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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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on his politics, focus on the number of lies he told at the debate, brilliant, essentially gave the task to a sniper, and now in the back, please, the whole world is discussing the assassination attempt on trump, you showed, by the way, a great plot that shows the effectiveness of, well, in quotation marks, the effectiveness of the work of the secret services of the united states, the police, well... of course, it is obvious that this assassination attempt, when virtually everything is heading towards the end of the presidential election, will play, i think, a significant role in supporting trump, this is a political genre, a scenario, with on the other hand, when this assassination attempt was made, even our russian experts began to put forward different versions, including the deep state, and this is the establishment, financial, intelligence services, officials are trying to eliminate unsystematically.
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trump, well, in fact, i think that this is a big mistake, if they wanted to, they would have eliminated him, the american establishment has enormous opportunities, yes, there would not have been such a shot and maybe everything would have been different, but on the other hand, we understand, that trump is also a representative of the establishment, himself the capitalist, the big capitalist, expresses the interests of another part, the more traditional, but no less predatory part of american business and society. of course, i believe that his decision related to vance as a candidate for the post of vice president, it is also quite obvious, will bring additional points, but they calculated the issue not in the name of the candidate for vice president, the question is what awaits the american society, and of course, american society, first of all, is not waiting for rhetoric related to the escalation of the conflict on ukraine, no matter how sad. for
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zelensky it was the development of america, so his statements are absolutely correct, but on the other hand, a young promising politician, really such a trump, trump, may even be, as some experts say, a greater trump, on the other hand, look, there are serious problems aimed within america, a representative of, as you said, the rust belt from agaya, yes, what kind of territory is that, it flourished in the seventies. heavy engineering, ferrous metallurgy, and then manufacturing american capitalists began to expand beyond china because of cheaper labor and maximum profit. can you imagine, several states actually doomed their american states to extinction and industrialization, which is what our liberals and reformers hoped for in the nineties, that if they began to deindustrialize their america...
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china, which they would unleash, and this would be a serious war, by the way , europe will suffer more at first than the united states, then it may develop into a hotter form, and for us this will also obviously be an unpleasant surprise, because the economies of russia and socialist china are quite interconnected and... this interconnection is fraternal, friendly and economic partnership relations, they are increasing, so in fact, of course, certain changes will occur, but the threat to peace on the part of the united states, primarily american capital, it will continue, but we need to look and resist through scientific and technological re-equipment, by the way, china is talking about this now he says that they have been in captivity for 3 years, the communist party of china, they will talk about economic development, we need to integrate very seriously, because countering
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the american threat, biden or trump, is our joint struggle for a just world, which lavrov also spoke about today, speaking at the un on this site, i think that we need all these sites too. moreover, the most popular opinion is that if donald wins, his skepticism towards ukraine will worsen, including due to the position of his vice president, wentz indeed traditionally proceeds from the fact that ukraine is a state alien to us, and if we fight, then fight with china first of all, and not with russia through the support of zelensky. look, former president donald trump's choice of j.d. vance as his running mate marked his final break with his party's old guard of foreign policy. it is the first appointment he has made in his expected second term, said iva
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dalder, the u.s. ambassador to nato under president barack obama, and trump's election of wentz. and this shows that he is looking for someone who confirms his views, not contradicts them, at least as far as ukraine is concerned. nato foreign policy. it's too early to tell how much trump will heed vance's advice if they win in november. but if he does, the us will take an even more skeptical stance towards ukraine than trump has expressed so far. senator izagaya said that he opposes any further assistance to ukraine and insists on an early conclusion of peace. i’ll say a few words about natural gas, then let’s move on to united states. minister lavrov is very correct in recalling the nord stream explosions. i have always said that russia must constantly talk about this story and not let it be forgotten in silence, because it is barbaric, and this investigation needs to be brought
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to an end, and of course, the un rostrum is a great opportunity for this. indeed, our pipes were blown up. let me remind you that germany refused to introduce nord stream 2. action nord stream-1 no longer worked, but many again forgot, our memory is quite short, that by that time germany refused to carry out routine maintenance in accordance with the contract, the repair company siems did not do this with the turbine, and accordingly, the gas pipeline could not function, and then it was simply blown up and indeed today tales are told about how russia tried to use this notorious...
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quite unexpectedly, at the national convention in chicago, he withdrew his candidacy in favor of vice president humphrey, again there was active talk that biden should withdraw his candidacy, they talked about the vice president camila haris, well, in fact, the congress will also be held in chicago many many years later, then i said that the year sixty-eight was remembered for several high-profile murders, martin luther king was killed, kennedy, the president’s brother, was killed. who was also killed, in fact, many said that an attempt could be made on trump’s life, because political murder, alas, is part of the political culture of the united states, well , four presidents were killed, not to mention countless fewer politicians
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scale, and what, what, what conclusions can be drawn based on the failed assassination attempt on trump, well, many of us have already recorded trump as the winner, i think that he definitely... won, trump also, apparently, recorded himself as the winner, hence the figure of the vice president, why, because the vice president, on the one hand, this position does not mean anything from the point of view of the political process in the united states, although we know many examples when history again pushed them to the first positions, that aka lyndon johnson became president after the assassination of kennedy, well , actually biden was also vice president, we remember this, but usually when...
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in this regard, an attempt to pull oneself, maybe there really were percentages that very often decided everything in the united states, not even percentages, and a few hundredths of a percent , well, yes, some more compromise, less radical vance - that’s it. for the eighth year i’ll use a historical parallel, why? because who became president nixon? what did nixon do? nixon
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opened the soviet union, came unexpectedly, you remember this famous american exhibition, we began economic cooperation, and then china opened, then the famous kissenger formula arose that the relations of the united states with the soviet union, well, with russia and china should be better than the relations between the soviet union and china with each other , here and accordingly. then they tried to build this relationship, now what could happen? well, relations with china are obvious, i completely agree, there is no doubt that the kissenger formula won't work. trump openly says that china is our enemy - our main opponent, but as for russia, i’m not so sure that everything is so clearly bad. i have always said that we should not wait for miracles and believe that when trump comes, everything will change, but there are still certain chances for the normalization of our relations, well, quietly.
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forgive me, please, i’m having contractions, i’m alone today, there’s no news, but i have
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a private room, with all the amenities, are you proposing marriage to me, ruslan, it’s impossible to wait any longer if you don’t call, everything is between us it’s over, your era, and how did you deal with it, a fictitious marriage for six months, i agree, fifth blood type, today on rtr. catch a fish, big or small, well , in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty food be useful, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, maybe is it useful to be with... fiction, can science be understandable, and
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you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make your diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts your mood, that’s for sure. food formulas on saturday on rtr. it is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. hey, it's been a while since we 've seen each other. daring. you know, but for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or
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your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of his time, beauty, reppin, all brigade, just look at the platform, please, introduction and roll call, without any formation. that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, and i begin, mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i
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as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate now only everything is fulfilled, everything is surrendered with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday nartre, alena got hit by a car at night because of me, alena, how can we help, you say, vladimir petrovich, everything you could , you've already done it, look at rtr. i can’t work, on the contrary, you need to plow, and you inspected the door lock, the lock is in order, that means the victim let the killer go, daddy, knock, here an expert in family relations is needed, you need to call heaven, i’m against it, why are you doing that? me, you can’t get alena back, but if you fool around, you’ll also lose paradise, paradise knows everything, how can i
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live with this now, ryan? today on rtr. the peace mission in hungary is entering a new phase. the head of mit sejart has just announced that he intends to meet with lavrov on the sidelines of the council of laws, well, in europe, members of the european parliament are demanding that hungary be deprived of its voting rights in the european union. the letter of demand was signed by 63 deputies. the document states that the hungarian prime minister.
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under the chairmanship of hungary , not european commissioners will be present in budapest, but just senior officials of the european commission. in addition, the european commission refuses to attend the traditional ceremony for hungary to assume the presidency of the council of the european union. orban has angered some eu partners with what he calls his mission to bring peace to ukraine. orban, in particular , met with russian president putin. former us president trump and chinese president sidinping. this is certainly a new escalation, to which viktor orban is likely to react. what is it all about? can it outgrow? viktor orban still has it, and this is true. there are many levers of pressure on brussels. all decisions on security and foreign policy issues in the european union are made by unanimous decision.
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and this will not be possible without the voice of hungary and viktor orban. for example, when it comes to '. well, that is, the european union is officially isolating itself, in this regard we are, of course, waiting for negotiations between seyaert and lavrov in new york. we are brought to the usa in direct communication with igor naimushin. igor, hello.
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so trump is already a candidate. in this regard, is there any understanding about... joe biden's assassination attempt, all these ups and downs in politics, they leave him in this position, is it beneficial for him? olga, hello, well, biden has already admitted that he allowed himself that rhetoric regarding trump within his company that should not have been used, he should not have said specific words, for example, that biden needs to aim for the bull's eye, and other things, he called to unite nations after a failed assassination attempt on its main competitor. it is expected that he will be elected, and there are no alternative candidates like him now, despite the fact that, again, recent
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events and failed assassinations have only increased questions of attention to whether this president is capable of leading the united states in the next 4 years, given the inflaming hatred, the rhetoric that he himself used during the election race, are there any...
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security measures around viktor orban. this is an urgent call, and today this politician , objectively, thanks to his independence,
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courage of political foresight, causes hatred among a number of other political criminal structures in ukraine, including, therefore, strengthen the security measures of viktor orban. i think this is a relevant call, it should be. in this case, i am not talking about my personal, political or social sympathies, this is the objective course of the historical process. again, as in the assassination attempt on a number of other
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american presidents, kennedy in particular, they are feeding us a very convenient version, a lone killer, and everything according to the laws genre, destroyed at the time of the assassination attempt, ends in the water. and, frankly speaking, this situation worries me. i think it should worry the same trump, because a conspiracy to murder involves not only a perpetrator who could simply be stimulated to take certain actions, but also that invisible part of those who prepared, organized, planned this future murder, by luck, as they say, god saved trump, because one...
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by the assassination of a number of political leaders, including the president of russia. i think that president trump should demand that the fbi, the secret service, when working through all versions of a possible attempted murder plot, separately work out the ukrainian case. we know that there is a huge ukrainian community in the usa. chicago, i remember the famous movie brother. you will also answer me for sevastopol, in this regard, i believe that there are those who, in addition to deepstate, could have been the initiator or pulled
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the trigger. anything for this?


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