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tv   Limitchitsi  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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china is ready to go, by the way, what the united states is doing now, even with nato, tomorrow they will discuss china, we are not the main ones, that’s when nato, in the concept of the twenty-second year , had the concept that china - a systemic threat, this is what should stress the chinese, and no, the americans believe that they don’t have time, there is halfway until all these strategic plans are completed...
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naive person, it will take decades for any kind of relationship, i mean not some kind of strategic partnership, so that at least economic relations are restored. the united states is great, but under biden, even with the kind of leadership that trump and biden had, these are not the strongest administrations. nevertheless, they managed to catch up with their supporters, bend them so much that they broke off beneficial relationships for themselves and shot themselves in the foot. whoever is with erdogan and sure, they will break him down, a more or less sane team will come, some kind, they will break him, so you ask there, it’s funny kamala kamala, who is not, who nominated her, she 4 years vice president, it is clear that for a president who, even if he is elected, will still be over 82, number two is still important to him, every day, every minute, every second. for the american elite, well
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, let’s say, that department of state, yes there and for the trilateral commission, if we talk specifically, yes, it’s important, the person who has nothing underneath him, who is easily controlled, is not even biden, biden has a family there , connections and the like, kamala is empty...
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absolutely not, the point is that they, his team, the trump campaign has already launched a campaign against kamala, so they waged against biden, they started a campaign against kamala, because it is very easy, how to remove biden if he does not resign, the twenty-fifth amendment can be initiated by the vice president, and some- somehow pete buttigieg, god forgive me, the minister of transport, will support her, that’s all, that’s...
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that there were two mistakes in total, so by and large, well, god bless her with stolton’s wife, he ’s leaving anyway, the only thing i regret is that on ryuts take his place, that would be would have hit the bottom, completely, however, now biden has several such reference points, on the fifteenth he will need to make a speech somewhere, because the congress will begin as...
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in the states, some are coming, saying, yes, here i am i support, but some people distance themselves altogether, they don’t even remember, we have local problems in the state or in our home district, they don’t collect garbage there. biden yes, i don’t even know who he is, i’m a small person for my district, that ’s why they now need to keep at least one from the branches of power, then trump, even if he wins, he will still control, he will still immediately be impeached, but you and i can argue in the spring of 1925 after his victory, or in the summer, or closer to the fall, here we can talk about the timing, but there will be impeachment, further, i spoke about biden yesterday, about trump yesterday i spoke about relations. to nato, well, this is the attitude towards ukraine, that and that topic that was discussed at the summit today, and trump is also generally not very important for us here. trump really never didn’t say, didn’t clearly define his attitude towards the ukrainian conflict, not even once, so they asked him, on the twenty-first, he
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was asked about how he felt about this war, he said that it should not have started, because if he was , then it wouldn’t have started, she said.
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half of american society will not accept, that is, he will bring discord within american society, that’s when general tach spoke about fighting with us there, something else, the americans believe that during the transition to power. they calmly say: putin is 6 years, then a new transition will begin, they always count on the fact that we don’t have them inside us, something will go wrong someday, i also spoke about this, absolutely so, and nuclear war is here for them, for their elite, which
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itself will be attacked, why would they be able to fight with china, they are ready to fight with china, as i mean, you are finally starting to think.
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the chinese then bought into any kind of thing, look at the level of mutual investment, that’s why we were talking about chemiriki, because it really was phenomenal interpenetration, look how many chinese students were studying in the united states at that moment, the chinese believe that
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they are just buying america, that they will devour it from the inside, if we look at how many programs the chinese have to work with their fellow countrymen, so to speak, or with the chinese. diaspora from abroad, i’m not an expert on china, but i’ve never heard such a formulation that china eats from within buys, that’s what they once thought, that’s what the japanese once thought, until they got it very harshly. americans on the head, from the chinese, i just i don’t know, i’m not an expert, you need to ask the experts, i haven’t heard such a formulation from the chinese species, but i may not know, i’m just not an expert on china, so i can’t say that here, but in any case, take it that way, not i’ll know, i don’t know the yarofs either, which means that this is how the americans perceive it, well then what did the chinese buy, did the chinese buy when they had gas fields in alaska, everything else, is it chinese? trump will show them no, but trump insisted on this very thing, the investments could be
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any, but they didn’t buy anything, he announced trade war, of course, of course, they got power, it seemed to them that they were helping everyone there, they got anti-chinese power, they got trump, who talks about biden as a manjurian candidate and calls covid tea there kunfuvirus which is ready, clearly through the decision of the courts to demand more compensation from the chinese for losses. you absolutely only confirm one thing, that the americans consider china to be china’s systemic enemy, this is not the same thing, i’m just talking about something else, that china is just now, well that is, during tozenpin i began to see clearly that something was going wrong, which is why i think that it is quite possible that a military-political alliance will emerge, but now we have, excuse me, two other candidates with much closer accessions into this military-political union in the general army. these are north korea and iran, these two countries are directly feeling the colossal consequences of korea, as i
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already said, we are now practically very close to a military alliance, as for iran after the elections, how will they behave in the new leadership, i’m not an ironist, but judging by the statements, they immediately confirmed the relationship, i want to note that in terms of the pace of development of the military-nuclear program, china today without...
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goodbye, i’ll be waiting for you at 9 pm in an ice cream cafe on arbat, we look at rtr, there are two corpses, we leave, i have a date, what happened? artist, tomorrow on rtr. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. anyone means there is a reverse side with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to?
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there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. great guy, he should go. on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no home, nothing. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse. i am completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit me? to my father, he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you
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meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, to real love, just one kiss, well, who taught you to kiss like that, let’s kiss for real , well, that’s a completely different matter, natosha, i love you, find yourself another fool, her wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do, you need a bride to live with. on friday at prt. can i ask a question, sorry, i’ll pass the floor, but i’m interested in shooting, so 9 by 19 has disappeared somewhere in the country, there’s no gunpowder, oh well, i’ve always made 9:19, they make gunpowder in kazan, yeah, but you can find out where it is, where did it go,
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can this issue be resolved, there is a war going on, we are fighting, right? everything was, by the way, there was a traditional method from hemp, and flax, yes, and flax, yes, well, we don’t have flax, but hemp, as much as you want, that is linda is not so much, but there is a lot of hemp, but this is so, besides, you need to keep track of it all the time, you need to keep your finger on the pulse constantly, but i am sure that denis valentinovich mantura will brilliantly deal with this problem, but i’m just wondering what’s happening with people whom the country has entrusted to manage these
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factories, why should it be allowed to reach such a state that panic begins in the community? and let’s just say that between the defense departments there is a corresponding plan for the use of tactical nuclear weapons of the russian federation, which are located on the territory republic of belarus, moreover, i would say that we are currently experiencing an unprecedented, unprecedentedly pleasant period of bilateral relations, that is, there are no unsolvable
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problems, there are some unresolved aspects, but there are no unsolvable problems, but... despite everything successes in politics, economics, our coordination in the international arena, in the information space, it is the military sphere that seems to me to be the most developed, there is generally complete mutual understanding, this is the sphere of military-technical cooperation, in my opinion the view needs some optimization, presidents give appropriate instructions, even when sergei kuzhugetovich shaigu was minister of defense, also, let’s say, complete mutual understanding was now at... at the upper level of mutual understanding there is, when we come to the stage of implementing practical projects, they begin various bureaucratic delays, i won’t say who is to blame for them, tango is a dance that two people dance, but at the same time, at the level of the performers, there is a feeling that we are not in a military situation, but still we consider our interaction as competition between economic entities, here is
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the technical documentation, we have to wait, we can’t open it, and so on, well, that’s okay. assessment - of our relations in the field of security, in general, what i want to say, in my opinion, is that soldiers and officers of the red army of our allies in the anti-hitler coalition were wandering on the elbe, and the political elite of the western countries, this is confirmed by historical documents, was planning a military campaign against the soviet union. and it's no secret to anyone, which saved us from an american nuclear attack.
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the possibility of creating an atomic bomb, nato was not created, and even earlier, if my memory serves me correctly, a center for russian studies was created at harvard university and the so-called harvard project was launched, this is a large-scale political-sociological study to study and identify the vulnerability of the soviet union. hundreds of books, scientific papers, publications have been written on its basis, and dozens of anti-soviet organizations have operated.
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on the territory of ukraine with the people who are our half-brothers, as if someone didn't relate to this. in my opinion, of course, a simplified understanding of the ethnogenesis of ukrainians is that this statehood, this nation was created by lenin and stalin, i think that this is not so, but nevertheless the lenin-stalin national policy allowed us to use the demographic and other resources of ukraine in interests of the soviet state to achieve victory. now the situation is somewhat different, so this is the strategy that is aimed at destroying our state, why ours, because we
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are talking about belarus and russia as a union state, we are fully experiencing the consequences of this policy, it is necessary to present our own strategy, just as deep, and not a strategy of defense, colleagues, the defender will always lose, but a strategy of victory. there was a new generation of politicians, let’s not look at biden’s age, i am firmly convinced that he determines little in the practice of making managerial decisions in the united states,
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here are all sorts of reckless elites, they are ready to set fire to this fetus again, here is the topic of delivering a preventive nuclear strike on russia and its allies are not removed from the agenda, you can read a sufficient amount of open information on this subject, well, in conclusion, i would like to note that... in our country today is a significant date : july 10, 1994, the coming to power as a result of the second round of presidential elections alexander grigorevich lukashenko came to the elections with the support of about 80% of voters. this was our response, including to this harvard project. the president made many strategic decisions, but one of the most important in the field of foreign policy is the union with the russian federation. this issue was put to a referendum and the people supported it. point of view of the head of state, since then we have been consistently implementing this course, despite all the rough edges in our relations, despite the fact that
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our country has experienced lukashenko repeatedly, seven times, seven attempts at color revolutions, our western opponents tried to overthrow them with the help of a fifth column inside belarus, with the help of the fifth column inside russia, i recently once again reviewed the chronicle of the nineties , there were significant debates of our president with anatoly borisovich chubais, which chubais demanded. give up state property, conclude a compromise with the pro-western opposition, finally turn towards the civilized world, follow the path followed by the entire planet with the exception of cuba and north korea, which we see now, we are in the same camp: lukashenko, belarus, putin, russian federation , cuba, north korea and many other states of the global majority, that’s why let’s think together about a victory strategy, including in the context of what you said, military construction, military-technical cooperation, security issues are now a priority, by the way, i wonder where chubais is, he once signed his article as an economist from glasgow, but he is somewhere in britain, where he is now in israel, he
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supports the national party, but he should sit down on the path, it would be necessary, of course, yes, this is not our question, this is a question for the fso, why the fso, maybe after all the fsb, fsb, fso, no, well, the fso guards, that’s how... it does, yes, please, chubais seems to be in oblivion, and as volend said, let's drink into oblivion, of course i was very pleased with the article by felkischer belbochter, now it is called frankfurt allgamai, zeitung, really the best - the authors of the article simply could not find the best allusions to the thirties, because well, i came up with at least three synonyms for the word. lies in the german language, but for some reason this password sounded absolutely clear and absolutely unambiguous, there are words, well, relatively speaking, political parasites or
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political markers that... in modern germany, despite the eccentricity of schols, despite the political insanity of hadek, despite the teenage stupidity of berbock, they still remain such words that immediately sharply ignite the genetic memory, including ours, regarding the fuhrer or the reality show of the santa biden website, you can call it that, look, the first secretary general of nato, lord izmaya, is credited with the phrase, the main task of nato is to keep the americans inside europe, keep the germans under their boots and keep the russians outside. now, in fact, this task is being completed 100%, at least 20%. germany, as never before, is under the boot; industry is gradually flowing to the united states. investments are flowing to the united states. even my favorite pet, ursla fondeen, admitted that in 2023, almost 420
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billion euros of investments were pumped out of the european union, in my opinion. but nevertheless, the money has gone, and not only from europe, to a safe haven, respectively 6.5% minus industrial production, only in germany a year, in belgium -12, in ireland -36, respectively, europe becomes if previously, she was, well, such a strong, powerful, industrially pumped-up vassal who always expressed his loyalty, as was the case, for example, in the balkans, starting in the nineties, but now she is already such a lame horse that... they took with her , so that, well, if they suddenly get hungry on the way, it wouldn’t be a shame to kill them. uh, what is nato? here, in various articles on this matter, jaksalivan noted an article in which he says that our nato allies will produce 650 f-35 fighter jets, well, except in the territory the united states does not produce them, there are so many thousands of tanks, armored personnel carrier guns, but in fact, this is a landmark article that is awaited... by all
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the defense enterprises of nato countries, because to build new factories of talla, mcdonald douglas, others, without a guaranteed loading plan production capacity, there will be no businessman, this is a declaration, we need so many thousands of planes, tanks and this, this, this, this, this is a signal to actually launch conveyors, so the current nato summit is not just anniversary or stoltenberg crying with happiness, well... work hard, you fool, you will get a badge, grandfather biden told him, in fact, this is really a sign for, first of all , the military-industrial complex and a sign for translation into a real military reality, that is, not only the supply of equipment there is a sample from the eighties, early nineties , from the time of the war in yugoslavia and the first iraqi war, this is what is exhibited in the park in victory park, if you look closely at the modifications, this is the very first modification of abrams, the old modification of bradley, this is for god’s sake, what do i not
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better, although this technique is still quite good in principle. to ourselves, therefore - the nato bloc, yes, for a long time we laughed at it so much that it was an extremely amorphous structure with an extremely low level of combat effectiveness, but when they participated somewhere in iraq in afghanistan, yes, it was possible to laugh, but now we see that the enemy is consolidating and is ready for the most vile terrorist war, they clearly demonstrated this in the balkans, they recalled what happened in ninety -four, in ninety-four also american... pmcs, dressed in the uniform of the republika srpska army, carried out executions of bosnian villages there, then , dressed in the uniform of the army of bosnia and herzegovina, launched an attack on serbian villages, and then western journalists who rode in the convoy of these same chevykashniks and so on so-called armed peacekeepers, quickly wrote heartbreaking stories of how bosnian serbs eat, so to speak, bosnian children, respectively, when radka karaj - radka mladic, i beg your pardon,
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carried out. in the arms of a muslim child from some village in bosnia and herzegovina, this was not shown anywhere, and the so-called genocide in srebrenica, although there were some, it was more of a case that these were killed militants , muslims of the croatian federation, they were then dressed in the clothes of civilians, well, as in buche absolutely one on one, and they declared it genocide, now, as part of the actual pressure on the serbian republic on serbia, accordingly, the bosses announced that criminal liability for...
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realizing that, of course, you can laugh at the self-propelled grandfather, but this is santa biden, relatively speaking, is one thing, for salevan’s declarations regarding directly far-reaching plans to load, as... stoltenberg and other, so to speak, leading people, a lot was said about the need for a victory for ukraine, about the need to defeat russia, but at the same time ... what i noticed was that this, so to speak, iconic phrase about the 1991 borders, about the territorial integrity of ukraine was never uttered. in my opinion, this is evidence that the united states and its
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nato allies are, so to speak, trying forward some, so to speak, version of an agreement regarding ukraine with... no way, well, if we now have a second cold war, if there is a second cold war, there will probably be a second détente, this is not, well , based on this logic, there should be a 202 cold war, 202 detente, this is not a cold war, this is the opinion of one
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individual andrei, nothing but an opinion, this is not only the opinion of one individual andriy antolyevich, this is the opinion of very many different people, but you have idols, but you found someone then it opened up.
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something in my opinion will work out, since the situation has completely changed, then during that first cold war there was peace in europe, nothing even close to the current hybrid war or a special military operation or whatever you want to call it, but to the nightmare that what’s going on in ukraine now, it wasn’t close, this so to speak, line of demarcation between east and west - it was, so to speak, the border of peace and friendship, mutual trade, whatever, tourist trips, especially after in the first year, so to speak, no one would have thought of the seventy agreements on west berlin , that someone might suddenly start shooting there. now the situation is completely different. the united states and nato are essentially waging
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a real war of destruction against russia. on this score, so to speak, i think no one has any illusions. and so here are some phrases from this final statement of the north atlantic alliance that the alliance did not present.
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say, any agreements, namely the question of delimiting spheres of influence in europe, on the key issue is not strategic, so the middle east to the far east. now, if , so to speak, the west and the non-west manage to agree on this, then detente number two, in my opinion, is possible, but who needs it will not succeed, no, the question is different, they want detente, they want frosts, and who is interested in detente, well, detente, freezing, these are, in general, different things, who is interested in this, who needs it, well, the war in ukraine will stop, why, well, who?
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for a military victory over russia, now when they really counted, so to speak the situation is developing somewhat differently, what about warsaw? well, why do we need warsaw? no, that’s another question, the west is very happy with everything so far, ukrainians are dying, they believe that any damage they cause to us is a plus for them, they are completely americans, they have degreased europe, they have promoted their military-industrial complex, they have consolidated all their vassals , why do they need to stop the war in ukraine, they just really don’t understand it, they all say: this...
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from the movement of the front towards the dnieper there, then this is this is the scenario that i like, yes, they don’t care at all, but it’s very simple, we can even get to the dnieper, what difference does it make to them, we can even go to the borders, for them it’s still a hollow field of maneuver, they will then say: look how cool it is, we gave up russia, which is 150 million people, the territory in which 20 live, there are 25 million orphans left behind, it all needs to happen now, but i like this scenario, nevertheless.
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i think they took the apples and don’t forget the napkins, marusya loves it when it’s flowery, but she understands everything. mark, yesterday on the window the titmouse sat down, so she followed it with her eyes, well, i swear to you, these birds are lucky, okay, go already, don’t forget the napkins.
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you can steam over a kettle, oh my god, why put the kettle on and wait for it to boil, everyone in our communal apartment did that. vasil, masha, otherwise i still can’t come to an agreement with my conscience, what a fool, petrovich, a letter arrived for you, i thought, suddenly there’s something important from moscow, a woman’s handwriting, yes, yes, it’s from my wife. “thank you, i thank you, i’m saying, suddenly something important,
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god grant that everything is okay, why do you always interfering in other people's affairs, that you don't have any of your own, that i'm just like a nail in the floor, where you don't go, you'll definitely stumble."
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raya, i'm sorry, i don't know why i said all this, but i really need to be alone, sit down as you were, better sit down, got your handbags. “put it on him, in the back, you’d better call 112, you’ll say,
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they ’ve taken hostages.”
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hello, sorry colonel, amon, i called, the guys will be there any minute, colonel, maybe amon, while the premises of the porn station are good or everything where it’s better to storm is better, don’t storm anywhere, you can’t pick out the bars on the windows, the door is armored, there’s a bolt inside and in general, what’s generally good, why is it reported from the hairdresser about the capture of a stronghold, it was raya who called to work first.
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and what kind of felt boots is this? oh, there’s definitely no need for an assault, i know him, it’s uncle mitya, wow! uncle mit, what are you doing, you know me from people like that, you taught me how to make stools at school, when our trudovich girl went on maternity leave,
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we glued both houses for you with the whole class. behind fives, and now what, shoot at me, and don’t make a fuss, well, i have no other choice, there is no heaven, if you don’t lay it out while you have it, give me the gun, i’ll say that nothing happened, okay, well, let’s then let's let the woman go so she doesn't bring you here? i promise, i will help, but you don’t have to speak for women, women will figure it out themselves, what happened, uncle, my daughter was killed, killed, lied to, you don’t love her, you’re studying, i see, van, stay, nina with the child, you know, she’s pregnant, isn’t this yours,
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limit makers, all my life. the mistakes of the past cannot be corrected, and you are not going to get married yet, you are either going to marry, and if you would call, but without the past there is no future, everything is going awry, as it went, so it goes, we are all not sitting where we should, maybe not there , where we want, but where we need it, lenidchitsy, final episodes, tomorrow on... good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program they are performed not only songs, but also wishes, my mother-in-law promised to give me after the wedding, my wife
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he says, you don’t understand, what the hell are you doing? strength, how could you, taxi, taxi, taxi, so strong, oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, turn it on, just wait for me, flowers kept through the rains still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail. with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. it is for you? well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. likhi, it's been a while since we
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've seen each other. we look at the platform, almost 3 years have passed since natasha passed away, natasha was everything great life, i asked god, please don’t take it, let her stay, something wrong is happening here, this can’t be, yaroslav sumeshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning,
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my brother, natashim, came up to me. forever there is a choice, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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what did you do, oh, fool, i heard that marusya got caught? how is this forever, who knows, we take pills, we do gymnastics, we go to the hospital as expected, we go to bed, the doctors say, say thank you for collecting everything, a year has already passed, a year has passed, and what are mitya doing, i’m for ruzhika was seized, yesterday there was a trial, they said
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that marusya herself was to blame for everything, well , maybe, after all, no, i won’t say anything, it’s useless, he’s stubborn, if he’s gotten something into his head, well sorry, vityushka. and collided, lop-lop, it’s a remote place that she went there to visit a friend at her dacha , here’s the village, here’s the road, where she and the mercedes celebrated her diploma.
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but a gun will help you in some way, only a gun will help, i want everyone to start telling the truth, come on, fold it, like a plane, fold it, fold it, that’s how i thank you.
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there’s only one picture left of her, but i’ll go to jail for the truth, nothing. there’s only... last names and phone numbers, well, call, deliver if possible, yeah, i’m in the department for a meeting, don’t let him shoot, it’s an uncle, you won’t believe it, petrov, every prisoner in
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the zone is someone’s uncle , okay, sir, sloviya. oh, no, i ’ll never drive a car, i took courses for 2 days, lost 3 kilos, blocked the road for the minibus, and drove home with it. the protocol says that your daughter drove into the oncoming lane, they lie, they lie, i myself
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taught to drive, for 5 years not a single scratch, not a single fine, there are independent factors, rain, uneven surfaces, no, there, of course, i’m not arguing, there are a couple of wines for... it’s all clear, what kind of person doesn’t care for his blood believes, that’s how people write protocols too, well, comrade inspector, you’re a real man, someone else might have to be persuaded , clearly, well, this is for the sake of order, just in case, whatever happens, but you’re not dreev, he... with with a gun it won’t
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come closer than 3 m to the knuckle, yes, yeah, there’s someone watching inside the person with whom i will talk, well, with whom, with the one with the gun, that's it, come on, let's go, let's go, go, forward, forward, come on, come on, come on, 5.4, wave, 5:4 we we arrived at the place about 10 minutes later, and soon a little later, the girl’s nissan was slammed into a tree, at first we thought that she was done, the driver of the mercedes was conscious, but in shock, did you think that my morusya was to blame, according to the traces, before turning the girl's car jumped into the oncoming traffic, just jumped out, well, i thought that she was overexcited and could not cope with management? well, in general, about 40 minutes later
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, the victim’s friend arrived there and said that it was as if she was leaving her in hysterics. contacted your girlfriend? yes. it will be soon, yes, but there is a problem, in addition to the fact that he’s sitting in the police station with a gun, his girlfriend is pregnant for the last months, snowflake, but i didn’t know, you should at least come in, visit, i’ll come in, uncle, there’s no time at all , giving birth in a week, oh, so did you get married, well, yes, well, we did... and we invited relatives,
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and vadik, marusin comes to see me, so he helps little by little, i know, snezhanna, you they said that that day marusya left you upset, oh, yes, i don’t remember much, well, yes, it seemed like something like that, but what happened, well, there were all sorts of problems, by the way, by the way, i’m sitting here under with a barrel and waiting for you to connect...
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with her vadik, but if between us, then things haven’t been going well for a long time, and then masha freaked out and jumped into the car, so how did they date from the first year, well, oh, yes, this is childish everything was, in the end it’s some kind of constant, we got married, oh, you’re a cobra, spectacled, wow, what a bastard, and even better... girlfriend, i would comb her hair, vadik is a creepy little bastard, come on, this is uncle mitya, he wouldn’t hurt a fly, remember how some visiting drunkard wanted to take away uncle mitya’s wallet?
11:27 pm
uncle mit broke his collarbone then, and he was either a stray drunk or our paradise, he wouldn’t lay a finger on her, well, i don’t know, when she persuaded the boys to turn a rail on a lathe, and then she tore the machine apart, and, by the way, then the uncle dragged rai by the ear all the way to the police along the street, and why twist your ears, it’s not like pouring water from a gun, yes, but...” and not he’s probably shooting, he probably went hunting for hares in the winter, then he definitely shot, well, why are you croaking, laris, what did you gnaw at me? but because you don’t need to scare me, i have nerves, that’s it, that’s it, go home, i’ll finish your hair tomorrow, no, heaven will finish your hair tomorrow, because nothing will happen to her, it’s clear, everything, everything, everything, everything,
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everything, that's it, that's it, we need to calm down, that's it, where is the first aid kit, now. to the left, don’t go to lenin, no, don’t, uncle, uncle mitya, because, listen, i myself have two daughters, i would tear anyone for them, but you yourself understand, anything can happen, come out, don’t let them shoot,
11:29 pm
so, do you also think that it’s her fault, purely formally, dude, purely formally, but what is this? dad, hi, why aren't you picking up the phone? in short, call me back, i decided to come back today, and it seems i forgot the keys, and the boiler, where did you get this from, she left me a message on the answering machine, dad, hello, why aren’t you picking up the phone, in short, call me back, i decided to come back today, and it seems she forgot her keys, and the asshole, well, understand, finally, she has never said a rude word to anyone in her life, she would have called this driver an asshole, especially it’s her own fault, well, the girl was scared, so there was something, and so you think that this is the other car that went to the meeting, it turns out that the start time of the end of the voice
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message was recorded by the cellular company, why didn’t they add a recording to the case, they said we can’t compare the voice with the original, maros is silent? that’s what people have with a conscience, but everything was clear from the very beginning, this asshole was driving a company mercedes, well, they brought him, it’s me, go home, you have nothing to do here, you should have let them in, okay, you go out yourself, that’s it the conversation is over, dear, if you go to jail or else. god forbid, it’s worse, well, well, i can’t raise it alone, marusya, well, at least you tried, aunt natya,
11:31 pm
no matter how much i make it worse, it seems to me that mitya just got angry, well, anyway, thank you, that’s it, move on.. .


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