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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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trying to break it because, as we thought, it was an obstacle to strengthening our monopoly dominance in the world. nothing worked out for us, yes, russia is now drawn into a war, but this was not an end in itself, the destruction of russia was an end in itself, which means that russia was not defeated at the front, no international isolation occurred, the russian economy is unlike our... economies it’s only getting stronger, but we don’t have any way out, no plan b, no strategy on how to get out of this situation, we couldn’t come up with anything like that, so we we will pull the bagpipes, ride along these rails, realizing that ukraine is increasingly weakening, we will give it more and more heavy weapons, balancing on the brink of nuclear war in order to stretch out this bagpipes as...
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a story with the fact that is taking place at the nato summit, it somehow got confused by the fact that yesterday i spent 2 hours listening to the security council of the united nations, which was convened on the initiative of ukraine, ukraine, however, could not competently formalize its initiative, it was eventually yes they did the united states of america, ukraine couldn’t do without its mommy here either, so the summit was held, i beg your pardon, the security council of the united nations. and despite
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what vasily nebenden demonstrated, he showed the quar code, i immediately followed it, it is clearly visible that this is a ukrainian air defense missile, flying to the hospital, detailed photographs, this missile disassembled in detail, it does not play at all no significance, the representative of ukraine is speaking, well, i won’t say that he behaved like a boorish market trader, this is, as it were, what is called stylistics. this means he presents the following evidence: he shows a map on which, perhaps, he just drew some squiggle with a felt-tip pen, and said: this is the flight path of a russian missile, the first evidence, the second evidence, he shows a photograph of sbu officers scouring the wreckage of a hospital. the third piece of evidence, he shows a photograph of russian missile debris, although just 5 minutes ago before ...
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the security council, as if wound up, they repeat one thing: the russian direct attack on a children’s hospital, relatively speaking, was presented by different parties. evidence, well , at least some kind of investigation, even ukraine did not conduct any investigation, yes, nevertheless, this pattern is simply asked, everyone repeats the same stamp as one, as a result of russia’s unprovoked attack on ukraine in ’22, listen, well, the whole world knows, well, the whole world knows that since 1914 there have been attacks by the ukrainian... regime on donbass, look,
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what you described is still clear, yes, yes, of course, well, i drew everything, i just drew it with a felt-tip pen, now photographs of sbu officers will be presented as proof that a russian missile has arrived, yes, well, that means the whole world knows, it would seem, that this was preceded by 8 years of attack on donbass, that russia recognized the donetsk-lugansk people's republic, and concluded mutual agreements. aid, that this meant that further attacks would force russia to take military action, the whole world knows this, nevertheless, they keep saying the same thing. i asked myself, why is it so rude, why is it so clumsy, why is it impossible to retreat at some points? it is forbidden. they lied to such a state that any retreat will only cause things to get worse. now there are 10 questions. we’ve taken a step,
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there will be 100 questions, why do you support this regime? this means that the next one to retreat here will be the next question: what is the international policy of the west in general, right down to the question. what is the meaning of the existence of western civilization today as such, so you know, it’s like a sweater, there’s a thread sticking out of it, you should pull it out, but if you pull it, the whole sweater will unravel, they cannot get out of this pile of lies that they themselves have created, they are hostages of this lie, this a very dangerous situation, because as i already said, they are traveling along these rails, not knowing which way to turn. as a result, they decide to give additional weapons, allow them to hit targets in russia, bringing a possible peace closer to the dangerous line, so, well, the only thing is that i agree here with sraunovich, the only thing we can oppose to this is our
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consistent will, which will eventually erase all this, well, today we discussed the fact that it has been a long time since we worked out the application of the fifth article, the fifth article is when someone something... someone attacks, this is understandable, russia, everyone answers russia. look. at the summit in washington , nato will demand that all 32 members develop civil defense plans in case article 5 is invoked if the alliance is attacked. it is expected that countries may have to plan for their own security while they wait for nato political leaders to decide whether to invoke the self-defense clause. the move is part of nato's ongoing efforts to prepare for a possible future russian attack. alliance, which, according to members, will likely include long-range missile strikes, disinformation, disruption of ports, attacks on the energy network, for the continuation of its existence, we'll be back in a minute, that's it
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, you don't like her, you're studying, i see, wan , stay, nina, with the child, you know, she’s pregnant, so isn’t this yours, limi? i’ve been afraid of one thing all my life, just don’t be angry, just say that you’ll leave me, the mistakes of the past can’t be corrected, and you’re not going to get married yet, you’re either going to marry, and if you would, but without the past there’s no future, everything goes awry , as it went on, we are all not sitting where we should be, maybe not where we want, but where we need to be, linemen, final episodes. today on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we ’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll
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train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, taking medicine correctly will always support a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes over lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, great guy, you should take him on friday,
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you thought well, you don’t have a job, you don’t have a place to live, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i ’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure i’ll arrange it. on friday at rta. i `m happy like nobody else. if the heart asks for joy. if the soul asks for
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songs, it is definitely impossible.
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i'm going to marry a pilot, what makes you think that he will marry you? fifth blood group from monday on rtr. in prague, a mercenary, a citizen of the czech republic, is being tried right now. philip simona, who you won’t believe, is accused of looting in the city of bucha. i'm screaming you remember, they tried to put it in russian. and now the czech militant himself is describing his joint actions with the battle carpathian sich. as follows: we were the police, we were the court, we were a kind of firing squad, that is, he even. does not hide the fact that he executed a lot of people. his colleagues during the trial
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said that simon often boasted about the trophies he found, money, gold and silver items, which he literally stole from local houses. in addition, the czech mercenary sometimes simply took the night vision device was removed, apparently he went on missions and completed new ones. crimes and robberies, but this trial is rather an exception to the rule; usually , mercenaries from the frosts in the west make real heroes. another example: american goon jericho sky magalan. last september he was liquidated in artyomovsk, only now the militant’s body has been returned to his homeland in california. look. a motorcade carrying the body of former us military police officer jerick sky magalone is moving from the airport in los angeles to the town of ojai.
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accompanied by american army veterans on motorcycles. representatives of the ukrainian community stand along the road. they came to salute an american volunteer who died near bakhmut in the donetsk region. at the coffin, covered with ukrainian and american flags, there is a mother, sister, brother, beloved.
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pois claims that the hungarian politician was forced to count out his trip to moscow and beijing. orban noted in a letter to european leaders that putin. orban is at this moment already in washington for the nato summit in the us capital, he went after
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visits to kiev, moscow and beijing, the hungarian prime minister himself talks about this as a mission: than ever before. it is clear that if we want to end suffering, we need peace, a world of initiative. turkey has already proven during the war that it is an indispensable player in peacekeeping. president erdogan was the only successful statesman who was able to conclude a russian-ukrainian agreement regarding grain supplies in the black sea. i asked the president to support us in our
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peacekeeping mission. positions of the warring parties the parties are still far from each other, but if the friends of the world. "i think that the new leadership will give new chances, that is, do you look at things the same way as donald trump? he is a different kind of person, he trusts and believes more in direct communication and negotiations than ordinary european politicians,
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who are more inclined towards high-level politics leaning towards the rational side, he is a businessman, he is a man who achieved everything himself, he has a different approach to everything, and i believe that this will be useful for world politics. don’t forget that he is a man of the world. that he will become one. he is a man of peace. during the 4 years of his presidential term, he did not start a single war. and he did a lot to establish peace in very difficult, old, conflict-ridden regions of the world. that's why i trust him a lot. the adherents of this past world still sit in brussels, and although it is not my place to interfere in the internal politics of america. let's get back to the peaceful and secure path that made the west great, let's make america great again, let's make europe great again. go donald trump, go ahead, european sovereignty supporters. right now, ukrainian
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out-of-date president zelensky is holding his first meeting with the new british one. prime minister keir starmer, footage on your screens, the acquaintance began with a tight hug. we are transported to london via direct communication from alexander khabarov. sash, hello. so, starmer's first statement. and as for me, it’s immediately a scandal. an immediate statement that london allows stormshadow to be hit on the territory of our country, but politics. how many such missiles does kiev have, what do we know about it? please tell us, as for the storm shadow missiles themselves, their tactical and technical characteristics suggest a range of up to about 550 km, so you can draw what
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is called a line on the map, look at the radius. let's just say, probable shelling, keir starmer's statement was made before the start of the nato summit in washington, obviously, thus the new british leader hastened to establish himself as committed to continuing the line pursued by the previous government, aimed at was aimed primarily at escalating the ukrainian conflict, in fact, according to what the president said. western europe. how these words of kirostarmer will materialize in practice is still unknown. kearstarmer
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actually met with zelensky today, this is true, not his first meeting, before that, even as an opposition leader, he went to kiev even then promised zelensky to continue military support in case of coming to power. the man who appointed him to the post of minister of defense traveled with him. great britain. or he is also now in washington, the libarists, the libarist government has many questions from the british military, they demand that defense spending be sharply increased, but the libarists of the kirostarmer government promise to conduct some kind of review, that is, to review the activities of the british ministry of defense, look it will take some time to respond to the requests that the british military now has, but in general the course... the government is at least obvious for now, this is a continuation of the line that was pursued london is still there, so his statement, of course, was quite harsh, i don’t remember
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richa sunok saying anything like that, as far as such possibilities are unknown, as foreign secretary david cammeron, former minister, said at one time foreign affairs david cameron, but his successor, david lemmin, as far as i understand, is not much different in this matter. this is the current political situation in london. olga. at the same time, the vote was a protest, but the party’s course continues, the course previous government continues. is this how it generally works in london? well, it is obvious that those people who come to power make such statements, and in pursuing such a foreign policy, they are most likely guided by some considerations other than the interests of those who voted for them. from the point of view of how many people voted for them and how many seats they received in parliament, these are the features of the british electoral system that
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1/3 of the voters voted for the libarist party, and they received 2/3 of the seats in parliament, but these are questions for electoral system, which here showed a huge disproportion in the distribution of votes and deputy mandates, so of course, during the election race, the topic of ukraine is in general. did not sound, because, firstly, this was explained by the fact that both leading parties and the conservative ones at that time , the ruling one or boristoy, at that time being in the opposition, had a consensus on foreign policy in relation to russia and in relation to ukraine, and in -secondly, this is also explained by the fact that this topic is not so it really worries british voters, who have many more other problems, so this is the situation, thank you very much, alexander khabarov, london is on direct line. the north atlantic alliance in washington is holding its anniversary summit in the year of its seventh anniversary, nato is 75 years old, and
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a lot of different thoughts arise around this, a lot of symbolism that comes just every minute, well, the first symbol is the statement of the prime minister of estonia kallos , we can say that in the anniversary year, nato received cain’s seal. from the leader from the leader the european dwarf of estonia, while nato wants to look like such a cheerful old man in the year of its anniversary, such an energetic old man who is still wow, who can do a lot, who has already grown out of these north atlantic pants, the forties of the last century, which he is already looking at , is being watched by the whole world, at the same time, with all this, with all these... ambitions, of course, this is a summit with tears in the eyes, this is not a holiday, but the holiday may not be quite according to what mr. isaev spoke about , that's why
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that this is a holiday with ukraine in front of our eyes, right now in these moments, and today tomorrow, while the summit is going on, the wording that nato wants to include in its final document regarding ukraine’s membership in nato will be frantically developed. well , it would seem, it would seem that everything is already clear, but at the same time, you need to somehow define your relations with ukraine, it seems that, having brought clarity, at the same time, you made everything as vague as possible. you know, when i was going to the show, i looked in my file, and 2008, the summit in bucharest, and what struck me was... after the summit, when the final document stated that ukraine, like georgia, should be in nato.


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