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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 12, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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biden's team is calling delegates from the democratic party and checking their loyalty. in addition to standard questions, they will find out: are there any reasons why you could not or did not want to support the president. the title of the article calls the step an act of desperation. the republicans, at the same time, continue to hit a sore spot, biden’s psyche. house oversight committee. representatives summoned key aides to the president of america to testify under oath about biden's cognitive abilities, aaus writes today. it's the same claims that nancy pelosi could convince biden not to run for a second term, saying she is an old woman, she is 84, 3 years older than biden. is able to influence a stubborn
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person and tell him the truth in his own way. even george clooney couldn't resist. the hollywood actor was headlining a fundraiser for biden just a week ago, but today he openly called on the president to get off the hill. clooney wrote a column for the new york times with the eloquent headline: love joe biden, but we need a different path. no matter how hard he tries, joe biden can't dispel doubts about your age and health. even though he conducts public events, he appears energetically involved. thank you, thank you, thank you, please sit down. more and more members of his own party say it 's time for him to go. actor george clooney, who hosted the event a few weeks ago. "i
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love joe biden but we need a new candidate, the only battle he can't win is the battle against time, it's very sad to say but the joe biden i saw 3 weeks ago is not the same joe, holy shit, how cool biden was in 2010, he's not even the same person he was in 2020, it's character that shows in real life, i say."
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who criticizes him, the strongest criticism comes from those who worked in the biden administration now does not experience the shortcomings of obama biden. now joe biden is harmed not only by the way he performed at the debate, but by the reaction that followed, the fact that he could not make any intelligible arguments against donald trump. which i believe represents poses an existential threat to our democracy. i think joe biden has to take it very boldly. and the noble decision to say, “i want to finish my tenure as president in the next couple of months,” and pass the baton to the younger generation. clooney also writes: "we will not win in november with a president like this, moreover, we will not win the house of representatives, and we will lose the senate." senior democrats are going even further and saying trump will win by a landslide. looks like the president just can't get over it he is not leading this race. if you
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look at the polling data and talk to people who are interested in politics, he's more likely to lose outright than win by a small margin. we must be honest with ourselves, not only the white house, but for all seats in congress, a very serious fight will unfold, so it is important who is at the top of the list. just like in 2020, when everyone said let's rally behind joe biden, we must also collectively recognize that we must make different choices to defeat donald trump. i am convinced that he will not participate in the race, but if he does, it will be an idiotic decision: we lose, we do not win. donald trump is on track to win this election, and he could win it by a landslide and then take both houses of congress. well, in europe today they considered another threat emanating from russia: homophobia. the lem newspaper writes that moscow has turned intolerance towards lgbt people into an instrument of counteraction. state of the west, russia can
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win the trust and favor of such conservative countries as morocco, hanna, senegal and uganda. in many of these. states actually have so -called anti-gay laws ; openly homosexual people are put in prison. the targets of the kremlin's anti-lgbt discourse have become georgia and moldova, where terrible homophobic holidays, so-called family congresses, are held. it’s really scary, but if they scold us, it means we’re probably doing the right thing. for comparison , so what. it would be clear, this is what happens in countries where traditional family values ​​have been trampled. this popular brunette's name is lubna yaferi. she is 44 years old, she is the minister of culture and equality rights in norway, and now
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also a mother of gays. this title was awarded to her by the oslo lgbt community. well , to celebrate, madam minister. they expose the cleavage area right on stage in front of the people. well, it’s becoming simply scary for the younger generation of the united states. innocent children are being filled with gender propaganda. look at father of the year, danny welkfield. he is a former drug addict, transgender and genderfluid. that is, despite the gender reassignment surgery, danny can be both a man and a woman, depending. from his mood, during breaks between episodes of drug addiction, dennis could become pregnant and even give birth to a child. well, now, despite the criticism of others, he is raising his child in a gender-neutral environment,
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that is, he is raising him to be neither a girl nor a boy. i am a transgender father and i use gender neutral pronouns when i refer to my child, i use they. 9 years have passed since my transgender transition, when i found out that i was in a position, being a dad and parents is what i have dreamed of all my life. i never i didn’t know how i could do this as a transgender person. many people claim that i am confusing my child by raising him gender neutral. i get hundreds. comments that say: poor child, child welfare services should take him away. people talk without paying attention, but there are too many such messages. we are now in wilder's room. when i created this room, i thought it was very important that it be gender neutral. it's not pink or blue, it's for children. we
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have trucks, and dinosaurs, and barbie, we have different dolls. we have books on how to become your true self. when i was growing up, i was female, i only had access to makeup, jewelry, high heels , dressy clothes, and i wanted a soccer ball, i wanted to build something, but i didn't have access to things that i think , i would like them more, i do this so that the child can decide what he likes, i am a former drug addict, i dealt with my last relapse, and after that i managed to get pregnant, i do not identify myself specifically with men, neither to women, i'm somewhere in between sometimes. i relate myself to one, to another, and sometimes to no one, and what i felt yesterday is different from what i feel today, and may even be different from what i will feel tomorrow. i think a lot of people who claim that i'm confusing my child by raising him gender-neutral are those who simply haven't had the education or
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experience to understand why i do this and how gender stereotypes affect children. well the crazy news is coming out right now from usa. source us white house assistant to the us president for national security salev. he just said that washington considers hungary’s peacekeeping efforts in ukraine to be adventurous. any adventures undertaken without the knowledge or consent of ukraine and the united states are not responsible.
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the basis of this conflict is artillery and air defense. over the past few months , we have provided ukraine with new resources approved by congress. hundreds of thousands of 155 mm shells. ukraine will not be able to weaken us, and not russia will win this war. it turns out curiously in that very moment when...
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the russian army. olga, good evening. yes, the sunrise has been liberated, it is located behind vdeevka, to the west of avdeevka, this is the red army direction, after the sunrise comes the settlement of evgenovka, which for the most part our military personnel have already taken over, activities are now taking place to clear this settlement, then there is a settlement progress, this is just one of those settlements. which was part of such a main line of defense after we liberated avdievka, this
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progress, novoselovka is the first, in which, by the way, there are now also battles for its liberation, and accordingly nitailov, nitailov were released, we moved further from nitailov, now the battles are taking place on the outskirts of karlovka, so there is movement, here the movement towards the populated area progress gives us the opportunity the shortest such route to the krasnoarmeysk-konstantinovka highway, so the fighting there does not last for a minute... then we can say that after the liberation the avdeevkas did not flee and well, in fact, every day there are advances and quite often one could say that the liberation of populated areas is underway, they are quite densely located behind the village towards the red army along the road, so they are being liberated, yes they are very strongly fortified, they are really very tough, but our guys are breaking through the defenses, moving forward, liberating, is there any information?
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point, that is, house by house is being vacated, there is a movement towards the center of this city, regarding toretsk, fighting is taking place in vostochny, the outskirts are still going on as they were, but in toretsk, work has begun very tightly, let’s say, both... aviation and artillery, and they work, well, practically without rest, why? because the ukrainian garrison that was there, all the command posts, all the warehouses, ammunition, ammunition and everything that was there and actually supplied the group in the gorlovka direction, are now in a hurry trying to pull it away from there, trying to move it from the areas , which have already become de facto front lines. west to the rear, and due to the fact that such a chaotic movement is being created, completely
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unprepared, our guys are taking advantage of it and well, practically on the move they destroy everything that moves there, if you keep in mind that f16 will appear in ukraine this summer, take into account the statement of the white house that they will be based on the territory of ukraine, can you imagine, they remained in ukraine entire airfields, we remind you: what kind of infrastructure they are going to gather there, they are going to use such a large enough infrastructure
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network and we are like this, literally house by house you can say, we are destroying which is located on this territory, but at the same time i think a small part is still quite well there are still suitable places in ukraine, but the question still remains of the safety of these planes, even if they land at one or two entire airfields that remain, they are certainly... these planes, let’s say, are lighter they won’t do it to our guys on the front line, yes, but the question is for ukraine itself to the west, which is going to place them on the territory of ukraine, how long will they... last on the ground, not to mention the fact that our air defense forces are at 100 % are ready to meet them on the front line, well, yes for understanding, neither in mirgorod, nor in dolntsevo, nor in starokonstantinov, it will no longer be possible to be based, the airfields there are in fact torn to smithereens, thank you very much, and the zones for conducting a special military
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operation, our military correspondent vladimir razin, in part: escalation, creeping, so -called escalation, the ukrainians again called, demanded, asked, begged, cried, cried, in particular, a citizen named yarmak, to lift all restrictions on strikes on the territory of our country, no longer 100 km, not 300 and not 100 km, hit everywhere where our airfields are located, look. i am sure that our partners must remove all restrictions so that we can respond to the enemy by using weapons on russian territory, because it is impossible to fight an enemy who has no restrictions, and we still have restrictions, i think this will really help change the situation , i hope our partners understand this and agree
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on this decision as soon as possible, so it’s clear how these end?
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it will happen in any case, that's for sure. we will accept compensatory measures, there is more than enough time to format all this correctly, especially since once again, the technological groundwork is powerful, the appropriate developments have been carried out, the issue of production will be in further decisions, which the president spoke about exhaustively
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just a few days ago. igorevich, please. i am categorically opposed. other medium-range systems on the territory of germany, and apparently on the territory of a number of other european states. now it is necessary to make a decision about creation.
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deployment of the specified mobile launch complexes equipped with corlat -caliber missiles, both nuclear and conventional, firstly, in the territory of the north-west of russia, in the south of russia and, accordingly, in the kaliningrad region, and to work out the basing system in such a way as to in the positional area, using the enemy’s space aerial reconnaissance, to reveal the current location of these complexes, well , it would be
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so that the rear of the armed forces of ukraine, to a large extent, it is based on the capabilities of the objects critical infrastructure of ukraine was completely turned off, well, here the event is quite obvious, we already have excellent precedents, in particular the use of front-line aviation aircraft, the russian aerospace forces, x69 coral missiles, with the help of which... it is possible to quickly and effectively resolve the issue in a very short time zeroing out the capabilities of all power generating capacities of ukraine, the question is up to the appropriate
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political decision, and then execution. i emphasize this again, not calls for any action, this is, well, analysis of the calm logic of possible russian military response measures. now, as for the summit in washington and the final declarations. quite clearly, not only russia, but also china is now designated as the main military adversary. in this regard, it is quite obvious that china is destined to play the next role after the russian federation as a source of universal evil, and accordingly provoke a large-scale military-political crisis with further hostilities. and here we understand that nato is moving east. the declaration of the washington summit said that nato and the united states will be active. work with china's military and geopolitical opponents in the indo-pacific region, obviously we are talking primarily about japan, the philippines, south
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korea, and a number of other states, whose territory will be used in much the same way as the territory of germany to launch strikes with the help of american medium-range missiles range across chinese territory in the event of a possible military-political crisis, well, around taiwan or else. for any other reasons, in this regard , stoltenberg’s important statement, you will continue immediately after, let’s listen to the topic that china is not an assistant for putin, and is not an ally of putin. beijing is official and is officially called an accomplice of this war. look. the 32 countries participating in the alliance resolutely declare that china is the main supporter of russia’s war against ukraine. together we represent 50% of the world economy. for the first time in the history of nato, all allies sign under this statement in the agreed document. this cannot be delayed. unless we take steps that affect china's interests and reputation, this will
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continue. i think the message from the entire alliance at this summit is very clear. we emphasize china's responsibility when it comes to facilitating russia's war in ukraine. therefore, eastern nato is a process that has already been launched, plus the aucus bloc. in this regard, in my opinion, two fundamental decisions are necessary on... the shanghai cooperation organization. firstly, responding to the call of the chairman of the people's republic of china, xizen pinen, to intensify the exchange of intelligence information between member countries of the organization, it is necessary to make a decision on the creation of a joint intelligence committee of the sco (this is the first decision), the second decision is to create a military committee of the sco, within which it is necessary to create a cyber command, the goal of the task which fend off the risks of threats to information operations. nato and the united states on the territory of the sco zone of responsibility in order to block any attempts to initiate color revolutions. and we know that today
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is for october. for example, a color revolution has been scheduled in georgia, this was reported by the russian foreign intelligence service, and plus all the objective information about this says that the legitimate government of georgia, constitutional, will be overthrown so that saakashvili’s supporters of the western course will come by forceful methods of seizing power. plus, the most important thing that needs to be done is that we should not send messages, but change plans for operational use. nuclear conflict in europe, where are we are drawn in, american or high-precision weapons or american tactical nuclear weapons are used to strike russian territory, the first, guaranteed, limited, i emphasize, response to the strike must be on a military facility on us territory, doctrinally this decision must be
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considered by the security council. and a corresponding instruction to the general staff of the russian armed forces to develop the relevant plans. these are not calls for war, these are response measures. the first or retaliatory strike should not be against europe, not against american troops in europe, not against nato, but on the territory of the continental united states of america, i emphasize, a limited nuclear strike, retaliatory only against military targets. this should be a provision that will be enshrined, including in the new edition of the russian military.
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in addition to this, which is now emphasized by analytical centers, the question now is the following: what, with what were the statements related to the water that, as it were, it is necessary to negotiate directly, you cannot talk everything behind your back. it was this is due to the fact that some of the representatives who came to the nato summit are beginning to negotiate with trump’s entourage. they negotiate with them, and accordingly, they say everything else. and the most important thing , of course, will be the visit to hungary. tomorrow afternoon, he will arrive in malago, that is, directly to his maralaga at his florida residence, where
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he will hold. negotiations directly with trump, well, strictly speaking, like a basic scenario, this statement just before this and within the limits of this happened, at this time there will be conference, or rather a little lower, well , at about the same time, it will be at biden’s, so i’m glad that we are already monitoring therebc, abc, this is a very correct approach, in principle, everything is being monitored, as if we were in this as it were we are diving, what is special about it, the second wave has begun, the second wave of pressure.
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and i remind you that trump had no competitors there at all, baden had no competitors there, many refused, so to say that the primaries are actually relevant is also a strange story, because that usually in such situations there are no competitors there, if newson were there, for example, or if there was someone else there, as if there was practically no one there, that’s how voting takes place there and in proportion to this voting the delegates who are coming from the state, representatives of...


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