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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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having such a composition, of course, and i talked about this, that now they will be distracted by the olympics, then there will be elections in france again, that is, france is really sliding into a political crisis, it’s sad to admit it, but we do not consider france our enemy, just france , the modern government is the enemy, we mean that the people of france are supplying soldiers, tanks, i meant, i meant that, unfortunately, initially the current leaders of france called russia their enemy, and then this whole mechanism... unwinded , what indeed, as a result, i agree, france is now our opponent, from the point of view of the right front, by the way, the choice ended very well for her, why, because if she had won, she would have needed to form a government, and this is a certain responsibility , now she can calmly wait for the presidential elections, although she will have to wait a long time until 27, in this regard she is just out of harm ’s way, so the right has quite good prospects now, and a few words about india, literally: well, come on, okay once,
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we’ll be back in a minute, you can get me a new passport, in return i’ll tell you everything, look at the rtr, just like that, yes, you’re forging documents, i think you’re a real policeman, i’ve spoken out, please tell me when you and i can talk normal, guys, what should we talk about, mayor efimov, he forges a passport for a bandit, which passport, a new one in exchange for information about the dead.
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please take a moment, this is lyusya, hello!
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will work as a laboratory assistant for us on saturday, why should i thank god, who sent you to me, well, you’re just a miracle, maybe you’ll start sleeping with her, so that she does all the work for you, that you’re promoting me, well, you’re the boss, but you just don’t see a man in me, a man, you want to make a discovery, well , you can’t, you can’t kill your life with test tubes alone, the main thing is not to make a mistake...
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sumeshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning, my brother, natasha’s dear, came up to me and said that everything, such love, such loss, a person cannot be happy without hope, i i want a family, i want more children, yes, i already met a girl, my love, i love her, how does she name? her name is anastasia, and have you already proposed to her? no, i haven’t made an offer yet, but i’m hinting. to be happy, to be happy or not to be, you always have a choice, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, oh, hi, lost what, lieutenant, major, no shoulder straps on your underpants, look at rtr, went on a spree yesterday, missed checks night.
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there is absolutely nothing to do with your personal life, really, let's move away, i wouldn't want to discuss it in front of strangers, the body was discovered by a neighbor, the door was unlocked, well, who has any theories? well, raya knows everything, today on rtr, but the first shots are from nova ogorev, putin greets the prime minister of india with hugs at his residence, the meeting takes place in an informal format, they drink tea on the veranda. bye bye, thank you thank you very much.
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kolmykov igor antonovich born in the 19th year, two shots in the chest at close range. caliber, caliber is familiar to us. diels no. yes, the janitor found it. furmazoner, who? a swindler, working as a front-line soldier, introduces himself as a friend of his husband, enters the apartment and takes everything out in earnest. interesting, what did they take away from here? i see he washed it,
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probably only some gold and jewelry were left untouched. here is citizen polikova, dvornichekha, she called the police. “hello, tell me, there were three of them, they immediately seemed suspicious to me, why was he walking around here at night, and when i blew the whistle, they ran away, maybe some signs, tall, a temple, a scythe, a tattoo, maybe from these who, but carefully, i don’t know, it was dark there, it was night, calm down, calm down, thank you, well, how many people are alive in the gang,
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in the gang, yeah, there are six people, at least, yes, at least six, let him be an artist.
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svetlana sergeevna, hello, i'm going to work. let's make peace, you and i didn't quarrel, yes, but you called me right to my face, well, since you're all for justice, maybe listen to the second one, and then, if you want, execute me, excuse me, here's mom on petrovka, you never know if it comes in handy, call me, ask me, if i take it, you will leave me alone.
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stand, stand, where, quietly, quietly, stand, where are you, hello, quietly, everything, great, so, what’s this, great, i wish you good health, this ram, comrade captain, and i see that it’s not the orchestra of the red army, i counted, exactly, 10 rams along with you, yes, exactly, i mean, i mean, where from, and so they caught one gypsy red-handed, what kind of gypsy , well , he’s in the department, he’s some kind of circus, come on, damn it, it’s a circus, by god, so, well, come on, tell me your name, huh? the name is baron, that 's your baron, here's your last name, first name, let's
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have fun, you won't be able to refuse, you won't be able to refuse, they took you with a prisoner, bakhti shishkovya, yeah, i wasn't going to refuse, so bakhti shishkov, when and under what circumstances did the red one steal baranov from the collective farm? that means we’ll be punished. it’s a good start, i ’ll sign everything you say, i swear, just don’t write there that i stole sheep, even skins, if you want cows, horses, that’s fine, if you want komsomol members, write, just don’t write sheep, like a man i beg. why not a ram?
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they will laugh for rams in prison? more gently, that means, this is the first time i’m letting you go,
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we’re going to be completely overworked here with our sheep, as soon as you let go, i’ll let you go, well, keep in mind baron, if you get caught stealing again, i’ll tell you i’ll dash off this story in a flash, you know what i’m talking about, i understand, here’s what was sent, now you’re taking all the rams and lynxes to the state farm, all 10 heads, look, i’ll check, there were nine, 10 tramalo, 10 for me... everything is counted, like you name is, chief, captain sazonov, i am your debtor sazonov, i will do everything for you as for a brother, help, brother, you just let him go, he is a real vord, he can give in to anyone, his education has been compensated, justice has prevailed, you understand, boy , sometimes a grateful debtor, is better in freedom than in places not so remote, you will understand this later, well, yes...
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i can’t say my name, but we knew each other, how i was on that katran, i cut off my hands. i can’t do this anymore, i suggest we meet at tishinka’s today at 5 o’clock, come alone, otherwise you won’t see me, no, well , you won’t go alone, it’s written in plain english, but you never know how it’s written and you never know what’s written, you know anyway, i’ll go alone, everything’s decided, you’re
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a trap. well, it tells you that no, okay, you, old devil, don’t think about yourself, think about the investigation, well, what happens to you, what, what should i do now? yes, yes, quiet, you haven’t been here yet, that’s it, i’m going alone.
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sasha, do you know what an order is? and he, or something, can herd me, but here you are wandering around, disappear, otherwise i ’ll rip you off right here.
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that lific, well, let’s say fireworks, follow me. here, wait, hello, loading chief.
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after all, i, well, i’m a bad head, what did you tell me then, after all, solovyov is a master of pocket traction, it’s impossible to live in the wet, you see how life turned out, come with me, you’ll tell me everything, i promise you, i’ll walk through with you to all the offices, i have tikhan stepanovich, now everything will work out, you won’t help me here, and i don’t care about dying. i don’t want any more, you can make me a new passport in a different name, in return i ’ll tell you everything i know, and you don’t make me look like a nightingale, i’m telling you, i cut off his hands so that you wouldn’t find us by our fingerprints, we are strictly not allowed to put anything in our pocket if
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we put it on, and the shell casings - i collected these, we were specially taught this, only i... didn’t torture me, i can’t, what was they shot from, no, that’s not it okay, give me my passport in advance, then i’ll tell you everything as it is, i’ll hand over everyone ’s name tag, if so, you agree, let’s, if not, it’s better to separate, i’m already taking a risk, okay, you give your word, i give it, then.. . deceive, but your word used to be worth a lot?
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let the guys talk, what if it’s the nightingale singing to us? no, he knows something that only narcs could know, then he is afraid, i saw it in his eyes, he told me one thing, interesting, we were specially taught, who taught, what they taught, this is what i want to find out, so we have to think , what should you do with your passport? you’re lying that it’s according to the law, that’s right, you’re lying, here’s a man, we told you, don’t bother, maybe we can manage without a passport, we’ll take over the area, and this nightingale won’t go anywhere, no, sasha,
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you need to get a passport. sergeant kostenko has arrived for further service, lyoshka, lyoshka, sanya, lyosha, look, huh? beauty, come on, let's run for something, don't you see, comrade srota is back, guys, offend, cool, your beast, mine,
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look, it's another matter what to call the beauty, agna, agna, zits, what about zits, the team only understands german. come on, agna, give me paw, give me a paw, but she won’t understand you, efemych, give me a paw, agna, photo, oh, how, agna, photo, dan kishon. that you don’t need tea, but you’re scared, and you threatened me, i ’ll be worse here, i’ll kill him, we look at the rtr,
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nina is walking around, twirling her tail, masha hasn’t gone anywhere, we’ll leave, everything will be calm, things need to be transferred, that’s how it’s supposed to be , why are you getting into management, no one likes it, life doesn’t pass, and it’s not just any kind of life, i love you. vremitchitsy, today on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty! you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, dream caster - this is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara nose... became a real amulet for its owner, secretly everything light, on saturday on rtr, from the first note, beauty, rap from the first phrase,
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we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i have your back, the team, brake the car, run, the whole team, we only look at the platform. a twenty-seven-year-old nurse from america, katarina sebetik, contacted our editorial office. she knew that she was an adopted child from russia since childhood. i really want to find my relatives. during our search , a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years. is an american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family? and most importantly, a sensational dna test. malakhov. today on rtr!
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“hey, mom, you’re playing, yes, how did the day go, as usual, i got some bread, and what is this, again, did golvachev arrange something in the kitchen for so much, mesh, well, why these conflicts, i ’ll wash it later.
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i just wanted to, i don’t but he lost his leg in order to die in poverty, we’ll take it ourselves, they don’t want to give it away, that’s it, go on, come on, everyone,
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listen, the head can calm it down already, i’ll be the first to calm it down, i moved away from her, on. place to sit. well, let's go guys, otherwise it will turn out somehow awkward, front-line soldiers, heroes, but the library cut everyone into belts. clean up here so
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no dog can dig in. svetochka, forgive us, please. i beg you, it’s him, he’s kind, he’s good, it’s like he came back from the war, he started drinking this for days, carrying this sausage every day, and i don’t even know where from, light, i don’t know where you can have so much war take sausages, and you will divorce him, as if you were divorced, i say, no, what are you doing? svetochka, he loves me, just help him i need it, but i’m lucky, very few people come back to war, i have a hero, well, yes, a hero, when i was shell-shocked, i
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lost consciousness, i lay there, i don’t remember how long. i open it, a german shepherd dog, and even harnessed to a sled, he climbed on the sled, she dragged me, and you, san, fought, fought, through. after you i went to the front, was hit by a bomb, then ended up in the hospital, well, as it turned out, my spleen was torn,
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they put me on probation, this whole war is mine, someone should be here, it’s not all women who can catch thieves , but i have there were 40 people in the class. guys, girls, young people, to live and to live, now there are 17 left, this is only in my class, how many more, can you imagine, yesterday sagnoi, as a civilian, got into a tram, there one of them screamed, where with the dog, everyone says, honest people, at war they died, all that was left of them were sons of bitches like you. who are you listening to, do you know how many of them there are, pour it, efech,
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guys, what’s their name, dima, dima, yes, where, don’t need any more armor, for those who will not return, and not... for the sake of peace they gave their lives and we must save this world, but what do you have here? tell me, we are here things are so bad, brother, that you'll get swayed.
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what do you want me now? anatole, are you thinking of returning my dream book? what kind of stolinchek, karvaev? what are you doing? bukov, don’t piss me off, it was 2 days ago, let’s remember when i treated you all to cognac here with chocolate, how to drink for a dozen, so here they are, but how to pay off debts, there is no one, it wasn’t enough for you to get drunk then, so you he also asked me for money for the world revolution, for what? come on later, i see, i remembered, it’s for medical purposes, i’ll still have an evening.
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i’m listening, hello, good afternoon, this is bokov, anatoly boisovich, who, well, lenin. sidgi, don't you remember? well, how can you forget this? yeah, you know, the thing is that i know who you need, you need dyusha karavaev, who is that? so this artist, who created this whole farce, because of which i ended up with you, as a matter of fact, you know, this loaf of hell didn’t have any money, here on you, please, he’s practically walking with bears . by the way, even then i suspected that it was not okay, but now, in short
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and more specifically, this karvaegov was expelled from the first year for drunkenness, no one knows his real name, because his documents were allegedly burned during the bombing, and where did he get the money, well, how do i know, but by the way, he told me today that he has the money again. .. “babikov, dmitrievsky and gagarkin,
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by the way, all members of grekov’s group, military artists, excuse me, what?
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i have a bad feeling, but don’t fidget, but how much for them? in my mind, i should rip off more from you, but we are partners, so it’s cheaper for the fuckers, right? well, let’s say, 15, i’ll put my hands on whoever moves. place, food cards are still high quality. walk to the department, march, let's go,
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soot, go, strong citizens are bandits, and that's enough, i'll jump, don't jump, who's in your
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way, jump. not that, something, which one is the dictionary? so maybe he's pretending to be a fool? maybe? we have one trump card, he thinks that we took it for the cards. well, that’s it, the suitcase wasn’t mine, they asked me to hand it over. damn the suitcase,
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who asked? i don’t know, i go into the office and there’s a note on the table saying, tell me don’t let me down. how did you go? so let's go, well what do we care about your cards, judge for yourself, what is it, what does it look like, hello, hello, i need... to look at the artist karavaev’s studio, how many bandits were in the gang, where did the loot go, and which one of me is a murderer, listen, i even admitted, the cards are already mine, yes, but to kill, slander,
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good afternoon! yours, say mine! yes, it’s not him, why not,
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why not him, you yourself said that the portraits are his, these portraits are his, yeah, but when i found them in the studio, i immediately waved to our experts, and they said that these portraits and our artist’s drawings were drawn by different people, but say so, well, it’s all so neat, well, it’s neat, but it’s not okay, but with such nerves, how can he lead a gang, you shake your fist in front of his face, he starts to shake, i’d like it too, so that... there was, but it’s clear that we’ll still have to run after our artist, but at least he confessed with the cards, well, from this you can extract, oh, hello, i lost something, lieutenant, major, there are no shoulder straps on my underpants, look at the rtr, we went on a spree
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yesterday, but we fucked up at night, i have absolutely nothing to do with your personal life, really, let's... let's move away, i wouldn't want to discuss it in front of strangers, the body was discovered by a neighbor, the door was being opened, well, who has any versions, well, raya knows everything, today on rtl, good morning, my beloved, my voice is heard only for you, my heart beats only for you.
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just wait for me through the rains, treasured flowers still live in me , some kind of fantasy morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr.
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you are waiting for me, ilya sergeevich, lyusya palikarpova semyonovna. well, semyonovna, let's go where, to the laboratory, laboratory assistant, to saturday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but
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one thing unites them: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, to tame the biting one , voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, to warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re in circle of friends, in a circle of friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on... rtr: can you draw a passport? for today? can? well, with
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a lousy tuft of wool to dry? right, right, what's good to waste? just like that, right? first a person... they let him die, now you falsify documents, and most importantly , keep having fun, keep bragging to each other, as if that’s how it should be, i think you’re a real policeman, don’t you care about other people’s lives, don’t care about the law, my opinion is that you you’re only dishonoring the honor of the mandir, he spoke out. i will report everything to comrade pulner, report the leadership is your right, you know, as they say,
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whoever is not an idealist at 20 is a scoundrel, whoever is an idealist at 40 is a fool, well, life is as black and white as you imagined it to be, or as it seems to you, there are mechanisms here that will be more complicated, maybe , if it's true you're here. visited the front, maybe i would have understood this faster, and i’ll go, where, to the front, i can finally say, or you haven’t finished yet, so, marsh, i can’t constantly interfere in the affairs of your friends, your relatives , that ’s it, okay, i don’t have time, at home let's talk, that's it. yes, let me, go ahead, go ahead, just quickly, you either say something, or
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let’s get out of here, i came and checked the old man , thank you for that, we were in detention today, i know what? a person died there, but this would not have happened if not for major efimov, from me, what is needed, yes, we must make every effort to preserve human life, even a bandit, because the soviet re-education system can forge even the last scoundrel man, and mayor efimov, he neglected him, because of him the man died, do you understand? you know, i think that efimovich knows what he is doing, he could of course be mistaken,
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that you are in vain to reproach him so much, things happen in life. major efimov, the bandit is forging a passport, which passport? he made a deal with him, a new passport in exchange for information about the death’s head, well... well, you saw, i ’ll draw at least a hundred of them for you, you’d better draw a basin window, or else you see, it’s to help the front, and you didn’t rob people with your cards, you’re also proud of it, and you don’t judge me, by the way, i
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’m helping you, you’re a bastard to us. you help because you know what to draw for you in the coming years , at best, in the camps to be pinned, and so i got out of it, okay, sasha, don’t mumble, everything is fair, i helped, they will defend themselves, they are free, karovaev, just not a greyhound, thank you, well, today at five? i told you, one paigo, tall, handsome with an apartment, captain of the second rank, a little old, though, whatever, he still dreams of being a police officer.
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well, i still have at least half an hour, how else can i help, elena viktorovna, this is my friend, i don’t know, well, in general, these books should be taken to the archives, well, since you have them
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half an hour, there is, well then here please. yes, yes, you have a dream, vitka, and i have one, you know what, so that there would be no war, so that there would be peace, there would be no need to rob, kill, so that people would be human... and not cattle, let's drink to this, you and i are terrible people, vitka, murderers, and
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you ask me, do i want to kill, huh? ask, do you want? no, why then? why? damn war forever, war, if there had been no war, everything would have been different. i feel bad, i’ll lie down, oops,
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your job is not easy, thank you, thank you, svetana sergievna, i have to go, by the way a very dangerous task, please tell me when we can talk in a normal environment, and what should we talk about, well, don’t worry about it, it means we’ve agreed, then we’ve agreed, have a nice day.
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whats up? i don’t know, but something is wrong, what
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is it? killed two guys in one day. barrel on the ground, throw the gun,
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you won’t run away anyway, bro, to hell with it! why why?
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i was upset.
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left, the artist knows khan to all of us, and where from, i collected all the cartridges, who it was shtepa, doctor shtepa, that’s it, we’re leaving. killed someone
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the head of the plant, it looks like this is a dead head again, tomorrow earlier they shot three bullets in the chest and that was the end of it, but now they cut his throat, then look, he saw us, we need to leave, moms, not an artist, he’ll grab some garbage here, we need to find a shtepa, find out who he saw, take them, but they will hand over the artist, artist, continuation, let's see tomorrow. rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. a column of ukrainian military equipment, 20 vehicles , were destroyed in the sumy region. demolished crossing the oskol river. fire! one
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