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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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it weighs half a ton, costs about 50 thousand dollars, and a special car is required to transport it, but all this does not matter, the device is not intended for domestic use. but us broadcasters are amazed; the quality of the image recorded and reproduced on vr exceeds all their expectations. this is a real breakthrough. they start it in a year. emmy, and 2 years later, when he had an american exhibition in moscow, responded with an offer to make a device for consent. khrushchev, shocked by the recording of the conversation with nixon at the exhibition in sokolniki, thought: that it was impossible to scroll the copy given to him from us, but the head of the ussr did not know that in leningrad at the lenkinap plant, a magazine with articles by ampex engineers had been being issued for 2 years. and all this time work is underway.
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nikita sergeevich’s order to develop a domestic video recorder was somewhat late. the first studio video recorder , frame 1, was manufactured in 1960 in novosibirsk in the amount of 160 pieces. and soon its improved modification kadr-3 was released, which not only recorded color broadcasts, but allowed them to be edited. to what extent there? vcrs for home use. in 1963, a household video recorder was developed from... japan and europe
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would never have been able to produce their own household video equipment if they had not acquired patents from alexander ponyatov. only recently did the word ampexing come out of circulation, which was the name for the process of recording video on magnetic tape. year, for almost half a century his company ampex held the world leadership in professional equipment, the name of his services to humanity should not be forgotten, despite the fact that the analogue video recording format has now become an anachronism and has been replaced by the digital method, but alexander matveevich himself liked to repeat, you need to study all your life, nothing should be considered dogma.
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today at dr. myasnikov’s clinic i’m spinning and twisting, i want to confuse how the manufacturers of drugs for hypertension are profiting from us? healthy savings from dr. myasnikov. if you buy expensive medicines, how long will it last? good drugs for lowering blood pressure, whatever one may say, are still the same drugs, how to save money without... harming your health. what
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what should i do if i have heartburn? instructions for use without serious drugs. let 's talk about heartburn. instructions for use on how to generally try to avoid this condition. the contents of the stomach remain inside and do not flow. this can cause serious illness. if you are taking what medications should you stop drinking tea? and what medications should be washed down with juice, foods and medications. tea contains. tannins interfere with tannins, i drank the medicine, it was applied to what is in the stomach, it blocks the activation of the coagulation factor, which are influenced by vitamin k, they themselves can reduce thyroid function . hello, says dr. mesnyakov and you are in my clinic on belorusskaya, on channel russia 1. and today we’ll talk about how to deal with burns.
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let's talk about what medications you shouldn't eat cabbage, how to save money on medications for hypertension, high blood pressure, and... we'll write out the matryoshka doll, why, then i'll tell you. so, we are starting, so there will be a lot of educational and interesting things. we will talk about heartburn, instructions for use. well, of course, you will say, what are the instructions, there is a burning sensation, i took soda, took some pill, there are a lot of them in pharmacies, i drank it, it went away, sort of. so let's talk.
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the esophagus is the acid, we are starving, through which food comes here, but the esophagus is separated from the stomach by such a muscle ring, when we swallow food, the esophagus contracts, food passes through, this ring opens and falls into the stomach, by the way, that ’s why you can calmly. ..
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because if different circumstances face, but it is reliable, very relative, happen, this ring begins to weaken and leak, now, let’s talk about the circumstances, there are a number of things, a number of substances that relax this ring, it’s just like... it begins to relax and a hole appears here, where the acid actually begins to be released , this is fatty foods, alcohol, smoking,
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caffeine and so on, but this is one situation, another situation when here it can simply increase, well... roughly speaking, pressure, acidic contents will flow from the stomach into the esophagus, and we all know when people who they do intensive sports, lift weights, uh, they understand that sometimes terrible heartburn occurs, especially after a terrible heartburn, so you lift a heavy barbell, so you can add physical activity here, which also props up our belly, and fat is such a belly. it’s difficult to walk, of course, your stomach is not of the normal shape, but it simply props up your diaphragm, therefore obesity, what is the practical conclusion from this, you can add overeating and so on and so on,
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but the practical conclusion is simple, each of you knows what causes heartburn in you, some actually smoked it on an empty stomach, some ate fatty foods, some... you have, accordingly, unhindered, and at night the tone generally drops, and this sphincter too, all this is practically unhindered the head end flows, you understand, and accordingly, the contents of the stomach remain
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inside and do not flow, 40% of people have reflux. and do not feel heartburn, they feel a constant cough, because in the esophagus at the top there are cough receptors, when it is thrown into the acidic contents, this annoys. based on calcium salts, they may not work as directly and immediately
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effectively as soda, but taking large amounts of soda can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and lead to certain acid-base changes, so we don’t widely recommend soda, of course , if you drink a teaspoon of soda there once, nothing will happen, but the fact is that a one-time burn is one thing, here are the 20% that research says: sports, physical activity, well, you can’t start running, jumping or dragging after eating
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heaviness, you will undoubtedly have heartburn, so the situation is the same with smoking, just be careful, why, but because these are not just unpleasant symptoms, it is also because it can cause serious illnesses in the procancer, you may have heard the esophagus barata, what is this when... here you and i have a stomach, this is the same ring, here the esophagus has started, that’s when reflux occurs, here are the first few centimeters of the esophagus, the cells begin to degenerate from the burn, well, here you are drop acid, drop it on the skin, drop it, you will have a scar, just like that. form here, already as quickly as 5 years after constant heartburn, and this is
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a precancer, so you need to fight heartburn, including if it is chronic and with the help of drugs like amiprazole, i didn’t specifically touch on this today, today we talked instructions for use, here is what, regardless of the pharmacy, what you should do before going to the pharmacy, but if all this does not help, then go to the doctor at the pharmacy. and we move on, well now i will answer your questions that you send me by email, i have given this email more than once, by the way, keep sending it, let’s see what i have accumulated here for today, my name is astrazora levina, i am from the city of zheleznogorsk, krasnoyarsk region, i have this question: there are severe headaches that are not treated with any energy drinks, any means that usually relieve headaches.
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in the office they give me some kind of tablet to lower my blood pressure, then i feel better, what should i do in such cases? well i'm not very i understand your, so to speak, desire to tie? severe headache to high blood pressure, first of all, remember, and you, everyone else, a headache is not a symptom of high blood pressure, there is a headache with high blood pressure, yes it happens, there is high blood pressure without a headache, of course it happens, they measured you pressure, yes, everything is fine with you, then you have a severe headache, but what does severe mean, i even look at your presentation, then as you say, how you are trying to tie it all to the arterial
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pressure, a blood pressure pill helps you, and although your blood pressure is normal, you have an even higher one, well, excuse me, not depressive, but there is a certain fixation on this, and which, by the way, can increase the chances of a headache, let’s understand , how dangerous it can be, hence a few questions, you said nausea, nausea is understandable, it happens... it is so strong that you feel sick, in fact, uh, your headache gets worse when you change your body position, so you lie down, for example, when you cough, when you turn your head too hard, but sometimes do you have such a headache that you say, it’s just as strong as never before in your life, do you have any symptoms, like your lip goes numb, temporary blurred vision, because these are all symptoms when you really there may be a neurosm, there may be some kind of tumor, and so on, but these are just a fraction of a fraction of a percent; in our
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country, 80% of the population, probably everywhere on the globe, adults, one way or another... suffer from one or another variety headache, and what i'm talking about is a fraction of a percent, after all, this is most likely a tension headache, it could be a migraine, yes it could be a migraine, but here the doctor really needs to sort it out with you, a migraine is a tension headache, we often cannot diagnose one another, and often they go together, according to - anyone, you take painkillers, if you take more than 15 tablets a month, that is, every second day you need...
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i myself have been using them to protect against the virus since the pandemic and have been quite successful in never getting sick with covid and even stopped catch a cold, so can a child use them, will it be addictive, at what age in general? anything possible, i really don’t want myron to get sick, otherwise he’ll miss classes and it’ll be difficult to study, you know, of course, a child has to get sick, but there’s no escape, he thus earns acquired immunity for himself, he encounters viruses, and that’s his kind of trains his immune system, but you
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understand, it’s one thing, so to speak, such a declaration, well, the child gets sick 8-10 times a year, this is normal. but still i want so that he doesn’t get sick, it’s normal, normal, but you know, there’s no need to hide behind the fact that children should get sick, yes they should, but you know how, we have to do what we have to do, what will happen, yes, we have to take some... then measures, well, of course, the guy needs to be tempered there, move and so on, because just such an active lifestyle, running, also strengthens the immune system, but nevertheless, you asked a specific question about... terferon answers yes, of course, it can be used for children from birth, pregnant women, and it does not cause any addiction, well there maybe just the dosage, because if the child is small, there is one drop in each nasal passage, if from a year to three, then two drops, well, in general, you look in the instructions, and it’s all there, now
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about prevention interferon alfa2b during covid was recommended by the financial healthcare agency as a therapeutic agent, but it is logical to take it specifically for prevention, because, you know, we enter a room, a child goes to class, there are 20, 30, 40 people there, one person exhaled, and the other one inhaled, and if there is protection in the way of the virus. in this case, mucasal immunity, everyone has it, but for some it works more, for others less, and additional protection in the form of interferon alpha2b, for example, in the form of drops or spray, this is a completely logical action, unlike many antiviral drugs and so on, universal interferons, this is
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a universal antiviral, so to speak, substance, let’s call it that. it fights all viruses, flu, coronavirus, adenovirus, and so on and so forth further, and therefore this is a universal antiviral agent, it is absolutely harmless, does not cause addiction, well , it’s always worth consulting a doctor about this whole matter, we move on, hello, doctor, my name is snezhana, i’m from moscow, hello, a year and a half ago i got sick with coronavirus in such a... mild form, and after that my hair began to fall out very much, when washing, when combing, and even when i didn’t do anything with it, it literally fell out, and... all this accompanied i was about a year old, and after my hair became significantly smaller, i turned to a trichologist, passed a series of tests,
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the results of which were normal, and took a course of vitamins, which the doctor also recommended to me. after all this, the situation improved a little, the hair loss became less, but now i am noticing that my hair is starting to fall out again. here's some news, which one should we start with? well, let's talk about the good stuff, but diffuse
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hair loss is a symptom, it's passing, there are different types, so to speak, hair loss and not all are so favorable, when to consider it diffuse, really to collect in the bathroom, in fact there is an arithmetic definition, what? 50 hairs a day, this is already loss, up to 150 hairs, this is considered normal, here is the chapter with hair, 10% of these hairs, they are already dead, they no longer have a follicle, they just sit in their nest and fall out, they just fall out on their own, head. they fall out, then new ones grow in their place, the follicles are revived, that is , 10% of all hair goes on all the time, this turn falls out, new ones, fall out, new ones, like
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only it outgrows more than 10%, when the hair no longer lives, but simply, so to speak, continues to be in its place, but is already, so to speak, in a non-viable state, as soon as it exceeds 10%, the amount of hair falling out increases accordingly. what leads to this? infection, and in this case a viral infection, stress, you are right to shout at your husband, you are not the one who says: everything is for you, because serious stress leads to this diffuse decline. i would advise you to check if you have a decrease in feretin, every fourth woman suffers from iron-induced anemia, and if there is decreased hemoglobin, decreased iron reserves, decreased feritin, then here are the directions for treatment, respectively. replenish iron, as well as a problem with the thyroid gland, the very initial manifestations can appear, and so what you eat, how much
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complete nutrition your hair needs, proper care, and what shampoos you use, by the way, is also very important, well, i also once again i repeat the good news, this is passing, the reason is removed, you make up for iron reserves, everything is restored, you change your husband, if the previous one was annoying, everything is restored. you change the shampoo, it is also restored, i remind you that we have, so to speak, eternal questions, those that are asked from program to program, like, is it necessary to crush gall bladder stones, and so on and so on, that is, questions that pursue doctors throughout their lives, the patient is asked, asked, asked, and we answer, answer, answer, oh, he doesn’t want to get out, can uterine fibroids develop into cancer, no, uterine fibroids
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it doesn’t turn into cancer, well, let’s put it this way, there is an extremely rare 0.000 uh percent when it can turn into sarcoma, but definitely, if you ask, yes no, no, it doesn’t degenerate, but... another thing is that it needs to be monitored, so, well, it’s time for a physical break, so if you want to review us, look at this platform, look at the application or website, well, then, when taking which medications you should give up tea and which medications you should take with juice. i twist and turn, i want to confuse how manufacturers of medicines from us are profiting from hypertension? healthy savings from dr. myasnikov. food and medicine. tea contains
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tannins, so tannins interfere, you drank the medicine, it lay down on what is in the stomach, it blocks the activation of coagulation factors, which are influenced by vitamin k, they themselves can reduce the function of the thyroid gland, it is important that you take the medicine constantly if you will buy expensive medicine, as long as you have enough, you begin to look at what kind of animal this is, a good drug for... lowering blood pressure, no matter how you look at it, it’s still the same medications, ah, are you okay, thank you, look at rtr, i’ll go to my mother for a blessing this weekend, you, i follow you, follow me,
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do you? stripe in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, the heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, your whole life is in turmoil, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5 from monday on rtr, you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire board, can we handle it, if you ask, then with the bulge, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works? everyone knows who anyone is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, as many as you like, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pluck, problems with water, light , housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, god forbid. the man who caught the criminal, you are extraordinary , even my wife admits it, look at rtr, the whole city knows that kostyukov is being scammed. our
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district police officer will become free, not free, but mine, i give 3 months for the parties to reconcile, that i decided, now or never, a real woman will never become an ex, i will return him to heaven, and he will be happy about it, well then i have nothing to lose, ouch! raya knows everything, you won’t leave me now because of this, or you will, continuation, we look on monday on rtr, i advertised in the newspaper, i’m taking off the portion, so they bastards put a comma, it turned out, i’m taking it off, comma damage, anatoly, and you do not
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want to rent? i took off my vest, i haven’t taken it off for 40 years, it has already become fused with my body, when you call the police, you have to show them your body, i give testimony, i can’t help you, but i forgive you the debt, god forbid, humor, humor, humor , premiere, today on rtr, well, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia one. we move on, then we have food, but not just food, but the topic is this: food and medicine, it very often happens that a person takes medicine, takes it, takes it, then says, doctor, but nothing helps me, but because...


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