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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

9:05 pm
of all, almost without exception, countries that for not not, what is this macron there, what kind of troops, we, that is, they have absolutely clearly demonstrated their unwillingness to fight with russia, one, two, the lack of any unity on the ukrainian issue, two, and to this day this unity doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist, consensus on nato is possible, they’re sitting now, racking their brains, but what kind of wording can they come up with so that it’s... such as to include the irreversibility of joining nato, or is there someone else sitting there? this one here a whole bunch of people who are wondering how to write this down so that it sounds beautiful, but so that we don’t have to, well, let’s say, interfere in this conflict, now they’ll come up with what they’ll write there, irreversibility with ukraine’s concession to nato, they will again say about open doors, but there will be no nato, just like with victory.
9:06 pm
here biden is speaking, i’m reading biden’s statement, yes, ukraine, with the help of nato, can achieve victory, it will do it, it sounds beautiful, yes, and the most important thing is that it’s true, and you know why this is true, because in any form, no matter how the conflict ends, the americans can always say that ukraine won, i have already said a thousand times, when the demarcation line ends , it will run along bandera street in lviv, the americans will say, well, so putin wanted to take over all of ukraine, and we had a whole street...
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he said that he was not at the front, because he was the father of three minor children, on this basis he fled from ukraine, i just want to say that he sent all these people to a very bad word children for what they think his banderist, they live with their mother, as they call the putinist snezhana egorova, in political asylum in turkey, she forbids them to meet with him, that is, he sent them publicly, but now you see, the name is being covered up, i am the father of these. children, so i don’t have
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to fight, just a very important detail, okay, let’s go to a conference a month ago,, respected pyotr tolstoy was present there, he answered some questions, one question that came to him was, and how do western european countries view us? he said, well on us they look like such a crazy eastern european country. dear mr. tostoy, no, you are wrong. and this is where the problem begins. they don’t look at us like some kind of eastern european people, they look at us like mongoloids, who on one hand, on one hand, have a huge amount of resources that the civilized world wants, on the other hand, people, these mangoloids, who are now coming, will burn all the children these civilized people, the problem is ours: we want peace, we love peace, we love justice, we love our children, and we these values we shift it to our opponents.
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the population that they don’t need, the agricultural industry doesn’t need a particularly large population, you can always have arabs or some africans there who will replace the local population that won’t feel any roots. and now i’ll tell you a little secret, when we look and they tell you how many russian tanks were destroyed, how many russian soldiers were destroyed, how is it all considered, in nato, well, in the american army, minimally, for the military reconnaissance, there are such tables developed since the korean war, so if we shoot approximately so many, so many shells of this caliber, we look, yeah, approximately so many should have been destroyed. so much infantry, so much artillery, and according to these tables they have been giving out these figures for 2 and a half years, they are giving out these figures to their journalists, who then come out, and there the figures come out that there are 5-600 russian tanks destroyed, there are 10,000 - i scold cars and so on, everything goes according to
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tables, because the bureaucracy is total, again the mentality is like this, they come up with fairy tales for themselves and work according to these fairy tales, according to these tables, and then they tell the whole world how russia is about...
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because we are moving softly, because we value peace and do not want to destroy the population, this in the west it is read the other way around, suckers who can be taken, slavs who can be beaten, and we are quickly going to this world war, because the enemy does not understand this, when we finally slap him on the head, this is what we must do, he will not i just didn’t...
9:13 pm
i asked it many times, that’s a victory for both for one and for another country - it is that if this is not formulated, then there will be very vague ideas. our supreme commander formulated a number of fundamental points that we must fulfill, by the way, the city of lviv is not
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listed there, access to our constitutional borders is listed there, and then the neutral status of ukraine on the list, well, it’s very clearly specific, but the second question, and for what is it about them? they said, preservation of the capital, access to the sea, for them, what is it? nato has never formulated what it means for nato victory, defeat russia , nothing was said except for the slogan, no one broke it down point by point, it was not formulated anywhere. and if something is not formulated, then how can you go there, i don’t know where, or you ended up, you ended up, where you ended up, where you shot, you ended up there, so you ended up somewhere, where you fell, you ended up there, that is, the same thing this is from the evil one, so
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we need to look carefully here, until what we see is that this war will last for a long, very long time, they are preparing for it very systematically, very seriously, nothing will be decided quickly. will not give, they won’t let this question be resolved very quickly, there is, of course, the option that the ukrainians will rebel, but as palych explained to me more than once, who could or could not... place on the territory of poland who will cover what? a narrow strip
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of land 5-7 km wide is a state game, to say that we will now make an unmanned zone, than they will do it, just in time for this, the americans are now producing 600 patriot missiles a year, they are going to increase production by 10%, 660 more will be needed , taiwan will need more, ukraine, well, i’ll literally tell you briefly why, no, no, no need to be brief, just thank you for understanding
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how hard it is for you, zelensky said that he called for putin to be killed, why did he do it, why zelensky, well, the fact that he is illegal, then , that the fact that it is, as you say, overdue, but the person is promoting further, why, why, it seems to me that he urgently needs to interrupt the topic, one topic that he started the day before yesterday, promoted it, it was even discussed. un security council, and this topic is called akhmat det. according to official information, i am reading it out. come on, come on. in as a result of the shelling on july 8 in kiev, 34 people were killed, five of whom were children. in particular, two people died in the akhmated hospital. there are four people in a residential building on vladimir sadsky street, five of them are children. there cannot be four people in a business center. of these, five cannot be children. maybe why can't it here? in a private clinic? adonis killed nine people, two people died near the lukyanovskoe metro station,
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a total of 121 victims, including 10 children. i certainly speak for myself that i sympathize with all families and loved ones who are innocent i express my condolences, and i would like to wish the victims a speedy recovery. but now there are two details behind these numbers. the first detail is a private clinic, a private clinic, nine people died, including employees. yes, it didn’t take off, because it’s unclear what kind of rocket, such a rocket, how many patients
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akhmat has, no, i’m not, no, there are two centers, there’s one new center and so on, well, let’s say, there are several hundred employees there, and there are patients well, there was much more, but that means there was no blow in this hospital, there was an attack nearby and even the pictures that i saw, well, if two people died, if it arrived. because fragments of a ukrainian missile fell there, you understand, that is, if, if you
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want to objectively say that such a shelling happened like that, then tell us, conduct an investigation of each object, why don’t you say that four missiles actually fell on the artyom plant , and some say five, and directly, the artyom plant is a military industry, this is military production, in ukraine there are many they are talking about moving production outside the territory of at least kiev.


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