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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  July 12, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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kohl, haven’t you seen our kids from class for a long time? it’s been a long time, pasha, i even think, maybe one of our people has died, they’ve become really old, no, come on, i’m not talking about old age in the sense that you’ve become boring, no, you said everything correctly, no, but as a father, you are of course right, we are leshki, that he is entitled to a legal son well, he will get what he deserves, no need, please, no need, let’s forget, well, to be honest, i myself would never came, ninka sent, well, she, the child dies, some father, saving child, no, well, my masha really blows math at once, no, in general , my masha is a girl with a head, but what about everything about you?
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of course, that my head worked worse than yours, worse, or what? better, kohl, 100 times better, come on, take off your glasses, why? take it off, i tell you. your head, kolya, worked better than anyone. come on, ha, oops, so, dad, oops, oops, oops, uh, uh!
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good afternoon, hello, lyusenka, lyusya has arrived, lyusya, they’ve prepared a surprise for you here, they’ve decided to do some general cleaning, this... kolya has arrived, here’s hello, kolya, here he wants to thank us about lyoshka, he was grateful for the son you raised, you know, he is an example for my maria in literally everything, really, yes, a wonderful boy, well-mannered, full of imagination, charming, you know, he can surprise anyone expect anything at all. thank you, this is for you, thank you, and
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for you, pavich, well, that means on monday after work, ironically, if you’re in a hurry, you should have stayed, well, let’s play some more, look how many vases are worth, that’s next time, lyusenka, be healthy, just wait, i'll help you i'll see you off. it’s a pity, there won’t be a game, there won’t be any game, why won’t there be, what do you think, that kolka has gone crazy, or something, you won’t come, or something, but what does kolka have to do with it, i won’t come, i have lectures at the evening students on monday, but you don't be sour, what are you doing, son. “it’s okay, dad, everything
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’s fine, lyoshka, it seems like we haven’t had a holiday for a long time, yes, for a long time, listen, let’s organize a birthday for grandpa, and sunday, what is this anniversary or something, they’ll give you gifts, we’ll invite all of us, dad, in general, you know, since childhood i loved gifts and jam"? hello, a man's old age is when the sight of a beautiful girl evokes memories, not hope. yes, no, yes, yes, yes, let's go, let's go, let's go, only the first page of the gloomy book is written by these people, the rest is in harsh prose, leave these nonsense for the rest of your life.
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well, at least this is good, it’s gorgeous, well , belmandol, well, dad, well, there’s no time for jokes , honestly, well, lyudmila, you just tormented me, in general, all this is not good, yulya vasilievna with a delicate taste, woman, pash, vasilyevna,
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yes you plow all day long the british say when buying a cat in a bear, be careful not to buy a cat, in what sense is this? and for example, one of the sea of ​​wise thoughts, i listen, yes, those striped ones are better, but in my opinion, i actually can’t stand them, even if it’s for your yulia, well, you’re in vain, you’re yulia vasilyevna you don’t know, they say she’s a good woman, she’s so cheerful when it comes to cooking, she’s generally, pash, what kind of mood are you in today, which one of me is it? you are making a face of the groom, then you are painting vasilna as a marriageable bride, but what if she had you in her bosom like christ, what i say, i say, if
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would you be fine with it, sell it, who sold it? whom? you sold your own father into a trap , but what a trap, well, you wanted to get married, lyusko decided to help you, listen, son, when your son becomes a man, and dad, don’t sniffle, but what ? sport they will twirl you like a dog's tail, no, you're not a man, no, you can't say a word in such a way that it's clear to everyone, lukov's head said it, so it will be, not a man, that's how it turned out, fuck, what happened, how it happened, that's it
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so, i never felt like a pawn, at first there was a son, here is your son alexei pavlovich lukova, then he didn’t have time to look back, he was already a father, he was coming, he was a fool, the boys were yelling, there, lyoshki lukova, the father went, that’s how it was, first someone’s son, then someone’s father, but i never seemed to be myself and wasn’t, well, dad, you’ll be there soon, nusya. he got laid, okay, dad, we’ll blink, well, we’ll blink, and you thought about the woman, how could you, how shameful of you, because she came with hope, how can i look her in the eyes, well
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, i don’t know what to do, but i’m just going there, don’t set foot, listen, pasha, stand on the door, stand still death, so that they pass only through yours...
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where, where, comrade sergeant, this citizen, our patient, then i look at the burglar, he doesn’t look like, what kind of burglar, what kind of patient? i , hello, hello, i just had guests at home, i came to you, and you left, you wanted to go for a ride, and we just... gave you a car, what a car, come on , you fool, it’s their usual method of self-defense, attack, well, i’ll go, because with me, you’ll go, only this way or that way, no, i’d rather go there, all the best. you me you're taking me to the madhouse, where? well, how is it in this
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mental hospital, why? as you said yourself, patient? well, i had to come up with something to let you go, that’s it, thank you, thank you, well, you have a habit of hitting the wall, then the window, so i hit the wall, in short, going to work, out the window. they wanted to marry me, and that means you are under the wheels of our days, as if by gogl, but thank you very much, you helped me out, i am owed, just like that.
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it’s quiet, like, yeah, i haven’t heard such silence in 100 years, and i walk here every evening. well, that's enough, that's enough, i forgot about it, and i
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i forgot, that's good. nice guys, yeah, only explosive ones, who, these nice ones, aren’t they preparing a new concert for an academician with an elevator, where are you going to carry out preventative measures? hey , you musicians, go home quickly, what are you doing,
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grandfather, don’t you dare talk to adults, why, then, what kind of grandfather is he to you, what kind of dear, i said, stop it, here, you know, we everything is ours, ours, i don’t understand anything, i ’ll explain, this is my own grandfather, alexey pavlovich lukov, i’m also alexey pavlovich, also, by the way, lukov, this is here is my friend masha. for some reason grandpa didn’t introduce us to you, he was embarrassed, but popova, vera semyonovna, it’s very nice, otherwise grandpa attacked us so much that he forgot your middle name, forgot to tell us, hello, yes, hello, and goodbye, let’s go home, otherwise i ’ll have to listen to my father’s reprimand again, no, we still want to go for a walk, well, you never know what you want, you know, you want, you never know for many years, i’ll somehow think it over and decide? well, i thought that you and i had a different relationship, well, that means i was wrong, and not at all
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i need all this, somehow i’ll figure it out myself, when to go to bed, who to study, who to marry, well, let’s go home, we’ll talk there, the groom, sorry, i forgot, the groom is you, it ’s still a little early for me. you are just right ripe, just like that. i saw that the groom was offended, and the bride ran to catch up with him, if only she could get there.
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yes, here it is, how life turns around, all the most precious things are suddenly gone, all the important things that i lived with, i love him more than anyone. even more than his son, his whole life flowed into him as a result, he lived, thought, dreamed, hoped, here he is the future and it’s all in vain, he’s not needed, yes,
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i didn’t succeed in anything i dreamed of, i couldn’t. i couldn't do it myself. alexey pavlovich, everything will work out for you and your grandson. it was he who asserted himself in front of the girl. however, i’m probably not an adviser; i don’t have grandchildren. you're lucky that you don't have those. happiness, what happiness it is, if a person did not return from the war, forgive me, i didn’t know, forgive me, what are you, what are you, i’ve been used to being alone all my life.
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snotty ones, we need to stop, and then we’ll see, why else, quietly, silently, give it here, no one is there to stop him, and i, how do i know, representative, i, vorano
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, auditor, control, wait, wait, stop work here for now, this, this is why, why, why, emergency circumstances, and you who, who, who, representative, me, yes, what happened -what, what happened, it’s said, the circumstances, everything, just like that, and i have a plan for your circumstance, wait, i’ll tell you everything now, here. that's the reason, don't be silent, the bomb has just been discovered,
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the competent authorities will arrive now, don't spread rumors, be silent, stop, stop, dad, what are you talking about? i'm your boss, my brakes are barely there they’re holding you, you’re stopping me from working, well, people are gathering, you’re a guy, forgive me for the bomb, but there was already something they could do to stop you, but you can’t break down this house, it’s impossible, but turn off your rattling machine, you tell me, dad, this is your debt, not mine, you need to save it, wait, wait, you need to save it, well, it’s historical value, or something, historical, just like that, come on. dad, such houses, just wait, guy, wait, you don’t know if you’ll understand me, what’s your name, call me mikhail, look there
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on the other side, you see, over there with us , i suppose you saw everything dug there, trenches, i was sitting in these little boxes when they drove the fascists out of here, well, you know what happened all around, he tore down the fortress wall . day and night, roar, death, in the morning it will barely light up, we look, and the house is standing, tomorrow again at night, and in the morning we look, the house is standing, enchanted, as if it turns out, though, somehow i’m not doing well, listen, listen to me, it... you can’t break it, you need to preserve it, you know, misha, misha, the wall they restored the fortress tovana, that’s
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right, but you’re destroying this house, yes, we are our fellow soldiers, we gather near this house every 2 years, right next to it, because the memory of it is like russia, or something, i’m pushing the point again, so no, just like you...
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dad, yes, the comedians found a fool, a bomb, what kind of bomb could there be, bah, here she is, after how many years she caught up, well, nothing, alexey pavlovich, you can’t touch her, it won’t touch you, it will neutralize it, mikhail, urgently go to the police, yes, pavel, call the military registration and enlistment office, it’s clear, we’re with... with alexei will block the roads, so, they will take this fool out of town, and then they will rush off, and you alexey,
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stand to the death so that no one passes, clearly, look, grandfather, brakes, stop, quickly, i say, let's go, let's go, no, you what, lie down, hurry up! well, let go, what a heavy burden! well,
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find someone else who’s easier, okay, maybe there’s no need, we’ll get by with someone else, oh! it’s a little watered, it’ll heal before the wedding, teddy, i was wrong, i’m wrong, but if you look into it, i’m no longer right, i raised my hand against you,
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i’ll never forgive myself for this, i. i should be the first i had to restrain myself, and i’m old, so your nervous system is nowhere, but where is yours? there, read what doctors write about you, accelerators, in short, lesh, you’re wrong, but no, grandfather, it’s you who are wrong for thinking that you’re wrong, because i’m right that i’m wrong i, that is, just like that, i’ll call, it’s clear that they’ll be here now, why are you sitting here, something happened, that our commander panicked... and the bomb, the bomb, the pedal, stupid, rusty, oh, come on, we, this bomb was lying there, didn’t touch anyone, no to you...
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you yourself were talking about marriage, firstly, it wasn’t me who was talking, but you, and secondly, i have my own brains about this, man, man, we already saw what you found there with your brains, after all, kindergarten, dad, let grandfather marry one wants, please don’t interfere, it’s none of your business, but what is this matter, our family, you can be silent when the father is talking, but why are you making noise at the child, because i’m his father? and i
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am your father, you are my father, and i am his father, yes, you are my father, but he is my grandfather, and your father, okay, enough of the onion, fathers and grandfathers, here i am for you i’ll arrange it, i’ll arrange it for you, i ’ll give birth to your daughter, hello, masha, mom, you know, masha and i have a very important matter here, we need to discuss it, we’re about to, hello, oh, doctor, please tell me what with them,
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when i can pick them up before... i myself would like to know about this, but it’s impossible to find out anything, the doctor on duty is not there, and pasha, let’s go, we need to find the doctor on duty. “sit down, thank you, well, you threw something out again, so child, honestly, well, of course, but it’s not my fault, it just so happened, in
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thank you for coming, thank you very much, but what, what, you’re welcome, it’s just that when i found out, i was scared, thank you, you are a woman. yes, yes, yes, i heard, i heard, in saku itself, look, we’ll quarrel again, for no reason, and you, for those words, forgive me, excuse me, yes, well, i said that i’ve already forgotten everything, well, yes , you’ll forget like that, it’s ours who will make a joke about you, that you’re in the deep end, and you were right to hit me then, right, i understand, a compliment is a compliment, but what is it like to be listened to by a woman of your age, goodbye, wait, where are you going, let's sit some more, there's no time for me
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it’s time for work, despite your age, oh, that’s not what i meant, i won’t let you in, i was waiting for you to come, that is, i was hoping. you came and left, that is, leave, i won’t let you in, and you won’t do anything to me, why is that, because you yourself said that i have uncoordinated control over myself, will you compote?
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yes, and i thought he was tired of the damned war, but no, nothing, the house is still standing. it will stand, of course, and in front of our children it will stand, but in front of our children, and in front of our grandchildren, the road, dad!
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ay, are you okay? thanks, we'll take a look. on weekend i’ll go to my mother for a blessing, you , i’ll follow you, follow me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, my heart is not a stone, now i’m your
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wife, and i’m your husband, if there is happiness, then there’s always fear of losing him, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you. your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, fifth blood type, from monday on rtr, altai, majestic mountainous country, nature has generously rewarded this edge, picturesque. green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend, you can find
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the entrance to shambola. belukha is the highest point in siberia, and the cradle of the great altai river. atuni. a pearl among the mountains: teletskoye lake. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago, please pay attention for a moment, this is lyusya, hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant, on saturday, what i should thank god, who sent you to me, well, you’re just a miracle, maybe you’ll start sleeping with her, so that she can do all the work for you, why are you calling me out, well, you’re the boss?
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swing, daughter, let's agree next time, no, taya, not konyuch, you have gymnastics in an hour, and we haven't had lunch yet, why should i, is this life, a good question, i ask myself... we often ask it ,
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okay, let's ride for 5 minutes, and i'll watch you from the window, hurray, i'll warm up the soup, i'll come down for you, just nowhere from the platform, i understand, i understand, what is it? yes, what is it? god!
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okay, your hair is already of very high quality, vladimir petrovich, which means you have a good character. oh, laris, do you have a good shampoo for my neighbor, take it from the edge to the hills, i ’ll quickly,
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well, what, you have love there, love, happy, what was it, what are you doing, he’s your wife bye, kissing, vikul, you’re all about one thing, well, at least he’ll recognize you in love. yes , somehow there was no reason, what were you doing then, what were you talking, making dumplings, and
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oh, little girl, it’s not 20 years already, it’s time sculpt something more serious, he won’t bother you, no. vladimir petrovich is not like that, if he decided, then he decided. kostyukov. yes, i'll be there soon. vladimir petrovich, where are you going? call to belozerskaya, urgently. to belozerskaya, urgently, how to go through the construction site, do you know? i'll find it, i'll carry it out. larisa, can i? yes yes. how much do i owe? well, you haven't had your
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hair cut yet. plus, it's free for family members. maybe she ran into some entrance, when i was a child in papka’s office i hid under the table and fell asleep, i then searched the whole city, along the way they opened it, no, they inspected the basements, entrances, attics, neighboring playgrounds,
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she couldn’t go any further, that means they took her away, the baby still needs to be led through the yard, she could scream with a stranger, that means it’s someone inside, it’s easy to deceive a child, i need to look after the child, after all, i chose you correctly, heaven, well, this is not the place to talk nonsense, you found out something, we are working, working, but i ran around all the yards, they are sitting here in their pants, where is my daughter, but you are silent why are you silent, where is my daughter, what are you doing, what are you doing to yourself, you’re a mother, you should help, well, with such nerves, what’s the use of you, but excuse me, excuse me, this is the last one from kindergarten, uh-huh, well, we’ll get the orientation of the cartridges
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as quickly as possible, the bus station, the exit from the city, we’ll take everything under control, and you have you ever been left behind before... after our quarrel, he doesn’t answer calls, no, he’s not the most adequate person, but kidnapping a child, another question is you... you earn a lot, i just earn extra money, i write articles for women’s magazines, but why you ask, the girl could have been kidnapped for the purpose of
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ransom, kidnapped, what are you talking about, although arkady works as a manager at a bank, okay, we’ll go and meet him, and while you ’re at home, in case she returns on her own, alone, i’ll go crazy here. okay, i 'll send you one of my friends. “boris eduardovich, good day, are you coming to us? my appointment was just cancelled,
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i’m coming to you, but on a different occasion, i was thinking, but you really were offended by me, this is my idiotic sculpture, what are you saying? it’s not idiotic, it’s even very beautiful, i’m from pure hearts.” "boris eduardovich, well, i'm still i understand that you are a man of art, but i’m also pleased, who else has sculpted such busts, i don’t care about this venus, like her milovsky, but she’s still not from our area, i really like you, more than i like you, i feel good next to you, marry me. i was joking, it’s a joke, it’s a joke, well , you’re not joking, boris eduardovich, if everything is clear,
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then why do you need it, really, you’ll come out, boris eduardovich, i, dear. you’re not answering now, you’ve agreed, you’ll think, i’ll be a good husband, really, yes, think about it, just think about it, naked figmalions, it’s you about whom?
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hi, i’m just a minute, there’s a conversation, okay, when you’re walking with them, you pay more attention, okay. keep your eyes peeled on the street, and it’s better to put your phone away altogether, i wonder what happened? a child just disappeared from the playground. what, hi, dad, did you have a walk and come? ride, ride, don't be afraid. “i’m nearby, bye,
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it’s terrible, but it’s never happened that our children disappeared here, it’s just a nightmare, paradise, do n’t you think, is yours, well, this neighbor will find the girl, of course, although what am i, you have now?" " i threw it away, the caps were worn out, i think i ran after it in those ones, then i got tired of it, but i want to walk quietly, breathe evenly, uh-huh.
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let me in, but go, of course, i’m working for you anyway, what time is the bus? at work they said that at three and a few kopecks, it will come out now, here he is our dad, but the child is not with him? yeah, well, let's go, i don't understand how it disappeared, where, we're trying to find out where you were today from 10 to 12, went to work in the morning, and then got ready for the trip at home. and your friend, she, she was together
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with me, she lives with you, no, we haven’t moved in together yet. jaana came specially in the morning to help me get ready, there was no one in the apartment, of course, but what did you think, i stole my own daughter and hid her at home? arkash, what's going on? ian, wait, this is some kind of nonsense! we are checking all the options, did you want to take your daughter away, did you say at work that you were leaving on an urgent business trip? of course, urgently, my branch in the district center has messed up, and in a week the end of the month, arkash, hush, yanochka, my love, you go home for now, okay, and i... i’ll call you later, okay, please open the suitcase, and the witnesses, listen, don’t play the fool, your daughter is missing, open it. do you think i
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'm hiding a child in my suitcase? and in general, are you sure that this is not just another fantasy of my wife, she likes to attract attention to herself? looks like no. god, is she really missing? if a kidnapper contacts you, speak calmly, try to drag out the conversation so that we can detect the call, clearly, i can’t believe what a person’s head must be stuffed with in order to leave a five-year-old child on the street one thing, of course, it’s easy for you to say, you
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see her occasionally on weekends, and i’m spinning around... it’s all constant, i work like hell to pay for her classes, for food, for the apartment i don’t live in, yes, you i was ready to live at work, just not to show up at home, comrades, what are you, your child has disappeared, and you are tearing your throat, it’s not enough for you, excuse me, but who are you? i, a hairdresser, who, citizens, it doesn’t matter now, calm down, think about who could kidnap a child for ransom or revenge, i already said, i write articles for women’s magazines magazines, i don’t know who could be bothered by this, wait, what about you, you work in a bank, so what, i don’t own it, i’m an ordinary manager, i have an ordinary salary, i’ve only been in this branch for 2 months, i haven’t made any enemies yet , although wait, my predecessor,
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like korovin, is his last name, was he fired? with a bang, how he screamed then, you stole my brainchild, oh, heaven, thank you. thank you for agreeing to look after the girl’s mother, but we didn’t let you work, but what kind of work is there when such horror is happening, yes, another person asked me to marry you, what a person, yes, boris eduardovich, he likes to talk, but i don’t know what to do, well, if you love him too, and you love boris eduardovich. not really, you blamed your colleague arkady savchenko for
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your dismissal, damn it, you brought me here with a fever because of this, but you never know what i blurted out to someone when i was drunk, you have an objection, we can look into the reason for your dismissal, just a minute , this hasn’t been proven yet, but we... what do you want from me? and you yourself don’t guess? yes, understand, i created this department from scratch, selected employees, built up a client base, then this arkasha thieves comes and knees me in the ass, deprived you of your brainchildren, that’s right, and you deprived him, that is, well, savchenko deprived you of your job, money, reputation, and today his five-year-old daughter disappeared, you... what are you talking about, where were you from 10 to 12 today, where was i, i was at home, i assembled this fucking table with a temperature of 39, who can confirm this, well, who is the mother-in-law, oh damn, although this witch is definitely
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he'll lie, listen, i'm not an angel, of course, but to touch a child, you know, this you have to be completely screwed, but i myself have three children. and there was another case, i found out from my dad’s newspaper clippings, it means the boy got lost in a sports store, oh, they were knocked off their feet, and then someone looked at the window, and he was sitting, spinning an exercise bike, it’s all god’s punishment, you’re not at all i wanted this child. well done, comrade, they corrected the situation, before taya was born, i had
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a career, freedom to travel on business, it was he who needed a child, you know, well, don’t say that, a child is wonderful, of course, but i wasn’t going to lose mine life. when i got pregnant, i thought, i won’t breastfeed another woman, i’ll take maternity leave, i’ll hire a nanny, and then something happened in the maternity hospital, they found out it was a mistake, everything quickly became clear, the car was returned to me, but i realized that i was more my daughter i won’t give it to anyone, it would be better if you really took a nanny, otherwise she’s always twitchy, angry in her claims, that’s enough, i’m just very tired without your help, i don’t understand how we can
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just sit and do nothing, but really, there’s nothing sit idle, irin, you have a computer, yes, take the latest photo of taya and... and you can print them out at work at your bank, the more the better, well , of course, that’s it, well, it’s great, everything is better than sitting and being a dog, and i’ll organize people, laris, can you help me gather people , glue on the poles, stop houses, don’t forget the glue, glue, glue, yeah, you’ll take everything. you’re a fighter, heaven, business, so many people found me, and it’s me, lariska, he called, clients, neighbors, and those further away, and many good people actually
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came themselves, well then, take me into your rescue squad, with pleasure, keep glue card, thank you. we pay special attention to basements and attics. those who have not yet received their search square come to me. yes, wow, look, it's amazing. hello, raya, you look great, rikusik, larisik, you too. not for you, hello. yeah, they came to help too. oh guys, you're great. we really need hands. ok see you. yeah, i’ll take it again,
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raya, raya, just don’t be angry, okay, i didn’t want to talk, it wasn’t clear yet, you kicked him out, and my vanya sheltered him, so he stayed, i beg you, but mishanya, with there is no demand for mishana, don’t tell me, he made me an offer. “you go, congratulations , thank you, well, while you’re waiting by the sea for the weather, people are busy over there, come on, i found the time, yes, take a map!”
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vladimir petrovich, go to sleep, i ’ve seen everyone in moscow committing crimes involving children. i’m worried very hard, i’m worried too, let me give you a haircut and take your mind off sad thoughts, now.
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if the child is not found in the first day, most likely he is no longer alive. why are you saying this, vladimir petrovich? quiet, quietly, my dear, you will find her, you will definitely find her.
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hello, it’s day or night, morning, even, yeah, what are you doing, come here, where you were 12 years ago, beauty. i don’t know, at school, stop it, it doesn’t matter, it’s important, dash, it’s important, these are my 12 years, work, titles, friends, wounds to the head with a bottle, then they healed, the death of my mother, the birth of daughters, i don’t understand, you... something
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happened at work, at work too, the girl disappeared, the parents were very busy, and because of this you, well, i’ll find the same thing, i really hope, dash, your wound will be forgotten, nothing will be forgotten, dash. dasha, i’m sad, you know, whatever you want, forgive me. where is my vase? dash, vase, at the tunteli, this is of no use, i’m a policeman, i’ve seen enough domestic violence, well, you can’t just leave, it will be better, let’s remain friends, let’s stay,
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there’s no need. day, hello, i don’t have anything to tell you yet, we are looking, there is a photograph in every police station, every patrolman, that night about 100 people combed our town, and they hung a leaflet on every table, yes, yes, yes, i saw leaflets, you know, maybe i’m in vain, but i won’t
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calm down if i don’t say, i’m listening, uh, irina met with one guy, nikita, so, now they broke up, but this morning... i remembered tai, how- then she told me, uncle is bad, what does bad mean, i don’t know, it seems to me that he scared her with something, nikita andreevich, can you, well... i can give the phone to the cat, this creature jumped - from the closet to me last order, he’s not lying, these are 100% cat scratches. that is, you worked yesterday, all day, four windows and a balcony,
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this is called an alibi. well done, nikita andreevich, after arrests for hooliganism and disorderly conduct, we are beginning to understand the terminology. listen, well, i’m very sorry that the girl disappeared, but what do i have to do with it? the girl said that you didn’t get along with her, i changed their windows, then i started visiting, i thought irka was happy with everything, but then she started playing with the family, it’s like, well, why did she drag her to the zoo, then somehow they sat at the table , and the girl asks, well, like, i’m her new dad, well, i snapped at her, what kind of dad am i, no good, what kind of question is this? just a question, the usual procedure, god, what are you doing? do you suspect me of what, that i am for the sake of some rogue, you said it,
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it’s unbearable for you to think that things could work out with someone else, don’t talk nonsense, ira, i was worried about my daughter, i ca n’t believe it . yes, i kicked him out myself, i would never live with a person who didn’t like my daughter, and in general, it was, it was n’t serious, i just really felt lonely then, it’s like blood, it’s a secret scarf, yes , i forgot to wash. "we went to the pool, her nose started bleeding, she has weak blood vessels, what are you you’re silent, you know why you left the girl alone on the swing, although you’ve never done this before, i said, i don’t know,
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arkash, well, there’s news, not yet, anechka, listen, you go home, okay, if anything happens, i’ll definitely call you, of course, i understand, bye, bye, oh, sorry, sorry again. and who is it? arkady's bride? yes, interesting. astapenka,
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come on, wait, wait, they say, where did you get this, and what? these are my things, i took them there, they’re also lying there, so take off your jacket, i’ll give it to you, thank you.
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you see, i was sure it would work mistress, i’ll push my suitcase, i’m already there myself. what is this? what? this is a chamomile decoction, raikin’s face mask, or what? can you stay in my room for now? i don’t want to, i’m tired of wandering around apartments. “i want to go home, in
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the end a person has the right to make one small mistake, and you left her for another woman, okay, one big mistake, but the fact that i was faithful to her for so many years is nothing, in short, i have plan. why are you drinking? have you already found the girl, what are you doing, we ’re looking, i’m actually starting to suspect that it’s ira. i did something to my daughter. what? is she a mother? she is hysterical, could she have pushed or hit the girl inadvertently? how many such cases were there? she's not hysterical. i'll look at you if anyone goes missing. the type you have on your tongue. and you still need to work, and not do extreme tricks. you didn’t like the guy, now she’s... the worst one, and by the way, this daddy’s fiancee doesn’t have
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all the cuckoos at home either, her hands and elbows are sore, yana’s alibi, she was with arkady in the morning, who knows what she had it there before she is a sweet girl, oh, so sweet, she smiled so much when she helped us pick up the scattered leaflets, i didn’t understand what you were talking about, i saw so many people’s reactions to this leaflet, about... a child went missing, this is a disaster, this is a tragedy of one parent , and she smiles, yes, the child of her beloved man has disappeared, and at least she doesn’t care, well, okay, well, i’ll check on her, i don’t know where the phone is, ryan, and i... i wanted to say,
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i, what’s wrong with you, vladimir petrovich, why? stand up for me, yana attempted suicide 5 years ago in the seventh maternity hospital. this is ours local maternity hospital irina also gave birth there. and what i still don’t understand is that yana was born irina on the same day, only an hour later yana’s child died, by mistake the nurse brought her taya for feeding, ira told this story, so when the girl was taken away from yana, she thought that her deceived that it was her child who remained alive, and she was given to irina, she tried to commit suicide, why did you say that yana was with you yesterday morning, i just didn’t want to drag her into... this is a close person, she came to me later to carry out, and i
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she said that she was at home in the morning, preparing a presentation for work, i believed, lord, i myself... i thought, we don’t need to see each other yet, you should support your family. everything will be fine, i'll call you.
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alive, oh, the paint hasn’t dried yet, we haven’t just left, everything is going downhill quickly, and why is mommy busy? listen, taechka, you’re still little, you won’t understand, but then somehow i ’ll explain everything to you, okay? no, i'm not little. i’m so big, of course, of course, sorry, swing, we don’t have time now, let’s do it later, mom, she always lets me swing on the swing, come on, just not for long, hurray,
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no one answers, no one, but they should have already found her, they will find her, but what if this crazy woman won’t give her up so easily. daughter, that’s it, dear, it’s time for us, no, not yet, mom, don’t come, stop, don’t come to us, dad, don’t come, yana, calm down, daughter,
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don’t be scared, everything’s fine. taechka, listen to me, look at me, it’s me, your mother, i remember, i’m your mother, but for now you can go to your aunt, you can still swing, daughter, swing, swing, of course. you see, it is impossible to steal what belongs to you, i was breastfeeding, there in
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the maternity hospital, and i knew for sure that this was my girl. i'm very sorry, but that's not true. there is a protocol for hiding your child. there can be no mistake. don't you know where you live? you can fake anything for money. my living child was given to these people. they didn't even try to make her happy. “give it to valerian, i’m fine, i’m for myself, why did you decide to kidnap 5 years later, at first i just watched, came to the yard every day, and then the arkadi began to get divorced, yelling at each other friend right in front of you, and you decided to start
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a relationship with arkady, yes, to be closer to my girl. and then i thought, this is a way out, after the divorce arkady will take the child and we will be together, but it turned out that his daughter is only in his way, there was such a gift left, a family, but they didn’t appreciate it, come on, come on, come on, i’m just here, people from the gallery must come to work. look, maybe i ’ll have a performance, imagine, baris eduardovich, i’m just
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a minute, what happened, i just wanted to say, you’re a very good person, but i i love someone else, yes to you, i myself... pekla, goodbye! well, this book kind of tells about a girl who, since childhood, has acted in films, herself, herself,
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mom, let's take dad home, be quiet, wake him up, let's go. vladimir petrovich, are you at home? hello, hello, apparently you are
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my husband’s neighbor? oh, good evening, sit down, we’ll get along, thank you, scales. and why is it okay, the station went to sleep, and she, and she lay down with him, made me use her bottles all over the bathroom, well, you, and i’m a fool vikul, in my old age i found myself a married man, and i also rejected boris, why did i reject boris, he was so good?
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but what can’t be done, go ahead, i also really want everyone to be healthy, they cut their hair recently, i don’t like it, i want to make it easier, do it for me.
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why did you come, did you call, didn’t you, when i wanted to return, you were against it, but where to return to a rented slave?
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listen, volodya, what difference does it make, who would come back to me? the main thing is that we are together now, right? what about yours? look, it was a stupid illusion. it's not worth dragging you around, you've been gone for too long, but i'm very has been for a long time, and if we have at least one chance. i took away the divorce petition,
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kostyuki, presumably with this on the head. shall we continue? killed bogomolov ilya egorovich, 46 years old. what did your brother do? construction business. yes. tell me how it happened. a neighbor heard a noise. the door was swinging open. there are no signs of forced entry. perhaps they were waiting at the entrance. wallet and watch. there wasn’t,
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most likely some things were missing, you look around the apartment, you know everything here well, i don’t live here, i don’t know, death occurred about 2 hours ago, he died immediately, they hit me in the back of the head, i don’t see any signs of a struggle, close it? how well played, maybe you really should become an actress, maybe he understood me, calm down, calm down, young man, this is not the place or time, you vile creature, calm down, calm down, pull yourself together, you haven’t been getting along like this for a long time, i’m sorry , i just hate this witch, quietly, quietly. quietly,
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i haven’t talked to him much lately, why? you see, when i was born, i was already 16, he made himself completely on his own, he dragged the whole family, his mother pulled him out, he helped me, even got a good position in his company, but for this he began to completely control me, constantly taught me how to live, i couldn’t stand it one time and sent him, citing the fact that money is not the most important thing in life, excuse me, what are you doing? i'm a writer. now i’ve received a good order, i’m writing a book, sorry, sorry, a button from the jacket of the murdered man has rolled under the body, there’s a chance that we’ll find the killer’s fingerprint on it, can you imagine, in short, there’s no way to understand it at all.
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yes, yes, yes, apparently, he tore it off his jacket while he was rummaging through his pocket, a good print, god willing is in the database, and what are you doing, why are you spending the night in the office, clearly, leave them both, but so what, these women are already where i am, they have a broken thinking algorithm, you load facts, arguments, logical moves, and you get a bucket of potatoes. i'm back, fool, what else do you want? everyone was surprised when she married me, beautiful, smart, and me! i couldn’t give anything, no housing, no money, so when she drove away in his mercedes, it was even logical, so what now? rajka
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won’t forgive you for this, i won’t forgive myself for this. why are you alela sergievna? i was thinking, is there such a cute little shelf in your corner? yes, but i had my doubts, you were moving to las, i made a fuss because it means you are not very attached to it, i didn’t understand, i thought, if you remove it, then there will be a small refrigerator here, or here, there is a refrigerator. well, volodya and i cannot take advantage of your kindness all the time, and besides, he is too small, there are two of us,
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cool, aunt paradise, don’t tell me anything. i’m upset, well, what good is this, a painted man, oh well, now all normal boys look like that to you, little boy, dear my, this is a completely stupid fashion, in a day you’ll come to shave your head, so change my word, but you’re talking to yourself, your hair won’t grow back, let me write an indecent word on your forehead with this paint, and you’ll tell your mother i’ll kill you, but i’m a grave, he’s a grave, okay, if you want i’ll cheer you up, maksik and i
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are going to the doctor for the baby, you’re my good one, wait it’s too early, so why is kostyukov silent? oh, vikul, he doesn’t moo, doesn’t calve, i don’t know, maybe he’s afraid of a scandal, or maybe help him, paradise, i mean, well, open your eyes woman, anonymous, working at home, hello,
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hello, there’s a new dress, yeah, and i remember the beads, we bought beads together in sochi, yes katya, you, katya, you’re neater there, neater, neater, girls, yes. but then we not only brought beads, they are our main souvenir, do you remember how we lit them up then? i remember, well,
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okay, it’s time to go to work, until the evening. i'm off, girls, until the evening, until the evening, bye, bye, girls.
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hello, you can, yes, of course, but i came to check on you, i haven’t seen you for two days, well, that’s how i work, yeah. here i am as a spare for your wife she gave me the key, but the lock is jammed, you show her, okay, thank you, she probably likes our city, otherwise she can show her what and where, well, she’s passing through or what? “excuse me,
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yes, poltavchenko, alek lionidovich, yes, i wrote it down, well, of course, i remember him, yeah, they found the killer, it’s half a thousand that his fingerprints were found on the button of the murdered man, it can’t be, half a thousand has already been decent for a long time.” man, karen is stamping keys in the workshop, well, now apparently he will sew mittens, you are healthy, i say, he stopped, ever since my dad took him 8 years ago, you tell this to the widow of the murdered man, i’m telling you, he has rheumatism, half a dozen admitted, raya, that’s raya, come on! i know you’re at home, your meter
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is running, paradise, paradise, you’re crazy, hello, where is paradise, i have no idea, okay, i have no idea, it’s necessary, pashka painted him so much that he was kicked out of lessons , i’ll start talking, i don’t know where she is, it’s strange, she’s not at work either, she’s gone out for a walk, i mean, for a walk, i mean, on a date? kostyakov is gone too, but who are you? wife, whose, kostyukova, well, if there is no heaven, i’ll go, my hair the plows will quickly grow, the rajka has a light hand, i’ll run. he opened the door, i came up from behind
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and pushed him into the apartment, as you found yourself in the entrance, he was followed, as you can see, by a rich friend, and so on and on he said to be quiet, took his wallet, opened the chest of drawers, and he suddenly he hit me, grabbed this damn thing in the temple, show me how you hit him. witnesses, where are the witnesses? raya, yes, here i am, here, watering the flowers, this one is quite already, so, that means you, you stand here, like this, and you , here, come, come here, like this, on the contrary, suspect, show how you hit the victim. he came at me like this, so, i took this crap and, why are you
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deceiving oleg leonidovich? i mean, your victim is under 50 years old, has a thin body, did you really think that he could really harm you? i don’t read minds, that is, it happened unexpectedly, yes, you stood here, he stood here, yes, he swung, but not... luckily you got angry, grabbed the figurine and hit him in the left temple, right? yes, yes, he fell, lost his shoes, his glasses broke and flew under the chest of drawers, that’s right, absolutely right, that’s what happened, well, why are you lying, lying, i mean, the victim didn’t have glasses, that the deceased didn’t wear glasses, they killed him from behind with a blow to the back of the head, but you couldn’t know that, because they didn't see him alive, right? you'll see, you're
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free, thank you. i took you as a pony, and you are looting, okay, i’ll treat you and return you, hello ivanovna, i wanted to talk about your nephew, forgive oleg. let's drink to oleska, you already know, but about oleska, what news can there be, he was born in prison, in he’ll die in prison, he’s a good kid,
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he’s trained as a mechanic and is getting ready to get married. only everyone knew that nothing would work out for them, why? not our berry, queen, he sat down first because of her, oh, i have a photographic album of oleshkin, right? who am i and this is his first love
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, marianne, how do you know? do you understand what this looks like? your husband is killed, your former lover poltos confesses to a crime he did not commit. what conclusion can be drawn from this? it was a stupid idea, what is this confession? that i didn't love yes, i admit, i didn’t love my husband. why didn't you get divorced? i wanted to talk again that morning. ilya yelled that i would leave. from his house naked, and you, decided to take a walk, when i returned, ilya was already dead, very implausible, i thought so too, the neighbors could hear our quarrel, i became scared, so i called oleg, he has experience and knew
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that he would never i wouldn’t have refused me, i offered you to fake a robbery, told you to go to a crowded place for... i went to the hairdresser, god, what kind of skin did i make, i should have called the phone right away the police, when i found the corpse, golden words, there is nothing in the house... nothing, here too for now, do you believe this cheerful widow, that her husband was attacked during her absence, i don’t know, but i feel sorry for her, why is it necessary to live with the unloved - torture,
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she was confused, she did stupid things, stupid things, in my opinion, she half... quite deliberately, almost imprisoned her, at the same time she can be closed, but it seems to me that she was just too clever, look, she’s not that smart. this is yours, yes, this is my peñor, where did you find it? in the trunk of your car, it can't be, i'm
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you threw it away yourself, you killed yourself. she never confessed to his husband, no, but now it’s obvious, they quarreled, she hit him. i tried to cover my tracks, but i immediately sensed that she just poked her head in my salon, it’s written on her head, i don’t get a haircut for less than 500, she’s a treacherous woman, i hope you’re not talking about me, i thought, i’m already on my third day here, but we never celebrated my arrival, so please let me know.
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preso, beauty just like in the theater. you're not cooking, are you? why don't i cook? i don’t like it, but i can do it, don’t be afraid, i won’t poison you. and you rayechka, so you've been to the theater? well, as it used to be, i have a friend of mine who now works as a rattlesnake, well, when moscow artists come, she always calls to help, i saw kostolevsky just like you, and what kind of production? i don’t remember at all, it’s some kind of detective story, the title is complicated, what
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a delight, really, there’s no need to drag, hello, i just admire raichik’s spontaneity, and why are you interested in the theater, from actresses, or what? no, i work in the field of science, a scientist, assistant to the rector, secretary, or what? but why secretary right away? case producer, i have a wide profile, don’t worry, your profile is normal, kostyukov, yes, i’ll be right there, the suspect asked to meet with the investigator, so go and stab her. valot, what do you have to do with it? you are no longer an investigator. petrov
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asked to come help. volodya, sit down, let them stab themselves there. and you have a family. paradise, have you eaten yet? i told a lie, despite the fact that i was married, i love, loved, one person, we met. at my house, ilya, he somehow found out about it, so, that day he found us in the bedroom, he
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screamed so much, ordered me to get out of his house forever, then he went to the door, my beloved ran after him and hit him, and you hid it, you betrayed me. “i myself personally threw this vestuir three blocks from the house, only this man knew where it was, and he returned it to the car, he decided to set me up, who is this, how can you tell me such things about my brother, you look good here in his surroundings, i was forced to take up his cause, ilya himself wanted this, and his widow claims that he several years ago i kicked her out of the company for idleness, she is a deceitful and vile woman, and how could you even think that i went to bed with her and betrayed ilya, we scheduled a certificate with
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the publishing house, you didn’t even write a third of the book, they terminated your contract an agreement with you, you needed money, i had a crisis and we settled it, you lived on your brother’s money, slept with his wife, he found out about this and showed you the door, this is the motive, don’t you understand that she is twisting you, twisted ilya to these criminals? and especially since i have sales, i was at the cinema, i even have a ticket left somewhere, one? yes, alone, i like to go to the cinema alone, and this is forbidden, no, but suspicious. “i came up with this myself, immediately after the murder i sent him to the cinema, there he had to flash in front of the showgirl, talk to her about something, and most importantly, pick up a ticket somewhere for the previous showing, this is impossible to check, the novel claims "what are you making up,
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what a bastard"? wait, is there really no evidence left against him in our apartment, some prints, traces, nothing? well, yes, i erased everything myself, hello, come in, thank you for accepting me, please have a seat, so you are the wife of our kostyukov, i want. i want to say thank you for my husband, he fits in perfectly with the team, we love him, well, it doesn’t affect your salary in any way yet, you can serve in the civil service, i think by the end of the year he will be promoted, i’m not really on this issue, yeah, yes, i i’m listening, i’m talking about a misunderstanding, but something happened, well, you say that my husband is such a good employee, his work
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is hard, he deals with the problems of the population, catches criminals, comes before... i think there’s nowhere to rest, i mean, well, half of the departmental apartment that belongs to the police is occupied by some shaggy woman, i don’t know what connections she has, well, her father, in the previous precinct, is an investigator, i got the apartment well deservedly, well, by the way, i understand you, it’s true that men don’t think much about it. especially with our work, and this is generally correct in principle, a policeman, when going on duty, must be sure that they are waiting for him at home and will never betray him, i will think about how you can solve your issue, thank you very much, and come visit us, thank you,
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goodbye, all the best. oh, hello, rayechka, oh, hello, oleg lyaninovich, you’ve already been released, did you go to my aunt, i, oleg lyanovich, well, i ’m not mad, i know. you are a kind woman, but you shouldn’t poke your nose into your own affairs, otherwise you would have been imprisoned, so what, i am very guilty before maryanna raechka, if i had not been imprisoned in the first place, our lives would have all become closer together differently, oleg leonidich, right? this is meanness, she gave you up like a pawn, if only for her own sake, but
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she was saving her lover, unfortunate thing... what, i’m doing this i understood right away, that’s why i helped you, little girl, before you do anything, you have to think, goodbye, little girl, yeah,
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and housekeeping, you probably think that now everything will be like before, yes, we’ll whitewash the ceiling, we’ll go on vacation, i’ll accompany you to work, meet you, yes, how could it be otherwise, well, yes, yes, but i won’t stop thinking for a second about what you did to me with our marriage, and even here, in bed , calmly. daughter
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what is this? flower. fraya. i took him from marianne's house. camera? yes. it seems bogomolov
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was keeping an eye on his wife. roman got angry and killed. mariana concocted an alibi for him and called poltos. if it weren't for the print, we would still be looking for the robber. the plan didn't work, so poltos took the blame.
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yes, the only decent person turned out to be a criminal. in short, andrey evgenievich, lysenka won’t stand out so much. he brought me the plot, i was so serious, after my mother’s death i lived with my grandmother in odessa for another year, everything was on me, well, thank you, raichka, it’s time for me, so don’t be afraid, we
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won’t evict you from your father’s apartment, girls, hello , well, i’ll find something else for kostyakov and let his wife not come to me anymore, well, she’s privatized. “i’m sorry, why did you all decide that i care about this, you can always, i thought that you thought that i have 10 clients a day, each of them has a tongue without bones,
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yes, but i can there is also something to think about, heaven, heaven, what, what, heaven, what? revealed the rights of violations on domestic grounds 17 related to the personal transport of citizens 10. well , in general, i think that this is a very good result for reporting period, well, you can better, of course, i agree, maybe there are some questions or wishes when citizens stop putting their jalopies on the lawn, yes, we are looking into each specific case, drunken scandals in yards, when? will stop, for sure, that’s when all this will stop, if anything happens, you call right away and we ’ll sort it out, more questions, of course. or
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a wish, i want you to answer right here, in front of everyone, whether you love me or not, that’s it, that’s the question, raisa, don’t confuse me, vladimir petrovich, i ’ll confuse myself, because i love you very much . strength there are no more of mine to walk around , i beg you, don’t, don’t need it now, i need it, vladimir petrovich, i need it.
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good luck to you in your labors. so we'll be back.
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i’ve come, i’m drinking coffee, you’ll be there, i’ll be there. “i need to tell you something, alen, while you were away, i got a woman, you’re yelling or something, you knew, come on, i’m not angry, you should have lived with someone while i there wasn’t, well, i don’t know, there was food, there was sleep , after all, that’s what these kind of stops exist for.” on the way to
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goals, mura, not a stopover, come on, more he will say, he fell in love, you always need to justify everything with lofty goals, even simple cohabitation, you snatched up an apartment, that no, well, i don’t blame how many years we waited for our housing, i still couldn’t understand how you exchanged the position of an investigator for this this is all, not moscow of course, but at least an apartment from a black sheep? well, never mind, in a couple of years we will privatize it and sell it. ryan, i don’t know where she took her suitcase and went where? come on, this is funny. where is she, she went on vacation, where,
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she told her not to say, the bus to the regional center, the place nine, departure in 30 minutes, from there by wadler train, i don’t know the carriage, thank you. why, yes, so that you understand, they’re probably waiting for you at home, listen, you can be angry with me, i deserve it. well please don't leave because
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i love you, heaven. sorry, sorry,
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naya, naya! vladimir petrovich. i know, i wanted to say, no, that’s what i wanted to tell you, the suitcase is not
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mine, i was a fool and grabbed someone else’s by mistake, but you’re not worried, but why not worry, i have new carpets from angora, two skirts? thinning scissors, we'll go to the linear department, they at the next stop they will take our suitcase away. vladimir petrovich, you wanted to tell me something.
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raya knows everything. see continuation on monday. my planet tv channel presents. on the kurzhskaya spit in the kaliningrad region there is a unique place called the dancing forest. most of the trees growing there are intricately curved, and some are even twisted into a loop at the bottom. there is still no scientific explanation for this phenomenon, i’m waiting, i’m waiting, by god, i’m waiting, and it would be nice if, if possible, he visited me somewhere, well, as long as possible, a month or two,
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god forbid, if even a year, while tsarak and seryozha slowly but surely overcome the mountain steepness, kim is preparing for the meeting. i’m 78 years old, but with the support of my younger ones, i still want to do something useful. tsarak and kim are united not only by their childhood friendship. kim lives in the places where the family of tsarak and many other degorians came from. kim is the keeper of memory and the guarantee that these places still have an owner. that's why there is such an unkind attitude towards the village, now there are all possibilities there is, there is a pasture, where to prepare something, where to plant something, but there are no people, people,
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kim’s lonely thoughts come to an end for today, the familiar car is having difficulty overcoming the last obstacle, so how are you doing? hello boy! bring it here and greet your guest as usual!
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it is so soft that you can wash without soap. there, on sunny days, women washed clothes,
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but one day in the white sky suddenly turned black, a fierce wind rose and a girl of your name was carried into the heavens by a whirlwind. and the last words, when she was carried away by the wind, she shouted: tell us. toboev, so that they always forgive each other and live together. finally, the grandfather and grandson of the toboevs reach the main goal of the trip. here, seryozha, this is the most sacred place for us. this was the home of our ancestors and their ancestors. he was tall and strong. from here, many years ago, we moved to the plain. how many more memories will there be,
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meetings with fellow villagers, toasts of gratitude, wishes for goodness and peace, how many were, how many were not, they will tell each other, having seen enough of the wonders of their native land, earrings seems to fall asleep standing up, before going to bed, grandfather will tell a fairy tale about...
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seryozha does not listen to the end of the fairy tale, he is sleeping, he dreams of the mighty narts, scythians, sarmatians, alans, battles and... but even more important for tsarak and kim is to be silent
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together, because they are united not only by long-standing friendship, but also by a common grief, each of them lost two children at one time, only fathers who have lost children can understand each other in the silence of their native mountains. my planet tv channel presents. by the way, nesting dolls appeared in russia only at the end of the 19th century; japanese figurines became their prototype, god fukurumu, brought from the island of hanshu, the wife of the entrepreneur and philanthropist sava mamontov. at what time.
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on the morning of the next day, the st. petersburg courtyard-well lets out a very colorful company.
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a man ended up with three troubles and eight sorrows, a horse that was always neighing, a boat that was always leaking, and a wife who couldn’t do a damn thing about housework, these strange, cheerful people , volunteers of the center of indigenous peoples of the leningrad region. under the constant guidance of ethnographer and archaeologist olga konkova, these representatives of various professions ages study izhorian language culture. several years ago they created the puppet theater kagrakaru, the paizhora oat bear. in vistina, kagrakaru is the highlight of the program.
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the izhoras gave the world truly grandiose folklore, and what is rare is, first of all , song folklore. everyone knows the famous korelo-finnish epic kalivala, but few people know that a good part of it is the ancient izhora runes. during the history of studying local folklore in the 19th century otezhor, more than 145 thousand songs were recorded. this is yurchi, yurchi, but not
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the only character. well in russian interpretations egory, it’s summer, why does he need to be super warm, he protected his head from the bright sun, he put on a shirt thick enough to have protection from horsefly mosquitoes, to calmly walk around the cows, gather their herd, disperse them to the farms, dolls for izhora are something undoubtedly more than toys sewn with their own hands in the old style, these are their friends, a continuation: of themselves, these are magical guides to the world speaking izhorian, she travels through the villages, where representatives of the finogorsk people originally lived peoples, tells them ancient traditions, legends: the 20th century swept through the izhorians like a bloody
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wheel from their ancient runes. unfairly, the people still, it seems to me, have not survived those events. in the summer of 1937 , all izhora schools were closed overnight, teachers were arrested, books in their native
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language were burned. a child could easily be expelled from school for using the izhorian language. not only the izhoras were subjected to repression, but their neighbors, the voz, the ingrian finns, the korelas and a huge number of other small peoples throughout the soviet union russia. further.
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kloga concentration camp. during the war years , thousands of izhors were left behind toil abroad.
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the crew died on the ground, there were no injuries, what led to the crash of the superjet in the moscow region will be investigated by the federal air transport agency and the interstate aviation committee. security and development of new regions. vladimir putin and the governor of the zaporozhye region about what needs to be done. dry thunderstorms and hot weather in buryat increase the number of natural fires; more than 700 people are fighting the fire. a new day on
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the russia channel begins to be broadcast in the vera studio tarasova. hello. a gazprom avia superjet 100 plane crashed in the kolomensky district of the moscow region. there were no passengers on board. after repairs, the airliner was sent from the aircraft factory to the airfield. he fell in a forest belt. the crew of three people died. there are no casualties on the ground. the investigation will be conducted by the interstate aviation committee with the participation of the federal air transport agency. developer and manufacturer of the aircraft. the ministry of industry and trade clarified that the fallen car was not imported. modification, so in parallel with it the test was carried out dry superjet new with domestic engines, which were just developed to replace the french ones, it flew nearby and landed successfully, as the department clarified. because of this, at first there was confusion with the departure location and tail number; according to the preliminary version, the plane crashed due to a failure engines. the vdf continues shelling the belgorod region, this time the attack was made on the village of murom, as it later became
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known, the head of the department was killed. prompt response of the shibekinsky district, governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. previously, militants of the kyiv regime attacked a playground in the courtyard of a residential building with a drone. several children were injured; they suffered injuries of varying severity. the smallest eight-year-old boy was sent to moscow for treatment. in addition, two are now in intensive care, recovering from surgery. two more are in stable condition. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the zaporozhye region, yevgeny baretsky. he told. president on the development of the social sphere of the region, in particular on the opening of a branch of artek and the creation of a federal mayak youth center, about the launch of an oncology clinic, the start of construction of a children's hospital and the renovation of the university. we talked about the pace of restoration of new regions and especially ensuring their security in the conditions of a special operation. vladimir putin paid special attention to the situation at the zaporozhye npp. of course, the key issue is ensuring the security of the region as a whole.
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people, we will definitely do this, we will achieve this, there is no doubt, i also see things that cannot be ignored, also related to safety, this first of all, of course, the safety of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the fact that the enemy is striking, now directly at the plant, this of course requires special attention on our part, unfortunately it does not attract attention from the outside, as if
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we will discuss with you today additional measures to ensure the rhythmic operation of enterprises military-industrial complex. new attacks were carried out on the military infrastructure of ukraine with high-precision weapons. the missiles attacked the air bases of the ukrainian armed forces in old konstantinovo near khmelnitsky, brovary near kiev, geran, targets in odessa, zhitomir, vinnitsa, cherkasy, chernihiv regions. in addition, footage of a battle led by a yakut fighter with the call sign mongol appeared online, despite being wounded. the fighter gathered his personnel and led him into the assault. the group cleared the stronghold in a matter of minutes, killing 12 nationalists. for this battle , mongol was presented with a reward. and filming of the zaporozhye front, paratroopers under heavy artillery fire are advancing on an atv. this method is a quick deployment of assault groups to capture enemy strongholds. bad news for zelensky. the main european partner germany is against the lifting
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of restrictions. on the use of western weapons in the war with russia, according to chancellor olaf scholz, quoted by reuters, neither side has plans to change the rules for the use by kiev of the gratuitous weapons transferred to it. at the same time, berlin welcomed the decision to deploy american tamagaw long-range cruise missiles on the territory of germany from 2026. not everyone greeted this decision with enthusiasm. parties alternatives for germany, it was regarded as the us intention to turn the country into a springboard for military operations against russia. according to the opposition, relocating tomahawks will make the world even more dangerous. 11 new outbreaks were discovered in the forests of buryat, all of them arose due to dry thunderstorms. in total, there are currently 61 forest fires in the region (report by alena fomina). a dense veil of smoke rises above the dense taiga. a forest fire in the baikal region was discovered during an air patrol. forest firefighters make their way to the source of the fire
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on special equipment, and then eat. a few more kilometers.


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