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tv   Bakhar  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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article of the north atlantic treaty, it provides for a collective response in the event of an armed attack on nato countries. the rector of the kant baltic federal university was detained in kaliningrad. the investigative committee reported that rector alexander fedorov, as well as his deputies, are suspected of misappropriation and embezzlement. according to investigators, employees were illegally given bonuses. and the money went to the management. we are talking about the amount of 18 million rubles. it is clarified that the accomplices operated under this scheme for 2 years. 12 regions of russia came to the rescue transbaikalia in the fight against forest fires, the situation is still one of the most difficult, the flames cover about 400.00 hectares, about 100 fires are active, while one fire is being extinguished, another flares up, dry and hot weather is also taking its toll, reporting by anastasia alferova. from above, it seems as if some unborn artist poured a jar of brown gouache onto the painting with the evergreen sea of ​​the transbaikal taiga; the landscape is now clearly not one of those that will be included in the list of world masterpieces, for rectifying the situation. professionals are hired
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meter by meter cutting off the still green part of the forest from the already absorbed elements, the work , to put it mildly, is not easy, almost meter-long thickets of grass, fallen trees with a powerful root system, in the hands of shovels and axes, some are complex, some are simple fires, there are fires using different methods that have to be extinguished, there are no identical fires, especially in transbaikalia, it’s unknown which one you’ll find yourself in because you’re ready. be necessary for any turn of events, each outbreak is a kind of test of strength, even for professionals fire work. it happens that horse riding emerges somewhere, peat fires have also occurred, well, everything also depends on the area of ​​the forest. a backpack forest fire extinguisher is a faithful companion of fighters against the elements; the equipment simply cannot be driven into the impassable trans-baikal terrain, it will not pass, and the radar is always behind them. like this, knocking down the fiery tongues. runs along the entire
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edge of the fire, and taking into account the scale of the violence of the elements, it is still burning, in the edge of about 400,000 hectares of forest, it is measured in thousands of meters, but it seems to these guys that the distance for no reason, in a week the team of the air forest guard for baikallishoz, baking in the smoke at the edge at +50°, extinguished more than twenty forest fires. anastasia alferova, read. this is a message, don't switch. scientists from the magadan nature reserve have released a film about the life of a pair of red book eagles. for the first time, they were able to observe the life of these birds over a long period, from the beginning of nesting to adulthood. steller's orland is the symbol of the reserve and scientists have been looking for the answer to the main question for many years: why is the population of these large predators there are so few birds. read more lyudmila cherbakova. the story of one couple. on the shoulders of the eagles from
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the beginning of april until almost mid-july. the surveillance camera filmed her life continuously. and scientists could monitor in real time everything that was happening in the family of red book birds. employees of the magadan nature reserve have been observing steller's eagles for many years. this year they examined the koni peninsula and the kava-chilamdzhinsky area and found 20 chicks. the work is aimed at monitoring all changes in the population and thoroughly understand why steller's sea eagles reproduce. not very successfully, sea eagles in the magadan region nest along rivers and the okhotsk coast, while their living conditions are different, this concerns climate and food supply. the observational film also gives some answers to scientists’ questions, here is how a couple hatches an egg, when the male either brings prey to the female, then lets her go to hunt on her own, and how birds have to act in the difficult kolyma climate, when at the end of may the nest was covered with snow. i myself... had to spend a long time
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lie motionless on the nest, covering the egg with your body. climate and its changes, scientists believe, seriously affect the population of steller's sea eagles. these birds do not make a second laying if the chick dies. last year, natural processes intervened in the forest fires and in this flood. warming, this global warming, yes, it has affected our region in that our weather has become very humid, these rivers with... the breeding history of this family of red book birds ended in tears: in july, future the parents left the nest together and the egg was carried away by a large-billed crow. scientists will find out how life will turn out for other pairs of steller's sea eagles in august, when they again go to inspect nesting sites. lyudmila shcherbakov alexey gilyov, host of magadan. all news is always available on the media platform.
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time in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel started. come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, good morning, good! vladislav zavyala svetlana abramova on your screen. let's smile together a new day and he will certainly smile back at us. how can you fail? my favorite summer dessert, ice cream, also turned out to be healthy. nutritionists have come to the following conclusion: it contains calcium, protein, the optimal
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amount of fat, and most importantly, it does not provoke spikes in blood sugar if consumed in moderation. it is recommended to include no more than four servings per week in your diet, well... this is what american experts advise, if anyone is interested, all praise applies only to a top-class refreshing delicacy made from natural cream, so if they were replaced with palm oil and baked with chemical additives, then you can no longer expect any benefits from ice cream, but rather, on the contrary, a lot of chemicals are contained in popular mouth rinses, which means the risk of cancer increases, belgian researchers, in turn, warn, well... i still found out what to rinse with so as not to harm it, it saturates the enamel with minerals, protects against coryza and bacteria. mouthwash appeared in elizabeth’s life 5 years ago, when the girl was wearing braces for medicinal purposes, she prescribed it dentist, and after such a ritual has become a habit, he approaches his choice thoroughly,
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looking for alcohol in the composition. i need alcohol directly to strengthen naimala’s same gums, and i also know for sure that when... used, disinfection will occur, even in the first mouthwash, which , by the way, was invented by hippocrates, it was alcohol that was the main component, but the doctor’s main slogan is do no harm, did not work for this invention. with prolonged use , an alcohol-containing rinse aid reduces production of saliva, which causes dry mouth and more. this can lead to disruption of the normal balance of microflora in the oral cavity. when you wash out, say, yes, with the help of rinses, certain bacteria appear in others. rapid growth, which can trigger the occurrence of, say, inflammation. as a rule, bad bacteria take root and are more resistant to alcohol, while good bacteria die. for this reason , today, alcohol-containing rinses are considered medicinal and are prescribed by the dentist. strictly according to indications: if, for example, you
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if you have bleeding gums or periodontitis, you can use it for no more than two weeks, but most cleanliness people use alcohol rinse uncontrollably and don’t even read the ingredients. it 's already like that. which one catches your eye, oh, i don’t even know, we use the same thing, and such carelessness, as it turned out, can play a cruel joke. belgian scientists said that if you actively use mouthwashes that contain alcohol for 3 months, the risk of spreading two types of bacteria associated with with cancer. fortunately, oncologists have so far refuted this frightening version: the carcinogenicity of the bacteria from the study has not been proven, but experts potentially say that alcohol-containing mouthwashes can cause cancer in smokers, after all. alcohol makes it easier for the substances of tobacco itself to be tolerated, so it can cause cancer. ethanol, well, the main component, alcohol, of these rinses, is a really good solvent, and it changes the situation regarding the penetration of these compounds into the cell.
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so rinse your mouth with alcohol rinse after smoking - not a good idea. if the goal is to freshen breath and maintain healthy microflora in the oral cavity, a preventive mouthwash is sufficient. it does not contain alcohol, triclasan, chlorohexidine, all of these are medicinal drugs. the main components in the product for daily use are the usual extracts of herbs, sage, mint or chamomile. all this will work if you follow simple rules, rinse your mouth with a prophylactic agent twice a day, only after brushing your teeth, and rinse your mouth with a medicinal one as prescribed by a doctor. to substances started to take effect, it is important to wait half an hour after the procedure. the principle of do no harm is central to the work of doctors. the association of healthcare managers has prepared an appeal to the government and the state duma. experts ask that doctors be allowed to engage in private practice. today, a medical worker does not have the right to work independently. therefore , experts are confident that the gray market for such services is growing. well, under attack, patients
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find themselves unprotected in case of harm to their health. how to adjust let's discuss this issue with the co-chairman of the all-russian patients' union, a member of the council. on human rights under russian president yan blasov, hello, yan, good morning, today our doctor is tied to a medical institution that has a license, and patients thereby receive some guarantees. if a doctor engages in private practice, he himself must be licensed, how to do this? the fact is that practice in international doctor -patient relations already exists, private medicine, she is recognized to take on a fairly extensive block of medical care, but at the same time there are great limitations for this, and not every doctor. can be a private practitioner, for this there are certain criteria, that is, this is experience working in
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inpatient or outpatient institutions, this is advanced training, this is advanced training at conferences, symposiums, which, we also have points, and of course the time spent in clinical practice, that is, average yield average yield abroad in private practice for about 40-45 years, as we saw in the movie doctor. it has been rising for several years now, another thing is that someone who, with great pleasure or reason, will be insured by the insurance company of a specialist who has already, as they say, settled down. or a person who recently graduated from a medical college or university, and if a person does not get
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the opportunity to insure his activities, will he be allowed to do so? these things must be linked, of course, who will control such private doctors? v in our conditions, we have a national medical chamber, which can, has the right, based on federal law 323, in particular, to be responsible for these doctors, specialists, to train them, also to accept, but in a sense... exams, or something, surely , the equipment of a private practice doctor’s office, equipment, and instruments must be prescribed somewhere, but here we are referring to a document called clinical guidelines, within the framework of which, if a doctor has the right to provide medical care for a very specific set of medical nasologies or diseases, then each disease has a certain set, that is, diagnostic or therapeutic equipment that a doctor can or should possess, or have
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access to, in order to make an appropriate diagnosis, which will secure this kind of documentation, well for now it’s hard to say, because standards are needed here, they still need to be developed, but all the prerequisites for this are there, thank you, thank you, about how to competently organize the private practice of doctors, spoke to the co-chairman of the all-russian union of patients, a member of the human rights council under the president of russia, thank you, it’s my fault , go already, chicks, today at 21:20, slavic bazaar, ceremony and opening on friday at 21:50 on the russia channel, you sign tomorrow, wedding later, fifth blood type from june 15th. at 21:20 from russia with love, domestic products confidently
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take their place on the shelves of foreign stores. our traditional ketchup, mayonnaise, as well as various other sauces, were to the taste of buyers from the cis countries and even the gulf of pursit. and the national project international cooperation and export helps manufacturers deliver their products abroad , and this is what the story is about. we look at geometry, opening, organoleptics, taste, color. that’s it, because only perfect nori can reach the buyer. the quality of edible algae at this enterprise near moscow is monitored very carefully, and other products undergo no less strict control. now the distillation process is underway in order to determine the content of soy sauce. protein amino acid composition. in addition to soy sauce , they produce more than forty types of sauces, including the well-known sweet chili flavors. cheese barbecue, so very unusual. for example, they say at the enterprise that russians like sea buckthorn sauce, but
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residents of turkey and the united arab emirates liked the lemongrass sauce. 4 years ago the company decided to start exporting and now sells products in more than twenty countries. this not only develops us as an exporter, but it develops our company, which is here, because those tastes from all over the world, they give thoughts, ideas, meanings to this. one of our immediate goals is to organize supplies of products to africa. and here the company is counting on the support of the russian export center and the my export digital platform. as practice shows, with their help it is much easier to establish connections with foreign partners. the russian export center is compensation for all costs associated with certification, cooperation with the platform is your competitive advantage, because you receive subsidies, you receive assistance and the support of the voronezh region manufacturers in solidarity with their colleagues near moscow, their platforms and export also greatly facilitated the process of entering foreign markets, and today the company’s products are recognized and loved in ten countries. in
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our assortment we produce ketchup, sweet, spicy, kebab, tomato, caucasian and... the hottest types of ketchup are loved in the countries of georgia, armenia, lighter sweet types of ketchup are loved in belarus, estonia, and germany. ketchup, mayonnaise, canned vegetables, fruit puree, tomato paste and much more. the company produces about 20 tons of products daily. previously, the volumes were smaller, says the company’s laboratory assistant tatyana bobakova. after delivery to foreign markets, the volume of products was increased. i'm proud of our product. and the number of foreign fans of russian goods is growing every year, as is the number of domestic manufacturers and exporters. the national project international cooperation and export helps them expand their business horizons, thanks to which the digital platform “my export” was created. today she provides more than 100 services that cover every stage of entering a foreign market. if in 2020, when the service first
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appeared, 2,500 producers took advantage of its services, now on the platform the boiler has already broken down... very badly, people have scalded it, now they will take it out, limit girls, today on rtr, almost 3 years have passed since natasha passed away, natasha was the whole great life, i asked god, please don’t take her away, let her stay, something wrong is happening here, this can’t happen, yaroslav
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sumeshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning, my brother, natasha, came up to me. he said that’s it, such love, such loss, a person cannot be happy without hope, i want a family, i want more children, yes, i’ve already met a girl, my love, i love her, what’s her name, her name is anastasia, and the proposal you’ve already proposed to her, no, i haven’t proposed to her yet, but i’m hinting, to be happy, to be or not to be, that’s...
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and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform , watch the first podcasts we watch, catch up, the fish, big or small, generally chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, mm, m. yes, yes, yes, again,
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yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formula. on saturday on rtr. great guy, he should go. on friday. you thought well, you don’t have a job, you don’t have a place to live, you don’t have anything. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse. i am completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i am not sure whether it will suit my father. he said that he would only accept help. a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, to real love, just one
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kiss, oh, who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well, that's it it’s another matter, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, his wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business can be done, we need a bride with accommodation, we return to the studio, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find meat in the sausage, here unnecessary fillers keep coming. among manufacturers, cases of using a prohibited additive, the so-called meat glue, have become more frequent, the news writes, such violations were detected 2 and a half times more in the last year. meat glue is able to glue together proteins that do not come together on their own, so you can make meat processing virtually waste-free, and also add useless
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mass, but not free. that’s why, before eating sausage, you should give it to an expert with the best nose, dogs for testing, a teaser, trailer, for the film palma 2 have been released, the premiere of a movie about the new adventures of the people’s favorite shepherd dog palma is planned. yes, this is such a twist of fate for our favorite characters. leaving big aviation, pilot vyacheslav lazarev, together with his entire family , moved to the outback. the happiest thing, of course, is the palm tree. and here is the hero himself viktor dobronravova is sad. of course, he continues to fly, otherwise it will be. can’t, but the aircraft are already more modest, it’s not so easy to come to terms with this, but just when life completely loses its colors, everything changes, think, it doesn’t happen like that, so no,
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you know, movie plots are taken from life, so the lives of each of us have such adventures that you think there is enough for any brazilian series, or an excellent russian film for the whole family, a new story, just like the first part , is based on real... events. in october in 2016, at the orlovka airfield in the tver region, pilots found an orphaned bear cub, warmed it up, treated it, fed it, but they couldn’t release it into the wild, without its mother it would have been lost. this incident served as the starting point for the imagination of the filmmakers . now you 'll have to stick around with people. well, what kind of people are we? i have a job, you have a job, his mother will be a palm tree. of course, a caring shepherd dog that has experienced a lot itself will take patronage. other people's cubs, again teaching a lesson of fidelity and love to these bipeds, who for some reason are so it is difficult to understand and agree with each other. there is no doubt that dogs are wiser, so
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you have to help your people, and you can teach strangers and bad people a lesson, or at least condemn the outrage. palma 2 is promised by the creators of a film without halftones, what is good and what is bad will be understood by viewers of any age and number of paws, plus exciting adventures and stunning views. and new heroes joined the star cast: sergei gilev and taisiya kalinina, the stern jaeger and his fighting daughter, they are the ones who have to play a very important role in the fate of the clubfooted ward of the good palm tree. he is a beast, daughter, they are all the same, it’s not true, they are all different, just like people, and we will see this next spring, the premiere of palma 2 is scheduled for march. you'll be great. you should try, hot premiere, she sent a resume to my department, you knew that bahar wouldn’t be here, don’t worry, they called from the hospital, they invited you for
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an interview, we really need strong people, like bahar, in my opinion, your place is not here, and at home, dr. rengin, what do you say, the decision is for by you, bahar named spring, today at 15:00, we set the clocks to summer time, watch us at 11:30 at 18:30 60 minutes, we work for you, all year round, this is to lead the morning, we will tell you about the main thing, in the studio tarasova, hello, it was on render fashion. sincere gratitude
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from the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to strengthening the friendship of mutual understanding between our states and peoples; having been at the head of the indian government for 10 years, you really contributed to the fact that russian-indian relations acquired the nature of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the formation of:
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st. andrew the first-called, the head of the indian cabinet of ministers, received an award for outstanding services in the development of a special privileged strategic partnership between the two countries. russia familiarized members of the security council in new york with facts that refute the version of the ukrainian authorities about the shelling of a children's hospital in kiev. according to the permanent representative of russia during the organization, our troops do not strike civilian infrastructure, the purpose of which is there was a military facility, the ukroboronprom plant, which.
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it is necessary to quickly saturate key industries with advanced technologies, mikhail mishustin stated this at the inoprom strategic session in yekaterinburg. he recalled that in the next few years our country will be among the top ten leaders in terms of scientific research volume, and private investment in development should double, and of course, it is necessary to deepen cooperation with reliable partners. mishustin also noted special attention to the development of the machine tool industry for technical re-equipment of equipment manufacturers in the next 3 years. a sniper training center, on its territory there will be facilities for military sports games, a classroom, a dormitory for instructors and cadets, a site for the future training ground, which has already been appreciated by distinguished guests, more details by yulia egorova. a sniper training center will appear not far from vladivostok; in the nadezhensky district, on an area of ​​more than 850 hectares
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, an administrative and amenity complex will be built near... not so far from the city, which means it will take some time to create it, but we are determined to decide, determined not only to decide, but to make the future polygon vostok one of the large important centers in the country, not only specialists, but also young people will be trained here, and classes will be conducted taking into account the climate.
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also on the territory of the future center vostok plans to organize children's military-patriotic programs and family sports events; education and training sessions for children will be held as part of basic military training. yulia egorova, vesti primorye. not switch. the shipyard in komsomolsk on the sea began construction of a new transport dock. the ship was named after the amur river. the dock is necessary for transporting orders to the ponian sea, which will allow the river shipyard to build large seagoing vessels, such as frigates. all the details are in the material by lyudmila smirnova. over the course of its eighty-eight-year history, the legendary plant on the amur has built
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more than nuclear and diesel submarines, an icebreaker, and a drilling platform. the transport dock accompanies all large orders at sea, like, for example, the corvettes that are built here for the pacific fleet. it helps ships with a sea draft overcome river rapids and the amur estuary. the new large-sized dock will replace transport anywhere and will literally expand the capabilities of the enterprise. the overall width of orders under construction will be increased to 23.5 m. his brother, the younger amurets, now has more than half of the technical readiness. the implementation of these two investment projects will allow us to reach a new, high-quality level, to build more displacement or a different class here. the decision to start this program was taken at the highest level by the country's top officials. this is
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the merit of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, this is the merit of the chairman of the government mikhail vladimich mishustin, because it was they who made the most important strategic decisions, and today, 2 years later, we... have already laid the foundation of the great dane, this is a new impetus for the development of komsomolsk-on -amur, cities of presidential attention. in december of the twenty-third year, the shipyard as part of the usc received a license to build ships of the first rank of frigates in the civil segment there is the prospect of creating a series of new entirely domestic rescue vessels. in addition, we now have a request from the ministry of defense for the construction of a continuation of the series of our corvettes, which we plan to continue making. the prospect of orders, which is with the new. transport dock will become possible and will ensure the loading of the amur shipbuilding facility until 2037. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. the heat has covered the ostrakhan region, the thermometer continues to remain above 40°.
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many people spend their holidays near the water. now there are two certified beaches in the region, one of them is on the city island in astrakhan. anastasia rudenko will tell you how it was landscaped this year.
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it should be noted that this beach on the city island is certified; there are only two of them in our region: they were improved with grant funds received last year as part of the national tourism and hospitality industry project. the grant recipient purchased all the necessary equipment, but given that the swimming season had already ended by that time, therefore, all the equipment had been dismantled and sent to the warehouse. then they waited in twenty years for the water to go away, as soon as it went away, the guys got to work and... astrakhan residents will be able to enjoy the volga and the well-maintained beach until the very end of august, especially since in the forty-degree heat you just want to swim in the cool water. astasia rudenko, andrey
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zverev, conduct the astrakhan region. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, stay with us. you'll be great doctor, you should try it. hot premiere, she sent her resume to my department, you knew that bahar wouldn’t be here, don’t worry, they called from the hospital, they invited you for an interview, we really need strong people, like bahar, in my opinion, your place is not here, but at home , doctor rengin, what do you say, the decision is yours, bahar named vesna, today at 15:00,
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each other, what have you done, yura, what have you done, fifth blood type, from july 15 at 21:20. good morning, good morning, july 10, wednesday, wake up, we are already waiting for you at the screens. vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, with best wishes, we continue our broadcast. disappears before the eyes of the last, the sicilians may lose their natural milk, the mafia has nothing to do with it, the strongest. for 20 years, drought has turned perguza, a natural lake, into
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a tiny swamp, so activists are seriously alarmed, the reservoir literally evaporated, looking at this sad sight, it’s hard to believe that a couple of months ago there was a surface of water here for several square kilometers, here in tyumen , the vagaries of the weather are completely different here they filmed the lake that arose in the middle of the city due to heavy rain, tyumen seemed to have moved into the tropics. cities there will be russian scientists. alas, our cities claim that our cities do not reach these indicators of green space, why there are not a lot of forests in parks and how many there should be, we answer the users of our telegram channel. so, miroshik, hold on, dad, hands, there is a road here.
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there is a place to run on the grass under the trees; there are no such places left in his native cuba, the man complains. there’s even just no shade, here we are now, the heat is 30 degrees, and the trees are like there aren’t any, such an area where you could walk, ride, calmly run with a dog and a child, without disturbing or trampling on the holy land, like at the memorial. we do not have such territory, of course, with pain we see the deforestation, with deep sadness the residents of sterlitomak look at the changes in their hometown, here is a vivid example, this is what solovat park once was, and this is what it has become. there has been a reconstruction with this park, it is believed that civilization has come to our city, and it is very bad for it. everyone except manufacturers of paving slabs, especially the trees themselves, after 8 years, still haven’t gotten used to it. landscaping is now underway. the fact is that trees are cut down, they no longer become
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the same, they age, this is a natural process, in their place so catastrophically few are planted that they do not replace them in percentage terms, the problem is that in percentage terms it is quite possible to replace them, according to the set of city planning rules there are standards per citizen there are 10 km of public green areas and six in residential areas, but landscaping is more varied than greenery and 10. lawns, which developers so dearly love, are not equal the same piece of centuries-old trees. it's not just about oxygen and beauty - environmentalists confirm. if we are talking about humidity, somewhere even temperature, well, that is, heat exchange, and in cities, the movement of air masses, the green frame of the city, and also performs an important function in regulating, let’s say, the microclimate. but regulating the quality and quantity of green frames is getting worse and worse, experts admit. new publications are growing much faster than established ones. there are young trees around them, which is exactly what it is, well
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let's say, an alarming fact, because, of course, the situation must be changed, and we must take care of literally every tree, calculate in advance that these maples, for example, in 10 years will become dangerous, so we need to plant them now the new ones are nearby so that they can grow up and become stronger by the time the old ones are cut down for sanitary purposes; this is just one of the rules that needs to be clearly stated; we could well expand them. town planning regulations - including the maximum parameters for landscaping, the percentage of land area that should be landscaped, and the maximum height of this landscaping, the types of such green spaces, perhaps this is exactly what is missing so that the situation when some cities are dense and others are completely empty does not repeat or worsen. let's continue this topic with a member of the state duma committee on ecology, natural resources and environmental protection, nikolai buduev. hello. nikola, well, viewers on our telegram channel asked if
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landscaping standards were abolished in cities, it turns out that no, they comply, neither do they, it’s actually a problem extremely important, but here everything depends on the consciousness of the heads of municipalities on the one hand, but on the other hand the people themselves must demand to educate, i apologize for the expression, municipal authorities, there are standards and the state has given them so that there is support in the courts, well, in the proceedings with authorities for citizens to protect their rights, including to clean air. we must, we must educate municipal leaders, of course, no one prohibits any groups of citizens from filing applications with the prosecutor’s office,
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look at the very idea of ​​​​a ban on the transfer of such lands to lands for other purposes, in any city there are some especially valuable unique places, especially in the city center, which citizens would like to preserve, and developers would like to develop, the interests of citizens are always higher than the interests of city leaders , or maybe it is necessary for
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city activists to do this, some kind of council, a city public organization for every problem, we don’t create public councils, but it is very important that at least one activist in the city, at least once in i wrote letters for six months through the all-russian popular front, through the public chamber, and through all these bodies it is necessary to start working, often, let’s say, the same officials just plant a lawn, so they probably, here you are, greened the city, although probably if you cut down some this is a centuries-old park, you need to plant something else, you need to figure it out, the climate is different everywhere, it’s a big country, yes, of course.
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everything happened as it was supposed to happen. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday, now at 13:00 on the russia channel. summer is in full swing and thousands of russian motorists every day go on vacation in their own cars, but do not forget that it is at this time that there is a danger of encountering animals that
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run out onto the road, and the risk of an accident increases significantly. daria tyunova will tell you who will compensate for the damage in this case. impact, second, third, collisions with wild animals in the summer on russian roads often occur. mikhail nizhnin from nizhny novgorod still recalls the consequences of a terrible encounter with a forest animal and counts losses. not subject to installation. i spent a month in the hospital. this is a very scary thing. and quite expensive, because if the driver only has an osaga policy, then in the event of a collision with a moose, the car will have to be repaired. bill, for example, for a five-year-old foreign car, replacing the windshield will cost an average of 40,000 rubles. the front bumper is twice as large, the hood headlights are still about 100.00. if the driver is involved in an accident with an animal, that is , as a rule, these are some large animals. not wild animals - then he remains face to face with your problem, if there is no insurance other than osaga, then the driver will have to compensate for the damage on his own,
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plus, if we are talking about wild animals, our legislation also provides for fines for wild animals, if a person hits an elk, for example, then fines amount to 80,000 rubles. and it is just being reimbursed within the framework of osaga. if the driver does not have an osaga, then you will have to pay out of your own pocket not only for car repairs, but for downed animals, the money will go to the state. a motorist will be able to compensate for his damage only if he has insurance. a helmet, if a person has a helmet, then the calculation proceeds accordingly, as for any other event, we conduct an initial inspection, assess the damage and issue a referral for repairs, then the person comes to the service, he receives the same assessment as in any accident. there are cases, unfortunately, when a car after an encounter with a large moose may not be recoverable, then the calculation is based on the conditions of complete loss, for example, if the car... is damaged by more than 75%, then it cannot be restored, which means the car owner will pay the full cost of the car. by the way, if the driver does not collide with a car, but with
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a domestic animal, a cow, goat, dog or cat, then the motorist has the right to demand compensation for damage from the pet owner. car enthusiast karina found herself in such a situation; the cost of repairing her car after a collision with a herd of cows cost the girl a tidy sum. the repair cost around 90,000, i was driving, there were cows in my lane, i started honking, and eventually one kicked. scratched my bumper, started turning, i was blown into a ditch, now the girl plans to collect money for car repairs from the owner of the cow, by the way, auto experts advise that in order to prove that the culprit of the accident was the animal, no matter whether wild or domestic, you should under no circumstances leave the scene of the accident, it is necessary to record the damage call the traffic police to take a photo or video camera, otherwise the car owners may be held accountable for leaving the scene of an accident. well, then new from old, if you’re tired of your favorite jeans, it’s a pity to throw them away, how can you make them out of them? we'll tell you about jewelry, a bag and even a carpet in a few minutes. i am happy like no one,
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if the heart asks for joy, for love, if the soul asks for a song, to fall in love, so not carefully, everyone who is love. slavic bazaar - opening ceremony on friday. seker was sitting on rtr,
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look at rtr, why are they broadcasting about the capture of a strong point from a hairdresser? raya, the first thing i did at work was call the clients to cancel, it’s time i’m here, what the hell, they took her hostage, 5:4 what happened, uncle? they killed my daughter, but how can a gun help you? i want everyone to start telling the truth. i have orders to storm. raya knows everything. stop, run, raya. today on rtr. who are we, where are we going? what kind of country are we? what is the value for us? we haven't changed. a russian person remains a russian person. they are not afraid of anything. of course, there is something like a chill inside, anything can happen, there is nothing to retreat from,
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i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself, that’s not what i have, that every year i have a family, every minute i have a family, there is no other way, now there is a struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world. for our past, i understand that such responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr, this is from captain sazonov with greetings, perhaps the last. not anymore, i see they accepted the bouquet, svetlana serge, artist, today on
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rtr. the top of the world needs some spring cleaning. the sherpas were horrified as they explored the area around the highest mountaineering camp on everest. at the southern pass the saddle, where oxygen cylinders and more are usually stored, according to the most conservative estimates, about 50 tons of non-degradable waste have accumulated. it will take years to eliminate them. but the task is complicated by the ice shell that comes with it.
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and not a single pair fit, or what, okay, leave it, i know that jeans can be made from such a mountain, internet users unanimously confirm that unnecessary or old jeans are one of the most useful things in the wardrobe in particular and in the whole house in general, here such an axiom, for example, if your beloved the pair treacherously stopped fitting, don’t rush to get upset, perhaps this is a sign that a couple has come to make you a new dress or top, in addition you only need scissors and thread with a needle. one of the most popular requests is a bag made from old jeans; even a novice seamstress can handle it. we machine sew three sides, sew on the long handles, and you’re done. all that remains is to unscrew the product and receive well-deserved compliments. you can choose any bag model; the craftswomen will tell you how to sew a fashionable hobo or a small one in half an hour round cosmetic bag. for the latter, by the way,
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you won’t need all the jeans, just the back pockets. very lucky, if you have a lot of unnecessary jeans, then from blue material you can make decor for the whole house, for example, this very stylish carpet or blanket, you will need several pairs of different colors, cut out as many squares of the same size from them as possible, then it’s on technology, but what about our little brothers, cats simply love to lie on their owner’s jeans, so let’s make them a bed from these same items. slice thin we sew the strips together, and now we arm ourselves with crocheted yarn. by the way, for big fans of jeans and for those who really feel sorry for cutting up an old one for a favorite pair, here’s a life hack: we make unusual jewelry out of denim, so to speak, perpetuate them in eternity. yes, darling,
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of course, i remember about our anniversary, yes, i ’ve already prepared a gift, well... a ring, maybe even two, yes, that’s it, for now, well, my daughter looks like she’s not wearing a jacket yet, her daughter looks like she’s not wearing a jacket, yes , so what, it’s warm outside, uh-huh, then, children on the water without supervision, like ensure safety, what needs to be taught, what responsibility parents bear, we will discuss after the news. emphasis on dialogue vladimir putin and narendramode discussed cooperation within the sco and brix, as well as the situation in ukraine. fund for zelensky’s participation in the nato summit, this is how dmitry peskov commented on the message about an alleged russian strike on a children’s hospital in kiev. strength test in transbaikalia
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, more and more new fires are breaking out; 12 regions came to help in extinguishing them. the news will tell about main thing in the studio vera tarasova. hello. expanding trade turnover, interaction in the fields of energy, high technology, aircraft manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and agriculture. cooperation within the framework of brix and sco. all this is the topic of negotiations between vladimir putin and narendramoda. they talked for more than 2.5 hours and, as the kremlin said, they exhaustively discussed almost the entire agenda. so, the main day of the indian prime minister's visit was full. with many events at the official negotiations, the leaders discussed the construction of a nuclear power plant in india, which will build russia. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are constantly in contact and pay the main attention to the development of trade and economic ties, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. we
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cooperate closely in the international arena , including international organizations, and... i am grateful to you for the attention you pay to the most pressing problems, including trying to find some ways to solve to the ukrainian crisis, and of course, first of all, peacefully. narendromozi spoke in his welcoming speech about how cooperation between new delhi and moscow affects the lives of the indian people. the prime minister said that the agreements reached with russia in the energy sector provided the residents of the republic with fuel. we talked about ukraine, the head of the indian cabinet emphasized.
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i have always told you that for the sake of a bright future, peace is mandatory, so we believe that war is not a solution, a solution cannot be achieved through war, bombs, rockets rifles cannot ensure peace, so we focus on dialogue, it is necessary. as for the accusations of kiev and the western media against russia, which is allegedly to blame for the attack on the children's hospital, the implausibility of the arguments is visible from the footage from kiev. ukrainian and western propagandists claim that the attack was allegedly carried out. x101, but just watch the video taken by the people of kiev of the destruction of the artyom military plant, which was hit by six similar missiles, and the discrepancy will become obvious. this is what
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the x101 looks like, this is how it approaches the target, and what flew into the courtyard of the children's hospital looks completely different, first of all, because this rocket does not have folding wings. and most military experts agree that the footage shows a norwegian anti-aircraft missile... in addition, the scale is most likely the warhead, which weighs at least 400 kg, its explosion would definitely have left a huge crater, the explosion that occurred in the hospital courtyard clearly does not correspond to the consequences arrival of x101, the ukrainian air defense crew tried to intercept one of the russian missiles, but the system gave up failure. the story of the children's hospital in kiev, allegedly affected by russian missiles, is a jesuit pr operation with blood, the press reported. presidential secretary dmitry peskov, according to him, kiev is using this tragedy to create a background for zelensky’s participation in the nato summit. a meeting of the leaders of the alliance countries is taking place in washington, dedicated to its seventy-fifth anniversary,
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the ukrainian president has arrived, but he is still not invited to join the north atlantic bloc, according to the leader of slovakia petr pellegrini, the decision of the nato summit will not be for ukraine a free ticket to the alliance. the final document must be signed by all members of the bloc, but this has not yet been done. at the same time. nato leadership will encourage its alliance allies to draw up civil defense plans in the event of an attack, according to article 5 of the north atlantic treaty, which provides for a collective response in the event of an attack on nato countries. in other news: 12 regions of russia came to the aid of transbaikalia in the fight against forest fires; the situation is still one of the most difficult. about 400,000 hectares are engulfed in flames about 100 outbreaks. report by anastasia alferova. from the height it seems as if some unborn artist poured a jar of brown gouache onto a picture of the evergreen sea of ​​the transbaikal taiga, the landscape is now clearly not one of those that will be included in the list of world masterpieces, professionals are taking on the task of correcting the situation,
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cutting off the still green part of the forest meter by meter from being already swallowed up by the elements, the work , to put it mildly, is not easy, almost meter thick thickets of grass, fallen trees, with a powerful root system, in the hands of shovels and axes there are some complex fires, some... simple fires, there are fires using different methods that have to be extinguished, there are no identical fires, especially in transbaikalia, it is unknown which one you will end up on, so you need to be prepared for any turn of events, each fireplace is a kind of test of strength , even for professionals in the fire business, sometimes there are horse fires somewhere, peat fires have also occurred, well, it all depends on the area. forest area. a backpack forest fire extinguisher is a faithful companion for fighters against the elements. technique in the impenetrable trans-baikal clearings simply cannot be adjusted, they will not pass, and the radar is always behind them. like this, knocking down tongues of fire and passing along the entire edge of the fire, and
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taking into account the scale of the violence, the elements are still blazing. in the region there are about 400,000 hectares of forest , amounting to thousands of meters, but it seems that these guys don’t care about the distance. during the week , the avias security team from baikal likhoz baked in the smoke at the edge. this is news, we are monitoring developments. scientists from the magadan nature reserve have released a film about the life of a pair of red book eagles. for the first time they succeeded observe the life of these birds over a long period. from the beginning of nesting to adulthood. the steller's sea eagle is the symbol of the reserve and scientists have been searching for the answer to the main question for many years: why the population of these large birds of prey is so small. read more lyudmila cherbakova. the story of one pair
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of steller's eagles from the beginning of april until almost mid-july, a surveillance camera filmed its life continuously. and scientists could monitor in real time everything that was happening in the family of red book birds. behind the steller's employees of the magadansky nature reserve have been observing eagles for many years. this year they examined the koni peninsula and the kava-chilamdzhinsky area and found 20 chicks. the work is aimed at monitoring all changes in the population and thoroughly understanding why the steller’s steller. llans do not reproduce very successfully. adlans of the magadan region nest along rivers and the okhotsk coast, and their living conditions are different, this concerns climate and food supply. the observation film also provides some answers to scientists' questions. here's how the couple incubates the egg, when the male either brings prey to the female or releases her to hunt on her own. and how birds have to act in the difficult kolyma climate, when the nest was filled up at the end of may. the female had to lie
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motionless on the nest for a long time, covering the egg with her body. climate and its changes, scientists believe , seriously affect the population of steller's sea eagles. these birds do not lay a second clutch if the chick dies. last year , forest fires interfered with natural processes, and this flood. warming, this global thing, yes, it affected our region by the fact that our weather became very wet, these rivers. with large floods, they have dark water, they make it difficult for the eagle to fish. the breeding history of this family of red book birds ended in tears. in july, the future parents left the nest together and the egg was comforted by a large-billed crow. scientists will find out how life will turn out for other pairs of steller's sea eagles in august, when they again go to inspect nesting sites. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey gilev, host magadan. all news always available on...
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hello, good morning, vladislav zavyala, svetlana abramova, this is wednesday, july 10th. summer, vacation, all this is wonderful, of course, and i don’t want to scare anyone, but the number of tragedies with children on the water has increased many times over, what is the reason, how to make parents finally understand that the water element. it's a threat first and
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a fun second. we watch the story and then discuss it with the guest. in general, this boat, uh, arrived alone, without passengers, and in the end the ministry of emergency situations was called. a lonely boat with a running motor and one slipper on the bottom. to eyewitnesses it immediately became clear that a tragedy had occurred. and indeed, on june 29, the father, along with his thirteen-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter, decided to ride an inflatable boat in the gulf of finland. as a result , the boy fell from the boat, dad, of course, jumped after him, and the boat was carried further by the wind. this time, miraculously, there was no tragedy; the girl jumped out of the boat and floundered for 5 hours waiting for help; parents in barnaul apparently forgot that children are always without protection in the elements. fortunately, on a hot summer day on the banks of the fast river there was eighteen-year-old danil morchinsky, it was only thanks to his courage that two sixth-graders at once survived .
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but the main thing is the careless behavior of parents who let their children go to dangerous places on equipped beaches and their lack of swimming skills. children, when they play, especially small children, they still do not have a sense of danger, that is, they do not feel that there is some kind of steep bank nearby, the bottom of reservoirs is not always examined by divers, there may
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be some kind of algae there, the child will get entangled in his foot, reduce the number of accidents with minors on the water can be strictly observed with all safety measures, but this is also possible if you are covered by a wave, if there are moving watercraft nearby, and so on. in this case, the likelihood that a child or teenager will want to risk their life will be seriously reduced, and we will stop receiving shocking statistics on the number of drowned children.
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we will find out what other measures will help change statistics from the director of the information policy department of the ministry of civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief efforts by roman okhotenko. hello, to be honest. i don’t even know where to start, how to reach these careless parents, or maybe once again the safety measures and operation of these inflatable boats have been announced? well , let's really start with operational safety measures, and during operation, of course, people in the middle must wear life jackets, this is mandatory, of course, it is not allowed for the controls to be... on the boat in a state of alcoholic intoxication, literally while i was driving to the studio, we received information that two people, while sailing on a boat, fell out of the boat, both of them, one of them, unfortunately died. we also need to increase responsibility for parents who let their children go, say, to
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bodies of water, because now the fines for such parents are very small, almost 100-500 rubles. well, this won’t stop anyone, absolutely true, they are not proportionate fines, but in principle they are fines.
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the beginning of summer has already been held, but again we are organizing this together with the ministry of education lessons and more than 50 thousand similar lessons from the ministry, this is a common matter and undoubtedly we are not enough, this and the responsibility of the subject of danger cannot decide one or two should be, as it seems to me, the responsibility of volunteer organizations, maybe some camps for them like this simple, tent-like ones to get busy. experts like you, at a minimum, it is necessary to agree with the child that you and i will go swimming on saturday or sunday, so that the child understands when this will happen, so that he does not have, so that he has less temptation to do this on your own, maybe it’s worth holding such conversations in
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schools or at some meetings so that many, almost all parents, can hear this, you know, we are working now, looking for allies, working with volunteers. some young people were on the central, largest beaches and could, for example, tell something, help, teach them to swim, but undoubtedly this is our task, thank you, thank you. we talked with the director of the information policy department about how to prevent tragedies with children on the water,
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ministry of civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief, roman okhotenko. thank you, roman, thank you, thank you, you will be an excellent doctor, you should try, hot premiere, she sent her resume to my department, you knew that bahar would not be here, don’t worry, they called from the hospital, they invited you for an interview, you are very welcome to us ... we need strong people like bahar. in my opinion, your place is not here, but at home. doctor rengin, whatever you say, the decision is yours. bahar named spring. today at 15:00. we translate clock for summer time. watch us at 11:30. at 18:30. 60 minutes. we work for you all year round. rossi's morning is the main thing,
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we are no longer in a hurry to call the fair half of humanity the weaker sex, the unexpected manifestation of remarkable female strength created a furor on all latin american television. that's how my colleagues from mexico are. they've been watching all morning, unable to tear themselves away from the miracle woman from the colombian capital. she found her boyfriend propping up a pillar on the streets of bogata, the risk of being robbed in this state is extremely high, so the miracle woman works decisively, with a slight movement of one hand , she threw her chosen one over her shoulder, and with the other hand grabbed his bicycle, the goodness would not go to waste. well, moving such weights will be even easier with the help of the so-called myographic interface. andrey alekseenko found out what technologies formed the basis of this domestic development. i make some kind of
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gesture. for a short delay, the plastic hand clenches into a fist, while there is no direct connection between the person and the manipulator; instead , the user is wearing a bracelet. he reads the electrical activity of the muscles of the forearms is transmitted via bluetooth. we are simply using eight sensors from here now, sending raw data, processing everything on microcontrollers and after. we send this by air to your hand. the algorithm for the miniature interface was created at the mii. engineers used a non-standard solution. the device does not require a separate computer or complex artificial intelligence to operate. we do not predict the gesture that a person wants to make, as a neural network does, but we watch the totality of muscle activity when performing any kind of grip. essentially, programmers are digitizing multiple electrical signals from all the muscles in the arm at the moment of movement. therefore, before using the device , each necessary gesture is recorded separately. i decided to check it out. how to control a manipulator using the electrical activity of muscles, to
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do this you need to put this bracelet on your hand, now try to control it, make the first fist gesture, recognition accuracy exceeds 80%, tense or relax while doing this not required, but preparation takes time; you need to repeat each of the programmable gestures several times within 30-40 seconds. we are now working to reduce the recording time to at least 20 seconds. so that a person does not spend a lot of time on this, uh, because the more different actions a user needs to make something work, the less he wants to do it. in this case, the developers say, the interface can be used not only to control the cyber prosthesis. in the future, such devices can be used when piloting drones and robots or when working with toxic or radioactive substances too dangerous for humans. love is deceptive, hope for... is in vain, and even those closest to you can betray, the main
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character of one of the most exciting turkish tv series bahar, named vesna, has already been able to see this. his intrigue begins on the russia tv channel. bahar is recovering from a liver transplant operation, having decided to return to medicine no matter what. she once left her career as a doctor for the sake of her family. how is she will take the first steps and overcome obstacles on the path to a new life, we’ll find out at 15. don’t miss mom, you’re okay, thank you, look at rtr, on the weekend i’ll go to my mother for a blessing, you, i follow you, follow me, you had tit in hand, ruslan, give you a stray pilot. the heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is
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happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood. not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, your whole life is in shambles, i have only one night, let's spend it together, fifth blood type from july 15 on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power. beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is ,
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as my mother says, fuck off your godfather, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. great man, you have to go, on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i ’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he would only accept help from a loved
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one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend. real love is just one kiss away, oh well who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well, this is a completely different matter, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, she has a wedding in 3 days, yes in 3 days, you know how much business you can do, you need live-in bride, on friday at rta, we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us. we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. please take a moment, this is lucy. hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant. on saturday. which god should i thank, who sent
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you to me? well, you are simply a miracle. maybe you’ll start sleeping with her so that she can do all the work for you. why are you fucking me? well, you ’re the boss, but you just don’t see me as a person, a man, you want to make a discovery, well, you can’t, you can’t kill your life with just test tubes, the main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations, all this time we have been together and will be together, and he will marry me, you understand, laboratory assistant, on saturday on rutter. show business is taking a break, release a new music video, now you can without filming anything, just give a command to the almighty neural networks, when creating this video, artificial intelligence worked hard from start to finish, being responsible for fashionable rhythms,
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for vocals, for the video, and the latter turned out to be... you see, difficult times are coming for real musicians neuromusical conveyor well, when a new foreign car comes to us from the automobile assembly lines of the world, motorists like to discuss whether it is suitable for our difficult winters, whether manufacturers listen to the opinions of ordinary buyers, checked by ivan zenkevich. fake x-55 has been sold in our country for about six months, but only recently it was adapted to russian realities; now we’ll find out what has changed. the appearance remains the same; it is a mid-size crossover with a body length of about 4.6 m. the radiator grille is frameless, the door handles are recessed, and the rear spoiler is of an unusual shape. this model is produced at
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the avtotor plant in kaliningrad. starting price 2,970,000 rub. but for the dough. the maximum configuration is asked for almost 4000 more, competitors cherry tiga 7 pro max, jitur x70+ kaya x7 kunlon. the main innovation is warm. options, now in the basic configuration there is heated front seats and windshield washer nozzles, well, in the top version there is also heating of the second row, windshield and steering wheel, so the x-55 is ready to meet the russian winter with all the weapons on the front panel , the same two screens in front through the eyes of the driver, there are no buttons at all, even turning on the emergency lights was placed on the ceiling, there will be room for three passengers in the second row, but the trunk is not very roomy, the volume is everything. 150 l. there were some changes under the hood, here is the tank for windshield washer fluid increased to the standard for russia 5 liters. i bought a bottle and
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filled it all at once, it’s convenient. the engine is the same one and a half liter turbocharged with a capacity of 177 horsepower. the variable geometry turbocharger allows it to operate at maximum efficiency over a wide rpm range. the car is really quite peppy. it takes only 7 whole hours to accelerate to hundreds. 8 seconds. one of the best indicators in the segment. the only thing that spoils the idyll is the seven-speed robotic transmission, which twitches a little at the start. platform the x-55 is exclusively front- wheel drive, so this model is not suitable for off-road driving. but on paved roads the bake behaves quite well. the chassis is configured well. the car confidently takes various turns and does not show a tendency to drift. or skidding. the suspension filters out bumps well, but you shouldn't relax. on large pits, the front struts loudly trigger the rebound. well, after the update, bake is indeed
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more adapted to russian realities. there's one last step left. provide it with complete drive. this is for you from captain sotonov. with regards, perhaps the last. not anymore. i see they accepted the bouquet, svetlana serge. awarding you with the order of the holy apostle andrew the first-called reflects the sincere gratitude of the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to
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strengthening the friendship of mutual understanding between our states and peoples. having been at the head of the indian government for 10 years now, you have really contributed to russian-indian relations acquiring a particularly privileged character. difficult reevaluate your contribution to the formation of a sustainable basis for russian-indian cooperation in the international arena, where both our countries defend the principles of multipolarity and strict adherence to international law, work together in the interests of ensuring stability, global and regional security, and work closely within the framework of brix and the shanghai cooperation organization. in the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin, vladimir putin presented narendrimoda with the order of st. apostle andrew the first-called. the head of the indian cabinet received an award for
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outstanding achievements in the development of a special privileged strategic partnership between countries. russia familiarized members in new york with facts that refute the version of the ukrainian authorities about the shelling of a children's hospital in kiev. according to the permanent representative of russia, when organizing our troops. does not strike civilian infrastructure; the target was a military facility, the ukroboronprom plant, which is located 2 km from the site of the tragedy. as vasily nebendia noted, if a russian missile had actually hit a medical facility, there would be nothing left of the building. but there is more than enough indication that ukrainian air defense actually attacked the hospital. the missile cannot be confused with anything else in terms of its plumage and other characteristics. nebendia demanded that ukrainian representatives explain how its air defense missed all five. the united states intends to seek a change of power in georgia, such data was provided by the russian foreign intelligence service, as
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the department reported, the biden administration has developed a detailed plan in 4 months, after the parliamentary elections in tbilis protests against the ruling georgian dream party begin. the reason for this will be given by president salame zurabishvili, who will make anti-government calls. the head of georgia, apparently, has already begun implementation. financing the georgian government. a sniper training center will be built in vladivostok; on its territory there will be facilities for military sports games, classrooms, and a dormitory for instructors and cadets. the site for the future training ground has already been appreciated by distinguished guests. more details yulia egorova. center sniper training will appear near vladivostok. in the nadezhinsky district
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, an administrative and amenity complex will be built on an area of ​​more than 850 hectares. classrooms, dormitory houses to accommodate instructors and cadets of the center, facilities for holding military sports games, these will be centers for training children, training children in long-range shooting, that is, this is such a serious construction site, but it is conveniently located, not so far from the city, that is, it will take some time to create it, well, we are determined to decide, we are determined not only to decide, but to make the future polygon vostok one of the largest important centers in the country, not only specialists, but also young people will be trained here, and classes will be conducted taking into account... from different angles, 21 similar centers are already operating throughout the country, it’s primorye’s turn, according to the presidential envoy to dalnevostoyka, now the region has all the conditions for its creation, and the federal authorities will also support its implementation. today's special military operations work very well on the line of combat
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contact. pacific division fleet 155 marine brigade, which was one of the first to create sniper units. also on the territory of the future vostok center they plan to organize children's military-patriotic programs and family sports events; education and training sessions for children will be held as part of initial military training. yulia egorova, vesti primorye. don't switch. the shipyard in komsomolsk on the sea began construction of a new transport dock. the ship was named after the amur river. doc necessary for transporting orders in the waters of the ponite sea will allow the river shipyard to build large-sized seagoing vessels, such as frigates. all the details are in the material by lyudmila smirnova. nuclear and diesel submarines, icebreaker, drilling platform, over its eighty-eight-year
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history, the legendary plant on... has built more than 330 ships, but the ship that is being laid today in the fate of amur shipbuilders will become a turning point, and the spolino floating cradle will help build and deliver project ships to the sea , which previously on the amur were impossible. the transport dock accompanies all large orders at sea, such as the corvettes that are built here for the pacific fleet. it helps ships with a sea draft overcome river riffles and the amur estuary. the new dock amur is large in size and will replace the negzea transport. and will literally expand the capabilities of the enterprise, the overall width of orders under construction will be increased to 23.5 m. his brother, the younger amurets, now has more than half of the technical readiness, the implementation of these two investment projects will allow us reach a new, qualitative level, build here more displacement and a different class. the decision to start this program was taken at the highest level, by the country's top officials. this is
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the merit of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, this is the merit of the prime minister mikhail vladimirovich mirshustin, because it was they who made the most important strategic decisions, and today, 2 years later, we see the laying of the great dane. this is a new impetus for the development of komsomolsk-on-amur, the presidential city attention. in december of the twenty-third year , the shipyard as part of usc received a license to build ships of the first rank of frigates in the civilian segment with the prospect of creating a series.
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above 40°, many spend their holidays near the water, now there are two certified beaches in the region, one of them on the city island of vastrakhan, anastasia rudenko will tell you how it was landscaped this year. it’s +40 outside, but how can they not plunge into the volga waters in such heat, especially since all the conditions have been created on the central city beach this year. beach in general gorgeous tin, i myself also traveled a lot from chechnya, but the atmosphere, communication, people in general , everything is gorgeous, superior. to say, for a comfortable stay on the beach, umbrellas were installed, near each pair of sun loungers, just over the past weekend hundreds of vacationers came to the city island, despite the large number of people, the beach is quite safe. but it was checked by divers, there are rescuers on duty on the shore. this year , getting to the beach has become more comfortable; a boat crossing has been organized from komsomolskaya embankment to the island and back. if you don’t take into account the wait for the sun there, then in principle, well, it seems to me,
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maybe a couple of minutes, yes, but how long did you have to wait in line there to cross here? well, considering that there are a lot of people today, yes, we had to wait. well, it’s just good here that he doesn’t take extra people for security reasons, that’s why. you can wait. it should be noted that this beach on the city island is certified. there are only two of these in our region. they were improved with grant funds received last year within the framework of the national project tourism and hospitality industry. the grant recipient purchased all the necessary equipment, but given that the swimming season had already ended, by that time all the equipment had been dismantled and sent to the warehouse. then we waited in the twenty-fourth year for the water to go away, as soon as it went away, the guys started.
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we set the clocks to summer time, watch us at 11:30 at 18:30 60 minutes, we work for you, all year round, white dance, comrades, yes, we
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invite you to be gentlemen, watch on the channel russia, hardon is unhappy, of course, i feel sorry for his wife gulnarochka, i immediately saw that he was one-and-done. from july 15 at 21:20, good morning, good, on yours. wound, let 's smile at the new day together, and it will certainly smile back at us, as if you won't succeed, your favorite summer dessert, ice cream, turned out to be also useful, nutritionists came to this conclusion, it contains calcium, protein, the optimal amount of fat, and that most
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importantly, it does not provoke spikes in blood sugar if consumed in moderation; it is recommended to include no more than four servings per day in the diet a week, well, that’s what american experts advise, if anyone... it’s interesting that all the praise only applies to a refreshing delicacy of the highest grade made from natural cream, but if they have replaced it with palm oil and coated it with chemical additives, then you can no longer expect any benefits from ice cream. yes, on the contrary, a lot of chemicals are contained in popular mouth rinses, which means that the risk of cancer increases, belgian investigators, in turn, warn. well, tatyana matveeva finally figured out what to rinse with. so as not to harm, it saturates the enamel with minerals, protects against caries and bacteria, mouth rinse appeared in elizabeth’s life 5 years ago, then the girl wore braces for medicinal purposes, the dentist prescribed it, and after such a ritual became a habit, when
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choosing it, she carefully looks for it in the composition alcohol. i need alcohol directly to strengthen the same gums on imal, and i also know for sure that when consumed , disinfection will occur. still in the first one. mouthwash, which by the way was invented by hippocrates, alcohol was the main component, but the doctor’s main slogan, do no harm, did not work for this invention. with prolonged use, an alcohol-containing mouthwash reduces saliva production, which causes dry mouth and more. this can lead to disruption of the normal balance of oral microflora. when , say, yes, with the help of a rinse, certain bacteria are washed out, others begin to grow vigorously, which can provoke. the occurrence of, say, inflammation, as a rule, bad bacteria take root, they are more resistant to alcohol, the good ones die, for this reason, nowadays , alcohol-containing rinses are considered medicinal, and they are prescribed by the dentist. strictly according to indications, if, for example, a person has
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bleeding gums or periodontitis, you can use it for no more than two weeks, but most guardians of cleanliness use an alcohol rinse uncontrollably and do not even read the composition, so whatever catches their eye, oh, i even i don’t know, we use the same thing, and such carelessness, as it turned out, can play a cruel joke. belgian scientists said that if you actively use mouthwashes that contain alcohol for 3 months, your blood pressure will increase. risks of spreading two types of bacteria associated with cancer. fortunately, oncologists have so far refuted this frightening version: the carcinogenicity of the bacteria from the study has not been proven. but potentially, experts say, alcohol-containing rinses can provoke cancer in smokers, because the substances of tobacco itself are more easily tolerated with alcohol, so it can cause cancer. ethanol, well the main component of these rinses is alcohol, it is a really good solvent, and it changes. situation for the penetration of these compounds into the cell,
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so rinsing your mouth with an alcohol-containing rinse after smoking is not the best idea, if the goal is to freshen your breath and maintain healthy microflora of the oral cavity, a preventive rinse is enough, it does not contain alcohol, triclusan, chlorhexidine, all of these are medicinal drugs. the main components in the product for daily use are common extracts herbs, sage, mint or chamomile. all this will work if you follow simple rules and rinse your blood. a prophylactic agent twice a day only after brushing your teeth, and a therapeutic agent as prescribed by a doctor, so that the substances begin to act, it is important to wait half an hour after the procedure. the principle of do no harm is central to the work of doctors. the national association of healthcare managers has prepared an appeal to the government and the state duma. experts ask that doctors be allowed to engage in private practice. today a medical worker has no right to work on one's own. therefore, experts are confident that... the market for such services will flourish, huh?


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