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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 11:30am-1:01pm MSK

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the federation council approved the tax amendments, which were previously adopted by the state duma in the third reading. a progressive scale of taxes on personal income is being introduced. those who earn no more than 200,000 rubles per month will not be affected by the innovation. also, the new scale does not apply to payments to sbo participants.
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all citizens of our country could see where these funds would go, and the president clearly said that these funds go to support people's national goals of the country. all factions, including the opposition ones, found themselves on the same platform today, having studied in detail the supplemented items of budget expenditures, funds for the development of healthcare, education, and ensuring technological sovereignty. the new faction supports the bill in order to continue constructive joint work on budget planning for next year. it is assumed that - 96 billion rubles for the indexation of pensions for working pensioners next year from additional income received from the progressive tax. along with taxes, another important bill was adopted - family benefits. it will be available to working citizens with two or more children, whose total income does not exceed one and a half regional subsistence minimum per person. the tax paid will be recalculated at a rate of 6%, and the difference will be returned. into the family
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budget, you work, provide wages, and parts, most of these funds are returned in the form of a family tax payment, this is another additional payment that is aimed at making families with children live better. amendments to the budget code have also been adopted, which will exempt regions from most of the federal loans, redistribute funds between them and expense items will be adjusted.
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the ministry of finance heard, promptly finalized, introduced changes for the second reading, on the basis of these two laws, we have reached a kind of social contract, government and society, tax changes not so that there are no rich people in russia, but
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so that there are no rich people in russia there were poor. the chairman of the accounts chamber speaks before the senators; department officials were present at all meetings of the duma profile committee. to the budget.
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it turned out to be an intra-articular fracture of the leg, so anastasia’s usual walk along tverskaya ended when a scooter crashed into her at full speed. the prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the incident, as well as bringing the guilty person to responsibility established by law. accidents with scooters are not uncommon, for example, teenagers hit a child on ryazansky prospekt, here the driver sim himself has already been hit, driving towards a bicycle rally. they have long wanted to tighten the management of sims; traffic rules have been in effect since march 1 of this year, but there are still rules on the size of fines has not been accepted yet. the largest fine will be received by those who decided to ride while drunk , 30 thousand rubles. by the way, kicksharing
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companies have begun to introduce a test for cognitive reactions, green, orange, a fine for transferring control of a scooter to a minor is 10,000 rubles. i'm good. what is your experience 14 years? guy's employees also became stricter, sometimes they even issue fines, for example, this young man was in a hurry, so he did not dismount. i explained to him that he had violated, and now administrative material will be drawn up against him. obviously, getting off the scooter is faster than waiting for a fine to be issued and cheaper, they will pay 800 rubles. kick-sharing companies have issued 11,000 fines since the beginning of the season alone. having received a fine, having been blocked from the service, the user will probably understand that this is not necessary, and will additionally tell his friends. by the way, anyone can complain about a violator . it’s enough to take a photo, for example, i have a scooter that passes through a pedestrian crossing and send it to a special bot called scooters are public control, it is important to indicate when and where exactly
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the violation occurred, then, even if the scooter number is not included in the photo, it’s not scary, the services themselves will identify the violator and issue him a fine, but this only works with rented scooters. now you have to pay a fine - 5,000, you need to get there quickly, and there was only one scooter there. another problem is parking scooters, many people simply throw them in the middle of the sidewalk, for such careless attitude you will have to pay 500 rubles. not at all like this the whole area occupy, so you walk around, walk around. a scooter
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is only a vehicle, and of course, a person is primarily responsible for observing the rules. to promote a driving culture, kick-sharing companies organized a free school. the silent and maneuverable erofey is preparing to send to the front a new batch of all-terrain all-terrain vehicles from the khabarovsk territory before ending up in the northern military district zone, in conditions close to combat, the soldiers of the russian guard are testing. report by anna leonova. at a speed of almost 100 km/h. as stated in in the passport of the vehicle, bagi literally flies up to its destination, this is a very real situation, behind the tape there can be at
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least two dozen such combat missions per day, information has been received that a sabotage group of fighters is hiding in the forest, amon is delivered for reconnaissance by the silent, inconspicuous erofei to the enemy . welcome to myron, bird in the sky, how received, received, we are working, what are you observing? i am observing a reel in relka, a sabotage and reconnaissance group. and again the all-terrain vehicle takes up combat duty, also unnoticed. brings bugs to the enemy assault group. erofey off-road, from impassable mud to swampy terrain , is capable of transporting people along with a large arsenal of weapons. 300 kg load capacity. that is, its cross-country ability is good. we would like a longer base so that we could attach some more weight to the back. but in general, everything suits me. thanks to the manufacturers. and... all-wheel drive would n't hurt him at all. soldiers send their proposals for
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improvements from the training ground to the engineers from the front. several test samples of a tactical all-terrain vehicle assembled in khabarovsk territory, have already been tested in a combat zone, in winter conditions, during the off-season. the same already famous maneuverability of eerofey is practiced here at the training ground. there is a drone with ammunition in the sky. the task of the baga pilot is to dodge as much as possible in order to save not so much the equipment, but primarily naturally. lives of fighters, now the russian guards have received one of the largest batches of bugs, so training at night and during the day even trains the evacuation of the wounded, an all-terrain vehicle and as a mobile first aid station has proven itself to be excellent. in order for us to be confident in their serviceability and their reliability, we test them, we get used to them, the equipment gets used to us, this is the kind of coordination that is currently taking place. and in a few days, as soon as the riot police tamed the erofeevs into a full combat crew. will go on a business trip to the zone of a special military operation. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk.
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shelling continues unabated in the belgorod region. at night, the vso attacked the village of demidovka. in total for over the past 24 hours, 40 drone attacks have been recorded in the region. there are fifty residents in hospitals with mine explosion injuries. report by svetlana matushkina. thank god that i was alive. but it was hell, this... it’s impossible to give, the morning arrival on june 24, the first arrival, hail, a full package, about 20 pieces, and the wounded woman was taken away, in these shots the yard and houses of raisa sushkova, during the shelling she barely managed to jump out into the corridor, remember, when we were attacked, when we were bombed, we left, we were in borisovka, there was half a grain there, we returned, that’s it fine. the blast wave, says raisa
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nikolaevna, demolished the interior door, fragments flew, she received a lacerated through wound to the forearm and a fracture of the ulna, one fragment stuck in the shoulder, the other between the shoulder blades, blood flowed from the arm like a fountain, my woman was not injured, she was in another room, i got my bearings instantly, the belt caught my eye, tightened my shoulder, stopped the bleeding, i ran to help from... at the hardware store, when he parked, got out of the car, first
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the rszo exploded about 200 meters behind me car, i instantly open the door and fall into the car, because there was no time, and one drone, the second drone, flew in, circled, observed, that is, led, there was missile escort, a good reaction saved the life of the former paratrooper, in these frames... the consequences of the strikes drones. as soon as alexander vladimirovich had time to group himself and hide his head under the glove compartment, his car was riddled with shrapnel. one of them hit him in the stomach, suffered a severe wound, and was bleeding.
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the art of doctors and the patient's strong character work wonders. the patient is already getting up, moving, receives the necessary treatment and dressings at the moment, the patient is recovering. we hope that soon, when everything is over, we will be discharged home. the belarusian border area is subject to daily drone attacks. a resident of the shebetinsky morom , alexander kozhevnikov, was hit by a drone on trinity sunday on the twenty-third. june, when i was driving home. the emergency occurred at the entrance to the village; there were four people in the car. okay, here is sergei, the driver, he was in command, quickly everyone should run out under the birch trees, everyone should hide where. we did this, but we still got it. two of the driver were injured, a shrapnel wound to the back,
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alexander grigorievich, in addition to his back, also had wounds to his legs and arm, he says, if not for the help of those who arrived in time.
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according to the regional ministry of health, over the past 4 months in the belgorod region , 724 residents were injured by shelling, 103 of them died, including seven children. the wounded received outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, and also, due to the severity of their condition, were transferred to federal clinics; there were 18 of them, four of them children. everyone the wounded were provided with first aid to one degree or another as part of self-help. which is the training that we continue in the belgogorod region. to date , there are 46 wounded residents of the region in hospitals in the region, four of them are in intensive care. svetlana matushkina, alexander luginin, vesti belgorod. the number of vacancies for schoolchildren in moscow has increased by almost 40% over the year. those who
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have not yet decided on a job during the holidays can seek advice from the center for the profession of the future. well, among those who i have already found a part-time job for the summer; the most popular sectors have become services, tourism and entertainment. igor roslavtsev talks about everything in detail. elena, 16, instead of spending a carefree summer having fun, got a job at an amusement park. because it was boring to sit at home, but in principle there is a very cheerful team here, this is still some kind of development, there in the future it may be necessary, for example, to communicate with clients. schoolchildren start as a junior operator, in other words. five, that's to launch attractions and visitors on he needs to be 18 years old and pass certification, they will help you pass exams here, employees start with simple carousels, and then move on to more extreme ones, so anna, for example, from a junior employee, rose to the manager of souvenir shops, while she was still studying at the university. this is the most pleasant moment of learning, that is , a friendly team puts you with a more
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experienced operator, and who shows and tells everything, there is no such thing. there you have a test, if you fail it, you're out from here, in search of a summer job, moscow schoolchildren can come to the office of the project of the profession of the future, here they will not only find a job for the holidays, but will help decide on a future career, there are 5000 vacancies in the database, there are more than 300 employers among partners, but if we talk specifically about young people, then the salary somewhere starts from 50 thousand rubles, it can reach 1000 rubles there, depending on. said exactly where he would be occupied, well, of course, as if in a leading position today, so or among young people, one way or another, these are still courier workers; in the moscow region , more than 2,000 schools have already taken temporary jobs. schoolchildren clean up the city
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parks and squares, wash monuments, many are attracted by the fact that the employment is official, this was the main thing for sophia, she once already found herself, as they say, overboard, worked, distributed leaflets, then, as a result, they generally did not accept the job, and not paid, no, not paid, here i am officially, well... employed, within this year we plan more than 1,200 children will be employed, all this work is carried out jointly with the employment center , that is, such scrupulous and serious recording of working time, among other things. another highlight of the eco-camp is leisure time for employees. after lunch, schoolchildren go on excursions, participate in sports competitions, or study at a driving school, so this summer modern schoolchildren have the opportunity not only to earn money, but to learn something new. igor roslovtsev, mikhail sidorov. ekaterina cherusheva and alena felatova. news. antiquity with qr code. the largest open-air museum of platbands in russia has opened in ulyanovsk.
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exhibits were collected from all over the region. the oldest specimen is over 100 years old. report by ksenia grishchenko. a large-scale exhibition of the most interesting window frames is the result of the enormous work of a small group of activists, charged with energy and infected with the desire to preserve the history of their native land. many of the exhibits are more than a century old; here, for example, the coat of arms of the russian empire is clearly visible. we are now standing at the platband of the village of chertanovka, which completely personifies to us pre-revolutionary russia. and we believe that the project of the museum of platbands of the siberian-uriansk region is a great opportunity to pass on to our younger generation such a large layer of historical history, generally huge. a huge layer of history and culture in the symbols of the paintings. as the director of the rodina lenin nature reserve
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says, symbolism for ancient facades is a common thing. at the top of the casing there were depicted elements associated with the sky, with the sun, and we very often see these elements. and the lateral, vertical parts, as a rule, had symbols basically associated with... these are snakes, these are wavy lines and so on, the lower part of the platband was connected with the earth, that is, the platband protected the house. decorated platbands appeared in russia back in the 15th century; siberia was less fortunate with its heritage. in our region, mostly houses from the late 16th to early 19th centuries have been preserved. there were a lot of fires, for example, the city didn’t have much preserved, but at one time there was a fire in 1864, that’s why. the village became just that breadbasket, yes, where it could be extracted, and accordingly transform and exhibit in the museum. kirill valov was able to realize his dream
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thanks to hard work, teamwork and presidential grant funds. the team spent last summer traveling around the ulyanovsk region; the author of the project recalls how they started. so, colleagues, we have already covered seven municipalities, i propose the following as the next plan for our expedition. so over the past season , activists found more than 500 interesting specimens in the region, 83 of them were able to bring, restore half of them and exhibit on public display at the festival of art and beauty of the window. according to my deep convictions, if another 3-4 years pass and there is nothing left to take out of the villages, there are two factors: the extinction of villages, and... the natural destruction of such objects, the second anthropogenic factor - sidings, plastic windows, this is in three times even faster it will eliminate the beauty that we ourselves are trying
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to save on the territory with such a small team. the rescued beauty will later be sent to the museum; most of the platbands are ready to be preserved by the museum-reserve, lenin’s birthplace. ksenia grishchenko, denis mironov, host ulyanov. that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had referring, of course, to the bear, when someone like that spoke stinky little one, a hint, in general , the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not
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there, zhenya will add his own. what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, oops, five-on -one on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, a minute! attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. eh, pressure, we haven't seen each other. daring. bela, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now. they are loved until so far. are you responsible for your words? i
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am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, just look at the platform, almost 3 years have passed since natasha passed away, natasha was generally a great life for everyone, i asked god, please,
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no, suggestions i haven’t done it yet, but i’m hinting, to be happy or not to be, you always have a choice, the fate of the person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, it doesn’t remind you of anyone. look at rtr. raika, no, she’s definitely not. if you don't know how to sculpt, don't take it on. maybe i don't know how to sculpt nature, but i can handle a dumpling. sasha, i didn’t know, i believed. so, i'm kirill, not sasha. and what is this, i didn’t understand something, you hear, i removed the hands of one man. well
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, he could have simply forgotten. we’ll talk about your participation in this operation later. raya knows everything. i’m standing here in full view of everyone, like a master. today on rtr. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not renege on our words. and we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. create a tourist route in the history of xx century, the expedition of moscow students ended in yamal. the main goal is to assess the condition of the legendary polar construction site and create trails for travelers. anatoly obremsky spoke with the team of researchers. it took 5 hours to travel 80 km along the road to dim salekharty 10 across impassable tundra from the district capital to baraki 501 construction site.
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in abandoned places, that is, for a certain audience of tourists it will be very interesting, atmospheric, entourage, you are walking on rails, fog, all this lighting, 501 construction sites - part of the transpolar highway, a section of the railway approximately 350 km long, which was supposed to stretch from the chum station of the komi republic to korotchaev, was hired; they began laying rails in swamps on permafrost in 1949, but the road was never built, after stalin’s death in 1953 the project was abandoned, tens of thousands of prisoners worked in these places with a pick, a crowbar and a shovel, the gulak system, checkpoints, observation
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towers, barracks and barbed wire... wire, today the main exhibits of the museum without the status of open air, we had to inspect the territory of the 501 construction site to understand what could be done with it next, that is, what condition it is in now. and how to continue our work, we have a lot of ideas about what we can do next with this information, unfortunately, not as many buildings have survived as we expected, but there are ideas. based on the collected expeditions, photo and video materials, a layout of the area will also be created. even after seventy years, 500 first construction does not leave people indifferent, for some it is a dark gulak page of history, someone evaluates the construction of the transpolar railway as a project no less ambitious. chembam, which was supposed to connect dozens of cities, towns, and most importantly, rich deposits in the arctic, its implementation would open up tremendous opportunities both for imal and for russia as a whole. but it is up to specialists to give a historical assessment. the task
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of the russian technological university mireya is to create a tourist route to the 501 construction sites, assess the safety of what remains of the buildings and iron roads. and then it will be decided. every day he covers about 40 km; moreover , he pulls a boat with all the equipment. report by elena alshevets. andrey goncheruk’s back is more than two hundred kilometers on the water, but it’s too early to relax, the goal is 100 km, in 30 days afloat he plans to cover the distance from the village of irbeyskoye to yartsevo, he says that so far everything is going according to plan, the man has devoted more than
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20 years to sports years, so minor difficulties do not frighten him at all. i took into account, of course, that there would be shallows, that in principle there was experience, 10 kilometers, probably. there’s such shallow water, that is, the water has dropped and there’s more, so you swim, then you walk, you drag the boat on yourself, there’s a hole again, you swim again, then bang again, as if you didn’t tear your knees, well, that’s normal, in the water the average man spends 6 hours a day, during this time he swims up to 40 km, physically it is not easy, but he prepared for a record for many months, the extreme sports enthusiast rests like a true spartan, spends the night in the wild taiga, eats dry... rations and swims to a specified distance at any weather, i’m even ready for a meeting with a predator, fortunately the clubfooted ones haven’t gone out to see the athlete yet, so i spent the night on the island, i had a fire, yes, i threw a couple of firecrackers there,
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woke up, so that i kind of made some noise, threw some firewood there, off to the siberian set off completely alone, carrying only a boat with supplies of provisions, a tent and equipment on his back, the man dedicates his unusual journey... to the centennial anniversary of the region, as indicated by the bright flag that is always with him, as long as everything goes smoothly, everything is fine, everything is according to plan well, it’s not for nothing that i trained so much years old, the swimmer has 800 km left to overcome; in addition to the record, andrey plans to enjoy the siberian nature to the fullest and be sure to capture its beauty on video. elena alishevets, anna komarova, vesti krasnoyarsk. well, all the news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we have everything for this now, see you,
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oh, you’re okay, thank you, look at rtr, i’ll go to my mother this weekend, blog it. you, i'm following you, following me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray little guy, heart, not a stone, now i'm yours wife, and i’m your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, that’s it... life is a mess, i only have one night, let's spend it together, fifth blood type from monday on rtr, i am happier than
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anyone, if the heart asks for joy, tears of love, if the soul asks... vitebsk opens its arms, in belarus i feel the unity of our peoples, thank you, vitegs , the most stellar, warmest holiday. slavic bazaar - gala opening ceremony on friday on rtr.
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mother of god, hello, what is this?
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comrade, tell me, you haven’t seen a woman at the entrance here for a long time, i didn’t understand, a woman with a child, without, i’m here changing the candles, i could have missed it.
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oh and golosis, that’s who will never be lost in life, right? for mine, about a month and a half or two, no more. you are my beauty, you are my little lips, but who could leave such a perky doll? no, well , if it’s one of the locals, first of all you need to go through the official cuckoos. come on. in my experience twice as a father, a child yells in two cases: either he is hungry, or he shit, shit, is he a cat or something? and you ’re our guy here, hello, dad, you just want to take part in the process, and the results are raked up for some, for the weaker sex, but you know how many such mothers i’ve seen enough of, they don’t have a layer of roof or floor left, it’s not
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a fact that this is one of those boys, a well-fed little body, he’s clean, the clothes are good and... that’s a mark from a vaccination, it looks like it could have been done at a local clinic, which means they must have information about the child, bam, come here, come here, i know how to get along with a man, age doesn't matter. look at the dimples he has on his cheeks, how much you bark with the skeleton guy, he’s not from our area, he told me he’s uneducated, and what’s the point of your education, you abandoned your wife, you live in my father’s room, and the salary is so i
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type more chivym, yes, yes? fell asleep, thank you, petrov, but maybe it’s yours after all? “it can’t, it can’t, since i’ve been married for 12 years i haven’t looked to the left even once, not even once, but just as soon as i looked, i’ll break my neck, now i have love, big and pure, and before that i wasn’t in heaven.
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right, that the child could have been dropped off anywhere, but brought here, the mother knew who?" " lives here, how can we take care of him? listen, he has these, dimples, yes, you said it yourself, but what are dimples, this is this - this is a dominant trait, it is passed on from father to son, and where are my dimples, where are my dimples, where, or maybe she got them from her mother, so we need to look for mother, mother, mother, oh, and i took the bottle, the cap he’s wearing is so thin, it won’t blow on him, i didn’t know they had such
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small legs, it will pass in about 15.
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well, over the last 10 days we haven’t found your boy according to the vaccination log. here is a list of all our newborns in the last 3 months 127 babies. are nurses supposed to visit young people at home? yes, up to a month, if suddenly the conditions of detention are not very good, they record it, but recently i have not received such signals. we will look for a needle in the pile of diapers, there are, of course, such mothers, deprived ones, life teaches nothing, i mean, well, just a year ago... they took a boy away from this penchuzka, what’s her name emelyanova, so i know her, she’s earlier on she lived in my area, yes, and 2 months ago
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she was seen again for a decent amount of time, that’s what to do with her, thank you, oh, how inconvenient, maybe i’ll come in later, come in, come in, i... i love it, i like to get up early , in the morning the colors are brighter, that’s how they taught me, yes, come on in, yesterday i spent a lot of time making sketches, we were just working, pretending this was for me, they ordered a composition for a public garden, but for now it turns out to be some kind of vulgarity, to be honest, and... “forget it , as usual, the investigation was of interest to me, yes, they brought you,
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no, i came to you on a personal matter, it’s interesting, you are a smart person, well, many would argue, don’t laugh, this is important for me and..." and could you, well, recommend some literature for self-development, explain, well, i don’t know, well, how to say, oh what are you talking about on your chipites to support? well, it’s better not to worry about it, because we
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don’t listen to each other, we’re all idiots to each other, i’ll look, i’ll look, i’ll find a good person, and there are no dimples on my cheeks. -she lived here, you know, i want
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to be sorry, but as soon as i imagine, this again the fabric conditioner is lavender, damn, you can’t even break it down with solarium, so what ’s wrong with that, it’s not easy, every meeting with dasha is a secret operation, don’t you want to go home? vova, suddenly this is my last chance for love, but i can’t do this, i’m getting used to the person, emelyanova, come here, stop, emelyanova, stop! need to, you were seen pregnant 2 months ago, where is the child going, it has resolved, resolved, two of you have already resolved to orphanages, the third is there,
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and what, oh, emilyanova, should i give you a slap on the head, but it won’t help, let’s go to the police station, tell us how you threw out your son, i ’ll tell you everything now, now. and what? so they give more? i walked around the entire entrance,
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not a single guy with dimples, it’s a shame. the boy, and most importantly the boy is so nice, what a fool, it’s his mother, if she doesn’t come to her senses, uh-huh, wait, don’t worry she’s drinking to his health somewhere in the alley, no, now only if they adopt him, but i would take it, but what , believe me, girls, right now, you ’re crazy, you can’t count on maternity leave, and i won’t keep your place, just think, but what kind of a child are you...
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through what site do you say you sold the stroller from where i remember with my multiple sclerosis the vic froze nothing nothing so we are looking for the clothes on the foundling were new and the basket was shabby and it was also a good girlish color, they could, of course, give it as a gift, but suddenly they sold it, so, then we need a section of goods for children, uh-huh, look at the last month, for a month or two, so, listen, and this is very painful, pasha, your mother lives me from the world, it seems i’ll do it myself. okay,
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i’m scratching this ear for you, what else will you do to infect yourself, my goodness, he’s still under examination, in general, the boy is healthy, well done, sleeps, eats, but i won’t be long, should i just take photographs for the search, as for the search, for him? didn't come, who? yes, they’re sitting here, waiting for the head physician. sorry, i'll catch up with you, okay? and what are you doing here? hello, vladimir petrovich, in general, if this child needs
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parents, then we are ready, we have children. no , it probably won’t be for a long time, so the child will be given adoption status only in six months, we are still engaged in activities to find the mother, and what am i telling her, she is already deciding which school to enroll him in, you do you really think that she will return, i know what i can do, i will tell the guardianship department about your desire and give recommendations, thank you very much, thank you, the boy will be transferred to an orphanage, and you will be able to visit him while they prepare the documents, well only if the real mother changes her mind, then why does he need such a mother, and i just, i ’m thinking, you can, you can look for him somehow, we have some savings, but what have we done, we'll call him
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vladimir petrovich, well, in the sense of vova. what, and my husband maxim makes excellent cabinets, you need cabinets in the police, it can be made of oak, you don’t like her, you’re studying, i see van will stay, nina with the child, you know, she’s pregnant, what are you, not yours, limit makers, all my life.
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on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are performed, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a gift after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how have you could you? just wait for me through the rains , the blood of the blood is still alive in
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me, some kind of fantasy morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. great guy. you have to take it on friday, you thought well, you don’t have work, but i don’t care. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on me girl, real love is only one thing away kiss,
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russian houses are amazing, but they are inhabited by the most ordinary people who built these art objects with their own hands. it turned out to be a thirteen-meter elephant, they are trying to peel off and ask, what is it with your sugar? miracle houses not only glorified their region, but also, as if by magic, changed the lives of their owners and neighbors. we will visit the most amazing houses in russia and learn how to cheaply build the luxurious home of your dreams. malakhov, today on rtr. are you okay, thank you, look at rtr, i'll go to see you this weekend
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mother for a blessing, you, i follow you, follow me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, a heart like... now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always fear, losing him, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5. from monday on rtr, this is how it was attached and it turned out to be a stroller, yeah, very high quality, sold in just a week, be careful there, i’m very glad that i didn’t remove
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the site ad, good afternoon, hello, that’s it, there should be a stain of greenery on the bottom, if i knew that it would be thrown away during my transportation? i wouldn’t sell it for anything, but you don’t have this buyer’s phone number? but no, maybe - some special information, special signs? no, but i know where she lives, my husband took her right to the entrance, yeah, the dormitory of a pedagogical college, mostly unmarried girls live there, thank you. you helped a lot, thank you, but not even with me hello, you know, i have more
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reasons to be angry, you deceived me, that if i wanted to deceive you, you would have already been in line at the zak, yet you took advantage of my vulnerable state, and there was no need to drink to a vulnerable state and forced me care. i, yes, you yourself wanted it, hmm, you were just afraid. maybe you are afraid to recognize your son? surprisingly, you but... with those men who lie to you, and those who are honest with you, hello, hello, hello, crustacean, well, that’s okay, little kitty, well, then for now, i’ll take these with the bears , and these with cars, i’ll stretch them out, look, okay, oh, this is a cap, but it won’t fit,
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i say, this is poland, i grew half a country in these onesies, smaller, no, susan, oh, lord, laris, you’ll change it, i’ll look now , sorry, raya, i haven’t asked you yet, you don’t know who pierced my idiot’s ear, i have no idea, yes, you know, they inserted the earring professionally. i barely picked it out, vikul, i wanted to ask, in more detail, how are you, okay, rai, why were you silent, that you and maxim have problems, so we have problems with maxim, rai, too right. “just don’t get your hopes up ahead
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of time, okay, about this child, just close your eyes and breathe with you, because you want him too, yes, i would know how to breathe,
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by the way, i called that dorm, for the last year they have seven pregnancies , five marriages, screw you, but they won’t rent me a room. by the way, the commandant remembered this stroller, in general, the owner left immediately after giving birth, but tomorrow i can talk to her neighbor, her ex. that’s it, i went to the museum. . good evening, and raya is at home, i’ll give her a book. promised to deliver it, but they couldn’t get it out. danisa eduardovich, hello, why were you so worried, i would have come in myself. but what am i saying,
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thank you, i was glad to see you, it’s mutual, you’ll come, i actually wanted to invite you myself, where to visit, a friend of mine is coming to see me tomorrow, an artist - you wanted boheme, didn’t you? a real artist? well, he thinks so, he’s a great storyteller, just kidding. a real artist, you will like it. he then got swept away. goodbye. hello, hello
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mayor, how did you find your father’s son? no, but his mother, a local, was identified, yes, and you definitely didn't you see anything that morning? no, i just returned from a flight, i was tired, i was driving a truck, we finally decided to look at the engine, well, yes, but what, is something wrong? no, sorry i tore it off. that’s what they asked, well, oleska has gone completely crazy, it’s better for me not to show up in the village now, why? well
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, kovylina and i came to college and entered college, but we had different goals, i’m studying like hell, i want to get settled like everyone else and marry a good man. well, alekina, i only have parties, when my mother found out about the pregnancy, she immediately renounced she, of course, has five little ones and her husband is a drunk, and she’s ashamed in front of people, but it seems like i didn’t look after my friend, tell me, when was the last time you saw alesya, well, she dropped out of college and rented a room there somewhere and... zoya, if you know anything, it’s better to tell me before it’s too late to return the child to the mother. well, a couple of days ago she gave me a letter for my mother, through a friend, that’s what
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it is, saying goodbye. with her mother, tell me, with one of the young people, alesya was especially friendly, yes, there is one here, but you know, with him many girls, especially friends, slavek, i saw him leaving her room with a rip in his shirt, after that aleska became pregnant. so vyacheslav leonidovich, a big lover and favorite of girls, congratulations, everything is fine with your son, yeah, now tell this goat that i will never recognize this child, and i’m not afraid of her brother,
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of course, alisa has a brother, olesya, olesya slesarenko studied in a parallel stream, do you remember? we can take it from the nose, it will work, i brought this one in vain, i haven’t finished it yet, but how about you, yes not very good, it’s because borya, you’ve sunk
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to the level of a performer, soon they’ll be using your work to relieve the needs of a paramilitary dog, well, at least i’ll be useful to someone. well, how do you like it, very much, but i just can’t understand, but there’s shishkin, he’s in a museum, you can use it for a candy wrapper, but there are people who draw, they draw, they seem to be good, there’s no glory, you’re interested in how to recognize a masterpiece, for this you need born and raised in an artistic environment. don’t bother yourself, let me give you something, really, thank you, i saw one there, it’s small, inexpensive, probably, oh, what, here,
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what, well, well, a reproduction of monet, but mine.
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baby, it's you, you're fast! hello, hello, vitya told me that no one would be there until five. really, uh-huh, sorry, what are you, deddomovskaya, no, and what
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do you cut on the table, there is a board, but it’s more convenient for me, yes, and the legs have a good posture with it, it’s not for nothing that our petrov runs after you like a fit. you’re a beautiful, beautiful girl, thank you, just tell me, okay, i’m an old horse, what came up to me is mine, but with such beauty, you can hook up with any millionaire, i’m not for sale, so you can’t buy it, his salary is 20 rubles, his two daughters have a loan for a tv, you need it, first of all, it’s none of your business. and secondly, it’s none of your business either,
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dashulya! but i don’t understand, where is dasha? left without pants? i was in a hurry, very much, and i thought you were my comrade in heaven, and i am a comrade, my dad had a wife three times. and do you know what he said? no difference. take care of your family, viturge. well,
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what can we do, we’ll organize a raid and take him as a lesson. this guy recognized you. me too. everything is fine. artist, monday. on рrt. “catch a fish, big or small, well , in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty foods be beneficial, we try them, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases , can it be useful?" “to be pleasant is fiction, can science be
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understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this raises mood. this is exactly the food formula in saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, wow, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen you, daring. bilay, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but
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who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, he loves them. until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, just look at the platform, almost 3 years have passed since gone, natasha? natasha was generally everything in a great life, i asked god, please don’t take her away, let her stay, something is wrong here , this can’t happen, yaroslav sumyshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning, my brother came up to me, to natasha’s family, he said that ’s it, such love, such loss, a person cannot be happy without hope, i want a family, i
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want more children, yes, i’ve already met a girl, my... love, i love her, what’s her name ? her name is anastasia, and have you already proposed to her? no, no offer yet i did, but i’m hinting. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rt. great man, you have to go, on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious relationship, and where did you
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meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, is it real? yes, you can, come in, vladimir petrovich, otherwise i ’m reading something, i won’t be long. i have here
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photographs of students of olesya’s course, maybe one of them lives in our area, i don’t recognize it, but you look at it wrong, i mean, we have a child with a small face, snub noses, so we exclude this and these two excellent students, prejudices in children signs at this age are very relative; outstanding traits are always inherited. look at the milk, and the ears, it’s a family curse, not the ears, well, it won’t matter to the boy, but the girl can grow her hair long, the ban on top
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is blue, i like it when the bands. what, so this and andryushka morozov from the next door, wow, they are our dimples, what apartment does he live in, and he’s not in the apartment, it’s been six months since he passed the exam for the army; the child is not mine, but how do you know, olesya said it herself. i myself, as if i knew that he was knocked up because of something, i immediately called olesya, she didn’t even pick up the phone, zoya was talking to me for her, and what the hell is she doing here? zoyka is just fine,
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she comes to me at the checkpoint, they carry pies, although we are with her in general we never even kissed, she just did it out of kindness. why, oh my little bunny, first zoya lies that the child is not yours, then he brings pies to the checkpoint, just out of kindness, right? well, is it that zoya is hitting on me, or what? what do you think? zaya mentioned that she dreams of marrying some good man. good, but stupid. yes , look carefully, one face. you're on the dimple, on the dimple, look. so, should i call olesya then? unfortunately, we can't find her yet. how? how did the child end up
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under our door? what? well, let's say we found the father-child. but why didn’t the girl give him her son? military unit? that's right, you can't come here. my mother too. there remains a third option. kostyukov, what did they find, what are you saying, during the birth, she had to urgently place the child, oh my god, poor girl, poor
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son, yes, it will take a long time to recover, she’s alive, of course, and as i said . by the way, our young dad’s parents don’t have dimples on their cheeks, but he does, so your theory doesn’t work, which doesn’t it works, i found the father of the child for you, i found it, everything works, what an old idiot, but i decided to throw it away. dear grandson, dear, well, i was just confused, in the morning i went out to the entrance, and he was lying there, here is the certificate next to it, andrei andrevich is written, good, at least the documents
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have been preserved, to restore the whole case, oh you old goat, who decided that the boy was planted on you , come on, you’re still dear, wait, if you let your girlfriend down, you won’t get married for 7 years.
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paradise, just make it more beautiful, with more lanterns, we go to our grandchildren, and then to our daughter-in-law, yes, joy, varvar sergeevna, be foolish, why, well, i just need the mood to have a festive hairstyle, please, what’s wrong?
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raika, just don’t talk to anyone, okay, we agreed, we were still living on the volga then, i have the kids. it didn’t work out for a long time, no matter what we did, but one morning i heard outside the door, as if someone was small, like a kitten, i open the door, and there is a baby, well, a little over a month old, i won’t give him in my arms to anyone, this my son, oh, how much andrei andreevich and i suffered, running around the authorities, they collected the papers,
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they didn’t tell andryukha anything, that’s why we moved here, so that no one would know, here’s raika, why don’t you do your hair, oh, excuse me, yes, olesya, oleska!
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vikul, oh, little ray, you came to me, yes, let's go, let's go, i'll take you. never, listen, what a song, listen, tenderness about love, maxim is looking for you, he is no longer maxim, can you imagine that he told me that he does not want this child of mine, does not want to look for other people’s traits, and most importantly, as soon as he
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told me this, they have already found it.


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