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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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rather than writing more and more blank checks for the war. he was at the very center of the debate about whether to send more aid to ukraine, he was adamantly against it. he went to a security conference in munich and right there spoke out in favor of providing less assistance to ukraine. most of the people at the munich conference were uncomfortable with this because they were not used to someone representing the united states talking about retreat. i don't think vladimir putin poses a threat to existence.
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a second term in sight, said iva daalder, the us ambassador to nato under president barack obama, and it shows he is looking for someone who confirms his views rather than contradicts them, at least as far as ukraine, nato foreign policy is concerned . it's too early to tell how much trump will heed vance's advice if they win in november, but if he does, the us will be even more skeptical about ukraine than trump has been so far. it's interesting, but also scary, that trump chose someone who already agrees with him on everything. this indicates...
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relevant, the leader of the free world was talking some kind of heresy for the first time, explained why he called trump an existential threat and called for him to be targeted. this happened exactly 5 days before the murder attempt. allegedly, biden, as he said, was simply figuratively explaining that it was necessary to stop discussing this debate. focus on trump’s actions, he didn’t incite anyone, he certainly didn’t ask donald to kill, and the fact that someone took him literally means that donald trump himself is to blame. since then, biden has been increasingly greeted with offensive signs of “to hell with joe biden,” and indecent gestures. in addition, biden either forgot, or...
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one more debate, yes, we will have another debate, yes, there will be one in september, as expected, but would you agree to hold an extraordinary debate in the next few weeks, i will have a debate with him when we agree. in september we will also have a debate, but if there was an opportunity to choose between now then, in the sense that you could already be on the horse again. i'm already on a horse, are you following me at all, i've done 22 major events, performed in front of thousands of people, huge crowds, there's a lot going on, i'm on a horse, i go out showing it to the american people every time that i'm okay, that i'm not i need a teleprompter so i can answer.
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biden has been voicing concerns in recent days that he is listening to only a small number of his aides, who are limiting the information he receives. two democratic political strategists said that biden it would be worthwhile to directly contact the leadership of his election headquarters and the team that deals with the polls; hearing young, fresh voices would be useful, said one of the political strategists. biden assured lawmakers that his poor performance at the debate had no impact on his approval ratings, suggesting he was being told lies in the polls, a house democrat said . people stopped listening to biden, no one listens to him anymore. it's the worst thing that can happen to any politician, when people write you off and they stop listening to you, they say, we heard your message, it’s yesterday. biden looks extremely frail, he looks like a man from the past. does he look like
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a man who could be president of the united states until january 2029? because this is what the democrats are asking us to do. that's what they're asking the americans to do when they put it forward again. will his appearance on stage be accompanied by something like this? a flurry of applause, as trump just had, i don’t think, i think they will replace him, i know that no one agrees with me, he cannot be president for another 4 years, it seems that he has the initial stage of dementia, he makes a huge number of reservations, he has become a laughing stock on the world stage, this is sad, and this cannot continue, but a little about the crazy russophobia, the estonians continue their senseless and merciless fight with.. solman argues that this will definitely change the way people in the region think. the same is true in ukraine, where
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bandera’s followers continue to fight the russian language. today the norm of the law on ukrainization comes into force, which obliges all regional ones. compulsory during breaks outside of school use russian, 40% of children do this, every fifth uses two languages, in the eastern regions of ukraine, 17% of schoolchildren speak language during breaks,
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and the number of children who call language their native language has decreased by the same 17% over the year. the domestic pilot of the l2 brandes attack aircraft made more than 200 combat missions and destroyed 24 enemy aircraft. crazy russophobes are also rampant in odessa. they are discussing what to do with the demolished monument
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to the founder of the city, russian empress catherine ii. they propose to let it go commemorative coins, and coins - the sculpture has no historical value,
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it is a so-called remake of the early 2000s, but the enemy still uses the myth of the founding of odessa by catherine ii. that’s why activists tried so desperately to remove this ideological weapon of the russians from the city center. after the monument was dismantled and catherine square was given a new name, european, the military and veterans came up with a proposal to melt down the empress into commemorative coins, coins, coins, coins. it's also a long-standing tradition european this is a long-standing military-european tradition, to make some kind of awards, some kind of souvenirs from enemy weapons, not just disassemble them into pieces, but make some kind of interesting slogan, some interesting artistic composition that will fully convey the struggle of odessa residents at the front for freedom and independence. it will be possible to catch a lot of coins from the monument; according to the initiators, they should become a symbol of a future victory over the russians, and over time , a reminder of the joint struggle for freedom.
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see the footage, sergei lavrov is walking along the sidelines the united nations, and so lavrov of the usa. our minister has just stated that nato is not satisfied with the war unleashed in kiev; the united states continues to defiantly escalate the situation. nato's military infrastructure is breaking through into the pacific region in order to contain russia and china; the west is breaking the globalization system. at the same time, our minister directly accused the west of undermining the northern flows; in washington, lavrov said,
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they are convinced that the european allies, and not the united states, will suffer from a new global war. but it's dangerous delusion. lavrov compared the world order itself, based on us rules, to scott yard by the eagle. listen. today we see another humiliation for germany, whose government unquestioningly submitted to the us decision to deploy american ground-based medium -range missiles on german territory. olaf scholz said this innocently: the united states decided to deploy high-precision strike systems in germany and this is a good decision. the usa has decided. and with all this, mr. kirby, coordinator for media issues in washington. on behalf of the president of the united states declares: i quote, we are not seeking a third world war, that would have dire consequences for
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the european continent. end of quote. as the freudian slip says, that is, washington is convinced that it is not the united states, but its european allies, that will suffer from a new global war. we are transported to new york. a unique opportunity right now in direct contact, department director. information has begun, the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. maria, hello, how do you like it there in the usa, how are you greeted, have you heard? sergei's speeches lavrova, were the americans present in the hall? yes, good afternoon, olga, i’m not in the usa, i’m at the headquarters of the united nations, there is still hope that this territory, the territory of the united nations, will not become the territory of the united states of america, in fact, this is exactly what
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sergeevich lavrov spoke about at today's meeting. well, let's take things in order. they said this: multilateralism, strengthening , building a fairer, more democratic world, strengthening these principles of the world order, and to put it in their own words, more understandably, it is probably dedicated to how to prevent a global catastrophe, where our planet is being actively pushed, first of all, by the united states and everything that we
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call the collective west. it was on this topic that sergeevich lavrov spoke, he... spoke about the need to strengthen not just the charter of the united nations and international law, but specific provisions from these documents in everything that we call international relations, but in addition to the historical part of his speech, in addition to quotes, and which you have already mentioned, and in addition to theoretical part, there was also a purely practical part, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov made a proposal to the world, which... of four points: the first is the need to eliminate, and he emphasized once and for all those threats, those root causes that have erupted, erupted in the european continent, a crisis, a crisis that testifies to the collapse of all previous attempts to build security, precisely
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because this security did not become common, indivisible, it was just divided and... sacrificed, sergeevich relied lavrov, making this proposal at the table of the un security council, at the speech of the president of the russian federation, with which he addressed the composition, the diplomatic composition of the ministry of foreign affairs, literally not so long ago, having arrived on smolensk square. the second sentence, without, you understand perfectly well, an economy without economic relations and finance, which should also be more fair. and meeting the aspirations of peoples, international law is unlikely to be fully implemented; it should not be exclusively following the letter and spirit of international law without understanding that the life of our planet should be filled with fairer
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world economic, economic, financial relations, and this proposal was also made. who said that in a multipolar world, by definition, there should be no monopolists in the monetary and financial sphere. another important proposal, another important point of his practical part of the speech is that we should not lose the united nations organization, it should not be privatized by the united states of america, its secretariat should not be biased, its institutions should work for the benefit of the whole world, and not... just in the interests of one group of countries, well, actually, this is the beginning of our conversation with you that i i am, after all, on the territory of the united nations, and not of any one nation that considers itself exceptional. well, one more final proposal, which was voiced by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, is that that it is necessary to support, develop,
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in every possible way, well, probably, cultivate. these are the basic bases or these foundations of multilateralism and multipolarity, which are now either emerging or are already producing practical results, this is the twenty, which should not be reduced to politicization, but should remain an economic platform, an economic platform, a platform for resolving economic issues, this and of course brix, the sco, and... and many other regional structures that have already proven themselves, on the one hand, based on basic principles of the charter of the united nations, but on the other hand... meeting the interests of those countries and those regionally and responding to the regional problems that these countries face, this is the speech, but i also want
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to emphasize that many countries began their speeches with words of gratitude our country for initiating a meeting of the security council on this topic, there as part of the united nations, right now another new york has turned up in the donbass, our fighters of it, that... olga, the problem is the same, look how the united states of america destroyed the legal principles in international
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relations. what are sanctions? this is the end, as they believed, of law in the global economy, this is the end of legality in the implementation of international economic relations between two countries in multilateral formats, what is it? what the united states was doing. look at their manic, manic desire to put themselves above everyone else and make their dictate the only philosophy of the world. this the same exact disregard for laws, law, international law, domestic law. this is the same thing that is happening inside the united states now, and this is not just an atmosphere of hatred, this is not just inciting hostility towards opponents, this is contempt for laws,
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this is transgression of laws, this is again the ideology that they formulated in relation to the same thing president assad in syria or the same president maduro in venezuela, when they said he must go he... must leave, but what does leaving mean? not only from the political arena, it should disappear altogether, because they legitimized the united states of america to kill political figures and committed them, remember how they destroyed aran officials, they legitimized the policy of eliminating, destroying the murder of political international opponents, within the united states the same thing is happening in the states of america when... now the country, the united states of america, shuddered in horror, they shuddered, olga, this is absolutely accurate, they must understand what the root cause is, the reason is
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that their foreign policy, their domestic policy needs to be returned to the fold of legality, but this is not only their internal problem, this is not only a problem of their internal confrontation, this is a problem that, unfortunately, is pushing international life, the world, our planet. catastrophe, and this must be prevented, that’s all, how they will arrange their internal life is the business of the united states of america, but the fact that going beyond the limits of legality in all spheres of life, both within american and american foreign policy, what about this it's time for them to tie it up, that’s for sure, in fact, this is what was discussed today at the table, at the round table of the un security council meeting in new york, i know that you have little time, but... i don’t have to ask what kind of german publication is being closed, to whom you just recently gave an interview, it’s such a coincidence, right? i don’t know, olga, i think,
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and the german journalists themselves say this, that this is a direct consequence of the fact that in the german publication the cd appeared, and my interview appeared, it was posted on saturday, we recorded him, well, probably 10 days ago. it was published 2 days ago, on monday, as i understand it, and the german ministry of the interior, apparently having familiarized itself with it and received the appropriate instructions from the political establishment in germany, made a decision today on tuesday to publish it, to journalists to the editorial office came with a search and literally pogroms, this is a shock for german journalists, and this is the same problem, a problem of legality, if...
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and his broadcasting in german, which was inspired by berlin, is a violation their obligations in the field of freedom of speech, and lena berbock is public, you can find these video frames at the press conference, he said that germany never allows itself this and never influences information policy, here they are closing their own media , they must still answer the question, are they for the law, will they fulfill their domestic and... international obligations, or is this complete lawlessness, complete permissiveness, but what i will repeat once again is the journalists themselves today's searches in their editorial office and, by the way, the statements of the security forces in germany about the banning of this media outlet are connected with the release of my interview, this is true, i can confirm this, but i want to say which fragments of this interview, in my opinion , led to this developments, the main
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question is how... which interested journalists, whether russia can supply gas through the nord stream pipeline to germany in the future, because they have the germans, their german government, by the way, the british prime minister, the american, so-called experts, but they deceive ordinary germans, they deceive the german population, they say that it was russia that cut off gas supplies to germany, and so the journalists spent the bulk of the interview... asking why russia allegedly stopped supplies, to which i said, it was not russia that stopped supplies , but the nord stream was blown up as an infrastructure, as a civil infrastructure facility, and the united states is behind this, because it was biden and nuland who declared that this civilian infrastructure and energy the project will be destroyed and it was partially destroyed, but the part that remains
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working can... because their hands are tied with the united states of america, and this truth, apparently, has simply become, well, apparently a danger for the german security forces. thank you very much, maria, maria zakharova, on direct line new york, united nations, director of the department of information and press. in another interesting coincidence, i gave
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an interview to the newspaper. closed, biden asked to take donald at gunpoint and once there was an assassination attempt, but i says, that's not what he meant, look, a week ago you called your opponent an existential threat, you said it was time, you said it was time to take aim at trump. there is some debate about the context, but i think you get the gist of these words. i wasn't talking about the sight, i was talking about focusing on it. in truth, what i said at the time was that trump's agenda was very limited. yes, the term was bullseye, it was a mistake to use this expression. i didn't say everything, i meant it focus on it. focus on what he does, focus on his policies, focus on the number of lies he told in the debate. brilliantly,
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in fact, he gave the task. to the sniper, and now to the back, please, the whole world is discussing the assassination attempt on trump, you showed, by the way, an excellent story that shows the effectiveness, but in quotes, the effectiveness of the work of the united states secret service, the police, but of course, it is obvious that this is an assassination attempt when it goes in fact, everything is leading up to the denouement of the presidential elections, will play, i think, a significant role in supporting trump. this is a political genre, a scenario, on the other hand, here, when this assassination attempt was committed, even our russian experts began to put forward different versions, including the deep state, and this is the financial establishment, intelligence services, officials are trying to eliminate the non-systemic...


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