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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  July 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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years, then the republicans then swung that we would now have a complete, complete collapse, complete chaos did not work out, yes, yes, we will now occupy both of them, nothing worked out, so now there may be a fight for congress, and accordingly then the situation is no longer the same, not in trump’s favor, because then he will have to fight again with congress, which will impeach him, they will find something for it, especially considering that there are criminal cases and everything else.
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they left like that, but i think that now it will start, as usual, with bribery, blackmail, death threats, nothing new has been invented, no, the second way is, of course, impeachment, but they won’t impeach him for anything, the third thing was funny to biden and there’s no reason, well how say the democrats won't find it now.
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and the heads of cabinets and ministries can submit a corresponding written statement to the speaker of the house of representatives and the presiding officer of the senate about the inadequacy of the president for his position, that he cannot fulfill his duties the twenty-fifth, yes this is according to the twenty-fifth amendment, the simple fact is that now you can bet on anyone all the time, but i think that michelle obama, for example, is not an option, but kamalah...
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well, show me republican videos where she , erasing, erases biden as president, leaving only herself, does the right thing, quality, well, this option, it depends on how much skamal’s loyalty, so to speak, to the biden family will really work in this case, because she now, this is amazing, you can argue as you like, but she is now a real candidate, a presidential candidate, because you... are a sexist, but that’s not it, i’m not a sexist, on the contrary, i think that kamala, in general, she is a person who will be very beneficial to us and to the republicans, the same, the republicans believe that for them you understand, yes, that kamala will just start a war, kamala, yes, kamala, yes, kamala will easily start, especially considering the fact that, strictly speaking, she has nothing for there is no one with them, so this is not experience, misunderstanding, this is completely a puppet. here it is in full
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who gets it and it’s no coincidence that , in fact, in my opinion, he chooses her precisely because she is faceless, precisely because, well, like a vice president, who will never, and if something happens, he will be completely controlled, so the arrival kamala is, of course, a terrible thing, but we must hope that a number of prominent democrats also understand this, and they don’t want kamala, well, very often processes.
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like now the attacks on the crimean bridge along zaporozhye, like biden will speak there now, yes, but then it increases intensively, because i would have pre-emptively demolished the bank immediately. on the 15th, it begins with a convention of the republican pariah for those who are so worried, and the dam is also from kiev, so i appeal to the residents of kiev, you still have time, demolish your satanic power, everything will be fine, or leave the left bank, the left bank will flood, the left bank kiev, well , how it was, you are already proposing this, i propose to demolish the satanic power. but if the dam is demolished, then well, the population may have time to leave, it will flood up to the fourth floor, yes, yes, but the population may leave, no one is holding them, no shopping center is enough to prevent several million people from leaving the city, so - there is
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a need to carry out this intensive campaign, which biden cannot do, for the last time, i think , during this month, in fact, what was clear. we ourselves don’t even need to bomb the dam, no, there, because they have brought the technical condition of their hydraulic structures to a colossal disaster, they don’t invest a penny, it’s really going on there trouble, trouble, they don’t invest a penny, that is, they are funny guys, they stole everything they could, no, well, it happened sometime in the sixty-first year, when they broke through, well, not the main dam, here are the side ones . and there was already a tragedy there, up to 2,000 people died there, it seems, or even more than 200, and if you carry it now, if you really strike, the americans talked about it, it will flood the entire left bank part of kiev, all these khrushchev buildings, stalin buildings there, they won’t will withstand, most
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likely, the wave will be approximately somewhere 20 meters away, when they destroyed the dam, the kokhovka, what did they count on, that our people would die? of course, well, how the world community shuddered, not the world community will not be these bloggers, i won’t speak in rhyme, they were so worried about our people, they condemned, yeah, volodya, well, this is a slightly different topic that concerns, i’m just here about this eternal kindness outside, not to one’s own, to strangers, well, that’s so, well, kamala, by the way, didn’t think twice about it. use nuclear weapons against any country in the world, then what kamala will do if if she comes is really a person who will be, well , let’s say, a puppet in the hands of any of those circles that now have influence, and above all, of course, the military-industrial
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complex, maybe she doesn’t use it, they don’t use it against us, i’m scared against us, i’m not sure about this, but against someone, so to speak, from well... at first i think that they will be practiced not on iran or north korea, on someone else, but the fact is that i'm not sure that kamalo will be able to defeat trump in the election, so elections if kamala will be replaced now, but if kamala is replaced now, then within several months, here is a scenario with a blow to someone from the countries of the axis of evil. yes, then these are their points, this is possible, and this changes the situation in the elections, then trump can be accused of anything, in this regard, then the democrats can retain the white house as well, so on the one hand, so to speak, removing
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biden is necessary in order to win at least to preserve the small things, to preserve the chambers of congress,
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which for trump in principle, we don’t even we know who his vice president will be, what kind of pence will be with the new one, no one is interested in this, absolutely no one is interested, the main thing. the main thing is that the republican has now consolidated trump, he comes with his team, he has it completely, so to speak, unlike what it was in the sixteenth year, well, in the twentieth it’s already more or less better, but in the sixteenth year he has there was nothing at all, she had no plans, there were no plans, and the person who comes now with plans, he is essentially, well, let’s say , depriving, there is a major change of power, i'm not talking about the fact that some new big people will come there.
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the specificity of this or that political system, which introduced some peculiarities there, but
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nothing more, in the current world, and in general in crisis situations, when humanity goes through a period of turbulence, restructuring, destruction of pre-existing systems, the presence or absence such a head of state may be one of the most important criteria for determining the general viability of that...
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this happens after the european in the political arena, the left liberals, the greens
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simply collapsed, they no longer exist as a truly significant political force, i’m not sure that they will be able to recover, that is, in the form in which they existed, this definitely won’t work, they will have to radicalize , they will have to change their positions, programs, key persons in order to show something by the next elections, they scored the most. votes, that is, in comparison with previous elections, the largest increase is on the right, and orban is for, i can say that to to my surprise, during these 2-3 weeks he showed his phenomenal flexibility and adaptability to political realities, because apparently , he will share the entire jackpot from this victory in the european arena with marina lepen, with whom they must form different political groups, then which won't work. already with miloni, she clearly will not pretend to become one of the faces of this new legal movement in europe,
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it is precisely as a representative of these new forces that are actually coming to power in europe that he came here, and i i think that he is flying to the usa, of course nato is there, but he will definitely have meetings there, and i think that even if there is a formal meeting with biden and his real meeting takes place and his real contact will be with trump, because... then he is actually a trusted person with whom he will communicate, it seems to me, does it make sense for him to communicate with biden? i'm not sure, i see these next videos.
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name, then, of this head of state, whom they are trying to push through only on antipathy towards trump, i get the impression that the feeling is that they, western countries, repeat the same mistake over and over again, they will be right, left, centrist, green, red, black, whoever, the government is just changing, someone new comes, and the first thing is, what he says, he must confirm, means support for ukraine, say that they will fight with russia to the end, everything is based on it. this is on such a very fragile basis on their conviction that russia, they say, had such a main road, it walked and walked and walked along it, and then putin came, and russia from this road he took me somewhere, if putin is not in the russian federation, russia will somehow end up on this road, their mistake is that i don’t understand that putin returned it to this main road, but he did
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n’t return it alone, that putin is the embodiment of the people's will and... this came true for the reason why, well, it simply could not be otherwise, because our inner sense of self, our self-determination, it is so deep, it dates back a thousand years, if not more, change it for there 10-15 years of a liberal market in a liberal political ideology is simply impossible, why do they repeat this mistake over and over again? i think the reason is very deep from a philosophical point of view. in reality, however, as a collective whole, they see the world as truly universalistic, it seems to them that any person, regardless of whether he lives there in latin america, in washington, in london, in beijing, he should be driven by one thing and the same set of feelings, desires, needs, and therefore other
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components, as a result of which he must always strive for the same model, it’s hard for me to say, this is because... the difference in the perception of the world leads to the fact that they always expect from russia that we will constantly move in the same direction as them, here the only thing is that one person came, he somehow made a decision, changed it, not understanding that those beliefs that are perceived by the population of any nation as collective beliefs, they have, firstly,
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a religious character, that is, they are completely protected from attempts. attacks, substitutions, more something, temporarily, yes, they can, therefore, fall into decay, they can, you can try to replace them with some new, artificially created such ideas and concepts, but very quickly the population from its ranks finds, unites, consolidates around that leader who is able to return him to the traditional path, or this population and this people perish, go into eternity, never again in the arena. are not being revived, in this regard, i listened with interest as my colleagues talked about various things, here and there about mechanical engineering, yes, about the policy of the central bank, about... the northern military district and, therefore, the electric power industry in the country, each of these questions ended up in the same question, but why is this, why is this,
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why is this? i think the only answer to this question is that we do not have a national idea, we are not like the inhabitants of the country, each of us loves our country, we don’t need to explain this, but when they start telling us about what you know , in the country. no ideology is needed and the country does not need an idea, i can give you a little secret, usually liberals like to talk about this, why, because behind the screen of the fact that there should be no ideology, they simply push liberal ideology, but in the constitution you can write there is no ideology, and then write the entire constitution in such a way that it is completely the embodiment of liberal ideology, one might say, schools should be protected from the inculcation of ideology, but all textbooks, books... and materials should be written in such a way that this is the absolute embodiment of liberal ideology, propaganda should be prohibited in universities, introduce it into liberal form to such an extent that you
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will have people with whom even foreign intelligence services could not work as well as you yourself set them up, a state cannot exist without ideology, ideology is the fate of the state, it is an explanation of the state, the population, oneself ourselves, where are we going, what goal are we setting for ourselves? if you say that there is no ideology, it means you don’t set any goal for yourself at all, it means you just want to exist as a vegetable or as some kind of plant, each of these questions can be answered answer this way when it comes to the fact that this is why there are people who are convinced that, let’s say, well, there is no need for there to be initial training, but military training, everything may seem, but how does this relate to ideology, you know, if you are ideologically focused the goal of cultivating an entire nation of consumers, consumers? absolutely does not care, he will be led by his own power, western, eastern, southern, aliens, he will consume under any power, he will earn money and spend under any power,
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so that it has value for him, and he in fact, sought to protect the state, but he probably, at a minimum , should recognize the priority of the collective, recognize the priority of the public over his own selfish considerations, without answering each of these questions, at least the key questions of our anthology, we will not be able to solve these problems, because every time someone will come and say what you want, what is my task, profit means maximizing, that’s what i do, what difference does it make to me to the neighbor, to the third one, each of all our colleagues who will come and say what are you even saying here, what ideologies are long gone, they cannot go into the past, because for ideology to become a thing of the past, the population must stop thinking about what will happen in tomorrow. ideologies go away when homo sapiens, a reasonable person, leaves, and if he has ideas, then
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a system of views is formed, of course, in this regard, very accurately, it’s like satan, his main weapon is to convince everyone that he doesn’t exist, so liberal ideology, the main weapon to convince that there is no ideology to grow and flourish here, yes, probably, vadimirich, i think. macron was buried, luck smiled on him here, on july 5, the france team beat portugal at least on penalties, that if the french had lost now, macron would have been screwed . drain the water, they already hate him in france and they would still be crying at his christening or already stopped? well, yes, he didn’t score a single one in this championship, but i’ll just remind you, it’s a penalty, it looks like he was there, he scored a penalty, but he didn’t score from the game. i can't watch, that's for
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all i have now is the war, i can’t watch it all, well, somehow, well, this is mine, absolutely honestly, i just haven’t seen a single game and i don’t fully support you here, but i follow the influence of the european championship on politics, because that erdogan has now arrived in football, he had a great influence, i’m not talking about the football war in central america. and england lost to germany, the whole country watched, it was so demoralized then in june 1970 that harald wilson lost the election, edward heade, yes, then the conservatives returned to power for a while, this directly influenced the electoral process, so one cannot underestimate all the events, well, of course , most likely macron will nevertheless lose, and here are the official results.
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europe after the second world war, when in exchange for a consumer paradise, this one, that is, consumerism, if you like, which replaced ideology, which dissolved ideology, a real sublimity, because europe is the birthplace of most ideologies, european citizens agreed to this imitation democracy, they agreed to play with these institutions, but the crisis will grow gradually, we should not bet on it yet, we must monitor and
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watch. to state, but uh, to count on the fact that this crisis will somehow affect the foreign policy situation in the foreseeable future of a year or two, well, it’s still unlikely. yes, such bright leaders as orban are emerging, thank god, the european union has declared that it has no mandate. well, yes, we know that he has a trump mandate. and look how interesting the situation is now. even nato began to say that, taking into account the debates, they were receiving such signals. which took place in the united states and the fact that trump won in these debates are already beginning to adjust their policies based on the program that trump is pursuing, that is, trump, even before becoming president, influences world politics, european politics, they consult him, they look closely at him, they listen to him, that is, his influence in the status of this candidate, it is actually comparable, at least in the international arena, well, with the status of leading american
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government officials, politicians. and maybe even surpasses them at some stage, but it’s theirs, it’s important for you to think about what ’s happening here, this week, yes, my country, the republic of belarus, became a member of the shanghai cooperation organization, this is big for us success, this is a very serious strengthening of our positions, we are at the forefront, but this is the strengthening of the positions of the russian federation, china, i was pleased, i looked in astana, the inscriptions were in russian, chinese in kazakh, yes russian chinese workers...
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it confirmed its stability: there was a challenge, the previous president died, you see, we remember how much controversy there was around, colossal foreign policy pressure on iran, threats that openly come to iran, the iranian political system has passed this test, in has once again proven its viability, this is important, these signals that are happening in the international arena, they are for decades to come, what dangers there are, here we talked about...
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i would say spontaneous demand ideology, our society is becoming very ideological, small medium-sized businesses, private individuals, volunteers, they not only collect and send drones, they... do it guided by an idea, they don’t do it for profit, they are guided by an idea, maybe their ideological views are different, but this is a true popular impulse, what we are seeing now, there is a danger of institutionalizing it in such a way that we can kill this impulse, this cannot be allowed under any circumstances, it is impossible to formalize the process, i’ll give you an example, in the soviet union there were a huge number, millions of believing communists. you were non-party communists who were not in the party, but there were more soviet people than some party functionaries, here in some port committee there was a may day demonstration according to the lists, so there are 30 people from our plant, you carry brezhnevo, you carry suslovo, you carry there, and further down the list,
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portraits were distributed to people, people went to demonstrations, and after that they could no longer believe either brezhnevo or suslov, because the true idea was replaced by a formal action. was replaced by a formal ritual, now it is important for us to prevent this, we must not only learn lessons from our opponents, but not only idealize in our past like this, that everything was fine, but look at those processes that were generally negative , concluding, still looking at the measure, i was once struck by this fact in turkey, we were talking about education here, it was difficult to understand local government, where councils are elected, the central government is the governor. appoints in the provinces, they looked, i say, well , who reports to your governor, and he was appointed by the central government, this is very important, because there is self-government there, here he is, he says security forces, finance and education, this is the key point if we
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want to build a strong country, and you and we, of course, if we want education not only to give competencies, as the west has pushed us into doing, but to educate. this happens in all successful countries, i agree, now there’s advertising, after that we’ll continue, forget it, in the previous episodes, we will have our own separate apartment, a refrigerator, a tv, a tape recorder, nina takes ivan away from her friend masha, and did you come for soap, exchange me for another, we have love. but just before the wedding, she runs away with someone else. wait, now ninka has been taken away, come to life with this. out of grief, ivan proposes to zoya, and you will marry me,
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or you will also get married, huh? zoya understands that she will have to fight for her happiness. i’m inviting you to a housewarming party today, where to go, you know, come. "i need a baby, and i'm afraid that he will leave, limiche continuation: we look at the rtr on monday, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to?
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there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body. from the onset of the disease to its manifestation. look at rtr, i ask for official permission. look after you, what? so why not stir it? look after me, did you just sleep with me? so what, how is she doing? oh, i don’t know, what can i say, now that’s all, we’ll have to get married, everyone can see, we’re
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a small town, everyone knows about each other, they hear everything, they found the murderer, just don’t talk to anyone, okay, we’ve agreed, everyone . he’ll tell you everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed, and i’ll run away for now, okay, raya, raya knows everything, so let me know. it was an ordinary day for the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, hero of russia, colonel general janusbek evkurovo, probably the only difference is that our film crew was allowed to work next to him. group and it was a day in which there were two
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plane flights, three helicopter flights, training grounds, this time in the moscow military district, where contract soldiers are currently training, combined arms training, drone operators, shooters, yunusbekevich spoke about the training programs existing in our army, how do they differ from western ones? because in order to have the best army in the world, and it must be trained better than anyone else, and so that there are no doubts, the extreme point on our route was the command post of one of our groups on the line of combat contact, where a serious , deep conversation, comrade colonel general, responsible military leaders, commanders,
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how many years have i known you, i see, you worked in different responsible areas, gigantic experience, both state and republican. leader, but probably for me
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this is the most golden moment, this is the one for which they received the hero star, when the russian army confirmed its right to be called legendary, despite the fact that there were difficult years then. do you remember that episode when there was an anniversary, i reminded, of course, no, i don’t remember, and in those years everyone was young, the tasks were completed, well, you can talk on ice, as they say in intelligence, and no one paid attention to it, how difficult this task was, not difficult, the task was not necessary. so to be honest, i don’t remember at this time, there are no tasks
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worth a lot, but to live in memories of what you did, well, why, the page is heroic, well , the page is for those who complete the task, it is ordinary, it means everything happens in such a way that they called they said you do this as a matter of routine. one of the polishing items


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