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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 16, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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if i were you, i would study the entire textbook. read about mendeleev, about curie, of course. how? how? well, the curies. curie. yes, write it down, write it down. curie. place all sorts of flasks, test tubes, and alcohol lamps at home. maybe you can do some experiment. exactly, make some discovery and it will attract him. listen, exactly. or maybe poetry? poetry? can you write? impromptu chemistry is capable of undergoing cellulose, hydrolysis, with the formation of glucose, but only in the presence of acids, what nonsense, no, great, you're so smart, dina, come on, dina, i i’m so unhappy, i’m suffering so much, what should i do? what to do, what to do? bake him
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a cake, cake? bake a cake, treat it and comment on the ingredients, the protein contains carbon, hydrogen, what else, nitrogen, you know what it is in cooking, it’s easier for me to actually make some kind of discovery than to bake a cake, i’m unhappy, oh, i feel bad , i don’t want it this way, i want it for the rest of my life always. i was always happy, but this is impossible, why? because there is no happiness in the present, it is either in the past or in the future, and if in present, then very rarely just one second, because if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, and a second is the time when happiness has already come, and fear has not yet come, you know, we are happy in anticipation of happiness whoever said this, i think so. but i don’t agree,
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good evening, you have such beautiful eyes, let’s go dance, let’s go, no, life is not just a may day. girl, why are you fighting, be careful, and why shouldn’t you be allowed on the tram?
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i agree, and why are you so sad, yes, i am like the karakum desert, aria solvoik september 1 combined, well, let’s tell everything in order, together let’s go hit this scoundrel in the face, how dare he not share your love, listen, yes i’m listening, i’m all attention, leave me alone, why , because i don't like you, who do you like? hello,
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hello, boris, let's go home, what a home we just came to, what are you doing? yes, i don’t like you, obashev, she doesn’t want to admit which ones she likes. obashevy, you know, she likes those, strange, unusual, out of this world, yes, he’s a handsome young man, what are you like, i don’t like clingy people. help yourself, thank you, oh, uh, one more dance, can i join you, well, can i,
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well, abasheva, i’m strange, at least a little, not funny at all, the best wedding songs, he opens the window, i’m crazy. darling, marry me, it seems to me that i haven’t danced so much, such an extraordinary atmosphere, hello andrey,
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andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr. on saturday, well, everything is ready, comrade driver, you can go, thank you, lisa, what is your problem with our neighbor, i forbid you to be with him communicate, that is, arseny can communicate with his sister, but that means i can’t communicate with dima, today he changed your tire, tomorrow he will invite you to a cafe, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow i will be left alone with a child in my arms, quickly get into the car before changed my mind, under one roof on saturday at rtn, the walls are trembling, shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor, ideas are overflowing, we
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want to transform radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i love it. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, you thought i would give them to you... i’ll rent them out to people, this i found them, i’m alone on the neva with all my travel, we’re looking at rtr, we didn’t agree, but i can’t have any agreements with you, and you’ve already been in the season for several hours, no hearing, no spirit, no no answer, no hello, by the way, he may not come, efimich knows that i went beyond the pin,
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the kvicher efimich will be with you, artist, tomorrow on rtr. hello, again you're hanging out until midnight, why until midnight, who are you hanging around with, can you find out how you went to the cafe with whom, lariska, what's wrong, if the same thing happens to you, what happened to nelka, your father will torture me, not you, mom, what will happen to me, but the fact that no one gets married now... with a child, maybe she doesn’t want to get married, god forbid you go down the same path, oh, mom, nowhere i won’t show off that i’m a bun or something, i don’t want to eat, hi, dad, come to me,
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look at your watch, sorry, lariska started talking to me, bang, thank you. what are you reading? oh, go, good night, good night. you, and who did you come for? i’m following you, following me,
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that means, when you left that time, the police immediately arrived, straight to the cafe, they surrounded the buildings, noise, screams, crying children, they ordered everyone to go out one by one, i couldn’t escape into flippers, i was caught, accused of profiteering, as if i offered you boots for two rubles, tell me, i offered you boots, maybe, what kind of boots, what kind of ones, well, my own, i was wearing fins, right? i don’t understand anything, but where were lariska and volodka? lariska and volodka, they ran away right away, they were the only ones they saw, but i couldn’t escape, it’s hard to run with fins, you know, then they released me after all on a signature, but in general it started again today, the police came to see me and did they searched me, they were looking for something, i don’t know, probably a shoe warehouse, they didn’t find anything, now they’re sitting there, they have a statement on your behalf, mine, as if i speculator, as if i had repeatedly offered you shoes tenfold. and there is obashev’s signature, some kind of nonsense, well, nonsense,
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obasheva, help me out, comparative linguistics ignas, last course, although, damn it, what kind of linguistics is it now, but some kind of nonsense, well, nonsense, i understand it myself, obashev’s nonsense, your signature, and they are obliged to respond, what can i do in this situation, and how can i help, tell me honestly, abasheva, you wrote a statement, what a statement, i didn’t write anything, well then let’s go. tell them it's not yours statement, you know your handwriting, right? i know, well, there’s a taxi waiting for me downstairs, my parents are going crazy at home, abasheva, let’s go, it’s far, not at all, anything for you, yes, start playing the guitar for me, it’s easy, yeah. yes, he let
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him live in the studio of an artist he knew, it seems that someone here owes me something now, i lost, dean, think about it, i bet that you wouldn’t go anywhere with this guy, now i ’ll have to kiss volodka, yeah -yes, yes, what should i do, damn it, congratulations to you, volodya, on your win, i’m very glad. applause, i’ll run to open the lock for you, listen, well, you won’t want to leave later, i know you, just play for you, and
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then you won’t get rid of it, well, if i promise, then i’ll open it with my own hands and let you out and oh, it’s not me, it’s because of the violin, it’s because of the violin, it’s just that when i don’t play for a long time, i just become like some kind of crazy person, okay, let’s play like i’m sick, even my father told me, don’t buy a violin son. don’t buy a violin son, i just need an audience, okay, just fine, one companella, one companella, that’s it, you don’t know what this thing is, abasheva, you’re going to cry now, you ’re going to flood all my neighbors, make me watch a movie, in the last row, dina, why are you offended by him, look how good he is, well, with jokes, so what, he’s harmless, by the way, he ’ll play the violin for us now, yes, oh, how great, the violin, yes, but we can’t, we have a cult of going to the cinema,
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by the way, we’re late, so he's right, so let's go, marik, thank you, kind of clumsy, guilty, little girl, good luck you, relax, have fun, thank you, marik, goodbye, thank you again, yeah, i have to go too, what, are you scared, what the hell, are you scared, listen, are you scared, come on? so, now i’ll give you a weapon, i have a lot of weapons, let’s choose which colt, walter, uzi, you’ll sit with a weapon, i’ll play the violin, step right, step left, you shoot at me, okay, okay, yeah.
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by the way, you can also put on my jacket on top, why, or an overcoat, well, if it’s cold, let me help, so ah... that’s what i mean i’ll ask you now, please don’t pester me, okay, don’t be offended, i’m just warning you, if you pester me, i’ll get up and leave right away, agreed. okay, i'll try, sit on the throne, oh, on the throne, on the throne, today i am the queen, today the queen, where is the violin, violin, where is the violin, where is the violin, where is the violin, so, where is
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the violin- then, violin, everything is clear. yes, a neighbor took the violin, and if you want, i’ll go to him now and pick it up and play it, it’s not worth it, it’s not worth it, well , it’s not worth it, it’s not worth it, it’s good that we didn’t go to the cinema, of course, fine. wait, i can’t, wait, wait, i can’t, look how my lip is swollen, and oh, it’s me, yes, yes, you, what am i going to tell my mom, and you tell me that a bee bit you , you know, up to the size of a bee sting,
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at least you need to kiss until the morning, come on. i entered the competition there, less than that, but no , because everyone heard about bread , but i don’t eat fat, i’m losing weight, in vain you have a great figure, the bread is very tasty, and after college, where you are going to go to work, in fact, i will study scientific activity, oh well, what about studying bread, what is there to study, but plant genetics? that plants also have genes, you know, how many varieties of wheat alone, and a lot, count, marquis, marquis, don’t tell me, but i think that if petrarch
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had married laura, he would never wrote what we are reading now. i don’t know, i don’t know, for sure, you have someone, you do, everything is fine, good, good, if you want, i ’ll read you the poem that i dedicated to him, the last one. i'm so tired of you writing poems, go ahead, read, don’t go to him, there will be trouble, they say other things, different things, but the roads lead to you, even if i get stuck in the snowdrifts, i pray to nature for one thing, let the snowstorm not be seen, i’ll get lost, i won’t find your house
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, i won’t hear you, don’t call me, but just... urgi, i’m knocking on the window, i’m tired, i came to you, open it, i’m not very late for you, i don’t even know how to answer this question, and you- what does this have to do with it? yes, sorry, i just listened, got into character, what’s his name? we met him on the tram, well, how we met, he... and i and you, you're funny, is that good or bad? i don’t know, i like it, then we agreed, i
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’ll make you laugh. and you will laugh, i agree, yes, larisa, yes, that’s right, yes, triploids obtained by crossing traploids and diploids, they are basically. so that’s why they use only the first generation of triploids and that’s why, actually, come on, come here. hello, i’m waiting for her, i’m worried, it’s already midnight,
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i look out the window, she entered the entrance, but she’s not alone, but she’s still not there and not, but not and not, but to talk, stand in the entrance to talk, what’s with her mother introduce? and we just met, who is he? he is a scientist, in what field? in the agricultural sector, but did you come from the village or something? well, yes, i understand, handsome, smart. i thought that here,
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more seriously, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal when it comes to. i’m beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to have a look, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what used by many, the strongest love for the game is the program: five against one, and me, oops, five against one on saturdays on rtr, you are married, it’s
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true, nastya, let’s talk, take your hand off on friday, i really need help. anything you can think of, such a cool guy, maybe yours chance, one says that he loves, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves, but doesn’t say, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, you tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya , of course i'm a fool. romantic last chance on friday on rtr.
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excuse me, but could you drop us off a little further away? okay, why not here? dinka is here, i don’t understand what she’s doing here. i'm afraid to run into dinka at the station, yur, thank you, you're welcome, but doesn't she know that you're going to a sanatorium? well knows, but no, he’s a man to an outsider. well , okay, then i’ll wait in the compartment. wait, if i run into her, how can i explain to her that i’m without a suitcase? well, that’s right, that’s it, hello,
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hello, let’s run, you’ll see mushrooms, there’s so much growing there that you could eat a shovel, yes, that is, it’s not in vain, no, it’s not in vain. and there is also such a magical herb that grows there, yes, with the help of which you can charm anyone. i wonder who you are going to bewitch? well, i have one problem, the tail of scientific communism. i need to bewitch the assistant professor petrov. yes, for some reason she didn’t fall in love with me, but i will dictate the conditions to her. the entente will run after me. ask me for a record book, please give me a record book, you just need to find this herb, the main thing is to find it, the main thing is, of course, we will find it, you know how it is very
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useful for you too. to me? well, you never know who you will meet on your life’s journey? and then, but it also helps with indigestion, and the evil eye. yes, her legs are also growing like crazy, 5 cm a day. so, i'm not for you now, no, you need another herb, which shortens arms and legs. what about the language? i don’t know about the language, brother. i will, i still doubt whether i did the right thing by going with you? well, it’s just that mom is in a sanatorium, and dad has gone somewhere, so why not waste a day off? of course, there is no need to miss a day off; i think even associate professor petrova would not approve of missing a day off. “beautiful,
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she told me that she would go to the library, i should have approached her right away, anfis, don’t worry, okay, you and i have been waiting for this day for 10 years, can you forget about everyone for at least three weeks, please, maybe he's with larisa"? they've been together a lot lately, i don't understand why she told me that she was in the library, well, there can be many reasons for deception, such as, well, for example, she didn't want to worry you, or out of fear, for example, she's afraid that you
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will prohibit something. what do you usually forbid her? well, i forbid you to come back late, huh, is it late like early in the morning? no later than 10:00 pm. why not later than twelve? well, because i'm worried that something might happen to her? i’m not sleeping, i’m waiting for her. well, what, for example? well, you never know who walks down the street at night, rapists, maniacs there? yes, boordolaks, he’s dead. and devils with horns, well, she doesn’t return home through plantings, her enemies are in the cemetery, right? no, so why worry then, will she come home at 10 or 12? you reason like her, it’s simply amazing how similar you are, very similar, perhaps my lariska talked her into doing something, yours wanted to go to the library, and mine persuaded her, i don’t know, to go mushroom hunting, don’t worry.
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did you order tea? thank you, thank you.
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maybe we’ll at least find a cone with nuts, the main thing is now we can find our grass, we will find it. oh, frog, oh, here it is, the grass, i found it, it’s transforming, and i caught the frog, let’s drag it here, look, it’s her, yes, it’s done, oops. yes,
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close the door, let's run there. there’s probably no one at home, probably no one, yeah, that’s what’s not needed, what’s not needed, i won’t
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climb into someone else’s house, as soon as you climb in, no, marik, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, let’s better get wet, yeah, let’s get wet , we'll get sick and die, oops, the house opens on its own... well, let's go, maybe we shouldn't, what if we get caught, but kormiko, i didn't get in, hands. what is this, good, here,
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marik, well, let's go home after all, i'd rather get wet than... now we'll have a drink and decide what to do, just let's go without this, without the bewitching grass, what a bewitching tower, now you and i you already need a defrosting one, take off your jacket, let it dry, wow, this is it, i understand, look how much tea, you can spend the winter, right? what is this? i think they are the owners. so what to do? take
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your things, take your jacket. i'm scared. do not be afraid of anything. follow me, right here. come on, come on. oh look, i don't care, i'm scared, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what to do, wait, i don’t know what to do, we’ll figure out something, where i could put them, i can’t imagine. at least once i ever put my things in their place, i also wanted to warn you before leaving so that you don’t forget anything, now look for where you put them, but i didn’t put them anywhere, but , lord, they are half-fallen, so , the hole
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is probably in your pocket, instead of swearing, it would be better to sew up the hole, come here, i’d better hide them with me, do you want to drink tea, no, why is the kettle boiling, what? this is a teapot, can i come to you? hello, i’m not a thief, i’m not a thief, a student, i saw ball lightning, i ran, your window was open, it was slightly open, and that’s how i ended up at your place, i wanted to drink tea, apparently it wasn’t fate. have you really seen ball lightning? maybe not a spherical one, i don’t know, are the eyes too big for fear? look, his jacket is all wet, it won’t last for an hour yet,
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well, maybe we’ll give the student some tea or something stronger to warm him up, maybe. hello, oh, hello, hello, bar, bursa cauda.
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what's the matter, guys, well, this is junk, moving to the third floor, it takes longer, i should add, i'll help.
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vera alekseevna, your cucumbers are very tasty , my homemade liqueur, here’s for getting acquainted, anatoly, you have a snack, dear, have a snack, you also need to take me and the motorcycle to the city, let the students help themselves, let’s get acquainted, let’s. for introducing us, so what do they tell you at universities about the bermuda triangle? yes, by the way, it’s very interesting, planes disappear, ships sink, no one came back, yes, that means that, scientifically speaking, yes, yeah, the bermuda triangle is... a magnetic anomaly, interesting, yeah, something like
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a photo flash, it can happen anywhere, in any apartment , yes, one friend who runs a vegetable depot told the following story, that’s enough, in the morning the loaders come to work as if nothing had happened, enter the room, instead of watermelons there are only rinds, wow, something normal, i understand if they forced the parba, and they ate the crusts... but what about the good one, it turned out unidentified
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flying objects? well, this is what we saw with dina just the other day, it means this is such a green cone of light, blinking, it rises like that, rises to the sky, rushes. rushing about, rushing about, rushing about, rushing about, oops, as always, just like that, don’t worry, it’s because of the thunderstorm, we often have power outages, for electricity, so beautiful, for romance. and you are a shy woman,
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you are happy, you are a shy mother, i am praying. thank you, everything was very tasty, please, thank you, but where are you going for the night, like going home? it's raining it's over, maybe we'll catch the last train, no, the trains don't run at this time anymore, so you know that you stay here, and in the morning, when you leave, you'll put your keys under the porch, somehow close the windows, food in refrigerator, goodbye, thank you.
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dinka, why aren’t you sleeping, come to me. i was daydreaming that you were like a frightened uzbek woman, like who? let me come to you, well, you give, this is how it will be with everyone who
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touches me. marik, did you want to kiss me? i want to now, but i won’t, why? you are very important to me i like you, and that’s enough about that, some little kisses have already started, you need to behave more modestly, girl.
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what’s your last name, sleep, it’s still far away, sleep, listen, teen, i want to confess something to you, after all, he put a bewitching herb in my tea, i should probably tell you right away, but i was just afraid that you wouldn’t date me , who is this? this is asya, my daughter, daughter, are you married? i'm married, i
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have a daughter. and where is your family now? they are in moscow. a year ago i was almost transferred from nsu, my mother and mother-in-law transferred me here. you are upset? no. i have nothing to be upset about. personally, i wouldn’t want such a husband, he goes dancing, meets girls, he also put on fins, fins, because it was my long-time dream, for a very long time he shot 2 kopecks at a machine phone and bought it with honestly earned labor, and
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your baths. “i like you very much, i don’t know what to do, i just won’t leave you alone, i just can’t, what do you need from me, to make you smile, and what don’t i have enough, that’s it, that’s it, let’s go to the cinema tomorrow?” . please, introduction and roll call is possible without
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formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much history was told, i was cocky in a white suit, and i start, then zakharov leaves, and that was for me, i guess i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr. made a wish, and i guessed plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once,
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i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is heartfelt, a granny will bloom on our hammer, a cherished the wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you. when the blasphemer blooms on saturday on rtr. parents are sounding the alarm. the grandmother stole their son and made a real mowgli out of her grandson. in our studio there is the same grandmother who hides her beloved grandson from his legal parents. i won't give up my grandson. clearly, not from... live broadcast on thursday on rtr, look, look,
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all this is mine, sya. just thank you, thank you very much, bye, hello, this is for me, yes, thank you, and this is who your friend gave you a lift, gave you a lift, can you imagine, i feel like i’m late, the tram is all over...
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i was afraid to be late for you, where dinka and marik , and not the decree, stand behind the tickets and the horse quickly stands in a burning hut, it’s about me , let’s go, yeah, and laris, why did you kiss him , who did he? well, he gave me a lift and kissed me, yeah, i understand, but what do you understand? yes, everything is clear, i just don’t like it when it’s like hedgehog light, of course, let’s go to the cinema, i changed my mind, but i don’t, thank you, i’ll go myself.
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can i see you for a minute? can? i'm sorry!
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please, i'm a fool. well fool, now take me? can you? just carry me in your arms.
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do you want me to give you something to read? i want it, come on, what? have you heard about solzhenitsyn? which traitor is this? this is the writer. well, won’t i be sent to prison if i read it? you know, it’s really better not to keep such books at home, right? so what should we do? well, maybe i should read from you? well, yes, but only when i'm at lectures. why? well, because, if i’m nearby, how can you read, but what should i do? what? tickle you to attract your attention to me? so while you're at lectures, you'll also
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organize some kind of poster. you'll cook horchi, consommé with profiteroles, consamé, a must, maybe better than bluebird cutlets or unicorn steak, king, the third word in the sentence. a dwarf, some very ugly bull, a fly, a bird, a cockroach, like a cockroach, he is being strangled, poisoned with dechlorvos, a child, born, born, a child was born, born, born, something
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is burning, pops, clicks, explosions, a star, christmas tree, yeah, and i know, a christmas tree was born in the forest, yes, finally, why was it born, you didn’t showed how you guessed that someone was actually born, i was just born in the same way on a train, i was born on a train, seriously, my mother just delivered a baby on a train once, i was little with her then, and maybe she accepted me, yes, and when were you born, i was on february 15th, but what sixty-sixth? well, i’ll ask, so you ask, and for now i’ll tell you a word, yes, go ahead, - hmm, so, interesting, yes, uh, let’s see, four.
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scared me, why are you sitting in the dark, and i’m looking at the dark windows, and where? mother he’s walking, my daughter has to stay at home, i left on the verge of a nervous breakdown, after the medical procedures i almost recovered, i didn’t get better?
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moreover, they talk about combining study with socially useful work. hello guys, the pioneer program is on air, an example for all the guys. from all over our region , more than 200 young athletes entered the final competitions of the third republican pioneer games of athletics. an intense war broke out over the passing battle. listen, how did you do this? "what, well, my name is snow, what name, yours, i’ve been catching inspectors all night, only now i’m free, what other inspectors, where, in public transport, where else at
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the bus stop, they catch us, we them, marik, that ’s enough, i’m leaving for moscow today, you’ll wait for me, i can’t promise anything.” but i’ll try, well, have a nice trip, come on, bye, don’t freeze there without me, bye, i’ll wait for you all my life, my love! just look, when mom turns the corner, immediately say she’s all gone , yeah, okay, come on, the door
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closed, yeah, it calms you down, you say, yes, let's smoke, we'll have to eat something later, calm down. look, uh-huh, step, and step, and step, step, right inside, as you swallow, step, drink it, why are you boiling them? well , because my dad brought me the wrong jeans, i asked him for others, but he brought me these, so i’ll have to boil them so that they can be cut out, oh, my throat is just sore, you think it will be beautiful, the main thing is that it’s not beautiful, the main thing is,
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to be fashionable, because this is the latest trend , and i wrote a new poem, yes, yeah, go ahead, read it, and i will criticize you, no, no, wait, wait, i will blow you off, in short, so that it doesn’t smoke you, but let’s do it like... tesa, are you on stage? yes, yes, yes, i love it when an autumn evening blows a chill on my shoulders, the breeze sways through the window, the understanding is as if there are only two of us in the whole earth, and we are one, yes, i just like you. who did you dedicate this to, the tram lover, like petrarch and laura, laura, laura, yes, oh, this is not mine, but
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when will marik arrive, and how do i know, and marik is cool, it’s a pity that he’s married, but it’s good with such a guy, you won’t get bored with someone like that, with... you’ll die, you’ll die, and i also have a number for requests, come on, i dedicate it to you, give me! those tea, give me some tea, boiled tea, than you like a married man, it would be better if you were a prisoner, well, of course it’s not as great as yours, but why, great, a different genre, the way you smoke, ugh, i like it, what about him? and
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you, what are you, and what is he, and you, don’t spit on him, yes, now, natasha, wait, i’ll open the door, hello, hello, dad, dad, he’s arrived, wow, wow, who i see who i see is it? asya, look what i have, asya, get away from your father, it’s not easy, you’re out of the cold, take off your jacket, pay attention to what i brought you you won’t find anything like this at anyone’s place, not in kindergarten, not at your friends’ place, at home, look, look, i created such a mess in 2 hours, you know who it is, you know who it is, it’s all about your own, don’t worry about it , horse, clown, yes, show your mom, so handsome. yes, very
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beautiful, hello, what, no.
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well, where should she be? forget it, all men cheat, there’s my daddy, first he was married to my mom, then to lyolya, now lyolya calls my mom at work, demanding to know the name of my dad’s mistress. how do you know that? yes, i overheard my parents' conversation. and mom, what does yours say? well, what can she say, she tells her to be careful, but it doesn’t matter, lyolya is still taking him abroad for six months, she has work there. yes, but what about you, are they quarreling? yes, they quarrel, mainly because of me. well it is clear. well, don't quarrel over anything anymore. listen, larisa, i still won’t find out anything. let them figure it out themselves. i just shared. no, well, in general, agree, your dad has been like this lately. gloomy, sad
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, walks around as if he feels bad, so if he someone has appeared for him, this may even be good, maybe his life will be better from this, i don’t know, it seems to me that i saw this girl somewhere, the face is very familiar, it seems to me that this is actually one of his graduate students , maybe they were just late for a banquet on the occasion of one of the employees’ dissertation defenses, maybe this could be the case, maybe? maybe, of course, 100 clothes all without fasteners, cabbage, cabbage, sitting in prison, and a braid on the street, carrot, carrot, in winter and summer in the same color, christmas tree, christmas tree, and you know what’s on the christmas tree you need to hang it in the new year, yes, let's check what they hang on the tree in the new year, you will tell me yes or no, but i know the riddle about the chicken, they hang balls and cones, taps and panties on the tree,
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no, this is a musician, he plays, i think he’s a violinist, he plays the violin, the violinist was called something else, or maybe he’s from the circus, or maybe he’s a musician, or maybe a driver, he plays so fast, he has a violin, and maybe he came to the concert. works like under a window in winter? maybe he works in a circus, maybe he's a guy. sings, plays, oh, please, and he will return, look, i can play too, i
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can play the harmonica and sing, i didn’t put you in an interesting position in the eyes of the team, hello, marik, what are you doing, everyone really liked you ?
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cooking, i want to put together a modest you know, i seriously decided to start a festive table, great, and i was just hungry, what are you saying, well then i’m on... okay, in general, when you’re free, come straight to me. oh, but i won’t have champagne, i won’t, i’ve been churning marshmallows or pluses here all day, well i’ll eat marshmallows, but i can’t have champagne, i have terribly strict parents, yes, yeah, if children toast to the great
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october socialist revolution, their parents are obliged to cry with joy, just a little. “nothing, i have nutmeg, you will snack on it, no one will suspect you of bad inclinations, hurray comrade, hurray, wings.” it’s so easy, my shoulders,
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why did you get married so early, nonsense, rape on an especially large scale, i had to get married so as not to be isolated, just kidding. one day during the entrance exams i i pulled out a bad ticket, so a female applicant was sitting next to me and was rustling something under her skirt, and i prayed that she would rustle for me too, and the girl, without turning around at this, asked me. what risk will i take? what risk will i take? and i was in such despair that i, i promised her, promised her mountains of gold, the kurri islands and a ballpoint pen, a ballpoint pen? and the girl
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said that she didn’t need it, that she had all this and invited me to marry her, marry her, i was capable of such nonsense then, the girl asked the officer’s word. i i swore, and you know, the most tragic thing in this story is, well, during military training classes, i remembered that i was not an officer then and your word did not have any meaning then. and to be honest, it’s boring, tell me. our mother is a friend, one day i got sick, my mother’s
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friend’s daughter came to visit me and decided to sit with me out of compassion, to sit and lie down. a month later, her mother comes to my mother and demandingly informs her that she is expecting a grandson, which, as a soviet officer, i simply have to do. i was right, the child needs it what a father, and what a no-one you are, who told you that, yes, my daughter and i even went to the store, i almost ended up in the police because of this, it’s like i stomped on lenin, why, my daughter was scared of him, i started stomping, i really love this song.
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where are the girls, why nothing, stream of consciousness,
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repeat what you said, repeat what you said, actually i was joking, larisa, go, well,
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i’m tearing out baseboards by the roots, picking light bulbs like fruits, imagination,
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well, today maybe let's not be so boring since we've already met.
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plus or minus 10 years, men will get up long before you arrive, i wonder how long to wait? i think by the age of forty it will come, well,
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thank you, no one has ever given me that much hope. welcome to our french restaurant, i’ll sit, eat, wine, chateau de ulanoude,
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i want volzhikov in sour cream, what are you doing in the psychiatric ward there? napoleon was killed alone with a kutut, i decided to restore historical justice, humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform. substation. the first podcasts we watch.
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alena got hit by a car at night because of me. how can i help you? here an expert on family relations is needed, you need to call raya, i’m against it, why are you doing this to me, you can’t get alena back, but you’ll be fooling me, too and you will lose paradise, paradise. knows everything, well, how can i live with this now, tomorrow on rtr, i used to think that beautiful children are loved more, they kiss them constantly, caress them, they
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always poke the beautiful ones, pull them by the scarf , almost strangle them, in fact in fact, beautiful children... beautiful because they are loved, they are beautiful, so bitter, harmful, angry, because, because they are not loved, you know, that is, beauty is a consequence of love, well, i understand, and marik is here with what, well, marik, he treated me like that, he spoke beautiful words to me, some actions committed, i really felt like a beautiful girl with him, so... that’s it, dina, stop suffering, you know what you need to do, i think you need to come to him yourself, put on a terry hat, a white, new fur coat, open the door say, hello, marik, it ’s me, all in white, order the snow maiden, well , that’s cool, but i would do it, i don’t know, larisa, how will i come to him, i’ll just think about it, my knees are shaking,
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scary. volodya and i are getting married soon, so so what? so what, i'll see you there, so what? what, all the people will be walking around there, there will be a lot of noise, attention on us, there’s nothing to be afraid of, yes, yes, what are you doing? then i’ll sew a dress for myself, i don’t understand, for example, everything fit so well, now it’s too long, have you lost weight or what? mom, i think i’m making a big mistake, everyone has the same thoughts, before the wedding, maybe i should get to know him better, volodya? uh-huh, stand straight, please, i’m standing, mom, you pricked me, forgive me, darling, don’t twitch, what
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should we do now with darts in the back, everything is hanging, and what to find out, your volodya, it’s clear in the palm of your hand, he’s not the one with whom he’s been with all his life, that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t party, what else is needed, i don’t know, it seems to me that he’s a watchman, but not a groom, let’s cancel the wedding, but what? i don’t know, but what do we lose? we’ll hand over the dress to a second-hand store, we’ll send a telegram to our relatives in the village, the slaughter of cattle is cancelled, maybe they’ve already decided to slaughter a pig or chickens, we won’t sell shoes, we won’t sell shoes, white and blue are beautiful. combinations, why with blue, with blue stockings, do you think old maids don’t want to get married, they still want to, but they take too long to choose,
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they don’t like this one, and this one isn’t that one, and then they’re gone it’s just that no one takes it, the train has left, hello! come in, come in, of course, where is my beloved, hello, laris, how beautiful you are, and the color of a hedgehog, yes, come on, spin around, spin around, come on, come on, this evening is blind and deaf. from the thick snowfall, the swan's feathers are falling, spinning until they fall, nothing is heard, silence, no housing, no people, nothing is visible, only
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the dizziness of the snow, the snowfall is a solid wall, i walk with the snowfall, look back, and he is behind me, i turn away, he again close, we are with you in... the town, my hateful guide, you're leading me somewhere, get rid of me, my problem, i 'm trying to forget you, you're leading me somewhere, i won't get lost alone, how secretive you are, alone, well, how secretive you are, yesterday i almost fainted when maksimovna said me, what happened to my daughter, and what could have happened to her, i ask, well, almost... every day she goes to one young man’s house across the street, and then she disappeared, and this man says , even though he’s a young man, he’s married, and he has a daughter, at least you knew
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that he was married, but you knew, mom, so what, what married, we were just friends, is it impossible or something, why do you always lie to me, well, why do you always lie to me, then she’s at lariska’s, then she’s at a poetry evening, then she’s hanging out somewhere else, say what’s at your place it was with him, mom, but i didn’t have anything, so long as my father didn’t find out anything. adventures, but that’s enough, i’ll now follow your every step, understand? and so that no parties and after work go straight home, today, in fact, lariska has a wedding and i’m going, what a wedding, you’re not going anywhere, especially with an overnight stay, well, mom, well, mom, go wash yourself, i said, and so that she smiles at me when guests are present, will she still spoil my new year with her sour face?
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“i went to aunt tamara to get some onions, i locked all your things in the closet, i’ll come back and open it.”
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