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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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uh-huh, hello, hello, hello, hello, and we’ve just got ready, here are the tickets, check, everything is correct, yes, that’s good, where are your suitcases, let me take them to the car, here’s the suitcase, now i’m also taking the stroller i’ll take it, lof, go with your uncle, and you can see, of course, you’ll be an officer, right, so she quit, didn’t she? she married a military man, he left immediately after registration, she’s still here alone , so she’s here now, yes, but you don’t know where she lives, her address, well, here’s the last stop of the seventh bus, behind him a bakery, then an office building right opposite the house, here is the first floor, the first door on the right, and who are you? thank you.
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slow down, please, ah, excuse me, tell me, you don’t know who lived here before, bring a big room, i didn’t know her, but they told me that she died, as she died, suddenly, and who are you she has to, mistress, where to move the closet, excuse me.
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put it in the hallway, thank you, you probably want to take something as a souvenir, there are some of her things left, a hot water bottle, an old magazine, glasses, you are her grandson, i’m looking for dina abashev, born in 1966. sixth, but
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i don’t know, maybe she lived here temporarily, a tenant, she died in december, as far as i know, she was already old, not 18 years old, that’s for sure, for a date, don’t hurt yourself, get your things, please out of the car, get your things, we'll hitch a ride, but it's only business for 5 minutes, now let's change the tire, let's go slowly, but i don't want to slowly get my things, i say get them, i've never had anything like this happen, now everything will be fine , don’t worry, we’ll stop someone now, they’ll help us, now, now. she would
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have hung up her robes for us, here are the people, but what can you do, children, you want sausages, yes, eat, eat, eat, he’s so blue, he’s not feeding him, or what? excuse me, please, what? kosatkin’s wife
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is here, god, it’s normal, who is kosatkin’s wife, who is kosatkin’s wife, kosatkin’s wife, oh, sorry. are you kosatkin's wife? oh, yes, yes, i, well, why don’t you be silent, lieutenant afanasyev, i have to take you to your destination. ok, thank you. "let me help, thank you, look, hello, hello, well, hello,
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levka, finally, finally, we’ve arrived, i’ve been waiting for you, i’ll be honest, i’ve been waiting for you. ” “well, i’ve prepared for your arrival, i must say, thoroughly, yes, before i forget, you need to do something, teen, you know that first thing, otherwise you won’t be able to go anywhere without it, your passport is far away, no, in your bag, in your bag, now i’ll take it, yeah, that’s it, i’ll instantly, instantly, yes, i used to live in a neighbor’s dorm, and now at the apartment."
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well, i bought a stroller for sasha, and do you like it? very much, thank you very much for the crib too i took it, it’s good, durable, and where am i going to sleep? well, we’ll find you a place, well, as a last resort, i’ll bring a saw. after work we'll cut the living room sofa into two parts, just kidding, tomorrow i'll get myself a folding bed, don't worry, uh, how's it going with leva, you found a common language, yes, good, he didn't throw more screws in the tea, no, everything's fine, very capable
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boy, yeah, we've already started reading, well done, well, shall i go, teapot?
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well, tell me that you are showing off, what are you pretending to be? ew, it’s not good, you ’re doing this to me, hello. hello, how is our venepuh, he is walking, only today it’s not a venepuh, great, you’ll pick her up today, yes, of course, when i went, when i went, i didn’t have time, they told me
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that she got married and left. listen, i just can’t understand one thing, girl, i know that you’re married, i decided not to impose, she preferred to clench her feelings into a fist and forget you, that’s why you behave this way, how you get into her life as if in your pocket, because i don’t believe. what don't you believe? i don’t believe anything except that we should be together, i, she. ok, it's time for me to go. asya,
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asya, come here. look what a hole i dig. dad will pick you up today, okay? listen to him, okay. love you. let's go to. dad, buy it for me. leo, why are you sitting? go play with the guys and get to know each other. i'm shy, why are you? let's go. hello, well, let's get acquainted. i am tatyana, the wife of captain tumanyan, or as tumanyansha is popularly called. i'm dina, it's a pleasure. very nice. yeah me too. and my name is olgay, i am... to lieutenant sedyukov, yeah, and this is our oksana, a civilian, works as a nurse in
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the medical unit, well, just a civilian, but i was like that, of course, and now like you, wife military man, yes, oh, i’m sorry, every time i forget that you’re already married to us, yes, but it’s interesting here, there really is no work, but we don’t miss anything, we marry off our girlfriends, and why are you the one who doesn’t have a job right away, maybe dina has a suitable specialty, maybe she even... yes, i’ve never sewed much, i see well, well, that means you won’t be lost, otherwise we only have one seamstress, maruska, the steward, yeah, i met my neighbor ludo, no also, what else will you meet, this is luda, childless fifa, she turns up her nose, and the man himself growls in a terrible way, he beats her in vain, but how much does he need? 8 months, 8 months? yeah, how is that?
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wait, it seems to me that kosarkin is 8 + 9, we have 17, it’s december, in december of that year he didn’t go anywhere, this is not his child, but whose child then, mine, how interesting, oh, he’s already wet, excuse me, but we need to change the pills, it was very nice to meet you, very nice, leva, lev, why, let's go home, we need to have lunch already, of course, goodbye, all the best, let's go to lunch, well, why, girls, we came to an indian film, no kina it will be, yeah cinema, straight cinema. the girl got pregnant, she doesn’t know from whom, there are killer whales, a widower with his
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idiot, why not get along, the story is the most banal, thank you.
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after that, the guys played in the gardens several times without a cat; he ran to play with his foster mother and daughter. yeah, and i’m marrying uncle kolya, what are you doing, mom, you know, i’m against it, okay, the main thing is that kolya is for it, what are you making me laugh about, where will you live, in the village, i i’ll take care of the garden, and kolya will raise bees, he already read in one magazine,
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how to build a street, and i, and you to your husband? go, you'll get ready to cook dinner, if you want, don't get ready, just cook dinner, i don't love him, mom, well, then get a divorce, look for love, whoever seeks always finds, mom, why are you saying that no one cares? me, why? because you are abandoning me to your daughter, i am not abandoning you, i will come and bring you food, fruits, vegetables, but you will do the cooking, cleaning, buying new things for yourself, you are a big girl already, and
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it would be nice to get a job, yeah , a institute, are you ready to go? correspondence, in correspondence, by the way, the competition is smaller, you won’t dare, mom, when you were 8 years old, i had a serious man, and you threw hysterics at me, i spared your psyche, we broke up then and i didn’t get married, that is i'm still to blame for you, right? no, it’s me who is to blame for you, it’s me who did you a disservice, if you had before your eyes the example of a mother and her husband, then now your relationship with volodya would be completely different, so please forgive me, come on, larisk, larisa, everything
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will be fine, baby! it’s all true, it’s true, it will be good, life is so big, long, long and so unpredictable, dude, dude has come. the dozhok has arrived, everything is strong and crushed, the dozhek has arrived, everything is green, crushed, oh, lef, sleep, come on, uh-huh, hello, din, oh,
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you can, yes, come in, it’s not too late, no, quiet, okay, let’s go to the kitchen, okay. and i just put sashka to bed, here you go, help yourself, i baked it myself, i just made tea, good for you, you have children, what’s your name levka, you know, i haven’t called him yet, i told him i told him to call him dina, but for some reason he doesn’t call me, he’s not used to it yet, i really liked them, just really, i started copying them out in my notebook,
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then treat levka and your man, what a good man you have, decent, quiet, i ’ll go, well, i’d like to sit, but i’ll quickly, ivanova, as a doctor, good day, hello, because she was there all the time, marik, marik, yes, hello, it’s you, who else, who , lord, listen , i was on my way to visit you, i don’t know, so let’s go, beauty, oh yes. what a beauty, tell me how life, yes, life is bad, don’t ask, my mother married a beekeeper, i’m getting ready to take algebra again, you know, yes,
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i had to go work in a bookstore, so that’s it, yes, it’s clear, volochka writes like him yes, of course, he writes well, he misses me, so the longer it is to his favorite road, the more beautiful and joyful the meeting is. how are you? i’m doing well myself too, i’m writing articles and translating a few things. clear. what news from the dinkas there? and she’s doing well, marik. she married an officer. clear. and you do you happen to know her address? as denina’s mother says, her life is a military one. maybe she went for a scout, yes, for how long they were sent to intelligence, dinka’s mother didn’t say anything, listen, well, like for a year, he’s already served for four, that means there’s a year left, well, not
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that long a period, they were thicker than snow, today in studio hello andrey, only wedding songs are played, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my
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cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. i made a guess, and i guessed it. plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once. i killed my husband, and everyone must bear responsibility. there for her actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, well, nothing, a blasphemy will bloom on our hammer, a cherished desire
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will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemer blooms, on saturday on rtr. welcome to our french restaurant, i’ll sit, eat, wine from the chateau de ulanude, i want elzhikov in sour cream, and what did you do in the psychiatric department, there were three napoleons, they beat one kututov, i decided to restore historical justice. humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr. the prince
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walks around the blue sea, never taking his eyes off the blue sea. lo and behold, a white swan is swimming above the flowing waters. hello, prince, you are my beautiful one, why are you as quiet as rainy day? why are you sad? - she tells him, the prince in lidong answers. sadness! melancholy eats me up, people are getting married, i see, i’m the only one who’s not married, who do you have in mind, and in the world, they say there’s a princess, that you can’t answer with your eyes.
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i fell asleep where, well, you hear, kid, i won’t let anyone around my nose. lead around your fingers like this, well, well, i just, go away, that's enough, that's it, that's it, that's it, quiet, quiet, that's it, gone, quiet, that's it, quiet, that's it, that's it,
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just won't let me out get you out of here, that's what why won’t he let me out, he’s nagging, this is not a public yard, we have secret scientific research going on here, what kind of research?
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a secret military facility, therefore, the strictest access control, do you understand that? how long will it take to make a pass? well, i don’t know, i think a month, no less, listen, what’s the tragedy? i have a friend, now his wife is going on
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vacation for a month. okay, thank you, ok, thank you, gleb tarasovich, give it to me. hello, dina, i am the deputy head of the political unit, major grish. hello, how do you like it here? ok, thank you. how's your husband? fine. and it dawned on me that kosadkin doesn’t have a home. we're getting divorced soon. it means they didn’t agree on the characters. they didn't agree. you know what, dina. here are all of these.
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questions, goodbye, leva, let's go home, and what about a wife, without rights, unless they are soldiers, and even then it is in question, but if
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not an officer, do you need to go where urgently? well, for example, if a husband approves of his wife’s trip to a holiday home, he goes to the authorities. the management is discussing the situation. and the wife is given a pass, some kind of middle ages, uh-huh, from tumanyan, what here recently there was an affair, not with the local, but outside the town, say that it is purely platonic, well, let it be platonic, tumanyansha is a barbell, and if anything comes up, she will sweep away everything in her path, in general, in short, she needs to him, uh, ask her husband to issue a pass and check in at the checkpoint, when she came, when she left, she didn’t really want to, and you know what she came up with, found a loophole, so you, yes, we need this loophole showed, foggy, that she no longer runs, her platonic love disappointed her, but i use it, yes, just like that, i’ll go outside the fence, breathe in the fresh air back, i picked mushrooms there in the fall,
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uh-huh, mushrooms, mushrooms, oh well, here there are few of them, but there there are loads of them, even from 20 meters away, and they grow like in a wild forest, yeah, went. oh, little one, uh-huh, freedom, let's run to the right, to the left, there.
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i'm afraid to sleep, the fascist kicks my leg, my dear, this is for you. i had a dream, don’t be afraid, it’s a dream, you hear me, sleep, come on, if you want, i ’ll bring you some more tea with raspberries, if you want some more tea, yes, i’ll bring you some now. lie down, lie down, i'll cover you, sleep, oh, just close your eyes, the little one has come, he has come
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ankle. the rain was still strong, crushed, the rain was still strong, crushed, sleep, mom, you forgot about the mushrooms. mushrooms came, mushrooms came, mushrooms came, sweet berries,
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fish came, sweet berries. mom, don’t cry, why are you crying, my dear, lyoshka, we heard about kasatkin, his wife won’t let him home, but, like in a fairy tale, the fox asked to spend the night with the hare, but she kicked him out, i would never have thought, all quiet you're like that. who is last? well
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, we’re certainly not, so why should you be so excited? so here are potatoes, milk, eggs with... sour cream, bread and butter, she didn’t give me a coupon for meat, since the coupon for meat ran out a long time ago, are you going to sit locked up? “you should have spat on them, dean, they’ll make some noise, they’ll make some noise, but they’ll stop, it’s their heart that you kicked out your husband, i would have left mine a long time ago too, but where, and you don’t have anyone in civilian life, including - the point is that no, my mother died, my father got married, he now has his own family, my stepmother is almost my age, all she does is give birth, you won’t be able to give birth to your own child,
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there were so many abortions in my youth that , all in all, the doctors say that there is no hope, the train has left, that’s it, believe me, people. who's there? dil, it's me, i'll open it. gleb tarasovich, you are drunk, i won’t open it for you. fool, but not drunk, i, open it, you will understand, i locked it, open it quickly, well, tarasovich, you will sober up, then come, yes, i, fool, yes i am sober, the officer can’t be, open it, where should i go, where , where, i don’t know,
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they are expelling you, excuse me, but i
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need to feed the child, and gleb says, i would transfer the child yeiny to my last name. true, sorry, everything has piled up, washing and cleaning. yur, me it seems that the table should be placed by the window, here there will be a bed, for example, and here there will be bookshelves, what do you think? are you sure that when dina returns, she won’t want to live here, why should she come back, she. she’s married, if she comes back, it’ll only be for a visit, and for guests we have a folding sofa, you know, early marriage, who cares, i won’t lose character, but you just don’t know dinka, if she’s got something into her head , then this is dead-set, i know, i actually thought that she wouldn’t remain an old maid, strict or something, yes, demanding, bookish, they are looking for such ideals. who did she choose to be her husband,
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at least she sent a photo, hello, a letter to you, i went to the post office and they gave me a letter for you, oh, from mom, read, read, i will calm you down, dear dina, congratulations to you, my dear , i’m very happy for you, what can i wish for? be a patient and wise mother, how are you feeling, like sasha, when are you? you will arrive at the end, everything is fine with me, yura and i are going to a resort in june, i already wrote to you about it, apparently we will have to register, otherwise we will be accommodated in different rooms, father is also doing well, soon his wife will give birth to a baby, so you will finally have a brother or sister, calm down, bad
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news. your parents divorced, it’s so strange, now everyone has their own family, but did they love each other before? well, of course, they loved, they lived together for so many years, dad loved mom very much, he always gave her such gifts, lately there was no closeness between them, but they respected each other, but they loved you, of course they loved you, yep, dad doted on him. although strict, oh, how i want to go home, women don’t like me, my first wife
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treated this touchy-feely person with lukewarmness, i can’t find an approach, every woman is something like an enemy position, you know? what conclusions do you draw? attack, attack, in the right direction, thoughts, let’s take my wall, at first she also reacted with hostility to me, so she told me: i don’t want to see you, comrade captain, yes, well, i was not at a loss, i chose a tunnel. in what sense, he doesn’t want to see, i’m not looming, but every evening there’s a flower, so to speak, in the mailbox, as they say, put it in the wind, for tactics and strategy, but on the may day
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evening i never invited her, all the time with others, but then... when everyone left under the pretext that the flags needed to be taken down, i took her into the basement, and there , under the red banners, everything happened to us, and that she didn’t resist, of course, she resisted, the lizo scratched everything up, uh-huh, but i’m silent, she didn’t snatch a single word from me about my mother, women love male power, and if you... vyattya, only to you and the relationship is appropriate, i have a spare key, she doesn’t know anything about it, oh, i wanted in an amicable way, aunt, vyatya.
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mama! you're leaving me , hold on, yeah,
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lyoshka, go where you need to go, hello, we'd like to get to the station, voxau, this is the other side, thank you, let's go, this, this is not the main route, but... far from the main route, now night, there are few cars, maybe you
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can give us a lift to the main highway, i can take us to the station, oh, how lucky we are, but how much will it cost, not how much, i’m not a taxi driver, please, thank you very much. do you already have tickets? no, not yet, we’ll buy it right away at the station. it could be problem. my friend was unable to buy train tickets. need to. order much earlier in the day, why? it’s probably already warm, a lot
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of people are starting their vacation, but there are tickets, a plane, unfortunately, it won’t work by plane, you don’t have a passport, i lost it. whose children are these? my, mom, let 's go on a boat, maybe there 's some river or sea somewhere nearby? no, unfortunately, no, what is your name, leo, and my mother dina, leo. "very nice, i'm peter, we're also very pleased, thank you, understood,
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yes, hi, no, ticket, dina, if you're standing all night, all day at the cash register, then maybe someone will refuse the reservation, but that’s also not accurate, thank you, dina, i don’t know all the circumstances, the lion is already big, but the second one is very small, and it’s very difficult one, two, maybe don't leave the station for three nights. a lot, just go straight to the police and wait for a new passport, if you have a certificate, there is a hotel here,
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dina, you have no time... a hotel room without a passport, i have the opportunity to give you a room, i work under a contract, i have a very good conditions, i'm from the gdr, no criminals sends me to another country to work, there are a lot of checks, there is nothing to be afraid of, but i’m not afraid, it’s just inconvenient. somehow embarrass you, leo, well, leo, let's go, let's go.
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dina, what? leo cannot be your son. where is his mother? she died. excuse me, relative, is it yours? no, this is... a story, and the little one, what is his name, alexander, alexander, yes, but this is also a long story.
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come on in, be careful, where are we, we have already arrived, and we were sleeping, sleep, while we have a short stop along the way. sorry, peter, there’s still a backpack in the trunk, i’ll bring the backpack later, first, children, let's go, mom, i'm here, here, come in, here, sleeping, tired, if you want to eat, can i heat up the chicken, potatoes?
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no, thank you, but the convenience of the right room, a shower, and a toilet, please, and i don’t have a children’s bed for alexander, but i’ll try to think of something, thank you, and if you don’t want anything else... relax, yeah , sleeping, okay, you are very kind,
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such a talkative, we say, now, please, now, icq, what, now, play a little, okay, okay, well, listen, mom just called, borisov died, surgeon, who was supposed to operate on her, what are you talking about, he was returning home from work in the evening and was attacked by some hooligans. they took away my wallet, died from a large loss of blood, the surgeon was stabbed to death, what about mom, what about mom, mom is crying, we urgently need to look for another surgeon, there are no more people like borisov, you understand, okay, excuse me, we’ll go better, asya,
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go to me. let's go home, mom, i don't want to play, kidney, bye, bye, catch me next time, i'll catch you.
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it’s not that i’ve lost my passport, i have it, but i just need to find it, and for i need to contact my friend, and i have a phone, you can use it, yes, but unfortunately, she doesn’t. phone number, do you know the address, i can take you to the address, yes, i know the address, i just don’t really want to go back there, keep what you need to say, thank you, please, but send a telegram, set a meeting place. i can take you after my work, at 8:00 pm it will be convenient, just like a telegram, i didn’t realize it right away, oh, gathering, please look at
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what’s there, sashka is crying, uh-huh, photo paper, pen, write the text of the telegram and the address, i’ll deliver it to the post office on the way, it’s convenient for me, yeah, dina, if you need to send another telegram, i can, someone might be worried that you ’re delayed, no, no one is worried, thank you, peter, i can clean your place if you want, although your place is so clean, i can cook dinner, i’ll buy groceries, i have money. here is the key to the house, hold it, or you can go for a walk, and aunt natasha is cleaning, this is a house worker, and there is food in the refrigerator, but i
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don’t need to cook dinner, okay, okay, yeah, thank you, have a nice day, you too, good luck work, thank you, goodbye, yes. on saturday, well, everything is ready, comrade driver, you can go, thank you, lisa, what do you have to do with this with our neighbor, i forbid you to communicate with him, that is, arseny can communicate with his sister, but that means i can’t communicate with dima , today he changed your tire, tomorrow he will invite you to a cafe, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow i will be left alone with the child in my arms, quickly into the car, before i change my mind, under one roof. on saturday on rtn. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of
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the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese have. favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. let's see. love is when you look in
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one direction. look, look, look. do you wanna take a look? look. let's watch. look. look at the screen. look, i have it. look. let's see. agreement, sign. we sign at the same time. on 1 2 3 we subscribe, we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and... you’re good, he likes to grab cuffs there, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you going? you're flying after the performance you're in a hurry guys, i have to feed the hamster, you're among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. what do you think,
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you know me well, better than you think, artist, tomorrow on rtr, hello, knight, hello, lady, how are you, we 're going to the ball, oh, how wonderful it is, we will dance, we will.
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i'm very fast, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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please look for which housekeeper, who you live with, you can call me, well, when you find your passport, call me, please, this my phone number,


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