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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2024 4:36am-5:01am MSK

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infantry, and scientists and researchers from all over russia. in kamchatka, the bdk must pick up 10 more people; they will take with them scientific equipment, warm clothes, and a supply of provisions. the researchers will have to work for several weeks on the islands of the kuril islands, which are famous for their harsh climate. work is planned on the islands of matua and anikatan. matua is a historical large part of the search. a comprehensive study of little-studied territories is expected. endemic and rare species of animals and plants, study the culture of the indigenous population, clarify historical facts development of russia, the kuril islands, each specialist has his own list of tasks. one of the main parts is for us to complete the multimetric survey of the ring lake, this is one of the deepest lakes in russia in general. in total, the expedition consists of more than 100
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people, these are historians, archaeologists, biologists, geologists, and volcanologists. to help the scientists , the pacific fleet allocated three hydrographic vessels, a special pick-up vessel, the large landing ship oslyabya. there are no piers on the islands of matua and annikatan, so the expedition a large landing ship enters, it is capable of landing people on an unequipped coast. this is already the fifth field season of the expedition, the entire scientific program is designed for up to... a year , it is too early to sum up the results, but every year brings interesting discoveries, for example, last year 800 specimens of insects and 70 rock samples were collected in the kuril islands. this year, an assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the kurils , taking into account other environmental restrictions existing in the area, is added to the block of scientific tasks. michael yudaev, lead kamchatka. the traditional buryat round dance united thousands of residents and guests of the republic at the ulanude ethnographic museum . this is the name of
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a popular dance among ancient peoples, symbolizing friendship. tatyana kostygova, about an ancient ritual. yohor is the language of friendship, it is danced by representatives of different ethnic groups, they are distinguished by their clothing, for example, the sortuls, who live in the dzhidinsky district, wear high hats with a head cape. this is a festive costume, and he wears the same pointed hat, in dressed for everyday life. alone for now. yohar acapello performed, others stylized the round dance, adding rhythmic music. this unusual dance performance did not leave the audience indifferent. the nochere festival was first held in 2008, and since then its popularity has been growing, as has the number of participants and the prize fund. this year for 400,000 rubles. 10 teams from different regions of our republic will compete. yohar's movements are so simple that anyone can master them. the highlight of the festival is a master class from the soloist. song theater and
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dance baikal. in just one evening , festival-goers learned four types of dance. with the onset of darkness , specially invited guests from the neighboring tv immersed those present in a special atmosphere. students of the kazyl college of arts introduced the audience to the lush yenisei, conveying all its power through song. we came to buryati to perform our folk song. we have already made friends with the buryats, mongols and kolmyks.
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a grand finale awaited everyone, hundreds of those present swirled in a mass round dance, grant yohar put a bright point in the festival program. tatyana kostygova, maxim chukmasov, lead buryatia. all news is always available on the media platform. we look at the application or on the website, this is our news, we follow the developments. a twenty-seven-year-old nurse from america, katarina sebetik, contacted our editorial office. she knew that she was an adopted child from russia since childhood. is the american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family? for the main thing a sensational dna test. malakhov. today at 17:30 on the russia channel. let's start.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great! okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is, good morning everyone, good morning, glad you are with us, tuesday, july 9 in this studio. vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova. our plots are different, but all are interesting, turn it up, don’t switch. this is how the chinese taught you how to cool down in the summer. crowds of tourists come to harbin, a city famous throughout the world for its large-scale ice towns, and amazingly, the magnificent sculptures
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have not yet melted. this year is the first time for them a special exhibition hall was opened, or , well, a refrigerator. here snowmen, ice tigers, bears, and swans can safely wait. winter, artistic lighting further emphasizes the unreality of what is happening, there is even an ice slide from which you can slide down and refresh your most pleasant memories of winter, but remembering where you left your car is not so pleasant, especially if it was evacuated by utility services, such a right they can get if the car interferes with emergency work, for example, blocks access to the hatch, sergey egorov about this initiative. another second, an ordinary parking lot begins to turn into a seething fountain of soil. even the suv was not prepared for this amount of mud, and a minute later it was drowning in the resulting swamp. later it turns out that the phenomenon, which resembled a natural disaster, was man-made. the erosion of the soil was formed as a result of hydraulic
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tests on the heating main, which, however , did not at all reassure motorists. now it seems to me that all motorists should think about where they park their cars. similar the incident took place in samara at the end of may, where geyser, who scored luke, overturned a car parked on a well. a month after this incident, local utility workers came up with a logical proposal to allow emergency crews to independently evacuate cars if they are in the emergency work area. this is a much lower cost for our organization than watching water flow out onto the roadway. but we cannot stop the water because we need to close the valve; there is a parked car on the well. maybe, motorists themselves would refuse to park on hatches. but how to do this if they are everywhere? for example, such a beauty of seven wells adorns the roadway of one of the capital's streets, and this house even holds the record for the number of hatches in the local area, cast-iron lids thickly covered the lawns, driveways and sidewalks around the building; in total, residents counted more than twenty wells. i
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lived in this house since the sixties, there were not so many hatches here, it seems to me that there are so many hatches here because design error. the company laid pipes. and they installed quite a lot of hatches, was it possible to get by with fewer hatches? the company that carried out work in this yard several years ago did not answer us, but experts say that the dominance of wells is not a private situation, but rather a general problem in cities with intensive development development. in soviet times, there were standards for where hatches should be located, the standards changed over time, new buildings, which we have today in our cities, and there are more and more hatches moreover, moreover, during accidents, when... and emergency situations are localized, new hatches often arise, and of course, all this needs to be streamlined, not only hatches need to be streamlined, experts are sure, because they are just the tip of the iceberg, which is in plain sight, but today we can talk about the prospects for a more logical placement of communications only in new areas with a comprehensive master plan for the development of territories, as for
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the existing housing stock, then obviously we will have to support the initiative involving the evacuation of cars, this will discipline both the owners of transport and the utility service itself,
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plan or not, well, it will be by decision of the regions, either regional authorities or local governments, they have the resource, specialists, how can they do this? here it is necessary to properly assign an auditor of the accounts chamber to each object, well, you are absolutely right, as if the bill assumes that the authorities will conduct constant monitoring there, review these reports, and conduct some kind of their own related inspections. the state of this infrastructure, although about the audit, i completely agree with you here, i
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generally think that it is necessary to link, well, like making a decision on tariffs, but with this audit, that is, first i conducted an audit of the enterprise, looked at what condition it was in, what is it lacking there, how effective is it or not, then the program, yes, which should, as it were, offer some specific results and an annual audit, which, preferably, may not be fully implemented.
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idea, i think this will be our next step, but now at least to establish accounting and control, now everything is starting to move, but i want to believe, thank you, thank you, we talked about how to increase the transparency of the system, we spoke with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services svetlana razvorotneva, thank you, let’s put up with you, i’m not with you we were arguing, so mom, call me and ask me, artist. today at 13:00, you’re scared, otherwise i was threatened, i
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’ll be worse here, i’ll beat off ivan, we’re watching on the russia channel, here ninka is walking, wagging her tail, masha is not going anywhere, and we’ll leave, everything will be calm, things need to be transferred, that’s how it’s supposed to be, why are you interfering with the authorities, no one likes it, life doesn’t pass, and not life is like a netka kite, i love you, limit girls, today at 21:20, on the russia channel, a micro-apartment for a large family, like chinese designers showed how to accommodate five people in an area of ​​less than 4 m2, they began to dance from the kitchen, having built into it a washing machine, sink, stove, opposite they squeezed in a toilet, shower, and a folding sofa, the table pulls out from the kitchen cabinets, and the main intrigue is where they will be three children to sleep, they are offered to be laid out on three shelves, this is such a sad future, often the present of the largest metropolises on the planet, where square meters are becoming more expensive too quickly.
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furnishing an apartment, by the way, is also not a cheap pleasure, but here you can save a lot by making shelving with your own hands, following the example of the heroes of popular internet videos. climb, climb, don't worry. the racks are strong, i made them with my own hands, so i guarantee the quality. indeed, homemade racks and shelves can be in no way inferior in strength reliability of store options. moreover, the appearance of such structures will depend only on the imagination of a home-grown furniture maker. the most successful finds are shared online, for example, you can make a shelving unit in the shape of a tree that seems to be growing out of your wall. of course, it is a wooden rack that will look most durable and reliable, and even experienced online assemblers admit that it’s just nice to work with living material, and such a rack doesn’t necessarily turn out to be expensive. what will you need for the rack? four boards, four bars, that's it, nothing else will be needed, but if this is not at hand,
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we stock up on ordinary cardboard boxes. many people don’t even realize how many options there are. such containers are always a problem, we cut out rectangles like these, we dreamed of a fashionable honeycomb style, no , we glue them together, paint them in our favorite color, all that remains is to place them on the wall, by the way, cute huts are also made from cardboard, any child will be happy with such a shelf for storing toys . well, where are we without plastic? or rather the most ordinary plastic boxes and baskets? these are ready-made universal shelves for literally the whole world. you can wrap them with cord or cover them with fabric, or you can simply put one box on top of another and you’ll get a loft-style shelving unit. in general, from such a variety of online options, perhaps you will like something. well,
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how do you like it, he’s been enjoying his new rack for three hours now, i’ll go for now. i'll probably go to hockey, light, you don't mind, don't mind, i'm going to go to hockey, this afternoon on the russia channel things are getting hotter turkish passions, don't miss the famous series from the heart of istanbul, bahar called spring. the main character received a doctor's degree, left her career for the sake of her family, and as it turned out in vain, the exemplary housewife was never truly happy, she realized this. bahar may die due to liver failure, but why the closest people are not in a hurry to save her, we learn from the new episodes of bahar named vesna, today at 15, exactly the next one.
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please take a moment, this is lyusya, hello, she will be working with us laboratory assistant, on saturday, why should i thank god, who sent you to me, well, you’re just a miracle, maybe you’ll start sleeping with her, so that she can do all the work for you, why are you calling me on you, well, you’re the boss, but just are you the person in me? don't see a man, want to make a discovery? well, you can’t, you can’t kill your life on just test tubes, the main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations, all this time we have been together and will be together, and he will marry me, you understand, the laboratory assistant is on saturday at rtr, we
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are working in the interests of... our job - to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, oh, hello, lost what, lieutenant, major, there are no shoulder straps on your underpants, look at rtr, we've been on a spree yesterday, ignatic. night, i have absolutely nothing to do with your personal life, really, let’s move away, i wouldn’t like to discuss strangers, the body was discovered by a neighbor, the door was swinging open, well, who has what? version, well, raya knows everything, today on rdr, try your luck to find a flower
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ferns in the kemerovo region, recently celebrated ivan kupala day on a grand scale. these bright, very atmospheric video frames were filmed on the territory of the reserve museum.
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these seven males from the kherson region now have crimean registration. the crossing went smoothly; the animals enjoyed the ride so much that it took a long time to persuade them to get out of the car. african zebras are freedom-loving animals. they are very stressed and do not tolerate cramped spaces. roll over, suffocate, whatever. a little more persuasion and the zebras clumsily run into aviary dinner awaits them there; the striped ones have many green trees at their disposal, the foliage of which is their main delicacy. the zebras are literally in the new enclosure for a few minutes, not much. they are worried, but are already actively exploring the territory, while staying together. the zebras are completely healthy and have already undergone quarantine in the kherson region before leaving, but as
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a formality they will remain in quarantine here for another 28 days. this is the second transportation of animals from the kherson nature reserve to crimea. two females who arrived 2 months ago are now pregnant. the babies will be born in august; the males who have settled in the safari park are now approximately 2-3 years old. in the future, they will be introduced to females and the population of chapman zebras in crimea will continue to grow. such moves to the peninsula are carried out under an exchange program. according to the agreement , scottish cattle and the kan antelope will be sent from the crimean park to the kherson region. these are animals that are abundant in crimea, but not enough in the kherson region. they will be ready to change their registration in 25 days. and then, discipline, first of all. let's start the lesson.
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no, we will discuss after the news, the program for 2 days, vladimir putin’s meeting with the prime minister of india, an informal conversation began at a residence near moscow. hit exactly on target, military targets in kiev, dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog were successfully attacked. an environmental disaster or natural phenomenon in vladevostok, the sea has acquired the color of pokuchina.


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