukraine, which with further developments of events, in principle, may not remain at all, to be honest, it will disappear as such, probably, this will generally be the best option, like the threat that we have today, let's see, now in current affairs, i listened carefully, just like that, i understand perfectly now what we are talking about, about tariffs, about everything else, and it was divided into separate generating companies, but today in...
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i’m within the framework even when i was vice the prime minister of the local government, was involved in the bsec , visited power plants so that, well, this or that one worked off the honor, i won’t tell you the secret that the generators are on ts2 cheats in 1963, not a penny has been invested in modernization during all this time, which was not in yours native buryati, volonud somehow now we agreed on the completion of tpp2, today it’s
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just a big firehouse. which heats half the city, but does not produce any electricity and tgk-14, which it owns, they independently, based on what alexander mikhailovich said, with these crazy rates and long-term money, they cannot do this, that is, we have ruined that key word, remember, natural monopoly, the monopoly was natural, not artificial, not specially created, but naturally, we destroyed what was supposed to be really. here we just need to have courage and admit that we made a mistake, and after that speak frankly about what it means, we need to somehow return it in the opposite direction, it’s true, then we won’t have such a crazy gap, for example between irkutsk the region where the generation is at stations, in buryatia, beyond the bakal region, where it is simply many times
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cheaper, then. there will be no questions about where enterprises will develop, of course, they will go where there are cheap resources, when you say that the far east and transbaikalia we must save people, and not run away to the west, so this is one of the elements that , in fact, in order to build something, you need to have a cheap resource, when rosatom, by the way, presented its programs, well, probably this is also a matter, they tell me that gas will be brought to you, there are no questions, it will be brought to you, the president’s task. regulated, when we say that there is a manufacturer, there is energy sales, yes, we have regulated tariffs, electricity grid tariffs, so they are mired in each other’s debts, who doesn’t know about this?
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which is impossible to expand, the power grids cannot properly provide electricity consumption in the trans-baikal territory, why? because when reading energy, i apologize, the word sticks out for almost 3 billion, they made installments until the twenty-ninth year, because of this, the energy networks, while they are waiting for this installment, take out loans at the interest that alexander mikhailovich spoke about, they again remain in debt, i i won’t hide to you that in transbaikalia, for example, you have to sit for 5 days without electricity there in the area of ​​​​the mongolian-chinese border. godly these moments the tariff is regulated, you won’t give more, then if you give more, he will run away, but his business lives on, even more. won’t last, but if you give more, you need to compensate from where from the regional budget, those regions that have a budget more or less, well, at least a surplus or more or less, in transbaikalia , frankly speaking, it’s like a ball, and there’s nothing to compensate,
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now we are at these moments, the situation is terrible, it is in electricity, today there is a surplus, why? because the industry push that gave us a special military operation. forced our businessmen, since today it is impossible to invest anywhere, but there is a need, to invest in the extraction of mineral resources, for us this is a normal phenomenon, because we have everything we don’t have in transbaikalia, it ’s all going on, but they are now facing a shortage of electricity, and build a new power plant, or at least a power unit with the existing ones, this is not a matter of one day, when the ministry of energy, remember , the deputy minister reported to our duma even before the shift, i... based on the needs and development of our
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industry, even if you monitor it, there will be no sense, that’s all, when the first class arrived, well, that’s how it was, i wanted to go out there myself, but he forestalled me in this matter, that is, for us today are we getting somewhere? what alexander mikhailovich talked about in the book, guys, let’s plan, first, let’s go back to the five-year plan, even if it ’s not soviet, even if it’s russian, i don’t care what it’s called, we must understand what we must do in major industries for 5 years, and there should be long-term planning for 10-15 years ahead, but without this no market will sort it out, that’s where the main point that is buried for today is, let it be the state plan, i don’t know what it will be called, it doesn’t matter, because how are we doing today, ministry?
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that’s all, i’ll be back after all kso, after our last program, yes, there are a lot of attacks there, like gurulev, there they’re trying to demolish solovyov there kharkov, there’s everything else fifth, tenth, let me explain to you in simple language, the fight in the city on quarter assault detachment, well, a strong battalion in russian.
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if the alternative is to send in an assault battalion , realizing that approximately 10% will not come back and capture 10-15% of this quarter. the second option is to just tear it to hell and calmly go in there, which option will i choose? obvious, right? well, obviously, i’d rather save people, but the house that i demolish is normal. is a problem for any military man, so friends, opponents who are trying to shake up the situation, for us today the life of our soldier is more important than anything else, we must to win and preserve people, and this is probably the main thing today, at the same time, let me remind you that we
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said initially, we give a few days for the peaceful to leave, yes, yes, but many argue with us, but those who argue with us have converted would pay attention to your past. airfields and the destruction of ukrainian ones is an intensification of attacks on ukrainian aircraft. eight su-27 aircraft were
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destroyed, two were shot down, two were destroyed at the airfield, one mi-29 at the airfield, one mi24 helicopter was also destroyed and two su-27 were simply hit on the ground, and this in fact, for 2 years of combat operations, with the exception of the initial period, here are the first 2 months of february. the planes were destroyed at the airfield in mirgorod, what is the mirgorod airfield, this is a strategically important airfield in the central part of ukraine, in the poltava region, not far from the line there 150 km from the line of combat contact, there are two more airfields in aviatorsky in kanatova, which are used, there is no permanent air base there due to the fact that they are within the reach of our operational forces. complexes, but they are used as jump airfields
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for, firstly, delivering strikes, bombs with american bombs with a planning and correction module and intercepting our aircraft, which are already using our ammunition, our bombs, high-explosive bombs with similar modules, why did this happen, because that this is a rather unusual case, when... that is, there is every reason to believe that
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the time from the moment the target is detected until the strikes are delivered by our iskanders is literally measured in minutes, this is very good to say an indicator, because before we will report to the top, by the time they evaluate, by the time they make a decision, by the time they launch, the entire target can already escape, that is, this is very good, what is also good is that the su-27s are being destroyed. su-227, unlike mik-29, which the ukrainians collected from all the warsaw pact countries, they were not supplied to our allies during the soviet union, so their destruction, there is nowhere else to get them from, in ukraine, they were naturally not produced and are produced. second, this same week, i think there was an interview yesterday.
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everything possible with so how many
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planes did we destroy? in total they destroyed 550, here is lieutenant general semyonov, and i’m saying that ukraine had a total of 200, of which 70% only flew, that is, 140 only flew, the rest were on the ground, especially in the crimea, there were entire squadrons, regiments the planes were on the ground, they weren’t flying, so what now? air army, one separate air defense army,
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that is, with the southern group of troops completely, the western group partially withdrawn to the territory ukraine has 450,000 people, there are 1,200. 50 1250 launchers of various anti-aircraft missile systems that ukraine covered, and about more than a thousand aircraft there, they were all squandered, so to speak, i don’t know where they went, they were sold, but the armed forces at the time of ours, at the time of the fourteenth year, after the fourteenth year they began to be pumped up with weapons, so to speak, and by the fourteenth year they were like this.
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they calculated, well, it was not for nothing that zelensky took the figure that he needed about 25 divisions there, not batteries, divisions in order to cover the entire territory of ukraine, now they have about 20 batteries of these patriots, and yes, he asked, and with a maximum of some kind of super configuration of eight batteries in a division, they now have about that. five riot launchers, this is the beginning of the week, but considering that the ministry of defense reported yesterday that three were destroyed, that is , already minus three, the americans cannot supply as many launchers as the ukrainians want, so they have now deployed ground forces order to rayton
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by 4.5 billion dollars until the twenty-seventh year for patriot air defense missiles. uh, but this is 4 more years until the twenty-seventh year, uh, there are 200-200 missiles, in my opinion, uh, to deliver this number and cover, uh, you need to decide, and the ukrainians need to solve three problems, to cover this - the cities are possibly large and uh, critical infrastructure, to cover troops on the line of contact, which means we need to pull these systems closer to the line, they become accessible to our weapons, plus, of course, try, try to cover up more facilities, so to speak, energy, which they also have in a rather raincoat state, the next factor, patriot,
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of course, a very expensive system, a billion dollar battery, and lastly, these complexes... after all work as part of an integrated system, they must cover themselves, that ’s how our s300, s400 are necessarily covered with shells, then their patriots must hide behind the same arist samsas, but these systems are not enough, that’s why all these one-time deliveries, this is not only in this article, many western experts say that these are one-time supplies, that there is one battery, two batteries, i don’t really understand. what is a system, our correspondents write everything that germany has pledged to supply one air defense system there, i don’t understand what a system is, i think we are talking about batteries, hardly about divisions, so these deliveries, there are four or five launchers, they, of course,
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will not solve the problem of cover, so the general conclusion that western experts draw is that if things go like this, then
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the circuit is acting this way, this is how it has been acting for the last week, there is a certain optimism. we always have a certain optimism, i agree, but look what's happening, right? there is a constant scientific and technological revolution going on, which manifests itself at the front in specific clashes, but if elvira nabiulina says that we have to bring in technologies, we don’t have enough of our own technologies, that’s right, but we won’t give money for this, but where then? money will appear in the ipc in order to develop science and introduce these technologies, thereby moreover, we understand that in the coming weeks we will have, well, not, a month there will be a leap, this is the use of artificial intelligence. we now see how the whole topic of unmanned flying in aviation is developing enormously, that they have moved from drops to fpv, now
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fpv fighters are appearing that attack our big birds, it is clear that this will be the same as it was in aviation, we understand that there will be a level attack, there will be an optical target recognition system, there will be rap and counter, against the reb, as is already working on optical fiber, if it is optical fiber, then accordingly the distance, the amplification system, that is, all this is constantly going on. they need money, they need technology, they need science, they need speed, we say, they can’t do anything, of course they can, they have f16, how many, several thousand around the world, f16, they actually produced, three three, 3700, yes, that’s it the most popular aircraft was at one time, that is, it is clear that if they need to make such a decision, they will supply them in crazy numbers, not the europeans, but the americans, if the americans they’ll decide that they have their own in store for pilot training there, but he can’t work with pilots.
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if everything had already been there, no one would come to kiev for another visit, the veges would be afraid and the roads would be destroyed, and as we have now finally begun to dismantle the energy capacities of ukraine, everything would have been on fire a long time ago. knocks it out, then for some reason they stopped, why haven’t they touched the incident at all yet, that’s right, we’re not doing anything, why? well, yes, there are some people there who say why
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you need fab 3,000, that’s why, because it’s easier for an airplane to carry 4,250 there, but here it’s 3,000, and the destructive power, but yes, it’s 3,000 not only there at home, but along bridges, along bridges, yes, at critical objects, but for now we’ll have a fifth column here whining and regretting , our blood will be shed in belgorod, kursk, bryansk. smolikov, these bandits know too much about the gang’s third attack - in just 5 days , what rumors are circulating in moscow, they even came up with a name, a death’s head, a gang of ordinary
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people does not kill, only criminals andrei are our repeat offenders, which means they are not bandits random, viktor dobronravov, what else about the gang? the gang works in threes, the threes are not connected with each other, they have a common head, a cliche, the artist andrei merzlikin, no matter who this death’s head is, if i don’t cope with them, they won’t forgive me. ursulyak, death's head, i heard about her, artist, you don't know who he is, yes, i don't know yet, alexander ustyugov, everyone is under suspicion, everyone, marina alexandrova, they will kill you, yours, alexander gorbatov, i give you 24 hours, otherwise i ’ll roll up this whole gang of yours according to the law of war, artist, death's head, new raid, get ready, starting monday. on rtr, catch
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a fish, big or small, well, in general , i chose a suitable place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes.
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pros now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for your own words, a hero of his time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just watching on the platform. andrey,
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well, of course, i’m actually in shock, to be honest, i thought and assumed that biden could, of course, announce himself to the greeks and orthodox catholics, well, something like that, well, black women, yes, black women, that’s it the most interesting thing is that this interview with a very loyal journalist on a loyal channel was supposed to be... some kind of counterbalance to the unsuccessful performance on the twenty-seventh at the debate, despite the fact that biden was here i had to say, yes, i felt bad, but he started with that, but when these are not just blunders, but the fact that the person once again seemed to confirm that he is not at all friendly with his head, chenschina he didn’t say in this interview, well, not in this interview,
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i mean, he said a whole series of interviews, moreover, that his headquarters asked questions, also such things, in this interview he also said that we have the winner of putin, according to in fact, he is the man who forced south korea to pay billion tens of billions dollars for the american semiconductor program, which was created, which is actually pressing china, a man who has achieved very great success, delivered it.
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we haven't had one yet, right? this means it can lead, so it is now important for the leadership of the democratic party; in principle, i think it is necessary.
10:00 pm
death, he was going to meet the lord almighty there. the second is comrade, you are really a dean, but what is this?


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