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tv   Bakhar  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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a three-day summit dedicated to nato’s seventy-fifth anniversary kicks off today in washington. the leaders of the alliance countries are expected to discuss military plans taking into account the experience of the ukrainian conflict. according to reuters, these plans include the creation of new brigades to protect the alliance from a possible russian attack. as the authors of the material specify, the creation of one brigade will require from 3 to 7 thousand military personnel. the reuters did not specify where they would come from. a sea of ​​cappuccino color. residents of vladivostok, residents are perplexed, this caused such a natural phenomenon, in a situation julia egorova sorted it out. the strange cappuccino-colored foam frightened the townspeople, and various videos quickly began to appear on social networks. this is the first time i’ve seen this in our parking lot. yachtsmen trying to go to sea believe that it's all about the ships. well, in my opinion, this is a steamship dump. and at the top, if you pay attention, these are mast spots. they notice foam formation everywhere, on russky island, near the city. in the very center. the vladivostok sports embankment
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is frightening not only of its color, but also of its smell, as if some kind of algae, but something very strong it just looks like sand, something, i think it’s some kind of waste, or something after the rain, it’s on the embankment, if you go further, there’s a generally disgusting smell, one of the actively discussed versions is a sewer discharge sewage, this is what the townspeople believe is responsible for the unpleasant odor. another version is pollen of natural origin, which is what caused the appearance of spots and stains in the waters of the amur bay. contamination with petroleum products was excluded; there was no reaction to treatment with the sorbent and there was no characteristic odor. but the far eastern branch of the academy of sciences confidently stated that this is the so-called red tide, in other words, water bloom. for ecosystems, this is indeed a very extraordinary event, approximately the same as what happened in kamchatka, but it belongs to the category of dangerous natural phenomena. the reason for this large-scale manifestation was a number of factors, including climate change and desalination of water due to human influence.
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researchers are in favor of creating a monitoring center that will unite relevant departments. concentration information in one place will allow the population to be informed in a timely manner about changes in the waters of the bay and will prevent the spread of panic, as happened this time. yulia egorov, alexander kazantsev, alexander ostafiev, vesti primorye. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the annual festival of feeding the spirit of the sea took place on sakhalin. according to tradition, on this day , representatives of the indigenous peoples of the north appeased the deities with sacrificial offerings. songs, dances, national dishes, guests of the holiday were able to see and try it all. report by elvira masyagina. on the shore of the bay of patience, at the sacred hearth, final preparations are being made for the ritual of feeding the spirit of the sea. the women of the nif community collect the sacrificial dish, and the elder of the clan gives it.
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instructions to the breadwinner before starting fishing, we feed the sea so that we have good luck, so that fishing is as if favorable, maxim yamakawa enters the gate of the sea spirit, men ask the deity for good luck, appease them with tea, wild berries and blasphemous, an offering make a spirit of fire and land so that the hearth never goes out and the harvest is rich, not everyone can become a breadwinner. berries and milk, and these are not all delicacies. the holiday of feeding the spirit of the owner of the sea was accompanied by national songs and dances, as well as competitions. representatives of the indigenous peoples of the north competed in archery and boat racing.
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hundreds of residents and guests of the island gathered at the festival and everyone was imbued with the culture of indigenous peoples. every nation should have its own traditions. sorry, i'm emotional. any people any nationality. without traditions we are nothing. the event was super, especially the artists who performed were great, yuzhno-sakhalinsky, paronaysky, noglinsky all, we watched all the performances. for the first time, a new venue, a family living room, was organized as part of the holiday. representatives of the indigenous indigenous peoples shared with the guests their traditional values, which today are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. elvira masyagina, ilya velikanov, leading the sakhalin kuril islands. all news is always available on the media platform, look at application or on the website the news is following developments. a twenty-seven-year-old nurse from america, katarina sebetik, contacted our editorial office. about the fact that she is an adopted child from russia. i knew from
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childhood, i really want to find my relatives, during our search a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years, is the american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family? this is the main thing - a sensational dna test. malakhov. today at 17:30. on the russia channel. good morning. hi all. tuesday, july 9. vladislav zavyalov and svetlana abramova are in the studio. join our broadcast, we are waiting only for you, we would like to wish everyone cheerfulness, but the main engine of progress is laziness, and this was once again proven by an inventive mother from china. on social networks, a housewife shares a life hack of how she picks up her child from school while sitting on the couch using a small
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panda drone. this toy can not only fly, but also transmit human speech at a distance noticeably greater than the range of a classic mother's call from the window. you would like such a gadget, yes, you can announce a cartoon, replace it with a sweet one, or give instructions to pick up an online order from the delivery point. by the way, online sales are growing rapidly, both in china and in russia, but buyer protection leaves much to be desired. yes, despite its high technology, this market often remains wild, whether the consumer only has to declare his rights, but why - ilya found out. elmira bought a powerful soundbar on the internet, half a kilowatt of sound, the village should have shuddered, but the subwoofer is silent, dancing with tambourines did not bring any results, she decided to return the defective goods, but at the point of delivery of orders they refused her, they said that she would have to write
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a statement there, accordingly - the goods received at the main office are not light, so she needs to translate something, the law gives... 15 days to exchange or return goods of inadequate quality, and the seller pays for the removal of anything heavier than 5 kg. the rules for returning such goods are the same in regular and online stores; it is strange that sellers do not know them. this is the box that originally came: a little torn here, a little crumpled, perhaps it was not opened for the first time, it was handed over. so alina also decided to take the device, which was supposed to relieve swelling on the face, but it showed zero effect. to the request for a refund, marketpce responded. let's return the product, you opened this package at the point of delivery, you are convinced that it works. products of good quality purchased online can be returned within 7 days without explanation . this applies even to those things that cannot be exchanged or returned in normal trade. subject, for example, to technically complex goods. even if a person partially
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used the product, this did not in any way affect its presentation and consumer properties, that is, well, there are no traces of use as such, eh. the goods can be returned, but sellers cleverly play on buyers’ ignorance of their rights. i bought a fan for 1,300, changed my mind, decided to return it, the seller wants 2,500 for shipping costs. i created a return request several times , each time it was rejected. they are stalling for up to 7 days, please advise what to do, write an official complaint, or go to court, however, there is one thing, but. about half of online sales today occur through marketplaces, and many people think that the online platform is the seller. in fact, this is just a showcase where entrepreneurs display their goods. contacts of a real supplier are often not found. according to the law, the marketplace is not responsible. the situation when a consumer finds himself in a vacuum is strange, experts say and offer options for a way out. it is being discussed that all returns will be
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are free for the buyer, that is, buyers will calmly hand it over to the pick-up point and, without paying anything, order another product , receive their product that they need. this will force the seller to describe in more detail. it is not always possible to explain to children what is good and what is bad, but it will be necessary, because schools have proposed returning grades for behavior. this initiative was put forward by the human rights council, and the ministry of education supported it with a reservation, to develop criteria and assessments of who
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will actually give it. well, as sanctions, experts suggest keeping school bullies out of final exams. it is expected that this measure will be very
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to college, yes, when entering a university there are grades, the number of points for volunteering is added there, the number of points is added there for some personal achievements, and a certain number of points can also be added for good behavior, but according to this logic then you need what - in a way to reduce the number of points, for those who have a bad grade for behavior, you can think about it, but it seems to me that it is better to go according to the system,
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disloyal, but simply add points upon admission for those who are interested, if we, as proposed, generally deprive children of the opportunity to take the exam, yes, do not allow any hooligans to take the exam, it seems to me that this, firstly, will be all - after all, violate their right to education, why not allow it, even if he behaves as he does. some specific offenses, if a person fights, if a person calls names,
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insults other students, it happens that teachers are insulted, these things should be the subject then, of course, of some general, firstly, consideration, after all, at some school councils, bodies, in order to eliminate subjectivity, thank you, thank you, will grades for behavior appear again at school, we talked about this with chairman of the parents' association? committees and communities of russia olgo letkova, thank you, thank you, baharmal has time, a hot premiere, i really want to live, i will still become a donor, that if i do not give my consent, for the sake of my wife, i am ready for anything, the operation will begin in 15 minutes , timur, what else is he with him, refused the operation, mom, bahar named. on the russia channel. places for recreation
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and sports, new tourist routes in small towns, historical settlements, all this becomes possible thanks to the all-russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements. it is carried out under the national project housing and the urban environment, this year over 400 projects have already been submitted. 7 regions. should i move the queen or the rook? that is the question. the plitnev couple from kurganinsk teach their sons chess. good you can do this right in the open -air park. human-sized figures along with a giant elongated board appeared here quite recently. modern, clean, decorated, sidewalks, clean lawns everywhere, benches, lanterns, lighting. the local history park named after maxim gorky has changed beyond recognition this year. the dilapidated alleys and impassable thickets with
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weeds have been replaced by modern paths. picnic meadows with an amphitheater, a stylish dance floor, and a whole natural history garden, a real paradise for local youths. about those as elena goncharova says: indigenous, born, raised in this small cozy kuban town, she was so imbued with the history of her native land that, no, no, she will conduct an educational excursion for visiting tourists. the golden domes of our holy ascension church, in fact. because of him, the story began when the temple was built, there was a cossack circle here, that is, this is a sacred place, a large-scale reconstruction of the park became possible thanks to the victory in the all-russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban... environments in small towns and historical settlements. the main goal of the competition is the creation of new public spaces, landscaped areas, and, of course, the creation of new points of attraction. all cities with a population of up to 200,000 people can participate, and there are conditions for cities in the far east, where the minimum threshold is 5,000, and the maximum population is 250,000 people. the all-russian
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competition for the best projects to create a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements is held by national housing and urban project. wednesday since 2018. a total of 2,714 applications were received, of which 1,027 winning projects were selected, including 82 winning projects among the constituent entities of the far eastern federal district. 700 projects, 288 parks, 140 streets and pedestrian zones, 145 embankments and 127 squares have already been implemented. among the leaders in the number of applications for the competition in the moscow region. raise your hands like this so that your hands don’t get sore. ito will not combine. my mother and i are mastering the new playground, there is a slide, and a new swing with a sandbox, elektrogorsk, on an area of ​​almost 5 hectares, carried out a major reconstruction, made a new embankment with paths made of gravel and composite boards, and equipped a beach pier with all amenities. a volleyball court also appeared nearby. this territory of the stakhanovsky coast is one of those projects that we submitted to the competition and
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accordingly won. the concept itself was developed for a couple of months, then the project moved on. how much will higher education cost if it doesn’t fit into the budget, what do prices depend on and we’ll find out how to get the profession of your dreams in a few minutes, oh, hi, lost what,
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lieutenant, major, there are no shoulder straps on your underpants, look at rtr, we went on a spree yesterday, why don’t you throw it into the night, i have absolutely nothing to do with your personal life, really, let 's move away, i wouldn't want to discuss it in front of strangers, the body was discovered by a neighbor, where she was going out, well, who has any theories, well, raya knows everything, today on the rdr. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel
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myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to do this before. warm up. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help. you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing from monday to friday on rtr, you’re scared, otherwise they threatened me, i ’ll be worse, i’ll kill him, we look at rtr, nina is walking around, wagging her tail, masha is not going to do anything, we’ll leave, everything will be calm, things are going on you need to convey it as it should be, why are you interfering with the authorities, no one likes it,
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life does not pass, or life is some kind of fire, i love you, limit workers. today on rtr, i think that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, it’s dangerous. a fabulous animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just look. let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 does not come, zhenya
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will add his own, something that many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, just a minute, this is lyusya, hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant, on saturday, what i should thank god, who sent you to me, well, you’re just a miracle, maybe you’ll start sleeping with her, so that she’ll do all the work for you, that you ’re so bad at me, well, you’re the boss, but you just don’t see me as a person, man, you want to make a discovery, well, you can’t, you can’t killing life with just test tubes. the main thing is not to make mistakes in the calculations, all this time we have been together and will be together, and he will marry me, you understand, laboratory assistant, on saturday on rtr, from
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schoolchildren to applicants, the admissions campaign has started in russian universities, according to experts, the number applicants may exceed a million people. well, despite the fact that budget places are good if they cover 60% of the demand for higher education in general, the rest will be forced to pay for training, the cost of which varies in a clear direction, well what is knowledge today? kristina sorokina found out. economics is very important in life, which is why arina tkachenko from izhevsk decided to enroll in economic security at a local university, but unfortunately, on a paid basis, the program , popular for... has grown in cost by more than 3,000 - says the applicant and calculates: 5 years training will cost half a million rubles. 99,000 rub. i plan
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to work, and my parents will help. in the new year, experts confirm that prices for paid training, including in leading russian universities grew by an average of 8-12%. for example, to study law at the lomanosov moscow state university costs 550,000 rubles. per year, higher than in 2023 by 40,000. and the higher school of economics offers to study in this program for 460, while the cost for the year has not changed. prices for the field of applied mathematics and programming at st. petersburg state university increased by 6% over the year and amounted to 346.00 rubles. the same specialization in moscow festekh began to cost noticeably more by 78,000. such price dynamics have their own justification, in addition to inflation. first of all, this is the remuneration of teachers and employees of the educational institution. if they increase in price, this affects the final cost of educational services;
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the status of the university, the form of education, the demand for the profession in the labor market, and the popularity of the direction also add value. in the new academic year, experts name the following it specialties: management, economics, law, linguistics, journalism and medicine. at the same time, for engineering and technical and it-directions this will be an increase of up to 8%, by in the direction of the socio-economic and humanitarian block this will be an increase of up to 15%. if acquiring knowledge is too expensive, there is no need to give up your dream profession. you can, for example, take out an educational loan with government support at a preferential 3%. for example, if the loan rate is 20%, then 3% is paid by the applicant himself, or his parents, and 17% by subsidy. state. in addition, some universities provide a discount to applicants applying for commerce. its size may depend on the amount of unified state examination points. the higher they are,
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the greater the discount, sometimes up to 60%. also , sometimes a discount on education is provided to winners and prize-winners of all-russian olympiads. and then, the medal of my heart. nice, maybe you should join? now i’ll finish the dance and join in. you need to keep yourself in shape. well, you can. eat and be in good shape about the benefits of almonds immediately after the news. this is news in the morning, we will tell you about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. vladimir putin instructed to establish a leave system for participants in a special military operation. this is a statement. in russia
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a separate holiday for parents with many children, so the head of state supported the idea of ​​​​allowing payment for the spent balances of maternity capital, starting with an amount of 10,000 rubles. we were talking about helping children with disabilities. in our large family, only a small part is represented here, there is a child with disabilities, there is such a problem that only the mother can receive compensation for such a child in the amount of 10,000, if she applies... not for the mother, but receives it , for example, another relative, grandmother, then this will only be in in the amount of 1,200, is it possible to make this payment so that it would also be, for example, for a grandmother or another close relative, well, of course, of course, this can and should be done, you know, these are the difficulties, they are not created on purpose, yeah, but well this is how the situation simply develops, one decision is made, then another, these are not taken into account...
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in the elections i wished you success in public office. the interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the high level of good neighborly relations between the countries and confirmed their readiness to further development of cooperation. they also agreed to organize personal contacts this year. in the kherson region , the russian military destroyed three hymers missile launchers and up to ten foreign specialists who serviced them. footage of iskander hitting targets
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is published. a ship in a series produced under the code karakurt, choosing a bride is a long-standing maritime tradition, how unusual bridesmaids are held and what technical characteristics the chosen one of a modern ship must meet, lyudmila smirnova will tell. the largest on amur is a shipyard where the defense power of the pacific fleet is forged. the first two missile ships of the rzhev series are already at domlya's outfitting station, they are about to be tested,
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the third is ready. this is about oles, he climbs into the crane cabin every day, unloads equipment and components of ships, he was very attracted to this profession, and i have been working for almost 13 years and have no regrets at all. the ship cannot be built without nastya; she is responsible for all the components from bolts and nuts to the most technologically advanced equipment. it's very exciting, i think being a bride ship - this is a very honorable title, so i decided to try myself. and although instead of the uniform
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and helmets of the dress, look at the bride. this is an exam in the technical characteristics of the bride, knowledge about shipbuilding and the structure of the ship, the name of the bride will be included in the crew, she will be invisible with him throughout the life of the ship, well , alina storm, it sounds like, support her crew, guide them on the right path only forward . lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, news, khabarovsk. don't switch. the expedition of the russian geographical society, eastern bastion, has started. in archaeologists, biologists and other scientists allocated a large landing ship to help specialists. the researchers will have to work on the islands of the kuril islands for several weeks. mikhail yudaev, more details. a large landing ship came close, as they say in the navy. to put it simply, i stood as close to the shore as possible, in a small camp bay. today, on board it are not tanks and
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marines, but scientists and researchers from all over russia. in kamchatka, the bdk must pick up 10 more people; they have scientific equipment, warm clothes, and provisions with them. researchers will have to work for several weeks on the islands of the kuril mountains, which are famous.
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in total, the expedition consists of more than 100 people, these are historians, archaeologists, biologists, geologists, volcanologists. to help scientists , the pacific fleet allocated three hydrographic vessels, a special survey vessel and... there are no berths, so the expedition includes a large landing ship ship, it is capable of landing people on an unequipped coast. this is already the fifth field season of the expedition, the entire scientific program is designed until 2025, the results it’s too early to sum it up, but every year brings interesting discoveries, for example, last year 800 insect specimens and 70 rock samples were collected in the kuril islands. this year, tourist assessment is added to the block of scientific tasks. the traditional buryat round dance united thousands of residents and guests of the republic . the ulanude ethnographic museum
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hosted the sixteenth night of yokhora festival, which is the name of a popular dance symbolizing friendship among ancient peoples. tatyana kostygova from an ancient ritual. yohor is the language of friendship, it is danced by representatives of different... ethnic groups, they are distinguished by their clothes, for example, the sortuls, who have lived in the dzhida region since ancient times, have high hats with a head cape, this is a festive costume, and they wear the same pointed hat, they wore it in everyday life, while some performed yohor acapello, others stylized the round dance, adding rhythmic music, such an unusual dance did not leave the audience indifferent, the first festival chokara took place in 2008, since then its popularity... has also been growing as well as the number of participants and the prize fund. this year for 400,000 rubles. 10 teams from different regions of our republic will compete. yohar's movements are so simple that anyone can master them. the highlight of the festival is master classes from soloists
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of the baikal song and dance theater. in just one evening , festival-goers learned four types of dance. with the onset of darkness , specially invited guests from the neighboring tv immersed those present in a special atmosphere. students of the kazyl college of arts introduced spectators with the violent yenisei, conveying all its power through song. we came to buryatia to perform our folk song. we have already made friends with the buryats, mongols and kolmyks. we would like to express our gratitude to the organizers of this celebration. guests from kalmykia also joined the celebration of unity. the energetic duo lit up the stage. and, of course, vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions. from the buryat national song and dance theater baikal. there is a lot of buryat music, it’s very cool, it develops the buryat language, buryat crops a vocal competition was held among the festival participants for the best performance and presentation of buryat original folk
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songs. by midnight, the grand finale awaited everyone. hundreds of those present began to dance in a mass round dance. grand johar put a bright point in the festival program. tatyana kostygova, maxim chukmasov, lead buryatia. all news. always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is our news, we follow the developments. a twenty-seven-seven-year-old nurse from america contacted our editorial office. katarina sibetik. she knew that she was an adopted child from russia since childhood. i really want to find my relatives. during our search , a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years. is an american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family? for the main thing - a sensational dna test. malakhov, today at 17:30 on the russia channel. let's start,
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let's, let's, with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning everyone, morning of russia in airing your family morning show svetlana abramova, vladislav zavyalov, here today july 9th. many people love seafood delicacies for breakfast, but not all of them are healthy. oysters and mussels seriously frightened british scientists. in the soft tissues of marine mollusks, scientists
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found an abundance of fiberglass. in mussels , about 3,000 such nanoparticles per kilogram were counted, in oysters over 11 thousand. the harmful effects of garbage on the human body have yet to be studied, and its primary sources vary from shipbuilding fiberglass to banal an entire island many times the size of great britain floats in the pacific ocean. how can you taste shellfish without pure protein? father-in-law, especially those on a diet, will benefit from almonds. australian scientists assure that this oreg not only gets rid of extra pounds, but also cholesterol plaques, thereby improving lipid metabolism in the body. tatyana matveeva found out how it works: there is a misconception that almonds are an apricot seed. they are similar in smell and shape, but are the fruits of different plants. it seems like we didn't know anything about almonds until now. you will be surprised, but this is really not a nut at all. it belongs to the plum family, but... all the most delicious and healthy things went into its bone, however,
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we know little about this. soothing, very tasty, globally rich - plant-based, but i don’t know what microelements there are. so irina nim, from moscow, began to study the composition of almonds in detail when she learned that with its help you can lose an extra kilo, lose weight and at the same time remain well-fed, well , you see, just the dream of any woman. it turned out that this is possible due to polyunsaturated fatty acids, they saturate well and after such a snack you don’t feel the urge to take bites, the effect occurs due to. fill us with healthy cholesterol and fight bad cholesterol, that is, lipid metabolism after gorski almonds is always normal, this news would probably appeal not only to those losing weight, but also to those, for example, who suffer from type 2 diabetes. the rich mineral composition is able to correct the imbalances of substances in the body of such people. minerals are in the majority, they affect energy metabolism. chromium generally has a targeted effect on carbohydrate metabolism. and even if, say, a person has a tendency
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or predispositions and prerequisites for type two diabetes, then we recommend , uh, in general, normalizing the level of chromium in the blood. 100 g of almonds, for example, cover 20% of the daily requirement for this mineral, there is 96% manganese, it also normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and cholesterol, and almonds are also rich in cobalt, silicon, biotin, all of these together... the number of useful superfoods, but in order to assimilate all this, for a long time it was believed that almonds need to be soaked so that fetic acid comes out; according to many scientists, it interferes with the absorption of nutrients, but it turned out that such work may be in vain, even soaking is long enough, 12 hours or more it has practically no effect on fetic acid, but the same soluble b vitamins are washed out by about 15%, along with some of the minerals, the only plus you... this is an opportunity to easily get rid of the almond peel. for many it causes
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irritation, but delicious for a lover. muscovite maria mikhailina does not peel the peel, she puts the almonds into a blender with it, and makes almond milk from it in the proportion of a glass of nuts to two glasses of water. then you just need to strain the milk. i have a sieve for this. maria cooks porridge with almond milk or simply drinks it. but experts argue about the benefits of such a drink. on the one hand , milk contains fatty acids, but not in the same concentration as in the nut itself, because most of the beneficial substances remain. in cake, yes that for health it is still better to eat a handful of whole almonds up to 30 g. whether to soak it or not is everyone’s business. even if you include almonds in the diet of diabetics, you won’t get rid of this disease so easily, of course, but in china they announced a complete cure for type 2 diabetes, the disease was overcome with the help of cell therapy, and tests were carried out on a fifty-nine-year-old patient who lived with this diagnosis quarter of century. in the twenty-first year, he was transplanted from...
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a patient, here is some kind of discovery, some kind of breakthrough, scientists saw, but today we know that type 2 diabetes is not all immediately insulin-dependent, not always insulin-dependent, the patient, in general , already had many complications against the background of his underlying disease, and the treatment already
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required the inclusion of insulin, and here they simply connected insulin in this super way by introducing cell implantation grown.
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such a product, a calorie limiter , can be, for example, green tea, and it will cause a decrease in glucose, and for some , paradoxically, it will cause an increase, yes, thank you, thank you, about new treatment technologies diabetes spoke with an endocrinologist, head of the expert center for the diagnosis and treatment of obesity, diabetes mellitus at the department of endocrinology of the rudn, tatyana svederskaya, thank you, thank you, thank you, let’s compare, we didn’t quarrel. do you want to prove that you abandoned me, and i will become your equal, do you want to help them? clinicians, today at 21:20, confidence behind the wheel is an important quality of experienced drivers,
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but self-confidence can cause an accident, and accidents especially often occur during overtaking. ivan zenkevich knows how do everything correctly so as not to disturb others and not harm yourself. overtaking is a familiar maneuver, but at the same time the most dangerous. it causes particular difficulties and even fear among beginners. but if you do everything correctly, there is nothing particularly difficult here. the first step is not obvious to many. decide whether you need to overtake now? you may be winding down soon and you won't gain anything. please note, is overtaking allowed in this area? does the speed limit allow you to accelerate? but most importantly, the first stage of the maneuver begins in your lane: turn on turn on the turn signal in advance, look in the mirror, check the dead zone, look ahead, that overtaking is possible only after that , start doing it. accelerate 2-3 seconds before the last
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oncoming car passes you. of course, for this there must be a margin of at least 20 meters from the traffic in front. the main task is to be as close as possible to the oncoming lane. less, so we switch the manual transmission to a lower gear in advance, and smoothly but confidently press the gas on the automatic transmission. turn on the right turn signal, get ahead of the person you are overtaking, and as soon as you see both of his headlights in the right mirror, smoothly return to your lane, but do not slow down too sharply so as not to cut him off, but what to do if oncoming traffic is too close and you do not have time to complete overtaking, if you haven’t reached the halfway point yet, let off the gas and come back, but without panic or fuss. one of the mistakes can be called when the driver does not have time to complete overtaking, he begins to brake, turning the steering wheel from left to right, which in turn leads to the car skids, but if before completion. there's less than half left, it's better to turn off the gas. the fact is that the driver you are overtaking will see you and instinctively slow down,
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thereby freeing up space. do the same when they overtake you, do not interfere, if possible, move to the right. it is better to let the tarapyga into your line without obstacles than to provoke an accident. well, if an overtaking car is flying towards you in the oncoming lane, let off the gas and blink, indicating yourself. check the mirrors for the possibility of moving to the right. and if you get dangerously close, show the turn signals that you are going to your side of the road, most importantly not to the opposite side, that’s where the oncoming car will turn first. well , the basic rule is as old as time, if you’re not sure, don’t overtake, only overtake if you are 100% sure of the situation and the capabilities of your car, a new passport, you can get it for me, in return i ’ll tell you everything, look at rtr like this, yes, you are forging documents, i think you are a real policeman, i spoke out, please tell me when we can have a normal conversation,
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what should we talk about, yurfimov, a bandit is forging a passport, what kind of passport, a new one in exchange for information about the death’s head, yufelovich, stand, police, artist, today on rtr, a twenty-seven-seven-year-old nurse from america, katarina sibeti, contacted our editorial office, about she knew from childhood that she was an adopted child from russia. i really want to find my relatives. during our search, a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years. is an american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family? a the main thing is a sensational dna test. malakhov. today on rtr. great man, you have to go, on friday, you
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thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious relationship, but where did you meet, is that enough? put pressure on my girlfriend, to real love, just one kiss, who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well, that's it another thing, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, her wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do, you need a bride with accommodation, on friday at rta. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love
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the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, play with me stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, by saturdays on rtr. on the day of family, love and fidelity , a large-scale project
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“family of families” was launched on our channel the day before, the whole of russia is invited to participate, all together we will create a large documentary in which viewers will see what wonderful families there are in a huge, multinational, multi-religious country, what traditions and rules they have, each family story is unique, anyone who wants to share the unique story of their beloved family, from the unusual acquaintance of a great-grandmother with a great-grandfather, to the choice of a lullaby for a baby, can participate. for the family of families project, your stories, your destinies, your relationships are important and interesting, the presenter and author of the project maria sittel, herself a mother of many children , our presenter of the program, is this how she sees this project? i want this project, a documentary, to be large-scale a project that... is being started in the bowels of our television company, so that it becomes and grows into something like this, and the collective and creative one, which is done by the hands of all our
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television viewers, anyone can become the hero of our large-scale project - leave your application, telling about your family and filling out a special form. well, here are the heroes of our next story: the pospelov family from the teversk region, which has already managed to make itself known throughout the country. pospelovykh to share the secret of how to manage everything, raise children, do business, just enjoy every minute spent together. this apple tree was planted this year in honor of svetochka’s birthday. very soon
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there will be a real apple orchard here, they laugh. spelov’s habit of planting a tree for every birthday perfectly characterizes this family, where everyone respects traditions and does not forget about each other, but 17 years ago , very young students denis and inga could not think that after their meeting life would change dramatically. well, we met in a student dormitory, he was then a student of the sports department on the third i studied in the pedagogical course, and i was in the first year of pedagogy, we both lived in a dormitory , we met in livets, there was friendship. strong and i realized that well, kindred spirits, but as always, love faced serious challenges, moving from a large city to a small village, then building my own house, trying to find a place in life, then , overcoming obstacles, i realized what was really important, i i try to make the house filled with comfort, cleanliness, delicious pies, to please, so we all together create
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this family happiness bit by bit, later one by one another... three little daughters appeared, they bake bread together, collect fragrant ivanchai and honey in their own apiary, and lada, alisa and svetlana, even though they are not 10 years older, already know exactly the answer to the question: what is happiness and family? something so big, warm, fluffy, like a kitten, and also hard, like wood, which they all process together in their family workshop , famous throughout the area, while dad grinds and polishes new products, they assemble a ready-made wooden construction set, in the future is in their hands: a kitchen stand for hot dishes, you put them aside right away, these are in the corners right away, the carpentry hobby of the head of the pospelovs has now become a family business that brings in the main income, all together in their workshop they make key holders, coasters and even wooden furniture. in the old days , it was believed that before starting a family, a man must find his own business, that is, this is not just some kind of work that he just earns money, but this is his family
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business, this is his life’s work. and the main success of family happiness is recognized. denis and inga pospelov’s idea is to make joint decisions. together they do household chores and play sports and always remember the happiness of just being together. and then all families are concerned about updating the housing and communal services infrastructure. we will discuss very soon how utilities will be counted from carrying out work, and who will supervise their work. program for 2 days. vladimir putin's meeting with the prime minister of india began with an informal conversation at his residence near moscow. hit exactly on target, military targets in kiev, dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog were successfully attacked. an environmental disaster or natural
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phenomenon in vladivostok, the sea has turned the color of cappuccino. this is broadcast on the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. the prime minister of india flew to moscow on rendro fashion. the trip program lasts 2 days. official negotiations will take place today. they are expected to discuss the entire range of bilateral issues, from the economy and defense to cultural ties. and the night before, vladimir putin and narendro mode had a conversation in an informal setting. at will take place tomorrow, and today we can calmly talk in such a homely environment, probably about the same issues, but not officially, this is the official residence where i live, on this side of the complex where we work, a colleague, well, at the beginning i wanted i would like to congratulate you on your re-election as prime minister, i think it is no coincidence that the result of your
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work over many years, you have your own... ideas, you are a very energetic person, you know how to achieve results in the interests of india and the indian people, you devoted everything his life, serving the indian people, and people feel it. the indian prime minister's plane landed at the capital's vnukovo-2 airport, where the guest was met by a delegation led by first deputy prime minister denis mantrov, then modia proceeded to the red carpet, where a guard of honor awaited him. the indian prime minister rode around the city on a black aura; among those who greeted him on the streets there were many compatriots. this is modi's first foreign visit since winning the recent parliamentary elections.
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russia's information about civilian targets in kiev is absolutely untrue, as reported by our ministry of defense. numerous photos and video footage from the capital of ukraine clearly confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city. the department noted that similar hysterics of the kiev regime have been happening for several years every time on the eve of the next summit of their patrons from nato. a three-day summit dedicated to nato's seventy-fifth anniversary. the leaders of the alliance countries are expected to discuss military plans taking into account the experience of the ukrainian conflict. according to reuters, these plans include
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the creation of new brigades to protect the alliance from the possibility of a russian attack. as the author of the material clarifies, the creation of one brigade will require from 3 to 7.0 military personnel; where they will come from, the rector did not specify. the russian military discovered it. in avdeevka to the chemical laboratory of the ukrainian armed forces, in which manufacturers produced toxic substances. about it igor kirillov, head of the radiation chemical and biological defense troops, said at a briefing. during the examination , experts found sodium cyanide, sulfuric acid and some other generally toxic substances in the samples. according to kirillov, all of them can lead to death even in small doses. emmanuel macron refused to accept the resignation of prime minister gabriel athalie. french media reported this with reference to the presidential administration. according to them, the head of state justified this the need to ensure stability in the country. and the french leader will trust the formation of a new government only in
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a few weeks, if the victorious alliance does not collapse by then. the head of the left coalition, jean-luc milanchon, previously called for the dismissal of the prime minister, in turn, the leader of the national association , jordan bardyla, predicted a year of political instability. they are to blame for this, in his opinion. the men trying to go to sea believe that it’s all about the ships. well, in my opinion, this is a steamship dump. and at the top, if you notice please note, these are oil stains. they notice foam formation everywhere, on russky island, near the city. in the very center of vladivostok
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, the sports embankment is frightening not only with its color, but also with its smell, as if some kind of algae, but something very much like sand, something. i think it's some kind of waste, or something after the rain. it is on the embankment, if you go further, that the smell is generally disgusting. one of the actively discussing. versions of sewage discharge. this, according to the townspeople, is what causes the unpleasant smell. another version is pollen of natural origin. it was this that caused the appearance of spots and stains in the waters of the amur bay. contamination with petroleum products has been ruled out. there was no reaction to treatment with the sorbent and there was no characteristic odor. but the far eastern branch of the academy of sciences confidently stated that this is the so-called red tide. in other words, water bloom. this is truly a very extraordinary event for ecosystems. approximately the same as what happened in kamchatka, but it belongs to the category of dangerous natural phenomena, the reason for such a large-scale manifestation was a number of factors, including climate change and desalination of water due to human influence.
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researchers are in favor of creating a monitoring center that will unite relevant departments. concentrating information in one place will allow the population to be informed in a timely manner about changes in the waters of the bay and will prevent the spread of panic, as happened this time. yulia egorova, alexander kazantsev. this is news: we are monitoring developments . annual spirit feeding festival passed the sea on sakhalin. according to tradition, on this day, representatives of the indigenous peoples of the north appeased the deities with sacrificial offerings. songs, dances, national dishes, guests of the holiday were able to see and try it all. report by elvira masyagina. on the shore of the bay of patience, at the sacred hearth, the final preparations are being made for the ritual of feeding the spirit of the sea.
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the women of the nif community collect a sacrificial dish, and the elder of the clan gives instructions to the breadwinner before starting fishing. we feed the sea so that we have luck itself us, so that fishing would be favorable. maxim yamakawa enters the gate of the sea spirit, the men ask the deity for good luck, appease them with tea, wild berries and blasphemous. offerings are made to the spirits of fire and earth so that the hearth never ceases to exist. did not go out, but the harvest was rich. not every citizen can become a breadwinner. and for the guests on the tables there is dried salmon, yukola, moz, a dessert of boiled fish skin, northern berries and milk, and that’s not all the delicacies. the festival of feeding the spirit of the owner of the sea was accompanied by national songs and dances, as well as competitions; representatives of the indigenous peoples of the north competed in shooting. no bow and
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boat racing. hundreds of residents and guests of the island gathered at the festival and everyone was imbued with the culture of indigenous peoples. every nation should have its own traditions. sorry, i'm emotional. any people, any nationality. without traditions we are nothing. the event was super, especially the artists who performed, they were all great from south sakhalin, paronay, noglin, we watched all the performances. for the first time during the holiday they organized a new site, a family living room, representatives of the indigenous peoples shared with the guests their traditional values, which today are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. elvira masyagina, ilya velikanov, leading the sakhalin kuril islands. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments of events. our editorial office was contacted from 27. by a nurse from america,
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katarina sebetik. she knew that she was an adopted child from russia since childhood. i really want to find mine relatives. during our search , a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years. is the american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family, and most importantly, a sensational dna test? malakhov. today at 17:30 on the russia channel. good morning everyone, good morning, we are glad that you are with us, tuesday, july 9, in this studio vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, our stories are different, but all interesting, turn it up loud and don’t switch, this is how to cool down in the summer, the chinese taught crowds of tourists come to harbin, a city known throughout the world for its large ice towns. and
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what’s amazing is that the magnificent sculptures have not yet melted; this year, for the first time , a special exhibition hall, or , well, a refrigerator, was opened for them. here, snowmen, ice tigers, bears, swans can calmly wait for winter, artistic lighting further emphasizes the unreality of what is happening, there is even an ice slide from which you can slide down and refresh your most pleasant memories of winter. but remember where you left your car? but not it’s so nice, especially if it was evacuated by utility services, they can get this right if the car interferes with emergency work, for example, it blocks access to the hatch, sergei egorov about this initiative. another second, an ordinary parking lot begins to turn into a seething fountain of soil. even the suv was not prepared for this amount of mud, and a minute later it was drowning in the resulting swamp. later it turns out that the phenomenon, which resembled a natural disaster, was man-made. the soil erosion
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was formed as a result of hydraulic tests on the heating main, which, however , did not at all reassure motorists. now it seems to me that all motorists should think about where they park their cars. a similar incident occurred in samara at the end of may, where a geyser that came out of a manhole overturned a car parked on a well. a month after this incident, local utility workers came up with a logical proposal to allow emergency crews to independently evacuate cars if they are in the emergency work area. this is a much lower cost for... our organization than watch how the water flows onto the roadway, but we cannot stop the water because we need to close the valve; there is a parked car on the well, possibly a motorist. and they themselves would refuse to park on hatches, but how to do this if they are everywhere, for example, such a beauty of seven wells decorates the roadway of one of the capital’s streets, and this house even holds the record for the number of hatches in the local area, the cast iron cover is thick the lawns, driveways and sidewalks around the building were covered with moss; in total, the residents
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counted more than twenty wells. i ’ve lived in this house since 1960, there weren’t so many hatches here, it seems to me that there are so many hatches here because there was an error in the design. whether it was possible to get by with fewer hatches, the company that carried out work in this yard several years ago did not answer us, but experts say that the dominance of wells is not a private situation, but rather a general problem in cities with intensively developing buildings. in soviet times, there were standards for where hatches should be located, standards changed, over time, new buildings, which exist in our cities today, and there are more and more hatches. in addition, during accidents, when emergency situations are localized, new hatches often appear. of course, all this needs to be streamlined, not only hatches need to be streamlined, experts are sure, because they are just the tip of the iceberg, which is in plain sight, but talk about the prospects for a more logical placement of communications , today it is possible only in new
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areas with a comprehensive master plan for the development of territories, as for the existing housing stock, then obviously we will have to support the initiative involving the evacuation of cars, this will discipline both vehicle owners. so do the public utilities themselves, who often explain their, well, let’s say, insufficiently efficient work by saying that they were not given the opportunity to prepare because machines were in the way. of course, the initiative is unlikely to delight motorists, who are unlikely to want cars moving even a few meters without their knowledge, but this is perhaps the least of the sacrifices if water supply for an entire street or preparation for the heating season. but in the meantime , a bill is being considered in the duma that will oblige the resource supply. organizations to invest in upgrading utility infrastructure, and most importantly, report on network repairs; this, according to experts, will make the housing and communal services system more transparent. let's discuss
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svetlana razvorotneva, deputy chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services. svetlana, hello, you probably have information, it may be more precise and newer, but this is what the ministry of construction reported to us in return. almost 45% of water supply networks only need, but in fact only 1% is done, i don’t know whether it coincides with your data or not, but how will the bill help solve this problem, change this imbalance, well, at least the organizations that supply us with cold water, hot water, they are engaged in drainage, but in common parlance, yes, this is sewage, they will think about the work plan for the coming years, because now, unfortunately, only some enterprises, there are these programs for current, and even more so overhaul, re-equipment, yes, that is, money is added for this re-equipment, so how to
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understand where this money actually went and whether those tasks that were set were almost impossible were completed . they were not obliged to report, yes they were not obliged to report, who will control this plan that they will write, a work plan, yes there will be some specific one, where they will present it, who will control it, it will be completed whether there will be this plan or not, well, it will be by decision of the regions, either regional authorities or local governments, they have resource specialists, how can they do this, here we need to appoint an auditor of the accounts chamber in a good way. well, you are absolutely right, as if the bill assumes that the authorities will conduct constant monitoring there, review these reports, and conduct some of their own checks related, well, to the state of this infrastructure, although about the audit, i’m with you here
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i completely agree, i generally think that it is necessary to link, well, as if making a decision on tariffs, but with this audit, that is, first i conducted an audit of the enterprise. looked at what condition it is in, what it lacks, how effective it is or not, then a program, yes, which should, well, somehow offer some specific results, and an annual audit, which, preferably, may not be fully, but how - to at least partially post it in the public space, so that not only authorities, but also citizens, so to speak, experts, could see, yes, in what is the real state of this enterprise? by the way, this would be an additional incentive for investors to control this, do they have enough knowledge and qualifications, do they need to be trained, perhaps? in general, in an amicable way, we also, by the way, discuss this topic, this is how doctors always undergo an annual examination there or... you know, when large
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houses, some large complexes are being built now, then the people who bought an apartment there, they can see in real time how construction is going on, there are cameras installed there, it’s all very easy to see, really, why not do this, at least within a certain area, here is a replacement corpse, you paid so much money, look. what are they doing? well, by the way, this is a great idea, i think that this will be our next step, but now at least to establish accounting and control, now everything is starting to move, well, i want to believe, thank you, thank you, about how to increase the transparency of the housing and communal services system, we spoke with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services svetlana razvorotneva, thank you, we change the clock to summer time. watch us at 11:30 at 18:30 60 minutes, we work for you,
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all year round, you can get me a new passport, in return i’ll tell you everything i know, we watch it on the russia channel, just like that, yes, you are forging documents, i think you are a real policeman, i spoke out, please tell me when we can talk normal, what should we talk to you about, yuri efimov is forging a passport for a bandit, which passport? new in exchange for information about the death's head, yufelovich, stand, police, artist, today 13:00, a micro-apartment for a large family, chinese designers showed how to accommodate five people in an area of ​​less than 4 km, they started dancing from the kitchen, building it into a washing machine, sink, stove, opposite they squeezed a toilet, shower, and a folding sofa, table emerges from... and the main intrigue is where three children will sleep, they are offered to be laid out on three shelves, this is such
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a sad future, and often the present of the largest metropolises on the planet, where square meters are rising in price too quickly. furnishing an apartment is also a pleasure, by the way. it’s not cheap, but here you can save a lot by making racks with your own hands, following the example of the heroes of popular internet videos, climb, climb, don’t worry, the racks are strong, i made them with my own hands. so i guarantee quality. indeed, homemade racks and shelves may be just as strong and reliable as store-bought options. moreover, the appearance of such structures will depend only on the imagination of a home-grown furniture maker. the most successful finds are shared online. for example, you can make a rack in in the shape of a tree that seems to grow from your wall. of course, it is the wooden rack that will look most durable and reliable. and experienced internet collectors admit it simply. it’s nice to work with living material, and such a rack doesn’t necessarily turn out to be expensive. what is needed for
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the rack: four boards, four bars, that’s it, nothing else will be needed, but if this is not at hand, we stock up on ordinary cardboard boxes, many people don’t even imagine imagine what a variety of options this gives tara, we’ve always dreamed of a fashionable honeycomb style, no problem, cut out these rectangles, glue them together, paint them in your favorite color, all that’s left to do is place them. on the wall, by the way, cardboard also makes cute huts; any child would be happy with such a shelf for storing toys. well, where are we without plastic, or rather the most ordinary plastic boxes and baskets, these are ready-made universal shelves for literally the whole world. can. wrap them with a cord or cover them with fabric, or you can just put one box on top of another and it will work out
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shelving in loft style. in general, from such a variety of online options, perhaps you will like something. well, how about you, he’s been enjoying his new rack for three hours now. i'll probably go to hockey with my friends. light, you don't mind, do you? do not mind. i went to the hockey game. this afternoon on the russia channel. turkish passions are heating up more and more, don’t miss the famous series from the very heart of istanbul, bahar called spring. the main character received a doctor's degree, left her career for the sake of her family and, as it turned out in vain, is an exemplary housewife she had never been truly happy, she realized this at the most difficult moment in her life. bahar may die due to liver failure, but we will find out why those closest to her are not in a hurry to save her. from the new series bahar named spring, today at 15 exactly the next one. who are we, where are we going, what kind
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of country are we, what are we for? we have value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, don’t retreat from anything, i don’t care i will do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself, it’s not like i have a family every year, i have a family every minute, there’s no other way, now it’s coming... the fight for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that such responsibility is mine - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny, from
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monday to friday on rtr, you’re scared, otherwise i was threatened, i’ll be worse here, we look at rtr, nina is walking around, twirling her tail, masha isn’t going anywhere, we’ll leave, that’s it it will be calm, things need to be transferred, that’s how it’s supposed to be, why are you interfering with the authorities, no one likes it, life passes, you’re not life, but some kind of nondey, i love you, limit workers, today on rtr, get caught, jerk, big or little one, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? fantasy maybe
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can science be understood? and you make a wish? yes! once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr, oh, hello, lost what, lieutenant, major. there are no shoulder straps on your underpants, look at rtr, you already went on a spree yesterday, don’t drive the person out into the night, i have absolutely nothing to do with your personal life, really, let’s move away, i wouldn’t want to discuss it in front of strangers, the pipes were discovered by a neighbor, the door was at the opening, well, who has any versions, well, raya knows everything, today on rtl.
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projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday, on rtr. trying your luck to find a fern flower in the kemerovo region was recently celebrated on ivan kupala day in a big way. these bright, very atmospheric video frames were filmed on the territory of the museum. tomsk pisanitsa nature reserve. it was not actors who were jumping over the fire here, but ordinary visitors who were gripped by the magic of the ancient pagan holiday. well, turn night into day. the participants of the fire show tried: the holiday of ivan kupala is a traditional ritual of the eastern slavs, praising flowering and fertility. there is a belief that on the night of ivan kupala , the fern blooms only once a year and brings happiness to the one who finds it. ferns also grow in crimea; seven zebras can hide in them at once. what destinies are these
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striped african horses ended up on the peninsula and where they can be seen, our colleagues will tell you. these seven males from the kherson region now have crimean registration, the move went smoothly, the animals enjoyed the ride so much that it took a long time to persuade them to get out of the car. which is their main delicacy. the zebras have been in the new enclosure for literally a few minutes, they are a little worried, but they are already actively exploring the territory, while staying together.
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the zebras are completely healthy and have already passed quarantine in the kherson region before leaving, but as a formality, they will remain in quarantine here for another 28 days. this is the second transportation of animals from the kherson nature reserve to crimea. two females who arrived 2 months ago are now pregnant with babies. the light will appear in august; the males who have settled in the safari park are now approximately 2-3 years old. in the future, they will be introduced to sleds and the population of chapman zebras in crimea will continue to grow. such moves to the peninsula are carried out under an exchange program. according to the agreement , a scottish one will be sent from the crimean park to the kherson region cattle, kan antelope for dry. this is an animal that is abundant in crimea, but not enough in the kherson region. they will be ready to change. in 25 days. and then, discipline, first of all. let's start the lesson, repeat after me, wingardium liviosa. okay,
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stop, stop worrying. looks like we 'll need another smoothie, professor. well, there is discipline in your class, both of them to the director. professor, i succeeded, whether it is necessary to return grades for behavior in regular schools or not, we will discuss after the news, this is to lead the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in studio karina ilyina, hello, vladimir putin has instructed to establish a leave system for participants in a special military operation. this statement was made at a meeting of the president with the families and finalists of the competition, this is our family. they also discussed payments to large families for mortgages, the possibility of using part of maternity capital to send children to
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school, creating a separate holiday in russia for parents with many children. thus, the head of state supported the idea of ​​allowing payments for the unspent balances of the maternal capital, starting with an amount of 10,000 rubles. the conversation turned to helping children with disabilities. only a small part of our large family is represented here. there is a child with disabilities, there is such a problem that only the mother can receive compensation for such a child in the amount of 10,000, if it is not registered in the name of the mother, but , for example, another relative, grandmother receives it, then it will only be in the amount 1,200, is it possible to make this payment so that it can also be paid, for example, to a grandmother or another close relative, well, of course, of course this can and should be done, you know, these are the difficulties. they don’t develop on purpose, yeah, but just like that, the situation develops, one decision is made, then another, these little things are not taken into account, they
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have a certain meaning for people, so of course you need to do it, what a difference these make, whoever is caring for the child, mother or grandmother, everyone needs to be equalized, these 10 thousand must be paid for everyone, at least for now... in any case, and unconditionally indexed. in the kherson region, the russian military destroyed three rszzo hymers launchers and up to ten foreign specialists who serviced them. footage of iskander hitting a target is published by the ministry of defense. it was from this installation that rockets were fired onto the beach in sevastopol 2 weeks ago. in addition, over the past 24 hours our troops have advanced near konstantinovka and belogorovka in the dpr. five counterattacks were repelled at rozovka. russia must increase the production of drones,
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mikhail mishustin said at a strategic session; according to the prime minister, the main tasks of the national project are unmanned aircraft systems to help create conditions for the production of various types of drones, expanding their use in all sectors of the economy, as a result , an innovative industry should be formed that will open up additional ones. during the hot weather in russia , forests began to burn more often. in forty districts at once. the krasnodar territory has implemented a special fire regime; more than a hectare of forests have burned on the black sea coast in the area of ​​inal bay. according to preliminary information, the cause of the fire could have been a flare launched by tourists. in putting out the fire aviation is involved. meanwhile, novosibirs is flooded with rain. the city's central streets were under water, several pay parking lots and elevator shafts in dozens of buildings were flooded. and in st. petersburg they are eliminating the consequences of the storm delia, which
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subsided only today. flooded underground passages. vladimir zelensky, on his way to the nato summit, visited warsaw, where he signed a security agreement with the head of the polish cabinet of ministers, donald tusk. according to the leader of the kiev regime, a ukrainian legion will appear in poland. according to him, first in turn , citizens of ukraine, which is currently located in poland, lithuania and other eu countries, will be enrolled in it. everyone won't be able to sign a contract with. viktor orban went immediately after an unannounced visit to china; the trip to beijing, according to the head of the hungarian cabinet himself, took place as part of a peace mission;
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the ukrainian settlement was discussed from the outside. and noted that the positions of beijing and budapest on this issue coincide. all news is always available on the media platform , watch in the app or on the website the news is following developments. the expedition of the russian geographical society, eastern bastion, has started. composed of archaeologists, biologists and other scientists , a large landing ship was allocated to help specialists. the researchers will have to work for several weeks on the islands of the kuril chain. mikhail yudaev, more details. a large landing ship came close, as they say in the navy. to put it simply, i stood as close to the shore as possible, in a small camp bay.
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today there are no tanks or marines on board. infantry, and scientists and researchers from all over russia. in kamchatka, the bdk must pick up 10 more people; they will take with them scientific equipment, warm clothes, and a supply of provisions. the researchers will have to work for several weeks on the islands of the kuril islands, which are famous for their harsh climate. work is planned on the islands of matua and anikatan. matua historical most part search. a comprehensive study of little-studied territories is expected at anekatan. work on studying the islands of the kuril ridge began in 2019 . the expedition participants will have to identify the dynamics of landscape changes, determine the current state of the population of endemic and rare species of animals and plants, study the culture of the indigenous population, clarify the facts and history of the development of russia and the kuril islands. each specialist has his own list of tasks. one of the main parts is for us to complete the multimetric survey of lake ring. this is one of the deepest lakes in
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russia. in general, it is the deepest in the sakhalin region. in total, the expedition consists of more than 100 people, these are historians, archaeologists, biologists, geologists, and volcanologists. for help scientists from the pacific fleet were allocated three hydrographic vessels, a special pick-up vessel, the large landing ship oslyabya. there are no piers on the islands of matua and annikatan, so the expedition includes a large landing ship. he is capable of landing people on an unequipped coast. this is already the fifth field season of the expedition, the entire scientific program is designed until... 2025, it is too early to sum up the results, but every year brings interesting discoveries, for example, last year 800 specimens of insects and 70 rock samples. this year , an assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the kurils , taking into account other environmental restrictions existing in the area, is added to the block of scientific tasks. mikhail yudaev, kamchatka news. the traditional buryat round dance united thousands of residents and guests of the republic.
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i went to the ulanude ethnographic museum. the sixteenth festival is the night of yohora, which is the name of a popular dance among ancient peoples that symbolizes friendship. tatiana kostygova, ode to an ancient ritual. yohor is the language of friendship, it is danced by representatives different ethnic groups, they are distinguished by their clothing, for example, the sortuls living in the dzhidinsky region wore high hats with a head cape. this is a festive costume, and he wears the same pointed hat that he wore in everyday life. alone for now. yohar acapello performed, others stylized the round dance, adding rhythmic music. this unusual dance performance did not leave the audience indifferent. the nochekar festival took place for the first time in 2008 . since then, its popularity has grown, as have the number of participants and the prize fund. this year for 400,000 rubles it will be 10 teams from different regions of our republic will compete. yohar's movements are so simple that anyone can master them. the highlight of the festival
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is a master class from soloists of the baikal song and dance theater. in just one evening , festival-goers learned four types of dance. with the onset of darkness , those present were immersed in a special atmosphere by special invitees. unforgettable emotions from the buryat national song and dance theater baikal there is a lot of buryat music, it’s very cool that it develops buryat among the participants the festival held a vocal competition for the best performance and presentation of buryad
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original folk songs. by midnight , a grand finale awaited everyone, with hundreds of those present twirling in a mass round dance. grand johar put a bright point in the festival program. tatyana kostagova, maxim chukmasov, lead buryatia. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website this is news we are following developments. a twenty-seven-year-old nurse from america, katarina sebetik, contacted our editorial office. about what she an adopted child from russia, she knew from childhood. i really want to find my relatives. during our search , a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years. is an american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family? yes, the main thing, malakhov, today at 17:30 on the russia channel,
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let's start, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is good morning, hello everyone, tuesday, july 9th. life hack of how she picks up her child from school,
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mom is from china. on social networks, a housewife shares while sitting on the sofa using a small panda drone. this toy can not only fly, but also transmit human speech at a distance noticeably greater than the classic range. both in china and in russia, but buyer protection leaves much to be desired, yes, despite its high technology, this market often remains wild, should the consumer just declare his rights, and why?
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lead. the law gives 15 days to exchange or return goods of inadequate quality, and the seller pays for the removal of anything heavier than 5 kg. the rules for returning such goods are the same in regular and online stores; it is strange that sellers do not know them. this is the box that originally arrived, a little torn, a little wrinkled, perhaps it was not opened for the first time, it was taken to the store. so alina also decided to pass. the device, which was supposed to relieve swelling on the face, showed zero effect, so i asked for a refund. replied: we will not return the goods, you opened this packaging at the point of delivery, you were convinced of that it works. products of good quality purchased online can be returned within 7 days without explanation. this applies even to those things that
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cannot be exchanged or returned in normal trade, for example, technically complex goods. even if a person partially used the product, this did not in any way affect its marketable appearance and consumer properties, that is, well , there are no traces of use as such, and the product can be returned, but sellers cleverly play on buyers’ ignorance of their rights. bought fan for 1,300, changed my mind, decided to return it, the seller wants 2,500 for transportation costs. i created a request for a refund several times and each time it was rejected, they take up to 7 days, please advise what to do, write an official claim or go to court, however there is one thing. about half of online sales today occur through marketplaces, and many people think that the online platform is the seller. in fact, this is just a showcase where entrepreneurs display their goods. there are often no contacts of the real supplier find. according to the law, the marketplace is not responsible. the situation when... the consumer finds himself in a vacuum is strange, experts say, and offer options
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for a way out, discuss so that all returns are free for the buyer, that is, buyers will calmly hand it over to the pick-up point and, without paying anything, order another product and receive theirs the product he needs. this will force the seller to describe his product in more detail; the next step could be to change the status of online platforms. the consumer would already be able to contact directly to an aggregator who would speak out in defense of it... and penalties, then citizens will not have to prove anything to sellers, the aggregator will explain it much more clearly. well, it’s not always possible to clearly explain to children what is good and what is bad, but it will be necessary, because schools have proposed returning grades for behavior. from this initiative. the human rights council spoke out, and the ministry of education
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supported it with a reservation:


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