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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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history, to be honest, i don’t think that - accordingly, he will be removed, although there is such a possibility, but his statement, the statement of his environment, their actions in the informational key show that they know how to, what is called, graft, yes, that is, they create in the information space such inoculations against the fact that he stammers, yes, in fact, i ’ve already seen clips from debates played at double speed, in which he looks really good, yes, that is, you can’t even tell what it is... if not know yes if not watching the original debates, this is also a technological technique, in this sense, whoopi goldberg, who also declares here, yes, she is also an opinion leader, she also has her own reputation, her own viewer, she says, i don’t care, even if he screws up in your pants, yes, the most important thing is that trump doesn’t win, now to trump, now to trump, why are they showing us preppers who have been a stable subculture in america since the sixties, they dig these shelters, these shelters cost millions, they spend...
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a lot money, it’s their hobby, but how barbecue in the backyard and dig up, the two of them share this agenda, and biden accuses trump of ormageddon, and this is the other way around, exactly the same thing is happening now, we need to take a break, this is from captain sazonov, with greetings, perhaps the last, but not anymore, i see they accepted the bouquet, svetlana sergeevna, artist today. on rtr, you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with preparation, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, huh? who's on
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he talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i would like to chop, not pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, it will be 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr, great guy, you should take it on friday, you thought well, you don’t have a job, you don’t have a place to live, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure, will it suit my father, said it was help.
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on friday at rta, almost 3 years have passed since natasha passed away, natasha was your whole life, i asked god, please don’t take her away, let her stay, something wrong is happening here, this can’t happen, yaroslav sumeshevsky , it was at 4:00 in the morning, my brother came up to me, he said that’s it, such
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love, such loss, a person cannot be happy without hope, i want a family, i want more children, yes, i’ve already met a girl, my love , i love her, what is her name, her name is anastasia, and you have already proposed to her, no, i haven’t proposed yet, but i’m hinting whether you should be happy or not. i always have a choice, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, are you okay, thank you, look at rtr, at the entrance i will go to my mother for a blessing, you i follow you, follow me. you had a bird in your hands, ruslan,
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give you a stray little guy, your heart is not a stone, now i’m your wife, and i’m your husband, if... there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is no less 12 weeks, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, fifth blood type, from july 15 on rtr. the beaches of the krasnodar region look like this: there are so many people that you have to sunbathe while standing, look, bye.
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left, the artist recognizes khan for all of us, who it was, doctor shtepa, everything goes away.
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be late, we missed such a barge, we can’t take risks, an artist is now on the hunt, but who is he, it’s easier to ask, in our small enterprise he
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will definitely find out, if he hasn’t already, i’ll tell you i’ll find a new job, i just need to sit quietly. this shtappa saw us, we need to leave, that mommy, not an artist, will grab some rubbish here, or that zhekovite over there, he’ll knock, he won’t knock, yes, why are you so sure, i’m telling you, he won’t knock, i’m in the camps instead of him been chatting for 2 years. and that he can still give up his slam shut, everything, everything, transparently, until i slam it shut for you, quietly, quietly, but i don’t care, it’s nerves,
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you’re going to eat, what? oh little one, you haven’t been to the front, you should try tamasha tattoo, what to try, soup about tattoo, there’s water all around in the middle.
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comrade captain, i'm waiting for you here. yes, what’s the matter, all the pigeons, all the receivers, everyone was ordered to hand over back in 1941, but tishkina, look, they all turned in, but she didn’t, i told her, i say, come on, hand over these pigeons quickly, she says , i don’t have any pigeons, but i hear.
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it’s not right, ekaterina andrevna, you know, i know, but you remember, my pasha, sanechka, remember, he volunteered at the very beginning. remember what kind of dovecote she had, children from almost all over moscow gathered to look, oh, how he loved them he loved everyone so much, our only son, he died in infancy, so there was no one else to love, when he went to the front,
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he told me so, katyusha, i conjure you with my soul, take care of them until i return, he i didn’t know that they all had to be given away, they all had to, ekaterina, andrel, he’s from the front. he wrote to me, here’s katerina, how are you, they say there’s hunger in moscow now, take care of yourself, i miss you very much, how are my birds doing, and i’m sanechka. i didn’t decide to write that they no longer exist, but recently
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i received a new letter, yours is now in in a hospital near kazania, he was seriously wounded, now he’s probably dying, how can he come back, but no one is there, so i had to take it for the quiet, i gave my mother’s earrings for them , i saved the whole war, then i had to give them for two pigeons.
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so, aleksen’s simpleton, pigeons, citizen tishkina’s strategic purpose, and this is somehow? and so here is a military secret for the disclosure of which, you yourself understand? i understand. are we silent? we are silent. fine. well, girls, when will you finish the repairs? if you could help us, maybe i’ll finish sooner, dear, otherwise you drive here every day, i can’t , it’s service, but service is at the front, turning the wheel, anyone can do that, you’ve been at the front,
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you’ve already fought back a piece of shrapnel, you’ve got a belly, i can show you, i need your belly, but what? let him immediately take off his pants and show him, but your fool, andrei petrovich, andrei petrovich, is your door open? no, i’m telling you, it was dark there, i couldn’t see much, well, maybe it’s him, or maybe it’s not
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him? i haven’t seen these, i can’t identify them, well, thank you for the help of the investigation, yeah, if anything happens, we’ll bother you again, yeah, but before bye, bye, bye, bye, weird. yes, why
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did you need the bullets for narutok reskach? but where, what are you doing, who are you knocking on, you and i are not bandits, to knock on our own or not to knock, we have a law for everything, a law, if according to your law tomorrow i will throw out efimycha without deserved. i didn’t think that they could kick him out, well, it’s just, it’s just not possible if we break the law, then how do we differ from them, but in your opinion, what should we have done, say that we’ll bring the passport and deceive or refuse to lose opportunity, yes, i don’t know, but we have a law, and
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you can’t break it, you know, sometimes the law is one, but the truth is completely different. they really can kick him out, they really can, so you can atone for your guilt, it’s like blood, like a hand, shower now on kuznetsky, buy a bouquet of flowers, the best carnation, then bullets. in the library you will find svetlana akimova there, give her a bouquet, understand? for what? what do you mean why? to earn my forgiveness? come on, without these questions of yours, give me the bouquet and say, this is from the captain and azon, with greetings, perhaps with the last one, you say, won’t be able to arrive, since he’s on a dangerous mission from which he may
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not return, we don’t need your tears, they say, that’s his job, understand, right? that's it, come on, you should have put me in the loop? yes , the meaning, what does the meaning mean, i’m not like your boss, listen, because of these tricks of yours, not today, tomorrow they will come in and say: vacate the office bye bye, forgive me. please, you are obliged to inform me about everything, especially when you forge passports, if i informed you , it would be your responsibility, oh, like this...
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excuse me, go away, someone was killed, the head of the processing plant, it looks like this is a dead chapter again, only there is no picture, and where is the boy, he has an important task. a murdered bandit, and a plant bigwig, if
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a crime, a portrait is not found, you ’re not the same anymore, i don’t understand why we ’re going there, you know, it’s better to go one more time than to miss something important, i agree, are you pregnant ? , look at... here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, to love a white
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fluffy, i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and oh you’re good, pet the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, that’s it, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, oh, warm up a stray, co a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on. .. did you get enough sleep? gentlemen,
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just a minute, pay attention, we have a big day today. day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we only look at the platform. “i want to eat lamprey, i cook well, but it’s not
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tasty, you stabbed me without a fork at all, she said gently, well, take my heavy bags, instead of beer i suddenly switched to kefir, through the lobby with songs to the magicians a scarf. humor parade on sunday on rtr, i ask for a moment of attention, this is lyusya, hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant on saturday, why should i thank god for sending you to me, well, you’re just a miracle, maybe you’ll start sleeping with her so that she’ll take care of you i did all the work, that you look down on me, well, you’re the boss, but you just don’t see me as a person, a man? make a discovery, well, you can’t, you can’t kill your life with just test tubes, the main thing is not to make mistakes in the calculations, all this we were together for a while and will be together, and
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he will marry me. you understood? laboratory assistant on saturday at rtr. hello, does svetlana akimova work here? hello, here. where can you find it? sveta, this is for you, thank you, dear, hello, do you know each other? no way, no, this is for you from captain sazonov. now it’s clear, greetings, perhaps the last. not anymore, that’s for sure. yes, he himself cannot arrive, since he is on a dangerous mission from which he may not return. are you serious right now? yes, no need for
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your tears. his job is like this... good, goodbye. i took everything down, whoever discovered the body, i, sasha,
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talk to me. i’m a driver, i pick up andrei petrovich every day, so, i’ve been serving him for 2 years already, they gave me a commission, and what interesting things can you tell about andrei petrovich, well, maybe he behaved somehow strangely, and met some strange people , to hell with you, work from home.
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it’s somehow strange, before they shot three bullets in the chest and that was the end of it, but now they cut his throat, they shot, sashka, they shot, but not at him, look over there, let’s go. only that he arrived, i was gone for 2 days, here, a broken window, all this, you didn’t touch anything with your hands, nothing, everything here is covered in oil, he even touched books with dirty hands, he could have at least washed them, washed them, but the oil is on a special smears his hands so that prints cannot be found.
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that's good news, this is your stethoscope, no, that's it. so, dr. shtepa was here, well, like the same one, the same one, and what kind of doctor? we got one here a couple of years ago, and indeed he used to be a doctor, what is this nickname, there is such a seasoned hacker in moscow, what if he
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so seasoned? he left his instrument, so it is known that they shot, let’s go as we went, lesh, he’ll stay with you, comrade. kostenko will talk and maybe they’ll take him after him, come on, well, now let’s go into more detail, why are you messing around, why am i just messing around, i’m... thinking, thinking about one thing, well, well, think, thinker,
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hello, so, you completed this task , that's right, comrade. so that he walks around the apartment, finds one in which there is no one, breaks it in, carries it around, for some reason goes to the window, he notices that in the next apartment a murder occurs, the killer notices, they shoot him, anoint him, and knock him down. throw away all your things. the only thing that connects this case with the death's head is the bullet. but she ended up there by accident, thanks to shtepe. without the plug, there would be no shot and no bullet. so what? and the fact that the death's head
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has its own handwriting. portraits, chest shots of a certain type of victim. what if someone? trying to copy the artist, or bond on the ship? yes, it may very well be good, someone is dissatisfied with the artist, acts for him with our backs, this is only to our advantage, why? that means we need to find shtepa, find out who he saw, take them, but they will hand over the artist, now he will hide, because... he knows what they are doing to the witnesses, they will try to remove him before he meets with us, teshenko has , his name is noodles, let’s talk to him now and grind it out, and where am i going,
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and you’re off to the meat processing plant, no one has canceled the professional trail, we’re a dead head here, a dead head, maybe he just had banal enemies, well, at the same time you’ll feed her , fire. with we should talk to the witnesses one more time, what if we missed something, will you forgive our guy, why boy, what will you forgive? tikhan stepanovich, i didn’t want to knock, i wanted to figure it out, i figured it out, like, well, tell me,
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but the law is the law, but the truth is the truth, and they don’t always do it, in general, sometimes the truth is not according to the law, but... the law doesn’t seem to be true, i hear something familiar in my mind, but no, now i do too, you, sashka, don’t listen, he ’s telling you, he has a law, not a law, truth, not truth, and he has white, not white, that is, well, don’t be mad at me, go to work, i’m ready for any task, but ask for witnesses, there’s nothing more interesting, you’re ready for any task. “i just don’t even know how, you’ll learn, you’ll learn, take someone as an assistant,
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dean, what are you doing?” and i’m here to interview witnesses , efimovich said to take one of the young people, well... train, show there, share experience, i can take you, go ahead, improve your qualifications, so to speak, i’ll cover you for the ride .
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shtepa shtepa shtepa shtepa i don’t know such a leader is not one of ours or something, remember, noodles at christmas, you stood on the scales and traded filkin certificates for receiving potatoes, well, that was when it was about 20 years ago, and so i am now one of shtepa’s friends, that my dear mother heard about dead heads, moscow is full of rumors, and there are also rumors in moscow they say that the items are stolen? what am i selling, slandering, and for envy, how tired i am of
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you parasites, people at the front are dying for us and for you, bitch, and here you are fattening, pouring, yativych, what are you doing, yatimych, it’s me, noodles, well, well, i'm for an honest penny, by god i don’t know where to look for the shtepu, this will be harder, okay, okay, i think i remembered, i don’t know if it’s true or not, but maybe he’s going to his mother... the address came, well, where from, well, i’m doing this now smashed into your head, bapsha, so let’s write it down, industrial tram, killed the ancient greeks, she lives in boutiques, proletarskaya street, building 2, if you need help, come in tikhon stepanovich, and you ask for mercy. boss, yes, i know,
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you can’t tell from me, especially since he’s just a shift manager , pavel evgenievich, show you your passport, no need, he’s an eccentric man, he they keep saying he doesn’t believe me, i’m telling you, you can count the men at the plant on your finger, i have 100 women on shift, and how do you cope with them, discipline, that’s how we cope, in january, in general, the order of lenin. because we supply the entire army with products, i feel sorry for andrei petrovich, he was a good guy, a week old, with experience, that’s why they didn’t take him to the fronts, they said, no, andrei petrovich, we don’t need you here anymore, yeah, but there was nothing strange behind him, uh, maybe he had enemies, we have a common enemy, a fascist, but everyone loved him, yeah, well, maybe because of the money, what money?
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well, how could we get so much more money, well , yes, okay, go to your women, agna, i ask you, find this bastard, agna.
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marfa shneders, she herself, with a search, with what kind of a police search, we saw our son for a long time, for a long time, what’s the matter, we will look for him, your son. sasha, yes. yes, i haven’t seen him for a couple of years, i haven’t looked at my mother for a long time, yes, and his father,
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my husband, schneiders, is one of the abandoned germans. he served on the military linkur, took part in the russian-japanese war, i was then a sister of mercy, i myself am from sakhalin, where i peter was born, but everyone called him peti, i miss my son, i miss him a lot.
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and after sakhalin went to the japanese, we moved to riga, there my husband died of typhus, a doctor, and you see how she, then petenka and i moved to moscow, and there a new war began, an imperialist one, as they say now, in moscow got petenka a lot of trouble because of her last name. and again petenka and i were left alone, but even then he began to disappear on the street, you know,
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i’m okay, goodbye, goodbye. we need to make an ambush for her, let's go to the local to the district police officer, we'll talk to them.
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a whole house of people, no matter what they said, nothing came of it. well, okay, don't be upset. it happens so often, it happens, i ’m not little, i understand everything, i was practically removed from the investigation, why, yes, it doesn’t matter anymore, i wanted to go to the front, they didn’t take me because of my age, so it’s the police, but well, it’s understandable, the police, by the way, are no less important, if everyone goes to the front, who will guard the capital, women and disabled people, and since you find yourself in this, as you say, police, then it would be good for you... to understand that interviewing possible witnesses is the basis of operational work, how long have you been in the police? 2 years, and in 2 months i’m 18, straight to the front so that no one calls me a toll rat, who is interesting here, the rear rat, maybe efimovich or sazonov, and
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in general you think, we ’re sitting out here in the rear, but we we risk our lives every day, and by the way, so do you, yes... there’s a big risk here, come on, don’t hang your nose, let’s go, good afternoon, hello, he jumped out of there, and then the second one ran out after him, but this second one, he didn’t run after him, he stood in this entrance let's go. can you describe it? yes, white man? how's that? well, he’s white, he’s so white, his hair is white! albino, or what? so i say, abundantly, did he also have a razor or a knife in his hand? yes, another dagger, say, a saber, but
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he didn’t have anything, but i say, he did, i saw him come out of this entrance, he was holding a knife or a razor in his hands, he stood there , he came into this entrance, if you remember something , call petrovka, i’m happier than anyone.
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slavic bazaar - opening ceremony on friday at rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, three, sign , look, look, maybe we'll go to to me?
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we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be
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a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtar. ay, are you okay? thank you, let's take a look rtr. this weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm behind you, behind me. you had a bird in your hands. ruslan, give it to you! a visiting pilot, a heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband,
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if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it. blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, fifth blood type from july 15 on rtr, honored artist of russia tatyana vedeneeva , barely appeared on the screen,
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i see they accepted the bouquet, svetlana sergeevna. do you think this is funny? who 's laughing? i'm on mission every day. i'm back today. aren't you happy? i'm glad. i don't understand why you're following me around. to be honest, i don’t understand it myself. i think that we are too different people; there is no point in communicating. well, there is always a point in communicating. criminals and i are also different people. i have to communicate, you understand perfectly what i mean, how unfriendly you are, svetlana sergeevna, but you girls were too friendly, they told me, trust me more to your girls, quiet,
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quiet, machka, thank you, well, brother, are you ready for the reception? uncle, i don’t want to go to the reception center, please let me in, where are your parents? i don’t remember my father from birth, but a bomb killed my mother 2 years ago, auntie, tell him, let him go, let him go, let him go, here you go, take some bread, thank you, auntie. sorry , it’s probably not necessary, but i was in the reception center, it was distributed for 4 years, in general you can’t understand, well, i was in the reception center in the distribution center, even throughout the country, one day they went to work, took the store, they took me to stream, well you never know, warn me to whistle, so i
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was caught with a quarter of tobacco when i was driving at... they came back from where they say, in 1943 they cooked everyone for stew and sent them to the front, stop talking, it’s a good sign, it means the war will end soon, let me god, god willing.
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what's happened? pasha died in the hospital. they brought the funeral today.
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come on, let's get out of here, let's fly! bastards!
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so, the heroic captain has come, and what, comrade, boy, shouldn’t we send this valiant citizen somewhere to conceive, from what, from what? you're serving again was late, and the boy found the suspect, it ’s all katya, sash, it happened, what kind of
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suspect, well, kirill sholaev, a repeat offender thief, transparent in person, the most you can’t get enough of... a real live albino and his old accomplice, anton zhulvak, what - i don’t remember this, that’s the memory, let’s go, me, and what, that they are busy, i have the right, are you the police or who, just a minute, wait a minute, what happened, i want to ask you, so you explain to me why in our house... in the basement, not everyone who hangs around, but if they are spies, or someone worse, and the main thing is that no one listens to me, no one cares, everyone has my shit, i don’t know anything, but if they blow up the house, you know what,
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let’s calmly tell all this to our employee, he will listen to you carefully, go with you, take a look and he’ll check, you’ll check, that’s right, that’s right, let’s walk along, citizen... yes, i’m telling you, i haven’t seen him for 100 years, i saw him before the war, well, honestly, he’s on the high road. what, i want to go to komsomol, where, to komsomol, who will you take me to, i see you at an angle, there on hundreds of people are dying at the front, and you’re sitting here,
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chilling, but you don’t want to fight, i can see it in your eyes that you don’t want to, at the front you know what they do to people like that, bullets in the back of the head and little money, i’ll go and wait there. well, what? yes, i’m telling you, i haven’t seen him for 5 years, well , honestly, well, transparent ones will appear, even to know, the watchtower is following him, do you want the firing squad to follow you? decide! here, be careful, here the bottom step is swaying, excuse me, the light bulb is burned out, i still can’t get around to it, but everything is fine with me, that’s it, here the tenants have old furniture
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they fold it up, and everything is fine, this is where they live with me, here. open the police, we open, yes, yes, yes. here are the guys from the police, comrades, hello, they want to check your documents, i know that everything is in order with you, but as they say, there must be order, yes, but i’m the only one in the whole house with my hands, you understand, now you have to hire, your documents.
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i ask you to. why am i at the front? that’s a question for both of us. they gave me a commission, shell shock, look at my military id, but i have a white one, they didn’t hire me, boss, thank you, you have a private contract here, yes, that means yes? what
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what private contract? no, they’re just helping the kid, right? is there anyone else here? no, no, just the two of us, goodbye, i'll be waiting for you at 9:00 pm, ice cream in the cafe for... tomorrow, there are two corpses, we're leaving, i have a date, what happened, artist, continuation, let's see tomorrow on rtr, honored artist of russia, tatyana vedeneeva, who barely appeared on the screen, she was absolutely unlike anyone else, good evening. it was rumored that
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gorbachev’s special favor after the start of perestroika contributed to her being in in the mid-eighties she was almost the ambassador of soviet television in the west, her personal life was under lock and key, but today for the first time tatyana vedeneeva opens the doors of the holy of holies of malakhov today on rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack that the ukrainian special services were preparing on the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov. alet tried to recruit me to carry out a terrorist attack on a warship. what
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did the detainee say and how did several others prepare?


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