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tv   Khudozhnik  RUSSIA1  July 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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then she almost killed the second, so the third will not play a special role, i would argue, i myself, i myself hired her, and how she repaid me, and i heard her tell him that she was pregnant, she even i wasn’t embarrassed by the fact that at that moment i was in the next office, that the door there was open, well, you see, only men are to blame for everything, yes, i tried to find a common language with her, i lay in wait. in the park, i begged her to quit her job, i offered her money, she just laughed at me, she said, that maxim will still remain only with her, and yet he was almost my husband, but this is not the end yet? “you were in
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a state of passion, the court will take this into account, everything may still be fine, everything would be fine if i hadn’t dropped the last car keys, and you wouldn’t have picked them up, so what will you do now, beat me to death , you’ll throw it out the window, you’ll throw yourself out, is at least one man on the planet worth dying for, but i don’t know, i don’t know, i don’t know, good, good, a person comes to a crossroads when he can’t turn there, you’re good, why, he’s leaving, he says, the authorities delayed him, that the bus... leaves in 7
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minutes, nothing, i know, mom, there was no point in marrying him, she also found me handsome, and also unreliable, i don’t know, just how they jinxed you, leave me alone, please, yes please, i left you, why did you get carried away on this sea, i don’t understand, let’s go to the village, phew, pirinok, i’ve already dried it out, stop freaking out, don’t pull children, don’t teach me, lisa, mom,
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what are we going to do, volodya? let's love each other, don't wait 3 months.
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i never transferred you to security, i understand, the situation is clear, birth, these sandwiches are making my collarbone worse. give it, thank you.
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oh, cream, this is for me, no, alena asked for it, i forgot to take it to the hospital yesterday, i got wrapped up, of course, well, heaven, well, she doesn’t have anyone here, her things were dirty, it looked like they were washed. you are a fantastic person and there are no such people, your friends are my friends, your wives, my wives.
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what kind of cream is a good waste, a large jar of 500 for the skinned one who sees it, it’s good, i don’t need it, i’ll run away for half an hour, you just run away already i'm crazy, the kids are not on a schedule, they're not doing it according to a schedule, yes...
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the serial number to make it easier to find, the absence of a security guard on site didn't alert you, i thought, oleg, he's gone somewhere, he's gone, yeah, i'm almost out of the world the other one didn’t leave, i’m sitting watching football on tv, and this one is like on tape, his face is poking at the barrel, he’s slapping his teeth, his hands with tape and into the closet, like some kind of swab, how much money is missing from the safe? rub 80,904 fresh, well, there was not only money, contracts, financial statements, in general, but i wanted to relieve stress, my thoughts
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it’s such a mug to see, fangs, wow, the eyes are so dead, the face is all covered in scars, saliva is dripping, i called, how are you doing, how is the weather, are you swimming like children, no, not yet. well, there are no tickets, well, well, no, don’t be offended, lis, well, damn, they found the boss, marta nikolaevna,
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marta nikolaevna, well, maybe an ambulance, but, well, she’s alive, just sleeping, but... lord, marta , wow, we took a walk, what are you doing here, we’re visiting a friend, a friend of ours works here, and what happened, what’s the friend’s last name, yegor kalinin, oh, kalinin. her haha, he did it all, this who is the second guard, security guard, smoker, criminal, look what they found, oh, oh, fangs and scars, of course, he was wearing a mask, susanka,
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he wrote such things about himself, sincerely, i went on a date with him, he is a good person , professional security guard, two sentences for theft, good. he’s a good man, he’s good, well, he’s been out for 3 years now, nothing has happened once, i hired him in a warehouse as a loader in march, no problems, he didn’t even take a piece of paper, but listen, well, yegor’s not an idiot, he wouldn’t he steals where he works, maybe he wouldn’t have done it himself, but he could have visited him, his friends often came to see him, not once, only... she said, but keep talking, otherwise
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i’ll bring you to trial for obstructing the investigation, well , he met with one last week, it’s terrible that for the face, i asked who, and egor just snapped, saying, it doesn’t matter anymore, they say there is no place for this person anymore in his life, and the pale man himself began to sleep, what did this... look like this carpun, this man, this one? yes, who is he? also a good person, from the age of 16 in the colonies, a century of will not to be seen, well where is this vikulya already, why am i paying her money? for dates with my husband, it’s work time, so the children don’t care if it happens during work
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hours or not, you ’re telling me about the children, i don’t have time to do lazy things, my forest gardener too, maybe i’d also like to meet a man now , yes, go on dates, although no, you’ll get caught like a suzanka, some kind of criminal, well, this must be, heaven, well, this is what you have to be in order to go to bed like a marmot, well, not respect yourself at all, it came.
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that's it, tomorrow is the day itself, i'll turn off the phone, i’ll sleep, i’ll clean the apartment, i’ll dig up the pool garden, i also have the right to a personal life, you close everything here, i’ll close it, and the day after tomorrow, i’ll fly off, take it and forget it, everything was there. raya, raya, call this chestkov milk of yours petrov,
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hold it, hold it, hold it, or you can immediately use special equipment, yes pashka, how did you guess that it was me, guessed it with your brains, unlike you, i don’t forget them on the shelf at home, yes , you need to take the belt and put it on, immediately return to your brains, yes, the boy can also be understood, he defended his mother, yes, this mother is also good, instead of running around with men raising her son, i realized, yes, so, larisa, go home, and i’ll talk to pasha about education myself, it’s too late to raise him, you viper, what is she doing, okay, okay, don’t squirm, you never know what the women say, you’ll be offended by everyone, it’s better to go straight to the monastery, you’re good...
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for burglary and he grew up without a father, you know more about yegor than your mother, she was so happy when he first arrived, now... he’s sitting, howling, oh, pashka, everything will be forgotten, everything will pass, i’ll go see her, i’ll talk, uh, uh, well, i hurried about the monastery, hands down, bag in hands forward,
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uh-huh, uh... white dance, comrades, ladies invite the cavalier, look at rtr, unfortunate ahdon shuan, his wife gulnarochka, of course , it’s a pity, i immediately saw that he was monogamous, sooner or later he would cheat on each other anyway, what have you done, yura, what have you done, fifth blood type. today on rtr.
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the hall is treasured, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different ones from this room with absolutely no faces
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functional areas, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into art. the object will be full of surprises and there will be a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in to your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i made a wish, and i made a wish, plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once,
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i killed my husband, and everyone must carry responsibility for her actions, something is wrong in her case. “she’s kind, she’s warm-hearted, but that’s okay, the blasphemous flower will bloom on our hammer, my cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemous flower blooms, on saturday on rtr, i have an iron albie, i’ll be there in the evening, yours "? they swept the buddy into the monkey house, he crowed there all night, why did they sweep him away? yes, they detained me, they got into trouble with one guy in a restaurant, why did i meet with kalenin, i wanted to sit with him, grind it out, how to surround the office where kalina is now a security guard, not a boss, i didn’t catch
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you, and even more so, kalina didn’t want to drink with me. the results of the examination came, on the bank parcels found in the safe, kalinin’s fingerprints were found, on the mask there are the same ones, kalina, what’s the truth, well, he got lousy, he got lousy in freedom, he planted the evidence himself, suzanka, open up? i know that you are at home, what are you hiding there, like a mouse under a broom, oh, what! “oh, go away, i’m not feeling well today, little darling, please look, look at what medicine i brought you, stop it, really, what kind medicine, paradise, stop it, please
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, keep in mind, they are looking for you and they will come here too, yes they have already come, i ended up in the attic, well, we should have continued to talk, do you have any idea, raina? now pashka will come, what are you you’ll tell him that uncle yegor opened the safe, they’re looking for him, but he ’ll live here for now, it’s not me, although who cares, there are security guards, there’s an empty one, why look for someone else, well, you have to go to get your license, why where? what the hell, little guy, what are you saying, it’s not me, i’m for you.
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not once on the phone did they say, oh, oh, here he is, catch him quickly. vladimir petrovich, don’t worry, kalin didn’t cause me any harm, he
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had nothing to do with it at all, i ’ll tell you everything quickly, i don’t want, i don’t want, heaven, i don’t want my beloved woman to end up in the hospital, still in company with alena, i again forgot to take her the cream, oh, what is this , colin, are you? i’ll deliver it, right tomorrow morning and take it to the hairdresser on sunday, which is true, yes, i remember the face, i know the way, she doesn’t run well, and the windows in the room are strong, but why should i leave the cream, i won’t do anything now, okay, fine, really, thank you.
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marta nikolaevna, i’m coming to you, oh, maybe not today. headache, blood pressure, probably, oh, so you need to massage the collar area, it’s quick, like this, oh, easier, oh, marta nikolaevna, who else from the staff knew that kalinin was sitting? the shift manager, oleg, the accountant, the lion, the tit, was also in the know, uh-huh, but do you think your accountant can be trusted, the lion? yes, what a rare man he is unsilvered, you know, when men began to bet on only one thing, on my money,
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but levushka, he’s not like that, he can’t even have an office romance, and why are you interested, yes, i’m also a smart accountant for our hairdressing salon, levushka . i won’t let you lure me in, no, no, only for consultations, uh-huh, marta nikolaevna, but can you tell me the telephone number, and at the same time the address where i am, a completely different matter, your lion lives on the street of the world six? yes, but do you know where it is? of course, this is lariska’s house. thank you. well, definitely already out of town
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disappeared, look for the wind in the field, go see what’s there, i wouldn’t lean so heavily on raika’s sandwiches, the railway tracks are there, it’s clear, although it’s still unclear why kalinin tore the packaging on the bank money, it’s more convenient to carry the packaging. then what he did with the loot, well, it’s clear that everything is clear with the money, but the laptop, there was a search, there was a search, there was nothing, the resellers too, you all have rhetorical questions, but i have practical evidence, fingers on scraps of bandera and whose safe is kalinin, where kalinin himself is on the run, that's it, the question is closed.
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yes, no, no, don’t worry, i’m opposite the entrance of the bank, it turns out that surveillance cameras stopped there, you can definitely see on them how i ’m returning straight home after the banquet, the police checked, so you want to say, this is kalinin gorbanov’s safe, of course , well, who else, well , of course it’s a pity for him, he stumbled, he ’s always so polite and not scandalous, unlike his replacement oleg, what’s wrong with that, well, we had one incident, he came to work drunk, that’s all demanded that i give him an advance gave it away, but apologized in the morning, so
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it worked? yes, yes, how can i tell you, well, we need a cashier, so for the full day, no, i can’t do it for the whole day, i have a main job, if it were something remote, i would, but so for me, yeah, yes, well, i see, i’ll tell you, yes, we ’ll think about your proposal, okay , well, we’ll let you know, yes, i’ll wait, goodbye, goodbye, oh, i almost trampled that one, and that’s the only thing i don’t regret spending money on good sports shoes, i’m not a young man anymore, and jogging in the fresh air is everything for me, until goodbye, i asked you to tell me, thank you,
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how are you feeling anyway? with your prayers, just don’t, okay, it wasn’t me who hit you with a cobblestone, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, yes, but thanks to whom? it means so, i ’m going to ask you for forgiveness all my life, i’m not going to, you want it, goodbye, you don’t want it, be angry for the rest of your life, but i went, but wait, heaven, i’m just still. i feel a little bad, i can’t even go to the park alone, thank you, raa, at least i caught my breath, today i’ll bring dinner,
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and tomorrow only in the evening for... i can do it later work, you don’t need it, you don’t have to, so who owes it, who else needs you like that, with that cobblestone, well, really, it’s not my fault, but i understand, you know, while i was lying semi-delirious, such funny thoughts came into my head .
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lisa, hell, yes, hi, she hung up on me again. well, what should i do, heaven, what should i do, what should i do, you have a rope, well , it’s not that bad, but not in that sense, wait, i think there was tape there, heaven, do you think we haven’t considered this version, that the security guard stole the money and then tied his own hands with tape. we considered it, but it’s impossible in principle, petrov, you don’t need to consider anything, you just have to try, okay, look, it’s unrealistic, uh-huh,
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no way at all, uh-huh. it’s impossible, damn it, and you won’t get out of it, okay, let’s say you ’re right, you could, but it doesn’t prove anything, you need proof, evidence, for example, well, where did the money go? 80 pieces, after all, or a laptop, where is it? is it true?
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who and what today at 18:45 are you my savior?
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hi, hi, i’m out for a walk, oh well, i liked you right away, though, back in
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office, and you, i look at me, are also passionate, so what, i’m a prominent guy, let’s go somewhere, let’s sit. well, let's go, just keep in mind that i need a lot of money to look after me, i love gifts, for example, a laptop, now everything will be, let's go, but somehow, i have a whole strategy developed. you can win, you definitely don’t have any money, if you had, you wouldn’t give it, your system doesn’t work, but it does, i just haven’t figured it out yet, as soon as i figure it out, i’ll make you rich, you first make your own wife rich, arrest him, comrade ,
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here he is, the thief, he took the iron out of the house in the morning and the kettle, an electric one, he’s already lost all the money, yes, so that’s where your start-up capital came from, he sold the kettle with the iron, but i just needed to test the theory a little bit, so.. citizen goryushkin, let’s go to clarify the circumstances and possibly initiate a criminal case. no need, no need, i was joking, god bless him with the iron and kettle. there’s a more serious question here than your iron and kettle, come on, my love, save me, there’s nothing to show goreshkin, yes, there was a motive, the possibility, probably, none evidence, i don’t believe it either, steal 80 thousand, the next day steal the kettle, well, that’s nonsense. is
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it true that accountant senitsin has albi? sure, but he was home long before the robbery. video camera footage confirms this. apparently, this is kalinin, we need to look for him. all you have to do is put a person in a cell, but it’s not a sanatorium, if you don’t know. paradise, you were in the bullpen because all the evidence was against you. “i did my duty, and i’m doing mine, protecting an innocent person, but why did goreshkin want to take you down, for what merit? because i am a fantastic person, there are no more people like me, it doesn’t happen, oh.
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district police officer, good district police officer, hello, excuse me, kiss, kiss, lovers, i’m arseny, what’s your name, what’s next, will you ride with me on the bus all day? on saturday, daughter, where is the world heading, you are so calm, ready to accept that our son is dating trolleybus and bus drivers, there is no more beautiful story in the world than a story, and neighbors and neighbor, my son and your daughter, why he doesn’t like you satisfied, but their whole family doesn’t suit me, we played around kindred
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“i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my
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time, beauty, repping, the whole crew, just look at the platform, on the second sunday of july the country celebrates fisherman’s day, according to statistics, every fourth person in russia is fond of fishing, the majority are sure that fishing is an exclusively male activity. we met women from different parts of our country who destroy this stereotype, fish on an equal basis with men. and who is she anyway, what is she doing here, after i beat them. all the questions disappeared, malakhov, today on rtr, which means that while i’m splashing around in the warm sea, you have three tasks: feed this
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monster, clean the cage, catch kalinin, and if it’s not kalinin, you’re a fool, a fool, ash, what is this? any evidence? no, for now, this, i made a copy of the target documentation, i will look into it now.
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well, let's eat at the same time. you probably didn't have lunch? i’m having a fasting day, i dream of losing weight, some kind of dream you have vladimir petrovich, it’s a small dream, well, it’s not that small, but what are you dreaming about, and i dream of going on the weekend to barbecue, to nature. let's go, nature is good, and it's also good when children frolic in this nature, and not in someone else's nature, but near my house, i would plant gooseberries there,
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yes, gooseberries are good, you can make jam from them. yes, what jam, i’m talking about a dream, and you, yes, i understand, well, a dream, it should be like this, but it’s painted and, by the way, not very well painted, but i’m not talking about a girl, i’m talking about a poster, have i seen this poster somewhere before? girl, wait, i’m talking about senitsin, that he himself doesn’t have the courage it was enough to even apologize, you can return the gift to him, coward, but wait, what did this tsad sinitsin give you, the accountant, well, yes,
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it was he who sent you to me, i apologize, district major kostyukov. you claim that citizen sinitsin gave you this bracelet worth 80 thousand for a bronze medal for this blonde, this is not a joke, he couldn’t, at first he couldn’t, he’s been hitting on me for a long time, and then he realized that i’m not some kind of... then it’s cheap, so lefa tensed up, got money somewhere, gave it as a gift, and then what happened? well, i laughed at first, no, who? he gives gifts with price tags, well, yes, and then i realized, in this way he emphasizes that the gift is valuable, well, just for me, for you the best gift, a broom and a dustpan, that i
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also decided to surprise him, he’s been calling me for a long time he called me home, so i went, without warning, right? and he said that he would wait for me until the end of his days, he ran away, he probably saw me from afar, he ran away, jumped from the first floor of his house, a coward, a freak, impotent, don’t you dare yell at my lion, and you are his wife, worse, i'm his boss, so quiet when it was, the day before yesterday it was, and the evening of the robbery, i know how he provided himself with an alibi, lariska. lariska was about to dig, lariska turned it off, and they ran.
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the tit was not fleeing from the blonde, he crawled out where there were no cameras in sight, right at lariska, larisa, no, hello, what is it, are you chasing someone or something, yeah, i’m following, but wait, why, move away, mother, there is, look, this is his sneaker, tit, i’m confident, i need this, what’s his name, cast, i’m good, i just caught a criminal, well, i haven’t caught him yet, i still need to prove, i’m not alone, do you know how to search? what's happening? yes, i admit, the pose last night was jumping out of the window. sorry,
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i broomed the flowers, but i'm ready to compensate. do you recognize the decoration? no, come on, here is the conclusion of the doctoscopy examination, here are your prints. and here are the testimony of witnesses. including jewelry sellers, but is buying bracelets now prohibited by law? no, buy it, even with your entire salary, and what is your salary, remind me, i saved for many years, this is all indirect evidence, this is your laptop, which we barely found in one of the thrift stores, this is not mine, i am your colleague gave it a name? and number, i
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found the real model and number from the register of commodity material assets, completely different, that i mixed up, i was worried, yeah, i was so worried that i erased all the files, and you knew that they could be restored, yes, we recovered the deleted data . and now our colleagues from the department for combating economic crimes will figure out how you stole money from your boss. and now i am detaining you on charges of burglary. he also set up kalinin, slipped him a parcel of money, and then into the safe threw it up. ashamed. you are still so
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smart, it’s a pity that kalinin was just missed, but it’s not his fault, so if we had detained him, we would have sent him home during the season, but now we don’t know where to look for him, why is it unknown? egor, egor, come out, the charges against you have been dropped, what? ryan, ryan? how could you, you promised that you wouldn’t bring the police here, he’s not guilty of anything, suzik, he actually wanted to give up, it was
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she who let him in, well, yes, i gave yegor the key back in the apartment when we looked through the window we saw that he was generally good, he would sign any confession for you, suzanna, he’s not guilty, you shut up, he’s not guilty of anything, oh, oh, what did you say, citizen kalinin has been officially cleared of suspicion of theft, in a word, thank you, thank you very much, oh, darling , we’re together again, let’s go home, well , thank vladimir petrovich, thank you very much, well, let’s go home, why are you silent, you won’t leave me now because of this? or will you quit?
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here you go. and how much from me? sorry, this is for camouflage, yeah, i understand, citizens, allow me, just a second, can i, my dear, give it to me? a ticket for a person, this one, on official armor, please, i beg you, help, my mother is in sochi, she was quickly taken away, she has a stroke, without a queue, what? “citizens, this was the last ticket, and it will be, thank you, almost the entire european part of russia is in the grip of a vast anticyclone, so the air continues to actively warm up, in recent days
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it has been very hot on the russian north beach on the shores...”
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you make excuses, with him, everything was immediately clear, you waited for him at the station in vain, the bus left for the south without you, she he’s still making excuses, but i’m not making excuses, i just told him not to worry about everything about the children, but let him worry, let him worry, in general it would be better if he flew to sochi and didn’t find you there. so mother, you finish it for me, let ’s sit down, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, like this, neatly, neatly, what are you, what are you, well, alen, yes, what, it’s me, really, why did i come,
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why this trial, lord, “i deserved it all, i’m just ruining everything, it was good, but it was good, i’m here, it will be good, it will still be, well, well, why are you, me no one loves, no one." at work they say she’s cold, they envy her friend, kostyukov’s life has been ruined for you, my mother also brought me cutlets to the hospital when i was a child, now i ’m even afraid to call her, i left for my husband,
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who ran away, so what? and nothing, you you’re beautiful, you ’re smart, everyone loves you, well, in general, someone loves you, well, or will love you, but i, and we, don’t be afraid, we won’t leave you, we’ll come out, we’ll help, isn’t it too early for a visit, yes i brought some homemade food, so i decided... just to take our princess for a walk, that’s also important, she ’ll completely wither away without air, of course, of course, i would generally transfer the patient to a day hospital, well, there’s no point in taking up a bed, i would come for procedures, for examination, but she seems to have said that she has no one in the city, or there is one tomorrow. well
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, what kind of selfishness, well, you're going to do this, well , why spoil someone else's property, well, take it a little to the right, drink, smoke, go out, he himself or someone helped him, and what about the cornea ... they killed him, too how they killed me, started a harem, again she is between me and the king of hearts, we need to somehow decide who volodya will sleep with. raya knows everything, continuation, watch tomorrow, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not rift, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our
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podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, who we are, where we are let's go, what kind of country are we? what is valuable to us, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, there is nothing for me to retreat from, i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never change yourself, it’s not like i have a family every year, i have a family every minute, there’s no other way, now... there is a fight for our values, for us, for russia, for russian world, for our past, i understand that such
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responsibility is on me - this is my path, this my life, my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, thank you, look at rtr, on the weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing, you, i follow you, follow me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give it to you a visiting pilot, my heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always... "the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is no less 12 weeks, my whole life is in shambles, i
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only have one night, let’s spend it together, blood type 5, today on rtr. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. russian troops destroyed more than n... combat vehicles and artillery pieces, the enemy lost almost 2.0 militants. in almost all sectors, our military managed to move forward and occupy more advantageous positions. the leadership of the ukrainian armed forces no longer believes in
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victory, what are they saying?


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