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tv   Khudozhnik  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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i don’t understand, your girlfriend had to admit how you met, how you planned to rob your wife, how she changed x-rays to provide you with an alibi. by the way, here they are. this photo is yours. but this picture belongs to another patient. he was in the hospital a month ago, but this particular photograph was successfully passed off by ekaterina roisman as important all this time. rave. “i don’t know this girl, but she knows you, as far as i know, right now, a search is taking place in ekaterina’s apartment, some of the things belonging to your wife has already been found, well, put her in jail, this ekaterina, you needed an alebi, for this you slightly injured your leg, you can move on medication, but the cast interferes, ekaterina helped you get out of here, made a plaster, and after the murder she put it on again. “i didn’t want
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to kill, it happened by accident, i wanted to get a divorce, but she would have left me beggar, for her people were worse than dogs. so, she was right, the dog gave you away.
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infection, sorry, i’m not invited, are you crazy, 2:00 am, i came to tell you, little darling, i want to tell you what you are leading take care of yourself. how do you understand this, just like that, anyone, anyone follows me, you remember the accountant, you know how she looked after me, and you, and i run to you, and you don’t even want to go with me to the habak , and oh, he’s got his accounting, i’ll go, go, go home, sleep it off, then we’ll talk tomorrow, i don’t want to sleep, what? district police officer kostyukov,
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you have received complaints from neighbors about noise after 11 pm, from which neighbors, from me, will i ask you to leave the apartment, ours will be applied to you, that this is specific, so, these are these to speed up the recollection, let's go now, oh, vladimir petrovich, don't bother, we're drunk, especially since she has no idea at all, i don't advise it, i know. i love you, i love you, come on, my god, what will happen now?
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hello, i don’t understand, since, kolya, since, i’ve been waiting for you since the evening, you didn’t see where he was, no, kolya, he was destined to marry such a guy. help kolya!
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raisa, there's a receipt for electricity. thank you, and how long are you going
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to punish me, that is, can i somehow influence your silence? the doctor said nikolai was bad, he was hit on the head with a stone, he lay unconscious all night, uh-huh, drug addicts, probably, probably. they took his wallet, his navigator, all sorts of junk, cds, a whip, but he overlooked his phone, he often
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comes here, no, after the divorce he rarely visits his daughter, if larisa allows it, petrov, petrov, do you hear me? i hear, i hear, tell me why, when the apartment of the banker nastya trigubova was cleaned out, the dog came to her, but not to me, where is my dog, i ’m asking you, here is our main drawer, yeah, what, laris, what do you want that dog, people it’s trampled, i don’t know anything, go ahead, call this department head of yours, let him, let him find out there, they’ve started crime here, we don’t create crime, we ’re fighting crime, so let’s fight. why are you seated? larisa? wait, we let you go soon, so call your boss. calm, civil, calm.
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maybe without me? you 've been cooking in this kitchen since childhood, thanks to your dad. and now they ’re going to start making a fool of me and closing the case, they won’t do it for you, you’re one of them, listen, i still need to take a parcel to mishana, i won’t have time, pomishanya won’t go anywhere from the cell, you run to him every other day, and i close my eyes when you’re away, so i ’ll work it out, work it out, i won’t go, there’s that kostyukov, okay, myself, good, good, good, no , yes to me, that’s it, come on, bye, yeah, that’s when i still have to go shopping, the fox wants my death, but it seems to me that your wife loves you, and i know who hit nikolai on the head, it’s elementary, it’s larisa ,
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what, come on, come here, come, come, “sit down, how many times did i come with nikolai to separate you while you lived together, four, every time nikolai was the victim, it’s my fault that the men were so frail, so why didn’t you share it, but i haven’t seen him for a month, yesterday he called and said i’ll come over for a minute, but there was a conversation, so i didn’t stop by”? i’m calling, he’s silent, i went to work in the morning, and the car is parked at the entrance, listen, why should i beat him, he pays me alimony, a twenty-seven-seven-year-old nurse from america, katarina sebetik, contacted our editorial office about the fact that she is an adopted child from russia, she knew since childhood, i really want to find my
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relatives, during our search a shocking truth was hidden, which all members of her large family hid for many years, is the american woman ready to find out the truth about her russian family, and most importantly, sensational? great man, you have to go, on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, where did you meet? “stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, real love is only one
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kiss away, who taught you to kiss like that, let ’s kiss for real, well, that’s a completely different matter, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, she’s getting married in 3 days, yes in 3 days you know how much business you can get done, you need a bride with accommodation, on friday on rtr, the walls are shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, a slight movement of the hand, we are absolutely without faces from this room we make three different ones functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i love it. plants, i’m generally a plant maniac,
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real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, come on let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign. look, look, maybe we can go to me, just
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watch a movie, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, for health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to... well landing, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. run! from monday to friday on rtr, this is from captain
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sazonov with greetings, perhaps the last, yes no longer, i see they accepted the bouquet, svetlana serge, artist, tomorrow on rtr, who? can confirm your alebi at the time of the attack, mine, when was the moment, here, according to the examination report, nikolai was attacked between 2:00 and 21:00, i was at home, watching tv, my daughter was sleeping, paradise, wait, what,
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paradise, damn it , well, you already understand, i understand. “citizen kormukhina, yesterday between 2:00 and 21:00 you watched on tv a series, an unripe fruit about an orphan girl.” well, yes, we watch it all over the barbershop, and how did the episode end, well, this igor cheated on margarita with like her pergedrol paradise, well, like her paradise, with riffraff, yes, well, well, the series is on without repeats, when would she beat up a stake, and then rob, put the navigator in the trunk , right? “i don’t understand anything, 10 crosses,
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uh-huh, here nikolai makes a lot of money, there are some ladies here, a government house, here is his own, what do the doctors say, he hasn’t regained consciousness since yesterday, he’s treating him, what a good guy, nikolai , that’s who he is, what do you think, mikul, well, who?” "special detention centers of such rabble are stacked in stacks, my little flower among them, maybe it will be good for yours, mikhail, look, he remembers, uh-huh, lariska almost killed a guy, nothing, mood, laris, are you worried about kola, but he’s been like this all his life, either
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he’ll step on a hedgehog, or he’ll catch him with a fishing hook, no, no, i’ve suffered through this in my marriage, that’s enough, slowly, maybe i’ll get a haircut, that’s all good, come in already,
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there’s more here, look, look, there ’s more here, just read, just imagine , let me read, what are you talking about, i myself am a professor in this topic, how to live without love, my god, ask questions,
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ok, i’ll run, i can’t find a place for myself, it’s a nightmare, horror, take the change, write it down, one and a half million, one and a half million, laris, sit down, sit down, one and a half million, but i ’ve never seen such money in my entire life with this idiot, heaven, ah are you even sure that it was my kolya who had that kind of money, and judging by the extract? from the account, this is not some easy money, your ex- husband put aside the same amount from each salary, which means i’m struggling here like a fish, i don’t know how to do repairs, last night nikolai withdrew the entire amount from the office atm, well, they were probably stolen too, as i
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understand it, you don’t know about his plans for this money, no? well, if you find out anything, call me. yes. varis, actually, i’ll go too, i still have to carry a parcel for mishana, right? yeah, then you go, i know, one and a half million. laris, look. i'll find out after me. do you think nikolai would start blabbering about his money, to everyone at work, to everyone not, but
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he would definitely tell gleb, they’ve been friends since college, and you’re the one who’s been so pissed off for him, well, we’re sabotaging there, well, in general, no, no, nothing like that, well... well, i'm just in i confused him so much in the darkness, of course, he was pestering a friend’s wife, thank you, hello, please tell me, why are you doing this? sit, i, yes, you, so this is my table, no, this is not your table, this is the table of my husband, nikolai kormukhin, no, nikolai sergeevich has been sitting in that office over there for six months, in that one,
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larisa, gleb, larochka, such a misfortune, hello raya. consciousness, yes, in intensive care, listen, kolya had a lot of money with him, he wanted to spend it on something, i don’t know, he didn’t tell me, and
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no one threatened him, threaten, kolya, what are you talking about, he is the most peaceful person in the world, although you know, lately he has been really nervous, yesterday, what about yesterday, yesterday he was at seven o’clock, and the guys and i were here preparing documents for the tender until 3:00 in the morning, when kolya put in a big order to replace the plumbing in all schools in the city. kolya, struck, farkhatik, gold, hello, beauty, yeah, you haven’t seen lariska, not at home, not on the phone. look, i’m painting trees, that’s what kind of people they are, but they broke a branch, trampled on the flowers, but it was
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the police, probably when nikolai was attacked, no, when the police were there, i was here, here no one came in. i invited you so that you... hello, lavis, where are you? where is petrov? are you asking me? he works. he who does not work
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eats. laris, uh, please tell the comrade district police officer that there is an idea where the robber got the crime weapon. so it seems they caught her, already a robber. yes, i’ve already been interrogated, here. goodbye. so, what's there? i invited you to identify these things. the blanket is exactly knee-deep. what about rakov? we strive for new horizons, one more sentence for robbery is not enough for you. not for murder
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god forbid you go to jail, you were caught in the market with a stolen navigator, this is enough for your eyes to serve time, i didn’t beat this guy, i didn’t even see him, that is, i was walking, i see a car, i see a car, a man with a purse, he closed the trunk and left, and i see the door is not slammed shut, why are you telling me fairy tales, anderson, he hit his forehead with a cobblestone, yes, what am i doing? is he a fool or something because of some navigator he gets down on 105, and there’s another one and a half lyama lying around, oh well, it’s cool, well, especially since i would with that kind of money the market is shaking with junk, it’s been a long time...
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i’ve been hanging out in sochi, listen, take him away, he’s a smart guy! there is a stone from here, yes, look, you can see the parking lot, and the yard, apparently he knew the place to rob, kolya planted this tree when lenka was born, he said, he didn’t give birth to a son, at least there will be a tree, that is, someone knew, that nikolai would have such money with him, and came to the hornbeam on purpose, or something, but it looks like who could it be? hold on, yes,
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the it specialist says, nikolai has recently often visited sites of psychological help for gambling addicts, and today according to the navigator yesterday was there in the evening. at one point, the last time this point was closed six months ago for illegal games, he could have lost, they sent a messenger to him, to warn him, to remind him, they overdid it, so what to do now, but that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, well, they’ve already pumped it out, laris, from him my heart stopped, heaven, if only
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a few more minutes, he would have left me forever, but we met him at a friend’s wedding, he was so polite, not like our gopniks, uh-huh, i loved him, since he was special, uh-huh, subtle, i feel. yes, yeah, but what’s the point, lenko is off to kindergarten arrange, i, to save up for a vacation, i, to give it to a neighbor, me too, yeah, now, what happened, i came to my senses, or something, or missed my family, it always seemed to me that he loved you very much, yes, yeah, well i've been an aunt for so many years, here you are, the man of your dreams.
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he has a job, everyone respects them, how they replaced them, or maybe you really wanted to go back to your family, or maybe it’s an ordinary fitness club, it opened recently, so there aren’t many advertisements, nikolai is here for...
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tell me, what part of the body do i need? work out? head? tell me nikolay yesterday came to train? no, don’t train, he was looking for miroslava, she’s a realtor, she also works with me, did you find him? no, they sort of called and agreed to meet in her office, thank you very much, you helped us a lot, you’re welcome, thank you very much, and you... “if you really want to work on your body, here’s my business card, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, hands, these are
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the investigation materials, lisa, for such materials, brus will tear your hands off, the garden is 30 km from the city, that is, last night nikolai had to pay you one and a half. million rubles for the dacha as an advance, why didn’t you call him back when he didn’t come, well, i didn’t want to put pressure and i understood that the option was too expensive for him, he was afraid that the bank wouldn’t... choose a loan, but you also knew that he would have a large amount of money with him, and you also knew his route, well, yes, of course, my hobby is robbing clients, no, i spent the whole evening in the office surrounded by six
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colleagues, you can ask them, we’ll ask, yes, it’s a pity that it happened this way, he wanted to surprise his family. i already knew where it would be daughter’s room, then this is how it works out, gambling addicts don’t make a career, don’t save money, don’t buy dachas, as if we are always talking about different people, if he was afraid that he... would be denied a loan, he could borrow from black bankers, why could you refuse, he is the head of a department of a reputable company, you need to make a request to the bank, yes, well, let
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him rise, why, okay, i’m going. vova, make peace with her already, with whom? with rayechka, with her, she came, she doesn’t get up, you see, because you’re here, what am i supposed to do, boy, run back and forth, hello, what did you want?
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“you’re scared, otherwise he threatened me, i ’ll be worse, i’ll beat him off, we look at the rtr, nina is walking around, twirling her tail,
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we can’t do anything, but we’ll leave, everything will be calm, things need to be transferred as it should be, why are you in charge you climb, no one likes it, life is passing, or life is some kind of end, i love you, remitchitsy"? today on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here come up, oh, you're good, caress the strappy one. he likes to grab there with his claws. ah, yes. tame the biter. voice, voice. give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done! to warm up a stray
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, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i should feed the hamster, you’re among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a while since we haven’t seen you before, daring ones, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, fell in love with them, but who do you want? your wife or boys are good, don’t ask stupid questions
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now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform, look. opens its arms, belarus feels
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the unity of our peoples, thank you, vitegsk, the most stellar, warmest holiday, slavic bazaar, opening ceremony, on friday on rtr. so you microbiologist? well, i only employ laboratory assistants; with your knowledge, you are unlikely to be interested in this? might be interested on saturday, i ’m doing tests, the health of the whole city depends on us, if anything depended on you, people wouldn’t be dying. you are a journalist, can you help? of course, if only we had the documents? your fears are not in vain, the mistake is the laboratory assistant. on saturday on rtr. yaroslav sumishevsky. my mother
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told me before she died, yaroslav, you should have one wife, that’s right, i don’t want a second one. i’ll accept, these words constantly hold me back. it was a difficult period in my life. and now you have a new love in your life. i guessed? yes everything is correct. everything happened as it should have happened. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday. good day everyone, awesome, i like it, yeah, i bought it, yes, i’d like to lose some more weight, that’s it, from today just kefir and cucumbers, until the kolka wakes up, i hope i’ll lose a couple of kilograms. how is our killer whale doing? stable, paradise, i decided to butter up
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the nanny so that she would look after him better, so he was transferred to a paid ward, he is generally trying, he is respected, so...
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yes, what happened, can i help with something? well , tell me already, the belt, why, don’t forget the belt and the victim was here, misha came down with sciatica, it’s all because of you, you wanted to show your strength, but you don’t have the strength without bogon, listen, your mikhail himself is to blame, there are such people who live from problem to problem, until you... understand this, you will only come across such men, or maybe i like it that way, but no, well, you, you are different, you, you are smart, you, you are open , you, you are kind,
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raya, what is she doing? i don’t know, it’s clear, we’re just neighbors, so a bank just came here, cameras recorded. then they checked, there was nothing there, borsetka had already identified the crayfish, the same thing that was with the guy who was closing the trunk, no one seemed to be hanging around, he said goodbye to the guard, left,
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said something to him, why the guard came out through the turnstile again, i don’t know , that’s it, no, not everything, look, 2 minutes after nikolai left, i was a security guard, maybe i went out for a smoke, i returned only an hour later, he saw nikolai withdrawing money, i could ask that the amount was not small, i followed nikolai, we, yes, it’s not me, honestly, i myself just today. knew, then where did you go? well, at this time there is usually no visitor anymore, and the employees have magnetic passes, and my mother is sick, you know, i need to give her injections. can anyone confirm this? uh, mom might, then the neighbor went out for a walk with the dog, but you yourself can look at the recordings from surveillance cameras on the days
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when i was on duty, i always give my mom injections at this time. tell me, are the magnetic badges personalized? yes, of course, you have it somewhere fixed, who? how much he came in, left, yes, i’ll print it out for you now, and what nikolai told you before leaving, he, he said that he had a good day today, i took his things from the hospital to wash, heaven, well, look, just look at these laybacks, you understand how much money it costs, look, you understand how much money it costs, i went into this store, immediately left, laris, who knows what’s in these guys’ heads, why did i call you, i forgot the backbones , come here, look, oh, do you see this gnome, this is lenochka’s gift, she is his
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i gave it to kolinka for her birthday, larisa, when you were identifying things, you saw this man purse, no, definitely not. farhadi, well, tense up, remember, maybe there was such a bag lying somewhere, there was also a small blue gnome on it, this one, vanechka, where did you get this gnome, did you find it, yes... i believe that i found it, and where are you did you find him? but you can’t tell mom, otherwise mom will rip my head off and find out where i was climbing. paradise! oh, i should have climbed in, but i have rheumatism, i
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need to call the ministry of emergency situations, there is no need for the ministry of emergency situations, we need the police, oh, yes, mom, i’ll help, don’t touch the prints there, yeah, come on here, hold it, don’t touch, there are prints there, hold it, oh, oh, come on, come on, well, there are no prints on the purse, none at all, well, maybe... here’s a lollipop, cough, there are prints on it
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there are, there are on it, but what’s the point, they ’re not in the database anyway, now we can’t take fingerprints from the whole city, why should we have the whole city, thank you. of all my acquaintances, only you said that nikolai was worried, it seemed to me, he told you that he wanted to buy a house, i don’t remember, but how, this is your friend, and this is his dream, dear dream, i am someone else’s money i don't think so.
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“i’ve already said everything, when nikolai was attacked, i was in the office, after all, we have personal magnetic passes, you can clearly establish when i came to work, when i left, they came at 9:00, they left at 2:47 am , so your friend nikolai came at 9:00 in the morning, left with a security pass at half past six, and then left again, but with his pass at 18:45, listen, some nonsense, not all nonsense, at 21:08 nikolai returned to the office, although at that time he was already lying in the trunk. well, okay,
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but maybe i have nothing to do with it? some even believe that nikolai had a humanoid double, and in order to check this version, we decided to track who actually went out and returned using nikolai’s pass, that’s what we saw. well , yes, i actually somehow used kolya’s pass, which he left in his office, but this does not prove anything, this does not prove, by the way, how is your cough? thank you, i almost made it, the lollipops helped, yes,
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us too, the fingerprint on the candy wrapper that you forgot in nikolai’s purse matches what we just they took it from your glass, he wanted to help you get rid of... listen, i had real information, if it had burned out, i would have paid off all my debts at once, you know, when kolya said about, well, that he was going to buy this dacha, that withdraws money, in general, everything in my head is somehow clouded. how did you know that he would go to his ex-wife? i
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heard them talking on the phone. surprise! well, shell-shocked, do you recognize it? girls, how can we not recognize you? lara. lar, what are you talking about, i'm fine. today i already ate porridge myself. i was so scared, you can’t imagine, laris, i, i know everything, really, yes, yes, oh, kolya, cool! “i’ve been thinking for so long,
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you and i need to forget all our grievances, of course, because that’s what i came to you for, my dear, what a great fellow you are, what drove me out, i became stronger, my eyes were opened, if not you, i would never have found my happiness, but i talked to the doctor, oh, everything is fine, hello, hello, this is my oksana, my fiancee, lar, we, lar, we wanted to take lenochka to our dacha for everything summer, the dacha is postponed for now, but we will go to
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sea. it's, it's not fair that you don't have enough time for yourself. i said something wrong. i weaved a canvas without sadness without tears, so many beautiful words you put into my destiny, and now in the palm of your hand, as you brought it to me, forgive me, as i can to you, abal.
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hello, heaven is home, yes, why are you here? well,
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they didn’t make up, but there... it’s like guests, listen, wop, you promised to borrow me ten, uh-huh, thank you, damn, and you happen to not be in a car, so i just need money for a car, uh there's something wrong with the clutch, yeah yeah, okay, thanks.
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okay, let's go, yeah. go away, i mean, where, completely, go away, okay,
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and if i don’t want to, oh, oh, yes, okay, heaven, what is this really, don’t, don’t, okay, i understand, well, spend the night at least i can, no, mishan, i know myself, i’ll change my mind, i’ll regret it, no, everything has changed, a romance is not enough for me now, you’re a fool, huh? stop tormenting the guitar, but listen, why aren’t you at home, how long has it been, i won’t go there anymore, it’s in vain,
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i’m sad without a home, at the moment i have absolutely no home, and this is a brother task, but let’s come to me ? so you have these there my parents will kick me out, i only have semolina, so it’s good, i brought rex over there to warm up in the ice, so he’s generally flea-ridden, and it’s okay, let’s go, let’s go, he sat anyway. tomorrow, why is it reported from the hairdresser about the capture of a strong point? raya, the first thing i did was call at work, cancel clients, and what the hell is raya doing here, they took her hostage, what happened, dude, they killed my daughter,
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and how can the gun help you, i want everyone to start telling the truth, i have orders, storm, stop, stop, run, raya, raya knows everything. to be continued, watch tomorrow. hello on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio by rina rossius and the main topic for this hour: russia is ready to build from large and small power, and what other innovations does moscow offer vladimir putin? personally conducts a tour of the fashion premiere in the pavilion of the atomic dnh. another abrams destroyed and max pro. an important crossing over the oskol river in the sumy region was destroyed.


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