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tv   Znakharka  RUSSIA1  July 14, 2024 12:35am-4:11am MSK

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we take it like this, add a little bit, that little bit, and that leg that you got out, so i just take what you got out and back here, that’s it, the last stage, the snails go into the oven for about 10 minutes and voila, an exquisite escorgo near moscow is ready, what does it remind you of? mushroom, right? 80-85% of people say mushrooms, yeah, but if snails are too exotic a delicacy for you, here, very close you can be treated to original russian treats; in kolomna near moscow they have long been preparing the best in russia i posted, the recipe, of course, was kept a closely guarded secret for centuries, but i’ll try to find it out. hello, good afternoon, i’m olya,
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elena, elena, it’s very nice, i’m glad to see you, you know, i somehow imagined a bedding factory differently, and how interesting it is, i don’t know, machines, machines, everything is cooked and steamed there , it’s boiling, seething, it’s so comfortable to live here , you can immediately see that you are from the 21st century, your idea of ​​a factory is completely different from what it was in the 19th century, and that’s where we are now. in historical interiors in the factories were founded in 1852. karp famich chuprikov, the founder of the kolomenskaya marshmallow factory, lived in this very house. by the way, karp famich even traveled with his marshmallow to international exhibitions in paris and vienna, where he created a real sensation with his unprecedented russian delicacy made from apples. since then, the production of kolomenskaya pustila has reached a completely new level. already in the second
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half of the 19th century, significant changes were taking place, and from a product that looked quite simple, it became sophisticated, beautiful boxes appeared, branded labels are produced here according to an old recipe, and even the equipment in this small factory is made according to historical prototypes. this is how apples are washed, then the cores are removed and baked in a russian oven. the baked apples are pureed, then the resulting puree is beaten with egg whites and sugar for several hours. the result is a milky-white air mass. it’s not for nothing that in the old days kolominskaya postila was called white foam. where did the name postila come from? well there are several points sight, the most common post comes from the word bed. what do you see, it
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’s spread, it’s leveled, yes, it ’s leveled, here you take a knife like this and it’s leveled like this, try it, oh, how sweet, tasty, foamy, white, oh, it’s just like i’m eating foam, now all that’s left is it dry in the oven you get this product, kolominskaya marshmallow, sugar, but, oh, it’s not like that... yes, because this is a historical product, of course, you haven’t eaten it, i don’t even know, it’s whipped like a charlotte well cooked, it looks like a pie, similar, yes, like an apple pie, only it’s all apple, no flour, no fats, no oils are added here, therefore, that’s why it’s such a healthy, dietary product, completely replacing biscuits. "oh, and it’s good here in the moscow region.
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what other kulaks are there to lure you here? or maybe, really, kolaches? hello, hello, is it true that you make real russian kalachis here? yes, real kalachny dough is made from coarse flour grinding, water, sourdough salt, dough, but you can’t work with kalash dough like that, because kalash dough contains a lot of holes, these small holes, the flour will clog them, then our kalach will not be fluffy, but... in order for the kalach
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to be fluffy, this batter can be placed directly on a clean counter, but it will take us eight times longer than flour dough if compacted. now we say there knead there knead knead the dough, all this used to be called rubbing the dough table, but that’s how it’s really done much longer than dough on flour, then the people who in their lifetime have seen and experienced more than others, who have been beaten thoroughly by life, rubbed, crushed, began to be called grated kalachs, it just so happened that in russia only men were kalashnikovs, that is, you, nine poods a bag of flour weighed a standard 19th century 100.44 kg, at least let’s start with this, let’s still you become our first kalashnitsa, the first thing you need to do is make a ball from this piece, put the ball, like this we would have a wonderful ball, but certainly not a cube or a pyramid, so if we have
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someone right-handed or left-handed, right-handed, then with our right hand we begin to roll out a sausage from the ball, we need to press down the middle hard, and now the most difficult parts, we need to fold our hands correctly to form a ball. let's repeat here, well, practically , by the way, very close, first like this, now we raise our fingers, move our big fingers to the sides and do this movement, and now we cross our big fingers and straighten our palms, we start rolling and pressing, great, stop, stop , and now let's take the tips of the flagella, placed on top of each other, firmly molded together, well, our little ball is almost ready, or rather two of it are ready...
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so when a man picked up and ate dirty hands, they talked about him, he reached the handle, absolutely right, that is, this is coming the expression from this handle of the kolach and its original meaning is to become impoverished, so, but there is also a third part of the kolach, here is such an incision in the form of a smile, it is called a lip, lip, what is a lip for, the lip is not stupid, but so that everything our kolachiks were similar to each other, we must make steam in one where all the kolaches come out, for this you take a knife, and after that... so that the lips do not become winded, these lips must still be opened, no, but what to do, and what else do they do with the lip,
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roll it out, bravo, roll it out, of course, so, we take streams of flour, we’ve rolled out the lip, now we level the flour like this, and then we take the lip with both hands, yeah, we roll up the top one, well, ready, ready, so, take a baking sheet, i ’ll help you, i’ll help you, and put it in the oven, oh, it’s clear why this is not a woman’s business, oh! such fresh bread, i don’t know if it was worth it it’s a bit of a hassle, but it’s delicious, but in general here in kolomna you have the opportunity to experience the taste of different
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eras, just like that. and you find yourself in a communal apartment from the middle of the last century. hello. hello. i am olya. very nice. very nice, katya. how much do you have here? this bold project of kolomna enthusiasts is called “museum-residence art-communal, erofeev” and others. he was inspired by the personality of the writer benedikt erofeev, who lived in kolomna in the early sixties. it is during the years of the khrushchev thaw that visitors to the museum find themselves. collected here.
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kievan rus, and this is zaraisk, an equally ancient glorious city. the zaraisky kremlin is considered the only one in the moscow region that has been preserved in almost its original form. here's another one. important tourist attraction of zaraysk: water tower. this beauty was built more than 100 years ago, and they say that in good weather it offers views of 30 km, but today i will rise even higher into the sky. well, i'm off, see you later. the moscow region proves that sometimes adventure
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is just around the corner; french delicacies and russian sweets are prepared here, here proverbs take on their original meaning, and the past gives impetus to the future, here space opens up for the flight of imagination, i take this with me, down! you will find all our episodes on the media platform watch, download the application or go to the website it gets caught somewhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridor. where to go and what to do? in general , there is no need to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself or extend your hands. they will have to settle accounts with us. so, lift off the ground, take off. the technology is beautiful, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us it is fate, it is a matter of life and death,
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we will be the first to know about it. what do you like more, herring with a fur coat or appetizers? alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your greetings, hello, after your interview many new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i... write to me tomorrow invite you to a restaurant, okay, death's head, death's head, where
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is it now, maybe the artist collected all the loot, and whistled to hell, artist, we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr, yes. why do you think i need candy, nuts and an apple? no, i’m not going to cook dessert, this is what they decorated the christmas tree with in the 18th century, they tied a thread and hung it on the branches, which... the christmas tree is magic,
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our balls, toys, they can be put on a shelf and listed as works of art. my mother is a new year's fan and she is always very beautiful. decorates the house for the new year, and this has simply been passed on to me over the years, when you make a toy, willy-nilly. whether you want it or not, you invest it there a piece of yourself, a piece of your soul, the toys seem to come to life. the history of christmas tree toys goes back more than 100 years. the spruce tree itself appeared
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in the houses of the court nobility in 1699, when peter ii issued a decree on the celebration. germany, where did this tradition come from? gradually , every noble house began to follow the example of the royal family. this is evidenced by the memories of leo tolstoy’s children, when they generally gathered in their rooms. on long evenings, from paper, cardboard, foil, they made toys, and made not only christmas tree decorations specifically for the christmas tree, but at the same time they made gifts for peasant children coming to these holidays. the history of glass christmas tree decorations in russia dates
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back to the middle of the 19th century. in 1848, at the behest of prince alexander, less. these places of sand, from which they began to produce glass , have long been famous for their rich deposits of quartz for the manufacture of apothecary bottles, dishes and christmas tree decorations. true, they cost fabulous money, one toy was like a doctor’s monthly salary. that is why the plant soon had serious competitors. to the house houses. at first , qualified craftsmen, invited from glass factories, tver province, vladimir province, worked at this plant, but gradually peasants from the surrounding villages of this estate, the menshikovs, began to come to work, still only seasonal, peasants who quickly mastered the skills of glassmaking. understanding
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all the benefits of such work, the peasants. around the menshikovs' estate, we began to make buzas for sale, having visited museums, for example, lipetsk, voronezh, ryazan, we see a very large number preserved beads made in klin, since their technology is different from any other beads, they are durable, light, this speaks of their popularity, their beauty and availability. to this day, craftsmen create each glass toy by hand; when heated on a burner, it becomes plastic and pliable, but the glass blower has only a few seconds to give the work the desired shape, otherwise the material will burst like a soap bubble. after the blank is created, it is coated with special paint, and then
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they begin to paint pictures on the glass. this the tradition appeared in the middle of the 20th century. galina golubeva painted wooden boxes for many years, decorated metal, decorated jewelry, but 16 years ago she was fascinated by the magic of glass, it’s interesting, it’s creating some kind of magical world, but for me it ’s the process of inventing something, something like - first on paper, then with different paints, different colors, and it’s blue. black, black was very close, because it was palih, then, when the white color, white balls appeared, it was necessary to adapt to them, because white, i know, also, yes, blue, it’s all beautiful, but as for an artist, a white background means the composition falls apart, for the artist it turned out to be a difficult task to apply an image not to a flat
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object, but to a three-dimensional one, to maintain the composition without distorting the proportions. but the shape of the ball gives scope for creative thought, because you can draw a whole story on it. there are also interesting compositions in a circle, there are some figures dragging snow in sleds, others there are assembling the snowman itself, someone is sledding, all this in a circle, and you know, such a story turns out, on the one hand it’s interesting, because in the picture it’s on the plane. after the revolution, the holiday was canceled as a relic of the bourgeois past. but not for long, already in 1935 on the initiative.
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for example, the development of aviation, yes, prompted the creation of a whole series of christmas tree decorations, dereships, airplanes, balloons, parachutes, and so on. separate. tchaikovsky lived in klin for more than 8 years, that is, this nature is discreet, it had such a striking influence on him, that is music was born, and artists could not help but respond to this musical theme, it always existed in the klin toy, they were. toys in the form of musical instruments, we will now make an interesting thing, and i will show you, this technique is probably not
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pali, not mstera, not kholodsky, this is our purely moscow one, this is how we came up with making trees, we take a harder brush, take white paint , we can try to stamp the blue one very carefully. the artist paints landscapes of the siberian winter on christmas tree decorations and depicts ancient russian villages and heroes of fairy tales, the result is real works of art, maybe people watch it and maybe they somehow become closer to our culture, to our fairy tales, this is our past, which should not be forgotten. porcelain, this noble material is sometimes called white gold. there is a legend that in the old days it was sold by weight. it was
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the yellow metal that was used instead of weights. christmas tree toys made of porcelain are literally worth their weight in gold these days. colorful, miniature works sparkle like real jewelry. exactly this. this feature i once attracted an artist, a specialist in fedoskino painting, irina tsukanova. my husband is also a fan of the new year, and for some time we simply collected christmas tree decorations, and i painted them myself, for ourselves, for our christmas tree as a gift to our relatives and friends, then we came to porcelain for our own shaped toys. today irina, together with her like-minded people, also artists, is experimenting with the forms and themes of toys. the very technology for creating a porcelain base remains unchanged: first, a mold is molded from plasticine, which then it is cast in plaster; only after
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the master has corrected all the irregularities can the casting begin. the next stage is firing the product. when the workpiece is ready, it is white, like a blank sheet, we cover it with shiny paint so that the toy shines, since we will have the toy hanging on the christmas tree. and should create a festive mood, and then we paint the toys using the traditional method of painting glass christmas tree decorations. this painting is not easy; details and the play of shadows play a decisive role. this is our planet earth, i sculpted it on a globe, it has such clouds, a very beautiful textured earth. we have an artist, zhenya, who painted this one here.
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painting with stained glass paints is somewhat similar to watercolor painting, that is, well, it becomes a little transparent, due to which the shiny substrate is visible, and that is, we always go from light to dark, where it is lighter, we carry out more volume with transparent paint and where we want to show that this is some kind of depression, that is, it is further away from our vision, we darken it, well in general, our toy is ready, to paint one toy... it takes us about 3 hours to 2 days - well, depending on the difficulties, we are now in the year of the dragon,
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so in addition to the chinese dragons... we decided to make a russian one a little dragon, a three-headed snake, well , we’ve already started with this theme, now we’ve made such a hero, we already have a baba yaga in our plans, a hut and a chicken leg, whips, we are again switching to russian fairy tales, white and fluffy, like the first snow, the izvat people have long made amazing christmas tree decorations, the plasticity of the material allows... to create the most unimaginable shapes. in the thirties of the 20th century, christmas tree toys made of cotton wool were produced by moscow and leningrad artels, which united hereditary craftsmen. each era dictated its own images and subjects. when the film circus was released, funny figures of clowns and acrobats appeared on christmas trees. the idea of ​​friendship of peoples, popular in
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the ussr. was also reflected in toys, but the constant companion of the new year was, of course, santa claus, a great tradition behind him our grandfather frost was our writers, poets created the image of frost, frost with a red nose, these wonderful fairy tales created such an image of both the stern, fair grandfather frost and the kind, at first in the tradition of the soviet... only grandfather frost appeared, but they realized that he too stern, he needs to be made a little kinder, more cheerful, and they began to introduce the snow maiden into the script to help him, but where santa claus is alive, there should be cotton wool figures under the christmas tree, and each city had its own, for example, in irkutsk the snow maiden was black-haired, yes, because more... in
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other places there were some peculiarities of their own. at one time, attempts were made to mechanize the creation of a cotton toy. craftsmen invented the hot stamping technique. it did not last long, since such a toy lost the warmth of handmade work. but some copies have survived. our museum displays various toys from different eras . and... even from the thirties and forties there are also toys, and such rare specimens as a dog, a manufactured toy artist rusakov's thirty-ninth year, or a beautiful goose in perfect condition, this is the artel named after shaumyan, we also have various toys, artel everything for a child, these are very, very old toys, this is the thirty-eighth year, wonderful clowns, anastasia leonova in her work
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trying. to preserve the handwriting of the old masters, so it seems that some of her toys are decades old, it all started with old christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool, i got them from my grandmother, time passed, of course, they lost their appearance, and since i art education, then i thought that i could well study this issue and restore them, in fact, i got involved, a cartoonist by profession, anastasia began to create entire stories from cotton wool, and this is how the collection “compatriots who changed the world” appeared. its main characters were famous russian writers, composers and scientists. i have tsolkovsky in my hands, and he is presented in a somewhat unusual form, fabulous, because he is about the sky, about space. about dreams, he is like
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some kind of wizard in this collection, for example, there is leo tolstoy, he is presented as father frost, perhaps as a child he wanted to be father frost, he has books in his bag, war and peace he also made snowballs there for the kids, and tchaikovsky is drinking tea and he has a swan lake, notes . he holds it under his arm, he has a swan in his saucer, and next to you you can see anna pavlova, who danced, this ballet is beautiful. the process of creating such a toy is very labor-intensive, but there are also techniques for working with cotton wool that anyone can do. master galina bulykina decided to master this art in order to decorate your own christmas tree.
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today, together with you, we will make a new year’s toy, such a wonderful sheep. here is a silhouette made of cardboard, to it we glue the legs from cotton swabs with tape, we take a piece of cotton wool and fold it in half, apply it to the tummy of our sheep, on the other side we do the same, wrap our workpiece with thread, and now we will take larger pieces of cotton wool let's cover the sheep, we still have the head. and we continue to wind our workpiece with a thread so that the sheep is completely covered with white wool, but now the most interesting thing is that we cover the head of our sheep with small pieces of flax cotton wool,
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use closter, soak a piece of flax wool on both sides and the second piece also on the sheep. we apply this piece of cotton wool and carefully smooth the edges to the other side, bending them, now we lubricate our workpiece and legs with the paste, we cover the body of the lamb with these small pieces of flax wool and press it a little against the workpiece, carefully lubricate it. on the one hand, we work like a shovel so that the closter penetrates into all layers, but now we will make it ears, prepare cotton swabs, which are cut into very small blanks,
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lubricate them with paste, apply them to the place where the lamb’s ear will be located. so that the ears hold well, we will again take a piece of flax cotton and do a little hairstyle for our wonderful lamb. we soak this piece of cotton wool with paste again from one side to the other and gather it a little so that it becomes curly. careful, we take our sheep and this beautiful hairstyle. put it on the head, thereby fixing the ears , decorate the sheep with a curly hairstyle, all that remains is tie a wonderful, cheerful bow for her, and
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now we slightly protonate the sheep with tea leaves, we make it not at all strong so that strong breaks do not appear... we apply droplets of tea leaves on the fur, on the legs, and now a little magic, let's take magic snow, this mica, the kind of rock that was sprinkled on toys many, many years ago, and we sprinkle the sheep with shiny mica, on one side and on the other, our sheep is ready, now it will sparkle on the christmas tree and... all the guests, friends, i tried it as a child plan figurines made of wood, however, little came of it, in the village of bogorodskoye,
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not far from sergiev posad, peasants achieved extraordinary success in making wooden toys; they were engaged in three-dimensional carving there in the 16th century, and to this day local craftsmen, with the help... using an ordinary knife , they make these new year characters that will decorate any christmas tree. in this place, it’s as if you’re in a fairy tale, where guests are greeted by a hut on chicken legs, a clumsy bear and other wooden sculptures that seem to invite you to plunge into the world bogorodsk carved toys. there were forests all around, everything was surrounded by forests, wood was available, they were engaged in carpentry.
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work and cutting them out is very difficult in the old days, let’s say, figures of animal birds were carved by men, and if the master’s hand broke and the figurine was chipped, the master could remake it, make it thinner, take a stool, do more painting on it, and if that happened to a human figurine, it could not be corrected, rejected figurines were sometimes given to women, fine motor skills were more developed perseverance...
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my mother’s favorites, yes, i found them later, i have them at home and keep them as my greatest treasure. while it can take weeks to create a movable mechanism, for which the craft has long been famous, a fisherman can make just such a santa claus, a snow maiden or a snowman in just a couple of hours. they started making similar toys in bogorodskoye in the nineties. these are christmas themes, these are new year's themes,
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these are snow maidens, angels, father frost, this christmas plot, all this has become very tightly integrated into our lives, well, it’s even strange to me, why didn’t this happen before, because it’s very beautiful, it’s very cool, the knife cuts linden as if it were butter, nadezhda margasova jokes, the material is really pliable, so the master can easily ask him. a person’s energy, mood, and then you know,
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in a bad mood you won’t get a good toy, only in a good mood, yes, with good thoughts, and all this will be transmitted later, no matter where it is, no matter how long it is stored, it’s all in it will be stored. nowadays there are many christmas tree decorations for every taste and color, but we still take with trepidation the toys that we inherited from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, because they contain... i think that these handmade christmas tree decorations from modern masters will one day become our family heirloom.
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my planet tv channel presents. magas, capital of ingushetia. the largest bazaar in the republic is located here. you know, i always get nervous when i go to a market in a new city. but it seems to me that here there is a real acquaintance with the country, the republic of peoples, the people and what they eat, as well as the traders, who, due to their profession, are always very sociable. first, let's go get flour for flatbreads and dumplings, which are mandatory for the dukh haltam. the name, by the way, is translated like this: dumpling meat. hello, hello, this
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is cornmeal made from white corn from yellow corn. oh, how is it different? this is white corn and dietary, very tasty flour, we pray every 2-3 days, fresh. tell me, this one here, come on, it looks a little darker than. yes, it's fried corn, but he eats it like porridge. dilutes it with boiled water, adds it butter, is also a delicious dish, but you can try it, of course you can, but it’s not good for your health. pretty good, it can be used as a quick meal, yes a quick meal, poop, and poured boiling water over it in the morning, ate it with milk, ran to work, and most importantly everything is natural, everything is natural, we plant it ourselves, grow it, well, water it, clean it, we do everything ourselves, can i
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try a little more then, of course try it, you see, this fast food from ingushetia is natural, healthy, and extremely fast. cooking flatbread in ingushetia they eat it more often than bread, in many houses they bake it themselves, and for the flour to be homemade too, thank you very much, it does not last as long as store-bought flour, only 2-3 months, but, believe me, the taste is different. the main products of the national inguri cuisine are lamb, poultry, wild garlic, and necessarily corn, honey and dairy products, cottage cheese. a striking difference between the local market and,
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say, moscow is the absence of frozen food, that is, there is no meat or poultry at all, you see. the chickens are all home-grown , self-fed, they can be easily distinguished by yellowish skin and some dryness. favorite meat, as everywhere in the caucasus, is lamb. and oh, i discovered a pavilion with delicious fat tail, that is, fat tail of lamb. hello. hello. what do you have, is it really a fat tail? my god, well, you know, i mostly meet raw, but here you have something else, tell me what it is smoked, there is hot smoked, boiled smoked, boiled smoked, transparent smoked, this is our usual smoked, transparent smoked , usually smoked, what cute fat tails
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neologisms, but you can’t try a piece of hot smoked meat, right? after all, we have fat tail fat, if we can get it, it is often used in cooking, but we don’t eat it as if in its natural form, now let’s try it, you know, it’s very tasty, it’s a little reminiscent, i’m not afraid of this word.
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it was a glorious battle, guys, great job, i’ll shake your courageous hands, thank you all again for your service, thank you, thank you, it’s a pleasure to serve under such leadership, i’m glad to hear that, hey guys, you were for us, thank you, you are our allies, the most loyal, the most courageous, went for letters, and we already have them, and you already have them, and i still have them?
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glorious pages, victories, successes and achievements, that we don’t have to invent holidays, let alone celebrate others’ ones, like halloween, we have enough of our own, just have time to celebrate, and that’s wonderful, of course, this is not a real battle, this is a battle funny, but these are not the kind of computer games that we play on the couch, and this is also a wonderful opportunity feel: do you still have gunpowder in your flasks? i still have it, it seems, right? the way this is all done is here, here. so much is enough, but have fun
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longer and more often, as they do in suzdal, remember that a holiday is life, and life is a holiday, fire, fire,
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come in a month, hello,
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hello, here you go, just a minute, take it, thank you , please, next, yes!
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mommy, mommy, i got a letter from moscow, a letter from moscow, lord, come on, sit down, come on, sit down, look at me, you called the doctor, there was a doctor, he said... it’s not life-threatening at all, but they prescribed me pills, they said, i need positive emotions, who are my positive emotions, just you, come on, show me, show me, here, this is our dream, well, there’s still an exam before the dream you have to pass, it’s just a creative competition, you’ll pass everything, i’m sure, well, that’s how i’ll be there without you, mom, mommy, when... my father passed away, i
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’m lonely and have no one to share it with, i write letters to him, you write a letter, and somehow it becomes easier, as if you were talking with a loved one, as if you were not alone, i i love you very much, mom, i really, really, because... where you need to go, you need to be there before the first of the month, but i’ll go the day before to be with you some more, don’t worry, i’ll make it in time.
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“hello, daughter, hello, where are you going, and i need to go to the metro, can you tell me where it is, why the metro, tell me where you need it, i ’ll take you to the literary institute in a moment, you know, of course i know, so take the metro there you won’t get there, or something, but i have it written, but you never know what’s written, it’s also written on the fence, come on, give me things, catch up with me, come on, come on, i'll take you to mik, but wait, wait, what about the money, let's agree,
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follow me, i'll take you there in half an hour, come on, come on, don't get up, follow me, so come on, come on, come on, come on, sit down, sit down, like this, carefully, yeah, now, now i ’ll be home in half an hour, here, an exhibition of achievements of the national economy, you see, a statue of a collective farmer and a worker, this is the same one, yes, yes, from the screensavers in soviet cinema, yes ? yes, that's it. look, we are approaching the cosmos hotel. only foreigners moved here before. yes, you see, a monument charlus. yeah, now we are driving along peace avenue. and in our city we also have a peace avenue. it's true, it's not that big. do you know how many avenues with this name throughout the country? you should also mention lenin square or 60 let october street. yes its true. we
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also have such streets. and this is the most important one. the avenue of all the avenues in the world, this is moscow, after all, the capital, listen, what drew you to this literary one, and that’s why i want to become, you’re a strange girl, i’d sleep in plekhanovsky’s as an economist, there’s money there, you know what, no one needs your elements today, so i’m not for the money, why come to moscow then? no, well, you give, of course, by the way, how much will i owe for travel? let's agree , we'll agree, no, well, after all, well, 200, how much, just 200, stop, please, stop, why, why, in moscow all the prices are like that, stop, but in moscow they're always like that,
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why are you? stop, stop, stop, please stop, please stop, yes, stop , stop, please stop! yes,
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girls, bow in order, yes, you go away, i i'm sure everything is fine with him, looking for. well, what about you, and the same as with your wallet, thank you, your things, let me help you, oh, oh, sorry, nothing, alla parusa, wipe it out, yeah, this is my mother’s favorite book. and mine too, about love, about happiness. why haven't you read? no, but take it? thank you,
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is your suitcase broken? it’s okay, hold me, well, i’m off, where is it? metro, would you like me to give you a ride? how much? come on, let's hurry up , i'm in a hurry, is it convenient? yes, thank you, don’t mind, let’s move on with him, of course, thanks. why did you grant the capital? should i go to a literary institute? what are you doing? will you be a writer? that's why? don't believe me, right? well why? i'm
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scared myself. don’t be afraid, the main thing is to believe in your dream and not give up. patience, work, overwork, how is it? don’t let your soul be lazy, so that you don’t pound even water in a mortar? very interesting work, i like it myself, and you know, our professions are somehow similar, but architecture is like a train in stone, i
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recently worked on a project, eclecticism, i accidentally discovered brodsky, you you know how it helped, really, and i also like to walk in the evenings, look at buildings and imagine their history, so you look and think, who built the house, who lives in it now? and i have the same thing with people, so i see a person i don’t know, he ’ll say something or just look, and i’ve already fantasized about how he lives, what he does, what he thinks, and about me, what can you say, well ... you came to moscow after school, so, you graduated from college, yeah, you became
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an architect, amazing, in fact, you didn’t change at all in moscow, you remained the same kind and sincere, and there are few of them. yes , you are a sorceress, what happened, i think i lost the piece of paper with the address of the literary institute, do n’t worry, don’t worry, listen to me, you’ll get to the pushkinsk metro, you’ll get off there, you’ll ask anyone, they’ll tell you, i... of course i drove you myself, but i have a very important meeting, sorry. i understand, thank you, no problem, that means, there’s a stall, now you’ll go and buy a map of moscow, and for the first time you can’t go anywhere without it. you go, and in the meantime i’ll get you some things.
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hold this, this is for you so you don’t be sad, where did it come from? you, well, you couldn’t know, i had a presentiment. well, let’s
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arrange the meeting, well, i have to return the book to you, when? come on wednesday, where? just at that place, at about three o’clock, we agreed, we agreed, that’s it, i went, good luck! wednesday at the park entrance.
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and where is the bouquet, bouquet, bouquet, where is the bouquet, i forgot, sorry, dinya, do you understand who is in charge in the office, who is the secretary, who, who, and he forgot, forgot that he forgot, can you even hear me, hear , sometimes i feel like i'm talking to myself. well, forgive me, forgive me, i’m really not myself right now, you don’t have to, you constantly, denis, constantly, keep your eyes on the road, you’re a talented architect, but you don’t know how to run a business at all, what are you wearing, and what are you putting on? you understand how lucky you are with your friend, i am a journalist for a specialized publication, i am obliged to write about new discoveries in architecture, and not create them with my own hands, i treat you like... an unborn baby, this is already
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the fourth, fourth order that you have not you can get it, now there will be a fifth and last one, come on, you know, shove that integrity of yours much deeper, further away and do what i tell you, okay, good morning, charming natalya petrovna, am i listening to you, frozen on the threshold? we admire, seeing you is the best start to the day, a competent start, come here, come on, then allow me, a pen, well, well, take your time, young man, i’m already married, god, that’s it, i’m killed, i’ll never resurrect, but here’s my friend you can still save him from what, well, from... creative
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death, yes, believe me, this death for him is tantamount to physical, yes, who is our friend, just a poor architect, well, like me i understand that he is going to become a rich architect, you are a visionary, yes, both rich and famous, believe me, he has all the prerequisites for this, the author of the article, of course, is you, nothing can be taken away from you, and they came here to get order, my god, through and through, you see, charming, yes, they came for this, so you advise us to come another day, how is it, natal petrovna, wait, seriously, boys, the boss is not in the mood and will not listen to you , but you can leave your works, i will show them to him when the moment is favorable, benefactress, when this favorable moment comes, tell you everything, well, the coordinates are in the daddy, of course, then everything is in order, thank you. i'll call.
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“i dreamed of the night and how i slept, in my dream i was habitually surrounded by flowers, a clock on the edge of the table, a closed window, prides, shawls, other people’s
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dreams, poems for no one, and so in a circle and my soul asked to run, but i wanted i was still sleeping alone, suddenly the window opened and the music was barely audible, here in my dream i wanted to smile, i didn’t see you as you are. there is, now i know who to wake up for, hey, what are you here, there are still lights, and the groom is somewhere, what other groom, well, you know better, i don’t have any groom, i came to go to college, it’s clear, well, let’s go, where,
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in front of your daughter, to block the path, do you want her to ruin her life, she has talent, she writes such poems, oh, natasha, natasha, what should i do with you, give me an injection, natasha, you understand, and nothing will happen speak, i beg you, and don’t sigh like that, if she does, for me it will be the best medicine, you’ll see, hello, listen, please tell me, low-cut shoes, are they rhyming or not, what? i see, guys, guys, oh, listen, and you with flowers,
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you should have come to the introductory ceremony, shouldn’t you have come with flowers, listen, i have an idea, let you give us the flowers, we ’ll give it all together from the group, yes, and i’ll give you money i’ll give it back later, please forgive me, but this...
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“hello, do they accept your documents here? yes, we have the documents, yes, and you are for a paid department? no, what are you? so, here is the certificate, passport, yeah, certificate and letter stating that i passed the creative competition. thank you, thank you, but i don’t need all this, why? is there something wrong with the documents? no, just understand, the last day to submit documents for the free branch. was yesterday, but no, you are confusing something, here it is written that documents are accepted until the first day, but today is just the first day, that’s right, girl, before the first day, you are going to work with the word, you must understand that means until the first, i just thought that the first could also be done, girl, well, you can’t
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just put everything off until the last day, but i couldn’t come earlier, and if nothing can be done, contact the chairman of the admissions committee, this is the dean of political science... that’s, uh, thank you, thank you, yes, but he ’s not in moscow now, he’ll be there in a week, please, thank you. hello, hello, mommy. hello tanechka, how are you? everything is fine, mom, i got in, i got in, what
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a joy, and i was so afraid that we were late, that we didn’t have time, i got in, i made it, last day, mom, hostel and how, you did as i told you, you i immediately went to check in, everything was fine with the hostel too, i’m so glad that everyone here welcomes me very well, just dress warmly, don’t forget your scarf, otherwise you’ll cough again, tanya, you have enough money, i love you very, very much, i hear you, hello, mom, please, just get well, i love you very much, my card is running out, hello, hello, tanya, oh, well, i got in, tanya, well done, what a joy. natasha, well , you know, there’s a new attack, maybe we should
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tell tanya? what are you talking about, no way, everything was just starting to get better before her, so what? you? natasha, this news seems to make me feel better. good afternoon, will you be alone? yes, which room do you like, smoking or non-smoking? non-smoker, please take a seat here.
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allow me for your bouquet, thank you, have you chosen anything yet? yes, please tell me, do you have one? tea - yes, black, green, floral with additives, no, no, just tea, without sugar, without additives, without anything, a teapot or a cup, a cup, no, no, of course, this very minute, and here is a note, vanyush, tea please do, "hello, my mysterious friend, you asked me what i
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thinking of you? i think that you are the smartest, kindest, cheerful, courageous, best man in the world. i fell in love with this city after meeting you, he smiled at me with your smile, and no matter what happens now, i know for sure that everything will be fine, because you said so. girl, please tell me where is your administrator? is there anything wrong? no, no, i have a personal matter with him. no, sorry, i can't hire you as a waitress. in terms of? well, in the literal sense, not the format. but it's fast. i was the fastest runner at school. maybe you're not local yet. well, let's say, what 's wrong with that? nothing bad. good, non-local, which means she’s not capricious, i
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need a cleaning lady, i agree, i agree, there aren’t enough waitresses either, so you’ll work for a waitress for a cleaning lady, but for one pay rate, i’ll work for work, but you’re talking about housing, yes, housing i’ll help, we have one waitress renting a room, complaining that it’s expensive, hello, my dear friend, i wonder where you are now and what you’re doing, maybe you’re walking the streets and looking at houses, as you love, or maybe you are very close and just looking at this house, you know, i suddenly imagined how you enter a restaurant, and i... approach you, no, how stupid it is to dream of a chance
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meeting in a restaurant when we have one scheduled in the park, how can i wait until wednesday, when is it wednesday? another 4 whole days. hello, hello, what are you doing? i'm going to see the dean about admission, can i come in? what about our admissions? we did it, no? no, well, but the point is that no, no, no, well, no, today sergei alyanevich is busy, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so that girl, don’t be nervous, don’t, calm down, everything is fine, everything is fine, oh, sorry, whose dog is this, yours, let’s say he looks so much like our charlie, charlie is my
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dog, we found her on the street, i when i was a child i dreamed so much about a dog, this is very interesting, girl, i have a lot of work. looks like, only ours, only our estate was, here is yours, purebred, you know, we have a pedigree up to the fifth generation, we got a visit to the exhibition last year, handsome, and the name, our name is lordi, lordi, it suits him very well, well ok, i'll go. come here, you know, come here to sergei leninovich, just not now, he just returned from vacation, now there’s no need, when, come back in a couple of days, yeah, well, go ahead, thank you, whatever, another check, you’re sure, listen, they’re already
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annoying these checks, and girl, look, it means cream of celery soup, so yeah, right here, here’s a whole baked dorado, okay, please listen, and they, you’re still here, excuse me, i asked you to hurry up, girl, i’m very i'm in a hurry, what's the matter, please forgive me, what kind of sauce, some kind, for god's sake, just faster, ok, yes, don’t forget, girl, what is it, excuse me, please look, don’t you see anything, where are you going, please, what will happen, what happened, what happened, call waiters without hands, according to the advertisement, and what happened, excuse me, please, we 'll fix everything now, it's just a new young waitress, she's still, she'll be fired immediately, are you going to fire me for
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one single tray, i've packed my things, why is it so right away, wait, wait, what are you doing? get excited, took it upon yourself, and you what? just take your anger out on others, by the way, be careful when talking to me, maybe i’m your potential employer, do you need a whipping girl, are you in the wrong place? no, why me, i really wanted to offer you a job, but if everything worked out for you, i’m sorry, wait, you’re serious,
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completely. “my family needs a live-in housekeeper, we have a big house, we have somewhere to live, well, i agree, i agree, give me your suitcase, thank you, now i’ll introduce you to my wife, and she won’t mind, lida, what’s going on here? hello, hello, wait, uh, this is
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tanya, and you fired our housekeeper, masha, so... i found a new girl, and i want to ask, my name is lydia, well, let's go, i'll show you the house and your room , you can, come on, come on, be brave, be brave. go, go, what, these checks are just boring, they’re wondering why i have the same names under my orders, well, find some nugget from the street, show off your talent, yeah, nugget, where will you find it when we have katka will already learn such things.
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who are you? hello, i'm tanya, i'm here now. it’s clear that something is wrong, i don’t eat it, and what you eat, you can say practically nothing, you
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reap, what are you doing, as you see, i work, i don’t see, i just see that you’re too young, not a professional maid, well, come on , actually, i write poetry, fuck you. dressed up, put on makeup, off to a beautiful life, you have a dress, well, actually , okay, i understand, come with me, come, come,
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it’s not enough for me, but it should be just right for you, try it on, just teach , i won’t accept refusal, something is wrong, or you’re embarrassing me, no, forgive me, please, i really need to go to moscow, why, well, i have only one thing to do there, you’re hiding something, friend, let me go, please, i promise to work out everything in the future, he speaks like in ancient russian, you from what century did our friend come to us, okay, so be it, i’ll let you go.
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here's the same denis i showed you the article about, come on in, hello, hello, sit down, please bring me whatever you want, tea, coffee, no, no, i won't have anything, thank you, well, i'll have some tea. i love it, well, i read it. thought we we need young, promising ones, apparently, you are a really talented architect, thank you, but as practice shows, talent can’t get you very far, why do you think so, everything flows, everything, as they say, changes, well, that means i somehow i didn’t notice, in vain, what would you say if i offered you an order for the project of a shopping center, a new one...
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hello, hello, well, how are you doing? okay, oh well. that guy is pridinov, right? but why? maybe he just stayed late. i see, i see. maybe, of course continue to believe in your fairy tale? or you can go to the club with me. listen, my friends called me, in general, a good company is coming. will you meet someone? thank you, i don't really want to. i will go. well
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as you know? ay, are you okay? thank you. let's look at rtr. this weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm after you. behind me. you had a bird in your hands. ruslan. give you a stray pilot. the heart is not a stone. now i'm your wife. and i’m your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want something for you what to admit, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, your whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5 from monday, on rtr,
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come on brother, let’s get up, amazing atmosphere, i’m walking, i’m happy , every time, it ’s just such a holiday, these are gypsy children, they don’t need to be taught, thank you, take me there, take me there. songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr, you’re married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk. on friday,
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i really need help, we'll figure something out, what a cool guy, maybe your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you would like that, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say it, i’d like to make your... answer? do you mind? yes tell her about your feelings? who are you? forget nastya. i am, of course, a romantic fool. last chance. on friday on rtr. again i wanted to write to you. i wonder where you are now? what are you thinking about? how?
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you’re studying, and i woke up today, it wasn’t light, it wasn’t dawn, there was so much to do, it was terrible, i didn’t want to get up, but here i am the dawn has broken, so beautiful, amazingly gentle, you know, it seems to me that god specially invented the dawn so that we would n’t be so disgusted with getting up in the morning, good morning, hello, it’s a shame you didn’t go to the club yesterday, it was very... katya, give it back , come on, what do we have here, again i wanted to write to you, again? katya, please come back, wait, listen, this is really nothing, it seems to me that god specially invented the dawn so that we would not be so disgusted with getting up in the morning.
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listen, you are talented. she’s not herself, but i don’t know if she’s anything at all strange, don’t you think, okay, okay, go get ready, i hope you haven’t forgotten, we have an important business meeting today, i’ll come quickly dad. eduard petrovich, guys are here, good afternoon, hello, meet me, this is my daughter, katerina, very nice, this is philip, he will cover our grandiose construction project in the press,
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yes, well, this is our rising star from architecture denis, very nice, super , well, we’re standing there, the presentation is ready, of course, well, lead the way. "please, this is what i'm asking of you, thank you, someday, some historian, accidentally taking my notebooks into his hands, he will read, neither thoughts nor feelings will seem funny to him, he will be delicate, just think, she loved him, more than life, life was broken, but still she was his..." bila, for mercy, oh what should i write here, thank you, i tried, it ’s still somehow easy, denis, i congratulate you, a wonderful project, thank you,
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let’s go, thank you, well, you were worried, it was great, well done, listen, your project is just super , i’m sure that you have a great future, you won’t give me a lift home, so... now i’ll literally say a few words to my father and i'll be back, listen, she's got a crush on you, let's get started without leaving the cash register, philip, why, go, you know where, okay, you, okay, be careful, don't worry, that's it, goodbye, well, i'm ready , let's go, yeah, thank you, go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, denisa, how long have you been doing this? why are you somehow laconic, perhaps you devote all your time to work? yes, you have absolutely no time for your personal life? no, what
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's wrong with you? yes, no, exactly like in the army, relax, you have a collar a little, you know, the road is not a place where you can be distracted. you are really very stern, denis, your friend over there seems to think the same way, you behave the same way, tell me, or only with the boss’s daughters, but don’t pay attention, he’s always like that when driving, yes, out of this world , in my opinion, not only behind the wheel, well, yes, yes, they are such geniuses, their talent puts pressure on them, that yes, he reminds me of someone. let's maybe go somewhere, yes, let's have a drink, you know, i have to get up early, get up early,
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listen, don’t you think that god specially created the dawn so that it wouldn’t be so disgusting to get up in the morning? do you mind if i take your business card, exclusively for business correspondence, take it, here’s mine, tanya, tanya, oh, hi, why don’t you respond, excuse me, i have a lot of work, oh well, did you offend me? for the fact that i read your letter, but i didn’t realize that it was very personal, well, forgive the asshole, well, that’s how i am in life, i’m always drawn to get into places where i’m not asked, i promise you that i will never, never again i won't read your letters, well, peace, well, peace,
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listen, but what kind of cronyism are you pining for, huh? yes, it’s not like that at all, he’s just an acquaintance, i’ve seen him once, he’s just so extraordinary, and well, in short, it’s clear, everyone has their own cockroaches, listen, and here i also fell for one comrade, but he turned out to be a tough nut to crack, basically, i need your help. explain, i want to write him a letter, it seems to me that you should hook him, but i’m a writer, you know, like you’re marilyn munro, well, forgive me. please, maybe you can write it for me, but why, because it’s
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it won’t be you at all, not your words, not your thoughts, but i don’t care, the most important thing is to hook him, and then somehow we’ll figure it out, well , i don’t know, i really don’t know, what’s all that noise? tatyana, you know how much this vase costs, i ’ll deduct it from your salary, mom, what, what, katya, it’s a disgrace, one house worker is worse than the other, mom, i broke the vase, what are you saying, i accidentally touched it and broke it, well, shoot me if you want, what is this, not a child, total losses, tatyana, clean everything up here, yes, yes, of course, katya, why, well, you and i are friends, what about friends? should help each other, right, you will help
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me, i don’t know, this is all very strange, well , just imagine that you are writing a letter to your stranger, and hello, i know that my letter is a little unexpected, but you know that everything with... the best things in our lives always happen unexpectedly.
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why are poems, dreams, hopes, dreams, why are they united in me, although the two halves are forever separated, why try to unite them. why am i crying, trying, god, no, not to solve, to understand the problem, in the error condition, in the dry the remainder is eternity, and the whole will then be divided into infinity, hello, and it’s you, why haven’t you changed your mind about talking to sergei leonidovitch yet? i haven't changed my mind. well, look, our man is harsh, but i can stand it, i’m not sure,
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every year it’s the same thing, there are always individuals who believe that the general rules are not for them, forgive me, just, well, explain, explain to me popularly why for you i have to make an exception, what about your grandmother died, your mother got sick, what kind of special circumstances do you have, i don’t have no special circumstances, then why are you wasting my time? “i’m sorry, why do you think that i’m taking your time, what if i ’m just borrowing it from you, what if it happens that someday you need my time, i ’ll give it to you with great pleasure, why is it so hard for you to just look my works, suddenly in front of you is a future nobel prize laureate, i understand that i don’t look like me at all, but what if?” well, okay, i appreciate
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your unprecedented and unexpected impudence, but i don’t promise anything, thank you, please, here. centuries change from century to century, but in essence , people always say everything to each other, for different reasons, whether their head hurts, whether love has died from life, or they are tired, they say everything, life is like that, their words are convincing, smooth, but the essence will change from this, hardly.
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what's wrong with murna? come on, come on, come on in. yeah. are you still working, or what? listen, you're not a workaholic, you're a cubed workaholic. let's eat and celebrate your appointment. oh, so you don't work? love correspondence. listen,
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phil, your mother didn’t teach you to read other people’s letters, not good. who is she, this beautiful stranger who distracted you. from the drawings, and katya, and katya, katya, katya, the boss’s daughter, yes, philip, the boss’s daughter and this boss’s daughter, not like i didn’t think, yeah, she’s completely different, well, well, at least once in my life i fell in love successfully , what, nothing, i say, there is, come on, what, i’ll feed the poor, hungry genius while he’s still there, you now understand what kind of friend you have, but listen, in general, darynka, i won’t see you off, i ’m already late myself, but i think you won’t get lost, it’s not far here, to the end of the boulevard you run straight into the market, i understand, sorry, personal life is more expensive than tomatoes, but nothing, i understand, today is the month since you
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met, yes, yes, i think that something special awaits me today, what? oh my, i think i left my phone in the car, okay, well, you go, i got it, yes, that’s it, bye, bye, hi, listen, i thought you went home, i didn’t, it’s great that we’re with we met you, i didn’t return the book to you, what are you doing here, waiting for my girlfriend, over there, over there, i won’t introduce you now, katya,
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katya. hi, this is for me, yes, thank you, what about you, i talked to my housekeeper, if anything, keep in mind that you have no chance, because she is more in love with one guy, for some time now only you exist for me, let's go, let's go. “it’s all over, not a line is left on guard, now the elements and shadows will protect, instead of them there are no questions, and already inarticulate pathetic sculpts are out of place, well
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, how can it be, tell me why you understand, all this is only possible for someone who the sun sang from a high note, her voice falling into the darkness, so why are you hiding from me, come on, i saw the light in your room, okay, no matter, listen, you... you can’t imagine, today i had such a wonderful date with denis, a little more and he will finally become mine, oh, so i gave you away, come on , get up, come on, come on, i need to write more one letter to denis, get up, i won’t write anything else, is that another reason, because
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i didn’t understand something? wait, wait, huh? do you know him or what? what does this mean? that all this time you have been crazy about my denis, we met him before, but what difference does it make, are you completely sick, or what? to him i like my letters, my letters, they are mine. i understand, you idiot, or are you going to tell him everything, but nothing, i’m not going to,
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that’s right, because it’s better not to mess with me, don’t threaten me, i’m not afraid of you, you just don’t know me well, and you me , what do you even think about these people peeing? means something, she loves men with her eyes, not her ears, letters are just an application, then don’t ask me to write them anymore, but it’s painful, and keep in mind that you’re an unfinished sheep, if you want to, with your idiotic if your dreams interfere with our relationship with denis, you’ll end up on the street, do you understand me? denis, you know what, i have a surprise for you,
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really, uh-huh, close your eyes, close, closed, let's follow me, let's go, let's go, let's go, come on, be careful! sit down, oh, do you want to propose to me? m, better, you, what are you doing, that, in my opinion, the answer is obvious, well, not here, well, why, you love romance? close your eyes and inhale the smell of autumn, what's wrong with you? is something wrong?
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something's wrong, you're not yourself, you're not yourself, ok, i'll go then, wait, well, where will you go without me, well, you don't want me to stay with you, right, well, i just can't understand you. in the letters there’s one, there’s another with me, in fact, in fact, in fact, i’m alive, made of flesh and blood, and you apparently don’t know what you want, apparently you don’t need a woman, but a dream, and here you are, nowhere i can’t escape you, i’m almost done, i’ll leave now. and you know that, in my opinion, you still have a lot of work,
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or you call it, almost finished, what a busy housekeeper we have, i'll definitely go and tell my mom. katya, wait, katya, he’s here, what happened, katya, katya, katya, i know you’re going to sleep. real in letters, can you hear me, okay? katya, i know you can hear me, katya, please open the door,
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tanya, katya, help me, please, i don’t know what, what should i tell him? you know, i thought, i was wrong. you're right, i'm wrong, i need you, i need you alone, you hear, like in the letters, kind, gentle, affectionate, i love you. i need you,
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very, very much, i feel you, open the door, you see, he loves me, don’t be silent, i i beg you, answer me something. read it to him, don’t say anything, i ’ll read you my poem now, once i imagined a house that you quietly entered, i
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remember. how the stars bloomed outside the window, how you sat at the table, smiling, and how good it was for us, we won’t return there, and the address is forgotten. one day i imagined a house that you quietly entered, i remember how the stars bloomed outside
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the window, how you sat smiling at... the table and how good it was for us, we won’t return there, and the address is forgotten, it’s not our voices that sound in this house, nothing sounds, only a star trembling alone over the house, cold as if with tears, why did you get up, and are you tired of living or something, and where do such idiots come from, why are you standing here on the road? why are you looking at me, get out of the way, who am i talking to, can you hear me, what are you doing, what are you doing, what happened, or what? well, he shouted, okay, well, be upset, nothing, okay, that's it, that's it, that's it, stop, stop crying, that's it, give your health a break, let's leave, otherwise you never know the car, let's get in here, get in,
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let's get in car, quickly, everything will be... okay, why did you burst into tears, well, you shouted, well, who doesn’t happen to, here’s a man, i’m already confused, you’re standing on the road, neither to the right, nor to the left, you’re out of charge, what are you, you, well, this is the championship before me,
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uh-huh, and in general, where should i take you? here we are. well, here’s your institute, here you go, thank you, well, let’s kiss, you
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helped me out a lot, okay, here’s my business card, here are all my contacts, well , call me if you have any problems. you will have them, there is no need to go to fortune tellers, okay, well, i kind of saved you, or almost hurt you, here choose what you want, here, well, good luck, bye, bye, oh, what else is there, singles. again, you didn’t act, well, let’s go, poor thing, let’s go, i’ll give you some tea, or something,
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now i’ll just close the door. denise, why are you sitting, help me choose a bouquet, please, okay. hello, hello, let's go rose, 100 rubles. so, choose, so, and this evening 150, maybe we won’t go anywhere, take the bouquet, again 25, denis, please, this is a very important meeting,
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there will be the right people there, katyusha, why do we need these, let’s stay at home, denis, if you if you don’t want to help me, please go, sit in the car, wait for me, okay, thank you, i’m allowed, give me a bouquet, i ask you, just don’t start with the prices, okay, please, thank you, thank you. you want to get good orders, drive an expensive car, and live well, then be kind. do you think this is all i need? are you saying that it’s not? denis, where are you going? denis, denis, come back, be healthy, denis!
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“it means it’s busy, sorry, i got close again and didn’t notice, hello, yes, hello, philip, yes, tan, what, what what happened, did you catch a cold or something?” wait, don’t go anywhere, i’m on my way, why are you
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sitting here, and there’s nothing there at all , you’re stunned, i ’ll give this neighbor of yours such a dressing down, don’t, what don’t, quietly, tan, why are you, god, you have a fat, tan , hold on to me, hold on to me, let’s go, let’s go, yes, already, hold on, hold on, be quiet, nothing, tan, we’ll get there now, wait, be patient. a little bit. denis, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, now, now, now, now, be patient a little, now, now, tanya, how are you feeling, tanya, tanya, can you hear me, tanya? her temperature is under 40,
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her name is tatyana, but well, i don’t know her last name, you see, gentlemen, please, denis and i need to talk, okay, thank you, but what happened, here are the drawings, they need to be finalized, and who is the author, we would together with him they could have finalized it, you are the author, what do you mean i? it's not my job. so what? what means? so what, kat? listen, denis, we're overspending. so we took several young architects and let them express themselves. next time we will, of course, give them the opportunity to participate in another project, but now we just don’t have the money, you know? since when did theft become the norm for you? i just ask you, don't start, okay? i'm a monster again, and you're an angel with wings, right?
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something familiar, pushkin? pushkin, pushkin, are these your poems, katya, or not yours? mine, of course. so what about the drawings? you do? i will not do it. let's go to paris, dad,
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are you home? katya, yes, katyusha, my mother and i are here, come to us. katya, hi katya, what happened? katya, what's the problem with denis? i don't understand, i don't understand what he needs. quiet, quiet, calm down. well, don’t worry so much, dear. quiet. well, it happens to everyone at first. then you'll get used to it. yes. uh-huh, and then the husband begins to understand who is in charge in the family, really, dear, edik, daddy, help me, please, because as always you ’ll come up with something, of course, for mom, oh, okay, let’s get going. a little bit, well, come on, come
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on, well done, for uncle philip, a little bit, quite, well, come on, just like that, okay, what are you, philip, what can i do myself, listen, shut up already yourself, you do everything yourself, you found the job yourself, you work hard at night, with your neighbor... you also talk to your own, here’s the result for you, come on, just think about it, i’m a little bit sick, a little bit, from yours a little bit, the hair on my head is a little off, well, come on, well don’t you want, oh, listen, why don’t you want me to help you, but would say, i would have found you a normal job a long time ago, but you already do a lot for me? stop calling
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me new, otherwise now this spoon, like i’ll give it, it hurts, oh, what have you done to yourself, and to me, forgive me, i want to sleep. here your phone is dead, i ’ll bring the charger now, calm down, they called, why so formally, they called, hello, sit down, i have a proposal for you. which i
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hope you cannot refuse, i want to offer you to head the company, as a partner, of course, m. what do you think, denis? unexpectedly, why unexpectedly. you are a member of our family, i trust you with everything. you know, somehow, to be honest, i’m tired of carrying one load of responsibility, i want someone to share my burden with me. thank you for your trust. i i hope you understand that i care first and foremost. about your future well-being, yeah, denis, so why are you silent? deal with each other, do you agree? what an autumn, the boulevard ring is burning with dusky gold, and the sky is split by lightning, the last thunderstorm
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will look you in the face convincingly and move away, everything around you will suddenly become new, amazing, beautiful, and then? in business, as if they were stuck in their head, who is to blame, that this evening you will be happy, not with me, mom, please, don’t worry, everything is fine with me, well, i just had a phone turned off, as soon as you go, you just understand, you can’t be in the hostel with relatives,
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hello, these documents are for the rector. elena sergeevna recall. hello. look, ilyana sergeevna. our frutya barlakova has arrived again. and what should we do with it? can he accept it? you think? well i do not know. can he
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really accept it? what? well, isn't this what you dreamed of? so we have one place freed up. and i liked your works the most, congratulations, thank you, what are you bothering about, prose writer, give me the thought you want, i’ll sharpen it from the end, you’re so good at rhyming, i’ll put a tight bow on the string, bending the obedient bow into an arc, and then i’ll send it to our enemy on the mountain. “have you never been afraid that everything will suddenly turn out to be different from what we imagined, that one day you will suddenly wake up and it will turn out that i am not and never was, instead of me there is some other woman, and you are not an architect, and some
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sleeper, and this happened to me today, i had a strange dream, but then i suddenly realized that this cannot happen, because there is..." the truth is the heart, and the heart does not deceive, it tells me that you there is, you, and not someone else, because there simply cannot be another, because i love you, what are you doing, i’m not even surprised, you’re hiding my letters from me, you want to talk about something, i’d like still, somehow i’ll find out your answer to daddy’s proposal. denis, everyone is waiting, and you think i should agree, but what can i think, yes, indeed, well, okay, just answer me first, why, it wasn’t you who wrote
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me the letter. what nonsense? please tell me, are you prono, i’m already tired, listen, at least once in your life you can say tell me the truth? and that's all you can think about right now, right? who? they were written by, well, well, come on, my housekeeper, do you even remember her name? listen, let
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's forget about everything, and i ask you, to be honest, i'm pretty tired of the whole story, why are these letters, well, here i am next to you, real, alive, you yourself told me that you love me exactly as i am, forgive me, wait. "don't say anything, we'll go to the office with you now, we 'll sign all the documents, we'll be rich, we 'll be happy, we'll have everything we're talking about let’s just dream, forgive me, i can’t do it, just like you can’t, well, that’s it, i’m sorry!”
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so ​​girls, just a minute, hello, i need a hand, what a nice young man, and he’s... just a friend, but he clearly wants more, mom, let’s not talk about this, why, i really liked philip, he’s so courteous, he takes you very seriously, tan, you ’ll be like behind a stone wall with him, but i don’t need any walls, there may not be walls are needed, that’s a lot of care and affection, i’m not eternal, mom, what mom, i’m talking about you do i care? but i, i don’t love him, you know, i
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love another person, and where is he, he’s married. here you go, this is for you. “mom, you always taught me, you always
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said that we have to believe and wait, cocassol, yes, scarlet sails is a wonderful fairy tale, but one thing i didn’t tell you is that not everyone is destined to wait for their gray, and philip, he is very good ". here i am, this is for you, thank you, tanya, where are we going, and what wonderful mountains, patriarchal ponds, or maybe straight to the kremlin, you can go to the kremlin, you won’t find a better guide in moscow, i’m telling you that, well, let’s go, of course, where, tanya, tanya. tasks!
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i had a strange dream, it was as if i woke up, and you weren’t there,
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there was another woman instead of you, it seemed like everything was as usual, i was even working. an architect and not a sleeper, but still everything was wrong, because you weren’t there, you can’t deceive the heart, it knows who it loves. i was just looking for you.
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a portrait of one beautiful lady is imprinted in my soul, her eyes are turned towards wine days, it’s good there, there are no superfluous ones, there is no fear there... over the years, everyone has long been forgiven by each other, still in honor of her the high choir sounds laudatory, and the musicians are all in ceremonial frock coats, but with every note,
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my god, the music is different. and the conductor breaks the shelf in his hands, i will not insult my fate with a hasty, vain tear, but this is what i lament sometimes, because what are we ourselves, gentlemen, in comparison with that beautiful lady, our life, our ladies... gentlemen, she is still today maybe she’s kind to me as before, heaven is kind to her for that, she’s probably writing to me, but the postmen have gotten old, they’ve all
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changed addresses long ago, she’s probably writing me, but the postmen have aged, they all changed addresses long ago.
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sasha, is that you? no, it's not me. oh, so wet, why are you so early, in the library, and you see your briefcase was stolen, it can’t be, where is it, who is vitya, there, hello, hello, how are you sitting, okay, by the way, get ready to answer your father what you have there happened, vitya, wash your hands. vitya, wash your hands, vitya, how many times can i repeat, my mother is calling, well , i’m coming, i’m coming, put on your slippers, i’m wearing slippers.
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sash, you love me, what’s wrong with you? no, i just asked, crazy. let `s start? what start something? about the briefcase, but what about the briefcase? they stole everything. how did you steal it? where, when, who? in class. who? i don’t know, vitya, who needs your briefcase with a deuce? i don’t know, maybe the teacher was stolen? i don’t know, sasha, i think they were just playing a joke on him, son, what do you think? it’s a well-known fact, they were joking, after all , you’re a blockhead, vetya, it’s a well-known fact, well, okay, eat, of course you didn’t do your homework, try without a briefcase, that means you get a bad grade again, okay, maybe. hold the bread, uh-huh, pepper,
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the cutlets are burnt again, it can’t be, maybe be, but what should i do, sasha, if i’m so mediocre, i cook as best i can, you cook, vera, well, you just know, somehow you have everything separately, hot water, cabbage separately, potatoes separately, you read books, there is there are some, well, what should i do, sasha, i cook according to books, i scratched my head. why are you laughing, eat, why are you laughing, mama's son, eat, eat faster, some have tea, some
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have coffee, tea, and i have coffee, you've been drinking tea all your life, mom, and today there will be an amazing detective story on tv, i saw that , sasha, here let him look for the parsel and do his homework, got it? you look, stop talking to your father like that, i don’t want coffee, okay, tea for you, he makes a mistake in the second gear, now silivanov is holding the ball. vera, vera, vera, vitya, sasha, and the boss offers me a very
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interesting job, a census in africa, no, vitya, well, how many times can you shout, damn you, what time did they shout that i was deaf, or something, even they don’t let me read books, i keep shouting about citation analysis as a method, as a method for determining the coefficient of information content, hear, hear. wonderful topic, no, really, sasha, it turns out, it turns out, it’s a very complex problem, stop it, a huge amount of information, you know, scientists are passing by, a very interesting topic, you know, the boss says that if i carry out this work to the end, then this will, vitya, yes, then it will be a very serious blow to a number of professorial
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faces, you know, there is a very interesting problem there, who doesn’t do it in the end, it was worth going across two oceans, sasha, sasha, i ’m talking to you, faith, that for the stupid manner of interfering with serious conversations in inappropriate moment? stop yelling that i should jump with happiness looking at this monster, are you watching your volleyball, watching the shot, sent the ball with a deceptive strike, who is he taking his example from? caught up
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11:11 look at yourself, enough, watch your detective, son, maybe you’ll find out how decent people find briefcases, where is he, who is vitya, vitya, vitya, please, and you’re talking. vitya, quickly turn off the light to sleep, mom, it’s not good, quickly, quickly, it’s already late, tomorrow i won’t get you again, no, don’t talk, good night, good night.
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“sasha, you didn’t notice anything, you wouldn’t have noticed, it’s short pippin, not a child, what does pippin have to do with it, besides, this same pippin fried monkeys in childhood, when his dad caught him for this weakness, he wanted to rip his head off, but wise cardinal."
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“sasha, look at me, and i have a new hairstyle, why should you two smart men quarrel, listen to how he talks to me, you’re just a boy, sasha, you have the temperament of an eight-year-old child, nine, no, really, when you quarrel, "
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for some reason you always remain a fool, i i still love you more, my dear, good, smart, kind, gentle, passionate, my husband, the light in my window, it’s normal, only you know, it’s all the same, sasha, well , if i feel like that, and for the sake of god, who 's bothering you, oh, sasha, sasha, oh, yes, sasha, ah, sonya, hello, sasha, i'm not at home, he's
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not at home. yes, okay, everything is fine with you, okay, yes, of course, call, what are you, mom, can i take the seminon, take it.
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sasha. go to sleep, it’s already night, three o’clock, go, go to bed, go to bed.
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you cried, no, but your eyes are red, your head it just hurts. oh, sasha, what happened again, verochka, what happened, calm down, oh, sasha, well, oh, okay, sasha, verochka, what are you doing! oh, what did you say about the non-metallicity coefficient? with a difference in potential, okay, sasha, okay, sasha, let's
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sleep, come on, uh-huh, uh-huh. oh, you know, i’ll pull myself up a lot, like that, something crunches, well sasha, let’s go to sleep, everything will pass, come on already, wait, sasha, oh, verochka, wait, well, well, wait, sasha, oh, oh window for me. yes, i'll close it now.
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hey, okay. faith, damn it, faith.
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vera, what a joke, vera, i know. somewhere here, vera, vera, believing, are you crazy? noise or something, faith,
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faith, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, i’ll drive the police away, speed up your faith, go home!
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good morning, probably hello, something happened, but no, i decided to do some exercises, alesa mikhailovich, you don’t have a face, well, out of habit, you know, dad, dad, here’s a boy. your mother went on vacation, you’re quiet, and where’s your mother, quietly, i say to you, quietly,
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your mother went on a business trip, she told me yesterday, yes, for a long time, vitenka, i don’t know, maybe for a day, two, go to sleep, don't want i was going to bed, where did you go, was doing exercises, by the way, i didn’t bother you, you see how skinny he is, go get dressed. dad, why didn’t you tell me anything, dad, why, why don’t i know anything, dad, vitya, what are you doing in the end? mother has been gone for an hour, he is already covered in snot, if you were a man, so should i, but what should i do? what to do? we need to show them all that we are real men, you know? mother, on our doorstep we have cleanliness, comfort, order, so as not to disturb her, and order, but why are you hiding everything from me? what was hidden from you? mom, no, you went somewhere, didn’t you read it at all, or what? where did you get it? there lay next to your
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bed. what? no, really, dad, you can’t say anything humanly, you keep yelling, everything is clear with me, you ’re so stupid that i’m a gift, or something, but she’ll take me, she promised. you'll go, what should i do? okay, dad.
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hello alexander mikhailovich, you see, they brought the carpentry and abandoned it, again it’s no good for hell, even screwed, and just hammered it down as much as
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possible, again we’re standing behind a six-ton ​​crane, you approached stepan, approached him, he sends you, tell him, let him come later, well , what should we do, we’ll sort it out with him, well, i don’t know, how long can you suffer, is it really, is it really impossible to restore order, alexander mikhailovich, daprokh is calling, hello, alexander, good afternoon, he’s on the phone, a new one has arrived, he’s about to run around the property, good morning, dear pavel ivanovich, scarf, wait, sunya, yes, stop, i can’t give it away, no, i need it myself, hello, hello! hi, how are you, beavers, don't give away wounds, yes, yes no, this is neklyuev, this is stepan, i need a six-ton ​​crane, three hundred hundred square meters is not enough, well, what is he saying, he advises thinking, you hear, in our minds we have already delivered the object, he says, we will miss
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the delivery deadline, what else does he need, i don’t advise... he’s quarreling with the woodworker, listen, pavel ivanovich, you remind me of the mother from chekhov’s story, who forbade her guests to quarrel with her daughter, because her nose would bleed when they objected to her, that’s it, i can’t talk to you anymore, the bosses are coming to see me, we call him chenita among ourselves, and once we had songs at an evening it’s locked, so you go to the office, no, let’s immediately look at the construction site. it's swept away, why come out, we're waiting for you, sasha, why is your face upside down? great, great, great, meet me, the best
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foreman of the trust, alexander mikhailovich klyuev, a smart worker, proactive, and this is architectural supervision, evgeniy palovich polikov, hello, and these are my people, stepan nikolaevichin, engineer, alexey petrovich petrenko foreman, hello, sonya, hello, about the frames, tell me, tell me, let 's go through. to the office, sonya kaski, uh-huh, lesh help, get acquainted with the construction site, talk to people, explain the tasks, i wanted to ask you personally when we will hand over the object, please, yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you, well, dmitry stepanovich introduced us so well that i have nothing more to say , well, show me the construction site, tell me, please, please.
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came out, well, what kind of moral, what do you want to say with this, don’t make waves, don’t
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make us wink, entrusted, trust, you take a lot of yourself, it’s puppyish, how sometimes it’s dangerous to praise a person, but it’s great, eagles, hello, hello, hello, hello, why are we sitting, alexander mikhailovich, i’m telling you, in their frames. goodbye, sonya, hand out coupons for concrete, okay, goodbye, hello, vera, tanya,
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invite vera, vera, do you really think that a note can explain everything, you understand, in decent houses, they don’t do that, in decent houses , my wife puts out a bottle of vodka in the evening and says: my hubby, since you look very much like a goat, and i can’t live with you, i fell in love with one artist and i love him too, so goodbye, don’t remember it badly, but it’s funny to write notes, it’s stupid to write notes, you know, lord, everyone is ordering, all the bosses, but don’t pay attention, they found him too, she gave out coupons , yes she gave them out, listen, i don’t know what?
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stepan, i gave it out, i gave it out, sonya, if anyone asks me, i’m in the basement.
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he said the wrong thing, the wrong word that i said to her then, for the life of me, don’t remember.
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great, i’ll give you a horse, i’ll give you a gun, i’ll give you my saber, and for that give me your young wife, give it to me sir, i’ll cry,
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let’s go eat, what? went!
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okay, that's enough, okay, sasha, maybe you maybe you're jealous of me? i’m jealous, really, or something , really, styopka, you’re jealous, sasha, sasha, he’s your friend, sasha, if you had seen how you danced with him in the middle of this cafe, and if you had heard, if you had heard, oh whatever we
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said, we said. like this, listen, sanya, what’s wrong with you? and what didn’t you get sick, what didn’t happen, you’re all wet, it’s fine, you brought the pump, it’s working, the guys are installing it, stepan nikolaevich, they’re taking away the pumps again, don’t give it away, how not to give it away, like this, don’t give it all away, you say, i said , met bobrov on the way. he is in
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panic, worried about your mental health, suggested going on vacation. i won’t go, i asked you to find out what’s wrong with you? tell him that i hate him, you can’t even imagine how much it means to me, thank you, for the microclimate that is in your family, it’s like me when you get married, you will have a microclimate, no, it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, you know, this is what you need so that it doesn’t work out anymore, i’m afraid, i ’ll tell you honestly, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m afraid, that’s responsibility, what to be afraid of, what to be afraid of, how to give birth to a child, it’s the same here dear, how do you feel about... how i don’t know, eighteen-year-old boy, how do you get married, styopa, you come to us once a week and think that we have a real paradise, something so extraordinary, that’s all usually, everything is like with thousands, like with thousands of people, you know, if like a magnet, a magnet, you are attracted
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to each other by a magnet, try once you will have a magnet, i tried, i tried already, i tried, but it must be said correctly, telekodi is a gift, if i hadn’t held her in my hands, you understand, you’re eighteen years old do you remember, in fact, i won’t allow this, i won’t forgive you for this. that's it, let's have a drink, i forgave you a lot, i forgave you a lot, but what did you forgive me? okay, okay, come on, we won’t touch the institute’s affairs, we won’t touch it, we won’t, wait, wait, wait, you wait, he took me away, take me, take me with pleasure, i would be happy, so she won’t fall , she loves you, what to talk about then, why am i telling her, let’s get married, old man, let ’s get married sonya, and again 25, what do you need, smart, affectionate, you were at her house, and i was, mistress, i understand, just like that, why is she not a match for you, well, i don’t love her, i don’t love her, i don’t love
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her, you will love her, old man, get used to each other, love each other, imagine, come home, everything is ready and dream about yours castles in the air, listen, what are you, what are you trading all the time, what are you trading, dear, i ’m trading for you, not for myself, no, for myself and... you know it perfectly, you know it perfectly, okay, that’s it, finished the conversation, i wanted to do something nice for you, you, you, you understand what you’re saying, well enough, that's enough, let's finish the conversation, no, no, you don't understand, you don't understand, you don't understand that you not only insulted, you also insulted sonya, okay, okay, i understand everything, after all, you, you big brute, where did you go, sit, sit. yes, you need to be loved very much in order to live with you, okay, you know, just
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without advice, styopa, where are you, happy, where, where, what are you? i hate, i hate you, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, what happened, why are you, calm down, oh, what happened, oh, sasha, calm down, how could you, sasha, your mother has already come, i brought milk, sasha, i brought kefir, there aren’t any pies... leave me alone, sonya, sit down, it’s cold, sasha, it’s creepy, i called again,
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the director called from the plant, he’s going to come, let him go, someone else called and. .. the best thing is, the girl called you, she’s on the line, what can i say, because i warned you specifically, sonya, hello, yes, tatyan, yes, so, why with you? well, that’s what you think, i doubt it, at least it’s good,
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she doesn’t have anyone, so tell her, let her stop fooling around and come home, okay, she’ll live with you, then. what yashkhobat? where, i understand, to school, as a roundabout way, hello, tanya, ta, tanya, ta,
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sonya, yes, i’m not offended, sash, i’m not offended, you know, i had a big problem, my wife left me, what are you, yeah, i woke up in the morning and she was already gone, why not? because of me? quiet, quiet, quiet, dear friends, at this table today we made many wonderful toasts to our workers. the hands that
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built schools, hospitals, maternity hospitals, yes, the university that we passed yesterday, now i want to drink to our think tank, to our engineers, technicians, to our leaders mainly, fawning, i’m not afraid that i will be accused, i’m not afraid that i will be accused of fawning, forgive me, yes... and i want to drink and invite you to drink to our leaders, dmitry stepanovich, pavel ivanovich, to our dear friend izotov viktor petrovich, “well, you’re willing
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to be a manager, you’re jealous, but i spoke sincerely, naturally, listen, why don’t you invite sonya to the dance, and the dance is for ladies, listen, why don’t you marry her, look which"? father is the boss, you will get a place, an apartment, are you serious, well why not serious, look, what are you talking about here, my friends, just imagine, he’s getting ready to get married, but the bride doesn’t know how to cook, so i’m warning him, i have a full one, one transfer of food, yes, it’s difficult.
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i need to change my wife, maybe i need to think about it, sorry, here’s a replacement, just look, sasha, why don’t you say that i have a beautiful dress, a really beautiful dress, and the earrings, and the earrings, everything came out.
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you want tea or coffee, you want tea or coffee, tea, your tea! you love, you love your wife, yes, what time is it, five, and tea!
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yeah, we’ve already arrived, why are you making noise, we’re also drinking beer, but i don’t want to sleep, then you’re walking somewhere, mom’s headache is for you, but i care, okay, go to sleep, but i don’t want to to go to sleep, to whom i say, go, go to sleep, i wanted to before. honestly, you know, the metro doesn’t work, you can’t catch a taxi, can you imagine, i arrived on a milk tanker, and i had tanya,
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everyone was asking about you, ver? all with their wives, one is like a fool, what tanya says, don’t smoke, sasha, i’m sorry, you know, how offensive, tanya is good, beautiful, and he doesn’t seem to be a fool either, everything is somehow not going well for them, at least they would get divorced or something, or live like human beings, not torment them as a child, yes, sasha, probably, but with us everything is fine, yeah, sometimes it’s scary, even ashamed, yes, and sasha , why, why are you,
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why are you suffering, go smoke.
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she probably left for someone else, just like that. doesn’t go away, but if she has a romantic nature, oh, if she wanted to go to africa as a journalist, how naive you are, sasha, how naive you are, alexander mikhailovich, maybe you beat her at night, alexander mikhailovich, it’s impossible, sofia arkadyevna, poor sasha, whoever gets the apartment, will you exchange it? i don’t know, sonya, i don’t know if you’re in the basement asking me,
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but you see, he’s cheerful, oh, verochka, it’s okay, oh, sasha, he’s so small, he’s so small, stupid. “this is not fatal, stop it, everyone there is strangers, let’s go, let’s go, i swear to you, the doctor
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told me in the office, in a week we will discharge your boy, sit down, no, you know, eh...” one child in the family - this is not a child, there should be two in the family, or better yet three, yes, let’s give birth, yes, definitely, come on, believe me, sash, i’m serious about the second child, i understand, sash, we’ll give birth, so you say, yeah, second, third, yes, okay. and yeah, you remember your first child, you remember how he didn’t sleep at night, how
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his teeth were cutting, how he got the flu, all you know is to play with him a little, and show your comrades what a wonderful son you are, everything, sasha, what nonsense , yes, why nonsense, sasha, everything is natural, everything is fine. “i swear, i’ll help you now, yes sash, i don’t need it, it’s not hard for me, i’m just scared, you know, somehow it so happened that i was still courting and courting him, everything was going on with him, but you somehow moved away from me, it’s really scary, you know, sasha, it seems that sometimes you fall asleep at night, and when you wake up, you’re not there, so in the evening "? we talked, but in the morning we’re not there anymore, what are you, stupid, you know how much i
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love you, oh, sasha, they don’t talk about it like that , what are you talking about, we’re already adults, sasha, i’m not angry with you, you are very good, thank you, but a stranger, listen to what you are talking about, no, sasha, maybe something, well, something is not quite right. i’m saying, it’s simple, it’s just that i probably love you very much and i’m afraid of losing everything, it’s strange, but you and i, sasha, won’t have a child for now, why didn’t you tell me about this before, why, sasha?
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vich, vitya, hello, old man, are you doing housekeeping? yes, have you returned from work yet? why, father, didn’t you come? no, i came, did you get a bad mark? why is he so gloomy? my tooth hurts. okay, i'll go. wait, wait. listen, you know what i’ll advise you: a little decalon will go away right away. yeah, i 'll make an offer. listen, maybe i should go to your place guests? do you invite? no need, mom doesn’t feel well, what’s wrong with him? teeth, okay, just
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wait, listen, let’s be honest, something at home, it’s not okay, but it doesn’t matter. “in general , my tooth doesn’t hurt, my mother doesn’t hurt, i just lied, listen, so maybe i was in favor then, no, now it’s not necessary, no need, goodbye, it’s a strange thing, because we have everything was, everything. vera, what are you doing here? i
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came to visit you, let’s go, no, i ’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours, we’ve been here for a long time, but where is stepan, i ran away from him ? ? thank you, i’m on my own, well done, i ’ve been waiting for 2 hours, i didn’t know, maybe i shouldn’t, pretty girl, little white hair, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, turn on the light, sasha. oh, sasha, sasha, sasha, i'm scared, sasha,
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you're the most noticeable. you know, it seems to me that if i... i suddenly went blind, i would have recognized you anyway, and i would have recognized you by your smell, and so would i.
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“you’re so prickly, you haven’t shaved, but you, you have gentle hands, you know how to kiss iskamo, you don’t know how to kiss with?” and the daughter can be called anastasia, and anastasia alexandrovna, wonderful, yes, faith.
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where are you? what are you doing to me? faith? what if something happened to you? well, what could have happened? i don't know, i would have died of fear. sash, well, i just wanted to hide from you. excuse me, okay, my feet aren’t frozen, no, the fastening is fine, normal, you don’t want to eat, you don’t feel sick, what are you talking about, sasha, sasha, what if i die, what kind of nonsense is in your head, what if they don’t die from this? , why do they die, but you won’t die, i realized, yes, who needs me without you, you will always be
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so gentle. yes, so affectionate, yes, kind, yes, let's go home, sasha, i'm cold, why are you silent, it's stupid, huh? oh great, you look good, let’s say i’m a scoundrel, what does a scoundrel have to do with it, all men are scoundrels and don’t raise your voice to her, understand?
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hello wife, hello, she was crying, why not? my eyes are red, my head hurts, it won’t be long until the holidays pass, sasha, you need to go see your son, you’ll have time, let’s sit together, let’s go, do you hear, i say, do you hear? i hear, i hear. our corner is never too small for us, put a table here,
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i’ve cleaned up our corner, well, we won’t be with you for long, but naturally, i’ll come now. and where are you going? girlfriends, i’ll help. it can be interesting for everyone. fiery release of the most exciting program. presidential tea is brewed using the presidential samovar. have tv journalists ever worked at putin’s house? and this is novogorev’s greenhouse. let's get to know each other better. let's visit the presidential garden, look, study, of course, it's very interesting, footage and comments that are disgraceful to anyone else, only we
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see dangerous, bright and unusual situations in the world of big politics, don't retreat and don't give up, i already refused him once, you. you once, and he came up a second time, we saw the entire television season and showed you more than others, we’ll do it now, we have something to show and something to be proud of, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we’re looking at rtr today, i made a wish. and i made plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once. i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions. something is wrong in her case. she's
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kind, she's warm-hearted. no problem, blasphemy will bloom on our hammer. your cherished wish will definitely come true. i love you, i want to be with you. when the blasphemer blooms on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! the squad is ready! explore! nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. have you already figured out what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is? here? 10 million moped drivers, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world
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is worth seeing, snake charmers are the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, the whole world on saturday on rtr, so what can we do, but we’ll arrange it for the good, we’ll take it like a trigger.
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my heavy bags, instead of beer i suddenly switched to kefir, through the lobby with songs to magicians, a scarf, a parade of humor, today at rtr on saturday, well, everything is ready, comrade driver, you can go, thank you, lisa, what’s wrong with this with our neighbor, i forbid you to communicate with him, that is, arseny can communicate with his sister. and that means i’m not with dima, today he changed your tire, tomorrow he will invite you to a cafe, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow i will be left alone with a child in my arms, quickly get into the car before i change my mind, under the same roof on saturday at rtr, i asked for forgiveness, why? well, it’s okay, i’ll be lying at our feet, why
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can’t i? well listen, ver, just go crazy, the best family of all my friends, i don’t know, just be patient, he ’s a good man, good, such husbands don’t lie on the roads, yes, really, why are you telling me abandoned, girls, i’m sitting alone like this. tanya, does she have anyone? what about your diagnosis? sasha? in general, faith does not understand anything in this matter. what then? i don't know what then? don't know. what to do? so go tell her a few kind words, hug her, kiss her. i don't know, maybe, but i apologize.


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