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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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they’re hungry, dinka’s best friend, i didn’t expect it, marik, what do you think of me now? i think that you are the most
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important person in the world for me, teen, i love you, i love you. when did you realize that you love me? from the very beginning, in the cafe there was a christmas tree, yes, right at first sight, even before, i was sitting with my back to you. suddenly i felt a push under
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my left shoulder blade, as if someone had thrown such a small felt boot at me, i turned around, no one, i was sitting, another push , i looked around the floor, no felt boots, then i saw you, then i felt a whole machine gun episode,
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i watched it, i think it’s an ordinary girl, i turned away, calmed down, it seems that everything is still pulling you with all my might, how does it pull you? well, as if i was a falling body, and you were the surface of the earth, and at first i was scared of you, then i actually thought that you were crazy, yeah, yeah, i remember how you ran away, i then thought, thank you, god, that’s it, got rid of it, yeah. yeah, i thought so, i thought so, all night then i just thought about it, i couldn’t sleep, i couldn’t get it out of my head, my face couldn’t get out of my head, i immediately forgot your face, all the conversations
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nothing particularly meaningful happened between us, but basheva, that’s what. i was confused, i understood, so i’ll find your name, i fell asleep calmly, marik, did you let her go so calmly? until the morning, in your opinion, she should walk at night, and why did her friend decide to celebrate the wedding in the village, because i’m a husband, a village guy, what’s wrong with that, you
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’re hiding something, i asked you a thousand times, don’t smoke in the apartment, every time, every time you freak out, i know for sure that you are me? what are the complaints against me, take a taxi, go, pick her up, great, i’ll go, tell me the address, this is the third time i’m celebrating the new year in the same dress, for the fourth year i can’t buy myself normal boots, and he’s saving up for a car, do you even know how much normal boots cost? , no, i don’t know how long, he ’s going to take a taxi.
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so that i get married at least once again in my life in the village, oh, well done, well done, friends, dear guests, it’s not difficult for me, let’s wish our newlyweds larisa and my dear son volodya that this day will be the happiest in their lives, yes, thank you, dad, hurray, hurray, when i went home for the october holiday, i then really missed you, one might even say i was tormented, and i was bored, i couldn’t do anything at all, i walked around like a ghost, well, that was also
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dishonest on my part, to force you to suffer, and if i decide somehow differently, i will have to cause destruction at home, there is no need to cause any destruction, this will make it bad for you, and for me, for your whole family, and in general, i don’t want to it’s terrible to think about this now, i don’t want to think about it, but this is a night of miracles, jokes and... let's try make it exactly like this today with the help of a sense of humor, imagination, sit down, sit, watch the concert, fortunately, it didn’t crash,
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you can’t hide from the winter blizzards in it. valerian blood, where are you, what, anfis, it’s all over, everything is already, everything you can, you’ve already drunk, drink, let’s drink, what are you doing, this is it? for the new year, nothing, our men drink cognac, and we spend it without them, but what’s wrong, it’s impossible, or what? keep it, so that, as they say, all the sorrows remain in the past year, look, as you look, the eye is blooming, give it for it.
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larisa, don't drink, i think i'm getting drunk, come on,
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and i’ll take some more, aren’t you delicious, i’m serious, mean, momul, what are you, okay , it’s a wedding, i can’t get up, it’s a wedding.
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marik, why did you love me? what is your blood type? blood type is fifth, i have fifth, so does this mean if i die? only you can save me, yes, only me, when you realized that i love you, but i don’t know that now, and you don’t know, i know, i immediately, well, then the christmas tree in the cafe, i was thinking about you, and you... felt, heard me, materialized, probably, if i
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i wouldn’t have met you then, i would have been waiting for you all my life, and if i hadn’t met you in this life, then i would definitely have met you in the next, dinka, dinka, just don’t force this into your head, okay, i want you to be happy. but if a person is given at least one night of happiness, this is already a miracle, this is already a miracle, i don’t even know what she left in, i locked all her things away, and ruslan, what ruslan, just don’t say nothing to him about all this, but doesn’t he know that dinka is not at home, no... that she was dating a married man, she gave me her word of honor,
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that they had nothing, and i believe her, get married, she must be married off and as soon as possible, away from sin, already 5 minutes before the new year, they said goodbye to the old year, but what? we will be celebrating the new year, but why will he get lost if we don’t meet him? well, maybe he won’t get lost, but he might get offended, yeah, yeah, we don’t need that. “listen, you’ll probably get it from your parents, what difference does it make, what will happen will happen, listen, how did you even get to me, it’s incomprehensible to the mind, well, there’s only one stop, i ran, i ran, i thought wings of love, did we miss the new year,
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wow, happy new year, dinka, happy new year, marik, mom, what should we do, maybe we can’t take everything to bed, son, how urban and cultured are they?
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“saika, larisa, larisa, yes, yoshkin’s color, my dear, yours, yours, take me with you, yes you have already.” there in a distant land, i will be your wife, you will be, kolya, over there, kolya, kolya, you will be, on the intelligentsia, man, what time
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is the train, at 20:45. can i change my ticket for tomorrow? no, my parents won’t let me go anywhere after yesterday’s debt anyway. bye then. i'll be back in 2 weeks, will you wait for me, sir?
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i didn’t leave the window all night, she was having fun, selfish rubbish, mom, i’m sorry, i just ran to tell my friends that they wouldn’t let me in, by the time i got there i was so cold that i fell asleep. what about girlfriend? well, she didn't go without me. forgive me please. father is sleeping, i told him that i let you go to your friend’s wedding.
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do you want to eat? yes. tea, coffee, let's dance, i bless you, the premiere is on rtr, some things will need to be translated, and some, what is this, this is legal, what are you doing there, you i really have enough, little maryana will light up, my business, moryachka from july 22 on rtr. our feelings are once again on the scales, between us again, barefoot and generous vitemsk, we
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always leave you a piece of our heart to return for it through godini down, kupeni, slavic bazaar - the closing ceremony today on rtr. you're married, it's true, nastya, let's talk, which one will you take on
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friday, i really need help, we'll come up with something, such a cool guy, maybe your chance? one says he loves nastya, you are it i would like to, you really love me, someone else loves me, but doesn’t tell me, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance , on friday on rtr.
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hello, where, yes, sonya, yes, i’ll be there now.
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she’s been working sasi spent the whole night, and i’m here, mom, well, how is she, the crisis is over, thank god, i convinced her that it’s better for her to recover at home, they put her on my word of honor, dad, my baby. well, what, what, what, what, let's go? where we are going? how, where, to the disco? no, we're not
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going to the disco. i need to pass my tail to the post-mat test, i mean, you need to pass my tail to the post-mat test, but i don’t need to pass my tail to the post-mat test, i ’ve been sitting at home for 2 weeks, there haven’t been any weddings here, why am i asking, did i marry you, really, why did you marry me, i mean, why, why, well, so that, well , to love yourself, not only with all your soul, but also with your body, and you saw my blouse, my blouse, this is according to the latest sand of fashion, a junk magazine, wow, my bastard, sweetie, well, volodya, i want go somewhere, and get my hair done, and we’ll go, we’ll definitely go, in 2 weeks we’ll go, as soon as i pass the isthmat, we’ll go, i promise you, laris, hmm, i need to go to the library, yeah, i’ll sit for an hour until ten, if you
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let me go, am i not letting you go somewhere, or what? i'll come in quickly, quickly. why did i get married so that i could stay at home, so i ask him like that, i say, why did i marry you, he shrugs, turns around, says, why, that’s it, he’s tired, let him sit at home, and i’ll go to the dance floor i'll go, i'm bored there alone won’t be, i’ll take you with me, let’s go,
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dance, hey, what’s wrong with you, well, i feel that you’re feeling bad, lately you ’re not my family at all, you’re hiding something from me, no, but marik, what doesn't come, does he? classes started, i don’t know, where did he call, at our work they don’t call people to answer the phone anymore, you know, maybe some trouble happened at home, maybe his daughter got sick, hm? i don’t know, so they took everything. pencils, now we
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will draw, everyone will draw themselves, only adults, who want to become who, when grows up, but i don’t know how to draw, well, how can you, wow, who is this, a chicken or a hare, this is a clown, great, what is this, this is his leg, and i want, i want to be a builder, you’ll draw green, my very favorite color, and i’m a psychologist, i want to be a doctor, and i dance. asya is getting better, i have to go, she
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can’t go to kindergarten yet. “take sick leave, like all normal mothers, normal mothers live with normal husbands and normal salaries, i don’t see the ingredients of madness in gnawing on the granite of science, listen, that’s enough make fun of me, listen, list all your complaints against me point by point in writing , i have no one to leave the child with, you understand?" "so, what about us and the grandmothers? went on a spree? you've become very absent-minded lately, haven't you noticed? you know, if it weren’t for your constant reminders, i probably wouldn’t have noticed, and what about us, i’m sorry, i forgot with the grandmothers, my mother is closely involved in her health, goes to the doctors, i let her down a couple of times, i didn’t take icq when the professors assigned her time, but in general...
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forgive me for the indiscreet question, but what do you think? do you take days off? i’m writing a dissertation, should i remind you of the topic or not? it’s commendable, in general , since i don’t see any other prospects here except for an orphanage for a child, i’ll have to take it. with you, how do you like this option? i wonder, in your kennel, what will you live on there? for a scholarship? a scholarship, plus a little swearing help from our grandmothers, we are not proud, your alimony, but
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don’t squeeze, the state exams are just a stone’s throw away, saska and i will pass them with honor and we ourselves will start earning, probably a lot of money, even if they are rabid, we will vaccinate against rabies. out of rage, listen, how tired i am of you with your jokes, come on friends, a toast was born, everyone has a nolito, ruslan bakirovich, a wonderful person. the topic that ruslan kabirovich chose for himself is very important and interesting, the education of moral
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qualities in children of primary school age in a socialist society is very serious, so thank you, let’s have a drink, friends , and wish ruslan a long life, well, happiness in his personal life. she brought it to the bottom, she’s the same age as dinkin, i heard in the background, where is the father, he’s a party member, although they had to be written down, and that’s the end of it, of course, so she doesn’t say who the father is, she’s silent, she was interrogated throughout her pregnancy, but it
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seems to me that the parents are to blame for everything , and not the father, but the mother, why the mother, because restaurants, drinking bouts, this is a very bad example for a daughter, really, alla ivanovna, grab a cigar. “mom, marik decided to take asya for himself, but into this hole, do you even understand how your granddaughter will live, in what conditions, but i have no other choice, mom, and i need you could inform about your decision or not, no, answer. of course, no one will give you the child, my mother will pay for a babysitter, so you can leave, you’re daydreaming. marik, you’re not
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rushing there because of your studies.
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she’s already quite big, tell me, your fiancé is gone.
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well, you can say the flower has almost opened, so your task is to make sure that no rogue plucks it, when you sit down, you no longer understand what you are talking about, little girl, for you, for your successes, for the fact that you pleased your parents, you entered the institute, thanks to them, i’ll do it, i’ll do it, i’ll do it, read
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your poems to us, my mother brought me your notebook, why are you throwing them around, where did you end up, well, read it, go, what’s difficult for you , maybe you can still stand on a stool, get it from the child, oh, okay, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to, okay, tell me how it is with you, the third one. examination surname, louder, girl obbasheva, first examination room, right down the corridor, come on, thank you, and bashava, what are you, hello, hello, why are you here, yes, i’m going for a medical examination, yeah, i’m already tired of these medical examinations every month, at least quit your job, yeah, yeah are you also going for a medical examination, or no, for an abortion? i collect edits, as if for an abortion, yes,
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they don’t sell contraceptives anywhere, but they themselves swear when the hospital gives out a referral, they swear when they scrape without an injection, of course it hurts, probably, but you’ve never tried it, yeah, try it , you’ll forget your own mother, it’s even harmful, but you thought, well, yegor, my boyfriend, says, you give birth, if anything happens, we’ll get married, i’ve got everything at home for now. you know, well, he ’ll be drafted into the army in the spring, but do you have anyone? well, don't worry, there will be more, ok, i ran, bye, bye, oh, i was told an anecdote here, two pregnant women are sitting in a doctor’s office, waiting for their turn, but the babies survive, why talk to yourself, one doesn’t talk to the other, after birth. where is
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your mom? well, run, run, it's your turn next.
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dear mom and dad, i’m already quite an adult and i want to control my destiny on my own, your excessive guardianship and almost daily scandals and reproaches poison not only mine, but your life, so that we don’t completely quarrel, i decided to leave
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i assure you from home that there is nothing terrible in this, nothing bad will happen to me, you raised me too well, you don’t have to worry about me... well, tell your relatives and friends that i have entered preparatory courses at some university, moscow, for example, and it won’t be a lie, because i’m actually going to work and study, and you will still be proud when you see
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my portrait with whitewash in komsomol pravda, or read my poems in the youth magazine, i don’t know where else they’ll send ours komsomol the brigade into which... i was accepted, but i will definitely write to you, dear mom and dad, live peacefully, and most importantly, don’t make fun of me, everything will be fine with me, i won’t disappear, please forgive me, try understand, my loving and respectful daughter dina, do you think this letter was written by dina, what? you raised me too well, in komsomol truth, my portrait with a pennant, i want to do something myself for the future of the country, loving daughter
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dina, who respects you, you think, this is what dina wrote, this is her handwriting. if dina wrote this, then she thinks we are idiots? yes, why did you decide that? because every word is false, as if copied from a newspaper, and you don’t understand another language, how else to talk to you? you to me? shut up, this is not the time, so i am. so that you find her and bring her home, it ’s because of you that she left, so let’s act, don’t waste time on demagoguery, because of me, who encouraged her, who allowed her to spend the night with dubious girlfriends, and who, who covered up her whispering behind my back, well enough, enough, i want to find my daughter, you want
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to find your daughter, so go and look for yours yourself daughter, clearly, i need... with you, hello, anfialna, come in, i don’t understand anything, anfespalovna, well, laris, you’re a close friend, she shared everything with you, well, she shared, but somewhere to leave, she didn’t talk about it at all, not a hint, nothing, i really don’t know where, when she left, yes she left today, all the documents, took her things. “please, just don’t hide anything from me, well, maybe i was worried about something, which i don’t know, what you ’ve been talking about lately, about clothes, about love, about children, what kind of children, but kindergarten kids love their work, they were talking about poetry,
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their head is pounding, let me bring you a pill, uh-huh." and where are all yours, mom at the movies, volodya at lectures, take it, you can call, of course, call. maybe i can make you some tea ? now.
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hello, yes, hello, it’s you, yura, yes, yes, what happened, why are you silent, hello, dina has disappeared, yur, wait, wait, i don’t understand how it disappeared, your daughter, what is he . says: i don’t love anyone, woman, no one, i say, but you love to drink vodka, you’ll get drunk like your father, kingdom of heaven, hello, hello, and goodbye! why? the working day is over in 5 minutes, go home, you’ll come back tomorrow, but i have
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nowhere to go, i just came from the station, wait, check, i have my passport, i have it, now, i would like to get a job urgently. have you finished school? yes, here is the certificate. let's. so, who should we work with? are you going? i worked as a labor teacher, i can go to kindergarten. i also play the piano and draw well. but we don’t have conservatories here. come on. let's send her to the chemical plant. they still need people there, they pay well. and milk they give it for harm. i can’t do harmful work, you know what, girl, you either take what they give, or goodbye, that’s enough
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for you, that’s enough, calm down, let’s ask felix, but they always need people at the dance, i’ll ask, daughter , thank you very much, i would also like a hostel for small families, if possible, of course, a small family is ours, where is your family, we have people here living apart for years, it’s a circus there, come to me and we’ll see,
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thank you, but i don’t know, i'm marik, she didn't even tell me anything, didn't come to say goodbye to me, in the letter that her mother i brought you what was written, you read it, yes you did, i don’t remember anything, i was shocked, i was scared, why were you scared, well , what? god forbid, then i read it and decided that you had run away to the construction site together, i thought, just in case , i shouldn’t report anything to my mother about you for a day, if there is something to report, wait, wasn’t it written where this construction site is? did you look for it in kindergarten? yes, i called the kindergarten, they said i quit, i called you right away, i don’t know, okay, i’ll go,
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if anything is mentioned, i’ll get it right away let me know, okay, of course, okay. “don’t worry, we’ll find you, okay, happy, bye , me, now i’ll give you a pancake, yeah, pretty, pretty, you’ll see, there ’s a puddle here, be careful, okay, i won’t drown, i’m floating, listen, i’ll tell you i say, hi, hi, help grandma, let's go, oops, hello, where did you
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bring such a snow maiden, our new little girl dina, felix, dina, redhead, come on in, thank you, let's go, here are the dishes. in the locker, everything is clean, use it, don’t be shy, convenience, here, now in room. let's go, oh, small, but neat, so, today i'll feed you, part of the arrival, tomorrow you'll eat separately, yeah, well, settle down, thank you, listen, don't bring the men, okay, oh
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well. yes, i'm going, lord, oh, snack, eat, i salted the cucumbers myself, let's not...
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oh, listen, felix, you won't find any work for her at the station, he works for me with a chain, well, if we can’t find it, we’ll find it, we’re looking for a lineman, you’ll go, you won’t be afraid, i’ll go, oh, well done, here’s a girl, for love, for love, a great thing. oh, i, of course, don’t want to interfere with you, you have parents, well, your mother and father are alive, alive, ran away from them, miles, yes, your mother sometimes beat you, but that’s not the point, that’s the point, that's all, sometimes i myself want to
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run away from my house. “oh, i’m bitter, why was the world born, if i were made of glass, i would fall and break, bah, what are you starting, well, you ’re ruining people’s mood, okay, here it comes from them, the parents are drunks, the children are good, everything is the opposite for us, and dad is drunk, dirty, and this one is here rolled along his path, where i’m a drunk , or maybe i’m lying around, or where else i never even get hungover, that’s for sure, i don’t get hungover, that is, that is, he’s my parasite playing the guitar, stop it, he’s singing, oh well , just sing, well, bring the guitar, oh, to ours, ours.
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he walks along the bottom, he walks along the bottom, he walks along the bottom, the young cossack! anfisa, hello, i was just waiting for you at the entrance from the train. well, maybe we can go talk somewhere? why
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didn't you tell me about this before? what would it change? dina has a father, he raised her, i then i arrived. “i was only able to steal in september, i had 2 hours, i came to you, a woman opened the door, said that you got married and that you were expecting a child, anya, she always wanted me only happiness. what should we do? and what can we can she do it? she has your
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fingers, and the shape of her nails. when something really upsets her, she has exactly the same expression on her face as you do now, when she laughs, i look around, and it seems to me that her laughter betrayed me completely. , there is so much of you in this laughter, how good it is that i finally i told you everything, i don’t want to go home, i... i can’t, i don’t know what to do, i don’t
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know what we should do either, but i’ll figure it out, you see, i’ll think about it and come up with something, everything will be fine . look, love is when you look in one direction, look. look, look, you want to see, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one,
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two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we'll go come to me, just watch a movie, snow, wedding flowers, today in the studio , hello andrey. andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. i made a guess, and i guessed it. plans, hopes,
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dreams, everything changed at once. i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions. something is wrong in her case. she's kind, she's warm-hearted. well, it’s okay, the blasphemer will bloom on our hammer, your cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemy blooms on saturday on rtr.
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oh, hi, are you awake? yes, i already have, and i decided to check on you, i just wanted to ask something wanted, how are you? you love, yes, good, and i imagine, i served in germany, we had an interesting case, our guys are hanging on the horizontal bar without boots, well, bass, yeah, and i stood next to the rustic: take a photo of me, but the rustic is this one of mine , colleague, uh-huh, well, in general, i took a picture of the rustic, we develop the photos, what happens is, i’m standing with a machine gun, yes, my legs are hanging behind me, the bass are in the riding breeches, you can’t see their faces, but... the breeches have the inscription hello from germany,
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just think, well, that means i took these photographs, i can’t help but know what was there, like that they started a search, i don’t know if it’s a bully, or if that’s the order they have, in general, they got away with it, spent 2 weeks cleaning it up, felix, uh-huh, it’s late , maybe it’s time for you to sleep, and why are you kicking me out? “i’m only 22 years old, and you ’ll be 18, great, i’m not asking for much, one kiss is all, i’ll call grandma now, try, hey, quiet, quiet, daddy, kotor, oh, i’m sorry, what are you doing, i thought? i thought, i
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brought you a book, i’ll read it to her in the spring, why don’t you bring karl marx, you fool, why aren’t you sleeping, you bastard, i can’t sleep when i’m next to you. the woman is sleeping in the next room, you see, i’m not sick, take off your eyes, where you saw the woman, poured it into your eyes, you can’t tell a woman from a girl, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, auntie, don’t be afraid, i’m you, i’ll tear your household away, i’m scared, tomorrow we’ll put up a lock like this, thank you sleep, yes, exactly the monkey, that means what he’s saying to me here, and you, hello, hello, i need to find my daughter, get out of here, please close the door on the other side side and you will see a sign that says mode work, she left with the komsomol brigade, i need the address of my settlement, i said something wrong, yes, can i call, perhaps ivan andreevich will help resolve this issue. well, why bother cancer with the start-up parties
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, sit down, i ’m listening to you carefully, i need lists, lists, my daughter left the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, as far as i know, the day before yesterday, no recruitment took place, the last recruitment was. okay, tell me your daughter's last name. obasheva, dina ruslanovna obasheva, born in 1966 birth. abasheva, dina ruslanovna. they raised an advanced daughter, comrades. nowadays , young people are not so eager to rush to the construction site of the century. boom, it's over. bam!


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