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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 16, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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you live with this thought, he says: well, you probably understand, i’m not ready to meet in the studio, let’s do it somewhere at my house, he’ll come, call in september, and i ’m going to call, in september, they tell me he’s there in a sanatorium, and then a report comes out from colleagues from another tv channel, about the fact that there is a son, here he is, i call, i say, while we are here... with you in the foreplay, everything has already been shown, he says: i don’t know, i don’t i know, it seems to me that he is not similar, i will think, now you are here, yes, you are in moscow, you went to armenia, this is what is on your soul now, when you already understand that there is no turning back, and vyacheslavich already knows about your existence, in the first lines of your letter, what would you like to say, well... i’ll say this, that i
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initially, when i was, let’s say, the first shoot we had a meeting in the month of may, i initially indicated that i was looking for family ties, i want to restore them, i’m not pursuing any mercantile interests, i don’t pretend to anything, in principle, absolutely, and that’s what ’s important to me only, let's just say - knowledge, yes, what is important for me is contact with my father, that is restore contact with my father when my mother told me that i was his son, and it was an anniversary, it was in the sixteenth year, to be honest, i was in shock at first, i didn’t believe it, i didn’t understand, but after some time i i realized all this, and accordingly i had an understanding that something had to be done. and i started
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looking for a connection with him, that is, i found his pages on the internet, tried to somehow reach him through them, come on, let's see everything you said about these months and years, how you live with the desire to hug find father? fog, blue fog, this is my mother of youth, uman, looks like deception, looks like deception, blue just at the age when she met vyacheslav, i think he liked her just like that, well, i would say unearthly beauty , here she is... she
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even looks very much like the actress in the caucasian captive, i think that she is just with her beauty, such prettyness, that is, she conquered him, i think that my nose definitely comes from my father, here i took the eye color from my mother, the eyebrows were definitely his, why, because even katya, i saw we have such a thing, here there is an eyebrow, here it looks up, the eyebrow, the hair grows. not to the side, up, here i am about 7-8 years old, it turns out that at that time i certainly did not suspect that vyacheslav was my father, but when i became a little older, dobrynin’s friend came, who wrote a book about him, doctor shlya.. .
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asked if i knew who my father was? mom answered him that she didn’t tell me anything, that i don’t know who my father is, i consider my stepfather to be my father, it looked like a friend came, found out, took a picture me, apparently gave him a photograph, after his friend gave him all the information about me, i think that he may have decided for himself that... well, since he doesn’t know, then there’s no need to bother with this whole thing , all my life, until the moment my mother told me who my real father was, i perceived my stepfather as my own father, i bore his middle name, when my mother told me who my real father was, i came to the conclusion that i bear someone else’s middle name , in the twenty-first year i made a decision -
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to change my middle name to vyacheslavovich, so i changed the documents accordingly. after i changed my middle name. “let’s just say, i don’t know, i began to perceive myself differently, i am my father’s son, yes, i know now who my father is, well, i probably wear his middle name with pride, when i found out that a book was written about my father , i bought it, at the moment i’m starting to read it, but of course it’s more about his creative life, but still, through the book you can to some extent understand how a person lives, yes, you see, i’m opening the book now . at exactly the place where he’s talking about his mother, you know, right on that page, he’s just writing here, during the concert i saw a very beautiful girl, she was standing right next to the stage looking at
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me, i became interested, i even began to fear that the beautiful stranger would suddenly disappear, after concert in kremerno there was a knock, it was her, it turned out that it was marina, by the way, that’s what he called ma.
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but this is not my name, he looks very much like me, she gave the baby her last name, and the middle name of her own father, there was a photograph in the letter, it really looks like the letter i didn’t answer, so i thought about it for a very long time, because i repeated the fate of my father, left a woman with a child, neither in his nor in my life there was a real father, this is the similarity, during his life he and his father, unfortunately so ... i didn’t meet, i realized for myself that i would like to meet my father when everyone is in good health, to meet him during his lifetime, to communicate, any communication will be enough for me, but at the moment i am deprived of
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communication with my father and i don’t have the opportunity to come into contact with him live, i have to be content with only... let’s say, some my father’s speeches, some photographs, materials, well, mostly i watch videos, there always lives in me, so to speak, the hope that there will be that moment when we meet, hug, and say hello to each other, finally, finally, we i'll see you, because this is, let's say, how to say, well... something familiar, well, i'm probably really looking forward to this meeting, our life is short, and i'm very worried about his health, because he's already old, and i still want to have time, have time
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to meet him and get my loved one second person, my father, i understand you correctly, when you found out that you are dobrynin’s son, there was no tragedy for you that you are not the son of your stepfather, there was joy that you are the son of a famous singer, this is because your father is a famous singer, or because he was a very bad father, i’ll say this, he was a very bad father, because my mother developed with him when i was probably, well, six months, maybe like this, that is, six months? didn’t raise you at all, well, there wasn’t a man in your family for a very long time, that is, i then a second stepfather appeared, who changed me and whose middle name you bore, the first stepfather, with whom my mother lived for only
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six months, they lived with him for some time before the wedding, then after the wedding, well , a very short period, probably somewhere year, and until the last moment you thought that this was your father, but may i ask a question, albert? look at the two faces, in the second generation, in the third generation there are still armenian features, eyes, the feeling that there is something, this trickle. but it’s interesting that we found a newspaper in the lenin library the nineties, where the same story comes from the lips of vecheslav dobrynin in a veiled form, god does not give me a son, where he says that he had a touring woman, but she sounds like it was marina from the krasnoyarsk territory, who gave birth to him. child of marriage, and you are from barnaul, no, from krasnoyarsk, yes,
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there is an interview on the internet that i found, which they took from him, where he says all the names as they are, where he was in krasnoyarsk, that my name is alik albert , they really called me alik in childhood, so where he calls his mother svetlana, and where svetlana was all these years, you know, mother gave birth to a child. for her, the status of life has changed, well, i’m right in saying, love is one thing, and a child is another thing, mother, mother, mother was very offended by him when she realized that she was pregnant, found out, yes, yes, she first wrote the letter, passed on through a friend, then she came to him in moscow, to talk to him, communicate, and, let’s say, make some decision. and uh she - let's say she met his mother, so, here's anna,
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yes, ivanovna, i talked to her, no to him, she met him after that, and her mother clearly told her that you, understand, slava’s touring life is just beginning, yes, he’s just starting to, say, become a singer , here. uh, this will all greatly disturb him, that’s why you’re sorry, but okay, mom, let’s listen to what svetlana says in a telephone conversation, attention, we didn’t meet for long, i just came to his concert, talked to him, all that , he says, well, if you want, tomorrow we’ll sit in a cafe in krasnoyarsk, let's talk, let's talk, you'll tell me where you study or work, i really really want to talk to you... communicate, i liked you, i say, i liked you too, in principle, it all
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started so stormy there, it was drizzling, and then he told me, he says, you know, i’ll give you my moscow address, come visit me, i say, okay, i came and met his mother, he wasn’t at home at the moment, i said, i’ve come to see your son , well, it so happened that i got pregnant, he liked me, that maybe we even have the continuation will be that i came to him. in the village, mom, bayonets, no, that’s all out of the question, jealousy has begun, as i understand it, in short, she says, you come faster, i say, okay, i came, they are in two voices, you know, you and my you won’t meet your son, i don’t want that, your children will interfere with your career advancement, well, you yourself are thinking about what to do with the child, right?
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your father, even if this is true, is a great, respected man, he is our asset, the whole country grew up on his songs, and he has the right to remain in the memory of people as an artist and author, so that his name is not sullied by any stories, even if you are a son, you must understand that such a high rank imposes, first of all, duties and responsibilities, the responsibility to protect, among other things, the reputation of the father, and you are trying
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to drag his name into the mud, and andrey there are a lot of such messages, but let us now... let's do a short advertisement, immediately after this albert goes to armenia, where his alleged grandfather, golus petrosyan, is from, let me remind you that vyacheslav dobrynin came and found out about the existence of his father a week after the death of his father, albert does not want this story to repeat itself, and it was important for him to find his grandfather’s grave, what happened from this, immediately after the advertisement, snezhana korolev’s dna test for... already different in the context of today: where you were there, after the advertisement we will be back, how many times did the summer dawn come, how many times did spring come in vain, in the stars outside the window we floated
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into the evenings. and you only came the day before yesterday, how many days have been lost, they can’t be returned, they can’t be returned, it was falling into chaos and the blizzard was sweet, where is you were?
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gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who’s good for you, wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they
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are still loved, you are responsible for your s... “i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, good morning , my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are performed, but also wishes
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and flowers, still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, alena got hit by a car at night, because of me, alena, how can you help?
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with help you will only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so
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the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information is from the most competent sources . take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, today we have an exclusive, the story of albert stefan, a native of the krasnoyarsk territory, who publicly declared himself the son of the people's artist of russia vyacheslav dobrynin. ranu, don’t talk about the explosion, don’t give me a solo. is still creating, don’t rub salt in my wound, don’t talk about explosion, don’t
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rub salt in me, it still hurts, albert is over 50, he said that several years ago his mother revealed a family secret to him and told him that... his father vyacheslav dobrynin, author an endless number of musical songs and hits beloved by russians. dobrynin himself repeatedly told the media the story of his birth, how his parents met at the front, but when the war ended, they did not stay together, and his mother raised him alone. throughout his life, vyacheslav dobrynin carried the most tender feelings for his mother and always talks about her. with special love, mystically history repeats itself, only instead of the front there was a tour, before leaving for advertising we
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told that albert really wanted to find the grave of his grandfather, golust petrosyan, father vyacheslav dobrynin, and for this he went to armenia, this is what came of it. with very high hopes i will meet you in armenia, i hope to find my roots there. i am in great anticipation and really want to find my grandfather’s grave right there. now i’m going in search of her, this is one of the local cemeteries,
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called charbakh, located on the hills, and this one goes down and has many, many different levels. i have a photograph of my grandfather’s tombstone, the tombstone is made from approximately the same stone, only it is a little larger. i don’t know, maybe look for another place for this cemetery, no data, maybe there are 23
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cemeteries in armenia. so much, only in yerevan, but it turns out, okay, thank you very much.


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