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tv   Pyataya gruppa krovi  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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i won’t go anywhere with you two, and you know why, because i’m a flint, i’m a proud flint. raya, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i woke you up, but what happened, i didn't want to forgive you, but i looked in, i think you're breathing, no, kostyukov said that you felt bad, i listen and don't hear, i listen and don't hear, and i was so scared , what nonsense, yes, yes, i’m breathing paradise, everything is fine, turn off the light, please, yes, yes, i’ll take a look. vladimir petrovich said that
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he even had to carry you in his arms, you need to see a doctor tomorrow. yes, i told you, everything is fine okay, i’d better talk tomorrow, especially since i need to go, i need to get ready for the trip, go home, even the walls are healing at home, and you still have to file a sick leave, what do you think, that i deliberately fell into kostyakov’s hands, heaven, is n’t it? well, he might think that about you, huh... okay, i understand everything, tomorrow i’ll go to the doctor, no, you won’t, we’ll go together.
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infection, good afternoon, hello, please come in. yes, i thought about making a sculpture of the goddess of fertility in the cultural park, but then i thought, no, it’s impossible. karaev park, it should be there
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reliably hidden from prying eyes only for a man who has the right to look at it, so you made it for yourself, i haven’t finished it yet, i think maybe i’ll make it in time for your wedding, yes, i guess, of course i understand, a gift from a sculptor, a sculpture of the bride not very original, right? oh, you apparently weren’t going to invite me, i don’t want to intrude, no, no, we’ll definitely invite you, you’ll be our guest of honor, sit next to us, i’d rather be in the corner. what
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do i owe to your visit? yes, i came to say thank you, please, but for what? yes, for all. raya, hello, why are you here? until the doctor examines this underwater snake, and that’s right, it’s time to go home, it’s a stretch, wait, who is it, where is it, what happened, the athletes wrote it off, egorova, how did they write it off? maksimka, hello!
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this is what you need, your mother is far away, i already told her, no, what are you doing, well, it’s okay, now you’ll rest and you’ll definitely get out, so many people love you. what are you saying, everything will be fine, well, it can’t help but be, it will be, it won’t be, it won’t be, i’m done with sports, i lost a friend, i let my coach down, that leg ran away, what are you talking about? you’re talking nonsense, well, where will she go, now she’ll cry at home, she’ll chew the cash
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and come running, she won’t come running, she’s not like that, well, she knows her own worth, he doesn’t date losers, before me... she has some kind of... he was a tough guy, he was involved in an underground casino, that’s how he went broke, that’s all at once, she left him, well, what the hell, oh, if only i were 20 years younger, 10 to eight, excuse me, you can, what’s wrong with you, there an old lady was selling some daisies. nice, i thought it would be, i took it, thank you, okay, that is, when egorov
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left the base, you were in your room with the doctor, on a drip, now about your suspicions, of course, i recognized this pinched agent... on the podium, i knew that he was getting close to maxim, but to break max’s legs for this? i would rather break this agent's legs. in short, petrov, all questions for any of the athletes or coaching staff will be resolved through me. that's an order. egorov will not return to sports again. we decided to postpone the operation. too big a risk. and so, maxim s... maybe he can at least walk on his own, we are required not to create petrov extra vibrations, okay? is the area the poet represented by another athlete, seleznev? and the fact that he had problems with doping? the disqualification was lifted a long time ago. that's it, petrov, are you free? eat. radion evdokimenkov,
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30 years old, previously prosecuted for hooliganism, nickname rodya, did you hear rodya? no, not him either, apparently. look, i'm actually not sure i can recognize anyone. it’s dark here at night, so in general, the owner saves on electricity. i only saw them for about five minutes at most, then they jumped into the car and sped away. so, then you saw the car? and what didn't they tell you before? i didn’t see the car either, i just looked at the window with the light from the headlights, such bright headlights, oh, i remembered the name of the one who was hit, xenon, that’s right, another month
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of rehabilitation, they say there ’s a good manual here, an appointment for it six months in advance, apparently i'll have to look for something at home, but you have it there. oh, alen, come on later, and hello, swindler, where are you going, hello not you, it’s not normal, wind up, egorov is more of a nismäcker, who, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, there’s nothing more to catch here. they won’t give much for a photo of egorov’s girlfriend, i have hundreds of them here, in the morning, during the day, at night, lie down,
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come on, come on. when you start it, you need to see what goes where? can you give me a lift to the police station? 350, wow, why is it so expensive? but i won’t go to this family for less, and your headlights are so bright, like welding in your eyes, according to the norm, so cool, huh? that’s why they nicknamed me, kolya, xenon, well, open the trunk,
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i’ll put the bag in, no question, for safety, well, yes, well, is the price okay? it’s not true, i didn’t say that, it’s just funny, i said, this dude is still with us
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i came up five times with my violin, yes, where were you in the hospital, time was freed up for a massage, they called me, and volodya had just gotten off work, and health is the main thing, and it’s getting better and better for all of us. why, i wonder, why are you running around with
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your ex-wife day and night, are you jealous, well, this is stupid, well , there’s nothing between me alena, i’m the only one glad that i at least communicate with her now without tension, it’s all thanks you.
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today i went to the hospital to see your athlete, poor boy, egurov, yeah, yes, of course, it won’t make it any easier for him that we catch all these scoundrels, we will try to make sure he gets the maximum. he had previously been charged with hooliganism for working in an underground casino, the court will take this into account; igorva’s ex-lover’s fiancée also owned a casino. or how? i don’t know, she left him when his business went bankrupt, went bankrupt? wait, they closed it 3 months ago, the owner was imprisoned, varyagin’s axinon was a six, they gave him little and released him right in the
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courthouse, well done, hello, vit, hope, good night, but we’ve been waiting for you, sir i was a friend at the club, something happened again, do you need something else, your fiance is sick, and you go to dance halls?
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in front of the ex, they said, and this is already called complicity, you are crazy, i didn’t talk to this idiot varyagin of the court, i really need this idiot.
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in general, i gave this hope the opportunity to prove that she is not a camel, well, in the sense that she is not an accomplice, why aren’t you picking up the phone? i called lisa 200 times, that’s when she will call me 200 times. yes, lisa, hi, well, he left his phone in the office. yes now i'll pass it on. hello lis.
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how are you doing there, huh? “i forgot in the office, but at night, at night, no, at night, not in the office, i was sitting in ambush, but why didn’t you opera, well, there was a special task, no, i won’t say, it’s a secret investigation, yes, alice, well you start, well, where is the trust in your husband, where, hello, hello, why call her 200 times again? you don’t know how to set the phone to auto-dial? maybe you could stop lying to her and make peace, well, dasha is yours ? in the distant past, well, not so distant, what again? well, i didn’t want it, it’s
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a coincidence, a big coincidence, half a liter, and then another 200 to catch up. but this is definitely the last time, i’m a flint, what an ambush, and mom, tell me, why should the investigator sit in an ambush, or maybe he’s not sitting there, maybe he’s lying there with someone, that’s it, that’s it, i’m going home, i'm telling him now. now i’m for him, now i ’m for him, i’ll set up such an ambush for him now there, now i’m for him, oh, my god, my god, you’re mine, mom, you’ll look, yes, yes, yes, i’ll see, already...
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get it,
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for sure , beauties get everything anyway. what newspaper does this reporter work for? what, dial, hello, hello, cat, well, hello, haven't heard for a long time. you left me too suddenly, left me, i’m sitting here in a cell with ten men, and you at least visited me once, i won’t go to prison, oh, i’m sorry,
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well, yes, you’re marrying an athlete, which attracted the right boys , well , it’s okay, now he won’t soon reach the zakse with his feet, so you did it, i have no idea what you’re talking about, how did you find out? and i know everything, i’m watching you, okay? that’s it, no more suitors, i’ll go out and visit you soon, come on, bye, what does that mean, i’m watching you, we are returning to where we started, who knew that egorov would come to the club? what a romantic he is, no one has ever been beaten for my sake. oh, oh, it's you, and we're celebrating here.
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yes, interesting, so what? a friend has returned from afar. hello! what about bed rest? just a little bit, yes, arkasha and oleg viktorovich agreed with the clinic of restorative medicine, yes, they deal with such cases, and not everything is lost, so it’s going there tomorrow, great, here’s dessert, today everything is possible, hello, hello, hello, and will you take the girl with you, it looks like she’s just now... on vacation, so they decided that together, well, well, i told you, baby, everything will be fine, but it turned out even better, yes, and now you have a real friend, and
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a loving girl, if life hadn’t put you in your life, you would still be with this empty beauty of yours, who could have known that she seems so flighty, only her best friend, always there, always behind her, knows all the secrets, dreams, who goes where and what time did you go, what time should you return, she immediately noticed you, maksimka, not like you noticed her, well, yes, ah, i forgot, but here’s a souvenir for you, dear, that this is a gift from an acquaintance, de... i filmed it at the hospital out of boredom, thank you, but what’s up, i’ll run, there’s no need to get ready, come on, bye ... hello,
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valya, you will have to travel with me, why? your friend varyagin ’s phone was confiscated during his arrest, we studied it, and your correspondence was found there, you told him where and what time you hoped to meet maxim, well, she said, and that because of this, i am not responsible for the actions of the criminal , i truly love maxim, and it doesn’t matter to me whether he is a champion or not, i love him either way, unlike some. your actions can be qualified as instigation or complicity in a crime, then as a consequence it will decide, run, run, run, run, someone, run. oh, comrade, investigator, yours,
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i want it back, yes, listen, it’s all over between us, yes, of course, you’re a flint and a heel for us, this is all our love, this is some kind of eclipse, this is a mistake, i love my wife , yes, yes, then these are my panties, or something, yes, i need to try them on, now just a second, give me the panties, so yes... that's it, everything is finished, yes, goodbye, goodbye, we played and that's enough, goodbye, yes, mom, i'm staying for now, but it's like
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a sanatorium here. no, the skeletons are here, and this is also here, but nothing, looks after, serves, even pleasantly, yes, you know, such is the russian soul, cutlets for breakfast, crunches, flowered curtains, it turns out that there weren’t enough skeletons, no , i now look at many things differently, so as long as we are married, nothing is over. “i know him, he’s getting warmer, the paradise is bothering him, and i feel sorry for him, let us sleep in the same room, but no, not in the same bed yet, but you know that this is a technician’s job, bye, mom, she’s already back”?
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get out of my house, i said, warmed up the snake, don’t yell at me, by the way, i can’t worry, but i can take strangers’ men away, so what’s going on here, general cleaning, sweeping out all the rubbish from the apartment, alena, where are you going, anywhere, away from this psychopath, so calm down, both of you, and i’m calm, i’m generally calm, like yes, yes, more like a battering ram, what? you insulted me in my house, that’s what i’m doing, enough of the madhouse in my living space, alena, raya, alena, well, run, and you don’t have to come back, alena, alena, stop, look where you’re going at night, let him go, no one
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has ever humiliated me like that. “let’s go back to the apartment, talk calmly, go to your hairdresser, alena, alena, alena got hit by a car at night because of me, alena, how can i help, vladimir petrovich, you ’ve already done everything you could.” i can’t work, perhaps, on the contrary, you need to plow, stop knocking, an expert on family relations is needed here, you need to call raya, i’m against it, why are you so me, you can’t return alena, but if you trust him, you’ll also lose paradise, paradise knows everything, continuation, look at rtr tomorrow.


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