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tv   Bakhar  RUSSIA1  July 12, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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in the southern donetsk direction, two armored vehicles were destroyed, the canadian senator rachel was the first to be hit, and then the cossack-2 parked nearby, and this is footage of the destruction of an american humvee, which turned into a pile of scrap metal. active battles continue in the kharkov direction, the enemy’s advance is being blocked by aviation, artillery, and north groupings; the geotsind alexandrov korobov’s self-propelled guns are particularly effective, and self-propelled artillery in more detail. and ocint groups north are preparing for fire work. sau calculation capable of conducting counter-battery combat, destroying defensive structures, destroying enemy manpower and equipment at a range of 8 to 30 km. today, uav operators help to accurately target targets. they see our work, correct us accordingly, and give the correct instructions to the goals. accordingly, the consumption is much less, and this is much better. we save a lot. there are always plenty of shells. the shock wave emanating from...
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the gun at the moment of firing makes the earth tremble, the ammunition goes beyond the horizon with a roar, the bolt is again in a predatory ascal, the giant requires a new portion, a gun, a shot, today artillery plays an important role on the battlefield, so there are special requirements for fighters, at least a good memory and knowledge of mathematics, because you have to constantly work with numbers, constantly memorize settings, so as not to make mistakes, so don't make any mistakes... amazing accuracy and high mobility in the capable hands of the cao turns into a real sniper rifle. the other day, the crew of the ges gun was able to hit a moving suv with a quick shot. according to intelligence data in it there were mercenaries. the rotation was disrupted. the self-propelled gunners confidently continue their fire work. alexander korbov, vyacheslav podzolkov. news: kharkov direction. in france
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, a fire in one of the oldest gothic cathedrals in the world, rwanda, is almost 10 centuries old. during reconstruction, the spire, which was surrounded by scaffolding, caught fire, they extinguished it for several hours, after which the fire was localized; according to preliminary data , mainly repair structures burned down, the spire made of cast iron was not damaged, this is news, we are monitoring developments. there is an unprecedented influx of tourists from china in primorye. the roads of vladivostok are crowded with tourist buses, souvenir shops are rejoicing, guests from the middle kingdom are sweeping everything from magnets to food off the shelves. the city has not seen such excitement for a long time. ekaterina shilyanova found out why vladivostok is so attractive this summer. the far eastern capital has once again become the epicenter for guests from the middle kingdom; there are so many people wanting to admire the beauty that local residents have to literally fight for a place to sit.
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residents of herscheld also faced the problem of mass parking. now, to get to the lighthouse you will have to try very hard to find a parking place. tourist buses literally block the passage. some drivers completely ignore the rules, leaving their vehicle right in the middle of the road. and the buses are parked as god pleases, they can park their bus, leave for 5 hours, come back, block everyone’s traffic, this is completely abnormal. tourist buses take stops for public transport, people. you have to take roundabout routes to get to your minibus, and some are forced to wait for the next one. the situation is the same at the station square, another popular place among tourists, although parking is allowed here, but due to heavy congestion, drivers are forced to stand in two and sometimes three rows. despite all the restrictions, there are still designated places for the bus, for example, at the regional government building, where entry into the territory is now officially permitted. and bye local residents are trying to make their way to vacation spots with... tourist buses are rejoicing
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souvenir shops, such a rush for local products has not been seen here since 2019, chinese tourists are sweeping off the shelves not only magnets, pens, traditional paraphernalia, but also products. they themselves, when they hand out money, they don’t understand where 5 rubles are, where 50 rubles are, where they have 5,000, so they most likely don’t look at the price, but at making the product look bright and beautiful. chinese groups, as a rule, , they come for a short period, they manage to do it in 3-4 days look at vladivostok, there are a lot of self-reproductions, but going to grocery stores is always a priority, and guests are ready to buy russian sweets for considerable sums. ekaterina shilyanova, andrey tolstikhin, lead primorye. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, meet in the morning on the russia channel. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more,
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more, great, good, right! morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. hello, good morning, but this morning is good not only because it’s summer. and it’s also friday, today is 12 july, mid-summer, the weather is good, and today we are responsible for a good mood and vivacity, don’t wait for the coffee to be red, but meet the morning with us, better than us, if possible, but i think it might work out, for improper walking of the dog you will be punished
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receive a fine, the state duma is preparing amendments to the code of administrative violations, which will affect many animal owners; fines will be imposed on those who do not clean up after their dog or have forgotten. put a muzzle on a potentially dangerous dog. so-called self-walking may be considered a violation of the order. and neglect of sanitary standards. the amount of fines is being discussed, but they can start from 500 rubles. for the first violation, well, then more more, i wonder how even more, even more. yes, it’s a question, but it’s much worse when sanitary standards are not observed in kindergartens. constant drafts, plaster falling from the ceiling of the walls, cockroaches. parents complain about the state of kindergartens in a number of regions of the country, how to provide children with a comfortable, and most importantly safe childhood, let’s understand the plot: parents open cabinets, and cockroaches come out and crawl out. the shocking proximity of small children to insects outraged the parents of a kindergarten in
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the city of yasnaya, orenburg region, and this is not the only complaint of adults. the façade of the kindergarten is replete with cracks, which cause constant drafts. we have now prepared the entire document package. and work even began, however, in 2024 in os and is still there. after numerous appeals from the parents of the popular front, the investigative committee is now looking into the situation. similar problems are happening all over the country. of the more than 4.0 kindergartens in russia, almost 6,500 require major repairs, almost a thousand do not have
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running water or sewerage, and 78 are in disrepair. experts explain that educational organizations are financed from the regional and local budgets. teaching workers, the municipality is obliged to include in its budget the maintenance and compliance with all sanitary standards and rules in this kindergarten building. but the first link in the chain is the head of the institution. you need to make sure that information about the poor condition of the kindergarten was brought to the attention of the founder and the municipality. in this case, continue to look at who, why, does not respond to signals; if the problem is not solved, you will have to complain to a higher authority; if parents have some facts that really violate the rights of children, then you can
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contact the educational supervisory authorities, if this concerns childcare supervision specifically, then this can be addressed to the rospotrebnadzor authorities, the entire system needs to be reviewed financing of preschool institutions. such isolated complaints will not solve the problem; first of all, we are talking about gardens in remote and sparsely populated regions. there is hope for this, because starting next year a large-scale program will begin to operate, for now, to repair kindergartens. we will continue our discussion of this topic with the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery alekseev. valery, good morning, good morning, well, the statistics are as follows: 6.00 kindergartens across the country urgently need... major repairs, 78 are in disrepair, not to mention already about security, video surveillance, the guard is missing, the fire hydrant is missing too, how did this happen? the fact is that kindergartens did not have the same supervision of care that schools had recently, yes, they have already been united, not all and not all
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regions have passed this program, this is mainly a moscow story, so to speak, when they are united now it went to the regions, because there is a certain economic rationale for this, so first of all... we invested in schools, now the program is catching up with kindergartens, that’s us we are talking about a federal program, i understand correctly, yes, a federal program, because not a single municipal program, well, except for moscow, krasnodar, and sankterge. what then does this money go to? the money is put aside, god forbid, for some kind of cosmetic repairs, in order to put the money in charge and the money is put into the budget there, in a small municipality from its own funds for serious repairs, well, this is an almost impossible story, we are completely in favor of putting such a program aside kindergartens also appeared, but you yourself say what... will it work only from next year, until it all gets going, until it starts working, what can be done now, without waiting,
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god forbid, for some tragedies, when the roof collapsed or something else happened, well , look, let's do it , first of all, if you see a problematic situation, contact the supervisory authorities in the people's front, ah, in order to correctly assess how critical the situation really is, are there any rules for not responding, as we know for many requests , there are 30 days for a response, but the norms to resolve the issue. there is no standard for resolving the issue, depending, it very much depends on the specific issue, but one thing is you have a hole in the roof, yes, through which water is dripping, in general it is in such a place that it does not drip onto the electrical wiring, but another the same hole, yes, that drips onto the electrical panel, yes, these are completely different situations and correcting them requires completely different approaches, if the situation is in an emergency state, yes, that is, there is a potential threat to life and health, then the reaction should be the next day then we...
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if the region has no money, the municipality has no money, but we urgently need to repair the kindergarten, we can also get a loan, yes, from the state, and from the state bank for the region, but here it is important that parents show their activity and do not leave the situation in the middle, because the loan will have to be repaid; this additional obligation for, so to speak , managers is generally not the easiest. history to get it, so for them to definitely go do it, you need this situation, then,
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what is called, well, if not daily, then on a weekly basis, raising parents that we have such a situation, we are sounding the alarm, we are contacting all services, all organizations and we will do this persistently, then everything can be achieved, we understand, thank you very much, our question was answered by the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery alekseev, have a nice day, thank you, thank you. you will sign tomorrow, the wedding will come later, the fifth blood type from monday at 21:20, the dark factories of the future will be without people, the future is already coming in china, one of electronics manufacturers showed on video the launch of a fully automatic production facility, where various industrial robots work 24x7, dark, the factory was probably nicknamed because the machines , in general, do not need bright lighting. it is enough to illuminate only the area where soldering, assembly and
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other delicate manipulations are carried out with a pair of diodes. at first, robots will rivet smartphones, and then they are going to start making auto parts; they will also save electricity, it’s true. but everywhere to replace people with machines, to our fortunately it won't work. more than 20% of russian employers plan to attract seasonal workers this summer. a third of the company offers part-time work for two summer months, about the nuances of this type of work. and interesting seasonal vacancies, kristina sorokina will tell you. now there are almost 122,000 seasonal vacancies open in the country, according to experts, this type of income most often attracts temporarily unemployed citizens, as well as schoolchildren and students on vacation, worked as a salon administrator for 3 months, earned 80,000 on a laptop, i also saved up 60,000 at sea, in the summer, well, every season, i work in the theater, at the bar. a month , maybe 70-80 as a consultant in a
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cosmetics store for the summer, part-time work worked out well, 20-25 a month. at the same time, as a rule, experience for seasonal part-time work is not particularly important, which is especially important for young job seekers; there is also the opportunity to study the company of interest from the inside or try yourself in a new role. there is a great demand for couriers, waiters, tourism, and various animators. who work with children, this is mainly the service sector us, so in zelenograd a gardener and landscaper will be paid up to 65,000 a month for removing weeds and working with the soil. a fish processor in sakhalin can receive up to 120,000 per person, with flights, meals and accommodation paid for by the company. residents in tver are promised a salary of up to 110,000 rubles. however, you need to have a medical book. in moscow, attraction operators without experience will pay from 50 to 70,000. and in chelyabinsk, a rescue sailor in a thermal complex with swimming and laying skills can
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earn from 41.00 per month. important point any seasonal employment must be formalized. according to the rules of the labor code. the only difference from the usual one is that it necessarily stipulates the conditions regarding the seasonal nature and timing of the work. as a rule, they range from two to 6 months. the remaining points in the contract are standard, even vacation, it is paid and amounts to two working days for each month of work. in addition, seasonal employees have exactly the same rights as permanent employees . if the contract is concluded for a period of more than 2 months, then the employee may be set. probationary period, and at the same time all the guarantees and benefits that usually apply to an ordinary employee are also provided, while the written consent of the parents is required for the registration of minors, and the length of the working day depends on age, for children 14-15 years old no more than 4 hours are established, sixteen-year-olds can work for five hours a day, and older teenagers up to
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7 hours a day. and then, a legend of the automobile industry: the first mass-produced passenger car in human history. tested by ivan zenkevich, not will miss, you're fine, thank you, look at rtr, on the weekend i'll go to my mother for a blessing, you, i follow you, follow me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, not a stone, now i'm your wife, and i’m your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night,
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let’s spend it together, fifth blood group. from monday on rtr. pensioner from kostroma married a young prince from nigeria. where was the dark-skinned lavelaz in such a hurry that he didn’t even have time to introduce his mother from africa to her fifty-nine-year-old russian wife. love does not love. live broadcast today on rtr. great guy, we should take him, today, you thought well, you don’t have a job, no place to live, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i’m not sure whether it will suit
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my father, he said, that he will only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious marriage, and where did you... meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, real love is just one kiss away, who taught you to kiss like that, let's kiss for real, well, that's a completely different matter, natoash, i love you, find yourself another fool , her wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business can be done, we need a bride with accommodation, today on rtr, please, a sign.
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it has never happened that our children disappeared here, so we didn’t let you work, but what kind of work is there when such horror is happening, another person asked you to marry, what kind of person, and you are apparently a neighbor? we can have mine, sit down, we’ll be gone, thank you, i ’m full, i’m passing through or whatever, we’re together now, right? raya knows everything, raika
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will not forgive you for this, today on rtr. the king in the world of hypercars is no longer the same, well, or not a cake, as he likes to say, the fastest car in the world, the bugatti ciron, is about to give up its leadership, its maximum speed of 490 km per hour is no longer the maximum. swedish manufacturer king sec says its car could be even faster. in the video, the company's latest record is the fastest acceleration from 0 to 400 km/h - we just have to wait
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until he does it on the highway and doesn’t take off . yes, planes will not be needed. being a leader in the automotive world doesn't always mean extreme performance. today ivan zinkevich will tell you how the car became an ordinary means of transportation, and not a luxury. there are not many landmark events in the automotive world. one of them is the appearance of the engine, the second is the invention of the conveyor, thanks to which the ford model t was born. the car was released in 1908, since 1910 the complex method of flow-conveyor production was fully mastered. plus, the forte is a truly affordable car. judge for yourself, prices started at $825. the average worker's income was 525 dollars a year, and competitors started from one and a half thousand. all units are attached to a lightweight but durable vanadium steel frame.
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you could buy a model with a hard top, or you could, as we are related, have a wooden frame at the base, the rims are also wooden, the tires are narrow, like a bicycle, but it’s not difficult to change and you don’t have to remove the wheel you need to unscrew the four nuts with the tire and remove the rim. the engine is in-line four-cylinder with a volume of 2.896 cm3, maximum power 22.5 horsepower, cast iron block. thermosyphon cooling is pure physics: hot water rises up and down, but there is already a pump, but no oil pump. gasoline flows by gravity from a tank under the seat, inside there is a real carriage, leather, wood and a little tin. there are three pedals at the bottom: clutch and reverse. and the brake, where is the gas, and it’s on the steering wheel, in order to get going, you need to perform a whole ritual from shifting the handbrake, but then you get used to it and roll along calmly, however,
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there is still no feeling that you are driving a car, it’s more like a noisy carriage with a smoky engine, the maximum speed is 65 km/h, but it feels like i’m already flying, i’ve already accelerated the car at full speed, in reality, well, probably 20 kilometers per hour. ford model t was produced until 1927 and sold more than 15 million copies. it became the first truly mass-produced passenger car model and embodied henry ford's dream of something simple and accessible to everyone. car. well, the reliability of this transport has been proven over the years. our specimen, for example, is still rolling around the territory of the verkhny pyshmyan museum, although today it probably already seems like a guest from another planet. let's start!
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come on, let's smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning race. and don’t forgive the main thing, this is the morning news, we will talk about the main thing in russia abroad, in the vera tarasova studio, hello, the principles of brix work, equality, consideration of each other’s interests cannot but attract other states, that is why the association is enjoying increasing interest and trust from the international...
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in general, the parliamentary dimension of brix cooperation is also enjoying great interest. we look forward to cooperation in those areas that present challenges at the moment. we are talking about what is happening today between russia and ukraine. i hope we will have the opportunity to discuss in detail how we, parliamentarians, can help through dialogue in finding ways out of the current situation. the instruments of parliaments are frequent.
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are the only ones for building dialogues between those who are interested in resolving certain pressing issues, so we also consider your visit here in the same vein. the main topic of the summit is the role of parliament in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global security development. this year the chairmanship in brixlo goes to the russian federation. the kiev regime was fired upon again. belgorod region in shebek , seven people received shrapnel wounds of varying severity, for the lives of two of them are now being fought by doctors. at the moment, a house-to-house inspection is being carried out: shrapnel damaged 15 cars, three apartment buildings, two social and three commercial facilities; in the shebekinsky district , drones attacked two cars, one person was killed, three were injured. ukrainians subject to mobilization have four days left to update their data in the tsk.
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otherwise. awaits confiscation of property, but the plan for the mobilized is carried out without innovations, recruits are taken from the streets in any condition, sent military registration and enlistment office, some are lucky, as this resident of lvov came to the aid of his neighbors, while the ukrainian media write that the service of breaking legs for money is becoming increasingly popular in order to avoid forced mobilization. but representatives of the shopping center, unlike their fellow citizens, feel like masters of the situation and shop for free in stores, as in these footage from odessa. in other news, residents of the magadan region are enjoying the sharp warming, the temperature in the city is up to +30, this is after a very cold june, of course, for residents of the north this is the weather is very rare. lyudmila cherbakova will continue. the beaches of magadan are filled with sunbathers, it’s really hot here now, some even dare to take a dip in the sea of ​​okhotsk, where the water never even warms up to +14.
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spend as much time as possible on the street; people meet them in kindergartens, on school playgrounds, in holiday camps; summer in magadan, as residents say, does not last long. this year, like half a summer has passed, there were few sunny days, now we have time to catch it, i even think, instead of the sun take a walk. in one of the courtyards of magadan , an apple tree even bloomed, residents exchanged photos and videos; throughout june and early july, the coast of the region was flooded with rain, and the air temperature rarely rose above 10-12°. this
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hot weather in magadan will continue for a few more days, then the direction of the wind will change and it will blow from the cold sea of ​​okhotsk, so it will become cool in the city, but in the near future the warm anticyclone may return; hot weather will continue in the central regions of the magadan region. lyudmila cherbakova, alexey gelyev, leading magadan. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in the kemerovo region, they discovered an unusual find, which is more than 100 million years old, this is a fragment of a large dinosaur; they found it in the village of shestakova, and scientists had to examine it using mri in a regular hospital. anna nosova will talk about the first results. a unique find, a bone and part of the shell of an ankylosaur, was one of the most common groups on earth, living from the mid-jurassic period to the end of the cretaceous, that is, until extinction.
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in kusbas it is herbivorous. lived more than 120 million years ago, fragments were discovered by the expedition team of the regional shrimp museum almost by accident, they were not found during excavations, the fact is that area excavations are not carried out at the site of shisakov 1, this is significant, not only for kusbass, and if we take more for in russia and in general for world science, every such find is of great, great importance. the humerus is located in sandstone; it cannot be separated; it is dangerous for the safety of the sample; therefore, for study they resort to tomography, create a digital model, and from it they will learn their lifestyle, anatomical features, and even gender. now only a fairly large group has been identified, that these are armored dinosaurs or ankelosaurs, that’s it. but we are interested in whether this ankylosaur differs from its relatives, for example, from china, from mongolia, from other countries, perhaps this is a new species, but in order to accurately determine this, we need to know its structure, for example, this bones from all sides, in fact, what we are trying to achieve, that is
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quite a lot of representatives of such armored dinosaurs are known all over the world, so you will have to compare with many others. from the dinosaur bone found, one can already understand that it was a fairly large representative, about 4-5 m, about the same as a car plus a tail. the second largest in kuzbass land. anna nosova, andrey sanasak, vesti kuzbas. the small remote village of elban in the khabarovsk territory was connected to natural gas, according to the instructions of the president. this year, blue fuel will be provided to about 200 houses. the program allows you to transport gas to the boundaries of the land plot free of charge. what other changes await the residents of a small town - lyudmila smirnova found out. it is more necessary to go to the regional center to replace a gas cylinder. no need, before we had to do it twice to hand it over, then pick it up, in a word, it’s a housewife’s dream, we were even told that the pots would be cleaner, there would be less soot from this gas, in cloudy weather the house is warm, without heaters, the boiler works, turned it on,
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the battery lit up, it was 35°, and life got better, what is the weather like in the house, konstantin knows firsthand, they used to heat with wood, heating was 9.00 a month, now it will be... somewhere around 3,000, this year the owners of almost 200 houses will be able to connect gas, a long-awaited, infrastructure development program began back in 2017, then from - due to lack of funding, work was suspended, construction resumed in the twenty-second of the current year, according to the regional targeted investment program , about 90 million rubles were allocated for its continuation. gas, the gas distribution network has been launched, so to speak, all that remains is the work of the residents themselves, to conclude so to speak. agreement, and accordingly they installed intragas equipment, the installers are unable to cope, they did not expect such demand from rural residents, the additional gasification program is being carried out on behalf of the president of russia, it allows free supply of gas to the borders of the site or the connection of new facilities, so revival
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is expected at investment sites, before residents deterred by the cost of energy resources, outside large cities, for the development of your business, a far eastern hectare can be taken even within the boundaries of a populated area. national russian projects tershkatos, the far eastern hectare program, by the way, this beach is equipped on one of them, all this helps not only to re-breathe life into remote settlements, but also to take this life to a qualitatively new level. with the completion of the gas pipeline, fuel will be supplied to almost 900 houses, it is expected that the outflow of population will become less, new production will replace the collapsed state farm, and life goes on. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. at sevastopol state university we learned they are using a 3d printer to print car body parts; they are building a unique crimea roadster, a joint project of thirty russian universities. the goal of the project is to interest students in automotive engineering. the sevastopol version is radically different from the others.
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a special feature of the car will be its original design, as well as air suspension. the model looks like a convertible. for now, this is only a concept: it is unknown whether these versions will reach the mass market. all news is always available on the media platform, see in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel, so you’re a microbiologist, yeah, but i only hire laboratory assistants, with your knowledge it’s unlikely to interest you, it will interest you, movies on weekends, i carry out tests, the health of the whole city depends on us, if only something could come from you somehow, people wouldn't die. journalist, yes, you will help, of course, if only we had the documents, your fears are not in vain, there is a mistake, laboratory assistant, tomorrow at 21:00, 2024 has been declared the year of the family
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and in our studio family duets sing songs about love, in general, another girl, another girl, is necessary for every woman who wants to save her family a little. good morning, hello, july 12 on the calendar, friday morning is greeted by vera krasova, denis stoykov, and if you are having breakfast now, then bon appetit to everyone, yes, but they are now trying to save countless herds of cows and sheep from hunger in argentina, more than 700,000 animals were blocked. inaccessible mountainous areas, this is due to abnormal snow storms, they have been raging for
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the second week in a row, multi-meter snowdrifts do not give the livestock the slightest chance to find at least some food, but the farmers themselves cannot get to their herds, and there was only one way out of this seemingly stalemate situation, calling for help from army units, tracked military equipment, no snowstorms scary, it became the best transport for transporting bales, hay for poor sheep and... cows, well, for us, who would bring additional air conditioning or a refreshing forecast, is it worth hoping for a decrease in the temperature, which is still off the charts, now we’ll find out maria borisova, maria, good morning, good morning, well , we don’t need snowstorms yet, a little cooler would be nice, it will be by sunday, but friday-saturday, if we talk about you and me, about the center, on the contrary, the temperature will rise, the heat will only increase even more to 32°, no precipitation, sun, sunday.
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the situation in the atmosphere over southern russia will change little, it is still sunny here, only over the caucasus mountains there may be pockets of heaping rain clouds carrying short showers of thunderstorms, temperature conditions significantly warmer than usual, during the day 33-38, in some places up to 40. the sea water is...
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calming down. daytime temperatures in northern russia will leave the region by sunday, so thunderstorms will occur here at 19:24, in the south - 24:29. saturday will be a little cooler. central russia will be left out of the trajectory of this region. in the urals on saturday, showers are expected in places with thunderstorms and gusty, strong winds, on sunday there will be fewer clouds, precipitation will become local and short-term, in the daytime it is 22:27, on saturday it will be 3-4° cooler. in unstable weather will continue in southern siberia and will form in some areas during the day. heaps of rain clouds carrying showers and
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thunderstorms. the temperature is moderately hot during the day 26:31. in the south of the far east there will also be thunderstorms in places, but they will not prevent the sun from warming the air in the continental regions of primorye on the banks of the amur until 25:30 on the coast of the sea of ​​japan until 20:25. thank you, maria. maria, thank you. well, why be surprised, it’s summer, it’s hot, well, summer is approaching the equator, in my opinion, we have such summer performance, decent, success. i think everything is fine, yes, thank you very much, maria borisova told us about the weather for the weekend, have a nice day, golden collection, azer tea is a breath of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of wonderful black tea, morning is time brew azerchay, 2024 has been declared the year of the family and in our studio family duets sing songs:
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morning traditions have arrived, a cup of coffee can now be combined or replaced with drawing with coffee pencils, it is natural pressed coffee that invents.
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well, don’t let its sweet taste confuse you, these sugars are not as harmful as they might seem at first glance, tatyana matveeva was personally convinced. tasty, really. but it ’s not even august yet, it’s just that the boldrev family was lucky, they live in astrakhan and such aromatic collective farm food is ripening here right now, however, this piece of summer is immediately canned to be eaten on cold winter evenings. we pour the chopped melon directly into the cooking basin, right there. add sugar one to one, for anoids this is the best antidepressant, a couple of spoons a day and i want to smile, although to get this effect you can do without added sugar, the sweet aroma of fresh melon is ready to captivate anyone, i can tell by the smell, it seems to me that if the melon is aromatic, then it will definitely be tasty, if they are like that, such
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a fragrant smell, i then i take it, you will be surprised, but the sweet taste of melon is given not so much by the familiar fructose and glucose, but by special sugar alcohol molecules - erythritols. they are not absorbed by the body like sugar, this is a definite plus, but it immediately turns into bold minus if the main condition is not met. melon sugar, the so-called one, which on the one hand is not absorbed into the blood, yes, that is, does not increase sugar levels, on the other hand, it passes into the large intestine and is fermented there, and if a person consumes more melon than necessary, then this can lead to unpleasant bloating and fermentation. and even stool upset. here’s a trick: to avoid these troubles, which, by the way , many people encounter when overeating, it’s better to limit yourself to a 300 g piece. it’s difficult, but but it’s optimal to get another benefit in addition to the refreshing sweetness: almost a quarter of the daily requirement of vitamin a and 60% of the most powerful antioxidant vitamin c. it is water-soluble and is completely absorbed from
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melon, but perhaps in the summer heat this sweet vegetable is valuable for another property. melon is 90% water, so it can be a great quencher. thirst and more, it contains useful electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, we lose all this when we sweat in the heat, so melon can perfectly replenish all this, by the way, it can refresh and any dish, with protein foods and greens, it very peacefully coexists in one plate in our intestines, these could be some kind of meat dishes, where melon can be the basis for some kind of sauce or pieces of melon, for example, sometimes even... caramelized, served with additional herbs, this delicate, piquant, sweetish taste is created. to bring all this to life, you don’t have to wait for august; small, juicy collective farmers and torpedoes from sunny uzbekistan are already being sold in the central part of our country. when choosing you should focus on your olfactory receptors and hearing. a ripe melon exudes a sweet
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aroma and creates a dull sound when tapped. a trip to a hospital or clinic will become faster and more convenient for residents of any region of the country. thanks to the national project , safe and high-quality roads. when updating roads, builders pay special attention to such socially significant objects as medical educational institutions, as well as cultural and leisure facilities. check the patient’s health, interpret the results and draw a conclusion. doctor olga matveets doesn’t have much time for all this, because sometimes she has to examine more than twenty during a shift. this particular section of the road took much more time than i spend on it now. after the renovation of barnaulskaya street, one of
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the main highways of tyumen, olga is no longer afraid of being late for an appointment, the street has become wider, new traffic lights and modern pedestrian crossings have appeared on it. crosswalk. such an integrated approach to reconstruction has become the norm so that the road is convenient and safe, it is not enough to change the asphalt. where it is necessary to create or increase parking spaces, we do this; where it is necessary to ensure accessibility for pedestrian traffic, we also always provide for this. and so that the road does not have to be repaired again in another year, new materials and technologies are used. they have performed well in particular. floating hatches, new types of asphalt-concrete, developed specifically for our difficult siberian conditions. road workers have access to medical facilities in priority. now, for example, work is going on on the leading street. natal center and children's clinic, the renovation will be completed this month. over the past 5 years, under the national project for safe, high-quality roads, more than 2,500
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routes to hospitals, clinics, and maternity hospitals have been updated. this year , more than 1,900 km of streets and highways leading to medical institutions will be added to them. also, about 1,100 km of roads to tourist attractions will be repaired; tens of kilometers of such road needed by both local residents and travelers were completed by builders in murmon region, now. the quality of the trip along the kandalaksha umba highway does not depend on the weather. it’s comfortable, safe, there are markings everywhere, the parking lots are clean. the tourist season here is short, about 2 months, so events take place one after another, but the summer will pass, tourists will leave and for the whole region the road will remain the only means of communication with the country. we have something to compare with, of course, there is still quite a large section in the direction to varzuga that is unpaved and not paved, we would like it to be repaired there too. where to allocate resources authorities and road workers take into account, first of all , the needs of residents; priority is given to roads leading to primary
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health care institutions, educational institutions, and cultural sites. in the meantime , it’s summer in the arctic, the village of umbo, which has become accessible thanks to the new road, is hosting a festival of folk groups from all over russia for the first time. why don't you go to bed? yes, this artist. let's look at rtr. there are no results, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take the gang with his bare hands. where does sazonov hang around? svetlana, allow me to invite you tomorrow restaurant. fine. death's head, death 's head. where is she now? maybe the artist collected all the loot and whistled to hell. artist. let's continue. monday on rtr, i am happier than anyone, if my heart asks for joy, dancing and
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tears of love at dawn, if my soul asks for songs, i know for sure the impossible is possible, falling in love, provocation is treacherous behavior,
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there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed , then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why do you like it? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. 2024 has been declared the year of the family and in our studio family duets sing songs about love, about another girl in general. every woman who wants to save her family needs to round the corners a little, and not fly so high. hello, andrey,
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andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr. you you’re waiting for me, ilya sergeevich, semyonovna. an incredible walk by non-bullywood stuntman jaan rose, he stood on a shaky line that connected the shores of the mesensky strait between the italian boot and sicily. the distance was 3.646 m at... under 300 m. naden the trickster accurately fulfilled his fitness norm, taking into account the considerable efforts to maintain balance for almost 3
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hours. as you can see, there was a safety rope and it was useful. the acrobat stumbled just 80 meters before the finish. unfortunately, the record is not officially recognized, and in order to write your name in history, a trick will have to repeat. i think he will succeed. yes, although there are other less risky but interesting ways, for example, to engage in treasure hunting. the historical museum of moscow is currently hosting an exhibition of the hidden history treasure. a total of 117 rare items, including. today, it is customary to leave all the most valuable things in a safe deposit box or hide them securely at home, but earlier, if people were in danger, the townspeople hastily buried their savings in the ground, where most often they remained like that to this day. this was the treasure
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discovered suddenly during city excavations. great vessels in ancient russia were called small vessels; most often they were made of clay and always had a narrow neck, so that it was easier to put coins inside and, if necessary, easy to break. the exhibition presents many treasures found from different eras, including armor, coins, dishes, as well as ancient jewelry of wealthy ancient russian fashionistas, and this is the princely shoulder of vladimir manomakh himself. a unique medallion made of silver with gilding was found during excavations near suzdol. all these items. have lain in the ground for centuries, yet still look as good as new. the mantle was brought to russia as a gift from the emperor of constantinople. a unique monument of our collection was opened in 1851 by alexei sergeevich uvarov. in the mound of the kurgan, uvarov discovered this unique suzdal shoulder. in many ways, this suzdal shoulder served as the beginning
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of the development of ancient russian archeology in general. here's another example. an exemplary preserved exhibit, a 15th century dress that was discovered during the construction of the first metro line in moscow. the outfit was securely walled up in the wall, where it lay for more than 400 years, and this treasure was not stored underground at all and was not hidden in the wall. the world's largest collection of silverware was discovered by accident during the restoration of a mansion in st. petersburg. the secret room in the house of the nobles on ryshkin was filled from top to bottom, filled with gold and silver. they were discovered as part of the treasure. items belonging to three generations of the naryzhkin family, a set of cutlery, golden fruit vases, tea sets, filigree work by famous russians craftsmen, a total of about 3,000 objects, many of which are more than 100 years old, but no one could have seen this wealth if not for the vigilance of a police officer. the treasure on the ryshkins became the prey of builders, who tried to carry it out in bags at night, but were stopped by law enforcement officers, such
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a precious collection that experts estimate at... a record 200 million rubles remained in the country. now these and other treasures can be seen by all visitors to the historical museum until august 26. and then demand does not create supply. in any case this concerns transport for traveling around our country. we will discuss later how to open access to all tourist areas. equality, consideration of each other's interests. vladimir putin on the principles of brix work at the parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. us long-range weapons in germany, a threat to international security, russia's news on the deployment of missiles in 2026. mobility and maximum accuracy in the kharkov direction are theirs;
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enemy movement is blocked by geocin installations in the north group. the news will tell about the main studio of vera tarasova. hello. the principles of brix work, equality, consideration of each other’s interests, cannot but attract other states. that is why the association is enjoying increasing interest and trust from the international community. vladimir putin spoke about this in st. petersburg, where he took part in the tenth brix parliamentary forum. it brought together more than 400 delegates from almost two dozen countries. the president emphasized that russia.
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we are open to strengthening cooperation with all countries expressing interest in brix activities, and we are conducting an active dialogue in brix + outreach format, we are working. security and, as vladimir putin noted, the organization is attracting more and more supporters and like-minded people. the president held separate meetings with the heads of parliament. i want to express the hope and
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have no doubt that the development of relations between iran and the russian federation will develop as progressively as it did under mr. raisi, and the death of whom we are all. here is president ibrahim raisi, his tragic death had a strong impact on our country. i also wanted separately thank you personally for the support you gave us on that terrible night. i can tell you with confidence that there is not the slightest
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doubt that we will continue to strengthen our relations both bilaterally and multilaterally within the framework of associations such as brix. in 2026, the united states promises to deploy new missiles in germany. this is stated in a joint statement. two countries, we are talking about standard misl 6 surface-to-air missiles, tamahawk cruise missiles, as well as experimental hypersonic weapons. the document once again proves why washington, under a far-fetched pretext, needed a withdrawal from the treaty on medium-, short- and short-range missiles. meanwhile, the head of the german ministry of defense, pistorius, has already managed to justify himself, calling the deployment of such weapons rotation systems. our foreign ministry emphasized that such american-german actions will in no way strengthen the security of western europe. ukraine's entry into nato will not strengthen, but weaken the unity of the alliance and lead to open confrontation with moscow. this opinion was expressed by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijarta. the chinese foreign ministry emphasized that the united states should act
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as envoys of justice. in fact, they only create confrontation and incite wars. colleagues from iran, drawing attention to the accusation that tehran is prolonging the ukrainian conflict through cooperation with moscow, also point out who bears the real responsibility for the aggressive policy. american economist jeffrey sachs drew attention to the fact that the final declaration reflects zero interest in finding a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict. according to him , the document only fuels the course towards war, as noted in the kremlin, in fact, the military infrastructure of the north atlantic bloc is progressively moving towards our borders. active fighting continues in the kharkov direction; the enemy’s advance is being blocked by aviation and artillery from the north group. self-propelled guns geocint aleksandrov show particular effectiveness. the work of our military equipment. artillerymen of the geotsint self-propelled gun of the north group are preparing for fire work. the sau crew is capable of conducting counter-battery combat, destroying defensive structures,
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destroy enemy personnel and equipment at a range of 8 to 30 km. today, uav operators help to accurately target targets. they see our work and adjust it accordingly, giving correct target indications. accordingly, the consumption is several times less. and this is much better, we save a lot of shells and always have wealth. the shock wave emanating from the gun at the moment of firing makes the earth tremble, the ammunition goes beyond the horizon with a roar, the bolt is again in a predatory ask, the giant demands a new portion, gun, shot! today on on the battlefield, artillerymen play an important role, so there are special requirements for fighters, at least a good memory and knowledge of mathematics, because they have to constantly work with numbers. constantly remember the settings so as not to make mistakes, in order to prevent any mistakes, amazing accuracy and high mobility in the capable hands of the cao turns into a real sniper
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rifle. the other day, the geots cannon crew managed to hit a moving suv with a quick shot. according to intelligence data , there were mercenaries in it. the rotation was disrupted. the self-propelled gunners confidently continue their fire work. this is news, we are monitoring developments . there is an unprecedented influx of tourists from china in the primorye region, the roads of vladivostok are crowded with tourist buses, souvenir shops are rejoicing, guests from the middle kingdom are sweeping everything from magnets to food off the shelves; such a stir in the city has not been seen for a long time, which is what vladivostok is so alluring about this summer, ekaterina shilyanova learned. the far eastern capital has once again become the epicenter for guests from the middle kingdom who want to admire it.
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there were so many honeycombs that local residents you literally have to fight for your place in the sun. residents of herscheld also faced the problem of mass parking. now, to get to the lighthouse you will have to try very hard to find a parking place. tourist buses literally block the passage. some drivers completely ignore the rules, leaving their vehicle right in the middle of the road. and the buses are parked as god pleases, they can park their bus, leave for 5 hours, come back, block everyone’s traffic. this... tourist buses take up stops for public transport, people have to take roundabout routes to get to their minibus, and some are forced to wait for the next one. the same situation is at the station square, another popular place among tourists, although parking is allowed here, but due to heavy congestion , drivers are forced to stand in two, and sometimes three, rows. despite all the restrictions, there are still designated places for the bus, for example, at the regional government building, now here in... into the territory
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officially approved. and while locals try to make their way to vacation spots through tourist buses, souvenir shops rejoice. such a rush for local products has not been seen here since 2019. chinese tourists sweep off shelves not only with magnets, pens, and traditional paraphernalia, but also with food. they themselves, when they hand over money, they don’t understand where the 5 rubles are. where is 50 rub. where is it 5.00 for them? therefore, well, they are most likely not on the price exactly. chinese groups usually come for a short period, 3-4 during the day they have time to see vladivostok and stock up on samurai products, but the priority is always a trip to the grocery store, and guests are ready to buy russian sweets for considerable sums. ekaterina shilyanova, andrey tolstikhin, lead primorye. all news is always available on the media platform , watch it in the application or watch it on the website.
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meet us in the morning on the russia channel, come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, hello, well, summer is heading towards its equator, july 12 is already on the calendar. vera krasova denis stoykov, on friday morning on your tvs and 24:7 in the telegram channel of our program, so subscribe. even those who are on vacation. by the way, a spontaneous dolphinarium unexpectedly opened off the coast. this is how dolphins delight
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tourists with free water shows almost every day: mammals chase small fish, play with each other, demonstrate various acrobatic elements and cause tangible excitement with their fins and tails, you would think that this is an artistic group that has escaped from some dolphinarium, but this is not so, the dolphins are wild, but they are very happy to see people, they want to communicate, and also... they don’t mind becoming internet stars, well, they did it, well, it’s also crowded now at most of our resorts, well, really, dolphins not everywhere , there is unprecedented demand for domestic tourism this season, more than 80% of russians choose to travel around their own country, yes, it’s a pity, not all such plans are destined to come true, sergei egorov will tell you what problem those wishing to travel around russia have already encountered. been to portugal, ireland, sri lanka, this is my cherished dream. auntie smoked.
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in practice, it turned out that going to a remote, but still corner of your own country is much more difficult than going abroad. this is despite the fact that maria was more thorough in organizing her trip to the kuril islands . i booked a guest house more than six months in advance, bought plane tickets to sakhalin in advance, the only thing left was tickets for a ship sailing between the kuril islands. at 2:00 am, i woke up and saw that the start of sales was open. at 2:07 there are no tickets. maria blamed everything on there was a problem on the website, the reason turned out to be different, as the company responsible for transportation explained to us, the demand this year was so great that tickets for all three ships plying between the islands were sold out almost instantly. during the first 40 minutes, our website received 9,400 simultaneous requests, with the maximum number of tickets per flight being 146. ferries, which were originally planned as minibuses for local residents, turned out to be simply unable to cope with the exponentially increased demand. a similar rush arose on traditional southern
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routes, where the closure of airports increased the demand for train tickets. guarding tickets for the sixteenth of august, lazarevskaya orenburg failed. there have never been such problems. why do you update at 750.9, there are no tickets yet, at 8:00 there are no more tickets, although the adventure does not end with the purchase of a ticket, because you can only get to individual resorts using several types of transport. this year amayak decided to go to gelendzhik, with which there is no direct railway connection, until we got to krasnodar by train, then we had to go all the way to genzhak by bus, but buses rarely run, we had to stay on krasnodar until the morning. but there are resorts that are much more complex.
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the extraordinary beauty of your country, you will have to admire them exclusively in photographs. let's continue the topic with our guest in the studio , president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure, member of the russian state council commission on transport pavel ivankin. pavel anatolyevich, good morning, good morning. well, even in ours studio, we quite regularly talk about
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the development of domestic tourism, this is how we can talk about this fully with such gaps in transport accessibility, why is this issue still at the federal level? weren’t interested, well, you can’t say that you weren’t interested, if you look at the example of the railway, multimodal services have already appeared, that is , when a passenger buys a ticket, it includes various types of transport, mapping on an all-russian scale, well, we can say yes, that is, all this already scheduled according to schedule this surge within russian tourism, so to speak, yes, which we are seeing today, if earlier there were, well, let’s say, the wishes of people from... to go there to the same there to kamchatka there to the same sakhalin could be considered more extreme , when the flow of passengers began to grow, then naturally the infrastructure cannot adapt instantly, in order to master this, you need additional parameters, additional ships, but it’s possible, if not purchased, if
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you say that purchasing is expensive, difficult, possible considered unprofitable, but the question is, has anyone considered this benefit, if there are 9,400 requests, maybe it’s still beneficial, makes sense? at least for the duration of the high season, at least charter, yes , you see, the situation is sometimes paradoxical, that is, relatively speaking, before the start of the season there was nothing foreshadowed, yes, i can interrupt you right away, in the story they said that in six months a person bought tickets for sakhalin, probably, if it had been possible to immediately purchase tickets for such ferries six months in advance, they would also have been purchased, or at least at least left as an application, then there would already be an understanding that this demand would be, i agree, one of... the solutions could be such a scheme being discussed, such, say, gates to the region should be created in such difficult- to-reach places, and there, relatively speaking, in the same petropavlovsko-kamchatsky, passengers come to petropavlovsko-kamchatsky, a certain hub is created there, right next to the airport, there is a hotel right there, some mfcs, yes, where he registers as a tourist, and
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accordingly they allow us to predict the creation of this infrastructure according to those requests which exist, such a simple solution suggests itself, it seems to us that it should just be some kind of separate department, probably yes, today the question has arisen again about what it is, probably there should be an agency or some kind of government body , since there is a program for the development of tourism, but there must be a good controller who would clearly understand where it is burning, where it is not, what can be postponed there, and what needs to be prioritized, already together with those tourist associations that exist today , this problem, well, it will probably work out decide much faster than now how likely it is that such a controller will appear, you know, given the fact that we have just formed the existing structure of government bodies, i think that in the next year or two we will probably not return to this issue, so we are waiting with these steps, we are walking in small steps, yes, we are walking in those small steps that we have today. within the framework of the development of the tourism program, which exists at the federal level, within the framework of regional programs, but
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if there is a shortage of some things related to federal funding, yes there is the development of additional ferries or something else, then yes, it is already possible to involve here the ministry of economic development and the russian government, to what extent can the operational state respond in terms of financing such ideas? if, for example, today we are faced with this problem, but we will be able to solve this problem through funding, at best , only in the twenty-fifth year, well, because this is... the federal budget is structured this way, thank you, about how to solve transport problem and open access to all tourist areas of our country, we spoke with the president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure, a member of the russian state council commission on transport, pavel ivankin, thank you very much, thank you, we are moving the clocks to summer time, watch us at 11:30 at 18:30!
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july, the height of the monster is almost 4 m, the length exceeds 8 m. the apex, although it was a herbivore, was far from easy prey for predators. thanks to the characteristic spikes on the tail and... plates on the back, the stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs. the skeleton consists of 254 elements, that is, almost complete, but because the prices go to the skies, the estimated cost of this lot is from 4 to 6 million dollars or exactly half a billion rubles, well, a penny in the human skeleton of smaller elements will be 206, the lion's share of which falls on the spine. well , russian scientists know how to restore its functioning ; andrei negru will tell you about new materials from methods of treating intervertebral hernias: sedentary work,
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heavy lifting, incorrect posture, this is not a complete list of what can cause an intervertebral hernia, when the intervertebral disc begins to bulge between two vertebrae, the hernia itself directly begins to put pressure on the nerve ending of our intervertebral column, thereby causing very severe pain, and if this disease is neglected, this can lead to disability, so to solve this problem we ... other doctors used imported implants, but here is a whole line of domestic developments from mrs. scientists, in particular
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, we have titanium cages created with using 3d printing, technology has made it possible to make them porous, which means that the implant in the body will grow blood vessels and better connect the vertebrae. in addition, the size of the walls between the pores determines the rigidity of the cage so that it is the same as that of bones. finally, the material has a so -called auxetic structure. this is what auxetic is like. bone tissue and a nutrient mixture that allows them to carry out construction work.
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initially, the products were created with an eye toward dentistry, to build up bone before implantation, but it turned out that it will allow solve many problems. it can be used, well, in celestial surgery, dentistry, and neurosurgery. this can be used when there is an injury to a limb, well, orthopedic, or even orthopedics during operations. the gel has already been tested on animals, and experts are ready. now i am your wife and i am your husband. if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it.
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blood, not water. i want to confess something to you. your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, your whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, fifth group of crobies, from monday on rtr, who are we, where are we going? what kind of country are we, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something like that chill inside, anything can happen, don’t retreat from anything, i will still do it , what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself, it’s not like i have
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a family every year, i have a family every minute, there’s no other way. now there is a struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand, that such a responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, have you found out anything? look at rtr, it’s terrible, but it’s never happened that our children disappeared here, so we didn’t let you work, but what kind of work is there when such horror is happening, another person asked me to get married, what kind of person, and you apparently my husband’s neighbor, sit down, we’ll have dinner, thank you, i
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’m full, she’s just passing through or something, we’re together now, right? raya knows everything. raika will not forgive you for this. today on rtr. we go to the doctor and take a lot of his time with empty ones. and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to do please note that each risk factor
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should have its own tablet, where to look for help, you will only need five: ingredients that will benefit the entire body, from the onset of the disease takes two decades before its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. forget about your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr. the subtle art of ballet in the understanding of artificial intelligence. non-russian networks received a non-trivial creative task to come up with a new ballet performance, but as you can see, something went wrong. the computer mind has decided to attach this to everyone the dancer had a third leg, and with the flexibility of nerosita’s bodies, to put it mildly, they went too far. it was never possible
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to replace the real dance classics with a digital surrogate, and it’s not even about the legs, the sensations are completely different. this is some kind of horror. how can i unsee this now? with other classical art and literature too, everyone who is not too lazy to experiment, needs a good guide who would show those books that are really worth reading. you can rely on yegor sirov. good morning, perhaps the two most famous works of this author, and this is the canterville ghost and this novel, by the way, is the only one. portrait of darian gray, oscar wilde, illustrations by ekaterina volzhina, and translation from english by maria abkina. the author warns that constant entertainment, addiction to vices, selfishness lead, all this leads to the degradation of the soul, to its emasculation,
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and no beautiful picture, no portrait can change this, read. i need a book, oscar wilde, a portrait of darian gray. well, i want to say right away that it seems like everyone has read dafoe robinson crozat, but in reality. few people read it, because they mostly read the retelling chukovsky, not a translation. i have a very interesting book, charles buffet, the truth about robinson and friday, and here it actually tells how it all happened, but it was almost exactly the opposite, friday lived on the island for 23 years, selkirk, that was the name of the prototype of robinson cruise , he was landed on this island and he... stayed there for only 4 years, but in 4 years he managed to forget his native language, when he was picked up by corsairs, rescued from this island, he could barely communicate with them, the truth about rabinzoni and
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friday by the way, friday's name was william, why, you will find out from this book, well, almost everyone knows the first two parts of this book, because it is called the bremen town musicians, vasily livanov and yuri entin, and thanks to the cartoon, of course, the cartoon was the bremen town musicians in the footsteps of the bremen town musicians, but remember, smelly like a dog, and an eye like an eagle, this is the second part, and here there is a third, it’s called new bremen. i want to say a few kind words to alsou khalilova, who illustrated this book, i can imagine how difficult it was for her after the cartoons to do, but in my opinion she did a great job, and i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, then, if in the short hot season there is a lot of free time, why
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not earn some money, we'll see, what do we have here, how about becoming a pearl fisherman or a surfing teacher for dogs, are there any vacancies, ice cream taster, for example, better pay attention to a water warmer in rivers, dream jobs, yeah, but only in the summer , what... and the state, which is why the unification enjoys increasing interest and trust from the international community. vladimir putin spoke about this in st. petersburg, where he took part in the tenth
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brix parliamentary forum. the president held separate meetings with the heads of a number of parliaments. vladimir putin emphasized that russia sees attempts to limit direct contacts between legislators, which contradicts the right of each state to defend its interests. they are also of great interest in terms of the parliamentary dimension. first of all, let me convey the warm hi best wishes from the chairman. since the beginning of your new presidential term, under your leadership, the people and government
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of russia have been protecting state stability and security and ensuring socio-economic development. your country is confidently following the path of its own development, we are sincerely pleased with these achievements and express our strong support. in other news: extreme heat, thunderstorms, floods and forest fires, russian. regions are experiencing the blows of the july bad weather. unusual in kaliningrad for the baltic coast +32. black clouds over the sea, storms, and a rising wind drove the vacationers away from the beach. the ministry of emergency situations warns about the danger of being on the shore and going out to sea. omsk, tomsk, irkutsk, kurt, sverdlovsk region and the capital of buryatia went under water after hail showers. water entered the houses. residents were left without a harvest. trans-baikal territory, in the smoke of forest fires in the region, a state of emergency is in effect in buryatia. the number of fires has grown to 70. in the irkutsk region , a reserve covering an area of ​​more than 2 is being extinguished. in yakutia they are fighting the fire on the ground; the air in four regions is hard to breathe due to the smog.
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the ministry of emergency situations is deploying firefighters in hard-to-reach areas. residents of the magadan region rejoice at the sharp warming. temperatures in the city are up to +30. this is after a very cold june. of course, for residents of the north such weather is very rare. lyudmila shcherbakova will continue. magadan beach. filled with sunbathers, it’s really hot here now, some even dare to plunge into the sea of ​​okhotsk, the water in which never even warms up to +14 , but the main thing, people say, is... comes right to the shore, it is clearly visible, fishermen, the water has warmed up a little, salmon is here, when the water is warm, it goes faster, better, but she still has deadlines, she needs to spawn eggs, magadan children are now
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trying to spend as much time as possible . time on the street they are met in kindergartens, on school playgrounds in recreation camps; summer in magadan, as residents say, does not last long. this year, like half a summer has passed, there were few sunny days, now we have time to catch, we even think instead take a walk in the sun. an apple tree has even bloomed in one of the courtyards of magadan, and residents are exchanging photos and videos. at the beginning of july, the coast of the region was flooded with rain, and the air temperature rarely rose above 10-12°. the weather is so hot. will persist for a few more days, then the direction of the wind will change and it will blow from the cold sea of ​​okhotsk, so it will become cool in the city, but in the near future the warm anticyclone may return; hot weather will continue in the central regions of the magadan region. lyudmila cherbakova, alexey gelov, leading magadan. viktor orban's visit to russia was a violation of eu laws, as the financial times reports, this assessment was given by the european legal
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service, in particular. we are talking about provisions that oblige the countries of the community to conduct foreign policy activities in the spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity. according to brussels, orban’s actions have jeopardized the achievement of the eu’s goals. in turn , the head of the european council charles michel called the hungarian prime minister’s trip to russia political mistake. all this pressure, however, does not prevent orban from continuing to hold meetings. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in the kemerovo region, they discovered an unusual find, which is more than 100 million years old, this is a fragment of a large dinosaur; they found it in the village of shestakova, and scientists had to study it using mri in a regular hospital. anna nosova will talk about the first results. a unique find, a bone and part of the shell of an angelosaurus were one of the most widespread groups on earth, living from
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the mid-jurassic period to the end. that is until extinction. the plant-eater lived in kuzbass more than 120 million years ago. the expedition team of the regional krevechesky museum discovered the fragments almost by accident. it was not found during excavations, the fact is that there is only one at the shastokov site, excavations are not carried out, areal, this is significant, not only for kuzbass, if we take more for russia and for world science in general, each such find is of great, great importance . the humerus is in sandstone and cannot be separated. dangerous for the safety of the sample, therefore for study they resort to tomography, create a digital model, and from it they will learn their lifestyle, anatomical features, and even gender. now only a fairly large group has been identified, that these are armored dinosaurs or ankelosaurs, but we are interested in whether this ankylosaur differs from its relatives, for example from china, from mongolia, from other countries, perhaps this is a new species, but in order to to determine this precisely, we need to know its structure, for example, of this bone from all sides,
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in fact. what we are trying to achieve, that is quite a lot of representatives of such armored dinosaurs are known all over the world, so you will have to compare them with many others; from the dinosaur bones found, you can already understand that it was a fairly large representative, about 4-5 m, about the size of a car plus a tail. the second largest in kuzbass land. anna nosova, andrey sanasasyuk, host kusbass. the small remote village of elban in the khabarovsk territory was connected to natural gas, according to the instructions of the president. this year it will provide about 200 people with blue fuel houses, the program allows you to supply gas to the boundaries of the land plot for free. lyudmila smirnova found out what other changes await the residents of the small town. you no longer need to go to the district center to replace a gas cylinder. previously, you had to do this twice to turn it in and then pick it up. in short, a housewife's dream. we were even told that the pots would be cleaner, there would be less soot from this gas. in
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cloudy weather, the house is warm, without heating. konstantin knows firsthand what the weather is like in the house, they used to heat with wood, 9.00 at month of heating, now it will be somewhere around 300. this year , the owners of almost 200 houses will be able to connect gas, a long-awaited infrastructure development program began back in 2017, then due to lack of funding, work was suspended, construction resumed. the residents themselves, so that they could, so to speak, enter into contracts and, accordingly, install intragas equipment. the installers can't cope. such demand was not expected from rural residents. the additional gasification program is carried out on behalf of the president of russia allows you to supply gas to the boundaries
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of the site or connect new facilities for free. this is how revival is expected at investment sites. previously , residents were scared off by the cost of energy resources. outside large cities, to develop your business, a far eastern hectare can be taken even within the borders of the population. nazarov, news. khabarov. sevastopol state university learned how to print car body parts on a 3d printer. they are building a unique crimea roadster - a joint project of thirty russian universities. the goal of the project is to interest students
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automotive industry. the sevastopol version is radically different from the others. a special feature of the car will be its original design, as well as air suspension. the model looks like a convertible. for now this is just a concept. it is unknown whether this version will reach the mass market. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel. so are you a microbiologist? yeah, well, i only employ laboratory assistants; with your knowledge, this is unlikely to interest you. interested. cinema on weekends. i carry out tests, the health of the whole city depends on us. if only from you. something depended, people would not have died, you are a journalist, yes, you will help, of course, if only we had the documents, your fears are not in vain, there is a mistake, laboratory assistant, tomorrow at 21:00, 2024 has been declared the year families
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and in our studio family duets sing love songs, in general, dump the other girl, the other girl, everyone needs it. a woman who wants to save her family should round the coals a little, and not fly so high. hello andrey, evening show of andrey malakhov, tomorrow at 17:50. hello, good morning, but... this morning is good not only because it’s summer, but also friday, today is july 12, mid-summer, the weather is good, and today we are also responsible for good mood and cheerfulness, not a stand, fira red, yes meet the morning with us, better than us, if
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it works out, but i think it might work out. walking your dog incorrectly can result in a fine. the state duma is preparing amendments to the code of administrative violations, which will affect many animal owners. fines threaten those.
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irkutsk region, everything is crumbling everywhere, the plaster is falling off, probably everyone is waiting for an emergency to happen, we promised our parents 3 years ago that we will build for you. building worth 120 million rubles. and work even began, but in 2024 vos is still there. after numerous appeals from the parents of the popular front, the investigation is now looking into the situation. similar problems occur throughout the country, out of more than 41
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kindergartens in russia, almost 6 5 require major repairs, almost a thousand do not have running water and sewerage, and 78 are in disrepair . experts explain that the funding of educational organizations comes from regional and local budgets and depends on the number of children in the institution. the region is obliged to provide wages to teaching staff. the municipality is obliged to include in its budget the maintenance and compliance with all sanitary standards and rules in this kindergarten building. but the first link in the chain is the head of the institution. you need to make sure that the information about the bad the state of the kindergarten has been brought to the attention of the founder, and in this case, the municipality will continue to see who, why, does not respond to the signals. if the problem is not resolved, you will have to complain to a higher authority. if parents have any
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facts that really violate the rights of children, then they can contact the supervisory authorities for education; if this concerns the supervision of child care, then they can contact the authorities of rospotrebnadzor. however , such isolated complaints will not solve a global problem; it is necessary review the entire system of financing preschool institutions. first of all, we are talking about gardens in remote and sparsely populated areas. regions, there is hope for this, because starting next year a large-scale program will begin to operate, for now, to repair kindergartens. we will continue our discussion of this topic with the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery alekseev. valery, good morning, good morning. well, the statistics are as follows: 6.00 kindergartens across the country urgently need major repairs, 78 are in disrepair , not to mention safety, video surveillance, no security guard, no fire screen, how did this happen? the fact is that kindergartens did not have the same
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supervision that schools have had recently.


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