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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 8, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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parquet, that nothing will happen to you, parquet, where i carry it all the time, well, your mother is coming, there is so much dust, i rub, and there is more and more of it, let me help, go, i myself. i don’t think i’ve cleaned here for 10 years, how many, i don’t know, maybe 20, huh?
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i’ll have everything the same, the owner will come and say, my daughter-in-law is a pig, and i’m also a parasite, on the one hand it seems good, you need to look for a job, where will i go, they won’t take me to the factory, why, how why, from me they sharpened the tooth there, i ran away with you, don’t you remember, onto the train i jumped, listen, you have a lot of friends, maybe you can recommend me where, but what can you do? i know how, i can wash, here, there, here, clean, whiten, paint, i can do anything, anything you want, yeah, well, we don’t officially have housekeepers, so, so, you have a rag there, yeah.
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“you need to learn to go, you’re laughing, i graduated from school with you, i thought i’d die, and if i still study, i’ll definitely die, and look, come on, bring a basin of water, come on, come on, we abolished slavery a long time ago, and there’s no hot water no, just cold." oh, you with this number i need to perform in the circus. attention, in the arena, while syomina is fighting the dust. no matter how much dust there is, i clean it all up, i set it up. well, i would go to school. yeah, no, really, he’s just starting to play classics now. to understand that there
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is to understand them, they wrote to the prince, the government was different, the people were different, move, hold, hold, i don’t know, i read as if it was written to myself, and sometimes i’m so sad, even if i’m a wolf, only fools yearn, they’re not smart , don’t get fancy, sometimes i walk along and see a store, and they have mannequins on display. and i want a dress like this, such boots, such a beret, as i can imagine, somewhere you’ll be bored, well, you just have such a nature, whole, and what are you, i’m a whole doctor, well , that’s why you’ll be bored, there will always be sick people, and money, honors and respect, well, i don’t know, maybe i should write a novel? “or are you sad, well
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, it’s hard to explain, well, in general , explain to me in words, we had one accountant, there was probably a guy here, he didn’t beat his children, he didn’t beat his wife, not like everyone else, he was just sad, and you know that he liked to drink , u said"? vodka, then what is the conclusion, what is it, if you drink, drink merrily, don’t be sad, what does that have to do with an accountant, i don’t drink, and i won’t let you feel sad, just like this i’ll brush away your melancholy, just like this dust, it was and isn’t, have a bite to drink, i’ve made pancakes for you...
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good for you, delicious how? i stole my grandmother’s bra, well, she won’t even notice what will happen to it, i poured water where it was needed, then, wow, we’ve already paid for everything three times. it hurts, it hurts, but i gave it like that, so they tell you: drink it, i don’t want it, now i ’ve prepared it for you, it’s with strawberries, mash, we ’ll powder it tomorrow, maybe no one will even notice, i i’ll tell you this, nothing bad happened, he didn’t touch you, everything will be forgotten, you’ll live here, and in a year or two you’ll get this bed. he won’t forget, i wrote a statement to the police, you’re washing this in vain, well , you should have remained silent, you know what kind of people we have, evil people, they won’t be sorry, but they will be sorry, and
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that they’ll let everything go with their hands, yes, i'll be quiet, zoy, okay, i, i fought back, how many young girls do we have? “why do you think he was so brave, but because he probably caught someone, everyone was silent, it’s necessary stop it so that it doesn’t bother him, no one will appreciate it, no one will figure out who is right and who is wrong, and you will be to blame, well, don’t turn back the statement, come what may, oh, masha, you fight, you fight, the struggle will only cause harm, of our dates, every moment, we celebrated as if it had happened, you were bolder, lighter than a bird's wing, up the stairs, like
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a dizzy head, seryozha, go to the store, you ran through the steps and led through the important things, sirey. to your possessions on the other side of the mirror glass, seryozha, go to the store, well, take a raincoat, take probe, you have a lot of them, who is our breadwinner, me, well, these. “come on, don’t sit around hungry, oh-oh-oh, something, that’s it, go, i’m going, buy some sour cream, i’ll make you your favorite dish,
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there’s no one else to twirl everyone’s tails, and i see the girls are completely out of their hands, and oh, who caressed masha like that, and yes, we already asked, he’s quiet, according to our data, there’s no one, well
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, unless some pillar came onto the road at the wrong time, but that doesn’t happen, he’s got a black eye , that means there’s a man, i’ll say , will it become easier? hmm, not for us, but maybe for you? come on, come with me, how quickly. eva really wants to eat, what did you bring for your eva, what kind of eva, yanina, elizaveta aleksandrovna, the mistress of this house, and we
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are waiting for you in 3 days, as your gout has not yet finished, you might want to get dressed before taking an interest in your health, you might think from my clothes, your health seems to be better. dress as you say? mom, hello, seryozha, i understand, it’s not worth a fine, the shift is like 5 minutes, and not the flippers either, oh, van, you’re so scary, scary, i’m afraid, i’m afraid. where is masha? i need to do something for her, so fedorovna
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took her to her place, why did she take her away, i’m with her now, she didn’t tell me anything, i wanted to warn about masha, but she was there, people or something , again, she made a statement with a portorka filed, you take the application, i ask you as a person, we will decide everything ourselves, you will receive a warrant, but it’s not about the warrant. what is the principle, well, what is your principle, to ruin a person’s life, it’s not me who is ruining the life, it’s him who is ruining it, but you should be silent in a rag, why were you deprived of your life, how many young girls do we have, and how many inexperienced girls do we have, you decided for everyone to suffer, the saint has been found, natalya, natalya, natalya, go catch ivan, he went to the party organizer, the guards are all coming to me,
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her name is nina, i love her, but don’t you feel sorry for her? you didn’t say that you were leaving, you haven’t had time yet, as a reminder, well, if you’re not going, you’re staying because of this girl, i’d like to ask, do you really want her to be the mother of your children? “you see how she talks to your son, well, how do i talk to
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you, what do children have to do with it, the essence of human life is procreation, your grandfather had your father, your grandmother raised him, i raised him you, you are my creation, with all the advantages, disadvantages, and what’s next, seryozha, who’s next, don’t you think she’s vulgar, she’s free, mom, this is a manifestation of life, i won’t insist.” if you want, sit her here with me, i’ll solve everything, don’t think about me, like you never thought
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about going out? you have somewhere to go, nowhere, listen, if you go to that grandmother and review, i’ll rent an apartment, i’ll solve everything. seryozha, you won’t leave me, we’ll be together soon,
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come on, i’ll take the dress, of course i ’ll take my purse too, i won’t run away, just sit there. zoey, i hate you.
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stink, vanya! i'm busy. hello. hello. nadarya fedorovna, what do you want? about my employee,
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we had a fight at the factory. it’s not a fight, we got together because of a girl. shouting more, they got together from the insult, to serious bodily injury, just look at it, from hooligan motives while carrying out official activities by the victim, it was like that, maybe you can somehow soften it, he’ll get married in a week, smarter, damn, what to soften, serious bodily injury, you how do you imagine it, your devil, by the way, just happens, it’s all because of the girl, because of the girl, but he was sober, he, he’s not in one eye, he, it’s very good that he’s sober, the court will take this into account, you, natalya fedorovna, will now have to tell you in court about girls, and about weddings, and what are we, we have a victim and his statement, our hands are tied, the fat daughter has returned,
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a suitcase? it’s like she’s from a fair, wow, what a spirit, i can’t breathe, you’re holding a dead man, but what do you have? lanya was imprisoned, he got into a fight with the party organizer, now he will be judged,
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and today is a real holiday, it’s over copper wedding well, why did he go to the party, why? yes, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, you don’t cry, who knows, zoya, it’s okay, he’ll sit, he won’t survive for 3 years, he definitely won’t go to the left, what kind of person are you, there’s such grief, of course, your grief . the bitterest grief, let's talk.
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why did vanka attack the party leader because of you? yes. she didn’t give in, which means she pushed vanka into trouble. i wanted to figure it out myself, myself. and i went to the police and wrote a statement myself. and he was a fool with his fists, i could handle it myself, i need to save vanya, like, well, too us is smart for me. come on, we need to carry out an exchange, you take your slander from the police, and let the party official say that he has no claims against vanka and will take him on bail or something, as soon as i take it, you’ll go with your feet, but you’ll take it with
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your hands, there’s no other way out, i’ll take it, but this party organizer won’t take it, and then what, then we need to clearly explain to this party organizer that it’s better for him, and we’ll intimidate him and write a statement against him, if necessary, nina, nin, well, i went there myself, you understand? “i wrote this statement myself, they still won’t take it for me.” wanted, i insisted, i’ll come right away, i ’ll say something now, that nothing happened, but just go, say, i understood, i realized, if only they gave your application, you ’re out of your mind, honestly, you one day to disgrace yourself, and vanka sits for who knows how long, think about him, not only about yourself, proud, correct, masha, mashenka, please, for my sake, thank you, yours, please, get up, i won’t get up!” there wasn’t enough training , i don’t know, don’t cry, tomorrow we’ll go to negotiate, masha won’t go anywhere,
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we’ll save him, vanka, he’s no stranger to all of us here, let's go, yaroslav sumyshevsky, my mother told me before she died, yaroslav, you should have one wife. that’s right, i won’t accept the second one, these words are constantly holding me back, it was a difficult period of my life, now you have a new love in your life, am i right? yes, everything is correct, everything happened as it should have happened, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen,
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just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen you for a long time, impudent, vila, you you know, for every cool fighter there will be an even cooler one, they fell in love with them, but who are they? dear, your wife or boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform, look, gender trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three
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different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom for our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rt.
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if you are going to live, pay as you should, what should you pay for? for your slave, but here you have to pay extra, because they live with you and help you, the grandmothers of the weak, helped you, especially you, yes, i know every floorboard by sight, i licked it like that, and as much water as there is, not every river has that much, i’m telling you, either give me 5 rubles or go to your little guy, but where do you want this money, well, is it worth it? always paper, money,
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paper, the sign is not important, the payment is important, but there is no payment and there is no you, you will go out, you will come back, your things have cooled down, but i won’t pay, you will kick me out, try it, i am stronger than you in every way, as you approach, you will fly away , and if you touch things, i will burn your slave along with you with your thousands. masha, you can’t get enough before you die, that's it, let's go, hello, hello, i'm from the factory about our half-master ivan vasilyevich, i came to ask you to forgive him, and the blocking cossack, your ivan vasilyevich will sit down, i will personally check, and we are not empty -handed, we have a proposal
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lovingly. you write where necessary so that vanya is released, that you don’t hold a grudge against him, and we withdraw our statement against you, and no one is at a loss, you withdraw yours, and we withdraw ours, everything is covered, what does it mean, who will believe her, you won't do anything, who am i who she, what are you worried about, the girl was not herself, she went to write a statement, you have mercy, so the concert is over, wait, what if... i write a statement, and i find more women who will write, write, even if the whole factory writes, but then you’ll wipe yourself off, maybe we’ll wipe you off, but you won’t stay here, you’ll go upstairs, and you know, it’s cramped, there’s not enough space, your competitor will find out that you have a tail, and a tail like a pipe, and i’m a persistent girl, i so i won’t leave this matter, i will write where you won’t go about the fact that you are a female rapist, and you don’t want to,
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let's make peace, you give us a bath, and we clean up for you. conscience, well, why did i start, and then into the bushes, and it’s a shame, how much they spit on me, nothing, you look like you’ve been spat on, you’re as good as walking around like you’ve been spat upon, and vanka has to serve his time, who ’s better off, listen to you, everything is so easy and simple, you know in what is the difference between us, i don’t exalt myself, i’m like a weed, throw me wherever you throw me, there i’ll sprout, and you ’re a chrysanthemum, you need care, only they’re breaking you, not us, we don’t care, a little if you break, let's go. i wrote a statement about rape 2 days ago. which statement? oh, so this is our shlyakernica. i wrote a statement against vasil pegasov. so what, i remembered some details. i want to pick him up. here are the details for you. i remembered that there was a gait, right? write,
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you need reasons. come on, what changed your mind there? just write in detail that you liked everything, that they wrote out gratitude to your boyfriend, stop mocking, enough, what kind of a funhouse is this, what are you put here, bare your teeth, tremble, what are your last names, i’ll write about your work in moscow now, no work, and tears, one more the writer showed up, you also love liqueur, i love it, you can be sure, but you won’t get upset, i’m telling you my last name, as you look at, then you yourself will run to write a statement against the rapists. don’t even hope, did you write? yes, what's going on here? i have no complaints, that's all, you've had enough. no, well, something needs to be attributed. how did such a girl make a mistake? write down what you need yourself. the main thing is there, no complaints. everyone went. you know? come on,
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go, no, for. you need to go back, be careful, there was a bride without a groom, but you will still without an eye, everything is cool. can you be more delicate somehow? well, if i had intelligence , then there would be no need for delicacy, i gave out pills to everyone, but what to treat? i need to take my head off my shoulders right away, how is vanya, he’s sitting there for now, the wedding is in 2 days. they don’t let me in,
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it’s just some kind of spell or something, but like a wedding there’s some kind of disenchantment, we won’t forever... that’s why the bride is not the same, your vanka is looking at me there. that it’s time, hold on for another 5 minutes, it’s time for the
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pestilence, seryozha, maybe... i should stay here, no, a friend is coming back from a business trip tomorrow, that he couldn’t stay there longer, couldn’t, when you rent a room for us, will i get a salary, rent it quickly, or what? it’s really bad there, very,
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i feel very good with you, you’re my... life, you make a dead life alive, it’s like, how can life be, dead, it’s better for you not to even know what to call me tomorrow then? "call, good job, yes, you, get out of here, uh-huh, keys, leave,
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mailbox, uh-huh, okay, bye. it took a long time to say goodbye, uh-huh, i already thought, that’s it, i recruited you, you won’t fly to your israel, good girl, yeah, maybe the address. leave her, i would look in, why should a good girl disappear, you’re jealous,
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why are you there, consider that in another world, you died, you’re for us, we’re not jealous of the dead for you, okay. since such an owner, let him disappear, pig. vinka, where are you, why did you open your mouth, go get a grip, and where
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do they get you from, and where you sit down, you get off, you’re like a rocket yourself. yes, i flew at your age, you can’t catch up with a lame goat, that’s it. where are we meeting? tomas, take it, i don’t give much, yes,
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so you’re not worth a fiver, people like you give a bundle for three rubles on market day, so what? come on, let me in, yeah, i’m offended, let’s go, oh, the defense has come, you see, now i’ll defend you, why are you suffering, but people are like that, they’ll talk, they’ll forget, there’s nothing to be done, well, no one will stand up, even if you you want it, a mortal combat or something, but it is, the war is over, all the men must die for you, i made porridge, eat it yourself, live easier, girl, well, don’t waste fools, life is so long, you suffer. lyuba!
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that there are a lot of marriages? what raw materials? haven't you seen it? everyone has this, you have the most marriages. what are you hinting at? i'll be left without bonus? that's what. go to this video. it’s quieter there and there’s less strain on your legs. what are you offering me? okay,
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how many are there for us, i have three souls on me, i’ll have to get scared, let yours pour less down the collar, that’s enough for you that i love you. lyuban, what are you saying, i’m resigning, but don’t be too happy here, i won’t let you down, i ’ll give you all the time.
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he won’t come, it’s still an hour, grandma has heated the stove, right before the wedding, the children are stuffy, this child is causing problems in the brain. stop drowning, we can’t breathe, we’re waiting for the groom, this well, wait for your groom, i’m waiting for mine, so let’s go, let’s get ready.
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but don’t let him go, or maybe he will, but he won’t come to me, why would he come to me, why did i believe, he will come, he won’t come, it’s up to you to get ready, oh or not, we’ll see, you, where are you going, lunatic? arrived, arrived, arrived. what have you done? everything is empty, what have you done? everything is empty.
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who do we have here, trigubova? and who are you? should i look here, will i get a signal?
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girls, which of you knew me? eh, you lived for a year like family, you took advantage of everything, you yourself will you come through, or should they take you out? leave, the place was indicated for you to leave. i ’ll curse you, i won’t leave you until i tie you up , you’ll leave me, but it’s all in vain, i told you, i won’t go anywhere outside the yard, i wouldn’t want
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to use force, you won’t, i know why you came, look for money. she didn’t find it, and you won’t find it, there’s something alive at the annex, something alive, davela, so, let’s go, this is the last time i suggest, help the citizen get through, uh, she’s not breathing, how can you not breathe, we i just talked to her, she’s pretending. no, it's ready, how can that happen? perhaps the heart couldn’t stand it, it burst, they say it’s a witch, they can stop the heart with willpower, and then it’s unlikely that it will come back to life, even a witch, even a woman, it ’s unlikely.
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what do we do? i can’t go there, let alone live. what kind of sissies? you'll think he's dead, why shouldn't you lie with him? the court won’t bury you, you stayed in the department, your work went with a statement, and if it’s mine, then that she’s a murderer, worse than a murderer, she took money from everyone, a bloodsucker, dogs are a dog’s death, you gave in, and cursed all three of them,
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paroclised, bewitched. we’ll die not today, but tomorrow, but not everyone, you, for example, will become a little goat, and you’re already a terrible goat, that’s why, quietly, to you, quietly, the groom doesn’t show his eyes, we’ll gather the veche and leave, where, and to whom we are needed, you are waiting for us, keep your pocket, you take the prisoners as suitors. i don’t understand something, here someone is getting married, and
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i’m getting married, i’m going, i’m here now. well, as it seemed, you were a holiday girl, you had a good trip, you’ll have something to remember, yes, but you look like you’ve confessed to death, or maybe you have, and now i want you to go to the office to see her off, but in a hurry, oh, you won’t be there, my fiancée is taking me, she won’t...
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i drove her under the jobbers, to pick up the application, i negotiated with the party organizer, but she didn’t lift a finger, your kind masha, thank you, i won’t say, don’t wait, it’s a separate conversation with masha, everyone is good, i’m the only bad one, but you know, i saw your wedding in the grave. what kind of conversation are you having with me? is it true that they say that she should go and offer herself to them?
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what's the difference now? there is a difference for me, but you probably don’t. are we going? i won't go. what is this, masha? about the witness, who will be? you want me quit? if he doesn’t want to, don’t let him go, we’ll find a witness, let’s go. so our paths diverged, well, don’t remember it famously, as you say, live as you want.
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dear young people, on this wonderful day, i want to congratulate you on this important event in your life, on this decision. and i pronounce you man and wife, groom, you may kiss the bride.
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well, everything is not like with people, well, what kind of witness do you have, they also found a young woman for me, well, it turned out like this. twice a month you get married, at least once as it should be, oh well, he’s you, well, at least i would have called my relatives, sent a telegram so that they would give them tickets, i didn’t know that vanya would be released, well, well, since your mothers are gone, then i will be for them, well, let’s get up straight, i will bless them so that they live happily ever after, so that they respect each other, one by one, like a thread after a needle, this is for you... take a walk, go, this is forever, i bless you for a long family life, stick to each other, and
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more children, let's break it, no, you ivan - let him go first, let him be the head of the family, vanyush, as you live, it will be so, no the fact that your wedding is through the stump of the deck, it needs to creak, then it will be strong, and that i ’ve been creaking in the box all the time, i’ve probably dropped it, try, van, this concerns you first of all, i’ll try, yes, that’s it, come on, see your wife home, settle in, yeah, “maybe over a beer, otherwise it’s not like a wedding, you ’ll have a beer, no, but you go and go, yeah, yeah, here’s the key to the room, it’ll be in an hour, yeah, that’s it ,
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so, oh, hello, i lost something, lieutenant, major, there are no shoulder straps on my underpants, look at rtr, we went on a spree yesterday, don’t drive a man into the night, i have i have absolutely nothing to do with your personal life, really, let's move away. i wouldn’t like to discuss it in front of strangers, the body was discovered by a neighbor, the door was unlocked, well, who has any theories, well, raya knows everything, tomorrow on prt.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on the taxiway. the most cruel aristocrat in history. and other historical series, only on the platform we watch, watch,
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contacted our editorial office 2 well, what is smolny like in october? all of you, i will start a revolution.
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who is so impatient there? and it’s you, nina, it seems that your eyesight has failed, it seems to me that nina is there, allow me, sergei left for work, he didn’t talk to you, how does it look like him, i’ll put on your slippers, why didn’t he say, he said, he said ... i’m coming and we’ll live together, sergei went abroad, emigrated completely, i know, i’m not happy either
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, i have health problems, as you know, i somehow counted on help, it’s not fun to be alone in old age, you feel bad, i’ll bring some water, something stronger, it’s mine a tincture will do, an alcoholic tincture made with hawthorn, i don’t know how you like it. medical alcohol , although we’re probably used to it, of course, instead of milk, i drank alcohol from my mother, oh, no need, zalitsenina, for women everything in life is simpler,
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they know everything about themselves, but a boy is more complicated, you know, they often they find themselves in a dead end, and where there is a way out, they begin to toss around, they somehow want to radically break this one. but he didn’t even hint, he threw it like a candy wrapper on the side of the road, well, you can understand him, he couldn’t, well, somehow he couldn’t start the difficult such a conversation for him, you will forgive him, nina, i beg you, it will become easier for you, now i will forgive him, oh, you’re not in heaven! that's it, i'm calling the police, and who should i call, who should i call, i should be quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, stop the hysteria, quiet, quiet, quiet, stop the hysteria, quiet, quiet,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, everything will pass, everything will pass, it will pass, it will pass, it will pass, it will pass, and this, you are not the first, you are not the last,
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you are this little girl, if necessary, lie down on my bed, i respect guests. you need to sleep you hear, one at a time on the side, i still can’t get inside myself, i’m somehow scared and sorry, who do i feel sorry for, for a snack, our grandmother, myself. zoyka, where are you going, and zoyka, what are you doing, that’s who, who, she pulled out a lottery ticket, ninok
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won’t miss hers either, tenacious girl, how is she like that, how did she do that, since her heart stopped, as she ordered herself? she was left without a mother, and her dear aunt, when she was still a girl, sold her to the house where you lived, in this house the bandit’s wife used her veins, just as she sold it, so she sold it, for money or for food, before they were doing it to sell off the orphan's sack, and this son was also some kind of fraternity, they had her there... and she was married to a servant, and the mother
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was also killed, the son was imprisoned, the mother died, they also began to think that this was the daughter-in-law she poisoned, really, she poisoned, no one bothered to inquire, she died, she died, to hell with her, and trigubikha, who was young then, picked up the matter with her mother-in-law, here...
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trigubikha, while she was young, didn’t let anyone near her, it’s you, old became, rest, masha, rest. here i am, we went to the bar, and everyone there told me they congratulated me, everyone in general, but what do i need to do, i also need to put something in somehow, well, i put it in, now i’m hungry. well, zoey, i
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’ll forgive the fool now, but why do you have such lace, so pretty . let's get married, wait, van, you smell, let me bring you some water, uh-huh, uh-huh, wait, and... what kind of animal is this?
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what kind of forest? it doesn’t open, it’s our wedding gift, what’s your blood? yes, yes, let me bring some water, but no, wait, i’ll be right there, i ’ll be quick, but what’s that, give me some water, melting, you! that you're not going to get married, i would go, but no one
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calling, absolutely no one who called, did not marry him, and why, go out, bother, wait until the husband turns upside down, only then does life begin, i don’t want that, you didn’t love anyone at all? well, why, i loved, was there alone, why was there, there, walked, walked. then i got pregnant, i ran to my grandmother, and he was scared of everything, he went to someone else, why was he scared, of everything, masha, life, men, they are timid, as soon as difficulties go straight
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into the bushes, and i walked for another two years, i was waiting for him to come back, but he got married, and i still... waited and didn’t meet anyone else, so heart, no, although there was one widower, such a prominent one, he looked after me beautifully, he gave it to me, just what should i do with him with the old man, oh, your vanka, as soon as he arrived, he hovered around me, but i was already a scientist right away. i realized what kind of fruit it was, don’t get caught by this one, i chased him, and he was terrified, and then you arrived in time, trimmed the fellow, so to speak, okay, masha, let’s go to sleep, otherwise
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you can cuckoo until the morning, good night, who’s there? , open yours. yes, i’m going, i’m going, i didn’t count on you, well, we didn’t count on you either, we ran into the glove, but since i came to go to bed, i didn’t wash here, i might have a personal tragedy. “ seryozha evgenievich traded me abroad, it wasn’t surprising, he’s been busy with you for too long, well , thank you for your kind words, for your help, for your support, nin, tomorrow the shift is early in the morning, you either go to bed or walk away from here, and you even
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you can’t imagine what i went through today, it would be better if i died instead of my grandmother, why are you talking nonsense, there is no husband, no man, no money, 50 kopecks in my pocket, that’s all i spent on vodka, that’s disgusting, otherwise you don’t. drink, sleep, come on, lie down, be careful where, this is the master’s bed, go over there to masha, if he accepts, move. if i could stop the heart like a grandmother, it would be good, i was and no, no one will even pay, march, the grandmother’s
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curse works, it’s you, you work, oh, girls, why did i just accept you? “i wish i could have seen the tenth dream, no, i don’t promise you a man, you can handle it yourself, quicker than some, work, fedorovna heard, she was talking about you, well done, she agreed with vasily, so go, fall at your feet, say that more so no if you do, i’ll lend you money until you get paid, as soon as you pay it back..." immediately, and not as always, that’s it, go to bed, if i hear another word from anyone, i’ll show you out the door, good night.
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i’m happier than anyone, if my heart asks for joy.
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great man, i have to go, on friday, you
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thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure if it will suit me. she is my father, he said that she would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious marriage, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, before real love. just one kiss, well, who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well, this is a completely different matter, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, she has a wedding in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business can be done to do, we need a bride with accommodation, on friday on rtr, our favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go,
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7:46 pm
he understands, sasha, okay, what does he understand, carefully, let's go, let's go, he understands, sasha, there, your concern is coming, meet me, i’ll go, you bring sasha, tomorrow morning we’ll bring him for the next week, why are you, khnichesk, why, let’s go hungry? let's go home, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go home,
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my little cuckoo, everything is clean, everything is ready, huh? why again on the eyebrows, again they gave dimka a bonus, or what? have given, so as not to be the last plan, it is necessary to wash it, that’s right, i ’ll go to the garage, van, but what is this, every month he gets a bonus, and most importantly, for what? a fool is a fool, so fools are lucky, but he is the law of life, and why are you, you’re in a department store, new clothes
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there are all sorts of boots, earrings, come on, we decided. we'll take the tv, new clothes will wait, we won't get married, well, that's for sure, i made it, washed it, ironed it, went for a walk with sasha, yeah, such a good boy, if only we had a baby, van, mobiva, it's not a tv anymore, you can't save it up, you can't buy it, let's go . “you regret that you married someone like that, i don’t regret it, but it’s good, we live together, we live together, what will we have, okay, that’s me, such a good boy, i wouldn’t give it away, why am i there for
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the second dairy, i'll bring it now, yeah." why are you wasting away over books, work for technicians needs to be handed over, i don’t remember anything at all, you prepared food, well, as i understand it, but vasily didn’t feed you? no, i didn’t feed him, he was detained at some meeting, he was distributed or closed, he didn’t have time, so who cooked today, there is someone to give birth to, he didn’t go out, i didn’t see him, i went on reconnaissance, i still can’t understand how you i contacted him, after everything,
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you know what the hell, what the hell he is, vasya, he is, vasya. got involved, unfortunately, got married to a city committee member, which is neither in my mind nor in my heart, as if he’s blown away, i’m unhappy, i was getting married, i was chasing a beautiful life, i lost everything, so we came together, two misfortunes, some kind of you without principles, so i ’ll find out now, what about your principles... so look for other fools talk, i'm now.
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the people are tight-fisted, i barely took it away from karasev, i say, you need to eat the potatoes right away, y... that’s what you think, he was trying to get to you, who is vasya, but he can’t distinguish women from one another, you all look the same to him, like a sheep, he says so, i am a shepherd, i know the number, how much
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it must be, but where is which, you’ll never be able to tell the difference, yeah, listen to him more, and i listened, i see him like... he needs to drink some compote, he begins to feel sorry for himself, he unties his stump, looks at her, cries, so he i feel sorry for myself, i say, why are you looking at this stump, he needs a grandmother to forget, compote, so as not to remember, somehow he hasn’t forgotten you, and this is when i went to negotiate with you, fighting, he says, it’s clear that he feels sorry for himself, the bastard, but shut up will suit me, what was good in my life, vanka, yes, he’s good-looking, he’s good, but you can’t get a kind word from him, and money
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doesn’t stick to him, i ’d save up half my life for tv with him, don’t make excuses, what else are you saying, the prosecutor is making excuses, i... and i am, i say, then the doctor, also a silversmith, money on an old vase, and that one i crowed, waste paper to the skies, but he didn’t go into his pocket for a word, in this... i’m skilled in whatever he doesn’t name, uh-huh, he just ran away , this is what you’re leading all this to, so vasya, that one fool between us is a fool, it’s him between them, making smart faces, i just saw a normal life with him, also tell me that you love him, and what if, mash, who benefits from it, so you loved ivan, and what, where are you, and where are you? he spun us around, he himself became dizzy, he was left hanging, and he still didn’t understand what he wanted, apparently he understood, uh-huh, he understood,
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they’ve been living together for 3 years and there are no children, you think this is great love, they always have children right away , his eyes hungry, i see it’s about to bubble up, as you see it, you should have... novostrila, it’s about to rush out to you again, no, thank you, i should have called you, i didn’t go, but he called me, when i was with you, but i didn’t go , what a fool, here you are sitting, you were also running, falling as fast as you could, but you’re sitting in the same place as me, this way, but not that way, i, vasya, are moving the room knocked out the little ones separately, no, well, on what grounds is this, but on the grounds that it can, these are the grounds, mother, i have to transfer,
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look after the old lady, you are transporting mother, let him sit where he sits, there will be goals, a room for us, no , well, you’re the one who’s going to be in front of everyone, what if you’re going to be devoured? i feed, they will be cool and you, come on, enough about me, you give vanka a second chance, tomorrow after his shift we’ll stay and see how he lives, oh, nin, where are you going, wait, now, let’s wait, now our happy ones will arrive, what are you saying, i want to sleep, i still have work to do ...
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yes, you also need to help, but when to live, i haven’t been to the sea, and you haven’t been, as you say, my cuckoo, at the sea so at the sea, here he is, hello, who i see, my dear wife, hello, why are you so late, have we cleaned up after you forever. just pick up trash for half your shift, our place is always clean monevs, wherever your half-master looks like a blind wanderer, come on, don’t detain people, at least they invite you to visit,
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at least once in 3 years, i wonder how you live there, what your young wife can boast about so that you can visit guests, nothing of their own no, now you're ready to eat, come on already, let's go, hello, hello, have you seen it? he’s angry as hell and doesn’t look straight, what am i talking about? so vanka is not evil, he is kind, something is wrong, something is not going well, he presses something on him, great, great, take pictures i’ll look at you, i wonder who, who i ’ll look at. they caught up with the marriage, the bosses want to know who is to blame, lyuban, and you, as always , close your eyes, but i love the truth, but
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where is your speculator? here, she is present, you, lyubka, you won’t get a kind word, kind words, not a warrant, they don’t give it for the anniversary of the revolution, you have to earn it, listen, i’m just taking revenge, like on maternity leave, let me get used to it, i’m photographing someone else. i’m after your soul, what do you need, i need my entire salary this month, be a person, get the service, well there saucers, plates. they give me an apartment, it’s cool, i don’t care, the apartment will be, everything is clean, tidy, i want something so pearly, so that it’s beautiful, so even though we’ll live, secretly, oh, i’ll take pictures of you, i can’t help but... it will work out, it
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will work out, it’s necessary, uh-huh, ivan, let’s go out, we need to talk.
8:00 pm
your whole appearance has fallen, there is nothing left, zoya, fedorovna is calling urgently, but why didn’t she say,
8:01 pm
did you drink for marriage? here they have one song.


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