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tv   Parad yumora  RUSSIA1  July 14, 2024 2:50pm-5:00pm MSK

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i bought something that no amount of money can buy. landscapes are like treasures. shoes with heels for the stretch were not suitable either in soviet, or even more so in levitan times, when this staircase was not in the project. philosophy of plyos. volga cultural anomaly. big news, don't miss it on sunday at 20:00. and by this time. we have all the information, see you, this may be interesting for everyone, a fiery episode of the most exciting program, presidential tea is brewed using the presidential samovar, never before have tv journalists we worked at putin’s house, and this is novoogorev’s greenhouse, let’s get to know the gift. we are in the presidential garden,
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look, study, of course, it is very interesting, footage and comments that are a disgrace to anyone, no longer, only we see dangerous, bright and unusual situations in the world of big politics, do not retreat and do not give up, i he has already been refused once, you, you once, and he approached you a second time. we saw and showed you the entire television season more than others, let’s do it now, we have something to show, something to be proud of moscow, the kremlin, putin, today we look at rtr, hello, i’m arseny, what’s your name, what’s next, will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday, daughter, where is the world heading,
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you are so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus, bus driver, there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor, my son and your daughter, why he doesn’t suit you, yes , their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played with... the parents and that’s enough, maybe you’re out of spite, but i ’m not, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday rtr, meet the international festival slavic bazaar, on monday on rtr, why don’t you go to bed, right? this one is looking at rtr,
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there are no results, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take with his bare hands, the gang where sazonov hangs around, svetlana, let me invite you to the restaurant tomorrow, okay, dead head, dead head, where is it now, maybe the artist has collected everything the loot, and whistled to hell, artist, we’ll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. everyone, everyone, good sunday evening, friends, on the air your favorite folk show, songs from the bottom of your heart, unique voices and melodies that changed the lives of our heroes, and our incendiary guest from taganrog, rossianochka, will open our program.
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svyankami, my destiny, a scarf of a bright color, what you won’t find in it, every day... i will meet happiness, you carry it on your shoulders, it is woven with wondrous patterns, because you are the joy of the land, but i will see everyone more beautiful, you are a russian my, you are a russian girl, a warm-hearted soul, a long braid, an eternal mystery, you are always welcome. and hospitable, in love
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hot, free-spirited cossack, you are a russian girl, brave in your actions, persistent in your work, suddenly... your heart from everything, but it’s true to wait, you promise, you won’t let anyone in your heart, life will offend you unfairly, and you will step through the pain,
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in spite of everything beautifully, again in you’ll pass with a colored scarf, you’re a russian girl, dear soul, cosadas. long, an eternal mystery, always welcoming and hospitable, ardent in love, a free cossack, you are a russian, courageous in your actions, persistent in your work, faithful in friendship, connected to russia by a thread of fate, and a russian, that says it all. and the muscovite and the little girl, like swans,
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float, the kaluga girl, the rostov girl, don’t be shy, i ’ll go to the lyas, the samoryan girl and the tula girl. you can’t take your eyes off the steal, russian women, russian women, where else can you find such people, nadia will still find the answer. hello, hello, good evening, tulyanka, and you are from rossianochka, rostovchanochka, as the resident of gandrog is called, taganrozhenka, yes,
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most importantly, tell me how old you are, you dance, like a girl you jump, doe, secretly 75, this is my grandson gave it to me for my 72nd birthday , he says grandma, let's go, i'll go to you i'll draw it, yeah, i thought, i thought, i thought, why not, wow? all young people wear tattoos, why should n’t their grandmothers wear tattoos or something? yes, this is a paper key, a singing woman, a woman who sings, i closed it at first, and then i think i won’t, i get on the bus,
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grab the handrails, i specially grab it like this so that everyone can see, but in general people, when they start, they don't stop afterwards. plans to fill it without hitting the leg, yes, i’m saying that a person doesn’t stop further, you’re on pension, but worked as a shoplifter, generally in one factory, then in another factory, and everywhere i worked, i sang everywhere, on the crane i sing for the whole flight, how many years have you been singing, i’ve been singing since the fifth grade, i’m in the fifth i started singing in class, and there were plans to be a singer, yes there were, but... it didn’t work out, because i can’t pronounce the letter, well, let’s see, petrovna, how you live, we visited you, we are in a
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nursing home, in the mornings i trained on these machines, i lived here for 6 years, now i come here and visit everyone... hearts, i want to give all of myself to people, but there are a lot of people here, hey, sailor, you’ve been taking too long. “i managed to forget you, bravo, well done, but they once told me, mishka, this is your husband, when i lived here, but in reality this is what, lover, these applause, these glowing eyes, people’s faces pulls me here, why did i leave home, no one came here..." he drove me, i wanted it myself, in my room 17 m2,
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my daughter lived, my grandson, and my son-in-law, we even slept on the floor, four people lived , and i figured it out, i figured it out, i think i’m here for them i’m interfering, but here in taganrog we had a luxurious nursing home, and then they went to an apartment, so they were left alone, like a queen, this is a roof, for a small family. which i earned with my labor from the factory, i got a room here, so we go into my mansion, i recently bought one refrigerator, this old one will soon die, so i’m replacing it, here’s our kitchen, we have 14 apartments here, two gas stoves, this is my table, these are mine. the clothes are standing here, i wash small things here,
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we’ll do the laundry, i don’t have a washing machine cars, i use my hands, my hands, here i hang, my string, all the amenities, all the conditions, i don’t feel like i’m 75, i don’t want to grow old, i’ll just see something beautiful, a decanter. i bring some home, start coloring them, i paint them with nail polish, there will be a beautiful decanter, everything happens in life, i was married three times, my first husband divorced after 2 years, then i found another, i was married to my second for 25 years, and he told me, either me or the songs, i... said the songs and we parted ways, the third was actually
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i already drank a lot, i gave myself a liver, i died, now i’m left alone, god, as they say, loves a trinity, i don’t want to get married anymore, that’s all, but life is interesting, now life has become more interesting than before, my dream is to live, even before death in his own apartment, he burned everything, all my albums, my entire childhood, everything that i was at school, he burned everything,
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i had two albums, i have no memory left now, so i told him, i won’t do this to you i will never forgive, well, you don’t have to, you sing, and everything is written down there, everything is written down in heaven, i delighted, you know, for me in general the act itself, the fact that you left home and left the young people to live, so i think that i’m in the way there. well, how can you say that, you decorate people’s lives, well, the children told me, but the fact that you came and decorated the lives of those people who lived then, but judging by the plot, they are waiting for you there in a nursing home, in general you are there the star that we will sing, let's maintain this mood, despite all the adversity, despite everything, we must enjoy life, that's right, we will be happy all our lives. and the morning is like a revelation, mic
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giving the dawn, again in this miraculous moment, again i will repeat to you, repeat, repeat, enjoy life yourself, rejoice with you. i will not forget how, if only you will be nearby, nearby, you will be nearby! i will never forget how to enjoy life with me, enjoy life with you, if only you will be nearby, nearby, you will be nearby, well, now your neighbor,
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our guest from the ulyanovsk region. nikita spirin comes out on stage with the romance mom, there are a lot of kind people in the world. just not my lime, and no one dearer, just no my mother, but no one. the sun
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is rising above the earth, it will be a fine day, i know what is always waiting for me, and what is dearer to everyone. i know what is always waiting for me, and what is more precious than everyone else, i love my wife and children, sincerely, but still.
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my dear mother is gone, no one is more gifted, my dear mother is gone, and no one is more gifted. there are many people in the world, kind and good, but my mother is not there, no one is more gifted, but there is no...
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my mother is not there, but no one is dearer, no one is dearer.
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in one week you lose the people closest to you, so your grandmother died on a sacred holiday, this is the holiday of the divine ascension, so i was very sorry that i lost those people who were with me since childhood, the kingdom of heaven, but i want to say that i know that you connected your life with the study of folklore, and for you this the village where you grew up is important, and you maintain relationships with those grandmothers who... live there, let's go to the ulyanovsk region, to the village of edelevo, and look at this, this is the ulyanovsk region, the village of idelevo, my home village, i 'm coming. very, very often, i myself was brought up with my grandparents, namely they instilled in me a love for the village, my friends live here, hello, hello,
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little dear, these are my friends, grandmother frossya, grandmother masha and grandmother valya, how are you, how do you live in general, one leg walks along the grave, well, now we’ll eat, we’ll see, and for that we’ll pay for the coke. i’m adopting their traditions, because unfortunately, their generation is already passing away, their songs, i write it all down, then we sing it with the choir, thank you, i say, i look at the line myself, my damn locomotive grew into the little hole . not from the songbook, nothing, that's it friends and girlfriends studied, all the relatives gathered , if someone had an accordion player, if they sang
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songs with an accordion, if not, so, oh, now what kind of songs we sang, now they don’t sing like that, there was a meaning about life, everything was, women frost , you need some help, oh, let’s pile up the potatoes, oh , get some water. and let’s water, and plant, and dig, water, and water, everything, we do everything ourselves, nikita is a very good guy, he doesn’t forget us grandmothers, we embroidered the blessing hands, an icon, a daisy, with our own hands, this is cornflower, big greetings to andrey malakhov, it’s good that he composed such a... program, we are very pleased, as soon as we watch his program, we remember our lives, our songs, god grant us health, live longer and
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show such old songs, oh, who do i love, who do i love, not i'm looking forward to it. valentina andreevna, efrasia timofeevna, thank you very much for your kind words. may god give you a long summer, but i understand why
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you are drawn there, of course it’s just so warm, the warmth comes from these grandmothers, from this whole house, from nature, very sincere, very colorful, very real, you haven’t even you just collect folk songs, support grandmothers, but you also dance great, what else? you're taking over the dances, gypsy, come on.
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skiyo, are you okay, thank you, look at rtr, i’ll go to my mother for a blessing this weekend, is that you? for you, for me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, my heart is not a stone, now i am your
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wife. yes, and i’m your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, your whole life unfortunately, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5 from monday. on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow at rda. he made a wish, and i
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made plans and hopes. dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, it ’s okay, a blasphemer will bloom on our hammer, our cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you i love you, i want to be with you when it blooms bagul? on saturday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million
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moped drivers. try it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner, a secret to the whole world. work on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look.
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sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1, 2, three, we sign , look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you’ve chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins. can something tasty be healthy? let's try. the level of inflammation decreases and pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes. yes. yes. yes. again. yes, every person in
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any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formula. on saturday on rtr. you're married, it's true. nastya, let's talk. on friday. i really we need help, we'll figure something out, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn't say, i'd like to take your portrait, you don't against? yes, tell her about your feelings, who
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are you? forget nastya! of course, i'm a fool, romantic, last chance, friday! on rtr, once again good, good evening to everyone, friends, thank you for spending it on the russia tv channel, the most heartfelt songs, the most touching stories, the most talented performers from different parts of our vast country, our guest from bryansk continues our evening.
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oh, until the sun rises, oh, lyuba, telulich. odane, oh, until the sun rises, oh, tenti, tenti,
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sivoneske will. e distinguished lala velyucha'.
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ot not a madwoman parshkarat
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demeycha'. oh yes no oh paka sunshine romale id not set. all the best to everyone, lyuba,
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but lyubich, oh goodness, little soldier. the novel won't work. nikita and teri sang along with you, it’s simply unrealistic, you’re a train, simply amazing katya is 16 years old, so you understand, friends, can you imagine what talents, well, you are a real gypsy, so yes, probably, well, my grandmother is russian, my grandfather is a gypsy, a real gypsy, yes, and my parents, and my parents, my father is half, and my mother is completely, well, i think in the gypsy language or in russian general in russian in gypsy? when katya herself wrote a letter to our editor, yes, that’s right,
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the underlying stone is not water flowing, well, yes, good afternoon, dear andrey, a girl is writing to you from the bryansk region, the city of unecha, my name is katya, i’ve been dreaming of visiting you for so long on the show, i love to sing, dance, i dream of singing for you, my fate is not easy, my mother left me and my father raised me, dear andrei, let me perform on your show so that my mother can see me, can you imagine, when you read letters like this, it gives me goosebumps... here’s how not to call and not to highlight this unique voice, so we saw a gypsy girl with an exit from nikita, it seems to me that you wrote: i love to sing and dance, and so she goes, and nikolai the gypsies came to support me.
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thank you all very much, that’s all. you are the queen of the dance floor today, in general, come on, come on
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let's move to you in the bryansk region, let's see how you cope in general, pay attention, at early dawn, along an untrodden path, in russia i will walk in a silver bassinet, we are in unecha, in the bryansk region, this year the weather is rainy, look at what rivers they have spilled between the beds, we need to work, but how does it suck in? what dirt, i can’t get out, that’s what’s not a queen for you, and we also have piglets, now we’ll feed them, this is our mixed corn, this is what they feed, this is mixed with water and given to them, what disgusting, quieter, oh, how she screams, she’s already chewing the boards, come here, eat, this is my little sister, so come on nastyukha, you’re on that side, i’m on this side... what would i do without you? or are you without me? when i see that she
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starts cleaning, i immediately start helping her too. her tail runs here after me, she ’s like a mother to me, because she did everything for me, well, it’s like she almost raised me from childhood, she understands everything, she’s not stupid, i tried to wrap my little sister in care and affection and give it to her. .. what i didn’t give her mother, when we were little, her mother left, she got married, she chose, she chose someone, but not us, it shouldn’t be like this, every child should have a mother, we have two wings, these are our parents, with the help we fly with them, well, it’s hard to fly with one wing, well... “we will never give up, i
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forgave her for that, if she hadn’t left, i wouldn’t be so strong, father is all there is , and nothing else is needed, support, support, affection from him, at first, when my wife left, it was clear to me that the children would not enough for my mother, but i kind of tried to replace both of their parents, it was a bit difficult with finances, we had to feed everyone and..." the children had to put on shoes, well, i nudged them, and we sort of adapted, it's normal, we have enough now, one thing i can say for sure that neither i without children, nor the children without me... could, we are one whole, for as long as i can remember, i remember this guitar, my daughter, well, this is a guitar, older than you, well, yes, it’s already 20 years old, under the high window, under the wide window, the snow -white cherry tree is shining, past this...
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teacher in the gypsy school, i come, i say, let me listen to these children, i myself am 26-27 years old, what could i still teach then, i walk in and diana soveleva comes out, a wonderful singer, amazing, we played together in the musical notre dame de paris, she played esmeralda , they start
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singing, something in whitney houston, i say, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, i ’ll come over a little later. i’m leaving, alekseevich, i won’t teach there, these are gypsy children, they don’t need to teach vocals, they are like that, they will turn out, thank you, a gift from god, but to me it seems that in addition to your amazing voice, today it is important that the truth, the one, the only, that very important viewer sees this program, i think that they will tell her, what is her name? eva, eva, she got married, we chose to live with dad, that is , we stayed with our father, well, because he was closer to you in spirit, closer to your father, dad didn’t get married, well, it’s like a sign, the woman soon thinks , of course, everything will work out for you, well,
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in general, you are so wise, beyond your years and so incredibly talented. i'm really very i want katya to succeed in something, especially since katya also loves russian folk songs, she told me, she also sings, we will also sing in the gypsy manner or not, come on, it’s already like that, on a two-row accordion, i’m sire. i won’t put it down, i’ll order the accordion player to play more fun today, uh, my accordion, but it’s all
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sparkling, and i’m happy. new vociferous play under the heads, cheerful and vociferous. curled up and lay on the shoulder of the market accordion player, i fell deeply in love,
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and i’m cheerful and vociferous, oh play, play, play, match the voices, and i’m cheerful, so vociferous, we have just been reincarnated somewhere in our youth, it’s absolutely incredible, there are two twin brothers next to you, so -
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imagine, identical in appearance, vladimir and ivan, came to us from moldova, the song and nuka brother, now ours will continue evening, yes, friends, you can support. thank you. your brother, but in the bidet with you, i see you haven’t changed at all, and no matter how much we
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see each other from time to time, i never doubted our friendship, but come on brother, let’s raise for our friends, for our mothers, that beta can't turn away from our past years, let's... they're will never come back to us again, come on brother, let's celebrate for love, for those malty girls who were with us, for all the good things, we'll drink again again, let all the bad things be carried away by the winds, you know, brother, we we've been through a lot, we're always in place, what can we remember with you? not everything is easy, it was given along the way, but
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our friendship, brother, it’s worth it, come on brother, let’s raise for our friends, for our mothers, that even a pet couldn’t turn away, for our past years, let’s give a lei, eh it's not like we'll never come back again. come on brother, come on let's raise for love, for your little one, gold, so that with us, for all the good we will come out again again, all the bad, let us develop glory. now we can all do it together, come on brother, let’s
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raise it for our friends, for our mothers, that we can’t turn away from the beta, for our past years , let’s pour it, otherwise they’ll never come back to us again, come on brother, come on let's raise for love. for those golden girls who were with us, for everything good, we will drink into the night again, let everything bad develop over time, for everything with more value, we will drink into the night again, everything bad, let him spill it himself in liters, thank you.
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well, good evening, which of you is older, which is younger, tell me, hello, andrey, i’m older, my mother said so, i said that for 5 minutes, i don’t remember these moments, my mother said so, and the guys came from moldova, where the lavender fields are blooming now, right now. season, look, no worse than in french provence, attention, this lavender field, which is located in moldova in gaguuzia, in particular in the village of kazaklia , cherlunsky district, is made from lavender lavender oil, which is used in perfumery and cosmetology for health purposes. if you inhale the vapors of lavender oil, it helps with headaches and migraines. and especially for andrey malakhov, a small gift with gogauzia straight from this field.
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this is a present for you, it’s all handmade, there are oils, candles, lavender, that is, for you now in the near future. there will be perfumery, thank you, it smells delicious, thank you very much, thank you guys, thank you, i want this yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, damn, it’s actually cool, what kind of instrument are you in general, it’s a beautiful accordion instrument, well, it’s german, yes, we wanted to play something on the instruments, let’s do it.
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and what kind of music is this, tell me guys, i have just like this right now, it’s something very close, what is it called, that’s right, well, ruslan yagudin, the actor
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is visiting us today, he laughs, rejoices, empathizes. i laugh, and i’m just a tatar, i really like all this, well, i understand that now more, more, more notes of positivity and kindness will be given, which i’m really looking forward to, that’s why andrey came to rejoice and enjoy that we’ll sing today, ruslan, come on, today, uh, because it means everyone is from different cities, but i’m from the city of moscow, i already had the experience of singing about the textile district in which i grew up. you come to us in moscow and go through the collection, and then sit over the sand, the noise is green, just
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look at how the girls dance. on the logs of big, blue bliss, once again, the song floats, we sing with our hearts, these words, and butter for you. after advertising we will be back, friends, on the second sunday of july the country celebrates fisherman’s day, according to statistics every the fourth person in russia is interested in fishing, the majority are sure that fishing is an exclusively male activity, we met
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women from different parts of our country who are destroying yes...
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the whole crew, just looking at the platform. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to? thorny must have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two
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decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday on... i'm just a criminal i caught it, you are an extraordinary person, even my wife admits it, look at rtr, the whole city knows, kostyukov is getting a divorce, our district police officer will become free, not free, but mine. i give 3 months to reconcile the parties, that i decided, now or never, a real woman will never become an ex, i will return him to heaven, and he will be
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happy about it, well then i have nothing to lose, and oh, heaven knows everything, you’re not a quitter ? now because of this, or you will quit, we will watch the continuation on monday on rtr. this can be interesting for everyone. fiery release of the most exciting programs. presidential tea is brewed using the presidential samovar. never before have tv journalists. didn’t work at putin’s house, but this is nova ogorev’s greenhouse. let's take a closer look at kimchenyn's gift. let's visit the presidential garden. watch it, study it,
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it’s definitely very interesting. footage and comments that no one else has. no more. only we see the dangerous ones. vivid and unusual situations in the big world. politics, don’t retreat and don’t give up, i already refused him once, you once, and he came up the second time, we saw the whole television season and showed you more than others, let's do it now, there is something to show and something to be proud of, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. thank you for continuing to watch us, friends, your favorite sunday show songs with all your heart, back on the air, we continue to work, now a talented singer
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from volgograd, aleftina egorova appears on our stage with a song just like everyone else. those who don’t know spread rumors in vain that i live without sadness and that i am luckier than everyone else in the world. i’m always lucky in everything, just like everyone else,
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as with all, as with all, i walk on earth, i want, from fate, as with all, as with all, i ask for happiness for myself, together, na-na, you don’t believe that i live, whatever, let trouble pass me by, just like that but in the evening i get tired, and bush, and howl. sometimes, like this one, like
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this one, like everyone else, i walk and walk on the earth, and from fate, like everyone else, like everyone else, i ask you for happiness, na-na.
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and i’m so glad, for those who maybe didn’t recognize aleftina’s voice, at the beginning of the 2000s it seemed to me to be heard from all smartphones, then the tv series primadonna was released on the russia channel and your voice sounds like once in the series for a voice, there were 15 songs, but no, you were in one of the episodes a little bit like that, and even my hands were filmed when. then you disappeared, what happened? yes, it turns out that i was at my peak, i was actually very tired after i worked with the producer, and i decided that i didn’t need all this anymore, and i literally immediately met a person after this film whom i really love fell in love, and we started a family, he took me to another country, it was ukraine, the country to which i left, i i learned the language, i graduated from a higher educational institution there. in the ukrainian language, that is
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, at first i was interested in all this, and then it became completely impossible to be there, i had to choose my country, and i did it, because my grandfathers fought here, my mother is here, here, and i’m just a little i haven’t seen my mother at all for years, i was cut off from everything, from not only the stage, in general from my relatives, from everything, that is, as if i was completely dependent on my husband, on his family, i realized something some kind of strange love, where they... tell me that i have to speak in their language all the time with children, and with my own, that is , some restrictions are so strict and i had to start everything from scratch, but i tell you i want to say, don’t be afraid, that is, i wasn’t afraid to start from scratch at all, because i know that first of all, i have children behind me, and if a woman has children, then god willing, she herself will move mountains for them , yes, in general, i am sure that this program is being watched today... your main
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support, your mother, yes, we must say, lyudmila vasilyevna, yes, this is the person who opened her doors for me, mommy, i love you very much, thank you, if it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened at all, well, let’s wish her health, good luck, that we’ll sing today, i want to sing her favorite song, old maple, old maple, old maple, old maple knocks on the window, inviting me and my friends for a walk,
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from what, from what, from what, from the fact that you are going there. imudu, why, why, why does it feel so good, because you’re walking from the alley, snowfall, snowfall, it’s been raining for a long time passed, the elephant was killed. everything came back again, from what, from what, from what, from the fact that you didn’t just smile at us, but from something, from what, from
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what it’s so good. because you just make me smile. well, aleftina egorova’s baton is taken up by our guest from the perm region, mikhail penyagin, her neighbor, with the song “take me away.” well, friends, let's dance! oh, hello, moscow city, everyone is dancing
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, the sun is red, it’s set behind the river, i’m waiting in vain, you don’t want to be with me, i’m not proud, you won’t scare me, i love you, but you don’t know yet, all together, take me away me there, take me there, where the sea is, where there is summer, where grief is not a problem, grief is not a problem, we will quickly check the sunrises together, take me there, take me quickly, let me enjoy love, your tears are like water, like cold water, stop being angry at me, good mood, girls, ouch. okay, oh,
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it’s a dark night, don’t hide me, dear, you’re modest, a little bright, i don’t want to believe that you’ll forget me, you won’t destroy my love with your tears, simple words together, three, take me away. there, take me there, where the sea is, where there is summer, where grief is not a problem, where grief is not a problem, we will meet the dawn, take me there, take me quickly, let me enjoy love, your tears are like water, like
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cold water, stop fretting at me, good afternoon everyone , in a wonderful mood from the bottom of my heart, friends, how is the mood of the city of moscow, take me there, take me there, where there is the sea, where there is summer, where grief is not a problem, where grief is not a problem, we will meet the sunrises together, take me away there, take me quickly, let me enjoy love. your tears like water, like cold water, stop being angry with me, the whole hall sings, take me there, take me there, where the sea is. where there is summer, where grief is not a problem, where grief is not
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a problem, we will meet the sunrises, take me there, take me quickly, let me enjoy love, your tears are like water, like cold water, well, stop aiming at me, famous hypnologist , psychologist of the nineties, liliana couldn’t sit still, she’s also dancing with us today, how can you sit while listening to such a song, well, mikhail, tell me where from the perm region you came to us from? good evening, dear friends, i came from the perm region, my favorite region, where
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they continue to say: russia no longer exists. russia does not end in large megacities. people create history, sing songs, give birth to children, and most likely, mm, and in this way i also stayed in my homeland, in my bolshesosnovsky district, and live there, we gave birth to three children, i had a grandson alexander, great, and so so, i am a happy person, i declare, friends. moreover, i want to say that mikhail is an amazing person, because he restores his family estate, and let's be transported to his native land, it's far from accept, 140 km, we'll see these places, attention, i'm glad to welcome you to the village of bolshaya sosnova, perm region, where i grew up, spent my childhood in my parents' house, i am proud
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that my native village, in which only 50 people live today, continues to live its history, its little history, its culture, it seems to me that this is very valuable, when my parents passed away, i returned to the family nest, started restoration at home, this is our ancestral home, the property of our family, it houses a large congregation. objects that i collect myself in search work, history is collected here, here is a hut, a peasant house, we call it, and here it has its own atmosphere, you can feel its own smell, the stove, it was the spirit of the house, and we also have a stove in this house , the oven was heated up in the morning and evening, bread was baked on the oven, cast iron was cooked, game was cooked, in such devices, there was a special spout to drain the fat. the house was built according to the principle of everyday life, that is everything is according to convenience, the most important corner, which
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we worshiped, where we asked, is the red corner, the icon of nicholas, we actually found it in a destroyed, dilapidated house, from the time this icon came to this house, our house is no longer it was empty, someone was constantly coming, and the main asset of our house is, of course, our family ancestral alley, it all started with my mother, who very often drew attention to the black poplar by its rustling branches, saying that if the branches sway, they touch two poplars together, it means it will rain, if one poplar makes noise, the second doesn’t make noise, it means it will just be windy, in fact, from the history of this tree, there was a desire to plant a family alley on this plot of land, now there are already more than sixteen trees in our alley, the maples are dedicated to my line mom, iva, to my ancestors on my dad’s side. i am making such
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a sign so that our future generation will know that this tree was planted in honor of some ancestor. pmf penyagina maria fedorovna. this is my mother, this is how family history is preserved. what what was happening, what was happening on your land, everything in this music, just you. if you are not too drunk yet, about the unhappy
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happy ones, about the good. what is going on, what was happening on your land, in pure music, just catch it. white dance, comrades, ladies invite the cavalier, look at rtr, oh donjoan, unfortunate, of course , i feel sorry for his wife gulnarochka, i immediately saw that he is one-man, sooner or later he will cheat on us anyway,
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what have you done, yura, what have you done, blood type 5? from monday on rtr, here you will find people of different professions and different animals breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and oh you are good, to pet the obstinate one, he loves to grab there. this is how to tame kusachev’s voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, to tame a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys,
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should i feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family. by saturdays on rtr. hello, i'm arseny. and what is your name? what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? so calm, are you ready? that our son is dating a trolley bus driver, there is no more beautiful story in the world than a story, and the neighbors and neighbours, my son and your daughter, why he doesn’t suit you, and their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough, maybe you are out of spite, but i’m not, oh,
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things are under one roof, on saturday at rtr, meet the international slavic festival market on monday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look. look, look, you want to see, look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we'll come to me , just watch a movie, altai,
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snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend you can find the entrance to shambola. dukha is the highest point in siberia and cradle in the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains is lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates
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people, just as it did many centuries ago. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, don’t rush, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give it back to me. channel russia, well, our evening continues, our guest from yaroslavl, anton avtene with the moldavian
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song of the durului choir. ora dorului.
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la curatorului la curatorului daaga dai dai câprind surorile și învârtim oreleaga daig.
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that i came to visit a childhood friend in yaroslavl and i decided to stay here, who do you work in yaroslavl as a janitor, what a person, by the way, yaroslavl is a very clean city, really a very clean city. he’s not wasting it in vain, he found his love in yaroslavl. let's see. i work as a janitor in yaroslavl every day. at 5:00 in the morning i come to get my equipment and put it in order, here i have a photo of allegrova, hello andrey, i sing every day, i don’t need to use force, it’s a gentle instrument, with joy i have to treat the instrument, and it helps, i have nothing here, just arms and legs and a passport, i came from moldova, i
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had no documents. in order to officially get a job, i left a profile on a dating site, where i wrote that i was looking for a woman with her own apartment, well, with all the amenities, and my elena lvovna wrote to me. elena lvovna, this is my wife. anton’s profile says that he wants to start a family. i wanted to create because i am a family woman.
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translated into russian as pies with cabbage, this is our moldavian song, sweet sweet wine, but still... “my girlfriend, my woman is sweeter, the girls were jealous of such a man, the children, of course, had a negative attitude, but seeing how he treats me, the children’s hearts melted, many men want sit on a woman’s neck, but anton helps me with everything, last year we hung wallpaper, he renovated the hallway, melted the woman’s heart,
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he liked this relationship, he had a guitar, sang a serenade under the window, gave flowers, well, probably . , it’s nice for a woman to be followed they are courting me, and he wrote me a song, and music, and more than one, thank you, lena, my darling, oh, i also love you always, how touching it all is.
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we took a sip, of course, i understand that our ancestors lost the corks all the time, instead of the cork all the time there was a moldovan stake, a head of corn, so that the smell would not be lost, and they made the wine themselves, this is moldavian, my homemade wine, tell me, well, no it was scary to let a stranger in with an ad; it was scary , of course, with an ad, but we talked to him on the phone for 2 weeks, and so we realized that
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still, yes, you can give it a chance. yes, well , have you signed or are you like this, yes, signed, registered, temporarily, it is important that there is this chemistry, i understand you emotionally, i support him in his musical beginnings, you also sing, well, i’m a backup dancer, well, you i have to now. to sing something like this for elena lbovna is downright convincing, convincing, especially since for her anniversary elena didn’t buy a fur coat for herself, but bought her beloved a synthesizer, you know? very grateful, i composed a song for her: thank you for everything, it’s on the internet, but today i’ll sing another song, come on, i
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’ll buy you a house by a pond in the moscow region and they’ll bring you. in this sovsky, i will have pigeons, with you with love, we will put them in the sirey, under the window, i will have pigeons, with you. with love, we will plant ourselves, under the window, all together, and the white swan on the pond, shaking your star, on the
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pile where i will lead you. and the white leftist at work shakes the fallen svez wherever i’ll bring her, thank you, i won’t bring her,
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i saw this song came out recently, so let’s dance with me, well, where are you, girl, my little girl, if only you i knew how much i love you, i’ll be drunk again from the smell of my hair, on this summer evening we’re going on a rampage, well, where are you girl, my little girl, if you knew how much i love you. there will be clear smell and hair, on this day, evening, we are carrying out a dressing down, nose, and you and i will jump, help us, full tank, code, without
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recording, teach me, this is not a dream with which i will fall in love with you, loud on all over, and until the morning we have the stars, but... and until the morning, soon the dawn we are no longer there, only in the night, everywhere, well, where are you girl, my little girl, if you only knew, how i love you, i’ll be drunk again, the very voice, on this frozen evening, we’re going, dear, well, you’re a girl, my girl. if you knew how much i love you, they will be drunk again, the smell reaches your hair, on this day there is a wind, we are going dear, the wind is on everything for us, again caresses
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your skin, and i can’t pull it away, i’m great, you’re so beautiful, it’s impossible . the volume is at full volume until the morning we are up to the stars, but not to sleep, dawn is coming, we are no longer there, only your machik is strong, well, where are you girl, my little girl, if you knew how much i love you, again there will be a heady smell of hair on this summer evening. we’re going on a rampage, where are you girl, my little girl, if i knew how much i love you, i love you, i’ll be drunk again. fell in love on this summer evening we are going to one with the light you
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are a girl girl if you knew how much i love you again i will be drunk from the smell of hair on this summer evening we are going to the dressing thank you well done well done andrey! what inspired you, tell me how this melody was born? i came up with this song on the subway, when i was on my way from training, i think that’s where the training came from, what, from what training, well, i play football, yes, i play for, i play for the russian national football team blind, yes, i haven’t said hello yet, so i’m glad to see everyone, even though i don’t see you, you understand, but i feel this whole atmosphere, i have never heard so many songs in an evening, probably never, we are glad to see you. it’s nice to be here, i feel
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every glance, every voice, my vision was initially good, it fell at 3 years old after vaccinations, well, it happened, yes, but not to the end, and until the age of 6 i only had one eye i saw 70%, they wanted to improve my vision, but it turned out that this is how you see, but despite this you can enjoy everything and even play football, because now look how this happens, pay attention to how blind football players understand where the goal is , when there is no one nearby, i take the column, put it in the center of the goal, so i found approximately the center, it is here, i turn on my football track, start training, i can shoot, look.
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brushes when it rolls, and it's like, you know, a baby rattle, using this we hear where he is, but how do you understand that someone is coming up to you to dribble the ball, a good question, well, my son just played football, so, let’s say, i’m running with a sword and my opponent has to speak the word fight, or howl, translated from spanish means i’m coming, because our football was adapted by the spaniards, yes, if, for example, timur runs to take me away, yes, for example, he didn’t say, i hit him.
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so if your order didn't arrive, it might have been me. i have a very good friend, alexey cheryomysh, i don’t know, you know who is this person in moscow, and an amazing musician, a top-notch guitarist, i was talking to him one day, he says, listen, i’m so used to it that i don’t even think about it, that i don’t see anything, i heard everything, they hear, but usually blind people hear a million times better than us, but at the same time andrey also films and edits videos, i want to show one of them, attention. so, the blind football players cook for breakfast,
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i record the video myself, so i am not responsible for the quality, we turn on our multicooker, as always, pour oil on the eye, cut our tomato, i lost a normal knife, we throw it in to fry, finely chop the garlic, so you understand, i’m sitting in a chair and holding the phone between my knees, i almost throw it with the phone, we throw five eggs into our tomatoes, you do all this yourself... i must say, but i edit it myself, by the way, i noticed that according to statistics, cooking videos get more views, you play musical instruments, and we can sing something with a guitar, if you want, let’s play the guitar, what are you listening to, tell me, and i’m like this i really like the song it’s associated with summer, i think everyone knows it, so we’ll put the sound on all the time, and the neighbors won’t sleep. who is below us, forgive me, and then
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pray, says until the morning, this is my youth, this is my youth. we’ll put the sound on all the way, and the neighbors won’t sleep, but below us, you’ll forgive me, and then let’s talk about love until the morning, this is my youth, this is my youth, listen, and you know that the man who plays with us today - in the studio, this is nikolai zazitkevich, dad just - the guys from...
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in the eyes, the sun goes into sunset, who was with me to the end, you take a mini-step back, and here we are became stronger, but melancholy covers me, i will gather all my friends, then the sound was turned up to full and the neighbors do not sleep, who is below us, you will forgive me, and then love me, he says yes , hurray, this is my youth,
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thank you for not lying down , yes, this is an artist, look at rtr. there are no results, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take the gang with his bare hands. where does sazonov hang around? svetlana, allow me to invite you to a restaurant tomorrow. fine. death's head, death 's head. where is she now? maybe the artist collected all the loot and whistled where further away. artist. continuation, watch on monday on rtr. we're going to the doctor. we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, discord, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act so that it’s good
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to land, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each factor should have its own tablet, where? look for help, it only takes five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources: take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. you 're married, it's true, nastya, let's talk, which one will you take on friday, i really need help, we'll come up with something, such a cool guy,
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maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you. you wanted this, you really love me, the other one loves, but doesn’t say, i would like to take your portrait, are you okay, but tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic, the last one chance on friday on rtr. tut22m3 and a strategic missile carrier 122m3 that they tried to hijack and a crime , how much money, well, initially pavlo promised 1 million crew of a man, i was offered
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to eject them forcibly, that is, actually kill the punishment. intelligence outplayed budanov's agents. why zelensky long-range bomber? only we have an interview with a military pilot in the strategist's bowl. and the king bomb. svo. is it true that the fap-300 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call indians during modi's visit to moscow? peace and prosperity to the friendly indian people. thank you! who else was covered on novogorev's veranda? when will kiev send teenagers into the trenches? mobilize human resources?
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two, yes, yes, yes, the most unusual unit of the russian army, it consists of former prisoners whose punishment in the convoy was replaced by service on the front line. a unique report by alexander rogatkin from a brigade of yesterday's prisoners. if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have been released as an ordinary prisoner, now i am released as a knight of the george cross. brotherhood by blood, not by concept. dear guests, our ship has arrived in the city of plus. why. and now it’s impossible to live here without shingles of red moss from the swamps. plus, he lost the prospect of becoming an economic center on the volga, but it was
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thanks to this that he acquired something that cannot be bought for any money. volga cultural anomie. big news with evgeniy popov. today on rtr. once again, good sunday evening everyone, friends, the songs continue their work with all their hearts, your favorite folk show, now you have a great chance not to succumb to the charms of our next guest performer, star of the nineties, hypnologist, psychologist, liliana with a song of enchantment comes to our stage.
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i turn myself stupid like a stupid trunk, where instead of a heart i have one hall, there is still a fire there, my love, my sadness, my melancholy, don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t say bitter words to me, ask goodbye, as in i’ll come feverishly, i’ll tremble, i’ll bewitch you to me, i’ll bewitch you, don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t say. you give me bitter words, forgive me, goodbye, as if in a feverish shaven i will tremble, i will bewitch you, i will bewitch you to myself,
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i will feel a magic circle around me, and with my will i will bring you back, my friend. i’ll swirl you with love like a blizzard, i’ll bewitch you to myself, i’ll bewitch you, don’t leave, don’t leave, do n’t leave, don’t say so many words to me, ask me goodbye, when i come feverishly i’ll keep you close, i’ll bewitch you to myself, i’ll bewitch you, don’t leave me.
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don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t hate, don’t tell me bitter words, forgive me. goodbye, as if in a feverish state i will come, i will tremble, i will bewitch you to myself, i will bewitch you, do not leave, do not humiliate, do not leave, no, they told me bitter words, forgive me, goodbye, as in a feverish harm i will tremble, i will bewitch you, i will bewitch you in myself, i will bewitch you
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how cool. in my delirious delirium, i will tremble, i will bewitch you to myself, i will bewitch you, in general, many people believe that this refers to black magic, that it is necessary to force a person in order for him to somehow live there with his unloved one, so most often i believe that if the family is collapsing, if someone
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has transformed a man, then there is no need to do the transformation, you just need to remove it. the impact that a stranger made, and the man, as a rule, returns to his family. well, have you grown accustomed? no, but i had no one to bewitch, there was no such task, yes, yes, there was no such task. well, let's go back and show a fragment of your famous sessions that were shown on tv. do you trust me? okay, close your eyes. now i will count to three. you swallow your saliva and completely... the pain in your head goes away, once or twice three swallowed saliva and the pain completely went away, look into my eyes, what is the condition, normal, no headache, excellent, out of fear i would say that it doesn’t hurt, by the way, this is a very interesting technique that works 100%, i’ll do it what to do at home for my wife, come on , look me in the eyes, my students, my students
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can do everything, i taught hypnosis, sometimes. literally take 10 minutes, and if a person wants to drink one glass, then he will drink one glass on a certain day, he won’t even take a second one, your grandmother sang, i was told that she sang in the church choir, yes, she was a very religious person, she led me to this, that is, she took me to church, when she was dying, she gave me an icon of st. nicholas godnik, then i
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promised myself, i will go to his grave, i went to bari and was at his grave, and when... journalists, presenters, this cognac turned exactly 27 years old this year, it’s from my collection, and i want to present it to you, because i love you very much i respect you, thank you very much, but it’s easy to put it up and admire it, oh friends, andrey, i know i forgot that i also have a box of happiness here, i’m in love with you, it
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seems to me that you made an indelible impression on us, absolutely. here is a box of happiness that i would like, yes, it is from the perm region, it is from a village in which 50 people live, and maybe there will soon be no one left there, but here is the most important thing, goods made from our pine cones, and of course, friends, everything we do with love, now our children are doing it, we do master classes, this is the village of tarakanovo, here happiness to you, andrey, this cockroach attracts love, wonderful, but now i was really thinking about getting a real one, this is from our forest, thank you, thank you, and i can give another gift to a friend who, when we are talking... i didn’t notice, that he is very humorous today, this is our football player, who, friends, i sincerely would like to give you andrey, this bag of happiness, thank you, thank you, he just says, just a cockroach,
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in general we have a lot of such cockroaches, we have today the talented singer teri beriashvili in guests, we have a video of her singing together, with her mother and sister, let’s show, i have one song, which is supposed to have a mother’s verse, so when i come to georgia, we can’t get to studio, because we stayed with some relatives, then went to other relatives, well, we ’re just playing music at home, and it’s enough for
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the two of us to get together, my mother insisted that we buy a piano, it was the usual color, my mother is still talking : i want a red piano, i say, mom, paint the piano, whatever color you want, well, here we are, she painted it, yes, it’s a rosy wine color. well, you look so gorgeous, i just want to say that yes, it was like from a past life, because i lost an extra 20 kg, and i lost 40, great, what a secret, you can find anyone, yes, let's sing something, let 's sing with pleasure, because words become burdensome, once in love, words gain strength, but i know, i want to remember that song that...
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from bitter words, why do you girls love beautiful ones, their love is not constant, it’s normal i’ll sing, why do you love beautiful girls, i’m not with them all the time. love, sat down decisively and terribly abandoned, seemed proud, had enough strength,
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i told him, all the best, but he did not ask for forgiveness. i told him all the best, but he couldn’t ask for forgiveness, thank you, buttercups, buttercups, two more beautiful flowers.
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yes, they stop by from time to time, maybe to highlight a little bit of quail eggs, a little bit, on your path, well, i’m about to play a song at the finale of our program, which was also born thanks to the children, i know, yes. yes, mine was just born
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the third daughter, yana, and i, absolutely happy , walked through the forest, and there was something purring and purring, and we made this song. well, let there be a holiday, friends, we invite you, let there be a holiday. years are wasted on evil, everyone so wants to live without worries and problems, where is the world rushing, tell me why, oh , if only we all knew in advance, what will happen to us when, where we will be lucky, and where, on the contrary, an ambush awaits. we wouldn’t be weird, we would
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lay down straws, we would overcome all problems, and have fun to spite our enemies, we wish you, may there be a holiday, may you be beaten salary boss, we wish you happiness and good luck for sure. to all enemies for evil, let there be a holiday, let there be a holiday, holiday, prankster, we wish you, let there be happiness, a sea of ​​hopes and love, an ocean, the years roll by, every day, so you want to live and love more and more than the one who is your dear , only yours.
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it's not a carousel that's spinning us, where are you? we really need a holiday, come quickly, come quickly, warm us up, let's together, let's drive away troubles with this song, let's discover happiness doors together, we wish that... we are lucky, out of spite for everyone, let there be a holiday, let your boss raise your salary, we wish you, let there be happiness and luck, definitely for you, out of spite for everyone, let there be a holiday, let there be a holiday, holiday, prankster, we wish you, may there be happiness, a sea of ​​hopes
4:58 pm
and an ocean of love. we wish you, may there be a holiday, may your boss raise your salary, we wish you, may there be happiness. you will definitely be lucky, all the ragas are necessary, let there be a holiday, let there be a holiday, holiday, prankster, we we wish you, may there be happiness, a sea of ​​hope and love, an ocean, we also wish you, friends, a sea of ​​love, an ocean of hope.
4:59 pm
this is novo ogorev’s greenhouse, let’s take a closer look at kimchenun’s gift, visit the presidential garden, look, study, of course it’s very interesting, there are no more shots and comments that are disgraceful to anyone, only we see dangerous, bright and unusual situations in the world big politics.
5:00 pm
don’t retreat and don’t give up, i’ve already turned him down once, you’ve turned him down once, but he approached me a second time, the whole television season we have seen and shown you more than others . now there is something to show and something to be proud of, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today, kiev tried to hijack a strategic bomber, but was hit in the teeth by a ballistic missile, this...


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