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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 2:35pm-3:00pm MSK

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what is it, what is it, but it seemed to me that keli was the best option, a place where people can retire, and after i built it, newlyweds came here and asked to take a photo on the balcony on this, and so the cell got the additional name “celi of lovers”, by the way, there are about a thousand of these details, here we have a grotto, you can walk here, find yourself, as it were, under the cell, try to touch the fish. by the way, they eat from your hands, if you take bread, they swim up, fingers they bite, so i decided to leave an inscription, i was able to do this, if you can, do it better, i invite you to the cell, let’s go see what i got there, well, this is the very place in which i can kind of unite, since people, who live in skeles are such ascetics. i made a bed and didn’t
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put any upholstered furniture here, i made a fairly hard bed, that is , you can lie down on it, but it’s still a tree covered with carpet, here’s a loggia, from which you can see a beautiful view when you exit iskele we see such an unusual structure, i called it the universe of man, in this art object. our address in the universe is imprinted, our galaxy is called the milky way, translated from ancient greek it is a road made of milk, spilled milk, that is, these white waves are just an association with a road made of milk, these are all three objects, without which it would not be possible there was us, the sun, on the left there we have the moon, well , the biggest one i made was our land, and here we have a lake, a turtle lives in it, something has been living for about 10 years... but you need to catch it, here it is
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sometimes it comes out there, here we have an oven for cooking pizza, the most beautiful wood-burning oven in our region, and maybe not only in ours, you see, here there is a completely different mosaic, when the pizza is ready, i invite guests by ringing a bell, well, that’s it. ..
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well, in my opinion, i should have an earring, something from a spaniard, from a gypsy, that is , when they gave me a plot of land in this place, i brought my mother here for the first time, she saw and said, before here on the sugar there was a beach when your father we got married, he brought me here to swim on this the beach, they were swimming and my mother lost her wedding ring here, so she sort of staked out this place for me, so what? let's greet the owners of this house, builders and owners valery and lola danilchuk, good evening, good evening, is it true that everyone wants to lick this house, well, not everyone, but children, of course, children, they are very trusting, they come here when they come in and ask , your castle is sugar, really made of sugar, you can taste it, and some, without waiting for the gate to open, are already starting to lick something, your house... to visit, you open
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it for guests? yes, yes, for tourists, please, we are opening, you can come, many come, you are an architect by training, no, i’m not an architect by training, well , more precisely, let’s put it this way, probably yes, around the age of five i became an architect, because i grew up on the banks of the volga, and i think that there are a lot of very architects sitting here, yes, well, in any case, anton kochurkin, anton is an expert in the development of urban areas and the curator of the arstojan festival. in nikola lenivets, you also have an interesting a project with houses, and there is a pipe house, oh, here it is, this is a truly unique house, and which hangs right above the ravine, 9 m cantilever, and it’s like a spaceship, it’s absolutely perfect, sergey kuznetsov, chief architect moscow, he set himself the task of doing something perfect, because he was very worried. what, why
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can’t anything be done in a normal way in russia, so he achieved this quality, made an ideal house, and what is it made of, it’s stainless steel, there’s also some... we also already collect from garbage dumps, and here are the doors and corrugated sheets and slate, whatever you want, this is a lazy house, its facades are kind of lazy, because if you take it out of whatever you can find, somewhere it’s new material, somewhere it’s run out, which means it’s old. amazing, here is a house made of reinforced concrete - the well-known po2 panels, from which in soviet times and now concrete fences are made, these are residential buildings, they can be removed, yes, these are all residential buildings, and this house is for skaters, it is built
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around a skateboard ramps, that is, there you can roller skate, and then go up higher to sleep, and catharsis at home, really. and the stove, the cleansing is really happening, the main thing is that on the second floor there is nothing there except a bed and this gigantic window that looks up, it’s also very nice, the house with a chandelier illuminates the entire space, and gets a little bit into the inside of the house itself, last year or the year before you also had a wonderful project by nadya likhogrut together with the architect mikhail khvalebnov, where she made chewing gum at home. yes, yes, yes, and the children crawled happily too, the smell of chewing gum was like do you want this house made of sugar? this is a very unexpected architecture for russia as a whole, there are so many motives, so much imagination, it just
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sends you somewhere to spain, to barcelona, ​​where antonio gaudi was born, the most famous architect who did similar things when reinforced concrete first appeared, this...
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we usually don’t allow anyone into the house, no tourists come there, but for you i’ll make an exception and invite you inside, this is a residential building, my wife lola and i live here, we have it here. kitchen, all furniture made with our own hands, that is, everything you see, i did it all, my son helped, the chair, we also made these ourselves, even pay attention to the refrigerator, you can see that it is also not ordinary, we covered it with
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a special such snakeskin doors, unusual, they have quite a design, they were decorated with fabric, here on... floor, two bedrooms are in the house, this is a sofa, my son made it when he was still 15 years old, according to my drawings i drew drawings, gave jigsaw to him and a friend, promised a certain amount, and he made such a sofa, and he folds out, you can sleep on it, there is a spindle here, this is my grandmother’s spindle, here we have a small bedroom, a bed - initially, when i made it, i hung it on chains, you see, there are still hooks left, here is the hook over there, but it it was at the same height, it just didn’t have legs, it was without legs, it was hanging on chains, in amsterdam there is a red light district, and
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we have a red room, like this red room, there is a bed in it... this bed has a very unusual function, but it can be you only feel it when you lie down on the bed, when you lie down on your back, you lie down, then suddenly you see yourself. young and handsome, you look at yourself and think how damn attractive you are. it was such a surprise for the guests, they came, we told them: you will go to bed here. now we are descending into our main room, into the fireplace room, here , as we descend, you can see photographs, stories of our lives, our friends, here there are famous people whom i was lucky enough to meet. the most important meeting place. with ours friends, we have a fireplace room here
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with a large table, where we all gathered for many years, this fireplace, of course, is the main attraction of the room, by the time i started making the fireplace, all my stoners had already fled, they just refused to cooperate with me cooperate, they were tired of all this work from me, so i made a fireplace with my son and my wife lolla, and this fireplace saved us for many years, when we moved here, there was no gas here, and in winter... this fireplace - scored with oak firewood, oak firewood was needed, because oak wood burns well, the piano is such a relic, a friend taught me to play the piano on this piano 40 years ago, 40 years ago, it was his piano, he had a grandfather who was a famous violinist, well, to be honest, i rarely play it very often. .. what, of course, i was taught, i don’t remember, but to try something,
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how many years have passed, and honestly, if everything started over again, then in principle something would be different, well, probably not even i would do it, because after all, this is my homeland, my grandfather, my father grew up here, i decided play god, there was a god who created heaven, created people, and then expelled people from heaven, and i did the opposite, i created heaven and now i invite people here, yes lola, why did they remove the bed on a chain, it was uncomfortable to sleep, yes , no, it was comfortable to sleep, it’s just that when someone got out of bed, she continued to roll, and... it moved from side to side, but she continued to rock for another half hour, like this, and how much land there is, how much
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half a hectare? about 18 days, and i saw razenba there in the photograph, he stayed at home, but no, i had the pleasure of meeting alexander zemba several times, and invited him to a sugar shop, well, alexander zemba is a lover of crayfish, everyone knows this, and after the concert, if you invite him to a restaurant, then you must have dishes with crayfish, that’s when we ate , asked him, have you eaten stuffed crayfish? and he said: no, i don’t know anyone like that, but how is it? i told him, let’s come to the sugar castle on your next visit, i’ll treat you, and you’ll find out, that is, there are also stuffed crayfish, yes, yes, tatyana polikova, today we are visiting, friends, tanya, you just returned from tokyo, how do you like the sugar house, but you know, first of all, i thank you, this is an amazing story, i’m clearly not there. i don’t spend april and may june there, i think it’s brave, it’s a very
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beautiful self-expression, i envy you a little, but i just dream of living in a greenhouse, so that it also has a potbelly stove, well, no fireplace, potbelly stove, kilims , a library, a large desk, also known as a dining table, and now i would already have all this, only i want, so that this greenhouse is on wheels, so that we can travel around the world. therefore, your fantasy is close to me, many of us dream, dream broadly, deeply, whatever, we still can’t decide, and the fact that you did it, and the fact that your son is involved in this story, and the fact that everyone is there, i don't know, the masons abandoned you, it's an incredibly beautiful story, and we 're all looking east, and i flew to tokyo, i had this dream, to go around all these famous... 16 city toilets of the tokyo area, which, because the toilet for japanese
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- this is a symbol of hospitality, and 16 architects, famous architects of the world worked on this project, and tokyo is proud of it, this is the route of my day, 18 km, 700 m i walked that day in shibuya, through the toilets, that is, all the famous toilets, i built a route, i navigated, and i dedicated one day, i know it's a luxury, but listen, i had to go through. this is also the embodiment of a bold dream, a neighbor, let us now make a short advertisement, immediately after it you will go to the elephant house, we will see the house, the tv is a real noah's ark from nizhny novgorod. don’t switch, you’re fine, thank you, look at rtr, i’ll go to my mother for a blessing this weekend, you, i follow you, follow
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me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give it to you. double, the heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, your whole life is on there's a problem, i only have one night, let's spend it together, the fifth... cover from monday to rtr good morning my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, in this program not
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only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche caen after the wedding. my wife says, you don’t understand, you struggling devil, what have you done, how could you, turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, just wait for me, through the rains, keeping sweet flowers, they still... live in me , some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. did you find out anything?
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we are working? we are working? where is my daughter? look at rtr. it’s terrible, but it’s never happened that our children disappeared here, so we didn’t let you work, but what kind of work is there when such horror is happening, another person asked me to get married, what kind of person, my neighbor, sit down, we’ll thank you, i'm full, i'm passing through or something, we're together now, right? a pensioner from kostroma married a young prince from nigeria, where the dark-skinned womanizer was in such a hurry that he did not even
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have time to introduce his mother from africa to his fifty-nine-year-old russian wife. loves, doesn't loves, live broadcast on friday on rtr, well , what can we do, but fortunately we’ll arrange it, we’ll take it like a lesson, this boy recognized you, i recognized him too, everything is fine, artist, monday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your beloved is on the air 60 minutes program, 60. minutes today on rtl. once again, good afternoon to everyone who turned on the russia tv channel. thank you for being with us, today are the most amazing houses in russia that have glorified their region and completely changed the lives of their owners. but the main thing is how
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to build unusual residential art objects from improvised means. past. i think we need to build an elephant, well, a meter long one, it turned out to be a thirteen meter long elephant, i designed it as a house. there are water pipes, sewer pipes, electrics at the feet, everyone who
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comes is sure to touch the tail, well , whoever is tall, his head is drained, but for me it’s normal, you see how it’s specially calculated, just like that, the mouth turned out to be small, i want the lower lip enlarge, i was a little mistaken, there will be... well, a column in my mouth, and he will scream like elephants scream in the jungle, well, it will probably be scary here, for some, well, i think the most difficult thing, some think that it’s the ears that are the most difficult, no, the most difficult thing for me was telling my wife, that’s it. why is this necessary, it’s better to build a house like this, i ’ve built houses like this, like this, in russia there is no one who has
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an elephant, only me, so i go into the elephant, this is my kitchen-hall, there are guests, here they are here a table where to sit, someone to lie down, here is a spiral flight of stairs. this is to the second floor, to the third floor and the fourth floor, this is a spiral staircase, i cooked it myself, i did it myself, basically i did everything here myself, and the boys helped, everything is here in my carpets, it’s under the elephant’s butt, here it is, basically it’s dome-shaped, well, i designed it in the mirror. everyone is happy, they look at themselves and are happy, in fact, this indian just emphatically emphasized to me that
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an elephant is, well, first of all , fertile, that is, children will be born, i needed this, i told few people about this, inside, i wanted to have a grandson, all that is... dus said, everything comes true, they immediately get pregnant, you know, this is how it turned out, there are already four of them, they were born, let’s go upstairs, i have a purely men’s room upstairs, i’m just lying there.
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it’s nice to be here, well, applause to the owner of this house, the suleimansheikhs, we are visiting today, we are glad to welcome you, in which direction the elephant is facing, this is also calculated according to the sunrise, as the indian said,
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visiting friends, the highest paid architect of russia, more than 130 projects around the world.


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