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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  July 14, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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hole and install a grill to maintain access to communications, the ceiling was cleaned, we cover up small defects with crack putty for later painting, we lay wires in prepared grooves, we work on the socket boxes, at logi we have already installed them in the work area and added a couple more to the pantry. rum, yes, that's what you asked, i brought extruded polystyrene foam. lyubovskaya. my speech therapist somewhere now smiled warmly, in fact, we don’t need him yet, we are now insulating the walls and before insulating the walls we we use stone wool, we insulate it with a thickness of 100 mm, that is, we take two such sheets of stone wool 50 mm each and be sure to lay them in a checkerboard pattern so that there are no cold bridges, i am very well-read, if there are any gaps between the wall insulation or flooring, you can use polyurethane foam. foam these
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places so that everything is completely airtight, logical, well, as always, i’ve almost reached the end of the work to say, we worked, you can do it, of course, so let’s show our viewers here actually, this sandwich, this pie that is here, we wrapped a couple of insulating films with stone wool on all sides, this must be done to protect the insulation from moisture, the wall, in fact, that’s not all, windows are also of course very important, because 25% heat loss is exactly the problem. windows, i just wanted to say this, it’s definitely not worth saving on windows, the insulation is firmly fixed, we finish the metal frame and screw a sheet of drywall to it, it’s done, we can proceed to the next stage, well, now we will insulate the floor using extruded polystyrene foam, ivanich, tell us why it is good, firstly, it is very dense, that is, it can withstand heavy loads, so you can safely lay it on the floor under a screed, then you can make any floor covering , bring in the furniture, nothing will happen to him, right. second point,
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it does not absorb moisture at all, that is , its thermal characteristics are not lost under any conditions, very good, third point, it has such a lock, cutout so that two sheets of expanded polystyrene can be joined tightly together in such a way to reduce and minimize simply cold bridges, gaps between slabs, gaps between slabs, yes, everything is clear, another important point, we will pour a screed on top, we will still have a warm floor here, this is important, because... a huge balcony, still cold, and here there will be a work area, the radiator cannot be pulled out here, which means a warm floor is necessary, we are laying everything out, yeah, by the way, the first balconies appeared in the middle ages, due to frequent raids by robbers, they forced city residents to always be on alert; with a remote structure , it was of course easier to notice the enemy, so balconies were installed on the main gates ; they performed an exclusively security function; crossbows and cannons were often installed on them.
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later, this architectural protrusion began to appear on the facades of simple residential buildings. the richer the house was, the cooler the balcony design should have been. railings, sculptures, forged elements. it’s so good that now this is a balcony - just a place where you can calmly put on winter tires and drink a cup of coffee. but, if anything, i also have a crossbow. without which it is impossible to imagine a living room. no, not without an armchair, without a sofa. and today we have a bedroom, and a living room, and natasha, all in one bottle, so we will choose a sofa bed, let's start, i think, with the sofa, because in our room the sofa is still an attribute of the living room, and we have a living room the main motive of our room, so the sofa accordingly becomes the main item, and why do we need to go far, let’s have this one and let's take it, look how beautiful it is, it looks so nice, try it! unfortunately, in
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our interior it will not become the very highlight that we are looking for, why? it has large dimensions, it won’t fit, very large armrests, they will take a lot of themselves, this stitch on the pads, unfortunately, it ’s not about our history at all, okay, that little green one, compact, it seems to me that he’s even folds out, i think i ’ll persuade her now, look what a pillow, it seems to me that it suits your style interior, it exactly folds out, moves forward, and this is already a full-fledged sleeping place for guests, i really like the shape, yes, it’s good, it’s perfect for its dimensions, our tasks, its armrests, legs, but unfortunately, this color is garish , not quite ours, let's try to see something with more delicate shades and some interesting texture, listen, well, the color is as successful as possible. look at
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the texture, which is so nice to touch, i think we found such a cool sofa, we still need to choose a bed, you have a very interesting specimen behind you, let’s lie down and take a look. come on, come on, come on, come on! i see that this is our very pleasant shade of light, beige, and what fabric is pleasant to the touch, this is simply the leitmotif of our upholstered furniture, we take it, yes, that is, you understand how we choose a sofa bed, we sat, lay down, chose, now we have our heroes have a bed and a sofa, which means big changes in their family will come even faster, are you okay, thank you. let's look at rtr. this weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm after you. behind me. you had a bird in your hands. ruslan. give you a stray pilot. the heart is not a stone. now i'm your
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wife. and i am your husband. if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it. blood. water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type v from monday on rtr, we are going to the doctor from...
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hello , i'm arseny, what's your name? what's next? will you be with me on the bus all day? ride? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? are you so calm, ready to accept that our
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son is dating a trolleybus or bus driver? there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor. “my son and your daughter, why aren’t you happy with him, their whole family isn’t happy with me, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough, maybe you’re angry, but i ’m not, things are under one roof, on saturday on rtr. ” who we, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what value is for us, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, nothing they are afraid, of course, there is something like a chill inside, anything can happen, there is nothing
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to retreat from, i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself, look, look , look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, takes it out,
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look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, for two, sign, look, look, maybe we'll go to... let's just watch a movie. this may be of interest to everyone, the fiery release itself exciting program, presidential tea is brewed using the presidential samovar. never before have tv journalists worked at putin’s home, and this is novoogorov’s greenhouse, let’s get to know the gift box better, visit the presidential garden, watch, study, it’s certainly very interesting, footage and comments. which no one else has as a disgrace, only we see
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dangerous, bright and unusual situations in the world of big politics, do not retreat and do not give up, i already refused him once, you once, and he came up the second time, all we have seen and shown you the television season more than others, we will do so now. there is something to show, something to be proud of. moscow, kremlin, putin. we are watching today on rtr. but everyone had this: you come home, and there are three or four extension cords, such rags of wires are still not enough. to prevent this from happening, the designer already at the project level provides, dear mother, the number of sockets needed in the places where they should be. natalya, hello, now she’ll tell you how to do it correctly. let's start with which we place at the height according to the standard entrance, come on, first of all, the switch,
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90 cm, so that we don’t look, we can click to turn on the light. let's move on to the next zone, here we have a whole bunch of wires, respectively sockets, what is this? we have a bed 10 meters high, we will move it a little away from the wall, hide a shelf behind the headboard, and we will store everything on this shelf. we want to store beds, phones, alarm clocks, books in the area, so for this whole story we need sockets and color for reading, the important point is that we it will be convenient to have duplicate switches in the bed area, the main light in the room, it turns on from here and off, not only the main light, well, everyone else, it’s convenient, really, that’s what it is, and this will be a diode backlight that will go along the arch, that is, i i understand that before designing these sockets, you must first choose a bed, understand what height the head will be, and only
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then understand what height is needed for the sockets, this is not an easy path, i just noticed, well, i think this is a socket , i do not quite understand, why is she here, here we will have a sofa, right in this place, there we will have a tv opposite the sofa, and suppose our heroine, when she irons children's things, it will definitely be, she will definitely be, she sits on the sofa, watches tv. here she has a rosette for her right hand for fasting, that is, do we also need to take into account whether she is right-handed or left-handed? in some moments, yes, well, since we’re talking about tv, there’s just a large area of ​​sockets, now let’s go talk about it, let’s go, the most important thing is that the tv should be located opposite the people sitting, and in order for them to watch comfortably, this is approximately the level of their eyes, the standard for such an arrangement is 10 -30 meters from the floor level, i chose 30 meters so that we have it here. for the tv bracket, this is where the auxiliary equipment for the tv will be located, a bcs
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tape recorder, probably a soundbar, okay, so the soundbar should be connected to the tv via an hdmi cable, we connect the hdmi cable to the tv, throw it through wall and connect to the soundbar, there are no wires dangling along the wall, but here we have a horizontal shelf above the tv and we want, i want to make a garland under it. because our heroes generally like decorative lighting, so i decided not to limit myself only to rgb ribbons. new year, all year round, including. there are also a couple of duplicate ones for it on the lower shelves, so if it’s just new year’s , you can put the christmas tree here and enjoy it. have you thought about this? if you foresee everything in advance, draw it, do it electrical installation according to plan, you will never have something like this in your home again. our favorite entertaining and educational section
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: secrets of repair and roman ivanovich kozhakar, the repairman, will now share his wisdom with us, but first i want to share with you ivanovich, your white rope is sagging, this actually happens, from age, from time and from moisture, including, i will now show you how to tighten such a rope very quickly, very well, and most importantly, make it so that it can be constantly pulled up without spending a lot of time. we will need a small piece of this, or maybe an ordinary board, or a piece of plywood, we will need a screwdriver, a drill bit for a screwdriver, in order to make a hole we use a drill. we have a rope with a diameter of approximately 8 mm, so an 8 mm drill will suit us perfectly, we make two holes at a short distance from each other, so we have two such beautiful, neat holes, so now we can remove the rope from the hook,
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removed, so we thread the edge of the rope into one hole, thread it, and now we thread it in the opposite direction into the second hole, we have a loop like this above the board, zhen, we need a good reliable knot here so that it doesn’t go through this hole in the opposite direction, so we do it we got this device with a small loop, we are now putting this loop on our hook, and now we are pulling it, the rope, oops, come on, let's add a load, take off your cap, please, oops, that is, if there is the rope sag, but under the seasons, rains, and so on, under the weight yes linen, we just kind of change the position, yes, we pull, pull,
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that’s right, the board wedges, that is , it clamps the rope in one of the holes back , it doesn’t go back, the rope remains... we have it taut, well, besides this, because we don’t put any knots on the hook, if you need to remove the rope for some reason, rehang it, it’s done very simply, listen, well, we had a lot of things, but this is definitely not difficult , it’s reliable, we’re starting to replace the windows with logies, installing a durable system with wide seven-chamber profiles and energy-saving double-glazed windows, with which the lodge will be comfortable at any time of the year, we chose: windows in snow-white color and matching fittings. we will make three doors, two central at the edges, with a convenient micro-ventilation function. we installed a neat white door with milling and are already doing the finishing touches. using putty, we decorated the section of the wall under the arch. to do this, we distributed the material in a circular motion, creating the texture of a mud hut on the wall.
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we paint the walls in a pastel gray-beige shade. we paint surfaces using roller, carefully bending around the socket. we install a pair of identical bimetallic radiators. sections of each device are welded together in a collapsible monolithic structure and have two vertical channels. thanks to them, our radiators have the highest thermal output; the manufacturer’s warranty for this model is 25 years. by the way, air humidity is very important in any room; it should be from 40 to 60%. in dry air, bacteria and viruses are more common. mobile, which means the likelihood of contracting various diseases increases. if you have if you don’t have a hygrometer or a device for measuring humidity, then take a glass of water and place it in the refrigerator to cool it to 3-5°. take it out, place it away from the battery and see if after 5 minutes the glass remains foggy, the humidity is normal, that’s good. if the walls of the glass
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fog up at first, and then dry out after 5 minutes, the air in the room is very dry, it urgently needs to be humidified. be healthy. for the heating rack covered with plasterboard, we cut a hole and covered it with a removable grille to provide access to the valves. on the floor we lay laminate from the aura collection with a thickness of 8 mm. the four-sided chamfer beautifully highlights each piece, creating the effect of a natural plank floor. the ceiling was pre-painted classic white. we installed overhead tracks, the same ones will be on the loggia. we insert lamps inside with a turn. mechanism, now we are installing frames and front panels for switch sockets, we chose laconic models from the stokm series. let's move on to the loggia: here we painted the walls, ceiling, installed busbar ducts for lighting, including pantry. the floor was insulated using a heating mat. we lay porcelain stoneware tiles on top, they are decorated in terrazzo style. we place each fragment on
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tile adhesive and press it tightly to the base. it turns out very beautiful. yes, i’m on this chair again because i liked it, but natasha and i came here to choose what? rack, yeah, i see several successful examples there, come on, look at which example, and what about the face, you don’t like it, you can paint it all white, then it will definitely fit into your interior, rack wonderful, but for the loft style, but we still have boha, boha, for sure. i want something softer, more delicate, not so angular, not so bold in mood, it seems to me that the one with the drawers looks softer, and it looks so cute. oh, this is scandi, yes, you are absolutely right, these legs are spread out, this toy look, its shelves are in discord, the color block of
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facade elements, they are purely iskandi, cute, but not what we need , unfortunately, there on the horizon ahead, it seems to me excellent option, look how cozy he is, how cute he is, listen, well, this seems to me to be as close as possible. to what we need, i especially really like the back wall of this rack, it is made in the form of wicker, rattan, it’s amazing that we have a cabinet that will be in our interior, also with facades in the form of this kind of decor, come on let's think about what we'll put on the shelf? listen, i actually have a few ideas, in addition to the typical decor that goes into style and style, these are various candles, or maybe maybe books... i had the opportunity to look at photos and videos
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from there with one eye, you know, i don’t want to put photos, i had my eye on something more original, it will be a surprise for everyone, for you, for the guys, well, great, what is it will be, we will find out at the end of the program, but did you know that the first rack appeared back in the days of a couple of '. fleet, it was made by one sailor for transporting goods. perhaps the invention would have been lost in time, but an enterprising english merchant, john snow, bought this design for next to nothing and made several copies equipped his trading post in the center of london. competitors again appreciated the alternative to bulky and inconvenient chests and began to massively order prefabricated structures; it’s a pity that the name of the original inventor is unknown. in order to quickly move into an apartment and not waste time on
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final renovations, many choose the whitebox finish in new buildings, a white room, but in order to move into it, you need to fill it with something, what styles can help you with this, our natasha will tell you. three styles immediately come to mind that we can easy and fast. the dresser also has these funny legs,
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here you can’t restrain yourself in anything, there’s no unique color that we can do this one, but we can’t do another, listen, you can stick on a cutter, by the way, and some one make the wall even more with the mood, it’s not complicated, but the effect will also be wow, yeah, so then you said natural style, which in general, in principle , is suitable for... any kind of eco-style, light walls, because this is also a natural shade, and this is possible, you know with what sensations clay, hut walls, this is how the huts used to be, and something like this created by hands with love, look, there is an abundance of wood, that is , this is also a love for natural materials, and dried flowers, some driftwood, it is clear that here, for example, a kitchen and a carpet would not go well, but if we are talking about a bedroom or living room, then for this style it looks very cool as...
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or decor, again, if you prefer white, maybe everything, well, actually white, or some - simple shades of gray, and here, for example, there is also a simple kitchen, without handles, without protruding elements, a glass apron in the color of the walls, well, except for the equipment, and a little bit just how to add such a small pinch of raisins, well, if you are the happy owner of a new building, use natasha’s advice, but for now there is no new building yet, you can show off in... we added profiles with led
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strips, installed additional flexible sconces for reading at the head of the bed, we closed the joints between the floor and walls with skirting boards from the sx105 series, we use special glue for their installation. our skirting boards are made made from dura polymer, it is a dense and durable material that will serve as a hero for many years. for the new interior in boho style, we ordered many details made of natural wood. the window sills and balcony door step have already been installed. they are made of solid wood. like most other elements, for example, shelves, of which we have quite a lot, we fix the first one at the head of the bed, use hinge pins for hidden installation, we also add shelves to the wall with the door to the room, we fix the first pair directly under the place where the tv is installed and we put neat corner holders on them, also made of beech, we add one spacious shelf closer to the ceiling, but that’s not all, we made a long u-shaped bar counter for the balcony, we move it close
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to... the window, we also installed a door in wardrobe pantry, ordered an inexpensive ready-made base, our master brought it to mind, coated the door with tinting oil, having achieved the desired shade, applied a protective varnish on top. at the entrance to the room we placed a wardrobe, which was also custom-made for us. its body is made of pine, beautiful facades are made of rattan and beech inside there are shelves, drawers and a separate section with a barbell. and here is a compact sofa with accent legs that we found in the showroom. it folds out easily to create an extra bed. we placed a new bed with soft upholstery under the decorative arch and supplemented it with a mattress with a massage surface. the length of the sleeping place is 2 m. now it’s good, yes, remember, there used to be such a sad, ownerless loggia here, but now behind this door there will be a real dressing room. well, tanisha, take it.
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work and tell us what things will live here. olya, but our heroes love to travel, the shelves here are rearranged , so suitcases , tents, sleeping bags and everything you need with these will fit here, that is, it turns out that this is our kind of room, a warehouse, but so elegant, exactly, and even an artificial christmas tree can easily fit in and pillows and blankets, fantastic, and you also have a rod in the back there. of course, look here, there is space for both long and short things; on these shelves various household items will easily fit little things, light bulbs, batteries, and so on, i like it, i like it so much with you, everything is always clear, understandable and organized with you, thank you very much, i can’t wait to see how you fill this dressing room with your attention and love, and so do i , yeah, friends, come to the platform, watch, share your
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secrets of repair and design there, the best, parade of humor, today on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big
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day, a big holiday . beauty, reppin, the whole crew, just on platform we look. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer, the squad is ready. explore. nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. have you already figured out which one?
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the vietnamese have a favorite means of transportation; there are 10 million moped drivers. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing. smiya casters are the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. why don't you go to bed? we look at rtr, there are no results, sazonov promised to personally
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take the gang with his bare hands. hanging around? svetlana, allow me to invite you to a restaurant tomorrow. fine. where to go with the artist, we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. so, the finishing touches remain. firstly, we need to put the characters’ things in their places; we place some on hangers, and put some in organizers; they are very convenient for storage. the main thing is to divide things into categories and for each one finds its place. secondly, in order for the interior to sparkle with all the colors, you need to add. various cozy and stylish little things, candlesticks, blankets, vases, greatly decorate the interior, fresh flowers and dried flowers, the main thing is not to overdo it, we make accents, and do not occupy all the free surfaces with trinkets, style
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is, first of all, a sense of proportion. well, the rooms for young parents are ready,
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now this space is filled with light and harmony, there is a feeling that we are in nature, this effect is given by calm shades, natural materials and living ones. and plants. a sleeping area with a large comfortable bed, which is framed by an unusual crescent-shaped headboard, and a translucent fabric that, with a slight movement of the hand, separates the bedroom from the living room makes for an even more pleasant rest. a nearby cabinet with rattan doors, which successfully match the same inserts on the shelves, will help ensure order. on... the heroes love to read and now they can easily get their favorite book or board game when guests come, especially there is now enough space for them. a cozy, light sofa invites you to the living room area, where you can relax and have a good
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time. but that is not all. the abandoned loggia is now unrecognizable. there is an office, a relaxation area, and even a spacious dressing room. in depth. in the lodge there is an area where you can concentrate on work without being distracted in silence, and then drink a cup of tea at a wooden table that invites you to relaxed gatherings; all the interior elements are combined in harmony, creating an atmosphere of comfort and well-being. when the space organizer is with us. our team can be calm, because everything will be in its place, everything will be in order, i want to tell you that the more storage places, the less work for me, this is what we store in and how we use it, i’ll tell you now, come on show me this one, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh,
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how the blanket and pillows have changed here , oh, i like these trunks, amazing, but i noticed yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, look, two entrances from above also from above from the side you can open it without removing the case from the shelf and add something here or take something from here. and we also have transparent boxes for shoes here, look, it’s also convenient, the doors allow you, firstly, to see what’s inside, and secondly, you can take and put in place the shoes you need, how interesting, you’ve got a full-fledged storage room , yes, let's go look at the closet now, let's go, uh-huh, and i 'll remind you that we have this closet for a young couple, which means what is this? means that there are two parts for a man and a woman, that is,
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we will have a part and a part g, not everything is simple so, oh, what a cunning one, we have two parts, one with shelves and drawers, the second with rods, the top rod is for nastya, the bottom one is for ilya, i even signed everything, many may think that this is not the best solution, they they may say, what about long dresses, there’s no way to hang something long here, shirts limit women’s... freedom, the freedom of women’s dresses, but then we remember that our favorite method is two hangers, so we watch my hands, the main thing is that the hangers face the same direction, we do one, do two, skip, hook, fold and hang, perfect, up here we have two more cases for seasonal storage, even something sentimental, like hiding, there are cases on the shelves for... everyday clothes, great, and drawers and
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drawers for underwear, for ilya and for nastya for nastya, and the final touch, this juniper flavoring cube, how beautiful, yes, you can drip your favorite perfume or essential oil on it and enjoy the aroma, invigorating lemongrass here , once in the morning i opened the closet, oh, yes, well, who cares, so these were the secrets. wardrobe life from tatyana samotoina. tanya, thank you, you are my hero. please, the main thing is that each thing has its own place. yes. natasha, it seems to me that in your interior, now i will hear the noise of the forest, birds, because there are so many natural elements here, they warm you up so much, create such a feeling of complete zen. yes. bravo. oh, thank you. so many kind words, because we really did a great
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job here, if you remember, there were difficult moments here, for example, the fact that these two passages between the entrance to the room and the entrance to the balcony, they cut this space into two unequal parts for us, understanding that we need a bedroom and a living room here, and how to decide where, what was this kind of tossing, well, even yes, even if you think about this corner it doesn’t fit in your head , how can there be here, well, there is definitely no living room, because if... there is a sofa, then where is the tv, this bedroom is also solved in a very interesting way, a door, here we still have a bedroom, and at the same time it seems to me, this needs to be written down directly, if suddenly someone has such a layout, a screen makes this part such an incredible warm cozy capsule for sleeping, but at the same time, look, the fabric, it’s not completely dense, through it, even now i can see how the light shines there, respectively, if we turn off the lights everywhere, for example, everything is so soft for us,
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i’m still very happy about the return of the macrome to how it will be comfortable and wonderful inside, our life. such elements are always handmade, it is always something individual, unique, the feeling of the warmth of the hands that did it, it seems to me that this is what is needed for the home, let's move from the lyrics to practical issues that we solved, and if you remember, here we had two heating racks, which were in the most visible place, when we understood what would happen here... connections for the battery and we left a hatch just in case of fire, so that we could it was possible to twist it if necessary, we were able to hide interesting lighting due to this, highlight our decorative wall, as a result , this area became more comfortable and more interesting, multifaceted, and i really like how you used a flower pot suspended from... the ceiling for in order to leveling the pipes, which are still slightly
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visible, is actually a compositional technique in order to completely assemble the space, but at the same time we also introduce green into the interior through the plant, that is, it has become not only white and beige, but also monochrome , we have bright accents, these planters will not fall on the heads of our heroes, firstly, we chose special hooks that are designed for the weight of our planters, and secondly, we screwed them directly into the ceiling, that is, the story is that we they left here... the original ceiling in order to so as not to lower it, it was already low, by the way, this track system, it allowed us to leave the overlap, not lower anything, and we made the electricity supply through the corners, through uh-huh. light sources can be moved as you wish, so you can make a dark corner in the room and put someone there for punishment. it seems to me that earlier in this apartment the place for punishment was the balcony, it was cold, uncomfortable, not like now, let's go , let’s show, it seems to me,
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the maximum that our heroes expect from this the balcony is a workplace and a dressing room, this is already a super prize, i thought, why not give here a small space in which... you can select a corner for beauty, or you can select a corner for yourself, for reading books. everything in this life consists of small, pleasant little things that you need to boldly let into your life. i completely agree with you, and i actually prepared a small nice little thing for our heroes, this wreath is wonderful, it has the ability to add light. you know, i think it's yours our heroes will need magic, because they have an adult, parental life ahead of them, and they need to fuel themselves with something. and i hope that they will feel all the energy that has been put into their interior. the guys left their children
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with one of the grandmothers, took the second grandmother with them, and grabbed the grandfather, now they are ready to break into this room at the same time to break into their future life. all. we open, oh, it’s exciting to walk in, wow, oh, incredible, wow, if we talk about a miracle, then it probably looks like this, this is our space, i don’t believe it at all, this maybe so, this is incredible, something i honestly didn’t even expect, it’s crazy, in fact, i walked in and saw a huge... sea of ​​light, it’s even better than we imagined, i couldn’t even imagine this imagine how close all this is to you, it’s just that it’s as close as possible, but i honestly didn’t expect this, honestly, i didn’t expect just this, books like you wanted them to be closer to
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ilya’s grandmother’s library gifted, this is generally this, this is something already possible, you can already fall. directly you can fall, yes, oho-ho, wow, i was impressed by the mattress, it’s very cool, right, but what do you mean, now we, look ilya, linen, home clothes, look, that’s it, now we won’t confuse anything, i just try it in mine box to put something of your own, okay, that’s it, i’ll hide the socks with me, well, life will change for the better, in such a cozy room, it couldn’t be any other way, the sofa folds out, we chose it together. long and diligently here the sofa bed what wonderful pillows as in nature it turned out in some forest, i would have experienced such warmth if ilya had immediately brought me to such a room when we met, i say, we got married before, that’s for sure, yes, but sakon
10:55 am
checked your non-merchantism, we also prepared a balcony for you, why are you standing there, come here, and moreover. there’s also a balcony, it’s amazing, i actually couldn’t believe my eyes, it’s beautiful, it’s unreal that this happens, it happens, your workplace is an extra room, heated floors, seriously, you dreamed about this, look, look, look, this is, this is our favorite lighting, i’m telling you, i’m absolutely delighted when everything is here. everything is bright, so, open the mysterious door, oh, this is a storage area, cool, there is still room here, never be afraid of anything, dream always, luck will be in your country,
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natalya varnavskaya, designer, come in, natasha, thank you very much, thank you. faith does work miracles, but in order to advance. next you need to make an effort, yes, yes, so, we derive the formula: faith plus action equals big
10:57 am
changes, mention, do you agree? yes, dance, comrades, ladies, invite the cavalier , look at rtr, ah, unfortunate donjoan , of course, i feel sorry for his wife gulnarochka, i immediately saw that he is one-man, sooner or later he will cheat on us anyway, what have you done, yura, what you did it, fifth blood type, from monday on rtr, provocation is betrayal. behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most
10:58 am
intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, continuation conversations in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, amazing atmosphere, i go, i’m happy, every time, it’s just such a holiday, these are gypsy children, they don’t need teachers, thank you, take me there, take me!
10:59 am
on friday, i really need help, we'll figure something out, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves me, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves, but does not say, i would like to. yes, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget
11:00 am
nastya, i am, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr. hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius will present in the studio and the main topics for this hour. assassination attempt on trump. the billionaire miraculously survived the shooter. dead, what is known about the assassination attempt on the ex-president.


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