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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  July 12, 2024 4:36am-5:01am MSK

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lived more than 120 million years ago, fragments were discovered by the expedition team of the regional shrimp museum almost by accident, they were not found during excavations, the fact is that area excavations are not carried out at the shasokovo-1 storage site, this is significant, not only for kuzbass, and if we take more for russia and in general for world science, each such find is of great, enormous importance, the key bone is located in sandstone, cannot be separated, is dangerous for the safety of the sample, therefore, to study... they resort to tomography, they will create a digital model based on it learn lifestyle, anatomical features and even gender. now only a fairly large group has been identified, that these are armored dinosaurs or ankylosaurs, but we are interested in whether this ankylosaur differs from its relatives, for example from china, from mongolia, and from other countries. perhaps this is a new species, but in order to accurately determine this, we need to know its structure, for example, this bone from all sides, in fact, what we are trying to achieve, that is, representatives of such panzers.
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quite a lot of dinosaurs are known all over the world, so you have to compare with a lot of people. from the dinosaur bone found, it can already be understood that it was a fairly large representative, about 4-5 m, about the size of a car plus a tail. the second largest in kuzbass land. anna nosova, andrey sanasasyuk, host kuzbass. the small remote village of elban in the khabarovsk territory was connected to natural gas, according to the instructions of the president. this year, about 200 homes will be supplied with blue fuel. the program allows you to supply gas to the borders for free plot of land, lyudmila smirnova found out what other changes await the residents of the small town. you no longer need to go to the regional center to replace a gas cylinder; previously you had to do it twice to drop it off and then pick it up, in short, it’s a housewife’s dream. we were even told that the pots would be cleaner, there would be less soot from this gas. in cloudy weather, the house is warm, without heaters, the boiler is on. turned it on, it lit up. and
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it’s 35° and life has improved, what the weather is like in the house, konstantin knows firsthand, before we heated it with wood, 9.00 a month for heating, now it will be somewhere around 3.000. this year, the owners of almost 200 houses will be able to connect gas, a long-awaited infrastructure development program began back in 2017, then due to lack of funding, work was suspended, construction resumed in the twenty-second of this year at the regional address. the investment program, about 90 million rubles have been allocated for its continuation. gas has been put into the gas distribution network, so to speak, all that remains is the work of the residents themselves, so to speak, they concluded contracts, and, well, intragas equipment was installed accordingly. the installers are not coping, they did not expect such demand from rural residents, the additional gasification program is being carried out on behalf of the president of russia and allows for free supply of gas to the borders of the site or connecting new facilities, so revival is expected at investment sites. previously, residents
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were scared off by the cost of energy, outside large cities for for the development of your business , a far eastern hectare can be taken even within the boundaries of a populated area. national projects of russia, support of tos, program far eastern hectare. by the way, this beach is located on one of them. all this helps not only to re-breathe life into remote settlements, but also to bring this life to a qualitatively new level. with the completion of the gas pipeline, fuel will be supplied to almost 500 houses, they expect that the outflow of population will become less, new industries will replace the collapsed state farm, life goes on. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. at sevastopol state university we learned use a 3d printer to print car body parts. there they are building a unique crimea roadster - a joint project of thirty russian universities. the goal of the project is to interest students in automotive engineering. the sevastopol version is radically different from the others in terms of the car’s features. will be its
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original design, as well as air suspension, the model looks like a convertible, while this is only a concept, it is unknown whether this version will reach the mass market. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel. so are you a microbiologist? yeah, but i’m only interested in laboratory assistants, you and your knowledge.
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andrey malakhov's evening show tomorrow at 17:50, good morning, hello, well, summer is heading towards its equator, july 12 is already on the calendar. on friday morning on your tvs and 24:7 in the telegram channel of our program, so subscribe, even those who are on vacation, by the way, a spontaneous dolphinarium unexpectedly opened off the coast of the resort of anapa, this is my good artist, this is how
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dolphins delight tourists free water show almost every day, mammals chase small fish, play with each other, demonstrate various acrobatic elements and... cause tangible excitement with their fins and tails, you might think that this artistic group escaped from some dolphinarium, but this is not so, dolphins wild, but they are very happy to see people, they want to communicate, and they also don’t mind becoming internet stars, well, they succeeded, and most of our resorts are also crowded now, well, it’s true that there are not dolphins everywhere, there is domestic demand tourism this season is unprecedented, more than 80% of russians choose to travel around their own country, but it’s a pity not everyone’s plan is destined to come true, what problem those wishing to travel around russia have already faced, sergei egorov will tell. i was in portugal, ireland, sri lanka, my cherished dream is to visit the kuril islands. in practice , it turned out that going to a remote, but still corner of your own
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country is much more difficult than going abroad. this is despite the fact that maria was more thorough in organizing her trip to the kuril islands. more, i booked a guest house six months in advance, bought plane tickets to sakhalin in advance, and stayed on my own. flight tickets - 146 pieces. ferry requests, while the maximum number of motor ships, which were originally planned as minibuses for local residents, were simply not able to cope with the multiply increased demand. a similar rush arose on traditional southern routes, where the closure of airports increased the demand for
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train tickets. guarding tickets for august 16 lazarevskoye orenburg failed. there have never been such problems. why do you update at 7:59, there are no tickets yet, at 8:001 there is a ticket. not anymore. true, the adventure does not end with the purchase of a ticket, because you can only get to individual resorts using several types of transport. this year omayak decided to go to gelendzhik, with which there is no direct railway connection. we got to krasnodar by train, then we had to go all the way to genzhuk by bus. but buses rarely run; we had to stay for krasnodar until the morning. but there are resorts from much more complex logistics, for example, yuzbus, aprilbrusya, baikal, primorye, where you need to dock. already up to three types of transport. in such cases , experts assure that tourists should be helped by further expansion of the geography of transmodal travel, which has already proven itself during the absence of direct communication with crimea. this allows you to optimize the tourist route in a single ticket, offer cheaper prices and,
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most importantly, reduce travel time. but a significant increase in traffic intensity today is hardly possible, without expansion of the transport fleet, additional carriages or flights are no longer enough, they are needed. capacity, now their emergence is largely hampered by expensive loans and financial risks associated with downtime outside the tourist season. of course, we need to talk about supporting those who are actually involved in such transportation. a preferential lending program is needed. representatives of the tourism industry hope that such measures will become the basis of the national transport project currently being developed, otherwise thousands of potential travelers who want to see the extraordinary beauty of their country will have to admire them exclusively in photographs. let's continue the topic with our guest in the studio, president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure, member of the russian state council commission for transport pavel ivankin. pavel anatolyevich, good morning, good morning, well, even in our studio we talk quite regularly about the development of domestic tourism, this is how we can
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talk about it fully with such gaps in transport accessibility, why have they not yet become interested in this issue at the federal level? well, you can’t say that they haven’t. look at the example of the railway, multimodal services have already appeared, that is, when a passenger buys a ticket , various modes of transport are included in it, such a three-card map on an all-russian scale, well, we can say yes, that is, all this is already linked to... write-off, this one a surge within russian, so to speak, tourism, yes, which we are seeing today, if before there were, well, let’s say, more to the extreme, one could attribute the desire of people to go there to the same kamchatka there or to the same sakhalin, when the passenger flow began to grow, then naturally the infrastructure cannot adapt instantly, in order to master this, additional crews, additional ships are needed , but it’s possible... if you don’t purchase, if you say that purchasing is expensive, difficult, perhaps considered unprofitable, but
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the question is, did anyone consider this benefit, if there are 9400 requests, maybe it’s still profitable, makes sense at least for a while high season, at least charter a nod, yes, you see, the situation sometimes develops paradoxically, that is, relatively speaking, before the start of the season there was nothing foreshadowed, yes, i can immediately review you, in the story they said that a person bought tickets to sakhalin six months in advance. and, probably, if it had been possible to immediately purchase tickets for such ferries six months in advance, they would also have been purchased, or at least an application would have been submitted, then there would have already been an understanding that this demand would exist. i agree, one of the ways out maybe this is a scheme that is being discussed, such, say, a gateway to the region should be created in such difficult-to-reach places, yes, relatively speaking, in the same petropavlovskiy kamchatsky, passengers move to petropavlovskiy kamchatsky, a kind of hub is created there, right there, right next door with the airport, there is a hotel right there, a certain mfc, yes, where... he registers as a tourist and, accordingly , they allow us to predict the creation of this
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infrastructure according to the requests that exist, such a simple solution suggests itself, it seems to us that it should be simple some kind of a separate department, probably yes, today the question again arose about what kind of agency there probably is or there should be some kind of government body, since there is a program for the development of tourism, but there must be a good controller who would clearly understand where the fire is, where it doesn’t light up, what’s possible there... how likely is it that such a controller will appear? you know, taking into account the fact that we have just formed the existing structure of government bodies, i think that in the next year or two we will probably not return to this issue, so we are waiting for these, let’s go in small steps, we are taking the steps that we have today within the framework of the development of the tourism program, which exists at the federal level, within the framework.
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problem and open access to all tourist areas of our country, we spoke with the president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure, member of the russian state council commission on transport pavel ivankin, thank you very much, thank you, dr. evren, give me a lift, of course, jump, 1: 0, yes bahar called spring, premiere today at 15:00. giant jurassic period will go under the hammer at a high price, the world's largest skeleton of a stegosaurus, nicknamed
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the apex, that is, the top, will be sold at auction in new york. the auction is scheduled for july 17, the height of the monster is almost 4 m, the length exceeds 8 m. although apex was a herbivore, it was far from easy prey for predators. thanks to the characteristic spikes on its tail and bony plates on its back, stegosaurus is one of the most. well , russian scientists know how to restore its functioning, about new materials and methods for treating intervertebral hernias andrey negrov will tell you. sedentary work, lifting weights, incorrect posture, this
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is not a complete list of what can cause an intervertebral hernia, when the intervertebral disc begins to bulge between two vertebrae, the hernia itself directly begins to put pressure on the nerve ending of our intervertebral column, thereby causing very severe pain , and if this disease is neglected, this can lead to disability, so to solve this problem we use spinal interbody cages, we are talking about such here are implants that... this is an installation from the front, say, through the neck, here is a cage for the lumbar region, this is a cage called a bullet type, it is inserted from the back into the bypass brain. until now, doctors have used imported implants for spinal surgery, but here is a whole line of domestic developments from mrs. scientists, in particular, we have titanium cages created using 3d printing,
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the technology has made it possible to make them porous, which means the implant in the body will grow blood vessels and better.. . will connect the vertebrae, in addition, the size of the walls between the pores here determines the rigidity of the cage so that it is the same as that of the bones. and finally, the material has a so-called auxetic structure. this is what an auxetic structure is like, just like this toy, it is capable of expanding and contracting when given the appropriate force. ordinary structures, when you compress them, they become so flattened, which can have a negative effect, for example, putting pressure on the nerves and spine, respectively. auxetics, when you squeeze them, they , on the contrary, become denser, that is, it does not occur this bulging of material. meanwhile, scientists from pyatigorsk have developed a special gilt that can restore defects in human bones. it contains bone tissue cell activators and a nutrient mixture that allows them to carry out construction work. initially, the product was created with an eye toward dentistry, to build up bone before implantation, but
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it turned out that it would solve many problems. can be applied. net surgery, dentistry, neurosurgery, this can be used when there is a limb injury, well orthopedic, and there are orthopedics during operations, the gel has already passed tests on animals, and specialists are preparing to test it in the clinic, i think that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, play or don't play, right, right? that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it's
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it must have been edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, that ’s the best clue. gambling team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own and what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, i, oops, five-on -one, on saturdays, on rtr, great man, you should take it. today, you thought well about who you have , no job, no housing, nothing. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse. i am completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i don’t i’m sure she will suit my father, he said that he will only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you meet, stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, to real love, just one kiss, oh, well,
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that’s how i taught you to kiss, come on , kiss for real, well... this is a completely different matter, natosha, i love you, find yourself another fool, her wedding is in 3 days, yes in 3 days, you know how much business you can do, you need a bride with accommodation , today on rt. a pensioner from kostroma married a young prince. from nigeria, where so the dark-skinned womanizer was in a hurry, that he didn’t even have time to introduce his mother from africa to his 59-year-old russian wife, loves, doesn’t love, live broadcast today on rtr, so you’re a microbiologist, yeah, but i only employ
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laboratory assistants, you with your knowledge are unlikely to be interested in this , interested, on saturday. “i ’m conducting tests, the health of the whole city depends on us, if anything depended on you, people wouldn’t die, you ’re a journalist, yes, you’ll help, of course, if only we had the documents, your fears won’t in vain, there is an error, the laboratory assistant is saturday on rtr, the subtle art of ballet in understanding." the dancer has a third leg, and with the flexibility of the television network, to put it mildly, they overdid it. it was never possible to replace the real classics of dance with a digital surrogate and it’s not even about the legs, the feeling is not the same.
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it’s such a horror how can we unsee this now? with other classical art and literature too, everyone who is not too lazy to experiment, needs a good guide who would show those books that are really worth reading. good morning, perhaps, the two most. famous works of this author, this is the cantorville ghost, and this novel, by the way, is the only one, a portrait of darian gray, oscar wilde, illustrations by ekaterina volzhina, and translation from english by maria abkina. the author warns that constant, entertainment, addiction to vices. egoism, all this leads to the degradation of the soul, to its emasculation, and no beautiful picture, no portrait can change this,
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you need to read this book. oscar wilde, portrait of darian gray. well, i want to say right away that everyone seems to have read dafoe robinson crozat, in fact, few people read it, because they mostly read the retelling. when he was picked up by corsairs and rescued from this island, he could barely explain himself to them, the truth about rabinzoni and friday, by the way, friday’s
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name was william, why, you will learn from this book, well, almost everyone knows the first two parts of this book, because it is called the bremen town musicians, vasily livanov and yuri entin, and thanks to the cartoon, of course, the cartoon was the bremen town musicians, in the footsteps of the bremen town musicians. yes, remember, the smell is like a dog, and the eye is like an eagle, this is already the second part, and here there is a third, it’s called the new bremen. i would like to say a few kind words to alsou khalilova, who illustrated this book. i can imagine how difficult it was for her to do this after the cartoons, but in my opinion she did a great job. and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy. and then, if during the short hot season there is a lot of free time, why not earn extra money? let's see what we have here. how about becoming a cuman pearl or
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surfing teacher for dogs? are there any available vacancies, ice cream taster, for example, it’s better to pay attention to the dream job of water heater in rivers. yeah, well, only in the summer. what other job can you learn in the summer and how well does it pay? rocket storage in 2026. mobility and maximum accuracy in the kharkov direction of the svol movement of the enemy.


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