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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 15, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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i don’t get to go fishing very often, but i still want to relax, so in the evenings i go to my favorite place, since it seems to be the center, i can go down and start to relax, usually this is a minimum set, a fishing rod, equipment, bait, maggots, usually i come here for 3-4 hours to relax after studying, after work, since i have my own failures, so as not to carry them home, not to get upset... it’s better to come here, relax, look at the waves, calm down at the float. the first time i didn't have there were no sponsors, no sufficient equipment, i felt some kind of excitement, i wanted to win even more, more strongly, because to prove that fishing is no one has a better fishing rod, who begins to understand how to catch it, because the fish are at different depths, on a different bait, it may peck, literally in an hour , its mood will change, it will not
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peck on maggots, but will peck on bloodworms, and this must be understood, because you can be in fishing brands, you will have a fishing rod for million, but if you don't understand anything, you won't catch anything, not even the most with a simple fishing rod, a simple float, you can take first place, no one took me seriously, so someone tried to teach me, someone looked down on me, and who the hell is this, what is he... doing here, well, so what... i didn’t encounter any negativity, most of the men tried to help me, suggest something, teach me, but i met people who, well, these are maggots, this is bait, fish, but you are all dirty after the competition, after i played out all the questions usually disappeared, fishing gave me an impetus for life, because a small victory for this was second place for me. gave an impetus, but i
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can take the first place, and i can also perform some level, there was some incentive to fish, take places, try, while winter fishing i very often encountered injuries, since this is a fall on the ice first, not a single fishing trip was completed without flying, and also, when i took first place at the russian women's fishing championship in tyumen, i froze my fingers, and i... for me, the main sign when fishing is to sprinkle bait , if i if i accidentally spill bait somewhere, or my bag breaks, then most likely there won’t be any fish, that’s my personal experience, i’d like to say separately, thanks to my grandmother, because she pulled me out of depression. helped me become
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who i am now, that is, a candidate master of sports. and what time do you go fishing? usually it’s around 6:00 pm, and i can sit until 10, 11. how do you understand that the fish has changed its mood and wants to eat something else? stops biting, because the bite comes first, you can catch one after another, then, for example, 30 minutes will pass, the wind will change everything, she doesn’t want to, but you’re 19, your main competitors, silver bronze, are they older or the same age as you? yes, they are older than me, tell me, because you always have a photo of your parents with you, yes, i always carry a photo of my young parents with me in the car, because for me this is my amulet, that they are always with me, they are watching over me, they also rejoice at my victories. who are you
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like as a fisherman, dad or mom? most likely my dad, because i had a dad too a fishing enthusiast, but do you remember him? i don’t remember him well, since i was only, well, 11 months old, i remember him from my mother’s stories from photographs, there was some tragic story that happened to him, yes, yes, he was traveling from sergach , his hometown, to my mother and to me to nizhny novgorod and crashed, and let’s just say. i think i was 11, yes, when another tragedy happened, i was 11 years old, when my mother’s work knocked on our house and they said that she was gone, for me it immediately became some kind of renunciation, because i didn’t believe it, god my, well, for a very long time i couldn’t accept it, i immediately had it, it can’t be like this, i saw her in the evening, i saw her in the morning, everything was fine, she just comes, i start calling her, no one naturally. picks up the phone, and i
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somehow fell out of the world for two or three months, and the very realization that my mother was gone came only after 3 months, but what happened? i was sitting, waiting for her from work, but she didn’t come for a day, she didn’t come for two, and as i understand it, grandma became your angel, grandma became my whole life for me, she pulled me out me out of depression, she helped me move on with my life, she showed me the meaning of life, brought me into sports, she became everything to me, she is my guardian angel.
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i was waiting for my mother, but what happened to my daughter? mom went to work and she felt bad, she got into the car, rushed to the hospital, had a heart attack, but in the hospital after 20 minutes everything was over, they couldn’t save her, well, here you are, left alone with your granddaughter in your arms, i can also imagine what kind of trials you are going through passed, at what second did you realize that... that your love and fishing will help her come back to life? well first the first thought was that we need to get the child out so that he doesn’t withdraw into himself, doesn’t fall into depression, nowhere, we immediately rushed to moscow, entertain her, fill her with new
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impressions, then we went to the seaside in anapa, we stayed there for 2 weeks, but this everything is fleeting and fleeting. all this passed, we returned, then my brother came to our aid, he is the head of our kulebak fishing club, he came and said, there is no need to sit, tomorrow we should be at competitions, and the main thing is that now you, lyudmila nikolaevna, also go fishing , look at what you catch and what little secrets you reveal, holding a fishing rod in your hands, pay attention. caught, just thrown, just thrown, no tail, no scales, the lady’s luck is capricious, she can always turn away, no tail, no scales, these are, as it were, ancient russian customs, anyway, neither fluff nor feather
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goes to hell , and neither a tail nor scales, this is to deceive, to deceive the devil, to deceive all the water spirits, so that they don’t... starve for the fish, but give everything to you, don’t notice you, and how much this fishing gives, they rightly say that time spent fishing in life doesn’t count, this time is given to you, they laid out the fishing rod, you see, while i’m laying it out, we often get caught, it happened that i immediately caught myself by the ear, standing like that for an hour. at competitions it’s calm, not sitting, but standing, i didn’t even recognize before that you have to sit at competitions, how can you sit when you’re standing a float, you can see me better, i can see it better from above than sitting parallel in the water, so here it is she goes behind
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the elbow, a good long fishing rod and 3 hours of downtime, oh, how many times have i told my brother she said where did you go, what do you need, how is it money, how is it, buy bait for 250 rubles, throw it into the water and get two little ones, but with that money, go to your local store, how many fish do you have? - you buy it, fry it, and pink salmon and all sorts of other things, but no, he was right, it turns out, neither the money nor anything, it doesn’t matter. but now don’t you regret that you only took up fishing at 58? i regret that i didn’t come to this fishing sport earlier, i missed so much, so much passed me by, but i’m already happy that i
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i got there, it’s already happiness, and you always open the season on may 9, yes, yes, our fishing club always gathers for competitions, kids, well, always... more than six dozen, that’s the minimum, but besides that there are family events, and you have been allergic to fish since childhood, and i had a very strong allergy at my first competitions... well, for the next 3 years from them, my grandmother helped me remove the fish, put it in a bag or in a fish tank, because all i had was touch her so that i have a strong reaction, but over time i got over it i have this allergy and can play my favorite sport, but when do you go fishing early in the morning or also in the evening? i love it better when the sun rises, to meet the dawn by the water, to watch how it... rises, how everything around is illuminated, birds sing, everything blooms and
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pleases the eye, for me the soul sings in the morning, and of course, when you see the awards granddaughters, you have everything covered there, i saw this room, yes, everything is in medals, everything is in cups, in diplomas, it’s absolutely incredible, what are your plans next, in 5 years i see myself as a master sports, because i set for myself... a big catch of 554, 554 kg, can you imagine,
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so, what is this, tell us in general what a huge fish is, this is a blue marlin, it was caught in the basal ocean, the country of kabverda, and what did you do with the fish? , tell me, they ate it all then 500, with fish, let’s say, in principle , in general, i let go of fishing, but when such specimens come, this... this fish was weighed all as it should be, then naturally it was given to the local residents, i just took it, i i just took the tail like a trophy nose from this fish that did this, they told me that the head is here today and the tail is here , and you want to see the tail, let’s ask you to take it out right now. well, i think you need
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to go to the gym to do this - to pull such a fish, how many of you people participated there, which means, according to the rules of the international game fish association, this is ekfa, an international organization, the fisherman must do everything himself, he can only be given water to spin the chair , and there are very strict rules, there is a whole talmut of rules, right down to how to tie knots. but how does the fishing line withstand all this, that’s it? here you already need to have certain skills and physical training, you should never let the line sag when the fish is pushing hard, let go a little so as not to break the tackle, when it weakens, quickly reel in, and in this case all muscle groups work, and it was like i intuitively, empirically, dr. popov explained all this. in the complex, yes, today the famous doctor pyotr
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popov, in our studio, is a rehabilitation doctor, who generally has a whole philosophy that fishing can heal not only the body, but also soul, and how do you generally believe in women’s fishing, you know, i believe that fishing is susceptible regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, a woman, according to certain statistics that i read. that 80% of the population are passionate about fishing, regardless of gender, because fishing is a philosophy, it’s recreation, it’s a sport, it’s a state of mind, you know, this is something right, dr. popov says, it’s something internal, this how did you come to this conclusion that fishing and therapy are really therapeutic things, yes, they are it works purely psychologically, because you switch, but you also saw a purely fi... moment, because the fish is in the water, you know that 80% of you consist of water, and
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the fish gives a certain movement, a certain vibration, and women they go because their female hormones are still rising, oh, so the situation is when a person even values ​​everything, what a situation, go to the store, buy fish, that’s when you hesitate. you get such tremendous pleasure and don’t even understand why when you pull out a fish, then this is how alexander said, it’s not important for you to take her and fry her, and sometimes they let her go with pleasure, as a sparring partner, look here, galya, here i am looking at your grandmother, and i want to say that prizes are good, but you look up to your grandmother, and she looks like,
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god forbid everyone, but you know why, because you are sitting fishing, and what should grandmother do? it’s difficult to train women, that is, be prepared for tears and hysterics, well, in general, for everything, but when they succeed, they are in a great mood, they are so joyful, they’re so life-loving, i had
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a brain tumor, i had an operation, in general, here i am, after all the operations they did to me, i still went fishing, so... imagine, you’re sitting here, here alone alone with water, clean air, fresh air, sometimes it bites, sometimes it doesn’t bite, but this is exactly the kind of rest, it’s needed not only by men, but by women, it’s needed, it’s the air, it heals, it heals, it heals all this this atmosphere, water, fresh air, sunshine, this is healing, therapeutic procedures, i always say, when we go fishing on a day off, i always say, i got a boost of energy for the whole week, it’s true what they say is that fishing with... saves and heals, when you have some problems, yes, when you come fishing you forget everything, i find a common language with my son , he and i understand each other very well, we prepare gear together, prepare for fishing, fish together and somehow trust each other more, sport fishing is good for health, naturally therapy, you switch off while
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fishing, or you think at competitions that and how, either you are completely amateur are you switching off, do you hear? stumps of birds, these are some kind of bugs, i don’t know, worms, the splashing of fish, i advise all women who have husbands, husbands who are fishermen, to go fishing with them, they just simply don’t understand the pleasure that fishing brings , fresh air, cook food over a fire, tea, with leaves, with rosehip roots, there are a lot of options, and the same fish soup cooked over a fire, it’s even unthinkable, so all the women who hear me and... right after it we will go to an ancient village in in the republic of karelia, we will meet women who fish all year round, along with men, and after the advertisement we will see exercises for
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fisherman with peter popov. ay, are you okay? thank you. let's look at rtr. this weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm after you. behind me. you had a bird in your hands. ruslan, give you a stray pilot. the heart is not a stone. now i'm your wife. and i’m your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, my whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together,
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blood type 5 today. on rtr, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but one thing unites them: sincere strong friendship: to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, how can i tame biting? voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, warm the stray, onto my shoulder from the sky. give me a parrot, the stars are ready to do anything for their own beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, hurry up, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends,
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a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you are married, it’s true. nastya, let's talk, take your hand away on friday, i really need help, we'll come up with something, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves me. but he doesn’t say, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, but tell me your feelings, who you are, forget it,
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nastya, i am, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr. it’s precious, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i love it. plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling - much will become clear. and dreams
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become reality. yes, look, let me into your home. big changes. every sunday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, we continue to celebrate the day of the fisherman, which, according to tradition, on the second sunday of july gathers all the fishermen of the country on the waters, and today we tell you amazing stories of fisherwomen from different parts of our homeland, now i want to show you a unique ancient the village of vaknavolok, for this we will go to the russian border with finland. let's meet local fisherwomen who fish all year round not only for pleasure, but in memory of their late husbands. lake kuyta is one of the largest and most
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famous lakes in karilia. every year , residents of the village of vapnavolok come here to the island of leta sari for the summer holiday. good morning, here we are.
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and the most favorite pastime of the korels is fishing. no one is left without fish for the winter. you and i are now going to the shore of lake quitta. and it is translated as kuitta in the sam language, boat. we fish in this lake. all kinds of fish freshwater, pike, burbot in winter, of course, roach, perch, it goes without saying, ide is caught in the lake, i fished from childhood, of course, with this long old fishing rod, in the fall they put up nets, we already caught sego and caught vendace, our father of course, he was a very great master, so i was sitting in the boat with him, well, i couldn’t catch any fish, so he lowered it. his right there to the water or the water and there he clicked and some words were spoken again by this saint.


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