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tv   Bakhar  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 3:00pm-5:00pm MSK

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faster than athletes in general, let's see how everything is arranged there, here, how i was born, grew up, right here, for now for me this is my home, i'm drawn right here, it's just that you miss the walls just like that, just the room , everything that ’s normal, let’s run away, yes, normal, come on, go, this is coffee for you, yes, come on, borisovna said hi, i’m walking down the same street, definitely, like sasha, this is mandatory, this is valentina borisovna, valentina alekseevna , they will cry with me, yes, while we had him there in the military actions, when it happened, i immediately grabbed this atlas, this is where he first came, arrived, they brought them there. and
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then i directly wrote down where he was, where the battle was going on, i’ll have time to find it somewhere, somewhere i won’t have time, but here i wrote it down, here i wrote it down, look, everything is holding you back in tears, everything, at one moment with big light you remember, oh, alive at home, sasha, come here, the pillars need to be changed, and at the fence, you remember, yes, there are flower pillars, and the gate also needs to be redone. yeah, that's when they come there, what kind of work has been accumulated, they need to mow, split the wood, so they have to get busy, well, finally sasha, he’s arrived, everything is working out well, he forged here, he forged there, now there’s still a bathhouse left, the whole support of hope, you’re with me, the roof- do you remember these ones, how you ran along them, he really wanted to climb right up the very ridge, so you climbed there, i used to walk along the ridge, but first sat down. riding on this skate, and
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then he got up, got up, got up when the grandfather left, because the grandfather was very afraid, shouted, shouted, don’t, don’t get off, get off from there, let's go, sasha, you'll make a salad, make a salad, you'll make it, i'll do it, okay, you miss a little homemade food, not like in the dining room, everything is at home, but what about let's pick, what else, let's pick this one, it's turning red now , his own tomato, his own cucumbers, sasha and... he wants to do more nice things, everything for his beloved grandson, everything, but you and your grandmother are just friends, i see, well, grandma yes, she is like that, she is very emotional for me , very intense reacts to everything exactly this situation, while i i was there all the time, too, like, well, your mom is also emotional, and i was just watching.
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the report is crying on skype, yulia aleksandrovna kulagina contacts us from sochi. yul, vladimir and his mother dreamed of meeting you and saying thank you for raising such a son. svetlana, your chance. thank you so much for your son, thank you for saving my son’s life. i bow to you for your upbringing. wonderful son sasha, thank you, low bow, god bless you, thank you very much, thank you, he it’s just him, here i am from the beginning, this is how he came, he is well-mannered, that is, everything in general, he is efficient, that is, he helped me so many times in my work, then in such a situation he directly saved my life, thank you.
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thank you so much, you know, i don’t even have words, i just have only emotions, i’m crying from everything that was said, and so, of course, i also want to say thank you to vova’s mother for raising and raising such a son, he is real hero, but as i understand it, yul sasha doesn’t tell you much, and he doesn’t even he said he was going to the northern military district, you know, yes. a bit of a secretive person, i literally found out that he was at svo, probably 4 weeks later, until i asked him myself that sasha, are you there, only after that he answered me that yes, and before that we didn’t have a conversation about this at all, he told me that he was going to training, and he also took you and didn’t say that ranin and that he was in the hospital, no, you know, he called me. on the morning of august 15, i
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asked him: what’s wrong with your voice? he says: mom, i'm wounded. i have the first one, or rather the question was, are your arms and legs intact? yes? this is the only thing he told me when he was wounded, but everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is always fine with us, well, at least for what he has military awards, he told, you know, he even told me about it didn’t tell, he didn’t tell, well, i received awards, i did, but for what exactly he didn’t tell, he’s a bit of a hidden person, secretive, shy, modest, doesn’t like to boast about anything,
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penegin, and we visited him, so what he says and says hello to you. attention, since i was 9 years old i have been living in the village of zapolya, this is already considered my home. this is our school, this is my youth street, where i live, this is my home. it was here that i came from the orphanage, here she and i slept downstairs, danil slept upstairs, and he and i. we fought for a place many times, so we had a mess, danil was plump, it was inconvenient for him to climb up, this is our apple tree, pay attention outside the window, it was small when i arrived here, now it’s so big, well when i arrived from
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city ​​here, i immediately realized that i had my own bed, my own trunk, my own things, that is, i knew that now i was protected, that there was... well, no one there really cares about me, these furrows are needed here dig everything up, then you see that the grass will grow, in principle the work is not difficult, it’s not out of habit, yes, no, this is my cabbage kingdom, now kirill we’ll pick these foxes. this is what you carry piglets, we have seven chickens on our parents’ farm, there used to be more, two of them were dragged by a fox, so my parents put up a fence, now the fox is not here comes in, type, type, type, type, type, type,
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type, type, type, type, type, come here, i came here on vacation this summer, we built this garage, we built it for a tractor, the tractor is very old, it’s more than a year old , than me, we carry hay for them, and firewood, and plow the land, i used to play football, in this village i formed a football team, together we went to competitions, as you can see, i haven’t lost the skill yet, hmm, i have a dream live in a warm part of the country, so open it up. your business to do something that interests you, and also i have a girlfriend, anasseya sergeevna, i would like to marry her, kirill is only 22 years old
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and it turned out that he was in an orphanage, at the age of 9 he came to a foster family, which became his family, it was kirill who covered for volodya. when he was wounded and he is also here today, we meet him. how are you? i ’m fine, thank you so much, you’re so much better, thank you, thank you for saving me, please, thank you, thank you, what do you say, svetlanavna, i’m grateful, kirill, i want to invite you to visit, come, come, i’ll be glad, come
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to visit, you will be like sons, if your parents allow you to be called sons for a while, they will let you go, of course. how do you feel? well, i’m very glad, because we saw each other for a very long time, i didn’t know how the commander was, how sasha was, how things were going with them in general? business, i’m very glad to meet you, because we haven’t seen each other for more than a year since that very battle, so much time has passed, but you now live in kazan, they told me, yes, that’s right, i serve there in the russian guard, yeah, well, do you remember how did they save volodya? yes, i remember, an order came to take a settlement, we went in a train columns, we were traveling in the first armored personnel carrier, together with the commander, the commander was... and you are the youngest, as i understand it, you’re in your twenties, so we were driving ahead, what is your call sign,
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green, that is, as the youngest they gave you this call sign, but in the squad he was the youngest, so we continued moving, well , we were told that we might meet the enemy, well, we were ready, we were driving to the colony with the commander in front in an armored personnel carrier, we left the landing, turned left.
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in general, it turns out they retreated back from where they came, evacuated the commander in their department took a checkpoint, but please tell me, i have information that you volunteered right from the first days of the northern military district, why did you make such a decision, well, i realized that it was a duty at the very moment when... to your homeland, how to say, we need support of hope, so that at least someone can protect us,
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that people like us must work, well, as i understand it, then for a whole year there was no news, and you celebrated your twenty-first birthday without volodya, yes without volodya, yeah, let's see how it was, now we even have footage from the northern military district zone. come on, let's blow to the end, happy birthday, happy birthday, health, happiness, all the best, fighting spirit to you, and so that your main dream comes true home, what was it, a cake or whatever it is, we have a drink in the army, the russian army, there is very tasty cheese in it. and no matter how delicious it was,
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did anything change for you after you visited the mtr? well, despite the fact that since i was 22 years old, my views on life have changed, i have become more serious and responsible about everything, and you? of course, your outlook on life seems to have remained the same, but for some reason you begin to think differently, well , somehow not like before, that is, you somehow begin to appreciate something more, well, i it seems that we should get to know your mother, kirill, because this is also a separate, it seems to me, human feat, to take someone else’s child and love him as your own, yes.
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heroes are not born, heroes are made. len, let's see what you told us about your son before the program and how you carefully keep it crafts made. with his hands, attention, here kirill has wooden crafts, he used to be fond of this business, toys, spatulas, pestles, but he has such a legendary pistol, he also played war games, well , he did everything with his own hands when he was
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on kirill svo, he thought, here’s kirill, now you’re holding a real machine gun, no way. we played as children, so we talked to him via video call, they don’t say much, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is like in a fairy tale, as i say, they feed, everything is fine, all sorts of things anyway thoughts, as long as you don’t get captured, as long as you don’t kill, that’s probably what everyone has, be proud, of course, be proud. of course we’re proud, everyone grows up like that, let’s do a short commercial now, then in our program there will be new surprises for our heroes, what kind of girl came to the studio to meet vladimir, we’ll find out after the commercial, don’t switch.
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there’s something so chill inside, anything can happen, don’t give up on anything, i’ll still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never to cheat on myself, it’s not like i have a family every year, i have every minute, a minute of a family, there is no other way, now there is a struggle for
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our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past. i understand that such a responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, you are married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk, take your hand on friday. "i really need help, something to come up with, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastiness, you i wanted this, you really love me, the other one
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loves me, but doesn’t say, i’d like to take your portrait, do you mind?” “yes, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic , last chance, on friday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program “60 minutes” is on the air. 60 minutes today on rtl i made a wish, and i made a wish, plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she
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is kind, she is warm-hearted, and nothing, she... your cherished wish will definitely come true. i love you, i want to be with you. when the bogulnik blooms, on saturday on rtr. the parents are sounding the alarm; the grandmother stole their son from them and turned her grandson into a real mowgli. in our studio is the same grandmother who is hiding her beloved grandson. once again, good afternoon, the rescue of the commander, the story of one feat, the twenty-six-year-old commander of a motorized rifle platoon, vladimir kalundiga, said that in april last
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year in one of the battles he was seriously wounded, lost his arm and spent several months on the hospital bed. now he is looking for his comrades who, risking their lives, carried him from the battlefield, and today in our studio he met with his saviors, alexander kulagin and kirill penegin. year, she also met her son today.
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before leaving for advertising , an adoptive mother, kirill penegina, elena veshtemova, appeared in our studio. elena, do you remember the first time you saw it? we have a foster boy, we took him from an orphanage, at the age of 8, well, he is like that, we first came to social security, they showed us all the children, what there is, well, right away somehow the eyes are big, so curious, here we go, stand. i went with my daughter, they were out for a walk, and then he came, i saw him walking so sad,
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then they called him, remember, kirill, yes, kirill i say, you’ll go to the village, to the village, i don’t know, well, probably i’ll go, well, you’ll go, let’s go, everyone got dressed, signed the necessary documents, everyone went, well... first they give you a guest allowance for 2 weeks, and then suddenly the child doesn’t like it, there are all kinds of children, so i see, we have danil he also has a son, danil was 6 years old, kirill was eight, they have a difference, that’s it, they somehow became friends, all together, on the playground for the children’s with swords, it’s all there, tanya has already left to study with us technical school, for us it’s 10 years. the difference, this is how kirill settled down and lives with us, well, when he told you that
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he wanted to volunteer for the northern military district, how did you react, he said, no one said, no one said, how are you, everything is fine, well, everything is fine, everything is fine , then he already said that we were in the fifteenth brigade, but he was, since everything let's go, i went, then we already... found out when he, we went to the exercise, we went to the exercise, then he called, here we are, here, okay, let's talk to the heads so that everything will be fine, of course, we were always waiting for calls from anywhere, he remembers my phone number, he knows, he looks, lena, hello, i have aunt lena, lena, hello, how are you, i say, how are you, i say, how are you, so it’s good for me, good, but for us it’s even better, right? well, today you are meeting for the first time with him, yes, i’m not svetlana i’ve never seen him, i haven’t seen the guys either, he’s already been invited to visit the khabarovsk territory, let him go, let him go, but of course i’ll let him go,
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let him go, yes, you come yourself, that’s all with pleasure, come, we’ll definitely go on vacation, just like that, come, we will have saffron milk caps now, so come, tan, like... sister, what do you say, did you know that you have such a brother? well, at first we didn’t know that he had gone somewhere, she also said, teaching, teaching, then my mother already told me, you knew, i said, no, but he didn’t call us, in principle he didn’t have phone, and he knows only one single number, it’s his mother’s, and he can call her from anywhere, and i’m already calling there and how are you doing, kirill called there, didn’t call, she says, it’s not there, she’s silent. so he called, well, it was as if they were communicating like this, but they found out that he showed himself so courageously like that, so courageously, by chance, he had already
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arrived. he came to visit us on vacation and started talking about something at the table and we were curious about him, how is it , well, how is it going on, he says , yes, that’s how it is, well, boy, there we are, so what? and he just hesitated, hesitated and walked away from the conversation, well, in principle, he doesn’t like to talk about how, in general , the boy you saw today together with his mother whom he saved volodya, but we have another surprise for you: the girl who wrote you a letter , but i never decided to send it, i’m sure you ’ll remember her today, her name is nastya, nastya saidashova, she came to this program today with this letter and now she’ll tell you everything, hello!
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how long have you not seen nastya andrey, i would like to first say a big thank you, words thanks to the guys for saving my friend. we haven’t seen each other for a very, very long time, long before svo, but we know each other, yes, a listmate, we know each other, it’s you, yes, it’s my birthday, well, volodya already has a feeling since kindergarten, i look into you, that is, i i realized that
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they were going to the nursery. to school together, yes, we went to school together in kindergarten, vova was in a class older than me, and he protected you, of course, he was already a protector then, well, he is such a cute boy, there are probably always a lot of girls there, yes, he always was in the center attention, because he was involved in dancing for a long time in kvn, he played all sorts of tags at school, but did he help you with some lesson? boba helped me do geometry, because i was very bad at it, and in return i helped him do russian, he somehow even scribbled in his notebook with a red pen, then he didn’t give them to me, and also some story, they told us that you drowned your slippers, we have a stream, and vova and i went
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to it together, so the slippers have... for a long time he was looking for it, then he gave me his, he walked home on his own, but so what, when he left, communication stopped, as i understood, yes, well, yes, they didn’t keep in touch like that anymore, well, that is, they couldn’t, she always came to us to visit, we always received information through her, in principle, when vova called the hospital, sveta’s answer was also with us. i only remember a fragment of a phrase, what with my hands, i was straight then, i had nothing to say, that is, i didn’t even know how she was going through, what he was going through at that moment, i was in a stupor there was, what kind of letter, tell us about the letter, i know that many people write letters of support to our guys at the front, i wrote them too, but...
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i have to send it, i hope that after transmission it will be read, thank you, well, a question - i’m sorry, you have a boyfriend, no, well, volodya, as i understand it, is also so free.
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you are educated with honors diplomas, graduated from educational institutions, and of course, the fact that you are such a real merit of your parents and... i want to present mothers with flowers today, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, well so, take care of yourself and your loved ones, friends, that ’s all for today, goodbye.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live , hot on the heels, we start with impressive footage, an expander with a cassette warhead strikes. at the training ground of the armed forces of ukraine of the kharkov region. aerial reconnaissance spotted the ukrainian armed forces militants loading onto the bus, identified the place where they were actually training, and aimed an iskander gun. it is reported that 160 military personnel were killed as a result of the strike. another blow was struck at the service command post security in kiev, the tas agency reports with reference to... khelson region, the new york times also reports that the harvest is under our control, the publication claims that
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the successes of the russians on the battlefield have become a sobering factor for the ukrainian leadership, the publication writes about ukraine's readiness. end hostilities, begin negotiations with moscow, that at the front, look, in the rear area of ​​the special operation, fighters from the north group are honing their skills in assaulting the ukrainians.
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get ready, it means we noticed something, and contact is already possible, this whole group everyone is transferred, a short training session and the soldiers are alerted, reconnaissance reveals a strong point, given, given, let's move, boys. after the work of the dredgers, the positions begin to be cleared by the forward detachments, as a result of a rapid operation, where the main factor is
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surprise, several soldiers in the ssu are captured, the rest are killed, the encirclement of konstantinovka, this is what the enemy plans to do, he creates so-called tension points in a wide circle, stretching ukrainian positions. the enemy is directing its main tactical power to taretsk, breaking his air bombs. the enemy is mercilessly destroying our infrastructure, using all types of weapons every day, including 10-15 airstrikes. ours took one shot, theirs fired five or seven. in this footage, drone operators using a copter drop a grenade exactly into the open hatch of the tractor, and a seriously wounded all-ear guard crawls out of the vehicle’s armor.
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it's a little unusual to show you how a place called sunrise was taken. this is a video of the russian army that was published in the aftermath to show how they advanced, how they attacked the enemy. here we see. this is what the battlefield looks like from above, a russian drone shows that sunrise is a very small place, maybe i can briefly outline it, in fact there are only two big roads and one small one, but this place was one of the last that ukraine still held in this region, russian iskanders near the village of peresechnaya in the kharkov region with an accurate strike... bombed a training ground. the footage shows cluster
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submunitions scattering, then ambulances arrive at the scene. according to preliminary according to data, 160 soldiers were killed. in the same area, artillery attacked a group of foreign mercenaries; french soldiers complained about the conditions of accommodation and luck. this is where the ukrainian army is located. these are the houses of the people who lived here. everything is abandoned, car skeletons are lying around. we don’t go far into the field because we need to look to see if there are mines there. a group of soldiers live in each house, but there is no one there, because the temperature rises to +40, which is quite difficult. on another section of the front, kamikaze drones hit a hangar with equipment, on in response to the impact, a cloud of black smoke rises, and this is footage from the enemy side, russian paratroopers attacking an american max pro armored car. another target
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of the russian military is the polish self-propelled gun krab. first, the attack is carried out by the artillerymen, followed by a control hit from lanze's loitering ammunition. we have a lot of work; we are now working on ukrainian fortifications, where they dug in for a long time. now we break them down, everything happens day and night, early in the morning, late in the evening, peace. we don't have it at all, but this goal-oriented work of dronnolov, the drone hovers over the enemy uav drops a net on it, the propellers get stuck, the drone falls to the ground. the tactic has proven its effectiveness more than once. heavy drones can also be fired from small arms with thermal imaging sights. a russian paratrooper shoots down a baba yaga hexocopter; anti-aircraft missile systems also provide a reliable shield from air attacks. even by looking at each other we understand
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each other, one twitched, that’s it, everyone else also already knows what and how to do. on the flank hourly yar, russian attack aircraft crossed the seversky danets and gained a foothold on the other western side of the river, knocking the enemy out of kalinovka. the emphasis now is on the hourly yar, they say that rubezh is the seversky danets canal, donbass. tell us what the operational situation is there, the situation there. let's just say it was consistently tense, the enemy passed the canal, entered the forest, it was difficult. regarding the canal, i heard that the enemy had crossed it in places. yes, the enemy has crossed. in ukraine, 2 months passed today, during which all men had to update their data to the military registration and enlistment offices, there seemed to be few people willing. everyone else is now officially criminal. ministry of defense spokesman lazutkin reports that only 75,000
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men abroad have updated their military registration data, despite the fact that, according to eu statistics , there are officially more than 800 thousand ukrainian men in europe alone. it is becoming increasingly difficult for those who remained to legally leave the concentration camps in ukraine. from today, all men from 18 to 60, even those who... have the right to travel, will not be released without military registration documents. in addition, all ukrainian men who have not updated the data in the tsk on the agenda can now be declared in rozovsk, said deputy minister of defense of ukraine chernogorina. summons received by mail will also be considered served, even without the recipient’s signature. in poltava they warn that there may be patrols on the streets. become even larger, documents will be checked
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not only by military registration and enlistment office employees, but by the police. in general, the hunt for cannon fodder for the ukrainian armed forces is gaining absolutely insane momentum. driven into a corner, the ukrainian boys too holds its own at night. in the lvov region , someone threw a grenade at the military registration and enlistment office; they tried to tear down that part of the building where the entire military file was kept, and this is odessa. a packed bus is broken into by tc employees to check the documents of male passengers, an angry crowd calls on them and...
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in ukraine, a two-month period has expired, during which all ukrainian men of military age had to update their contact information at military registration and enlistment offices, the government will impose fines possibly even pursue those who have not complied with this requirement are part of the ukrainian government's efforts to maintain personnel levels during the ongoing war against russia. they are located near some recruiting centers in cities such as kiev. or of military age, that is, from 25 years old, you must register your email, place of residence and place where you can be found in the military database of ukraine. but we are at that stage of the war when those who wanted to volunteer to fight,
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risking their lives, have long since done so. there are people who have returned from the front lines with serious injuries, but still want to return, but there are others that we hear about... more and more often, those who are afraid of the draft. their argument is that not everyone can be a killer, they are frankly afraid of what is happening at the front. we are also talking about a system in which there has historically been a serious lack of public trust, where there have historically been accusations of corruption, where if a person had enough money or knew the right person, he could avoid the draft and even secretly leave the country. ukraine adopted a new law on mobilization, which was received ambiguously. he increased the age of conscripts, but what is very important for critics is that the law does not provide for a limit on the length of service, but this is the situation in which ukraine finds itself. against russia, it must mobilize as many people as possible to continue the fight. if the men do not register their details and are caught, they face heavy fines or even jail. in addition, there is now tension in society,
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in cities such as kiev, odessa or even in dnieper there are men who are exempt from conscription due to work or who were simply not drafted into the army. they are. as usual, but these are still places where missile strikes are carried out. these are difficult times for ukraine. ukrainian soldiers are training. the average age of a soldier exceeds 40 years. the army has been desperate for recruits over the past year after the government said 31 soldiers and more had died since the war began. now it looks like it all worked. a parliamentary representative told the ukrainian press that when if current trends continue, the government may demobilize by october. this will also give respite to soldiers who
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have been at the front for more than a year. the new measures were unpopular and difficult to implement both in ukraine and in the european union countries, where many ukrainians fled. of course, the mobilization efforts have generated antipathy, but they have nevertheless been remarkably successful, and the goal of 2,000 people is within reach by the end of the year. some additional measures certainly helped, but there are still rumors, e.g. that people with illnesses are on the front line. there is definitely a problem with the number of people on the front at the moment, and while this mobilization will go some way to solving that problem, it won't go away completely for some time.
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when he was a child, he crossed the border with a fake certificate and he doesn’t want to fight because he’s afraid. the musician spoke about this in an interview with another russophobe, who called for killing everyone...
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here is the name of his songs: oh bandera, the ukrainian apostle, glory to ukraine, russians in the donbass, no, he’s walking through the city, yes many others, even more.
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numerous meetings of the head of med lavov indicate the failure of the west’s attempts to isolate our country. lavrov spoke with the acting heads of iran and the government of national unity of libya, the foreign ministers of bahrain and kuwait, and lavrov called the meeting with his swiss counterpart, ignazio cassison, interesting. the meeting took place on the initiative of the swiss.
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naturally, the ukrainian crisis. the hungarian foreign minister said that the west’s strategy had failed, with arms supplies to kiev, new sanctions will not end the war. before the meeting with lavrov, szijjarto gave a powerful speech at the sobbezo meeting. there he called it outrageous and unacceptable that in the 20th century the country is being shamed for wanting peace and advocating negotiations with moscow.
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that's why i'm here. i think that the strategy that has been in place over the past two years has failed, because
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no matter how many weapons are supplied, no matter how many are introduced.
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regarding the authority of the un and representatives of any country that attends its meeting, then we, as the host country of the un, allow foreign diplomats to visit the un, an obligation we have been fulfilling for decades by all administrations. as for restrictions, we have the right to restrict certain people in that they can only attend a specific un meeting, and not go on a tour of the united states. question on russia, lavrov is in new york today, he mentioned the possibility. peace negotiations between russia and ukraine, he mentioned that a political, diplomatic solution should be accompanied by concrete steps to eliminate threats to the russian federation from the euro-atlantic. it appears that he is referring to the treaty that was proposed to russia in 2021. are you ready for some broader dialogue? you are right, ukraine must be at the forefront of any diplomatic efforts to end
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the war, since they are the victim of your aggression. the problem with the formulations of the russian foreign minister is that no one in europe threatens russia and no one threatened it before the invasion of ukraine, even before the 2014 invasion of ukraine. now the attention on the screen on the internet is literally filled with a computer visualization of the moment trump was shot, which especially clearly shows that donald. literally on the verge of death, had the killer pressed the trigger a split second earlier, before trump sharply jerked his head, and the bullet would not have slipped through the ear, but hit directly in the temple. the motives of tomos krups, who wanted to kill the
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american presidential candidate, are still unknown, there is not even clarity. after studying his phone reports the publication. investigators are now looking into the shooter's computer. from what we managed to find out, on the day of the assassination attempts.
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that us intelligence does not rule out new attempts on donald trump. iran could supposedly be behind them. the publication reports this with reference to two high-ranking american officials: tehran. rejects apologies, claims that, of course, he is going to bring trump to justice for the murder of iranian general sulaymaniyah, but to bring him to justice in a legal way, and not through a new terrorist attack. sulaymaniyah, let me remind you, was killed on january 3 1920 as a result of an airstrike by the us air force. the pentagon said the operation was carried out on trump's personal orders. new footage shows how close donald trump came to death when he was shot at a rally in pennsylvania. a computer-generated 3d visualization posted on social media
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shows a bullet flying past donald trump's ear, as seen from above. right after the former president moved his head. the graphic also shows the trajectory the bullet would have taken if trump had not he jerked his head at the last moment. the footage has gone viral on social media and many are saying that... i have been providing personal security to famous people, former heads of state, various famous personalities for the last 30 years, and i have never seen anything more chaotic than what happened that day . two remote- controlled improvised explosive devices were found in the car. according to sources, the remote control for these devices was found in the shooter's pocket on the roof, three fully loaded magazines with almost. hundreds bulletproof vest, the question arises whether he expected to escape, and if so, what was it all intended for, what should have happened next, questions that still remain open. will outside and internal investigations determine whether there were any
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missed opportunities to prevent this shooting in the first place? a law enforcement source said a local officer photographed a suspicious man carrying what appeared to be a rangefinder. this is a device that looks like a small binocular and is used arrows. to measure the distance as they prepare for a long shot, since he didn't have a weapon, it didn't stop him from getting through security, but they didn't pay attention to what he had it in his hand for, they told the people to keep an eye on by this guy, but then he leaves the secured area and doesn't appear for a while until the crowd says there's a guy crawling on the roof, it looks like he has a rifle. you know, i look at all these things on various videos of an attacker pointing a firearm at an employee law enforcement, and the first thing he must do is immediately draw his weapon and reduce the threat and risk. you know, i 'm asking why the local law enforcement officer didn't do this. just before crooks' first shot, one of the snipers on the left rooftop behind trump
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appeared to spot the shooter and prepared to return fire. theoretically, you could fall asleep in this position, open your eyes and still hit your target. so there's no point in fighting someone who has a rifle 150 yards away. future president. usa, if this were my student, i would say: you just made a fatal mistake, you are fired, because of the negligence, because of the number of mistakes that were made by the secret service, it is very difficult for me to resist the thought that this it was done deliberately and not lightly. we are in a situation where the shooter's motives may be mixed, unclear, and we don't have a clear narrative about him to understand it. in recent weeks, the us government has received data from some people... the threat from iran was a known factor, and there were warnings about iran and the fact that they really wanted
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to retaliate against the united states. clearly, the 2020 assassination of qassem soleimani, a top general in iran, has raised concerns that specific u.s. government officials could be targeted, including the former president, mike pompeo and john bolton. we will only resort to iranian and international legal and judicial procedures. i told you straight out that we will resort to legal and judicial procedures at the domestic and international level to attract. to the responsibility of the executors and military advisers involved in the murder of the general. i am not surprised by reports that iran is involved in threatening mr. trump. the iranian regime has vowed to kill him, and mr. trump has received repeated and serious threats, both while in office and since he left office. the americans openly stated that they killed the iranian military leader. therefore it is ours
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it is a natural right to follow up on this matter, and those responsible in this matter must face a fair trial. iran has been mulling a plan to replace trump for years, but officials said intelligence has stepped up in recent months and they have become more confident about tehran's intentions. they also said more attempts could be made on trump's life in the coming weeks. it seems to me that at this point it is necessary to conduct an investigation in congress, not just in the fbi, not just in other organizations. i look back and i think: look at the escalation at how... they are trying to finish off trump. let's just say it was something like that. okay, first we want to censor you into silence, then we want to charge you and put you in jail. now we are trying to kill you and remove you from the stage.
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just look at how many police there are in milwaukee now. the officer confirmed that a police officer was involved in the shootout there. this happened near the republican national convention in milwaukee. the shooting site appears to be about a mile away. places where there are now about 50 thousand people who came to the conference. no police officers were injured, but we don't know what condition the person who was shot was in, but i can tell you that the mulooka medical examiner was called to the scene. donald trump himself also remembered berani, but in the context of sanctions. bloomberg journalists asked donald if he was considering easing anti-russian sanctions? trump answered the question in the affirmative: i don’t like these sanctions at all, we are alienating other countries. let me remind you that it is donald trump. even before
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the start of the special operation, he imposed the largest number of sanctions against our country, and he was terribly proud of this. now he admitted that sanctions were only useful in the case of tehran, he came up with these anti-iranian sanctions himself, but years later he realized that even they did not work. trump is so popular right from... now that after the nomination of senator vance for the post of vice president, vance's book, the village legion literally skyrocketed to the first place on the list in just a few hours bestseller on the largest american marketplace amazon, before that it was on line 220, beaten pilots from britain, a former prime minister, are trying to snatch some of donald’s fame. this time he admires trump’s strength
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and wishes him to win, while not forgetting to kick the former owner of the white house, says biden, a weakling. another british ex-prime minister, boris dzhensonyuk, also came to the convention of the us republican party and met with trump. on social networks, the fawning boris called the still -candidate donald the president of america. and said that he discussed support for ukraine with him. the honorary citizen of kiev spent half an hour convincing trump to continue supporting the zelensky regime and the war until the last ukrainian. dzhinsonyuk believes that he was able to convince donald trump. for american republicans, at the same time, the arrival of lakhmatov frick turned out to be absolutely unnecessary, the hall where zhensonyuk spoke. was practically empty,
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boris was crucifying himself, thus, mainly in front of chairs, this photo of his speech is called humiliating by the mirror, of course, it’s difficult to argue. met with president trump, about which he published a post on social networks. the former prime minister said he was delighted to speak with trump. he also noted that he is in excellent shape after the recent assassination attempt. of course, they discussed ukraine, and johnson has no doubt that trump will be strong and decisive on this issue and the defense of democracy. these are the conclusions he came to in his post. so, here is this photo from the meeting between johnson and trump. both politicians smile and show their thumbs up in approval. of course, boris johnson
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discussed ukraine because there were many questions regarding whether donald trump as president would continue to support kiev. and as we know, this is the most important element in johnson’s american company. yes, it makes me laugh personally. you're probably aware of the prime minister's disastrous speech at the republican national convention. boris johnson flew to the united states to address a nearly empty room at the republican national convention. in humiliating photographs obtained by the mirror, the former the prime minister speaks to rows of empty seats in a milwaukee hotel ballroom. mr. johnson has been trying to stay in the spotlight, giving speeches, publishing newspaper columns and writing memoirs since his infamy. abandoned the post of members of parliament, only a few dozen people came to watch johnson’s speech, despite the fact that more than 50.00 people came to the congress in meluki. i saw a picture from this event, and the number of listeners is amazing. i counted just over four people there, and that's very strange, because quite recently this
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man went to parliament and spoke there. he was the man who represented the interests of the british people. and i see this paradox: as soon as british prime ministers leave their post, they become not... and there he is busy talking to trump, but his speech emphasizes the strangeness and absurdity of his presence there. i think johnson's belief that he can turn the ship of american foreign policy around in washington is a delusion. johnson's post is nothing more than an excuse to discuss this. he's just trying to stay relevant and be in the news. the fox trust does the same. one question: what are you doing here, what are you talking about? the idea that boris johnson has any influence is a delusion, he is not a prime minister, he is not a member of parliament, because he was not elected, these are obvious things. trump's position towards ukraine is very, very skeptical. boris
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johnson asked donald trump to support ukraine when he becomes us president. and here you see this beautiful photograph of the former prime minister of great britain. and as you may have noticed, he even combed his hair for the occasion. i think this is wonderful. agree with you. you also see trump, who survived the assassination attempt, and he continues to work. there are simply people who do not share this opinion, but we are glad. i don’t want to argue with anyone, i’m just happy that he survived. of course, let's not forget about johnson. let me remind you that he made a big bet on ukraine. not until this guy stop. i think he would have continued to do his job if his...
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regime, california governor gavin newson signed the insane, probably the most scandalous, tolerant law ab 1955, supposedly aimed at protecting lgbt children. now in california, teachers do not have to tell parents if a child wants to identify as transgender or change their identity. gender is a secret from mom. elon musk has already responded to the crazy initiative; he announced a transfer from california, where this law was adopted, to texas, the headquarters of his companies x and spacex. this
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the last straw - elon musk wrote and said that a year ago he warned newsam that such inclusive laws were simple. they will force normal families and conservative firms to leave california to save their children, they will go crazy with inclusivity in neighboring canada, where tolerance and craving for diversity have reached a new level. the average drag queen show no longer seems inclusive enough to montrealers. the so-called afrode is gaining popularity, this is when... black people, and painted men in women’s dresses do not they just dance obscenely and make faces, but they also talk about their african ancestors and... the homosexual life of african canadians, among their ancestors, they say, there were even transgender people. we
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're at cafe cleopatra, and it's the first trans-employed business in canada, which is very important, it's a queer historical landmark, and it's also where the first afro fight took place. my name is carlene holmes, also known as bisi, and i am a singer, songwriter , afro-drag performer and producer. afrodrag is a multidisciplinary drag show, in which tells the stories of representatives of the afrodiaspora. i created afrodrag, but i am not the face of afrodrag, it is not just my creation, i only have my own point of view, so it is important to have a variety of experiences from different people.
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we have to represent diversity within the show, it's not enough to just say we're black. when i heard about afrodrag, i was really fascinated by the project and performed there when the entire cast was made up of black people. i was so excited that i almost cried during its ledge. it's hard to get people
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to care about what you do, but thanks to big cc, i've been able to create a whole world where songs can exist and i can explore a lot of different topics and say things that might not have been received as well if they came only from me, so i can take great risks thanks to my character, a threshold for everyone, forgotten, ah, if i could, i would let you smolder. but if it were like that, the plot of my story would disappear in an instant, pay me as much as you deserve, come on, karen, get the pennies, the paleness of your skin will be your death, salvation lies between my charms. since the afrodrak project started in 2019, there have been a lot of black drag artists popping up in the city, and i feel like we're partly responsible for that. there was a lot of work, but it was wonderful, i feel like everyone...
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correspondent, alexander kharchenko. sash, hello, you have returned from near volchansk, where the most alarming news probably comes from. ukraine reports counterattacks, supposedly successful attacks. what is happening in the city, who now owns it in percentage terms, what’s on the way? tell me. yes, hello. 2 days ago i finally got to volchansk, i really got there, because getting there is extremely
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problematic, despite the fact that some daredevils still fly there on loaves, on a bug, it’s still not recommended to do this, because a large number drones, fpv drones, comics, for which any movement is trying to stop, and if you are walking, then you have at least some chance of hearing it, jump into the bushes, as it were it’s funny and... it didn’t sound like it, but it’s a real modern war, that is, you need to constantly keep your ears ready, and as soon as you hear that nasty squeak of an approaching drone, you need to urgently look for shelter, that is, preferably somewhere under the trees, and the further, the deeper you go, the better, but there is a small problem, the approaches to lupchansk are densely mined, so you are always looking for... this balance between how far you can go and how far to hide from
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the fpv drone, and i i will say that the hardest part is the road. uh, because it's very dangerous, that is , the supply and evacuation groups are at particular risk, who every day bring food , some kind of ammunition there and carry back the wounded, that is, they walk this road three to four times in one direction for about five kilometers about that, and these are truly very courageous people, which means that as for... volchansk itself, ukraine is once again talking about some mythical counterattacks, that they knocked us out, but this is completely untrue , that is, they already somewhere for a month, we are being forced out of the aggregate plant territory every day, but russian military personnel continue
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to be there, but, of course, ukraine is making attempts. but these are not some huge masses of troops there, basically they send there recently mobilized ones, who , without any experience, one might say, throw them into the furnace of war like that, burn them, that is, well, those who were caught and imprisoned on a bus, and a week later he ends up in volchansk and thereby, well, that is, they probe in this way... in this way, the unprepared are abandoned forward, and the russians are still sitting there, holding out, so let’s try in another place, 5,000 people were sent to another place, again no success, well, let’s go to a third place, that is, well, they’re trying to counterattack in such humane ways, but nothing works, that is, i have even stopped
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noticing any positive news from ukrainian propagandists from volchansk, they simply say: meat grinder, meat grinder, meat grinder, just the day before it became known that a reward of as much as 15 million rubles had been set for the f-16, we are thus preparing for welcome to the meeting these planes, is the ukrainian infrastructure ready? we are hitting airfield networks with such regularity that one gets the feeling that there should be nothing left. and to be honest, for the first downed f-16s i would give not 15, but 30 million rubles, because this is an extremely important point in this conflict, now i will explain why, than a shorter time will pass from the moment of delivery of modern western systems to their
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destruction, the less significant the next deliveries will be, the fact is that... it’s an arms fair, everyone is closely watching for the survivability of systems in the zone of this conflict, if the first five or six fighters there, which have already been announced, are set up, they are immediately destroyed, then the following countries will think about whether it is even worth doing this, because there is no situation at the front they didn’t change, they ruined their reputation, that is, why is this necessary, then there will be a huge question and... look, now, if we destroy these first f-16 fighters, then in general western countries will have less desire to help ukraine, ukraine at all, because what if f16 doesn’t help, then what about giving them the f-35, but, of course, no one will give them the f-35,
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which is why there will still be more supporters of starting negotiations. somehow resolve this conflict situation in a peaceful manner, in a peaceful way, but again i will say that the russian command still set the destruction of aviation airfields - this was brought into some kind of system, because it is felt that behind the airfields they constantly observe and try to destroy both air defense and aircraft that are nearby, well, as if they are at these... airfields and this is still a systematic work, we are actually preparing to receive the f-16, that is, this is not something that will come as a direct surprise to us, but the f-16 can cause trouble, because these are western fighters that are integrated into a single
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system , they come with a much larger range of weapons than the same mik-29. this is a problem, but again we are trying to solve it, and i think that as soon as information about the first planes arrives somewhere in the lvov region, the russian one... in the odessa region, that is, strikes applied literally on a daily basis. the associated press just reported that the federal bureau of investigation
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(fbi) was unable to establish a motive for trump's shooting, even after interviewing more than 100 witnesses. it is known that the shooter had no definite political views and was subjected to daily harassment. at school, so the motive for the murder, the assassination attempt, may not be political, great, we live in interesting times, what next? olga, actually, these are super interesting times, you’re actually wondering what will happen tomorrow, it’s much more interesting, one day the president is shot, the next day, it turns out that for no reason.
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still, they didn’t make it, the gravity of these charges didn’t match and it didn’t work out, so we had to figure it out differently, who was this shooter? well, it’s quite possible that he’s an ordinary freak who really wanted to become famous at least once in his life, and whose social situation around him was bad, he looks exactly like this. but who brought him to this condition? then here is the division of the country 50 to 50, those cries: let's sort it out, with
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the new hitler is coming as trump, save america, and so on, yes, that is, by the way, typical american presidents for some reason are always shot at by loners who have a bad social life, well, i don’t know, that’s the tradition. but if you look at it by and large, the united states is a sick country at the moment. and the fact that the next rally, and the fact that before november there will be plenty of opportunities for the deep state to push someone in the same way in order to settle scores with the president, who is very inconvenient, there will be many chances, that is, trump is now needed look very very. carefully, he can actually cross the path of so many important people, why? because with trump there will come a 100% probability of a revision
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of the cash flows that flow through washington. trump is breaking the elite consensus that has existed between democrats and many republicans for the past few decades. trump is an outsider, he 's coming. this is exactly how i think trump thinks, now the republican party has completely switched to his position, even those people like mitch mccon,
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for example, who is the leader of the republican minority in the senate, he was booed at the convention, this means that there is a semantic transition of the party from one position. on the other, and purely in gerantological terms, personal, that is, those people will soon leave the party due to their age for other reasons. which slowed down trump’s movement, and if trump turns on his full potential as a visionary, a person who wants to remake america, this is actually very dangerous for those elites that exist, and this is interesting from the point of view of foreign policy for us. why? because, i won’t talk about trump now, because trump
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himself is a very interesting person, but... his views are shared by a fairly strong group of people who are now coming to power, this group is quite young, it represents it, the ideological center of this group is another person, his name is alb kobiy, he is the grandson of the former director of the cia, who, by the way, was not there for very long, but cleaned out the cia, that is, tradition - and what do they say? they say america needs to be healed and treat now, because in order to maintain its position, america must invest itself internally, stop running around and fighting wars, there is no strength left, control the whole world, but if we, they say, don’t
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do... withstand the competition with china we'll probably have to take tough measures, but we won't necessarily have to fight, and we definitely won't have to fight if we bring back business and bring industry back to the united states and make the united states again the strongest real country in the world. and here, from an electoral point of view, the same vance plays an interesting role. the only bloc
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that can snatch victory from trump.
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himself in the senate, in business, and as an investor, and in general went through, that is, the best school, the law school of the united states, he, of course, knocks out this base, the last electoral base under the democratic party, and one way or another will vote for...
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and here trump is not playing the way electoral games have always been played, let’s take from this state, he will bring us a few votes here, a few votes here, he plays abank, he says: look, i’m not putting up an alternative candidate, but i ’m putting up someone like me, we are together, a certain ideology, a certain path for the country’s development, believe us. here, when during the assassination attempt he showed himself to be a real man, he was not afraid, all of america saw that...
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so if suddenly another bullet flies past, then i think trump will have another chance 4 years there to sit through, by the way, all the speculation about the bullet, how it flew and where, this is pure speculation, because you can say so, but if he had pressed just a little later, and if the wind blew, and if there was something else, this is all speculation, let’s not listen to all this, the most important thing that happened from a political point of view, but what happened was that america was divided into a peasant and a loser . he himself behaved really excellently, the only thing that bothered him immediately after the assassination attempt, at that
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moment when his life was really hanging in the balance, was where the shoe went, he raised his hand and shouted the word fight, that is , he demonstrated indifference. to assassination attempt and readiness to fight, the conversation was leaked the day before on the internet, but also how they leaked it or helped to leak it, where donald says an assassination attempt, yes it’s like a mosquito bite, look, we will win, we are greatly ahead of this guy, you know, he is interested, it was kind of him , he called me and asked, why did you decide to go to the right, you know, people saw if i was looking.
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well, an absolutely terrible, pathetic sight in the face of joseph biden, who previously appealed to the lord god, hinting that he was ready to leave the race, but only feet first, now a week later, and even after the assassination attempt donald trump, i’m ready to listen to the doctors, i myself say i don’t understand, but if the doctor says that i’m sick, then the doctor.
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everything will be so, so divided. i believe that age brings a little wisdom, and i know how to make our country more successful, even though we haven't been able to do it yet, that's not all. oh, we'll be back in a minute. excuse me, i'm having contractions today. i’m single , there’s no news, but i have a two-room apartment with all the amenities, are you offering me marriage? ruslan, it’s impossible to wait any longer, if you don’t call, it’s all over between us, your era. and how did you deal with it?
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a fictitious marriage for six months, i agree. fifth blood group, today on rtr. tai, a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers. particularly rich in glaciers is belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend, you can find the entrance to... flounder belukha is the highest point in siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun, a pearl among. mountains: lake teletskoye. altai has always been
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source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. hello. i'm arseny. and what is your name? what "yes? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday, daughter, where is the world coming to? are you so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus driver? bus? there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor. my son and your daughter? why don't you like him? yes me. their family is not happy with everything, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough, maybe
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be you out of spite, but i’m not, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there ’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play , yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear, when i said, so stinking, small, the hint is right there... the most passionate team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya
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will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five -on-one program, oops, five-on-one , on saturdays on rtr, do you think you know me well, better than you think, an artist for... on rtr. well, on the eve of the olympics, paris is turning into a real, very large prison. 44 mesh metal fences were delivered to the city. macron said that this is a fight against potential strikes. well, today is the main day, in part...
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the mayor of paris has finally taken a dip in the hay. the mayor of paris bathes live in front of dozens and dozens of cameras. following closely behind is tony esquivel, who is not wearing a swimsuit, but rather a t-shirt. he is in ode with the prefect of the ilde france region, marc guillem. here they are, all of them this time. what is promised must be done. i was thinking about jacques chirac today,
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because i think he really wanted to take a bath in the hay. what hay, wonderful, the water is very soft, fresh water, very, very pleasant, it has no aftertaste at all, it is quite clean, despite everything, even despite what it was before. the olympic games, we are now moving to europe, our european
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correspondent asya emelyanova is in direct contact. asya, hello, incredible news is coming about hungary, orban and szijart, this time. the head of mid-lithuania said that they are officially considering the option of transferring the presidency of the european council from hungary to another more loyal one, and as he put it, adequate to the country. asya, if you can hear us, please tell us that we know about hungary. asya, you are on the air. adequately is a good word, because orban’s case is actually a clinical case for brussels, but it is not clear what his colleagues have more of a history of envy
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or irritation. when someone is right it is very annoying, when someone is good at their job it is also annoying.
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63 members of the european parliament who believe that orban has exceeded his powers and violated the chain of command. how will this all end? let's see, because we have seen how the taboos are crumbling, one after another, which europe prescribed for itself when creating this organization, but, according to lawyers, it is impossible to legally deprive hungary of its chairmanship, it can be boycotted. and punitive measures, of course, have already begun. it is very interesting that the day before fondelaen's press secretary, eric. stated that the european commission board would not visit hungary, although such a trip is actually a traditional event at the beginning of the presidency, because on august 28-29 they were supposed to meet in budapest heads of foreign policy departments, as the political publication tells us that on the same dates barel gathers the heads of mit, that is, this is a clear signal from hungary that,
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in fact, hungary, well, to everyone else, hungary does not act on behalf of the european commission, these are all orban’s personal initiatives. what else, what else, what else will they come up with for viktor orban, let's see, brussels has a rich imagination, we all know, thank you very much asya, asya emelyanova, our european correspondent, rome is on direct line, i ask, probably an important question, now to actually figure out what function, what task in the current reality the ukrainian project is performing today, because initially it was conceived as a project that would start a war with russia, against the backdrop of this war...
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they don’t consider everything, they ignore everything completely, well what is the task and in the current reality, in my opinion, it seems to me that the task of the ukrainian project is to gain time, so what to gain time for? here, through the prism of the information space , such a trend is visible, you know, very slow, but the methodical preparation of european countries for war with russia is enough, but preparation for war consists of two two moments: the first moment is rearmament, it is clear that there is thinking through a system of mobilization, and so on and so forth. the second point is the propaganda part, this propaganda part, if you look at the trends now, in addition to the bans on publications there, the compact suffered there and so on, there is a clear tendency for western european countries to search for where they failed this information work, huge hysteria regarding telegram, there are big investigations in sync with ukraine, which means
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the european parliament is putting pressure on telegram to block certain channels, systematic methodical hysteria of the same bbc, which failed in one place, this system is familiar to them, they control the entire tv stream, the entire radio stream, newspapers, in fact, social networks, video hostings, it seems like everything is under their control, but for some reason it doesn’t work, and the electoral cycles show that it doesn’t work, in fact, there are difficulties, and in order to gain time and to prepare european society, now we need the ukrainian project in the format in which it exists, because i simply can’t find any other logical explanation, scenario one, how you can gain time, give a green light... create conditions under which european countries will start issuing ukrainians
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from european territory, increase the number of ukrainian armed forces, this is the first point, what is the second scenario? the second scenario is negotiations that will gain time in order to, among other things, to convince european society, including to establish the production of weapons, in this part, well, how much i look at all these stuff about negotiations, about everything for... building a ukrainian project against russia, and i don’t rule out that this time trump will talk about it again, but manage
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the ukrainian project, the same people and forces will remain as now, nothing will change, why was one of the first there, as you say, dzhentsanyuk, who rushed in, how to decide, this is one of those who manages the ukrainian project, and seriously, even without a position, this is one of the beneficiaries of the ukrainian project, one of the inspirers of the ukrainian project, so in this part you need... look extremely carefully at public rhetoric , look very carefully at the practical part, this practical part tells me about that so far there are no serious intentions regarding the negotiation process, moreover, everything that is being built strategically, both in terms of weapons, as in terms of supplies, as in terms of finances, as in terms of construction strategy for ukraine to extend the life of this project as much as possible, because look, well, they obviously understand that they are losing, they obviously understand that... sooner or later all the mobilization potential will simply end, mind you, even the public talk about the post-war restoration of ukraine has stopped, no one
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talks about this anymore, they wrote off this project and gave it the only task - to gain time in order to prepare the europeans for war with us, i don’t see any other scenario, mind you, every day it’s one or the other a european politician comes out and says: war with russia is imminent, it will happen in 5 years, it will happen in 3 years, duda recently distinguished himself by saying that yes, here we are... this blow by iskander at the place where they were supposed to train uso militants, if
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you look closely, they used civilian transport as a camouflage, well, ordinary buses arrived, yes, you never know who came there, but our intelligence recognized that these were not just buses, they contained the same militants who were nearby from the combat line contact, underwent so-called fire training close to the sites of hostilities . this suggests that there is no air defense system that should operate in the tactical operational tactical zone in ukraine, that is, our reconnaissance officers fly freely, receive this information, examine it, analyze it, then a very clear strike occurs, that is, they catch the moment when the enemy does not expect this strike, and it does not detect our drone, which is at a high altitude, this is what happens this is the result, but it’s still ukraine, it remains the same testing ground. uh, in which, by the way, europe is being prepared for war with russia, because even the delivery of f16s that
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are announced, which say that they are already flying somewhere, are somewhere there, in fact this is not for ukraine, where else can you practice the survivability operation of tactical aviation in a combat area that performs combat missions in conditions of strong opposition from air defense and rep, only in ukraine, at a training ground like this. the situation is not create, therefore, all these supplies, they are no longer for ukraine, although in the communication adopted by the nato summit, a lot is said about ukraine, and what... it is written there says that there are no peace negotiations, the west is real with us will not lead, everything is clear there, ukraine is in nato, russia is the aggressor, russia must withdraw troops from ukraine, this is not a topic for negotiations, this is an ultimatum, we’ll be back in a minute, of course you’re hiding it,
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otherwise you didn’t know who you were marrying, she will always interfere in your affairs. sailor premiere from july 22 on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general , i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, i’ll try it. the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, again, yes,
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every person in any region of russia can make their own diet. dashing, it's been a while since we've seen each other, sovereign, bila, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always i stand by my words, heroes
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from their time, beauty! riping, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbelly, the name of which character from... pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8 , 7.8, how many, who at work, he talks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i chop oak, no, pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t
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know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry. a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on prt, strange murder, someone hit her on the head more than once, no, but me what does it have to do with it, in her notebook, your name appears, little boy, why are you looking at rtr. "listen, beauty, can you treat me to some tea, hello, good evening, this is grisha, and this is raya, when will she return, but it’s hard to say, she’s at a pregnancy consultation, it’s week six, no less, well, remember what happened a month and a half ago, and raya knows everything, raya, i decided that this
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will be my first gift to the baby." july on rtr, a grandiose naval parade, the sea capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and flotillas of the country, glory to the russian navy, hurray! live broadcast from st. petersburg. the main naval parade. july 28. on the day of the navy. the area of ​​cape torkhanka is filled with jellyfish, under the guise of cornet, dangerous to humans, their
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poisonous short tentacles leave burns on the body, so swimming is prohibited. thanks for watching, bye. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. 95 of our military personnel returned to their homeland from ukrainian captivity.


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