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tv   Limitchitsi  RUSSIA1  July 8, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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the hussites urgently go to the crimea, a boarding house, let them rest, gain strength with their people, but when they knock it all down, we’ll immediately frown and say, why are you doing this, go back to your home, and let the hypersound, and hypersound also bring its own, to this month marks 50 years since i, together with some cadets of the ulyanovsk... in soviet times, seven command schools were trained for ust tanks: kharkov, guards, our ulyanovsk, kazan, chelyabinsk, tashken, for some time samarkansk, blagovechenskoe, tank technical schools prepared in kiev deputy political workers were trained by the sverdenorsk tank and artillery school, now only just. one school
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remained in kazan, a special military operation showed that the first to die were junior officers, platoon commanders, line commanders, if we take the great patriotic war, then the platoon commander, junior lieutenant, his life was at the front, only 3 days, so i would very much like the conclusions of the current leadership of the ministry of defense to finally bring order to this state of affairs, because the criminal acts of the master. his women’s battalion, they are now coughing up blood for us, this shouldn’t happen, but it works out for us, he was the minister of defense, did a lot of things, left for a better position, and is not responsible for anything, the nato summit starts tomorrow, that’s just , now, now, now, after all, let’s go all the way then, it’s not just serdyakov, there’s a lot of nye makarov, who then headed the general staff, and just military ideas. came from him, so if
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he names, he names everyone, but yes, but this is the state of affairs, unfortunately, in all branches of the armed forces, of the eight combined arms schools, only this one remained in st. petersburg, and no, in moscow in the far east, so many schools were combined, so i studied in ulyanovsk, we had three military school, the city of zhil, yes, it is necessary to restore it, but this practice has already begun. look how simple it is, no, it’s not that simple, it’s actually elementary, having political will, everything can be done, that’s the main thing, but resources are needed again, teachers are needed again, there are still more of them in the sea, so the territory, for example, of our school is already half sold out, high-rise buildings are being built there, the historical building of the siberian cadet corps, no one has raised their hand yet, it stands, the communications school in a huge town is in ruins and i can give many examples of this, can i give you a historical one?
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rape, murder, robbery, outright ethnic cleansing and genocide are taking place. and the international community cannot do anything about it. unfortunately, the same thing is happening in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. the genocide continues, people are dying. on today, 37.00 killed, 10.0 missing refugees, 80 thousand wounded, about 70% of the population of gaza is on the verge of starvation.
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hisbalah will use missile weapons, it’s not far to fly there, a strike can be delivered to these bases. why cyprus? because there are two british military bases there, through which arms supplies flow. yes, yes, yes, there are british bases in cyprus, yes, why in cyprus, maybe just in britain, cyprus is closer, i think that hezbollah does not yet have such a missile that snakes, if the head is there, there is a base in cyprus territorial nature, that in britain, of course, british ships are walking around, it’s possible, recently the situation has worsened ...
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and today hezbollah launched a massive drone strike and for the first time on the israeli reconnaissance base on the occupied sinai dutch heights of hemron for the first time since 19703 there have been no strikes against this base for years.
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where this will lead, we will continue immediately after the advertisement. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on the mouth. great guy, i should take it on friday well...
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exactly the impossible is possible where your hands fall in love so carelessly yes the love of the body i vitebsk opens its arms everything in life
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i haven’t learned to swim in belarus i feel the unity of our peoples thank you vitebsk is the most stellar the warmest holiday, slavic bazaar, grand opening ceremony in friday on rtr, now i’m worrying everyone. will there be a large-scale israeli invasion of lebanon, well , the hezbollah leaders themselves say that it is unlikely, the israeli army has never fought for 9 months, never, for the first time it has lasted so long
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time is fighting, the army is tired, it has never suffered such large losses in killed, wounded, disabled, and what losses, well, they have more than 22 thousand... this is a lot, for the israeli army it is a lot, all its life the israeli army is much smaller, due to the mobilized were collected, gifts were given, after which the army went home and lived an ordinary life, now this is not the case, so the israeli army feels very tired, hezbollah has all the data, their population is 10 million, israeli experts have the following figures. look haris newspaper, which is the most frank of
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all israeli newspapers, is to tell what is happening directly in the country in the army, everyone else there is strict censorship, just yes, i’m just saying what, i’m just recalculating in relation to the population, that is, this is what the same thing is that if we had losses, well, 300,000, just killed, but no less, that is, well, then it should be, well, there even is.
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this is real, but they have not yet been able to implement the practice of replacing opium poppy; this requires resources, fertilizers, seeds, to do this, it is necessary to resolve logistics issues, and for this it is necessary to resolve customs issues, for example, now pakistan has sharply raised prices for the import of fruits and vegetables produced in afghanistan, pakistan, and afghan farmers are losing money. because of this, literally today they went out there to protest at checkpoints, concluding
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their speech, i want to say that the powerful estonian government announced that they will build another regular line on the border with russia, it is planned to build 600 bunkers there, erect wire fences, anti-tank structures, how much money they are pouring in is unknown, but i want to reassure them that... today dmitry olegovich was asked if one megaton is a lot or is malonsky enough, i think that one poplar will be enough for them to make a sanitary zone , if only nato dares to carry out large-scale aggression against russia, the russian army, i think, will not enter estonia, they should know these prospects, let them not bully us, i say again, let someone be there again tomorrow will distort, publish that i am a russian official, calling for the third world war. but my wish is this: these small three baltic republics don’t need
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to bully us all the time, it’s already starting to get boring with 600 bunkers, and they ’re going to collect hide and seek, they didn’t take all the numbers, it just seems to me that they stupidly recalculated the monergame line , the menarheim line was a little longer, they just don’t, well, they have enough people for so many bunkers, or they will switch to bunkers,
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that america is unlucky there with biden or not i was lucky with trump for a trivial reason, because this key problem is that america was overstrained; if in the fifties, sixties, seventies, joining the dollar system gave investment, well,
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at worst, there were different problems there, but nevertheless, each country, yes... i was here in japan, i just arrived, there have been investments in recent years, i like these people, excuse me, it’s like saying, a sick person, they were in japan, in japan, well done, here, foreign, here we sergech, i wonder how it is there, how japan is, i i’ll tell you, foreign investment, we are people under sanctions from almost all countries, the beaches of north korea
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and iran are open to us, and you talk to the japanese, they will give you from below, even if... 400 billion dollars of investment in japan in recent years, 2 trillion dollars outflow, this has become a key problem, why? the united states of america in the forty-fourth year was 52% of the world economy, and today, according to optimistic estimates, 18, and according to pessimistic estimates, 14. the ossr in the late eighties was 24% of the world economy, now, now for russia - this is a good question,
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because how to calculate the russian economy, the world bank, the world bank. brought us to fourth place, japan, by the way , was overtaken, but by what indicator, by purchasing power parity, that’s what the economy is good for, you can always find an indicator that you like, yes, but what and what purchasing power parity is, no one knows, so this is very convenient, yes it can be done, china has more than can be multiplied by two, only china has more than us, india has more than us, india has everything, everyone else has less, including japan, here. and for this reason , they might be happy to discuss what to discuss, i discussed it here with dmitry before the start of the program, something was thrown at dmitry before the start of the program, to replace it, but he is our specialist in america , which means it’s possible to replace biden, so the question is, this person should say something, like i’ll come now and
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i won’t be as old as... what will i do, he took an oath and then ran, what will i do, where, people ask, the standard of living is falling, inflation is high, have you seen at least one president, what he will do, not everyone says, but they once told the truth, they told the truth, i will steal myself, i will let my son hunter steal, my close and distant relatives will steal, this is what they are already doing by the way, and they
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interesting 10 theses for election campaigns are already doing this, honestly, honest politics. this is included in the list, everyone understands that this is, well, at least say something else, the last two points will be made public, if you, i beg your pardon, are larry summers, on whom there is no place to put a stamp, says that inflation is not 3%, but 10, well, that ’s how to live here further, and for this reason everyone else looks at this and says: guys, okay, fine, you can say whatever you want to your people there, to us tell me, there will be money, no, then why be friends with you, but it doesn’t matter to them, there won’t be money, but anyway, they all run away, by the way, in this sense it works out. in this sense, i was actually most interested in this whole world trip of orban, who flew around the globe,
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that the outgoing secretary general of nato said: “well, yes, we talked everything over with him, now he’s leaving, based on the results, we’ll hear, we’ll hear, and accordingly, also the outgoing minister of foreign affairs of the european union, sorry.”
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can say that putin does not plan to attack europe, putin never planned to seize all of ukraine, that this is all absolute nonsense, stop lying, well, yes, this is a blow to the very system of argumentation, because this is the main thing that orban says, your idea that putin is some kind of infernal evil has no relations, he is absolutely rational, he is not going to, well, no, well, just one moment, when journalists, like takir carlson, say this, on the other hand, when orban speaks. no, another sanctions, another decision, no, that wouldn’t happen, here i have
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a piece of paper, yes, here, here, here is a piece of paper, and why are you inventing a third world war, in fact, no one needs it except you, by the way, the only war, the only war that we can have, which i see, no one has money for a big war, no longer those who don’t have a mischief, because these guys can collect every creature...
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i have a feeling that they want to repeat the trick of forty-five, that is, they will throw us a piece of this eastern europe, all these freaks, so that we feed them and so that we don’t go into western europe, because our history is 150 million, which western europe can we go into, there are 500 million, so what should we do? well, listen, well, war is a science, well, people at the academy, there’s the academy of the general staff, it ’s no coincidence that they graduate from military universities, then there is a war - it’s hard mathematics, it’s science, well, listen, let’s go to the front, and how we’ll get there is very simple, because when everything falls apart there, and we have economic growth, then everyone there starts looking in the wrong direction, and here, yes, for this we have.
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well, so everything is fine, that’s all, i think that we are having the most fun summer of my entire life, well, maybe only the ninety-first
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year can be equalized, everything is still ahead. so, firstly, i am deeply convinced that there is money for war, because we are now we are facing wars of a new type, and then i am deeply convinced that europe will now begin at some point in time to face religious-ethnic conflicts, moreover, they will be extremely difficult to extinguish, it is no coincidence that in france the left won, and what’s on the flags it is written that france is a country of migrants, that is, now it will go according to...
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if we say this systematically, then what the soviet union was great at doing? in fact, one of the main historical advantages of the west is this: at the current historical stage, the west works with everyone, no one is working with the west, no one is working against america, no one is working against europe, they have no external enemies at all, absolutely true, and this gives them incredible freedom of action, they do what they want, there is no one to fear if we want you they themselves will fall there and so on, if we want to win the war now, quickly, clearly, effectively, we must... it will begin, for this purpose it is not necessary, there is a lot of unnecessary stuff, you need intelligence, understanding of realities , quiet, calm work, including through old connections that exist, we need to help to bring the war to their territory, there is now bringing justice to the territory of europe, britain, temporarily the united states of america, and the wonderful name is petty
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britain. the disunited states of america, this is it, i don’t understand, this is germany, who is this, this is germany, this is alemannia, this is deutschland, i’m somehow used to it, bavaria, selesia, a free state, a free state with its centuries-old traditions , in shorts, this, and if you remember about prussia, then there will be nothing left of poland, prussia, saxony, are you talking about prussia is in vain now.
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analytics, all kinds, yes, if you read, in all their parties, movements, among journalists, every second sudopayt, and read some ukrainian journalists, so zelensky’s entire team, led by ermak, are agents recruited by the fsb, who are consciously, and even syrsky, there is no place to put marks there, not only that, he studied in moscow, ours, therefore, now there are a lot of all kinds of theories about who controls whom, but in fact, we see these changes. may israel defense forces, this is on may 15, now i’ll remind you of others numbers, that is, on may 15 they gave 621, now they also can’t believe the number there, no, no, i’m not talking about that, it’s just that we cited it correctly, that is, kharets gives some numbers, officially they give other numbers,
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no one chooses anything knows and doesn’t know, well... about orban, he knows how he is destroying the european union, in general orban is handsome, great, look what he’s doing, he didn’t go in vain, when hungary assumed the chairmanship of the state chairman council of the european union, and there barel, ursula vonderlean did not declare, they are interfering with another institution, he very competently uses legislation, in general the legal basis of the european union, seven institutions, he... as a state chairman, representing it, heads the council of the european union, consisting of twenty, there these eight ministers, 27 ministers and who has the right to conclude agreements, if he concludes something, then he must submit it for approval, and until he has concluded, he will not receive any mandates from any barel, or from any ursula vonderlein
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it’s not necessary at all, it’s very. it’s a cool step, here’s the european union, it can rage, have hysterics, scream, do something else, but they can’t influence it in any way, then, look at what its rhetoric is designed for, yes, that’s right, it disavows all of these.
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here it has a close-knit group, it’s called a national association, so a close-knit group, what is macron’s ensemble, what you so beautifully called in german by some other word, in french it’s an ensemble, here’s macron’s ensemble all together, yes i think there are eight of them pieces, somehow they are important in a different way, no longer plays any role, the soloist of the ensemble without the ensemble, but together for the republic. that means there are eight different groups of them, very contradictory, even more amorphous, i can’t imagine how they will form a government, this is a new popular front, it was formed on june 10, there, in my opinion , they have the main ones, i may be confused, because it’s fresh,
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a fresh formation, in my opinion, 25 structures, some 21 allies, there from reunion, martinique, these departments of the zamur departments and so on, they are there, are formally headed. no one respects him, his unconquered france took, as it were, the most votes, yes, but due to a compromise unification, they all remind him of this, but what kind of figures are there, that’s what’s happening in france, in general, in the entire history of the fifth republic, or maybe to be the third and fourth with her, i remember the second case, that the former president...
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tells me, this is saakashvili’s closest associate, well, yes, who later was a deputy minister - in ukraine, this is his companion, he met her when worked in saakashvili’s team, that’s all there, it’s such an association, it’s called the dance of the public, it’s in a public place, why is it called that, this association is included, the association of the left, that is, there are leftists, there are very specific communists, now in france and indeed...
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institutions that were initially so chaotically formed that not a single state in europe would even think about some kind of sovereign choice, suddenly orban appears, and this institution. used in the interests of the sovereignty of hungary and sovereignty of the european union itself. this has never happened before. it happened this summer, this year it happened, i don’t know, covid had such an impact. but it seems to me that after all , russia’s position and the changes that are taking place in the world, we see that the west is changing, and these transformations are irreversible, that’s all that is happening irreversibly. many in europe are now saying, this...
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they will have to discuss it, they will not be able to ignore what orban will agree on with putin, xidinping, and will receive some kind of approval from trump, it will no longer be easy push it somewhere into the back drawer, europe will offer some kind of deal, a peace deal, because further blows with mallets await them, they have elections going on, now they will endure the summer, they will have it after the european football championship, and the olympics france, this is really all, well, the french press
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will probably make them in... in 3 months, but the fact is that the situation in france was different then, there was no such political mess that is happening now, all the institutions of the fifth republic are gradually destroyed and this applies not only to france, in fact, this applies to the european union as a whole, so if we talk about our situation. in fact, the bet that washington
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made during the biden period was on the europeanization of the conflict in ukraine, this had something to do with it, let’s while we have elections, let’s shift all the responsibility to these people, let them interfere in this ukraine, deal with it, then we’ll take care of the elections , and then we’ll think about it, but this bet, apparently, does not fully work, first, they can’t do anything without the finances of the americans, without military-industrial assistance they can’t do anything, without nato support they can’t...
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that is, in their minds they will now tear up boeing with legal claims, and this of course is the best time to make our planes, it’s time to make our planes, the second important news that just came that the eu countries are considering the possibility of canceling hungary’s six-month chairmanship of the council
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after the visit of the hungarian minister orban to the russian school, this is already very curious because. if they agree to this, it will show that not only is there no democracy no, this is generally a complete leveling of all european principles, this could lead to such a split in the european union, yeah, that there will be the beginning of its de facto disintegration, that’s it, hungary will go into the turkic-speaking union i suggested, i suggested paying attention to the possibility of hungary, well, in turkey it she won’t leave, she won’t go to turkey, although they have excellent relations there with erdogan, by the way, with vucic, well, hungary is participating in the union. it’s important for us now not to lose everyone, yes, it’s important not to lose all these countries now, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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you're off the route, turn left, you 're off the route after 200.
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you're off the route, turn right, don't make noise, man, act natural, i'm from the police, okay, the guy at the flower tent didn't notice me?
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why everything, i can handle it myself, the victim approached him, i chose you, a girl, beautiful, so they go to the bench, sit down, it seems he is strangling her, oh, no, he’s not strangling, he kisses, so, stop, what are you doing are you fooling me? this is your fiance and you are watching him.
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excuse me, are you novikov, sergey? this is delivery colors? sorry, this is probably some kind of
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mistake, but everything on the invoice is correct, you can sign here. seryozha, no, she planned it all that way. seryozha, come back! come here, come here, my dear, i ’ll tear out your polyganism along with your tonsils,
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look at him, he came in only darned shorts, but he leaves like a baron, dear, what a petty paradise you are, by the way, i gave you a gold chain , i understand, but you sold it yourself, but i needed the money, fool, give me the shirt. oh, mashenka, you don’t have your own business, you keep trying to pry into other people’s, well, on tv there’s nothing normal, don’t twitch, i see everything, oh, vikul, why am i so unlucky, i’m pretty, i make money. cleanliness, even if you eat from the floor, well, if you were a person, i will give birth to children for you, you yourself will be like cheese and butter,
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why does one stick to me from the floor, vikul, it means it’s not time for heaven yet, you won’t meet your prince yet, so it’s in everyone you meet he sees the prince, even my kolyan is on a divorce, how she defended him, your kolyan is gold, but he pays alimony, he sits with lenka, well, you shouldn’t have lied to me? yes, girls, hello everyone, hi, hi, raya, i'm free, yes, sit down, yeah, well, let's let it go and wind it up, wind it up, yeah, i wanted to drop by in the morning, i called, and they told me, you took the day off from the wedding, oh, with this mishan i'm all out heads flew out of my head, girls, this morning i went to twist my wife's hair, happy, beautiful, wait, haven't you been to the zaksa, or what? yes, i’m telling you, mishanya, you bastard, so you don’t know anything, that there was no wedding, yes, girls, there wasn’t, but
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oh well. uh-huh, oh, wow, my grief, onion, let's go home with you, but what's up with that? sit, so i hoped that suddenly he would return, i called him, he was unavailable, well, to the police, to hospitals, what can i say, my groom ran away from under the aisle, heaven, well, everyone knows who sent this damn wreath, where is it ran? everyone knows too, anka told him, if you get married, i’ll turn your wedding into a funeral, so why are you sitting, and what will i do with this crazy woman, heaven, he left, that means you chose her, you’re scared, otherwise he threatened me, i i’ll be worse here, i’ll kill him, we look at the rtr,
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ninka is walking around, twirling her tail, masha is nowhere don't do it, but we'll leave anyway. it will be calm, things need to be transferred, that’s how it’s supposed to be, why are you interfering with the authorities, no one likes this , life is passing, you’re not life, some kind of aconite, i love you, remitters, tomorrow on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you,
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is dear to you,
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your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, he loves them. until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we only watch on the platform, our favorite songs are played in our studio,
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i’ll tell you everything i know, we watch on rtr , just like that, yes, falsify documents, i think you are a real policeman, i spoke out, please tell me when you and i can talk, normal, guys, what should we talk about, yuri efimov, passport is forged by a bandit, what kind of passport, new in exchange for information about the death's head, yufevych, stand, police, artist, tomorrow on
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rtr, catch, fish, big or small, well , in general, she chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, is it possible? tasty, be healthy, i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something healthy be pleasant, fiction, can science be understood, and you make a wish, yes, yes, m, m, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, everyone. people in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formulas. on saturday
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on rtr. comrade district police officer. listen, kitten. “i’m no longer 16 years old to run after you all over the area, vityusha, and i’m not going to deal with your heart problems, half-assed citizen, and i’m not going to jail your next roommate for 15 days, don’t yell, not at the parade, it’s not about me, about anzhelichka, but it doesn’t matter to me”? they’re transferring me to the investigation, so they took me, they took me, vityusha, congratulations, who’s replacing
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you now, here’s vladimir petrovich kostyakov, from moscow he came to us, so now he can rosin his brains, hello! and so, he also worked in moscow as a result, in consequence in moscow, it was necessary to screw up so much for him to be transferred to us, you are still a simple plot, my paradise. , you understand a lot, as i understand it, he wanted to escape anywhere, so - what about seryoga, what are you saying, heaven? the usual story, around the time of the meeting my legs
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went cold, i thought better of it and pulled, well done, man, they don’t imprison you for this, they don’t imprison you, it should be, it would be in the brains of men, oh, as a rule, that is, do you think you can force a person to love against his will? otherwise my grandmother on the odessa side brought my grandfather back into the family through the party, we lived in perfect harmony for another 30 years, pour, pour, wow, he’s also a talking, talking, only one curse word, got it from drug addicts, funny bird, zhorik, we are today we're moving with you, and there will be chicks, there will be, zhorik, there will be, in short, raya, until someone i won’t put seryoga on the wanted list, i won’t look for him. raya, you’re not a relative, and don’t meddle in this matter, and i don’t have any brains,
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i’m still a colleague, i thought they’d give me a hostel, but somehow there’s room, yes, so now i have a free room, huh? categorically no, that she’s a good woman, aware of all the news, that’s more powerful, yeah, that’s it, her father was also a district police officer, a respected man, he died, a departmental apartment, it’s too early for her, there are other options, but not at all. yes, petrov, why, i understand, let's go, you can
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tell me what you saw, what you heard, if the neighbors, yes, yes, yes, okay, but you have the documents, with you, no, i have them. maksimova anna evgenievna may 16 birth 28 years old registered here damn. i think poisoning, the rest after hiding. oh well, i promised to poison myself and i did. what a fool, girl, what the hell are you doing here, and making a scandal about her stealing other people’s suitors? i’m calling, keep quiet, let me, i think i’ll come in, but you’re screwed here, so is this the fitful one who promised to poison herself? well, let's frame it as suicide. look! how did you dress up? underwear, don’t be afraid,
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about five thousand, vintage champagne, as if she wasn’t preparing for death, a date, yeah, she thought, heaven, that seryoga would get scared and run to save her, it looks like the date took place, i mean? the girl’s lips are made up, there are no marks on the glass, which means it’s been washed. “perhaps they are beautiful, see, come, excuse me, there is no dust on the glass, it was recently used, take it for prints, good, it turns out, but who,
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seryoga, i just don’t understand, seryoga is running from the zakse, the children are paid for, the bride sobs, in short, angry like the devil, he comes running to this anka, and she ’s all beautiful there, instead of grabbing her by the throat, he politely poisons her, oh, heaven, that’s enough, but he was there, he was, there’s a motive, she blackmailed him, thwarted him wedding, she promised to get poisoned, she promised, so he politely touched her, so that no one
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would think, so svetlana maksimova, sister, i can’t stand reporting such news, come on , are you new to us? are you with me, i can’t, i need to go to bed, i felt really bad at work today, i felt like i felt something when you saw your sister in the last time, a couple of days ago, i’m generally very friendly, we spend holidays together, weekends, on the phone, we actually talk on the phone every day, just at her place. from a psychiatrist, not to
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hell, but can you be more specific, just when you said that you found her body, i’m done, i realized that she decided on this, oh, but she decided on what, yes, because of this new guy, she she lost her mind, everything threatened that she would commit suicide, that’s how i felt, you know, i had to go to her right away, oh, i can’t, it’s my brother who came. light, what happened? anya is dead! boy, yes! what are you doing, and if you fall, where
11:27 pm
did you get the matches? i found it, but what, it’s been open for 2 days already? i see, what's your name? ivan, where are your parents? ivan, i only have my mother, she’s in the store at work. and now you're going to arrest me? well, stop, boy! well, how many can you choose, decide quickly already, thank you, please, cleaning
11:28 pm
products are needed. please come to us again, thank you, by all means, we are waiting for you again, hello, hello, i’m your new district police officer, major kostyukov, my personal, boy, vanya, your child, yes, what’s wrong with him, nothing yet, but he’s on the street alone, let’s see, he’ll end up in history, and let him strengthen his character. don’t be afraid of life, no one will bring you a spoon, he just almost fell into a manhole, i’m a single mother, it’s clear, i went from morning to night, there’s no time to eat, there’s a kindergarten, just try to get there without cronyism, if you don’t take care of your child,
11:29 pm
i’ll raise the issue with the guardianship, goodbye, loaf, please, loaf, please, vladimir petrovich, are you dressed? it's a pity. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding, i came to see how you got settled here, don't worry, i won't be long, just for a couple of days, until they give me a room in the hostel, uh-huh, okay, so, well, there’s a tv in my room, a program too,
11:30 pm
i’ll give you the board now, but what do we hear about the earring, we’re looking for it, you think it’s him, but it wasn’t if he were guilty, he wouldn’t be hiding. anya called him, which means she was hoping, hoping, which means she gave him a reason. all men are the same, bastards, well, tell me, there are women too, that in general life is a complicated thing, you can’t divide everything into white and black, it’s not even a very simple thing, do the right thing, and your soul won’t be torn to pieces, beautiful wife, m... left, yes, flight, excuse me, i'm very tired for today, good night.


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