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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:35pm MSK

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with a stone in his hands, volodya, you don’t believe me, in your opinion, i can hurt a person, raya knows everything, continuation, watch on monday. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topic for this hour: there were no soldiers or military equipment, the ukrainian drone operator purposefully hit children, there was a new terrorist attack in shebekina. after fierce fighting , the russian flag was raised in the very center of urozhayny. on the zaporozhye front, the humvee became the trophy of our military. solution. on pension indexation
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working retirees are long overdue. putin visited araniin baum, where a chinese palace opened after a long restoration. biden, concluding the nato summit, confused zelensky with the russian president. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. the whole world saw in the president of america a mute old man, the leader of the nato countries, and the reservations were applauded. and vitebsk turned into one continuous concert venue. more than 6,000 participants came to the slavic bazaar. the work of defense plants became the main topic of today's council meeting. russian security meeting in
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novoogorev was held by vladimir putin, this is how the head of state outlined the agenda of the meeting. dear colleagues, today we will discuss with you additional measures to ensure the smooth operation of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. after fierce fighting, the russian military unloaded the national flag in the very center of the village of urozhaynaya. artillery and drone operators provided fire support to the paratroopers. now the ukrainian armed forces are being squeezed out from the outskirts; in the same area, fighters from the vostok group destroyed another ukrainian tank along with the crew. on the zaporozhye front , the american humvee armored vehicle became a new trophy for our military. and this is footage of landing troops to capture strong points. under heavy fire, assault troops ride on atvs. within an hour, 10 vehicles of ukrainian forces were destroyed by our paratroopers using kamikaze drones. the militants used civilian vehicles for rotation and delivery of ammunition. to
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the front line, operations were carried out at night and during the day, transport was hidden behind trees. pilots of the west group of troops attacked enemy positions with high-explosive fragmentation bombs; after dropping the ammunition, the wings are launched towards the target along a given trajectory, this allows bombing strikes without entering the range of ukrainian air defense. and this is footage from the other side, militants using a tractor are trying to pull a norwegian engineering vehicle out of the mud. from this point to the enemy’s position there are only a few kilometers, which means that everything is finishing here, including mortars and artillery and kamikaze drones, and the night cover hides the center gun, it is also convenient to retreat to reload, on in the so-called gray dawn, we have to work unprecedentedly often; now the entire southern donetsk front is in motion. the infantry
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went on the offensive, so to speak, on all fronts, we advance, we often leave, we support them, we mainly hit fortified structures, the greatest activity is on the vremev ledge, the most fierce battles for the village of urozhainoye, where the enemy loses up to a hundred troops every day, but every every day more and more mobilized people are brought to the position, the enemy makes up for their losses, as if they are constantly replenishing their personnel there, so i think that the capture of the village is taking a little longer. the confrontation has taken on a positional character, they have dug in in iisu, and in order to avoid unnecessary losses during the assault, the enemy’s defenses are being bombarded with artillery and heavy flamethrowers every day. they work well, since the enemy is buried, if there is access to air, then everything penetrates there, well, the enemy has no chance.
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despite the proximity of the work to the front line each time the crew managed to emerge victorious from the confrontation and transfer the vehicle to the temporary deployment point unharmed. such buried excavators the size of a vehicle are now very popular. on the front line, it is very easy to hide equipment here, firstly, thermal radiation is reduced and the silhouette itself was not seen, but if artillery, especially long-range, can work directly from these positions, then the sanitary unit still needs to travel much forward to hit the command post or fortification,
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a few shells are enough for santsepoku, but there are so many targets that all 24 guides return home empty. sergey samokh, aleksalshchuk, lead. one of the children who was injured as a result of a ukrainian drone attack on a playground in shebekino is being transferred for treatment to moscow, to the russian clinical hospital of the ministry of health. another child is in intensive care, doctors are fighting for his life, and two more are in serious condition; in total, five schoolchildren were injured. the kiev formations carried out a new terrorist attack the day before; an explosive device was dropped into the courtyard of a residential houses. report by evgeny poddubny. here is the place of the new one. terrorist attacks that were carried out by militants of the formation of the kiev regime the day before in the frontline shibekina, a children's playground, this is the point of explosion of ammunition, which was dropped from an attack drone at the moment when a group of children was passing here,
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five teenagers were returning home, as a result of the explosion of ammunition, the children received varying degrees of injuries severity, two serious ones after first aid... were quickly taken to the hospital the drone operator hit the children purposefully, he clearly saw that he was striking at the teenagers, at that moment there were no military personnel or military equipment in the yard, well, there was a playground, they started to disperse, i probably just called him, saying, go home, they came from the gym , we came in with the girls, said hello , just here everyone started to come out, the pop explodes like a grenade, uh-huh, because there’s smoke, i see vita. he’s running here, well, i hesitated, i ran straight down after him, i ran up, he screamed, hold your leg, he’s already bandaging it, it was great luck that at the time of the tragedy there was a children’s doctor nearby, not far from an employee of the national guard, they, as they say, with four hands, instantly provided the necessary
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pre-medical care, that is , they stopped the bleeding, called an ambulance, called the police, and the ambulance police arrived place in a few minutes. the children who were in the most serious condition were quickly taken to the hospital, and doctors were able to quickly provide the necessary medical care. in general, now the situation of front-line shibekin can be compare, well, perhaps, with the position of the donetsk gorlovka, from here to the front edge, to the line of combat contact is about 6 km, that is, the city is in the zone of destruction of both heavy, cannon and rocket artillery of the enemy, but is also in the zone of destruction. calculations of fpv drones, attack drones that carry out airdrops, shubekin is under fire from the kiev regime almost every day. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky, news from shebekin. president biden
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today acknowledged what our people have been saying for a long time. country: strikes by american weapons on russian territory are controlled in the pentagon. according to the state president, they decide every day at what distance to allow the ukrainian armed forces to attack and how. it is better to use the supplied cue weapons. biden called it logical that in this matter the ukrainian military follows the recommendations of its secretary of defense and the chairman of the us army joint chiefs of staff. russia proposed to brix a new digital system for payments and settlements. the ministry of finance of the ecb is already preparing a report for the leaders of dozens of countries. chairman federation council valentina matvienko spoke about this today at the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. the advantage of the system will be its decentralization. neither side will be able to restrict the actions of other participants; the world trade organization must become more open. the wto is experiencing the biggest crisis in its history, associated with the virtual paralysis
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of multilateral negotiations and mutual claims of wto member countries regarding the fulfillment of obligations.
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in just one day it grew by 150,000 hectares. due to heavy smoke, the airline suspended flights to lensk. increased concentrations of harmful substances are detected in the air every day. there is nothing to breathe in other regions of the far east. eyewitnesses share footage from transbaikalia. in the north of the region, rainfall is artificially caused to fight natural fires. an an-26 probe plane, cyclone, shoots clouds with a special reagent. in chita, the rains have already begun. the rain
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is accompanied by stormy winds. heavy hail occurred in several areas. omsk comes to its senses after the passage of a cyclone. underground pedestrian crossings were flooded. the gutters began to work in the opposite direction, throwing excess water onto the sidewalks. and in magadan, p26 is unusual for the north. apple trees are blooming in their yards, residents are trying to spend as much time as possible on the beach and even manage to warm up in the sun. but... not everyone takes the risk of swimming in the sea of ​​okhotsk; the water only warms up to 14°. new national projects should be ready by early autumn. mikhail mishustin outlined the deadlines at a meeting in the government today. another topic - assistance to farmers. during the harvest, the upcoming autumn sowing campaign, they must be provided with everything necessary, including equipment, the prime minister said. the ministers also discussed the current situation in the economy, mishustin noted.
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the real sector's performance is also positive, with the manufacturing industry growing by almost 9% from january to may. investment continues to grow. this means that a good foundation for the future is being created. and according to the results of the first quarter, they increased by almost 15%. at the russian economic university a new building of digital technologies opened today named after plekhanov. this is a platform for the implementation of innovative ideas. in addition to classrooms and laboratories. gyms and areas for collaboration; representative offices of
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the university’s technology partners will be located here, about thirty of them. the russian university of economics is a unique university in the constellation of russian leading universities, which, of course, has educated and formed a galaxy of outstanding russian figures, economists, heads of major companies, but most most importantly, he provided those personnel who... were able to make our economy truly sustainable, not subject to any sanctions. this is the news, this is what will happen next in our program: complete failure. biden again misspoke and invited putin to the podium instead of zelensky. orban was not invited to the first plenary session of the european parliament of the new convocation and the vitebsk slavic bazaar. this is not only discussed after the advertisement. see you. white dance, comrades, yes. and we invite the cavalier and look at rtr. oh,
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don juan, unfortunate one, his wife gulnarochka, of course it's a pity. i immediately saw that he was monogamous. sooner or later we will be cheated on each other anyway. what have you done? yura, what have you done? fifth blood group. from monday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea i have drunk, how many stories i tell. i was daring in a white tuxedo, i’m starting to walk around markolievich zakharov and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told to me as a man, a hunter of women i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband and how much
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was still ahead. i foresaw my destiny . now everything is only coming true. with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you just caught a criminal, you are an extraordinary person, even my wife admits it, look. the whole city knows, kostyukov is getting a divorce, our district police officer will become free, not free, but mine, i give 3 months for the parties to reconcile, that i decided, now or never, a real woman will never will become an ex, i will return him to raya, and he will be
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happy about it, well then i have nothing to lose, raya knows everything, you won’t leave me now because of this, or you will, continuation, watch on monday on rtr, you watch 100 k alone. what is the task of opening the entire board, we can handle it , if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, whatever, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer only with humor, i
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chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache and god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, so you’re a microbiologist, yeah, well , i only have laboratory assistants, you with your knowledge are unlikely to be interested... interested, interested, on saturday, i conduct tests, the health of the whole city depends on us, if anything depended on you, people wouldn’t die , you are a journalist, yes, you will help, of course, if only we had the documents, fears yours are not in vain, there is a mistake, a laboratory assistant on saturday at rtr, i’m happy, like anyone else, i’m
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happy. belarus i feel the unity of our peoples, thank you, vitegsk, the most stellar, warmest holiday, slavic bazaar, opening ceremony, today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. a school
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for managing non-profit organizations to train specialists in the field of non-profit organizations will be created in st. petersburg. the pilot project was proposed to vladimir putin by governor alexander beglov. the president supported the idea. the conversation took place on the territory of arneenbaum. after a long, painstaking restoration, the imperial residence acquired its historically accurate appearance. report by sale mazarev. an example of truly high art, architectural and engineering. for russia, the 16th century, preserved in such a state, is, in principle, a great rarity, but this pavilion is also the only thing that... reminds us of the amusements of the dutch era, so they show putin a stroller that was used for riding. when tourists see the boiler slide pavilion, the first question they have is
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arises, and where, in fact, is kotalnaya hill itself, in this meadow it was stretched far, far away, right up to the point where the trees begin. unfortunately, it has not survived to this day, but in any amusement parks we can see buildings inspired by it. we usually call this a roller coaster, although the name is more fair. russian roller coasters, it was russia that taught the whole world such fun and the origins of disneyland are here in ronenbaum. students of the st. petersburg polytechnic university created a 3d model. 250 years have passed, still the spirit the scale is captivating. the total length of the entire structure is 532 m, of which more than 300 are the route itself. the first of the three slides reached 20 m in height, for example, the bronze horseman, taking into account the volume. half as low, the speed of the stroller was also quite decent up to 50 km/h. this pavilion is a witness to catherine's triumphs. she held receptions here, guests marveled
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at the luxurious furnishings, unique artificial marble floors, and a stunning office with the most expensive porcelain in the world. the restorers did a great job, you can’t say that this the elephant is glued together from two parts. this is a porcelain figure that was stolen and is in the museum's collections. all this time there were broken parts, a piece of the trunk, a hind leg, a figure of a driver and a stand, all this time we carefully kept it, then we received information that in moscow there is an elephant without a hind leg, without a trunk, perhaps this elephant is ours, of course we were very happy , putin goes further not on aurus, in a minibus, together with the governor, the minister of culture and the chairman of gazprom, gazprom. helped restore chinese in renienbaum castle. the work took 20 years to complete. the first four in 2011. welcome
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century. an outstanding creation by renaldi, the only palace in the rococo style in russia. unlike others, the chinese one suffered little during the war, but the wonderful interiors were almost destroyed by humidity. the craftsmen worked on the halls as carefully as possible, without recreating, exactly. not only the interiors of the catherine era have been preserved, but the aura itself has been preserved. they didn’t live here, they came here for a short time to plunge into the atmosphere of magic and fun. right here catherine celebrated. the conclusion of the najir peace, and with turkey it gave freedom of navigation in the black sea to russia, she celebrated here, here in the chinese palace the president
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is holding a working meeting with governor beglov, thank you for your help, the city is developing, first of all i wanted to say words of gratitude from working pensioners, the decision was ripe for a long time, and it was necessary to put everything in order, this is a fair decision, which people have been talking about for a long time and was studied for a long time by the government, well, it’s good that it was in st. petersburg that we returned to this once again and made the final decision, it was at the instigation of st. petersburg that the decision was made to resume the indexation of pensions for workers, the social sphere is one of the priorities of smolny, so tariffs for housing and communal services were frozen in the city for a year, in the near future..
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well, st. petersburg is in a good position, but of course there is still work to be done, they are talking about the development of urban infrastructure, healthcare and support for non-profit organizations, about what will become real things tomorrow, so today oranni inbaum is for the first time in 200. years, it again fulfills the function inherent in it originally as a country residence, where state affairs are decided. salema zarev, evgeniy kostin, alexander borushkov and sofia petrosan, lead: northwestern bureau. president biden's reservations attracted more attention in the united states than everything he said during the nato summit, according to the american media. according to
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nbc, the white house is open. they say biden will never recover after confusing his vice president with trump and zelensky with trump at a press conference putin. cnn reports that senior democrats are angry. they accuse biden's entourage of hiding the truth about the president's health from the public. the new york times predicts that democrats will begin defecting in droves today, leaving the biden camp. congressmen no longer have to worry about embarrassing the president during a nato summit. the fact that biden has made america a laughing stock in the international arena is reported by the british telegraph, reporting by denis davidov. playful the music set the tone for the whole evening: the event, which was presented as historical, turned into a farce. it was not possible to end the nato summit on a high note. the main emphasis was placed on reservations about biden. i have already
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said that russia will not win this war, ukraine will win this war, and we will support them at every step. and now i want to give the floor to the president of ukraine, who has not only courage, but also determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. we will defeat president putin, and this is president zelensky. i'm so focused on in order to defeat putin, we should worry about that. i’m better, you’re damn better, the extras in this theater of the absurd also played along. biden spoke instead of zelensky, putin, and the allies standing behind him still applauded him. stand next to zelensky, biden says: here is a man with great courage, vladimir putin. foreign journalists were with us within 10 minutes after this, their phones began to ring off the hook, videos with this reservation came from all over the world. and the fun was just
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beginning. biden has, as the white man announced. by according to the plan, the big boy's press conference, the hero was so prepared for it that the start was delayed by almost an hour, they managed to install prompters, distributed questions written in advance, and biden went according to the list, stumbled already on the first one, when he was asked about the chances of vice president kamala harris will defeat donald trump if it comes down to it. look, i would n't have picked trump as vice president if she wasn't qualified to be vice president. let's start with this. at this moment another the camera was aimed at members of the administration, the secretary of state with a stone face, having heard about vice president trump, the national security adviser takes his head. trump himself immediately took a jab at biden with a great job by joe. but the owner of the white house could not be stopped. he admitted that it is managed by the staff, it turns out that the supreme commander of the united states has a wife and some kind
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of his own, the supreme one. “i follow the advice of my supreme commander, my chief of staff of the armed forces, he stammered, yawned, then whispered, then broke into cry, claimed that he is not yet the worst president, counted at least five predecessors who were even worse, but it seems that it couldn’t get any worse,” biden’s party members also understand this. if you are a democrat, you say that joe biden is not fit to participate in elections, you should say that he is not suitable for this...
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why don’t you lie down? we look at the rtr, there are no results, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take the gang where sazonov hangs around, svetlana, allow me. i should invite you to a restaurant tomorrow, okay, death's head, death's head, and where is it now, maybe the artist collected all the loot, and whistled to hell, artist, continuation, we look at rtr on monday, i advertised in the newspaper, i'm removing the damage, so they bastards put a comma,
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an elderly pensioner from kostroma married a young prince from nigeria to the defiance of her entire family. where was the dark- skinned man in such a hurry that he didn’t even have time to introduce his mother from africa to her fifty-nine-year-old russian wife. after a short correspondence, she immediately married a foreigner, and today happy married couple in our studio elena and...
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he is 41 years old, he is from nigeria, you dreamed of such a husband, i dreamed of a man who would look like a lion, serious, who is just silent, taciturn, and who just he’ll put his hand like this and say, this is my woman, that’s it, here’s my husband, how do you get to know each other, you won’t believe it, it happened in moscow, i came to take part in one of the conferences. we went to eat in an ordinary cafe, and next to me sat a handsome african man who looked at me i looked periodically, so my friend and i naturally smiled, too, that’s all, this is the first day of the meeting, he came up to me,
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talked, helped me bring my things, sort of walked me through, and asked if we could correspond, well, for almost a long time for about six months, we just corresponded on the internet.
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exiting the subway, he took off his backpack, put it on himself, yes, adjusted my scarf, adjusted my gloves, asked if you were cold, and so i decided, i’ll wait, wait a little, see what happens next, and i’m like two weeks, i probably watched to see where the puncture would happen, well, we’ve been together for 3 years, as if apart from marriage, and there hasn’t been a single day when he allowed me to carry a backpack.


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