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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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gorbachev’s special disposition after the start of perestroika contributed to the fact that in the mid-eighties she was almost the ambassador of soviet television in the west, her personal life was under lock and key, but today for the first time tatyana vedeneeva opens the doors of the holy of holies of malakhov, today on rtr. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack that the ukrainian special services were preparing on the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov. tried to recruit me to commit on a warship. what did he say? detained? and how several more were preparing.
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to assassinate officers, they experimented and prepared bombs. our military attacked the mirgorod military airfield, explosions thundered in odessa, and a station for accommodating vcu personnel was set up near volchansky. the state duma has adopted in its final reading a law improving the tax system; we find out what is changing and for whom, from our correspondent. biden let it slip, the nato bloc was preparing for the ukrainian conflict even before the start, what? at the alliance summit they promise kiev today. a hurricane swept through sochi. now they are waiting one more thing, the heat is gaining strength in the stavropol territory. we are waiting for the report. from the very beginning, the fsb prevented an attempted terrorist attack on the russian aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov in murmansk. it was established that the training was carried out by ukrainian special services.
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recruit me to carry out a terrorist attack on a warship. the russian officer contacted the security authorities, and under their control , a terrorist attack on the ship was staged. immediately after this, ukrainian curators turned off all means of communication and deleted messenger accounts. and also today in the fsb reported preventing an assassination attempt on three high-ranking military personnel. on instructions from ukrainian intelligence, they were supposed to be delivered to their home. the fsb showed footage of preparations
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for bomb tests. the perpetrators who were preparing the terrorist attacks were detained and have already given confessions. ukraine's military infrastructure has become the target of new attacks. that night, powerful explosions sounded in odessa, as well as in the vinnitsa and khmelnytsky regions. the day before , the mirgorod airfield near poltava was attacked. as a result, a major one began.
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additional budget revenues the state plans to spend it on social needs, including supporting families with children. and now my colleague olga mishcheryakova works at okhotny ryad. ulya, hello, tell us what will change in
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terms of taxes and for whom. hello evgeniy, yes, the state duma voted for changes to the tax system. the law was indeed adopted in the third reading unanimously, and already somewhere today. in the afternoon it will be considered by senators, the minister of finance, according to our information, has already left the lower house for the upper house, it’s not far, but anton syulanov every time i attended parliamentary hearings on taxes, at meetings of the relevant committee, i did not miss a single one, although the third reading is called technical, everything is usually decided by the second, main one, but today there was a detailed discussion about clarification, here is the essence of the changes, in short. we really found consensus in those proposals to improve the tax system, based on the principle of fairness, as the president instructed us, based on the principle of incentives, this is not a neutral tax system, this is a stimulating tax system, incentives for investment, stimulation
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of the redistribution of funds from the rich to those who need government support, the most important thing is that these resources will be fair. the rich must pay more, the economy must develop, the tax system must be stable, the personal income tax scale will no longer be flat, as before, but progressive, that is, it will grow with income, if it is not higher than 2000 per month or 2,400 per year, the tax will remain
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the same , if a person earns from 2.400 to 5 million per year 15%, from 5 to 20 million 18. from us control over the efficiency of spending absolutely depends on you, this is our authority, so that not only you and i, but all citizens of our country can see where these funds will go, and the president clearly said that these funds go to support people’s national goals of the country . all factions agree with this, including the opposition and parliamentary control will be ensured, this is what the deputies say, i suggest you listen, the tax changes adopted today will additionally increase budget revenues by one and a half trillion rubles in the next year, and the new people faction in the state
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duma proposes to use these funds for the development of healthcare, education, security, technological sovereignty, apparently it is assumed that 96 billion rubles. for the indexation of pensions for working pensioners next year from february 1, funds will be allocated from additional income received from... along with taxes , another important bill on family benefits was adopted; working citizens with two or more children, whose total income does not exceed one and a half regional subsistence minimum per person. the tax paid will be recalculated at a rate of 6%, and the difference will be returned to the family budget. if this document had been adopted earlier in our country, a fair, more equitable tax system would have begun its work. and would bring the necessary social effect that is assigned to it, and the main social effect here is still the equalization
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of social inequality. the ldpr proposes to increase the maximum social tax deduction for large families from 12 up to 360 thousand rubles and provide for new tax deductions when paying for housing and communal services. for participants in a special military operation, the tax rate will remain. there will be no increase as before, no changes in terms of taxation for the self-employed and for small businesses, vat is the same, but the income tax will increase from 20 to 25%, and will offer preferences to those companies that invest in their region, this is the essence of the changes, in short, thank you, olga was in direct contact with the studio from the lower house of parliament mishcherikov, in seven regions of russia there will be hail showers, but in particular the river.
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ical summer, hot and humid during the day, and rain and thunderstorms at night, only by the weekend it will become a little cooler, the situation is similar in samara, several areas there are left without electricity, including the railway station, while some regions are flooded, others suffer from abnormal heat, like are coping in the stavropol territory, our correspondent andrey chustyakov will tell you. when street thermometers show over 40 plus, the eyes involuntarily look for shade, during the day the desert in the city parks on the boulevards, and...
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someone does not part with a mobile shade, in their hands there is a bottle of water or kvass on duty, an umbrella, well, it’s not hot, this is summer, the most difficult thing is in the steppe east of the region, here in the shade a confident +42 , but the cleaning needs to be completed, occasionally it saves you. while it is still cool, in the resort south-west of stavropol it is easier, the springs help out, the water in them, although hot, is still water, very good, very healthy, a healing source, traditional even hotter in the summer at mineral water bottling plants, production has increased several times, ice cream is flying out a thousand times a day, for the sake of health, open reservoirs are being completely filled up, so now the most crowded areas are near the surface of the water, and even well-equipped ones. some at the water's edge, some under air conditioning, some at work will spend these hot days
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, followed by summer in the south of the country; august, according to weather forecasters, will be mostly sunny. andrey cherstyukov, evgen radaev and bulat chakiev, news from the stavropol territory. well, next in our episode, what biden let slip about before going to bed, and what orban discusses with erdogan outside the nato summit. details in a few minutes. goodbye, i’ll be waiting for you at 9 pm at the ice cream cafe on arbat, we look at rtr, there are two corpses, we’re leaving, it’s goodbye to me, what happened? artist, tomorrow at...
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what task do we have to open the whole board , we can handle it, if you ask, then with a smile, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much? those who are at work talk a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i'm an oak chop, don't pinch, problems. with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now it’s beeping, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, great man.
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pick up on friday, i thought well, you don’t have a job, you don’t live, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i ’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he would accept help only from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where are you we met, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, real love is just one kiss away, who taught you that?
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today on rtf, you are fine, thank you, look at rtr, this weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing, you and i will follow you. behind me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, my heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want you something frankly, your pregnancy is at least 12
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weeks old, your whole life is in turmoil. and i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5, from july 15 on rtr, almost 3 years have passed since natasha passed away, natasha was a great life to everyone, i asked god, please don’t take her, let her will remain, something wrong is happening here, this cannot be, yaroslav sumeshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning, he came up to me. brother, natasha, brother, said that everything, such love, such loss, a person cannot have happiness without hope, i want family, i want more children, yes, i’ve already met a girl, my love, i love her, what’s her name, her name is anastasia, and you’ve already proposed to her, no, i haven’t proposed yet, but i’m hinting,
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to be happy, to be or not to be. the fate of a man with boris karchevnikov on friday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. nato , fanning the theme of the so-called chinese threat, is gradually beginning to put forward the concept of a global alliance that will not be limited by geographical boundaries. north atlantic. these are the statements they make today chinese and japanese experts commenting on the summit that opened in washington. the illegitimate zelensky, who arrived in the united states, immediately demanded new weapons from the west, including more than a hundred f-16 fighters, but the pentagon is calling on us allies to prepare for protracted wars. denis davidov has details. they
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met at the fountain. the marine led to a symbolic place to photograph nato allies as if they were lost. the alliance created 75 years ago calls itself defensive, but is heading towards the third world war. united states, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems. in addition, in the coming months we intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional air defense systems. but just a few minutes later , biden didn't know how to leave the stage. before this, there were the usual reservations. he called ukrainians ukrainians. even before the russian bombs fell on ukraine, the alliance began to act, i ordered the us to strengthen nato's eastern flank, more soldiers, more planes, i can do more. bravura speeches from the stage on the sidelines admit to themselves that they do not have time to keep up with the needs of ukraine. they cannot
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produce as many weapons as needed, writes the wall street journal. newspapers call the summit tough on the outside, fragile on the inside. allies on all fronts are torn apart by contradictions. this week in washington , nato is likely charting an irreversible path to world war rather than a clear path to peace. and the president has signs of dementia. that man who sits at the table with a checkbook america, forces us to continue to pay for it. for the anniversary, nato released a video emphasizing that the alliance’s forces are shoulder to shoulder with ukrainian soldiers, and the talkers in this formation are nationalistic. the washington summit is a demobilization chord for secretary general nato stoltenberg. biden presents the outgoing leader with the medal of freedom, who in his response speech calls for supplies.
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the usa may change. even before i take the oval office, after our victory in the presidential election. i will end this terrible
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war between russia and ukraine and prevent world war iii. we are very close to world war iii and biden has no idea about it. the gala evening continued, but biden was already leaving. it is no secret that the oldest president in us history goes to bed early; after 80, it is difficult for him to collect his thoughts. feels good until 20 o'clock, let's say the pentagon at some point notices an approaching nuclear bomb, and it will be at 11:00 pm, who will you call, first lady? well, he has a team that tells him everything that's important to the american people. news. the nato summit program is also tailored to suit the regime of the american president. the allies will gather for joint photography only after noon today. denis davidov and maria bolotvina, news. however, not only bellicose statements related to ukraine are heard at the nato summit, but the prime minister of hungary, who is also in washington, continues his peaceful
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efforts to resolve the conflict. viktor orban has already held a meeting with turkish president recep erdogan and called on him to support the peacekeeping mission. hungarian the head of government noted that ankara has so far been the only successful mediator in this conflict. as for the nato summit itself, its first day confirmed the aggressive nature of the alliance. this opinion was expressed by russian ambassador to washington anatoly antonov. according to our diplomat, the united states and its allies continued to preach militarism and are also trying to impose authoritarian orders on the world, including using third countries. in despair at their inability to break russia with the help of a battering ram in the form of ukraine, nato members are blind. are following the path of escalation and essentially paving the way to the third world war. during today's events in washington, we did not hear a single word about peace. it’s all about whipping up war psychosis and furious
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demonization of our country. thus, the north atlantic alliance is trying to intimidate its public and justify the unbridled increase in spending on supporting the kiev regime for the sake of inflicting strategic defeat on us. saudi arabia has warned the west of the risks. notes that european officials they were alarmed because other states might follow the example of saudi arabia, and the massive sale of government bonds would collapse global financial markets. the minister of defense of ukraine called. citizens who fled to europe sign a contract to join the ukrainian legion in poland. volunteers are promised western instructors and weapons from international partners kiev. moreover, inside
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ukraine. military commissars became the target of persecution. in odessa , the car of shopping center employees was burned again. they are accused of kidnapping, beatings and forgery documents in order to fulfill the plan. this is how people with tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus are admitted to the ukrainian armed forces unit. according to the documents, he has indeed been there for 10 years at the dispensary. three trips to prison. i ask, how is this possible? he says: i was stopped at a bus stop at 3 pm, so here i am. meanwhile, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine has barred the mobilization of employees of public organizations that use western money to research public opinion; they have been recognized as critically important. the “serving the fatherland” project launched across russia today. it is carried out by the defenders foundation fatherland and knowledge society. northern military district veterans tell children about patriotism. the far east was the first to open the relay, answering questions
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from children at the ocean summer camp.
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festival eurasian ball. youth initiatives will be supported by the eurasian leaders program. you can receive a grant of up to a million rubles for the implementation of the project. our task is to help children realize their idea, realize their dream. and this main dream should be not only for the sake of your ego, and some kind of personal benefit. it should also be for people. and today people believed because we already. done done in these 2 months, 2 months, which exist in eurasia, in my opinion, a lot. today in moscow they are saying goodbye to aza likhichenko, one of the first presenters of the time program. since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an artist, graduated from school, the mkhat studio, and even played in several film plays. the future announcer came to the casting of central television out of curiosity, and in the end she was left to work for
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a long time.
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after the 60 minutes program, don't forget to watch the series the artist. the news is following developments, so stay with us. one of the important symbols of practical interaction between moscow and new delhi is the kudan kulam nuclear power plant. it is being built jointly by specialists from the two countries on the shores of the indian ocean. six power units, each with a thousand megawatts, will provide uninterrupted power to up to 100 million
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people. completion of large-scale


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