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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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i’ll find a solution, clair, don’t scare me, when i get scared and bad, it’s just like i’m out of my mind, i can do trouble, i’ll have a fur coat, i’ll turn my paska right away, as we continue on, wow, so be it, he’ll get used to it, he won’t want to leave, but i... it cleared up, i saw ivan, you were standing with him, talking, but i don’t even want to talk about it, you know, i’m offended, and what, you lewd girl, did ivana see that i’m going to rush right away? “i’m sorry, i just
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saw you, and i remembered, i told you back then, we’re screwed, and we’re nowhere apart let’s not get away, you love me, but love, let the youth suffer, “family, it’s more important than love, well, that means you’ll never say that you love, and what can i say, i wouldn’t be with you if you weren’t mine. "
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she’s no good, she’s lost her nerve, maybe just wait a little longer, she’ll cackle, she barely begged for a saucepan , she made soup, i’ll ask for spoons on the plate and let’s go to the table, well, hello, hello, lisa, and my replacement tells me that ivan and zoya have returned, and i say, i’ll go, he ... i’ll bring some cabbages, i’ll check on them, here are the pillows, people need something to sleep on, they’re certainly not yours, but you can sleep on them, but i knocked, clicked, these are conscientious people, they brought your goods, thank you, come on, of course there are all sorts of naughty girls who hear for the first time that things were taken from you, thank you, lisa, i just took them, well, you tell me what you need, i’ll bring it, at least for a while, but i...
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have it, but i didn’t take anything, unless they took it from me? and since there’s such a drunkenness, everyone ’s bringing everything back, maybe you’ll give me back ivan, oh, nina, the tongue without bones will become a stake, we ’ll put ours aside. we believe in what is dear to us,
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we talk about what is important to us, our every the word is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. goodbye. i will be waiting for you at 9 pm at the ice cream cafe on arbat. we look at рrt. there are two corpses here, we are leaving, i have a date, but what happened? artist, tomorrow on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most reasonable. what's our joke?
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orientalism? this is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch. on the media platform we are watching the first podcasts that we are watching, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, the wife says, you didn’t understand, you borscht horseradish, that... she dumped it, well, how could you, taxi, taxi, taxi, so rural, oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, turn it on, just wait for me, they protect you through the rains,
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the righteous flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy. mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. fedorovna set rent, salaries, tears. i can only work as a pensioner. and if someone goes on maternity leave, i’ll take you in the car. will you come to me? i'll go. don’t expect thanks from me, it’s great, guys, you’ll welcome a new guy, it’s great, ivan, you somehow flew in to us, but just like that, you came back, pulled you back, and what’s
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the matter with us, you replaced the girls with dirt, i’m getting tired of them, i’ve become old, uh-huh, i’d rather be up to my head in mud. "zoy, i'm talking about myself and ivan i wanted to tell you before yours, masha, don’t torment me, don’t ask for forgiveness, get out of here, i won’t help you in any way, what they did, it happened to you, don’t think about it, i don’t hold any grudges, i don’t bear any kindness either, masha. we're back, philip yuryevich, what is it, we 're not in the mood today, come in for tea and candy, i want to talk, colleague,
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not a colleague at all, philip yuryevich, child, husband, i'm just kidding, i don't have the strength, the strength comes from within, more. nowhere, come in, masha, well, with the curtains it’s a different look, more comfortable, yes, zoya, i’ll go to dimka’s, something doesn’t seem right to me, well, go, just for a little while, vanya. okay, i won’t go to bed, i’ll wait,
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i’ve had enough already, i’ve arrived, i’m teaching, well , it’s worse here, we still need to figure it out, you think you’re suffering there, i drank a little before the shift, but i need it, you know, that’s how i live i see it amazingly, they punished me with a ruble, they deprived me of my rights without talking, i stand there powerless, horseless, unemployed, how can you do this to a fellow soviet person? 4 months without work, tomka will soon be torn from home, well, nothing, soon they will give me another house, they will put me on assignment,
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my team, go to the factory, how am i driver, i'm a white bone, a team at the factory. just drink, no one will feel bad. come on, yes, you will lead me to the monastery, the drivers in the grizuny, hoba, yes, just don’t tell anyone there that i’m in the same brigade, well, let them think that i’m there, well, i’m sitting here rudely, say that for a leadership job they called me the director. no one will believe it, because
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even though it’s like this, if you look at it, this is the most stupid position, sitting in an office, i can do that too, oh well, what are you looking at, it’s all gone, masha, let’s go again, let’s go, let's go, let's go, valera, come on, wait here, okay, man, what do you want here, yes, yes, just looking, mardasova, come to the phone.
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thai, oh secret, they stole you, i didn’t warn him, he walked, walked, walked for a whole week, he would come up, hatch, i noticed him, but who was walking, well, you know, such a red beard, and shaggy, melting, if what if something happens to you, i will describe it. i’m worried that the price has gone down, i should
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have asked for a car, i would have come to our small family with one, it would have been the finish line, oh, clair, you can’t put on a car, boots, but i understand, vasya, you’re just putting it in your boots, well, yes, of course, you can’t demand the car from him. don’t oblige, you need to try on the size, otherwise you never know how to ask you, oh, ugh, that’s it, i accepted the goods, handed over the goods, now vasya is yours forever. i only ask one thing, take care of him,
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clara, oh, vanya, yeah, i see you’re in a rut, no. some kind of coat, look, it’s fluffy, soft, and where they give them, they don’t give them, but they give them out for special merits, yeah, like medals, or something, it’s better, you’ll warm yourself up with medals, and what did you serve, but nenal, come in, i'll tell you, no, no, no, no, you you go in, then you don’t come out, but well... see for yourself, hello, hello, guys, hello, hello,
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guys, hello, oh, the beast runs to the catcher, good news, lena is getting married and leaves in 4 months. don’t worry, you’ll soon go on maternity leave too. philip yuryevich, philip yuryevich, philip yuryevich, philip yuryevich, well, they scared me. things have become so bad with
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me, i’ll sit down and fall asleep, i’ll tell you to hand over the factory, live longer, every thing has its own expiration date, but i’m out of order, so you say? abandoned all their studies, well, who will continue our work, they will send someone, and you that you started, you have to finish it, make up your mind, masha, make up your mind, and i, i will support you.
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you are waiting in yours, as you can see, it’s clear. i wanted to ask about my son, who is the father, do you know? we have a dad, our dad, who else? well, yes, yes, i
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guess i need to ask, otherwise i wouldn’t have asked, i said. he’s not even interested in whether we’ve had our time off, i have a husband, you have a wife, there’s nothing for us to remember, well, i understand that, i don’t need to repeat it twice, it’s so easy to ask me. tomorrow, you don’t love, you’re fucking, i see, van, stay, nina with the child, you know, she’s pregnant, well, you’re not yours, i’ve been afraid of one thing all my life, just don’t be angry, just say that you’ll leave me, everything is going wrong, as it went, it’s still going, they all should be there today, maybe not where
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we want, but where we need it, laziness, final. look at how much time you spent at home over the past few months? illegally seized power, pretending to be the leader of the country, one individual citizen, then of course it is obvious that he not only does not care what is happening at the front, but he also does not know what is really happening at the front, from that and his nonsense, but for now he naturally asks, asks, now he liked 28, because 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256,
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512. 1024, that is, this magic set that is familiar to all children who are interested in computer science, and he decided that this is exactly how many planes are needed, not 127, no, so much 128, and he accurately calculated this figure, the russians have 30, and he needs 128, logical, oh, my god, and he he demands, what do you offer me, 10, 20, 50, give me 128 planes, and you don’t give me much, how much sleep35, it’s still not enough, no matter how much you give, it will be... not enough, - says zelensky, despite the fact that his side is in debt, like silk, no one is going to pay for free, they will load him with another 40 billion, although no one knows whether what we are really worth. .. unloads 40 billion or not, because it is clear that everything is given to him at the highest possible price, this logic is very simple, for example, they give you a car, he says, this is a car, a car, he says what kind of
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car, he says, well, this great car, what a mercedes, great, how much does a mercedes cost, he says, well, it’s a new mercedes costs 200,000 dollars, yes, but you are giving a mercedes, which is 30 years old and has already been terribly exploited, it should cost 10,000 dollars, we will feed somewhere with polish, somewhere with romanian, somewhere with hungarian, and ukraine, well, what kind of ukraine, as part of the russian federation will be a little fine, and so,
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there were stages when the lands, which were then united by the will of lenin and stalin into a single ukrainian soviet socialist republic, were under different flags, and something like that somehow there was no dawn, can you name any great historical ukrainian figure of the dawn of ukrainian? soviet union. we will strain for a long time, the result will be obvious. bandera. bandera, after all, has never been on the territory of ukraine. yes, the same bandera, who, by the way, is very popular with some sumy bloggers. now we suddenly feel like such important citizens of russia. patriot, patriot of russia. yes, yes, now he is a terrible patriot. russia really, really loved bandera, but what can we do, we understand everything, there are people who, where the blue ones are, there they feel like fish, well, nothing, nothing, our country is not
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used to it, we are on our chests, everyone, and then we look, oh, so this is a louse, we need it, you know, to the nail, about retreat ukraine is not talking about alliances, radislav sekorsky explained why nato will have to coexist with russia, and the western community has no appetite for this at all. kiev is seriously afraid of losing washington's support after the us presidential elections. zelensky began to spread panic and said that the states could withdraw from the north atlantic alliance altogether. as dmitry anatolyevich medvedev correctly noted, even possible changes in us elites will at most lead to the west wanting to pause military action, using negotiations as a pretext. and this is absolutely unprofitable for us. the barel summit in washington only confirmed that nato does not need peace.
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as many ukrainian men and women as possible, and so that women could not go anywhere, they were given money so that they could have a fashionable uniform, in which nato members will then say, look how much ukrainian women died, now like every fifth military man says: woman, well, a mediocre guitarist with a boring voice , mesa blinkin, is joyfully burying ukrainian women. too often, ukrainian
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female fighters do not have the necessary equipment to meet their unique needs, forcing them to purchase and even create their own equipment. today we're taking a step to change that by announcing that ponata allies are committing more than $7 million to purchase equipment for women serving in the armed forces. force. ukrainians, no, well, all of them, of course , it’s clear that their task of destroying everyone will not be possible, because some are especially nasty, and at the same time terrible banderaites, writers, tv presenters. they’re somehow afraid to go to the front, why are they cheering, i have great respect for you and your work,
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i’m a fan. i cannot do this, i say this from people who feel approximately the same, but are trying to compensate for this with the maximum of their actions, supporting those who are at the front. i bow to these people, i'm envious i look at those who put on the uniform and bow
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to the ground before them. as a person who has the right not to fight, you are in me, i’m scared, according to the law, i’m honest with myself, i’ll say that i’m scared, yes, the reserve plus application, look, there are a lot of questions, how do i manage to travel abroad, in- firstly, i am the active father of three minor children who are dependent, this is the case, and secondly, so far there have been no requests, we left ukraine in march, so i have not yet had time to update my data in the tsk.
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they didn’t tell me right away, well, as an additional argument, very good, listen, let’s understand, there is a war going on, when it comes to this kind of crime, we must act absolutely decisively, and by the way, such a simple question, here zelensky said that he wants to kill our president, mind you, no one reacted to this in any way, who said this, this was said by a person who is actually not protected by anything, this was said by a man usurping power in ukraine, he explained this by the fact that the children died, that he is the father , tell me please, how many children died as a result of an air defense missile strike.
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the lord is patient with everything to the limit, i will answer with the words of maria vladimirovna zakharova, god is not irmoshka, he sees a little, therefore not timoshka,
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the essence is the same, so you who escaped, shut up your dirty mouths, the way we loved you before is the way we we despise you now. for your meanness, for your cold, vile, sticky hands, you have seen the blood of donbass since the fourteenth year, you at least found a word for them, for the unfortunate parents who collected the remains of the bodies of their torn to pieces children, shut up, creatures, vladimirovich, i showed the glory of tuka about the need to kill everyone from kaliningrad to the far east.
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listen, well, of course, this is 128, exactly 128 f6 fighters, 129 - this will be too much, yes, now 127 is no longer enough, then 128, i listened to him and remember something, remember the
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homeless poet, and five motorcycles with with machine guns to catch, that means, a consultant, and exactly five motorcycles, here here here, here 128, let’s show. as he says, as it is 128, the problem with the f-16 is quantity and delivery dates, but to be honest, honest with ourselves, not to just say we have a solution for the f-16, stop, pause, russia is using 300 aircraft on the territory of ukraine, 300 aircraft, they have more, but they are using 300.
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ago he asked at least there, at least a few, in general something is happening to his memory, of course, not absurd, but most importantly, no one checks, verifies what he
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lists there and the funds, reserve
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funds and so on, but what am i talking about, just me i remember the statement of these same western figures, but didn’t they end in the spring of twenty-two, but we remember how they said then that russia had run out of missiles, russia had run out of tanks, forbs wrote, there was only enough left for a maximum of two or three shellings , but it remains there forbs wrote that ukraine now has more tanks than russia, since it simply takes reports from the ukrainian general staff. adds up, yeah, they were destroyed, every day 200 tanks were destroyed there, another 200-300 were captured here, look, russia and ukraine have more tanks, true, for some reason in the fall of this year, that year twenty-two, yes, they shouted: ukraine has run out of tanks, tanks are urgently needed, otherwise we will not launch a counter-offensive, where are we going? this is how all this happens with them, they are the named nato official, in an interview with a foreign agent, the voice of america, said that russia, of course, has... the resources to fight for another four years, or even five, well,
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they parted ways... then they are in this assessment, in these assessments, but the fact that russia is increasing military production and increasing its own resources, they, of course, are not talking about this they say, they don’t indicate, but in any case these figures, however, there are sensible voices there, a collective letter appeared today from the british, and from such respectable experts, former diplomats, former politicians, current experts. foreign policy, who say: “you understand that if we do not conclude a peace agreement between ukraine and russia now, then the situation for ukraine will be much more catastrophic, so now we urgently need to call, they are calling for this, well, really, again, based on false message that we can go, russia can agree to a ceasefire immediately after the start of negotiations, which putin has repeatedly called impossible, yes, but nevertheless, at least someone there is really trying to assess our resources, compare them with
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the resources of ukraine from more realistic ones positions, so in this regard, of course, these decisions regarding ukraine’s joining or not joining nato, yes, sikorsky tells us that it is impossible to annex ukraine to nato while there is a war with russia, now let’s think about what if from our point of view, if you don't take it, while there is a war with russia, and we understand that we will not let ukraine into nato in any case, this means... it is profitable to fight forever, yes, well, or simply destroy ukraine so that it never joins this same nato . well, from our point of view, but you understand perfectly well that they never evaluate the resources of ukraine itself, when they say that russia has enough for 2-3 years or five, let’s continue to fight, they really don’t they think, at what cost to the ukrainians is this barrel standing on the roof, and says, yes, it’s war, because it’s not just a ceasefire. yes, the cessation of hostilities, but
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no one feels sorry for the ukrainians, they don’t consider these losses at all, when blinken justifies the concern for women, they will now have a special uniform, yes, well, it’s actually logical, caring for children will continue, well the next step, yes, we need to take care of the children’s helmets, almost all of them have been disposed of, that’s all, and let’s talk about the fact that this is a concern, and the last, the very last, a little bit... i’ll digress from this topic, just to the question of how all these mobilizations are going on, now they have caught prosecutor ilnitsky, who has been allegedly being searched for for a year now, well, since last year, since the fall of last year.
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what should we order, yes, when he was forcibly imprisoned like this without any combat experience at all and we are waiting to be captured, well, we are waiting, yes, well, let’s throw more dollars at him like that, well, when i was coming here, i read such guilt that the army russia entered the center of new york , i thought to myself, if this will tell the unprepared biden, yes, because it needs to be told that after all, new york is a village in the donetsk region, and under poroshenko ... it was renamed back and so on, then candratje might grab him or he might grab a nuclear suitcase, there was such a story when foreign sources write about this that in 1949 the former the minister of defense, being mentally ill, jumped out of the window shouting: the russians are coming, the russians are advancing, whether it happened or not,
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these are the sources, well, there are different things, but we didn’t invent them, in my opinion or. yes, that’s why russia has always chosen peaceful paths the settlement of this conflict, and these are not just words, but is confirmed by russia’s persistent position on resolving this conflict through the minsk agreements, the istanbul agreements, the visit of prime minister moni, in this visit in the negotiations it was again heard from putin’s words that we are...
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we are now witnessing the brain death of nato. a person who knows this nato structure, the fact that macron, 2019, this is still under trump, imagine, under trump, this is still some kind of semi, and today, under biden, this is, of course, complete insanity, this is all, this it’s not clear what, but it was he who made the diagnosis,
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has there been any improvement, no, today everyone is speaking out, war, war, war, so send your soldiers, why are you sending ukrainians, why are they dying? for the fact that, let’s say, the war in ukraine will be fought to the death, or the last attack will be launched, yes, this is part of president biden’s election program, so why do the ukrainians need this, i am addressing the ukrainians, zelensky understands, this is part of his security, his family, but this has nothing to do with the ukrainians, so to speak, now there are weapons, but ukraine does not need air defense, ukraine needs peace. this is already clear, i talk to many people, they say, in the sociology column, where i support the president or not, you can safely write, my friend, i hate the column, i just hate it, it’s such an overwhelming emotion, because every day problems that are associated with reluctance to negotiate
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peace. now i absolutely support your judgment that the most optimal option for a diplomatic settlement for ukraine... this is capitulation, i want ukrainians have heard why it benefits them, this is not a capitulation of ukrainians, this is a capitulation of this regime, as a result, if this is a capitulation, there will be no conscription, no one will catch people on the streets, cordons will be open freely, someone wants to go abroad to europe, someone in belarus, someone in russia, someone locally, please, there will be no these murders, there will be no these alarms. in the end, there will be forces that will have to do serious preparations for winter. i say this as the mayor of cherkassy, ​​who 8 years old knows what it is. winter in an unprepared city, serious preparation, this is water, sewerage, these are elevators, this is electricity supply and so on,
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there is no time, but zelensky is not doing this, he understands that firstly everything is fine with him today, then maybe in warm regions, but why does he need ukraine, he doesn’t see himself and his family in this city of kiev and so on, that’s why there will ultimately be an investigation into all crimes, including butch and...
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well, direct, create intolerable conditions, and the other thing is about the creation, so for the ukrainian legion, the ukrainian legion, remember, we talked to you about the lithuanian-polish-ukrainian brigade, but there is triple subordination, this is a peacekeeping conchiity, and what is the ukrainian region, these are former citizens of ukraine, citizens ukraine will arm poland, with which the polish ministry of defense will enter into a contract. and so on, and why is it needed, and to enter western ukraine, the ukrainians will enter five regions, in connection with this,
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sikorsky’s statement sounds logical, right, yes sekorsky, minister of foreign affairs, who say: poland has the right to shoot down russian missiles in ukrainian airspace, this means that they are preparing to enter the territory of ukraine, which they warned about. russian foreign intelligence service, so ukrainians should not participate in this content, leave as much as possible, resist and be alive and well, advertising. great guy, gotta go! on friday, you
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thought well, you don’t have a job, you don’t have a place to live, you don’t have anything. dmitry, natalya, is this what you need? nurse, i am completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he will only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, to real love. just one kiss, who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well, this is a completely different matter, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, she has a wedding in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do to do, i need a bride with accommodation, on friday on rtr, half giving birth, walls shaking, they came. big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different functional zones from this room absolutely without any glamor, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans for in my eyes they turn into projects, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, the paintings of our heroes will soon bloom real stone flowers, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr.
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secondly, we must clearly understand that there is some talk about peace, people began to worry, they say that it is true, peace negotiations, what nato is now saying, it is obvious that there is no talk of any peace, thirdly , no one needs peace, it is clear that nato has sentenced ukraine to complete destruction, it is clear that zelensky agrees with this, he is a systemic enemy, he should not be underestimated.
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slightly different numbers, we spoke in order to successfully resist ukraine the aerospace forces of the russian federation need at least 200 fighters in the airspace, but the fact is that in the end it’s not just fighters who fight, it’s the pilots who fight, specific people who are united in a squadron into regiments in an air division, in in the end, 200 can even be called an air army, that is, they fight all the time. not just any individual machines, after all, but let’s say, structural units, organisms, while such ones have not been created in ukraine, are not coordinated, will they appear, but again, underestimate nothing is possible, but not yet at this stage, but not only fighters are needed, because after all, the air force in ukraine is simply called the air force, it is a rather complex organism, we also said that they need airplanes, radio
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electronic struggle. they started talking about the supply of various types of anti-aircraft missile systems to the armed forces of ukraine, promises a lot, yes, what does this seem to be connected with, well, of course, all issues of supply of certain types of weapons are a priority for ukraine, but on for some reason, the first place was put forward by anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes, the fact is that, well, in my opinion, if they start transferring f-16s in certain
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quantities, well, let’s say, for the same... because it is necessary will constantly maneuver aircraft in order to periodically remove them from the attack of the russian aerospace forces and the navy, just imagine that every airfield and permanently based operational dispersed one must be reliably covered with air defense means, otherwise these aircraft... can easily be destroyed on the ground, then there will be losses not so much of military equipment, but great reputational losses for the united states, as the manufacturers of these aircraft, that is, of course, so the first priority is to cover at least the permanently based airfields on which f-16s are deployed and reliably covered, and what does it mean to reliably cover at least one airfield, these are two or three anti-aircraft missile
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batteries, well, look at the attack on kiev that took place. in odessa, in nikolaev, who is nearby ilyachovsk, and something like that name, you can see that we just destroyed the anti-missile systems that were transferred before, that is , otherwise kiev would not now be subjected to such an attack with such a result, when six in a row arrive at the arsenal, but they themselves evaluate, themselves assess the actions of their air defense forces and means as completely unsatisfactory, but how many patriots have already been transferred to them? well, no less than five already, no less than five, since the beginning of the conflict, probably i think more, i said no less than five, because that’s the first thing the figure is correct, secondly, it means that here we still need to figure out who is what, how and what to count, this is the first point, but still this is not only not enough, but also not enough,
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because there are also the actions of the missile forces, technical troops, they are... coordinated actions by the force of relson reconnaissance and anti-missile troops , managing management efforts at all levels, apparently they still have problems with this, because like this, to fire six missiles one after another at the most important facility within capital of ukraine, and almost all air defense posted, everything that was practically received and placed under the cover of kiev, this is of course an indicator of a certain kind of inefficiency, but... on the other hand, again, everything is given, given, given, in this regard i always have the question arises: who will pay, because this figure is still completely unreliable, the european taxpayer, actually ukraine, here is
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ukraine, for the united states, nato member states, the european union, after all, this is some kind of some kind of milking machine, which is intended only to suck out material money. resources, weapons, military equipment, without any visible result, this is how things are for now, but at the same time, the very important circumstance you said is that you cannot underestimate the enemy, so here is the emphasis on air defense forces that was voiced in nato , this is , first of all, of course, the desire to cover up the deployment of the air component of the armed forces of the russian federation, oh, the armed forces of ukraine, i beg your pardon, it was said. after all, big ones are associated with this hope, because after all, russian aviation not only dominates the air, but also provides powerful air support to the advancing units and formations of the armed
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forces of the russian federation, and somehow the desire to level out these capabilities of our army is in the first place in this regard place, but to what extent this will work out, well , for now, all the hopes that were pinned on western... weapons, well, frankly, let ’s just say, they didn’t really come true, and the abrams m1 tank seemed like a weapon of victory, and the leopart 2a6 affected by weapons victory, well, somehow it hasn’t worked out yet, so again, again , there is no doubt that the military-political leadership is still preparing, preparing for the deployment of the aviation component as part of the armed forces of ukraine and is taking all the necessary actions for in order for this deployment to end, well , to put it mildly, with nothing 128 - this means pilots are needed in quantity plus technical operational where to get them, i think this is precisely why the idea of ​​the ukrainian polish legion
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is because in this way they will be able to hire rabble from all over the world, supposedly start it through the ukrainian legion so that they would fly as ready pilots or techies would work on the ground, i think this is more realistic than for the water of troops on... western ukraine, because they don’t need western ukraine, these are not poles they decide, for them this is a side effect, for them the main thing is the war with russia, this is the role they play, it is not the poles who play the decisive role in this war, the americans will say they will jump, the americans don’t care whose lion is, for the americans it is important whose kharkov is, for the americans it is important whose crimea is theirs these polish wishlists, they saw them in their graves, their contempt for the poles is always. it was obvious that no matter what they came up with, no matter what they said, so let’s not exaggerate here, the enemy of nato will put on himself a variety of clothes, a variety of different ones,
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this, with all the great respect for you, well, you just have to come to terms with it, ukraine no one needs it back, that is, they don’t think like that at all, for america there is no europe at all, for them all this should burn.
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draft dodgers, lvov, ivanofrankivsk, ternopil, these are not the largest regions, i want you to say, not the largest, but there are the most draft dodgers there, you know, what i’m getting at is that the drivers of all the events that happened in ukraine, starting with the maidan, were these people, these regions, which at the moment, when this war is already in full swing, they all want to quietly leave for europe and perform. this is so that there is
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victory, there is victory, but this victory must be brought by this guy, this guy who lives in kharkov, in odessa, you think by chance, here are all these videos that appear in odessa, there are so many of them, there are so a lot, not because someone sitting in odessa deliberately spanks them, but because the situation there is like this, there are much more precedents, illegal actions tsk, they are consciously, absolutely consciously attacking the russian.
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of all countries, almost without exception , which, what is this macron there, what troops, that is, they have absolutely clearly demonstrated their unwillingness to fight with russia, one, two, the lack of any unity on the ukrainian issue, two, and to this day there is no such unity, it no, it doesn’t exist, consensus on nato is possible, they are sitting now, racking their brains, and what kind of wording can they come up with in order to... write in the irreversibility of joining nato or there is some other person sitting here, this whole bunch of people who are wondering how to write this down so that , well, it sounds beautiful, but so that we don’t need to, uh, let’s say, intervene in this conflict, now they’ll come up with something to write there: the irreversibility of ukraine’s concession to nato, again to say about...


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