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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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well, and new flares of the sun at night, five powerful explosions occurred, one of them was of the highest class x. according to meteorologists, a cloud of plasma will touch the earth’s magnetosphere and tomorrow a magnetic surge will begin. thanks for watching, bye. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. russian troops shot down a ukrainian mig-29 and 36 drones. the enemy lost
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almost 2 thousand militants in a day, our troops are moving forward. the german media learned about the secret supply of weapons to the ukrainian armed forces, while kyiv itself no longer believes in victory. the european union has decided to punish hungarian prime minister viktor orban for his trips to moscow and beijing. donald trump was shot at by at least three types of weapons. examination data and new details of the assassination attempts. hundreds of fire volunteers. in kuban, more than 500 tourists have been evacuated, what is the situation with fires by this hour? and large-scale infrastructure projects in grozny, at this moment the caucasus investment forum is taking place. but at the beginning of the issue about a professional holiday, for which hundreds of thousands are now preparing workers. metallurgical industry.
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metallug day will be celebrated on sunday , july 21, and today. vladimir putin congratulated all employees and veterans. the president noted that the mining and metallurgical industry of our country consists of large factories and combines, a powerful scientific technological base, strong traditions and family dynasties. your hard work, which requires professionalism and tenacity , rightfully enjoys well-deserved respect and honor. "we are proud of your achievements and significant contribution to the development domestic metallurgy, and which is of course of strategic importance for our entire country, for increasing its industrial potential, implementing large infrastructure projects, equipping the army and navy. on the eve of the holiday, the president, via video link, launched work at metallurgical facilities in different regions of the country, including at the revived blast furnace of the yanakievsky plant. improving the working conditions
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of the employees employed in it, of course, much remains to be done, we will gradually solve these problems, integrate the industry into single economic space of russia, in the last year, compared with the previous year, for 23 compared with the twenty-second in the lugansk people's republic.
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industry, this is clearly seen in the example of the janakievskorgische plant, thanks to its professional team, after a major overhaul and ignition of blast furnace number 5, the production of cast iron begins here, this will allow increasing the production of cast iron and continuous castings, ensuring the production of steel with a volume of more than 1 million tons per year. and so how the blast furnace work started in yenakievo. vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to start producing pig iron with the fifth furnace chamber? of course, i allow you to start hiding what’s on the ice. almost 400 people work at the yenakeevsky plant, a big holiday for everyone. congratulations, success. now to the news from the ministry of defense: ukrainian mik-29, 36 drones. five rockets from
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the american haiers system shot down air defense forces in the special operation zone. at the same time, our fighters have improved the situation along the front line today. they gained a foothold on the eastern sector of the front. v districts of nikolsky and makarovka, donetsk republic and lugovsky, zaporozhye region. the west group also pushed back the enemy in the areas of kovsharovka, kharkov region, krasny liman and serebryanka in the dpr. this footage shows the destruction of a british ac-90 self-propelled gun. the ministry of defense published footage of objective control. they unsuccessfully tried to hide the guns in a forest belt, but a reconnaissance drone discovered it. and in the kharkov region it turned into a pile of metal. ukrainian t-64. after the copter hit, the tank caught fire and after a few seconds the battery pack detonated. in the avdiivka direction, hail hit a concentration of military vehicles and personnel . our scouts spotted them and
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transmitted the coordinates. and the supply routes were cut by arlan operators. an attack drone destroyed a bridge along which equipment and ammunition were transported to the front line. in total , the losses of the keyev regime per day approached 200 soldiers and mercenary officers, reporting by sergei samokha. the missiles have just left the guides, and the crew is already counting the second to begin the maneuver to leave the launch site, and this is taking into account the fact that that there is a deep rear here and hundreds of kilometers to the enemy’s position, we have constant rapids. we don’t stand in one place, we seem to have worked and moved. the launchers themselves can change their position several times a day, but the radar station is hidden so thoroughly that it is almost impossible to notice it by reconnaissance means. only the antenna rises above the treetops, illuminating targets.
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it is this installation that allows the air defense system to target up to ten targets simultaneously. the machine illuminates a large sector of the sky, and they see it contains all objects, starting from small ones. that is, we take all targets, roughly speaking , like nuts at a sufficient range, until the work of the air defense forces becomes less, there are not as many long-range nato-style missiles flying as a few months ago,
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the ssu is trying to compensate for the lack of high-precision ammunition with the help of homemade drones , often aimed at civilians. sergey samov, oleg sokolchuk, news! open today in moscow. a memorial plaque dedicated to rastislav zhuravlev, who died in the war zone. commemorative the sign is installed on the building of the russia today media group. it depicts the profile of a journalist with the inscription that it was from there that the voenkor left for his last business trip. there will always be fresh flowers here as a sign of our recognition, respect and admiration for a person who...
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they will not be able to change us, and today the russia agency today three moscow universities have established a scholarship named after rostislav zhuravlev, it will reward students who have proven themselves in their studies majoring in journalism. let me remind you that zhuravlev worked in the combat zone from the first days special operation, a year ago, on july 22, he was preparing a report in the zaporozhye region about the use of prohibited cluster munitions by ukraine.
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did not spare reserves for the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, who are no longer too confident of victory. in any case, the defeatist sentiments of commander-in-chief syrsky and his entourage were announced. in the defense committee rada. time and numbers are now working against the banking sector. in 2 days, the period during which ukrainians were required to update their data and undergo a medical examination expires. according to the ministry of defense, 7 million people have already they will not physically have time to do this, then they will face fines and forced delivery to the acquisition center. it looks like two peas in a pod. stories from the rivne region and zaporozhye. residents escorted their relatives to the doors of the military registration and enlistment office and did not see them again.
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only one sits; many are objectively unfit for health. during the day in odessa, shopping center employees check public transport, and at night they seriously worry about their own. unknown persons burned several more cars that were registered as military patrols. and under sumy and cherkasy they destroyed relay cabinets, paralyzing traffic on the railway. and we return to russia again. the area of ​​natural fire in crimea, near kaktebil, has increased. 20 gan is now raging on the territory of the karadak nature reserve, the flames
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have spread with threatening force, the ministry of emergency situations is transferring additional detachments to the southeast of the peninsula. another fire in the simferopol region was localized. 30 people and 11 pieces of equipment continue to fight the fire. but the most difficult situation remains near novorossiysk in the krasnodar territory. report by andrey malevanov. like these ones local fires can be observed at... the site of the fire near novorossiysk, until now its extinguishing continued all night, hundreds of firefighters, volunteers, dozens of pieces of equipment, as well as several helicopters poured out the flames. in the morning, a special il-76 plane from the ministry of emergency situations joined the fire extinguishing effort. extinguishing is complicated by several factors, including difficult terrain and weather, there is only a narrow strip along the sea along which people and equipment can move, but physically it is very difficult to move, the fire is much... easier to drive with a strong wind, which has not stopped for several days,
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there is nothing, a fire in a forest area near novorossiysk began to flare up the day before, in the first half of the day, firefighters who arrived at the scene estimated its area at 3 hectares, due to strong winds the fire continued to flare up, by the evening the area of ​​the fire increased by dozens of times and exceeded 60 hectares, due to the threat of fire spreading , tourists from local recreation centers, the entire base, were evacuated. the evacuation took place both by land and by sea, three temporary accommodation points were organized, only one has been used so far, in total, about 500 people were evacuated; due to the threat of the fire spreading to nearby settlements , the population began to be notified of preparations for evacuation. attention, attention, threat of local fire, readiness to evacuate. while we dispersed the car, there were about 50 cars here, i saw that... the flame was already burning on this side of the road, we already had to
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get out of here ourselves. an operational headquarters has been set up at the firefighting site, including representatives of emergency services, local and regional authorities. it is important that we as far as possible, such situations were stopped, that is, simply put, they were not allowed to happen. this is the most important task today. a state of emergency has been declared in novorossiysk, and a criminal case has been initiated into the fire. talk about the reasons while you're at it.
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study then when creating your own family. the maternity capital program will continue, and existing social measures will remain in place. from the twenty-sixth year , an annual family payment will be provided for working mothers and fathers who have two or more children. it is also necessary to concentrate efforts on ensuring that young parents can combine
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professional activities or studies with raising children. and for this. it is proposed , among other things, to open mother and child rooms and short-term stay groups for pre-school children in universities. today on our tv channel family saga - fifth blood group. in the sixties, two very different heroines of the series fall in love with the same men. fate separates them, sows enmity, but as a result brings their children together. watch the first episodes immediately after the evening news. we will now take a break for a short commercial. a after that we will definitely continue, stay with us, dance comrades, ladies invite the cavalier, look at rtr, unfortunate thing, his wife gulnarochka, of course it’s a pity, i immediately saw
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that he is monogamous, sooner or later he will cheat on us anyway, what have you done, yura , what have you done? fifth blood group. today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we create three different functional zones. go. i love plants, i'm generally a plant person maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, as you look, let them in. big changes, every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, we have a big day today, a big holiday,
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riping, the whole team, only on the platform, let's see, you don't need to make an appointment with him, it's a joke, he he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how increase low blood pressure, as an air freshener can lead to asthma,
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you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, you are married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk, which one will you take on friday, i really need help, something. you really love me, someone else loves me, but doesn’t tell me, i’d like to take your portrait, don’t you mind, tell her about your
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feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday rtr. watch the news, we continue the release: donald trump was shot from at least three types of weapons, criminologists came to this conclusion after examining the audio recording, despite the statement of the fbi, and the criminals were alone, cnn reports. and the wall street journal called this assassination the biggest failure in the work of american intelligence agencies in 40 years. the publication notes that the agent. services that allowed the suspect onto the roof, just 100 meters from the scene, there is no excuse. according to press reports, part of the forces were redirected to an event with the participation of jill biden, and those
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who ensured order at the rally did not immediately eliminate the shooter. the security forces watched the attacker for almost a minute and opened fire only after trump fired shots. despite this, the former president called their work fantastic and also noted his incredible care. main competitor, who called three times after the incident and was, quote: very nice. biden even promised to stop prosecuting two cases. meanwhile, democrats are discussing a change in the current head's election tactics states to focus only on political differences rather than personal attacks. however, consultants believe that the attack on the life of a republican predetermined the outcome of the presidential race, and as further confirmation throughout america immediately after the incident. boom in sales of goods with trump symbols. with reporting from the usa. dmitry melnikov. having survived the assassination attempt, trump wanted to postpone his trip to
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the republican convention in meluki for 2 days, but in his own words he decided not to allow those who wanted to intimidate him to change the course election race. today trump will make a big speech at the convention, all of america is waiting for this speech, but for his delegates he is already a victorious hero. now it’s even hard to imagine. how the delegates to this republican convention, who will fill this hall in a few hours, will greet donald trump when he rises to this podium. after the failure of security in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in melvok were noticeably tightened ; ironically, the order to increase security measures at this convention was given by no one else, as trump's main opponent, president joe biden. by the beginning of the convention , two-meter fences had been erected around the blocks where the convention center is located, and armed... secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. this is a national event and the federal
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government has ensured it has the highest level of security possible. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden himself postponed his planned trip to texas and addressed the nation from the oval office. a call to reduce the intensity and hatred. we don't know if the suspect received help. support, did he communicate with anyone else? as i speak to you, law enforcement officials are investigating these issues, the former president was shot, we cannot and should not follow this path in america. meanwhile, more and more details are emerging about the identity of shooter thomas matthew crooks; as investigators assure, the twenty-year-old suspect in the assassination attempt on trump did not have any connections with american or foreign terrorist or extremist organizations. as classmates say, the circle consisted of...
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chat blaming the democratic media for what happened, which were not shy in their methods to prevent trump from winning this election. we know they will try to steal the election from us, they will do everything they can to get rid of trump. what words should donald trump address to the delegates of the convention in milwaukee, who immediately after the assassination attempt called on the crowd to fight? he himself said the day before that he had completely rewritten his speech, focusing on the call for unification. one day. the election campaign in america took an unexpected and incredible turn. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melwaka, wisconsin.
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victor urban sent to all eu leaders. his plan for a peaceful settlement in ukraine, his political adviser said in an interview with the local press. without disclosing details, he added that the document is based on an objective assessment of the situation, real goals and deadlines. in addition, the prime minister’s office reported that he intends to continue trying to resolve the ukrainian conflict ahead he has new trips and negotiations. hungary's overly active position irritates brussels. they even decided to punish orban for her recent visits to moscow and beijing. him though. to organize a boycott during an informal meeting of the heads of foreign affairs in budapest at the end of august, as the politician writes, the head of european diplomacy , barel, intends to gather colleagues from the old world on the same dates so that they do not come to orban. the opening ceremony of the international exercises maritime cooperation 2024 took place in china. according to tradition, before the ships entered
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passed the sea. engines from russia , loud and sharp corvettes of the pacific fleet participate in the maneuvers. russian and chinese crews will conduct joint training in air defense and anti- submarine warfare, and will practice on-the-fly resupply and rescue operations. from digitalization and energy to viticulture and ski tourism. perhaps there is no sector of the economy and industry that would not be represented at the caucasian investment forum. the event is solemn.
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from the embankment, city fountains, one more a place of attraction in such heat, children and adults escape from the heat in the cool spray , there are record sales of ice cream in the parks, one tub weighs about 3 kg, but consider that 15-20 kilograms can probably be eaten, in the novosibirsk zoo animals are hiding from heat in enclosures, polar bears splash in... pools, animals, of course, are less active in such heat, you need to be prepared for this, they spend more time in shelters, in enclosures, in very many, almost all of them, or this shrubs or trees on city beaches like an apple there is nowhere to fall, the rescuers, meanwhile, have gone on high alert since the beginning
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of the swimming season in...
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the city of ozh and the surrounding area suffered the most.


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