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tv   Khudozhnik  RUSSIA1  July 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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you see, it is impossible to steal what belongs to you, i was breastfeeding there in the maternity hospital, and i knew for sure that it was mine. girl, i’m very sorry, but this is not so, there is a protocol for hiding your child, there can be no mistake, don’t you know where you live, for money you can fake anything, these people were given my living child, they didn’t even try to make it happy. “give
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valerianka, i’m normal, i’m for myself. why did you decide to kidnap me 5 years later? at first i just watched, came to the yard every day, and then arkady and rina began divorce, yelled at each other right in front of the meltdown and you decided to start a relationship with arkady, yes, to be closer." my girls, and then i thought, this is a way out, after the divorce arkady will take the child and we will be together, but it turned out that the daughter it only bothers him, they got such a gift, a family, but they didn’t appreciate it.
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i just wanted to say, you are a very good person, but i love someone else, two, i baked
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goodbye myself, well, this book seems to be about a girl. , who has been acting in films since childhood, right from the very beginning. mom, let's take dad home, be quiet, wake him up, let's go,
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are you home? hello, hello, you're apparently my neighbor... oh, good evening, sit down, we'll have dinner, thank you, veseta, and why, nothing, he went to the police station to sleep, and she, and she lay down with him, with her bottles all bath he forced me, well, you, and i’m
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a fool vikul, in my old age i found myself a married man, and even blew boris off.
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why did you come, you called, didn’t you, when i wanted to return, you were there. but where to return to a rented serf? listen, volodya, what difference does it make who comes to me? back? the main thing is that we are together now, right? what about yours? listen, it was a stupid illusion, i should drag you, you
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were gone for too long, but i was there for a very long time. if we have at least one chance, i have withdrawn the divorce petition. kostyukov, presumably with this on the head,
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let’s continue, murdered bogomolov ilya egorovich, 46 years old. what did your brother do? construction business. yes. tell me how it happened. a neighbor heard a noise. the door was open, there were no signs of forced entry. perhaps they were waiting at the entrance. he did not have a wallet or watch with him. most likely some things are missing, you look around the apartment. you know everything well here, right? i don't live here, i don't know. death occurred about 2 hours ago. he died immediately. or behind. the backlog, i don’t see any traces of a struggle, i’m covering it up, as it was played, maybe you really
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should become an actress, he might hurt me, calm, calm, calm down, young man, wait here, this is not the time and place, you vile creature, but calm down, calm down, pull yourself together, you haven’t been getting along like this for a long time, i’m sorry, i just hate this witch. i’m a writer, now i’ve received a good order, i’m writing a book, excuse me, excuse me, a button from
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the jacket of the murdered man has rolled under the body, there’s a chance that we’ll find the killer’s fingerprint on it, nenodo, i’m a good cook, but it’s not tasty, you stabbed me to death without a fork, she said , gently, well, take my heavy bags, instead of beer i suddenly switched to kefir, through the lobby with songs, magicians, a ball, a parade of humor, on sunday on rtr.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday. it's been a while since we've been with you haven't seen each other. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he
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will come to your house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medications correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this... that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov in saturday and sunday. i ask for a moment of attention, this is
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lyusya, hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant on saturday, why should i thank god, who sent you to me, well, you are just a miracle, maybe you will start sleeping with her, so that she will do all the work for you, that you me you call me, well, you’re the boss, huh? you don’t see me as a person, a man, do you want to make a discovery? well, you can’t, you can’t kill your life on test tubes alone, the main thing is not to make mistakes in the calculations, all this time we have been together and will be together, and he will marry me, you understand, laboratory assistant, on saturday at rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big ones have come! changes for the new season with a new renovation
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with a slight movement of the hand we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes , i adore plants, i’m actually a plant maniac from our living room. real stone flowers will bloom soon, after dismantling a lot will become it’s clear, and dreams become reality, look, let me into yours.
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well, what, i have these women here already, they have a broken thinking algorithm, you load facts, arguments, logical moves, and you get a bucket of potatoes, i’m back, you fool, what else do you need, everyone was surprised when she came for me she got married, she was beautiful, she was smart, but i, i couldn’t give anything, what? and not money, so when she drove away in his mercedes, it was even logical, so what now? rajka won’t forgive you for this, i won’t forgive myself for this. why are you alela sergievna,
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i was thinking, you have such a nice little bookcase in the corner, yes, but i had my doubts, you were moving to vlas, i made a fuss because i wasn’t very attached to it, i didn’t understand, i thought, if you remove it, then a small refrigerator will go here , or here, so it's a refrigerator, well, we can't s'. take advantage of your kindness all the time, yes, besides, he is too small, there are two of us,
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cool, aunt paradise, don’t tell me anything, i ’m upset, where’s this going... okay, if you want i’ll cheer you up, maksik and i go to the doctor for we’re walking around as a child, you ’re my good one, wait it’s too early, so what?
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kostyakov is silent, hums, doesn’t get lost, i don’t know, maybe he’s afraid of a scandal, hmm, maybe he can help him, ray, i mean, well, open your eyes to a woman, anonymously, she’s working at home, but hello, hello, i don’t want that, if he loves, he’ll decide on his own, but no, what’s the point, he ’ll be running around until the new year, right now where he is, so one at a time, carefully, katya, look after
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your sister, okay, daddy. there’s a new dress here, yeah, and the beads, i remember, we bought the beads together, sochi, yes, katya, you, katya, you ’re neater, neater, neater there, girls, yes. but then we not only brought beads, they are our main souvenir, do you remember how we lit them then? i remember. well, okay, well, it's time to go to work, see you in the evening, i'm off,
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girls, m... see you in the evening, see you in the evening, bye, bye, girls,
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hello, can i, yes, of course, but i came to see you, i haven’t seen it for the second day, but that’s how i work, yeah. well, i gave your wife a spare key, but the lock is stuck there, you should show her, okay, thank you, she probably likes our city, otherwise maybe i can show her what and where? well, she's just passing through, or what? sorry. yes, poltavchenko, alek leonidovich,
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yes, i wrote it down, well, of course, i remember him, yeah, they found the killer, it’s half a dozen that his fingerprints were found on the button of the murdered man, it can’t be, half a long time ago he’s been a decent person, turn it on in the karenshe’s workshop. leaves, well , now apparently he will sew mittens, you are healthy, i say, he stopped, ever since my dad took him 8 years ago, you tell this to the widow of the murdered man, yes, i’m telling you, he has rheumatism, half a dozen admitted , raya, that raya, let's open it, i know you're at home, you... clearly turn, raya, raya, are you crazy, hello, where is raya? i have no idea, okay, i have no idea, it’s necessary,
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pashka painted him so much that they kicked him out of class, i’m telling you, i don’t know where she is, strange, she’s not at work either, she went out for a walk with the police station or something , in the sense of a walk, a date, in the sense of kostyakov, too. and who are you, whose wife, kostyukova, well, if there is no heaven, i’ll go, pasha’s hair will grow back quickly, paradise’s hand is light, i’ll run, he opened. door, i walked up from behind and pushed him into the apartment, when you ended up in the entrance, behind him apparently, a rich guy left, he
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went on and on, he said to be quiet, he took his wallet, he opened the chest of drawers, but he suddenly stepped on me, this damn thing grabbed me in the temple, how did you hit him, show me, attention, witnesses, where? you're not paradise, but here i am, here watering the flowers, this one is quite narrow, so, that means you, you stand here, like this, and you here, come, come here, like this, on the contrary, like this, suspect, show me , as you hit the victim, he came at me like that, like that. i took this crap for her, why do you you are deceiving, oleg leonidovich, i mean, your
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victim is under 50 years old. so he fell, lost his shoes, his glasses broke and flew under the chest of drawers, that’s right, absolutely right, that’s what happened. well, why are you lying? in terms of? the victim was not wearing glasses. what? the deceased did not wear glasses. and they killed him from behind with a blow to the back of the head. but you couldn’t know this because you didn’t see him alive, right? you'll see. you are free. thank you. “i
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took you as a witness, and you are looting, okay , i’ll treat you and return you, hello, i wanted to talk about your nephew half a toss, forgive me, oleg!" let's drink to oleshka, so you already know, but about oleshka, what news can there be, he was born in prison, will die in prison, so he, a good boy, trained as a mechanic in a pheasant school, and is planning to get married , but everyone knew nothing
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would work out for them, why? it’s not our berry, it ’s because of her that he sat down in the first place, oh, i have a photographic album of oleshkin, and who am i? love, his first, marianna? how do you know? do you understand
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what it looks like? your ex- lover poltos confesses to the crime, which he did not commit, what conclusion can be drawn from this? it was a stupid idea, this was a confession of something, that i didn’t love my husband, yes, i admit, i didn’t love him, why didn’t you get divorced, i wanted to, that morning i was having a conversation again, ilya was yelling that i would leave his house naked , and you? i decided to take a walk when i returned, ilya was already dead, very improbable, i thought so too, the neighbors could hear our quarrel, i felt scared, so i called oleg, he has experience and knew that he would never refuse me, i offered you to carry out a robbery, ordered go to a crowded place for an alibi, i went to
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the hairdresser. lord, what a mess i seem to have made, i should have immediately called the police when i found the body, golden words, there’s nothing in the house, here for now. do you believe this cheerful widow that her husband was attacked during her absence, i don’t know, but i feel sorry for her, why is it, living with someone she doesn’t love, it’s torture, she’s confused, she’s done stupid things, stupid things, in my opinion, she’s quite consciously, a little
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i didn’t plant it. at the same time, it could be closed, but it seems to me that i was just too clever. look, she's not that smart, that's yours, yes it. my penor, where did you find him? in the trunk of your car, it can’t be, i threw it away myself, you killed your husband,
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you never confessed, no, but now it’s obvious, they quarreled, hit, tried to cover up their tracks. and i immediately felt that she just poked her head into my salon, it’s written on her head, i don’t get a haircut for less than 5,000, you naughty woman, i hope you’re not talking about me, but i thought, i’ve already been here for three days, but we didn’t celebrate my arrival, so please come to the table. please, beauty is just like in the theater,
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you're not cooking, are you? why don't i cook? i don't like it, but i can do it. don't be afraid, i won't poison you. so, have you, raechka, been to the theater? how were you? i have a friend who is now working as a rattlesnake? well, when moscow artists come, they always call to help. i kostolevsky, just like i saw you. what kind of production? i don't remember at all. some kind of detective story, the title is complicated, what a delight, really, a swamp, hello, no need, i ’m just applauding raichika’s spontaneity, and you’re interested in the theater, why
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are you interested in actresses or something? no, i i work in the field of science, scientist, assistant to the rector, secretary, or what? well, why just the secretary? it's a manufacturer, i have a wide profile. don't worry, is your profile normal? kostyukov, yes, i’ll be there right away. the suspect asked not to meet with the investigator. so go ahead and stab her. volo, from this one. and not an investigator either, petrov asked to come help, please, sit down, let them inject themselves there, but do you have a family?
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paradise, have you eaten yet? i told a lie, despite the fact that i was married, i love, loved, one person, we met at me at home, he... you found out about this, so that day he found us in the bedroom, he screamed so much, ordered me to get out of his house forever, then he went to the door, my beloved
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ran after him, hit him, and you they hid it, they betrayed me, i personally threw away this penuor. three blocks away from the house, only this man knew where he was, and he returned him to the car, he decided to set me up, who is it? ay, are you okay? thank you. let's look at rtr. this weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm after you. behind me. you had a bird in your hands. ruslan, give you a stray pilot. heart, not stone. now i'm your wife. and i am your husband. if there is happiness, then there is always
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the fear of losing it. blood, not water. i want to briefly confess to you. you are at least 12 weeks pregnant. my whole life is in shambles. i only have one night. let's spend it together. fifth blood group. from monday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here. try it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how
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delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. great guy, he should go. today. you thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing. dmitriy. natalia? so you need a nurse. i am completely satisfied with your candidacy. but i'm not sure if it will suit my father. he said that he would only accept help from a loved one. engagement, where did you meet,
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stop putting pressure on my girlfriend, before real love, there’s only one under you, well, who taught you to kiss like that, let’s kiss for real, well, that’s a completely different matter, natasha, i love you, find yourself another fool, she has a wedding in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do, you need a bride with accommodation, today on the mouth. pensioner from kostroma married a young prince from nigeria, where the dark-skinned lavillas was in such a hurry that he didn’t even have time to introduce his mother from africa to his fifty-nine-year-old russian wife, loves not to love, live broadcast today on rtr, what are you not...
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how can you tell me is it about your brother? you look good here in his surroundings, i was forced to take up his business, ilya himself wanted this, and his widow claims that several years ago he kicked you out of the company for idleness, she is a deceitful and vile woman, and how could you even think, that i lay down with her bed and betrayed ilya, certificates from the publishing house, you didn’t even write a third of the book, they terminated the contract with you.
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i thought that immediately after the murder i sent him to the cinema, where he was supposed to flash in front of the performer, talk to her about something, and most importantly, pick up a ticket somewhere for the previous... screening, this is impossible to verify, roman claims, why are you making this up, what a bastard, wait, is there really no evidence left against him in our apartment, some prints, traces, nothing, well, yes, i’m on my own
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i erased everything, hello, come in. thank you for accepting, please have a seat, then you are the wife of our kostyukov, i want to say thank you for your husband, he fits in perfectly with the team, we love him, well, this doesn’t affect your salary in any way yet, you are a husband in the civil service, i think by the end of the year it will increase, i’m not really on this issue, yeah, yes, i hear you. i'm talking about a misunderstanding, but did something happen? well, you say that my husband is such a good employee, his work is hard, he deals with the problems of the population, catches criminals, comes home, there is nowhere to rest, i mean, well,
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half of the departmental apartment, which belongs to the police, is occupied by some kind of pretentious woman, i don’t know what connections she has. well, her father, an investigator in the previous police station, received an apartment quite deservedly, well, by the way, i understand you, it’s true that men think little about india, especially from our work, and this is generally correct in principle, a policeman, while serving, should be sure that they are waiting for him at home, they will never betray him, i will think about how you can solve your problem, thank you, and come come visit us, thank you, goodbye, all the best,
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oh, hello! our lives would all be intertwined differently, oleg leonidovich, but this is meanness, she gave you up like a pawn, if only for her own sake, but she saved her lover, she’s unhappy, that’s what, i understood it right away, that’s why i helped you, darling ,
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before doing anything, you have to think, goodbye, our ceiling is kind of gray, we’ll go to the store on saturday, i’ll buy some paint, a new faucet for the sink, listen, don’t forget to remind me, you’re probably a housekeeper ,
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you think that everything will be like this now before, let's whitewash the ceiling... we'll go on vacation, i'll accompany you to work, meet you, yes, how could it be otherwise, well, yes, yes, but i won't stop thinking for a second about what you did to me with our marriage, and even here in bed, good night.
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what is this flower? raya, i took him from marianna's house. camera, yes, it looks like the mantis was watching
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his wife, dear, i’m filing for divorce, which means maryana told the truth, her husband returned home earlier because he knew the crime, he wanted to make sure for himself, don’t get excited, please, what about you? "get out of my house anymore, i saw brother and wife together, promised to let the pomers in, called roman a loser, roman got angry and killed him, mariana concocted an alibi for him, called poltos, if it weren’t for the print, we would still be looking for the burglar, the plan didn’t work, so poltos took the blame himself, yes. “the only decent person turned out to be a criminal, in short, andrei evgenievich, and
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lysenka will not stand out so much, it’s not a bald spot, it’s a bald spot that passed me at work, now let him admire it, 90 was harder, gunshots like in the war, it’s unclear.”
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oh, girls, what can i tell you? met in friday in transport. stritch, how will we be? whatever you want, i trust you. he may be a tiler, but he's a decent one. i'm sorry, why did you all decide that i care about this? glad, are you always already, well, i thought that you thought that i have 10 clients a day, each of them has a tongue without bones, right? maybe i also have something to think about, heaven, heaven, what? what
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are you doing? what, sturelo, or what? the rights of violations on domestic grounds were revealed - 17 related to the personal transport of citizens, 10. in general, i think that this is a very good result for reporting period. well, it can be better. maybe there are some questions or wishes when citizens will stop parking their jalopies on their lawns, yes, we are looking into each specific case, drunken scandals in yards, when will they stop, exactly when will all this stop, if anything happens, you call right away, and we’ll figure it out, i have more questions, of course, well... i want you to have him
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here in front of everyone now. answered, do you love me or not, that’s the question, don’t confuse me, vladimir petrovich, i’ll confuse myself, because i love you very much, i have the strength to walk there are no more around, i ask you, don’t, don’t need it now, i need it, vladimir petrovich, i need it,
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good luck with your labors.
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i need to tell you something, alen, so, while you were away, i got a woman, are you going to tell me, or what? did you know? “come on, i’m not angry, you should have lived with someone while i was away, but i don’t know, eat, sleep, after all, that’s what lands like this exist for, such stopovers on the way to the goal, oh it’s not a stop, but come on, you’ll say, you ’re in love, you always have to justify everything high goals, even simple cohabitation,
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you snatched up an apartment, what what? no, well, i don’t blame how many years we waited for our housing, i still couldn’t understand how you exchanged the position of investigator for all this, not moscow, of course, but with a black sheep at least an apartment, well, no matter, in a couple of years we we’ll privatize it, sell it, i don’t know where she took her suitcase and went where? come on, this is funny, where is heaven, she went on vacation, where,
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she told me not to say. bus to the regional center, place 9, departure in 30 minutes, from there by train vadler, i don’t know the carriage, thank you, why, so that you understand, they are probably waiting for you at home. raya, listen, you can be angry with me, i deserve it, please don’t leave, because i love you, raya,
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according to the golden ring, why are you bothering camp tourists, i’m already leaving, salt, excuse me, excuse me,
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vladimir petrovich, raya, i wanted to say, no, that's what i wanted to tell you. the suitcase is not mine, i was a fool and grabbed someone else’s by mistake, but don’t worry, why not worry, i have a new sweatshirt from angora, two skirts,
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thinning scissors, we’ll go to the line department, they ’ll take off the suitcase at the next stop, and you... did you want to say anything? i am a fantastic person; there is no one else like me. on monday. i miss you, volodya, i scold myself every day for ruining everything and giving up so easily, i’m completely confused, i need to take the bitch away, but once and for all, i saw only the victim and you with
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a stone in your hands, volodya , you don’t believe me, in your opinion, i can stab a person, raya knows everything, continuation, watch on monday. hello on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio of irina rossius and the main topic for this o'clock: there were no soldiers or military equipment, the ukrainian drone operator targeted children in shebekina. terrorist attack. after fierce fighting, the russian flag was raised in the very center of urozhayny. on the zaporozhye front, the humvee became the trampoline of our military. solution.


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