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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  July 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:30pm MSK

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well, we continue to monitor developments, so stay tuned. new technologies of deception. telephone scammers began to use so-called deep fakes, fake video images of artists, tv presenters and even politicians, as well as neural networks capable of imitating.
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help correct some inaccuracies in your wikipedia page, inaccuracies in wikipedia , and even the female voice of nikos, who has many assistants, everything seemed logical to oleg gazmanov until this voice changed its tone, demanding as much as possible click on some links faster, the artist interrupted the conversation and called nikos back, himself and some man, i said nikos, there’s a pause, what is a pause, that means, yes nikos, hello, oleg, i’m trying to somehow imitate nikos. but i understand that it is not him. as
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a result, oleg gazbanov found the artist’s assistant, who said that nikos had not called anyone and was generally sleeping now, and when he woke up, he would call back. i called him and he said: is that you? i say it's me. how can you prove it? i say, well, you were there for my birthday then on april 8, there there, there, there, we met at the airport. he then only calmed down after that. nikos admired his friend’s vigilance, because although he himself had heard about telephone scammers more than once, he still almost lost his money. money, they took 40,000 rubles from your account, but you’re not worried, you can confirm the card, you can show the card, i say, you know, i don’t have a card, it’s really necessary, you can only find out quickly, otherwise the money might go away, the money didn’t go away only because nikos didn’t have the cards with him it turned out that he doesn’t use the bank’s applications, it was then that the artist realized that he was talking with criminals, one of my friends transferred half a million to them, she only realized it a couple of months later. understanding that the name
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of a famous person can often plunge some of his fans into a state of rapturous excitement, scammers create celebrity accounts, and then, on their behalf , extract money from the accounts of the population. fraudsters are ready to accept everyone into the squad of gullible citizens. i never cease to be amazed by the invention of these people, but also by the stupidity at the same time, they are here with my mother used to communicate with me using my patronymic name. tatyana vasilyevna, hello, how are you? this is edgar zapashny. at the end of last year , almost 16 billion rubles migrated from the accounts of russians to criminals. the capabilities of fraudsters are growing faster than the generosity of citizens. now criminals also have a neural network at their service. so if they have a sample, a friend's voice, a relative's voice or something like that, they can take a cast of his voice amplitude and talk to you online. in the voice
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of your relative. we reserve large digital footprint on social networks. criminals put all the information together like a puzzle into an overall picture of their personal life, which tells about children, parents, income level and close friends. then, under a far-fetched pretext , the scammers induce emotional excitement in the subscribers, who dictate all their passwords to them. the first alarm bell is the word quickly, the word urgently, this should alert you. take it. it’s even better not to engage in conversation with strangers at all, even if the call came from a number that is in your contacts. experts in the field of cybersecurity are confident that sooner or later telephone scammers will disappear, just as the children of lieutenant schmit disappeared in the last century, but the fraud itself will not go away, it will only change the name, to avoid it. you can,
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the main thing is to remember simple folk wisdom, that’s why the pike is in the river, so that the crucian carp doesn’t doze off. irina baranova, ilona agasieva, tatyana popova, ilya novikov, news. residents of a village near moscow, not far from sergiev posad, are frightened by strange processions; they suspect that sectarians have settled nearby, some, some people in strange outfits are dancing with tambourines, screaming heart-rendingly and performing pagan rituals, but the police were called and didn’t find anything illegal, what was going on there, we went to find out , it seems like it’s not maslenitsa.
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such processions take place in ustinki all the time; the same company marches in winter. and it is they who walk through the village in animal skins, after which they go into the forest, where they perform pagan rituals and supposedly even sacrifices. and it all started, according to
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people, when a village near the village was bought out plot. initially, this field was bought by a farmer, kudryavtsev, and he said: “we will plant jerusalem artichoke, we are very.” we were delighted, but instead of the usual tepenambur , many unidentified objects appeared in the area surrounded by thickets of hogweed, this is a gate, like a portal - into a ritual space, everyone must go through such a ritual when they come here as a guest, we notice wreaths scattered everywhere, traces of a fire, but the main thing attraction - this yurt, it is used as a summer house, the yurt is warm, at -20 i spent the night here, everything inside is also maximal unusual. masks, some signs, tatems and even a calendar of pagan holidays, andrey speaks about them, he and his friends hold strange processions, your country outfit, they gave me this caftan, i wore it on a couple of holidays, for example, here
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3 years ago, when we went to the village, they dressed me up in a big christmas tree, wrapped it in spruce branches, so i was such a big spruce tree that walked through the village, they sleep on boards, eat snow, believe in existence. it all started simply as a group of friends who were gathering in an unusual place on border of the forest just to hang out, but for the weekend and so on and so forth, but at some point we decided to add a little meaning here, and in the end we took the holidays of the wheel of the year as a basis, i call it what we... but the neighbors are nothing cultural they don’t see this hobby and ask not to come near their homes, who knows what might be in their heads, what their god will tell them? the villagers even called the police, but the squad that arrived did not find anything illegal in the actions of the wonderful summer residents, so will they succeed?
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only the solar king knows how to negotiate with the neighbors. anna balan, yuri zabolotnikov, ilona assia and olga gribina, news! in moscow at vdnkh , one of the most grandiose events, the russia forum exhibition, ends today. it ran for 8 months, during which time more than 18 million people visited the exhibition, the russia exhibition entered the top ten most visited places on the planet. olga armyakova will sum up the results. this is our land, this is our history, these are our achievements. russia is us, in bright voices and faces, in smiles and thoughtful looks, bright, multifaceted, one such, seemingly well-known, at the same time unknown, russia, an exhibition that became a reflection of a large country. everything is so beautiful, everything is so soulful, all you can do is be proud. and this
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is perhaps the main result of the exhibition; it was created to show the most important achievements over the past few years. each region here told about itself, nicely. that means they mine diamonds. tour guides in the moscow region make money out of thin air, and governors became tour guides. can see the city itself, take a boat ride. many people go to dagestan to study that rich natural world. alekseirovich, where are we flying? we are flying over ulyanovsk. they expertly told us how the region lives and even showed us in national costumes when welcoming guests. there is nothing like this anywhere else on the planet in terms of the scale of the plan, so that in one place all
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at once the country in all its glory. from the polar latitudes to the caucasus mountains, from primorye to the baltic, 1/6 of the land, the journey along which begins at this point, pavilion 75, is the heart of russia. a bright kaleidoscope of centuries-old traditions, original rituals of the ancient epic, all our heritage, now on... they probably made their choice, and several decades will pass, at the same exhibition,
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we will be proud of what will be created by these same boys and girls who here at the exhibition they found their dream. an inexhaustible source of energy and inspiration, from the first day, and the exhibition opened last november on national unity day until the official closing this saturday. a line of people, an endless stream and such a picture on exhibition russia. clearly, special attention. donbass was once again able to feel here exactly where we
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will be useful, to show what donbass is in terms of people, there is our map of pride. i am confident that by combining our efforts, we will be able to restore the economic and political potential of donbass and luhansk region in the shortest possible time and return the good old name of the industrial heart of russia. the exhibition runs for 8 months. 248 days, it would seem, during this time everything can already be seen, but the scope is such from an atom to space that you can’t get around the pavilions in a week, but it ’s not even a matter of scale, the exhibition is constantly updated, re-drawing the image of the country, the main idea was to concisely show all the results over the past 6 years, the president came to the exhibition four times, each time putin was shown something new, the main the goal was to show everyone, especially our children... made in the country, we succeeded, that’s why 98% of our visitors, when they leave, say
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that they are proud. speaking of numbers, these are the latest data from opinion polls, 96% of visitors learned a lot of new things, 97% felt yourself as part of a great country. that’s why it was decided to extend the exhibition, interest did not fade, 500 excursions daily, plus master classes, film screenings, concerts and even weddings. we first thought about a wedding when we were walking in moscow at vdnkh last summer and jokingly dreamed that it would be nice to have a wedding in moscow. so the russia exhibition became part of family history, a wedding in the traditions of the komi people. and sergei from sektafkar became husband and wife at vdnkh, like almost 300 other loving couples. perhaps the best results: per year family, which was also started here, igniting a huge heart. informally, each ministry and department reported on its work to the coordination center
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of the government, this is its branch dnh. the cabinet of ministers held meetings discussing national development goals, state corporations, large companies presented their projects, from the icebreaker fleet to the long-term savings program, science, industry, education, all the experience of different industries and new knowledge in lectures. i came and i’m so interested that i don’t even want to. leave here, but the exhibition is still completing its work, part of the exposition will disperse to the regions, however, this is only the end of the first chapter, the second will begin very soon, in a new place, at the moscow expo there will be: the national center russia, it will show what opportunities for every resident of our country has development. olga armekova, maria dimentyeva, yana streblyanskaya and arthur mailyan, news. large-scale construction on the kalyma federal highway in the magadan region is planned to reconstruct about fifty kilometers by the end of summer. the work, however, is complicated by the climate,
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the early onset of frost and permafrost. report by lyudmila shcherbakova. it is necessary to drill 12 wells, three for each support , for a new bridge across the adka river; the old one has outlived its useful life, and now new ones are being built here using modern technologies, taking into account many local features. wells are drilled to a depth of more than 20 m. the fact is that the soil here is clayey, fragile, so builders have to go very deep, then a reinforcement cage will be placed in these wells and filled with concrete.
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coped with local material and in all weather conditions. the first batch of asphalt material for better drying, so that it is tested in the laboratory, it is immersed in water several times, placed in a vacuum installation, all in order to find out how porous it is and whether it absorbs moisture well, the enterprise is experimenting with additives, fighting for strength and frost resistance. should, as it were, breathe, all
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these pores should be filled with bitumen, if there are no pores, then the contained... as a result , two layers of asphalt should be laid on this area, on the mostly unpaved kolyma highway, dusty in summer, will be a rest area for drivers. in just the short warm season , eight objects on the federal road in the region are planned to be put in order. the cost of the work is about 5 billion rubles. here the specific features are a short construction season, yes, that is, it imposes certain requirements on the contracting organization, first of all it is necessary to prepare all the materials, mechanisms, and machines necessary for the construction seasons in full in the coming years to cover the first 250 km from magadan of the kolyma highway with asphalt, now they are asphalting a section in the suburbs, also taking advantage of every sunny
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day, they will complete the road work at the end of august, beginning of september, when they come to the magadan region. a brand new mi-8 helicopter was delivered to chukotka for work on the northern sea route. the aviation unit took up duty in pivek. the task of the arctic center of the ministry of emergency situations is to ensure the safety of local residents and crews passing by ships. report by anna kravitz. this is the first training flight. aviation rescuers the links in the brewery are being worked on. conditional evacuation of victims from hard-to-reach locations. 22 specialists carried out the descent and ascent from heights of 10 and 20 m. since the beginning of july , a new mi-8 helicopter has been on duty in the northernmost city of russia. he was taken to pivek for rescue operations in the far north. a very good car, it can hover on its own, it can fly on its own,
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it can land on its own. that is, the pilot here turns out to be an operator. duty in the aviation unit will be carried out eight people, they have undergone special training to work in the conditions of the far north, they will be able to perform flights even in the polar night, the helicopter is equipped with night vision goggles, the flight crew, everyone is prepared to work specifically in chukotka, specifically to work on the northern sea route, any supplied the task will be completed. this rescue unit of the ministry of emergency situations will monitor the situation in chukotka and parts of the northern sea route. the country's leadership has set a task. ensure the safety of the northern sea route, ensure security of the population and territory of the arctic zone. the task was set by the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations. organize duty - on the territory of the city of pivek from july 1, 2024. similar units operate in the territories of khabarovsk, primorsky,
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kamchatka territories, as well as the magadan and sakhalin regions and the republic of sakha yakutia. now chukotka is in this chain. the air rescue unit will increase the mobility of specialists and reduce the response time to emergency situations, including in hard-to-reach areas. now the arctic integrated emergency rescue center in pievik employs 50 specialists, who have at their disposal another 25 units of special equipment, rescue vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, airboats and boats. next year they are expecting the delivery of another helicopter, the mi-38. a completely new helicopter, a completely new class, it has a higher payload, it is more powerful, and the most important thing is that this has been achieved. route
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will ensure security on the strategic arctic rescue center in peviki northern sea route throughout the territory chukotka autonomous okrug. stanislav nagadkin, anna kravets, from chukotka. almost 200 residents of the tomsk region. sufferers of diabetes mellitus underwent a check of the condition of the retina using special devices. the appointment lasts literally a couple of minutes, but for many it will help save vision. report by svetlana loskutova. look into the camera at the red dot. sofia kovernikova came to check the condition of her eyes today, she speaks poorly, sees small text close up, this is a decrease in visual acuity due to age, wears glasses if necessary, more nothing bothers me. i didn’t know that all patients with diabetes need to undergo an ophthalmological examination annually. 5 years ago i was diagnosed with diabetes, i take medicine, plus
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i have had hypertension for 30 years, i am seeing a doctor, i was invited to see what changes there are in the retina of the eye, that is, i have never undergone such an examination. the appointment lasts only a couple of minutes and this time is enough to examine the fundus of the eye and detect even the smallest pathologies or establish them absence. on the screen you can see the vessels, the retinas, they seem to be normal, there are no hemorrhages. since the beginning of the year , almost 2,000 residents of the region suffering from diabetes have already been examined. 63 people were sent for surgical treatment. the peculiarity is that doctors personally invite each diabetic. we compile lists of, uh, diabetic patients . who are observed in our clinic, we call these patients and invite them to examine the fundus using a fundumer.
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research results from across the region, and these are clinics, district hospitals, and are automatically sent to the ophthalmological center sipmu. what i filmed goes into the program. and then neurosey processes data arrays so as not to miss small ones due to the human factor. svetlana loskutova, kirill moskinov, vesti tomsk. owners of apiaries near moscow are sounding the alarm. for the industrial production of honey, bees brought from abroad are used; they are cheaper and produce a lot of honey, but the main danger is that they are carriers of dangerous parasitic diseases. in addition, such insects.
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the fact is that here in the yegoryevsky region there are no rapeseed crops yet, which means there are no aggressive fertilizers that kill beneficial insects, because bees, despite the danger, fly to hectares of unpollinated flowers so that nothing blooms or grows nearby, the bee always goes to massif, she will go, fly to... but if the beekeeper is already prepared for a chemical alarm, then they have not yet come up with ways to combat swarms of vagrant aliens, we are talking
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about imported bees. drones that harm the locals, drones that come with them, they mate with most of the worker bees will die, our local queens survive, they bring a number of significant veterinary diseases, the most dangerous is tropililapsos, a disease transmitted through micromites, provokes
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real p... up to the rostov, voronezh region. some experts believe that it is necessary to strengthen control over the documents of newly exported bees. when, with what drugs and against what diseases were bee colonies treated. others are sure that the import of cheap bees. should be banned for the season, they still - by virtue of their own, so to say, this is their breed composition and due to the fact that they are still southerners, in many very regions of our country they will not be able to endure and endure a long winter. any honey-bearing subspecies is good in the regions where it originated and is cultivated; the russian bee gene pool can be safely replenished with insects grown in similar
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climatic conditions. otherwise, expansion will result in the collapse of beekeeping, denis voskovsky, vladislav dubtsov, lon agasiev, ilya karchuganov, lead. in russia there are more than 120 unique scientific collections, where there is genetic data about animals, plants and microorganisms, and many are the property of not only our country, but also the world . in order to preserve biological resources, they decided to count them and combine them into a special register. the state duma has already adopted a law on this. details from yulia vasilyeva. entry into this room is possible only in special clothing, a mask, and gloves treated with alcohol, so as not to introduce foreign dna, that is, your own, into the sample. this is leming's front paw, from permafrost, pleistocene and yakutia. from leming's frozen paw, which is over 10 years old thousands of years, scientists will extract some biological material for special research. in total, the collection of the zoological institute contains 60 million specimens,
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100. for a professional look, they are all the same, no, different, we study population variability both in time and in space. genomic research methods allow us to look at these samples in a new way without exaggeration, rewrite or add pages.
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the genetic institute exchange materials for study with its foreign colleagues, for example, rare samples of peruvian potatoes, which he wanted to add to his collections . it got to the point that scientists could not find plant resources and could not pass customs. the entire system of receiving plant material from abroad, it is connected with commerce, with business, what is a scientific sample in what form, on what terms? to receive, it was not determined, looking ahead, i will say that we were never able to receive these samples, although they were already right here next to each other at customs, and finally, on june 18, the draft was adopted in the first reading the law on bioresource collections, does it establish the very concepts, such as
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a bioresource center or a particularly valuable sample of genetic resources? science, in modern conditions, is such a unique resource for development, which is limitless, given that... according to the new law, all biological collections must be taken into account and entered into the state register, they will automatically fall into the management system and, most importantly, protection. work on the law continues, and if things are not going as quickly as we would like, it is only because life is richer than any legal form.
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it’s another matter when the catch is accepted on the shore, each fisherman has his own mark, we choose a fisherman, well, a fisherman is selected, that is, a site, well, let’s say, we put any species there, perch, a large variety, digitalization of production is when it’s easier and simpler to work , the goal is to reduce labor costs for filling out documents, a fishing log, issuing a receipt, all this usual paperwork is becoming a thing of the past, production automation is a familiar word, special equipment reader, chips on boxes, electronic scales, now on robat flashcoats, all information about the catch, the fisherman,
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his areas is immediately transmitted to the shore, even an application was invented, a fisherman’s personal account was developed, this is a mobile application that works without the internet on his cell phone, if he has one , that is, it is not an obligation to accept the fish, which has been done, and the taxis we follow further along abi, on this small but powerful vessel, we are not going alone, we are towing a boat, where the fishermen will unload their catch, the trium of the boat we filled it with ice in advance at the fish processing plant, so that the products wouldn’t have time to spoil, our final point of the route. this is the village of kharsaim, where the most active fishing is currently taking place, the fish this year is capricious and the poutine does not yet live up to the expectations of the fishermen, there are various reasons, mainly natural and climatic, apparently
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there is a lot of water, the ice left late, in our country the ice left, below -he was still standing, the fish did not rise, and here is the litter, which was fattening up, there is no plan for the quota, this... the zone is about 700 tons, will it be possible to catch up with him, given the protracted spring, it’s hard to say; the fisherman doesn’t have a day to day. these two boats, for example, brought almost half a ton of pyzhyan cheese, but to achieve such results you have to work without straightening your back. you have good fishing today, but you caught so much this morning, you fished all day , 423, how much? how long does it take to bring in such a catch? how long does it take to fish? we’ve been working for 12 hours, a successful catch or not, the digitalization of yamal fishing is an irreversible process, equipment is being installed at all fourteen fishing enterprises region, and these are 65 objects, including coastal
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infrastructure. the installation of equipment is planned to be completed by the end of july. andrey rodionov, yuri ozelov, lead yamal. and the season ends in buryat. sheep shearing, due to the nature of the breed, is the last to carry out this procedure on fine-wooled animals, and only adults are sheared. alexander zakharov played the role of hairdresser. these clients are in no hurry to line up for a haircut; some animals have to be literally grabbed in a wrestling grip. panic disappears already in the first seconds, as soon as the first balls of wool are cut off, the sheep immediately feel better. up to a hundred heads are sheared per day. it takes about 5 minutes to shear one sheep. the process, although fast, is very labor-intensive. please tell me how to properly shear a ram? well, how to shear a ram?
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from here it comes out in these bags,
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the weight of one is 100 kg, each bundle is marked, look, buryatye, selenga region, sec iro. these bags contain fine-fleece merino wool; in the near future all these bales will be sent to khakassia. today on the farm ro there are about 700 heads of the famous transbaikal tank sheep of the buryad type. these animals are perfectly adapted to the local climate, their wool is popular...
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the fur coat is taken off, one might say, as soon as the fur coat is taken off, the first thing the sheep do is drive them to water, while the animals replenish their water supplies, the food technician budatsyrenovich is already preparing a special bath for them, if there are wounds there, so that they can be fed a little, so that... if the weather cooperates. this year the farm plans to produce 20 tons of wool.
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alexandra zakharova, maxim chukmasov, lead buryatia. and then, regional news. in bashkiria, a bus carrying tourists caught fire while on the move. the car was traveling from chelyabinsk to the shulgantash nature reserve. there were 43 people in the cabin, including four children. the passengers managed to evacuate. fortunately, there were no casualties. the bus was extinguished by firefighters and volunteers. according to the preliminary version, fuel vapors in the gas tank could have detonated due to the heat. abnormally high temperatures are predicted for half of russia's territory, from the caucasus to the far east. in moscow, july has already broken the weather record of 1917 of the year. at city pools. crowded, ice cream sold out in a matter of minutes,
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stores barely have time to replenish their stocks of soft drinks. igor roslavtsev plunged into the capital's sign. we came from egypt, and it’s so hot there now, too. words that succinctly describe the heat situation. from the very beginning of the week on the thermometer for july 30 , it quickly became a taste, breaking the 1917 maximum . this weather caused several emergency situations. a gas cylinder exploded on the roof of a regular bus on tuesday. wednesday, footage of the fire in in a cuban suburb near moscow, a catering outlet is on fire , by the way, city residents are warned in this heat to be more attentive to fast food outlets and products that... drink on the street +35, at the market it’s all 40, but there’s cheese and fish on the shelves, there’s even ice here wasn't enough. eggs should be stored in the refrigerator, i have all of them, everything is fine. in moscow there is aeration; by the way, the water is specially directed upward, so not only the road, but the air heated by the asphalt is cooled. at the request of pedestrians, they even provide showers. happens,
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kids jump out onto the sidewalks, point, pour water, please. working conditions for thousands of city residents who work outside in the heat have changed. we have breaks, that is, we are given water for free, and several pit stops have been opened for the capital’s couriers. it helps, of course, thanks to the guys who are standing here, i didn’t even expect to see them, to be honest, there is a rush at the ice cream factories, after all, on average, about a million servings are eaten per day in moscow. the number of shifts has increased, we are now working, uh, including weekends, and working hours, yes, too almost doubled. fortunately. employees, almost the entire line is automated. this is not ice cream yet, it is a mixture of the main ingredients, milk, sugar syrup and cream. vanilla is added to this vat, then the liquid is sent to freezers , only after which the product can be called ice cream. at work , forestry employees also start the watering process this way, thanks to it the soil becomes
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moist, and this is how peat fires are prevented. there is an entire aeration system under the roots of the trees; more than 70,000 hectares of forest have already been shed. this is a valve. water outlet for supplying water to the pipeline into the canals, those who are not working go to the beach, in such heat the sand is not visible due to the number of vacationers, in an attempt to hide from the scorching sun they swim even where there is a prohibitory sign, do not be afraid for safety, and i don’t even swim, i just came in like a pensioner, so the rescuers keep their finger on the pulse, like their theologians, it turns out that jellyfish may appear in the water due to the heat. jellyfish are present. in russian water bodies they exist in the form of polyps and reproduce only when favorable conditions are reached. the species, which is found on the european territory of the russian federation, does not grow large and is not dangerous to humans. arkhan broke the roof of the elektrozavodskaya friday hurricane like a child with a tired
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toy and moved on. here are the shots from the stankin tv tower. the clear sky is obscured by black clouds. roads turned into rivers, citizens near underground parking lots. they set up barricades from everything they can get their hands on; the trees can’t cope with the wind. the moscow region in these shots shows a house that was carried away from its foundation in ramenskoye, the road near dmitrov was simply washed away, a huge failure, in solnechnogorsk there was an ice drift. it's all floating ice, it's hail. the hurricane interfered with the air flight schedule, nine planes that flew to sheremetyevo went to alternate airfields, those who wanted to fly from this airport in the evening and at night got into huge queues, had to wait, judging by the online scoreboard from 30.
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and late in the evening at saturday in the center of the capital suddenly became light in moscow's annual night cycling festival, this is tens of thousands of people with flashlights on bicycles riding along the embankments and central streets of the capital, after a week filled with heat, they went for a refreshing walk: igor yaroslavtsev, sevala savichev, pavel vitrinsky, igor vzhletsov and ilona agasieva. news. the season of not only vacations, but also returns from summer travel is in full swing. people come from hot countries and bring with them not only impressions, memories, souvenirs, but also exotic diseases. it's not just a fever. how protect yourself from such surprises? the question was studied by
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dmitry blinnikov. at the beginning of july there is a rush at airports, thousands of people go on holiday abroad. they should bring back vivid impressions. and for sophia, the voyage to thailand also ended in a hospital ward in the moscow infectious diseases hospital, i miraculously survived a mosquito bite, i saw red spots on my body, during this... period the temperature rose very high, it was 40, and the face of this three-year-old boy for several weeks he was covered with ulcers and blisters, he was itching, he was still itching, he got infected on the island of bali. doctors keep their statistics by
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country: the majority of vacationers get sick, of course, in turkey, there is a greater flow of tourists there, and here there is a risk of contracting dysentery and hepatitis even just by swimming in the pool. from egypt, tourists bring rabies, typhoid fever, and the source of the disease can. carry helminthiasis and local flu, which can be contracted while riding camels. finally, southeast asia holds an absolute record for the number of severe cases. and
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there is a really high mortality rate there, especially inge, this is yellow fever, and they don’t even go to the doctor very often, in second place, probably, is maleria, in principle, it is also brought from everywhere, the doctor from the clinic can mistake the first symptoms of fever for ordinary fever. if the doctor does not know that you have been to africa, he has no reason to suspect you have malaria, and if malaria is not diagnosed in time, then it is a deadly disease. and sometimes tourists bring more than just illness. sergei, a resident of the moscow region, was hospitalized with severe abdominal pain after a holiday in the philippines. they thought it was food poisoning, but they had to have surgery. during the examination , three liquid volumetric formations were found in the liver, their sizes ranged from ten to 13 cm. doctors removed tapeworms from the patient’s liver, most likely they... entered the body when he ate undercooked meat, drank dirty water, or simply washed his hands poorly . the main prevention is washing
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your hands, again, and trying not to eat where you don’t know for sure who prepared it for you, how it was served to you, fevers, intestinal disorders, worms, ulcers on the body. while on vacation, a tourist can contract dozens of dangerous illnesses. experts advise taking a first aid kit with you, not skimping on health insurance, and getting vaccinated. dmitry began demining the territory of the dachas in the city for a week. in the lpr, specialists from the ministry of emergency situations blinnikov, oksana maksimova, ilona agasieva, villages, stanichno-lugansk region. for 10 years, this area has been completely abandoned, they found, being here was life-threatening, in the first 3 days alone, sappers found and removed 86 anti-personnel min, but it's hard. but such important work, the report by artyom yundas, well, specifically in this area of ​​​​the area, 24 mines were removed. this is
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the territory of a dacha cooperative in the stanitsa-lugansk district, sappers from the ministry of emergency situations are inspecting every meter, the approaches to houses and streets are mined, in 2014 there was a line of defense here, we forbid large numbers of people coming here until all this is completely cleared of mines, here, in fact, you have to go through every centimeter , check for a lot. use penpointers to look for it, there are about 90 of them, this is what we found, they worked for the last 3 days that week, and
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accordingly, in a small area of ​​​​the area on the extreme street, the extreme house, it was discovered that 100 g of explosives in such a mine upon detonation are guaranteed to leave a person without legs, how many more of these are hidden here in the ground is unknown to anyone, even accompanied by sappers in those areas where everything has been checked, you need to be extremely careful, details that you don’t immediately pay attention to. the second time the fishing rod is in front of a minefield. sappers from the ministry of emergency situations say that they have repeatedly found a fishing rod lying at the site of a concentration of mines. perhaps this is an accident, perhaps it is some kind of marker left by whoever mined the area. if there are no mines, then a path only 1 meter wide is laid. there is a white rope running along the ground, which marks a relatively safe path.
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over the past 10 years, nature itself has taken care of masking mines. often, sappers need to become lumberjacks for a while in order to clear the area for metal detector work. brave professionals are doing the work so that residents can return to their homes. there is still work to be done very much, the timing of its completion is currently impossible to predict. artyom yundos, daniil vetrov, andrey mavsesyan, vesti lugansk. 750 children from the kremensky district
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of the lugansk republic will vacation in astrakhan this summer. region in the health camp there we met the first group, the shift will last 2 weeks, the schoolchildren shared their plans for this time with dmitry dubrovsky. 137 children from the kremensky district of the lugansk people's republic traveled almost 12 hours to end up in the hospitable astrakhan region. many the guys are already familiar with astrakhan, they were in this camp last year. this is not the first time for us to meet such a delegation. therefore, we are looking forward to all the children with great desire, i think they will really like it, they will have fun these 2 weeks, they will prepare for evening activities, engage in additional education programs, play sports, invigorate their body and spirit, and also, of course, swimming in the pool and everything that children love, of course, a disco, an event
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to improve the health of children from the sponsored kremensky district. well, there was a swimming pool, we went to the kremlin, this year we hope there will be more excursions, a museum, a museum with more emotions. arseniy shulika came to astrakhan from epifanovka, apparently the boy prepared thoroughly for the trip, from mosquitoes, from ticks, that’s all, from a brush, a brush to clean his teeth, this
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shift, by the way, dedicated to the year of the family, will last 14 days. all this time, as expected, in friendly families, the children will be surrounded by care and attention. the teaching staff are people with extensive experience. it is planned that 750 children will rest in this camp over the summer. from kremensky district. welcome to the hospitable astrakhan land. dmitry dubrovsky, nikolay telyufanov, alexey polikov, lead the astrakhan region. lenchitsa in the previous episodes, we will have our own apartment, separate, refrigerator, tv, tape recorder, nina takes ivan away from her friend masha, and did you come for soap, he exchanged me for another, we have love, but just before the wedding she runs away with someone else,
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wait. they took you away, so you live with this, out of grief , ivan proposes to zoya, and you will marry me, or you will also spoil her, and zoya understands that she will have to fight for her happiness, i ’m inviting you to a housewarming party today, where to go, you know, come, i need the baby, and i’m afraid that he will leave, linemen, continuation, we’re watching right now.
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can you be louder, what happened to you? i was attacked, they wanted to rape me, that’s for sure, otherwise you’re having fun in the evening, violence in the morning, i want to write a statement, there’s no way without us, you won’t figure it out on your own, i want him to get it according to the law, the pub has no sense, yes they walk on their own, and then give it to the law, give me the paper, i’ll... write it, okay, give me the paper, write, only in detail, everything, where they met, where they dragged you, i came myself,
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so write, they say i came on my own, drank something, liquor, and they also forced you to sing liquor, it’s like you work in the police, you definitely work for the police, it doesn’t look like it, write in detail, that’s how it’s supposed to be, listen, why are women taught to read and write, so that they can come later and describe their grievances, tomorrow they’ll get on the lectern again, measure themselves, and then come running to us to pick up an application, i don’t i'll take it, yeah, then you're the first one like that, yes, listen to what you are fussing with, let him write, the paper will endure anything, write.
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hello, parquet, that nothing will happen to the parquet, where i carry it all the time, well, your mother is coming, there is so much dust, i rub, oh! it’s getting bigger, let me help, go, i myself, oh, oh, oh, you tenderly live with me, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, the broth, the broth is running away, the broth, can you feel it? i don’t think i’ve cleaned here for 10 years, how long? i don’t know, maybe 20, huh?


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