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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 11:30am-1:01pm MSK

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one of the most popular tv series in turkey, bahar named spring. serious illnesses and a happy recovery from them force the main character to reconsider her values. she decides to resume her professional career, which she had previously abandoned for the sake of her family. watch the fifth and sixth episodes of the film after the fourteen-hour news release. and at 13:00 after the 60 minutes program, don’t forget to watch the series “the artist”. the news is following developments, so stay with us. one of the important symbols of practical interaction between moscow and new delhi atomic kudan kulam power station, it is being built jointly by specialists from the two countries on the shores of the indian ocean. six power units of 1. mw each will ensure uninterrupted operation.
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you are helping us build a nuclear power plant, the most important project of our power engineers, the kudan kulam npp, which is to become the largest nuclear power plant in india, is being built according to a russian design. the first and second power units with a capacity of 1.00 kw each are already producing electricity, the remaining four are at different stages of construction. we have been working together for decades, sorting out mistakes, we are analyzing, which means, questions of the future, operation experience, we already have quite serious experience, more than one generation of our designers. grew up on this site. the state of tamil nadu is the southernmost point of india. a nuclear power plant is being built here on the coast. under the contract, construction, installation and commissioning work, as well as operation of the station, is carried out by the indian atomic energy corporation. the russian country is responsible for the supply of equipment and technical assistance. this is a kind of indian end of the world. here the road and waters merge arabian sea, indian ocean and bay of bengal. and here the practice is dispelled. father of the founder of independent india
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, mahatma gandhi. kanyakumari is a truly unique and sacred place for every indian. kanyakumari is the nearest city to kaes, one of the famous centers of pearl production in india, and the russian language is heard more and more often in trading shops here. i taught in russian, who work here dances, russians, they would open my shop when i was a horseman, there were a lot of problems here as an electrician when i built the stations later. india became for them not only a place of work, but also a home, russian specialists live here with their families, in total the russian community numbers more than 70 people, everyone loves russians, the relations are very good, all indians are kind, indians also learn russian on the site, growing the power plant's capacity has spread to neighboring states; over the years of nuclear cooperation, the russian presence has become an integral part of indian life; we are showing the world how we got there.
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it was even called a living database of oligarchs and organized crime. this the crime was solved, but the perpetrators managed to escape punishment. about why... this case is still top secret. andrey ivlev. the same crime scene. on july 9, 2004, journalist paul klebnikov left the editorial office of the russian version of forbes magazine, where he was editor-in-chief, heading towards the botanical garden metro station. at some point, a lada car caught up with him, from which the killer fired several shots at point-blank range. they were found on the spot. nine shells. presumably fired from a makarov pistol. this footage shows forensic investigators collecting evidence. an interception plan has been announced in the capital. even then it was clear to everyone that this was a contract crime. the journalist was shot with precision to kill him. 20 years. how was it yesterday? just lazy. i feel sorry for him.
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he was a good man. journalist kirill vishnepolsky , a colleague and friend of klebnikov, 20 years after the cynical massacre, cannot hold back his tears. i'm sure the reasons. economic development of russia. klebnikov always considered himself russian in mentality character. that is why he came to moscow and headed the editorial office of the russian version of the financial magazine forbes. one of the first materials is a rating of the 100 richest people
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in russia. then it became a sensation. some were dissatisfied, realizing that these data would become the subject of study for the prosecutor general's office, others accused the magazine of subjectivity. but a real sensation. produced an article about boris berezovsky, a russian businessman, oil and media tycoon. khlebnikov’s material was the result of a large number of interviews and journalistic investigations about the activities of at that time, an oligarch who had already fled from russia. he went through the most bloody battle path, and the destructiveness of his path was amazing even by russian standards. after this publication, he filed a lawsuit against klebnikov for protection of honor and dignity.
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berezovsky was very frightened, very much, he said, okay, you don’t want to work with us, i don’t need him, it was a command to kill him, they kept him in prison and they knew how long he was out of work. berezovsky then promptly responded to the murder of klebnikov, made a statement from london and wrote that paul, they say, had addressed with the facts very arbitrarily, apparently, someone didn’t like it very much, berezovsky didn’t like it, everyone knew it. murder of paul klebnikov the russian prosecutor general's office announced the completion of the investigation into the case. the investigation established that the journalist was killed by members of an organized criminal group. three alleged perpetrators were detained, but in may 2006 they were acquitted by a jury. and british and american
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law enforcement officers prevented berezovsky from asking. can we voice to berezovsky these questions that you are facing? did they put it on him? i inform you that it is possible, this is through the prosecutor general’s office, to their ministry of justice. it’s been a month, then he comes, but is it possible to give them the questionnaire to his lawyer? what has not yet been accomplished? in march 2013 . berezovsky died under strange circumstances, but the investigation into crimes that he could have ordered continues. the russian supreme court sent the case of the murder of american journalist paul klebnikov for a new trial. now the materials are classified as secret. the official case has been suspended, but not closed. which means the search for all possible persons involved in the massacre continues. andrey, anastasia zorina, yulia kozhurova, sergey ukhvaryonykh, mikhail verdiev, news.
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several people suffered from the lawyer’s inaction; he charged hundreds of thousands of rubles for his services, but never took up the case. the deceived are trying to return the money, and meanwhile the lawyer claims that he has fulfilled all his obligations. alexey knor listened to the parties to the conflict. to recover the money paid by the defendant in the amount of 400 4000, this is the decision the court made against the lawyer kirill ivanov. a family tragedy forced raisa tolstova to turn to him. in 2018 , her son was killed in a fight by drunk traffic police officers. the story was resonant. there was a fight there and zhenya tried to break it up and i can’t even speak. during the fight, evgeniy fell and hit his head a few days later. died in the hospital, and the perpetrators almost escaped responsibility, they could not punish them, the first time they released the murderer of my
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son, i could not leave it, i decided to fight, i turned to this lawyer , ivanov, kirill. for his services the lawyer took 400,000 rubles, but in fact did nothing, says raisa nikolaevna. he had to go everywhere and communicate with the investigator, monitor the progress of the case, everything, he had to do everything, he had never been to any court. i was forced to hire another lawyer, excellent meetings , the lawyer constantly dodged money, refused to return it, when i called, he told me, i’m on a business trip, my brother is calling, either under the guise of a client, and he assigns him the next day there at 13:00 at such and such a day makes an appointment, kirill ivanov is a media personality, the lawyer acted as an expert on many tv shows, this is what bribed his clients, they believed in the actual filming that he was an expert in the program. i thought that this man would not deceive me. the lawyer promised lyubov radionova to help evict the apartment
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raiders, but, according to her, he did not appear at any court hearing, when the client demanded the money back, she was met with rudeness. if you sue me to get your money back, you will hang the writ of execution in the toilet. timur imanov is also suing lawyer ivanov, the lawyer promised him and his family to speed up the process getting an apartment. we were on the waiting list for housing. a long time ago at the age of 17, as we were already standing, as poor as we were, we just wanted to apply in order to speed up this very queue a little. the contract cost 150,000, as i now understand, just for myself, for drawing up a letter to the court. further, according to the well-worn pattern, kirill ivanov acted as a lawyer at only one meeting, took a receipt from timur there and disappeared. allegedly, i have no complaints, but he wrote at that moment, when i was stressed, and he also said that without this piece of paper he would not... be able to enter to defend me, i signed it out of my own stupidity, kirill ivanov himself assures that he provides high-quality services and
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fulfills his obligations, you claim that you worked out everything honestly, absolutely, absolutely, well, first of all, the matter you’re talking about, this is radiono, well, there can’t be anything there that was filed against me in court, a person there filed a lawsuit, he was rejected there immediately at the first instance even at the first instance stage.
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who is no longer alive, this signature is not his, they signed for her, for her daughter, and also for her husband, but he couldn’t sign it, he couldn’t sign it, because he was no longer alive, 2 months, this is a scam, this, this court case, probably on behalf of nikolai volynsky, the scammers left two in the protocol at once. i have two protocols, because my apartment is divided into two shares, respectively, for each share they tried to forge a signature, it doesn’t look like mine at all, that is, not even...
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spetschers, or janitors, the residents never saw it, the door is closed still. fire alarms can sound for several hours per day, water flows from the walls of the pipes, only one of the three elevators works. during rush hours, a wild line forms on the first floor or on the top floor, people have to constantly go down the fire escape. garbage containers
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are rarely taken out, and the garbage chute is clogged. the garbage chute is always so clogged. it doesn’t even open, the stench is on the entire floor, but not on the floor, on the entire entrance. the investigative committee became interested in the situation. investigators from the moscow investigative committee are checking information about the forgery management company minutes of general meetings of owners of an apartment building located on yagodnaya street. fake protocols were created by companies with the aim of economic and legal consequences, resulting in losses for homeowners. it turned out that there are some people in charge of the metropolis.
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during office hours, the door was closed, the residents of the house on yagodnaya street went to court, but while the proceedings drag on, their house actually remains ownerless. maxim aparin, alexander romanov, denis brazhnikov and oleg dobin, lead the way. the water temperature in the capital's rivers and lakes has risen to the levels of the black sea. jellyfish have appeared in reservoirs, tropical insects have been spotted on the streets, and watermelons have ripened in the garden beds of the lucky ones in the moscow region, next to the cucumbers. about climatic anomalies in the capital. from moscow. natalya grows watermelons right on her summer cottage. this year's harvest went beyond all expectations. light-barked watermelon, here is a dark-barked watermelon. the watermelons ripened unusually early; after three weeks you can already
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taste them. enough sunshine and warmth enough for them to grow sweet and aromatic. even here in the middle zone, due to the abnormally prolonged heat in the city , abnormal phenomena began to occur, the trees turned yellow ahead of time, leaves began to fall, there were twice as many water lilies on the reservoirs, they sprouted even where they had never been, in khimki the moscow canal has bloomed, in some places you can hardly even see the water, everything is covered in greenery, this has never happened, i have never seen anything like this, despite the fact that it is on the moscow canal. strong current, but even here the water is very warm, at least it feels like it, we deliberately left the thermometer for a while, let’s see, 31°, even warmer than in the black sea. algae began to actively multiply in warm water, nothing surprising, ecologists explain,
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the climate is changing, along with flora and fauna, southern plants are appearing in the moscow region and... the last time they were noticed here was 20 years ago, they live in urban reservoirs in in the form of tiny, barely noticeable organisms, but when the temperature rises above 26°, jellyfish begin to regenerate themselves. it is from such polyps that, when the temperature is stimulated, small tiny ethers begin to be released, which subsequently become jellyfish. moscow jellyfish are small but stinging, experts warn. it’s better not to approach such a representative of the fauna either, mantises are non-poisonous, but they will bite so much that it won’t seem like much, i now live near moscow, i thought that mantises are found only... in crimea, in the south. summer residents increasingly began to notice giant wasps and tropical snails on their property. butterflies that are not typical for our stripe. they are with
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us for a long time, but they are not going to fly away, because we have an abundant food supply, the maximum that can happen to them is that if we have a cold winter, the population will decrease. but for now, even a slight cooling is not expected. another anticyclone has approached moscow, and starting thursday we will find ourselves in a modern shearer. report by alexander podopri mountains. the last seconds before launch, the signals of the mining machine bite into the anthracite layer. this moment
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the miners waited for more than a year. since may 2023, the mine stopped producing, there was a risk of losing the enterprise altogether, but thanks to the spread of the free economic zone regime in the territory of the dpr, it was possible to attract private capital and completely install a new stope in almost a month. we will go down the trunk for 5 minutes, that means. further along the underground corridors with two transfers we get to the lower horizon, electric locomotives are used to deliver the miners, underground water runs along the reals, traces of the last flood are still noticeable on the walls, the water then rose 10 m, the descent was forgotten for several months, you can get from horizon 990 to the immediate honest face in 60 minutes, you just need to walk about. on foot and the main thing is to watch your step. miners are putting the finishing touches on before launch and checking the mechanisms for functionality. and here the tape is adjusted so that it does not go away.
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the product lay clearly in the middle along the delivery tape and went well. some of the equipment used for work is opened by local engineers. alexander pikhur is installing these systems. dedicated 15 years working underground, knows every corner of the mine. my grandfather worked in the mine, my father worked, my godfather worked in the mine, my mother worked at... the surface complex , it turns out to be such a dynasty, well, yes. the zarya mine has been operating for almost 100 years; in soviet times it was one of the most successful mining enterprises in the region. after the collapse of the ussr, profitability began to fall, and now the mine is awaiting a revival. i’m just happy, happy that people didn’t abandon the enterprise. and we work, there are jobs. according to the project from new the lavas plan to produce 1,100 tons of anthracite per day. the problem of a serious shortage of people is coming to an end, and the launch of the stope marked the launch. a turning point in the life of the mine and those thanks to whom black gold rises to the mountain again. alexander podoprigora, denis vedyaev, lead donetsk. the vostok sniper training center will be built in primorye. classes
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will be conducted by instructors with combat experience, and the event is also planned for children and teenagers. from the site of the future landfill, yulia egorova. stream complex, a sniper training center will appear not far from vladivostok, in the nadezhdinsky district, on an area of ​​more than 800.200 hectares , an administrative and amenity complex, classrooms, dormitories will be built to accommodate instructors and cadets of the center, and facilities for holding military sports games. there will also be a center for repair and training of sniper systems, assembly of specialized unmanned systems, an equipment center, a workshop and a laboratory for the assembly of special sniper ammunition. these will be training centers for guys, training guys in long-range shooting, also here are questions regarding galleries for machine gun shooting. that is, this is such a serious construction project, but it is conveniently located, not so far from the city, that is, it will take some time to create it, well, we are determined to decide, determined
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not only to decide, but to make the future polygon vostok one of the large important centers in the country , not only specialists, but also young people will be trained here, and the classes will be conducted taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. in primorye we will rely more on the forest, on shooting, on range shooting from different angles. created sniper units, there are guys here who can teach well, today we need our fighters to be around the world, they are also
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planning on the territory of the future vostok center. today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always
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i am responsible for my s... heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what value is for us, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person , they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something like a chill inside, anything can happen, no matter what. don’t back down, i ’ll still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself, it’s not like i have a family every year, i have a family every minute, there is no other way, now there is a struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that this is
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the answer... life and fate from monday to friday on rtr, i ask for a moment of attention, this lyusya, hello, she will be working for us as a laboratory assistant on saturday, what kind of god would i... give, who sent you to me, well, you are just a miracle, maybe you will start sleeping with her, so that she will do all the work for you, that you me you’re calling me out, well, you’re the boss, but you just don’t see me as a person, a man, you want to make a discovery, well, you can’t, you can’t waste your life on just test tubes, the main thing is not to make mistakes in the calculations, all this time we have been together and will be together, and he will marry me,
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do you understand, laboratory assistant? on saturday on rtr, i am happier than anyone if the heart asks for joy, if the soul asks for songs. in belarus i feel the unity of our peoples, thank you, vitex, the most stellar, warmest holiday, this evening
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is mine. slavic bazaar - opening ceremony on friday at rtr. van, i’m marrying andrey. i won't be with you if i hate myself, i will kill you. well, how can you just ruin everything in this part? lenichtsy. today on rtr. several capital entrepreneurs are facing bankruptcy. for multimillion-dollar lawsuits, they all once rented construction cranes and hoists from the same company, and now this company claims that the heavy equipment was not returned to them. report by dmitry blinnikov. dozens of victims this time were large capital developers who became victims of scammers; they are trying to fraudulently collect gigantic sums from them. if you take all the amount that there is in court cases is about a billion rubles. and here’s what
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the deception scheme looks like: they rented it. real estate audit company's façade lifts were returned on time, but the company sued them, supposedly they didn't get the equipment back, the businessmen were accused of theft and are now demanding compensation, according to the court we... supposedly now owe them 170 million rubles. for facade lifts, which cost how much? about 250,000 rubles. which you allegedly did not return, of course. rustam magomedov owed 60 million. his company's accounts have been frozen. the organization has been blocked for 8 months, there have been arrests on billboards and physically for 8 months. losses the organization simply does not work for 8 months. to date, real estate audit has already filed 97 lawsuits against developers. they couldn’t prove that the lifts were honestly returned, so they sent us with a police escort.
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a figurehead, the real owner is a completely different person, the person is abroad and is simply destroying the russian russian economy, you know, it’s called economic parasites are economic killers. the victims' lawyer is now traveling to construction sites, looking for entrepreneurs who rented equipment, real estate audit, and warns that they may be the next victim of scammers. as a specialist in the field of criminal law , i can say and assume that there
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are a lot of crimes here. the victims wrote a statement to the police, asking to open a criminal case, if the wave of lawsuits is not stopped, now a number of construction companies in the capital are waiting bankruptcy. dmitry blinnikov, gennady mayorov, pavel letnikov, news. several thousand carp fry were released into lake isetskoye, this is in the sverdlovsk region, the ecologists were helped by residents of sredneuralsk, both adults and children, about how the stocking took place, ekaterina shilova, give the kids to someone, it’s not in vain that they say, you can’t catch even a fish without difficulty from the pond, on the shore of lake isetskoye, children and adults take containers with young karpov, they carry them to the shore to release them into the reservoir, you’re afraid they’ll hang around. oh, 300 kg of grown fish were brought here for stocking carp, and residents of sredneuralsk were invited to take part in the event, because the city is located right on the shore of lake esetskoye. i really enjoyed putting out fun. i'm increasing
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the fish population. we came with our parents to release the fish into their new home. stocking is carried out under the supervision of experienced ecologists who ensure that the procedure is carried out correctly. although carp itself is unpretentious. easily adapt to a new environment. oh, how pretty! carp grows very quickly, by the end of the third year of life its weight reaches 2 kg. it feeds on various aquatic organisms and larvae, as well as all kinds of plant foods, including algae, so stocking with fish is another way to clean the reservoir. this event is not only for our city, not only for us, it is for our, first of all, our lake, for its purification and ecology. 30 years, although there are known historical facts about caught carp weighing up to 70 kg, this is a real dream of fishermen, of whom, by the way, there are always many on the shores of lake issed, we will try to make the lake interesting so that people come to us fishermen came, fished, people can
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spend their free time, being carried away by their favorite activities, it’s great that today we have children participating who, from an early age , will take care of their flora and fauna, will understand that valuable nature must be protected, but for now these... the carp will need to get used to the new reservoir, gain weight and give birth so that lake isedskoye will continue to delight everyone with its abundance and fish big and small can be caught here. ekaterina shilova, vesti ural. and we have to this that's it, evgeniy roshkov was with you, see you. what, are you pregnant? let's look at rtr. hvaya,
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we screwed with you. go and go. maybe you can find it? natal petrovna. what's happened? in the cutting shop the boiler broke. people.
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please take a moment, this is lucy. hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant. on saturday. why should i thank god, who sent you to me, well, you are simply a miracle. maybe you’ll start sleeping with her so she can do all the work for you. why are you yelling at me? but you just don’t see me as a person, a man. and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our
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family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation , the first podcasts i've watched.
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i think they took the apples and don’t forget the napkins, marusya loves it when it’s flowery, but she understands everything. metya, yesterday a titmouse sat on the window, so she followed it with her eyes, well, i swear to you, this is fortunate for my father, okay, go already, don't forget the napkins.
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you can steam over a kettle, oh, my god, why put the kettle on and wait for it to boil, everyone did that in our communal apartment. “thank you, mashenka, otherwise i still can’t agree with my conscience, what a fool.” vladimir petrovich, i saw you walking, i don’t have time now, unless it’s for a long time,
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a letter came to you, i thought, suddenly there’s something important, from moscow, in a woman’s handwriting, yes, yes, it’s from my wife. “thank you, i thank you, i’m saying, suddenly something important, god grant that everything is okay, why do you always interfering in other people's affairs, that you don't have any of your own, that i'm just like a nail in the floor, where you don't go, you'll definitely stumble."
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paradise, i'm sorry, i don't know why i said all this, but i really need to be alone, sit down , as i was sitting, it’s better to sit down, i got the handbags. “put it on him, from behind, it’s better to take a nap, call 112,
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tell him that they’ve taken hostages , yes, what, what horror, goodbye, yes, hello, what, the district called and asked.
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hello, colonel amon, i called, the guys will be there any minute, comrade colonel, maybe amon while the premises of the porn post are good or everything where it is better to storm, it is better not to storm anywhere, you can’t pick out the bars on the windows, the door is armored, there is a bolt inside and in general, what is generally good, why
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is it reported from the hairdresser about the capture of the strong point, it’s raya first i called work at work. what kind of valinka is this? there’s definitely no need for an assault, i know him, it’s uncle mitya, wow,
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uncle, what are you doing, you know me from people like that, you taught me how to make stools at school, when our trudovich girl went on maternity leave, we glued both houses together for you as a class. for fives, and now what, shoot me, and don’t make a fuss, well, i have no other choice, there is no heaven, if you don’t lay it out while you have it, give me the gun, i’ll say that nothing happened, no, okay, well, let's let the woman go then so that she doesn't bring you here? i promise, i will help, but you don’t have to speak for the women, the women themselves will figure out what happened,
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uncle, they killed my daughter, they killed her, they lied to her. what have you done? oh, fool! i heard that marusya had an accident, so why? this forever? who knows? we take pills, do gymnastics, and stay in hospitals. we’re supposed to go to bed, the doctors say, say thank you for collecting them at all, a year has already passed, a year, but
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what about the child, now he’s grabbed his guns, yesterday there was a trial, they said that morusya was to blame for everything, so maybe after all, yes no, i won’t say anything to mitya, it’s useless, he’s stubborn, if he got something into his head, i’m sorry, well, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. here’s the village, here’s the road where she
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collided with the mercedes, pop-pop, it’s deaf the place that she went there to celebrate her diploma at her friend’s dacha, used it, but never, my marusya is simply a heavenly miracle, we didn’t even hope to sleep. that there will be children, and of course i sincerely feel sorry for your daughter, but this decision is only of the district court, but stop it, they are all the same, these courts, one lawyer there quietly told me so, don’t waste your money, don’t cheat, get out of here , before they hurt you, and a gun will help you in some way, only a gun will help, i want everyone to start telling the truth, come on, put it down. with like an airplane, fold it, fold it, this one
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has arrived, thank you, what is it, so you want to arrange a trial? right here, well, dmitry alekseevich, well, you’re an adult, oh my, well, who would allow you and me to do this, come out and we’ll go to the office and discuss, i have a friend who’s a lawyer, a golden frame, he sent your marusya to a sanatorium, you sit down, weirdo, what will be better for your daughter? there’s only one picture left of her, but i ’ll go to jail for the truth, nothing. there are only names and
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phone numbers, well, call, deliver if possible, yeah, i’m in the department for a meeting, yes, he won’t shoot, this is an uncle, you won’t believe it, petrov, every prisoner in the zone is someone’s uncle. oh, no, i’ll never drive a car, i took the course for 2 days, lost three kilos, blocked the road for the minibus, and
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drove home with it. the protocol says that your daughter drove into the oncoming lane. they lie, they lie, i taught her to drive myself, for five years she has only had a single scratch, she is not alone in getting a fine, there are independent factors, rain, uneven surfaces. no, of course there, i don’t argue, there are a couple of wines on the training ground, since the route turns right like that behind the woods, but marus knew this road like the back of her hand, why would she drive out towards it, pray tell, uncle, it’s all clear, what kind of person doesn’t believe in his own blood, people write protocols too, well here's comrade inspector, is that you?
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“a real man, maybe someone else would have to be persuaded, clearly, well, this is just for the sake of order, just in case, whatever the case, you’re not an old man, he won’t come closer than 3 m to the knuckle with a gun, yes, yeah , there’s a person inside watching this, who will i talk to, well, who?” "with that who is with a gun, that's it, come on, go, go, go, forward, forward, come on, come on, come on, 54, 54, 54, we arrived at the place in about 10 minutes, and soon a little later, the girl's nissan was slammed into a tree, we at first they thought that
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she was the driver of the car... mercedes was conscious, but in shock. do you think that my marusya is to blame? following the tracks. before turning , the girl's car ran into oncoming traffic. did he just pop out? well, i thought that she was worried and lost control. why did you think that? that's what they told me. baby, don't be afraid. tell aunt rai everything as you would a doctor. well, in general, about 40 minutes later the victim’s friend arrived there. she said that she seemed to be leaving her in hysterics. contacted your girlfriend? yes, will it be soon? yes, but is there a problem besides sitting in the police station with a gun? my friend is pregnant for
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the last few months. “snezhanochka, i didn’t even know, would you at least come in, visit, i’ll come, uncle mich, there’s no time at all, i’m giving birth in a week, oh, how, did you get married? well , yes, well, we’re like that, only relatives were invited, and vadik, marusin came to it’s helping me little by little, i know, snezhanna, you said that marusya left you that day. tuned in, oh, yes, i don’t remember a lot, well, yes, it seemed like something happened, but there were all sorts of problems, by the way, i’m sitting here on the sidelines and waiting for you to connect two sentences into one, so don’t act out, tell me what happened to marusya, and don’t talk to me like that, i can give birth at any moment,
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but i’ll die and i’ll appear to you every night as a five-ton... well, well, in general, we were all at i was at the dacha, they sorted me out a bit, then masha came and saw me. i don’t understand how vadik and i are hugging, i don’t understand, snezhanochka, with her vadik, well, if it’s between us, then things haven’t been going well for a long time, and then masha freaked out and jumped into the car, so how did they date since the first year, oh, yes, this is childish everything was, in the end it’s some kind of constant, we got married, oh, you’re a spectacled cobra! here's a bastard, and also a best friend, i would comb her hair, vadik is a bastard,
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a bastard, man, i'm marrying andrei, i won't be with you, i'll hate myself, you i'll peck. well, how can you just ruin everything in this part and the people of linich are on rtr today, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, so they come oh... good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, ah, so, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my
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shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved ones pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, everyone says, guys, feed me. you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. from the first note. beauty, rehearsal. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, your braid floats finely, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, we’ve
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been together since first grade, we’re responsible for everything we do together too, in all this crap, i’m covering for you, team, slow down! i'm running out of the car, the whole crew, only on the platform look, i want to eat minogo, i cook well, but it’s not tasty, you stabbed me without a fork at all, she said tenderly. well, take my heavy bags, instead of beer, i suddenly switched to kefir, through the lobby with songs, magan, scarf, parade of humor, on
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sunday on rtr, so you are a microbiologist, yeah, well, i only have laboratory assistants, you and yours knowledge is unlikely to be of interest, it will be of interest, on saturday, i will conduct tests. the health of an entire city depends on us, if anything depended on you, people would n’t die, you’re a journalist, yes, you you will help, of course, if only we had the documents, your fears are not in vain, there is a mistake, a laboratory assistant on saturday at rtr, almost 3 years have passed since natasha passed away, natasha was basically everything in your life, i asked god, please, don’t take it away, let her stay, something wrong is happening here . it can’t be, yaroslav sumeshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning, my brother, natasha’s dear, came up to me and said that that’s it, such love, such loss, a person cannot
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be happy without hope, i want a family, i want more children, yes i've already met a girl, my love, i love her, what’s her name, her name is anastasia, and you’ve already proposed to her, no, i haven’t proposed yet, but... with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, come on, this is uncle mitya, he and wouldn't hurt a fly. do you remember, some visiting drunkard wanted to take away uncle mitya’s wallet? uncle mitya then broke his collarbone. and what? either he's a stray drunk, or he's our raika, he won't lay a finger on her. well, i don’t know how... she
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persuaded the boys to turn the rail on a lathe, and then she turned the machine around, and, by the way, then uncle mitya raked the ear to the very he was dragging the police along the street, and why bother twisting your ears, it’s not like shooting from a gun, yes, he doesn’t even shoot, he probably went hunting hares in the winter, then he definitely shot, well, why are you croaking, and laris, well did you chew me out? because you don’t need to scare me, it’s making me nervous, that’s it, that’s it, go home, i’ll finish your hair tomorrow, no, heaven will finish your hair tomorrow, because nothing will happen to her, it’s clear, that’s it, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything , that’s it, we need to calm down, that’s it, where is the first aid kit, now. to the left, to lenin, no,
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no, no. uncle mit, uncle mit, damn. “listen, i myself have two daughters, i would tear anyone up for them, but you yourself understand, anything can happen, go out, don’t lead to shooting, so do you also think that it ’s her fault, purely formally, uncle mitya, purely formally , what is this then? “dad,
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hello, why aren’t you picking up the phone? in short, call me back, i decided to come back today, and it seems i forgot the keys, and asshole, where did you get this from, she left me a message on the answering machine, dad, hello, aren’t you picking up the phone , in short, call me back, i decided to come back today and it seems i forgot my keys, and the asshole, well understand? finally, she never said a rude word to anyone in her life, she would have called this driver an asshole, especially since it’s her own fault, well, the girl was scared, that means there was something, and so you think that it was that other car that drove into oncoming traffic, it turns out like this , the start time of the end of the voice message was recorded by the cellular company, why didn’t they add a recording to the files, they said we couldn’t compare the voice with the original, marus is silent? that's what people have with
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a conscience, but everything was clear from the very beginning, this asshole was driving a mercedes official, well, they brought him, it’s me, go home, you have nothing to do here, you should have let them in, okay, come out yourself, the conversation is over, god, what’s worse, well, well, i won’t raise marusya alone! well, at least you tried, aunt, no matter how much i made it worse, it seems to me that mitya only got angry, well, whatever, thank you, that’s it, then, ours! work, okay,
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excuse me, hello, i’m makeev, they told me to come up, and seryozh, vitya, put it on, they want to talk to you, no, no, no, i don’t even hope, you will be protected, and what, other government agencies, what is it? i have three children, you will feed me when my legs are shot off, this won’t happen, we control everything, fuck you, i almost moved a horse from this family once, thank you, new one.
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near the market, there was a sighting of treugan there this week, maybe you can take it with live bait, please hand over the car keys to the employees, hand it over, hand it over, damn it, i ’ve already told you 100 times, nothing has changed in a year, well, since we’re all like this here we got together together, took the boss to the airport in the morning, was returning along the bypass, something about your face hurts me. this is easy symmetry, brow ridges, i haven’t accidentally cut your hair before, why is my wife cutting my hair, there ’s such a turn there that you can’t see a damn thing, and the nissan is right in the oncoming traffic, well, i’m on the brakes,
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but already i have a displacement of the spine in three places, tell me thank you for not asking for compensation, but why don’t you ask? if you paid for your license at work, it must have been a good job, so you immediately removed the license plates from the car, listen, who are you, and why are you pretending to be here? yes, the company values ​​​​its reputation, so , by the way, they don’t hire any crap, i 25 i've been driving for years, and this girl, how many years has she been driving a nissan, 3 years, i haven't driven into oncoming traffic, i remembered where i saw you, one client showed you to me on his tablet, right?
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speculation based on the fact that a person always acts the same way, but isn’t it, you, vladimir petrovich, always act the same way, don’t feed you bread, let him suffer, this is not about me, and i’m not stupid, this is about philosophy, i have already from your homesickness, all the flowers in the house have withered. but that’s enough for me, i’ll kill the bastard, stop, stop, stop, running,
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but what about this, dear? my, yes, what, vladimir petrovich, my dear, dear, paradise, calm down, this is not my blood, vladimir, without heaven, paradise, calm down, this is not my blood.
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you said he wouldn’t shoot, he just fainted, they didn’t kill him, they would have killed him, in short, petrov, i stood until the last, i have orders to storm after the first shot, colonel, it’s already heaven there, go back, mitya , mitya, what have you done, mitya, come out, mitya, mitya, come out before you kill anyone else, what? “nobody killed anyone, but you better leave, okay, mitya, mitya, you’re
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wounded, mitya, damn, it’s an accident, but you really go ask the bents to send us peroxide, some kind of painkiller, go, go, aunt nayt, go, mito, peroxide, mitya!
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that i won’t leave here until i get the truth, call a witness, otherwise their grandfather, old, innocent, will die, how will they then twist holes for orders, huh?
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i'm home, i'm as healthy as a bull, go.
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we can’t leave a civilian hostage there and take a policeman, i ’ll slam her myself, drag her out, and then slam her. ay! are you okay? thank you. let's look at rtr. on this weekend i’ll go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm behind you, behind me. you had a bird in your hands. ruslan, give you a stray pilot. heart, not stone. now i'm your wife. and i'm your husband. happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want
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to help you with something, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, life is going wrong, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5 from july 15th to rtr.
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great guy, we should take him. on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no home, nothing. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse. i am completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i am not sure whether it will suit my father. he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, but where did you meet? stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, real love is just one
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kiss away. oh, who taught you how to kiss like that? come on, kiss for real, there you go. this is a completely different matter, natosha, i love you, find yourself another fool, her wedding is in 3 days, yes in 3 days, you know how much business you can do, you need a bride with accommodation, on friday on rrt, i’m happier than anyone, i...
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swim in belarus i feel the unity of our peoples, thank you, viteg, the most stellar, warmest holiday, slavic bazaar, opening ceremony, on friday on rtr, i’ll be waiting you get ice cream on arbat at 9 pm, we look at rtr, there are two corpses, we leave, it’s goodbye to me, what happened? artist, tomorrow on rtr, but i
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’ll tell you, i’ll tell you everything, i’m a direct witness. that is, you saw the accident, of course i saw it, i was walking across the field at the bus stop, they didn’t even summon me to court, they lost my testimony, which was in the testimony, really, dear, the whole truth, this bigger car drove like crazy, jumped out into another lane and just rolled over the small car. that is, you were the first there, no, well, i immediately ran to the seliznevs’ house to call an ambulance, came back, and there was already the police, and this big-faced guy was walking around, the big-faced guy was the driver of the mercedes, he and the chief traffic cop reported
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to him on the phone that he what to do, what to write, what about you? so they immediately sent me away, they said, that i'm stupid, old. it’s obvious that they’re really lying, they drew up a protocol, there’s no demand from disabled people, that’s what i’m talking about, it’s all just words, here and there, no evidence, it’s a very good car, they always have everything. there must be a video recorder, i don’t know anything about the recorder, i didn’t see why
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the time in the protocol is so smooth, 12 hours, 4 minutes, a satellite alarm was installed on the mercedes, it detects non-standard behavior of the car and transmits the signal to the service center, and from there we called, but respected people didn’t call with... advice? i don’t remember, it was a long time ago, i’m a liar, that ’s what it’s like in the eyes, god’s dew will say i’m a liar, that’s in the eyes, that’s enough, i’m so tired of it all, but okay, there was a registrar, he immediately broke the makeyfogo, he said that an important conversation of the boss was recorded there , and there was a call too, but there was no need for it, like this, like this, everything that i wrote in the protocol... true, i feel sorry for the girl, but she drove towards me, i saw it in the tracks with my own eyes, vitya, vitya, why bother me again, vitya
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marusya disappeared, how she disappeared, i don’t know, i returned, the room is empty, and the nurses don’t know anything, and no one saw anything, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm down, calm down, it’s almost night, where to?
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oh, mommies, what is this, raya, it’s not a fight, he’s dead, no, he’s sleeping, i mean, deep, restful sleep, tired or something, yes, for sure. i mixed up the pills, the analginic hypnotic,
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raya, go to the car, wait for me in the car, he ’ll be fine, i’ll take you home, that’s it, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, read, you go back to your place, but you never know, maybe marusya will take a walk and come back, we sent patrolmen to search, go. ay, it's all to no avail. do these courts really care about ordinary people? they only serve the rich. but if i hadn’t gone to look for my goat, would anyone have known the truth about this accident? corruption. who to look for? now. i got loose that morning, yashka, such a traveler, across the field, across the road, oh-oh, marusha
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was put on the wanted list, escorted, 8 hours ago, she couldn’t say a word, and now they’re running after her all over the city, look, well it paper from the cellular company, end time of marusya’s call to her father’s answering machine: 12 hours 3 minutes 57 seconds, time of the accident according to the protocol? 12:00 4 minutes, 2 seconds, even taking into account the error, the end time of the call , the time of the accident do not match, where did these seconds go, something else happened at that time on the road, in those photos of the accident you women seemed to be without glasses, what kind of vision do you have, vision, not important, recently prescribed glasses, and
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that place? it doesn’t seem to be close to the stop, but what do you think, i’m lying, but it’s true, i i know in my heart, yeah, they found a goat, i found a goat, he was hiding there not far in the woods, he was scared of the noise, we’ll probably go soon to catch the train, marusya didn’t swear,
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oh, lord, oh, look, it’s good.


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