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tv   Pyataya gruppa krovi  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 10:15pm-11:06pm MSK

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generally past the cash register, and vasily petrovich, 9:15, hmm, the time is approaching, we didn’t meet masha by chance, uh-huh, let’s move on, alexander. yurievich, 9:20, have you seen vasily petrovich or mitka? there was no one, i’m the only one, let’s say we’re moving on, mitya, 9:30, i didn’t see anyone.
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what, some kind of farce, so i say, duty officer, paradise, kostyukov, let’s go out, we need to talk, maybe i’m here, i need both of you, look after the suspects, i don’t understand anything, either they strangled her whole family, or who is shielding whom, but can i say, no, yes, i would invite her, i think,
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that mitya, masha, sasha and uncle vasya love each other, that’s why they really shield each other, but gosha doesn’t love any of them, he turns out to be the odd one out in this circle couple, why, as long as i remember them, gosha always kept to himself, but with him alibi, mitya says that they left together, yes, why does he need to defend himself, mitya demanded money, then he calmed him down, here’s vera, and aunt vera, what?
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i have an idea, should i also write, also, when you were at home, what was on tv? no, i don’t remember anything, sclerosis, i don’t remember either, it’s some kind of nonsense. remembered football is so loud son, you got it wrong, the sports channel, grandpa watched it in the evening, he always makes it loud, and grandma vera always cursed sports, cursed, not the right word, she didn’t let me watch such a match, asked as a person, well, just be patient for 2 minutes, and what about the vacuum cleaner in your hands, let’s vacuum it under my nose, rustle it, when you swore at your grandmother from the corridor, she answered you, no, as if
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she didn’t notice me, she was sitting in her chair like a mummy, and are you even sure that she she was alive, something like that, uncle good, you’re in with her i was in the apartment, what are you doing, what are you hinting at, and i also thought, it’s strange why grandma watches football, she hates it, i didn’t have time to ask, uncle gosha took me out of the apartment,
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and she’s been in jail for 10 years, so they took the molt , why was the mother imprisoned? for murder, vera never believed in genetics, she said that the main thing was proper upbringing, there were clubs, lectures, but you can’t fool nature, they took you from prison. they handed him over to prison, well, that’s another way to put it, but gosha’s guilt still needs to be proven, the examination is accurate to the minute, the time of death is not establishes that there are no fingerprints on the pillow, and if there are, then you never know why he
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took it? and the remote control? what about the remote control? all the family members took it into their hands, not this time... why are you clinging to me, you already have more murderers than you need, jail whoever you want, close the case, but i have an alibi, aunt vera, no one would ever she didn’t allow me to watch football on tv in the morning, in the morning she had a program about health, and the killer turned on the sports channel because he didn’t have time to switch channels, and what and who? i started cleaning, well, well, and also uncle vasya for me
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he said that he had previously painted shelves in the garage, and then wiped the paint off his hands with acetone. paradise, i'm starting to worry about you. aunt vera started this scandal only because the remote control stank of acetone, she almost got out of it to get rid of the smell. so now it doesn’t smell like acetune? god, how stupid you are! now the remote control has only aunt vera's and the killer's fingerprints. and also mine? at that time i barely found the impulse. here. biki, get him checked by an expert as soon as possible, let them check him. so, okay, where are you going, georgy vasilievich, oh, raika, who is always
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pulling your tongue. what do you think, artist, tomorrow on rtr, altai, majestic mountainous country, nature do you think you know me well, better, generously rewarded this region, picturesque green valleys, waterfalls. mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain where, according to legend, the entrance to shambhala can be found. belukha
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is the highest point of siberia, and its cradle is in the great altai river kotumi. a pearl among the mountains. lake teletskoe. altai has always been source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. from the first note. repeats from the first phrase, it’s better to have a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, we’ve
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been together since first grade, for everything that we do it, we also answer together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, brake from the car , run, the whole team, just on the platform, look. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, tomorrow at the rta, 39 years with her, i lived in prison, i didn’t know that she took me from my mother.
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and you said that i hate her, and i’m waiting for her to die, she said, get out, and you won’t get half of your apartment, i’ll rewrite everything on mitka, well, i got furious, grabbed a pillow, i don’t remember further, i’m still in a fog . i came to my senses, my mother was already dead, the key
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was turning in the door, i got scared, threw away the pillow, sat her down in a chair, turned on the tv as if she was alive, well, dear, well done, how did she think of the remote control, but it’s true that vasily petrovich found out that the remote control was dialing, she made it all up, think how skillfully, she honestly deceived her, the paradise is actually gold, not a woman, how much she endured your salty bullshit, this is nonsense, by the way, we were just talking, salty, remembering how well you lived together, volodya, the fact that raya snapped at alena that night was only your fault, raya was still very wrong. i don’t understand, what kind of slander is this?
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and andrei evgenievich, kostyukov and i worked until late, well, we thought, what’s the use of running back and forth, let’s discuss things at the same time, yes, petrov, you will discuss business during working hours, work here on shift, quickly go home, eat, eat, quickly, everything, everything, everything. that’s it, let’s run home, lord, would he have done anything to himself? vladimir petrovich, why are you here? you could put it in your room so that the neighbors don’t bother you, you won’t knock, people are sleeping around you, and
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don’t worry, i’ll never disturb you again, that’s good, and i’ll finish the castle tomorrow, so you’ll have peace of mind, no need to worry your nerves. everything will be fine, but the amount of the fee will have to be reconsidered, like this here. what did you say about that thing with the maniac? volodich,
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how are you? all the same. don’t you think that you see the situation exclusively in black and white? vitya. death is black, no matter how you look at it, yes. oh, what kind of people, hello, david, yes, it’s my pleasure, but what is it? well, okay, we’ve agreed, that’s it, bye, listen, but let’s go with me out of town, i have a friend who lives there, i don’t know, i have a lot to do, but
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what kind of work is ahead of the weekend, but at least maybe. okay, that’s right, vit, why did you decide to change your hairstyle, i want a new life start, imagine, liza sees me and will say how you have changed, and i will answer her, lizok, not only externally, but also the most...
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right now, whoever will work, so there are two of you left, let him go, that’s all the clients anyway, no, do what you want, thank you, larisa, i’ll meet you in an hour at hell, yeah, no, paradise, after all, inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. i’m not late, oh, everyone’s ready, petrov, why did you call me, hm? one very good person asked for
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help, he was in trouble, but he said kebab, nature, well, we’re in trouble let’s figure it out quickly, immediately relax, there ’s a smell in the forest, you’ll be stunned, there’s a lily of the valley, there ’s a lily of the valley, david has everything, let’s go, well, where did you bring us, i thought this was it?
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oh, who do i see, my dear, victor, hello, david, long time no see, hello, but let me introduce you, this is my friend and colleague, vladimir kostyukov, vladimir, welcome, well, to the table or fishing, whatever , dear guests, and david, fishing later, tell us in more detail with volodya, what happened, well, in general, i was alone for a while. georgy shishken disappeared yesterday, paid for 5 days and had to move out today, maybe he checked out in a restaurant, maybe, but all his things remained in the room, and i have to prepare the room for new guests, we tried to contact him, but the phone does not answer, not enough did something suddenly happen, and now let’s find out about this shishkin, uh georgiy, georgiy shishken, that
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’s all, yeah, to be honest, it’s... shishken, such an unpleasant guy, boorish and suspicious, besides, suspicious in what sense? hello, invite one citizen to me, georgiy shishkin, and this shishkin in general, listen, he walked around the neighborhood all the time and kept an eye on the residents. david gedemovich, about that. shishkina, well, tell me, you have guests, but they’re not guests, they’re your own people, tell me what happened, in general, shishkin, he’s already been found, he’s done something, you can say that, but... in general, he, he died, you won’t believe it,
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guys, he hooked a bite, i’m dragging it, and it’s like, i think, david himself threw something into the lake, but when he saw it, he almost fell down with his fishing rod, listen, fisherman, maybe i can take a picture of you and the fish , otherwise no one will believe in will they believe the police right away? the police, it’s not me, this still needs to be checked, so, move away, comrades, move away, otherwise you’ll trample on the evidence of a crime, but what crime, i was just fishing, move away, ugh, i knew it, listen, i’ll have them this is causing trouble for shishkin, why did this stupid man go for a swim, and so, citizens, please move away, don’t crowd. we need to call the police, we are the police, who discovered the body? i just hit a street, and he got caught? yes, accident, high
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season, murder for the hotel, or unfortunate case, or murder, vitya, dear, listen, why did you decide so badly right away, but i haven’t decided anything yet, we need to call experts, well , actually, in clothes and shoes, few people will go swimming . here we have a corpse, the same georgy shishkin, by the way, you’ve already punched him and what, who is he, that’s how it is, okay, we’re waiting for the criminologists, what? beat, wait, listen, who is this handsome?
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there is news about the personality of georgy shishkin, he turns out to be a private detective, he opened a detective agency 2 years ago, volodya, in short, wait for the criminologists, okay, and i’ll examine him number. if we find who he was following, maybe we can identify the killer. david, let's go. eh, who will come to david gedeonovich for fishing now when his corpses are floating in his lake? they don't swim like that anymore. yes, was there something written here? scum. was he threatened?
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well, maybe it’s not now, maybe it was a long time ago, hello, the mirror was washed recently, there’s no dust, we clean it well, we’re doing our best for the sake of our dear guests, but now they’re... they’ll take things home, by the way, yes, please make sure that no one left the hotel, yeah, and i i need a list of all hotel employees and guests, i’ll keep track of it, shame on my fucking head, ah, ah.
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for the first time all summer i got out into nature, even to see a corpse, it’s good, there’s fresh air here, like a corpse, and a corpse like a corpse, for about a while. fight, that is, he could have been deliberately pushed, bitter fatigue from the words lives in a mysterious flicker, it seems that he was imprisoned, why was he imprisoned? they just pushed me, excuse me, i’m on my way now, but all my happiness is in her,
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zaya, zaya, go to the room, please, what happened? nothing, who is it? it's just old familiar. i'll be there soon, come on. kirill, why aren’t you in prison? fedor. oh, sorry, fedor, i’m really confused about your names. so why are you free? have you been imprisoned? believe it or not, they released me under an amnesty. yes. yes, you are lucky. and how long did you sit on your stomach? 2 months. and during these 2 months i fully realized my guilt and repented. is it true? and what is your name now for this girl? which legend are you
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treating the new victim with? fyodor, my name is, check, just let me go, on what grounds are you even holding me, well, think for yourself, why should i kill some shishkin, some shishkin, that’s what it is, but why did he follow you, what did he dig up, why did you decide to remove him, i don’t know, i demand a lawyer.
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looked american movie chic, right? what is this? phone, phone? this is shishkin’s phone, divers found it at the bottom, waterproof, the last call was from your old friend sima, so why did your former victim hire a private detective? i have no idea, ask her. help yourself, dear guests, everything is very fresh, tasty, prepared with love. thank you, this is for you, for you, thank you for they arrived and did not leave david in trouble. rachel, why don’t you eat? let me look after you. yes. don't bother with an old man. me too.
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pure heart, yes, i’m not jealous, where did you get the idea from, hey, jealousy is a wonderful feeling, without jealousy there is no love, and if there is no love, it all depends on the situation, you need to be able to trust a person, yeah, trust, these are the women who they trusted this kirill, sasha, actually his name is fyodor, especially since what they were left with in the end was a broken trough, the comparison is absolutely inappropriate, i’m not some kind of marriage swindler. "sorry, you don’t know where fedya is, you talked to him in the park, he said that he’ll come to the room soon, and he’s not there, and no, he doesn’t answer calls at all, oh, sorry, by chance, it seems he went to the lake , let's go, yes, i 'll show you exactly where i saw him, thank you. “you
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and rayechka are a wonderful couple, it seems to me that you are mistaken, and you quarreled with her, yes, let’s drink to your speedy reconciliation, fedya, he is so wonderful, kind, honest and selfless.” so much has come over me lately, my mother is in the hospital, debts for the apartment, and he decided everything, he, he is perfect, just perfect, yes, is there really not a single, even the smallest flaw, but there is one, well, thank god, he works a lot, gets tired, and we rarely see each other, but at least he promises a promotion soon, then we'll get married, yeah.
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you’re probably not interested, it’s very interesting, it’s just, how long have you known each other? and 3 weeks and already got ready to marry him, well... sometimes 5 minutes are enough to understand that this is your destiny, uh-huh, have you never experienced this, oh, many times always i was wrong, well, it’s probably because you never listened to your heart, and where did you see fediya, and i saw it, it seems he went over there, along this path, i’ll go look, for some reason i’m so worried about him, nonsense, it's just probably because of this murder, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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did you mention fedor? no, why? this is definitely his new victim, we must warn him. what kind of shoes is she wearing, they cost a maximum of 1.0 rubles, it looks like he really fell in love, the question is what he could do for the sake of this love, right? great, we're waiting, your lawyer has arrived,
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really, it’s good, i didn’t have a motive to kill some unknown shishkin, you understand, sima, you? bastard, i'm a member of sabotage, quietly, quietly, let's calm down and listen to why you hired a private detective to keep an eye on this bastard, sima, were you following me, it would be better if i killed you, so calmly, quietly, how quiet it is here ? well, when he left the company, he immediately came running to me and said: i love him, i can’t, but i, so naive, immediately believed, again, again, and he took up the old thing, said, he’s going to get the goods, but from
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i was smelling him with cheap perfume a kilometer away, i wanted to find out who, so i hired shishkin, to keep an eye on him, my dear, well, i thought so myself, i didn’t want to deceive you, it turned out that way, well, how it happened, i found a richer aunt, yes, i fell in love , simo, simon, who is saying this, i'm painting you over, who, stop, stop beating the suspect, i'm detaining him on suspicion of murder, the motive is on his face, he
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was afraid simo that you would find out about his affair with zoya, and as practice shows, no wonder i was afraid, that’s why i killed him. did you kill this shishkin, how did you kill him? i mean, killed, killed, killed, but didn’t kill, quietly, quietly, i didn’t kill any shishkin, lieutenant, take the detainee away, listen, well, be a man, yes, let me at least do it myself. i’ll tell you if you wait,
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we’re here, i may not be the most honest person, but i didn’t kill. well, we went to relax in nature, thank you, it was very nice to meet you, goodbye, i was with...
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“thanks, but for me, we better go back to the city, guys, are you guys happy to stay with you, yes, guys , your room is at the end of the corridor, come in, i’ll say “excuse me, please, you seem to be from the police, you are.” must help fedya, how, and you must tell the investigator that fedya could not have killed anyone yesterday, the fact is that fedya and i, we did not part for a second yesterday, you have witnesses, and what were you doing, and you you don’t understand, do you really?” “ that’s a fair question, by the way, are you really
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sure that you want to help him? fedor is a swindler, in addition to the fact that he had a relationship with you, he was stealing money from sima. this is not true, and fedya did not kill anyone. if you don’t want to help, then i’ll just go to the police tomorrow. well, are you standing? let's go, we pass and begin to have a cultural rest. we're passing, great, that's it, oh, thank you, good evening, thank you, so, weren't you early and idle? fyodor is not guilty, zoya said that he has an alibi. she could
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have collected it, but she didn’t. damn, raika, well , you’re boring, well, if it’s confirmed, we’ll let you go , well, he’ll spend the night in a cell, he won’t come unglued, he ’s been in prison for 2 months, so let’s celebrate, let’s have a good rest, rest without me, give me the key, raya, give me key, i'll spend the night in your room. good night, well, let’s at least have a drink with you. you us did you bring it here specifically to try it on?
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what do you think? it's useless. i apologized too much after alena's death. vova, do you want me to tell you as a friend? well, yes, raika is not a gift, but you love her, i’m not sure anymore. at least don’t deceive yourself, you love, but the fact that she snapped at alena back then was because you provoked it, yes, yes, yes, and i warned you, don’t be loud, while it’s quiet, what kind of woman will like it, what kind of her they are leading us, i didn’t deceive her, she didn’t trust me, think so for yourself, but alena can’t be returned, i didn’t intend to, if you act like a fool, you will also lose your paradise. in short, volodya, you need to put up with it,
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i’m going to sleep, good night, i, but as a cultural program, i have no appetite.
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five stars of my hotel at your service, good morning, good morning, hello, hello, this is sophia, your neighbor on the right, sophia wanted to tell you about fedor, yes, about this pleasant young man, he still knows how to impress women , and what did you want to tell us, my husband wasn’t feeling well, and we didn’t go. i had to walk and enjoy the views from the balcony, so now i can confirm that fedor and his girlfriend were really in the room all day, and even if it can help fedor, i saw how this shishkin had a serious quarrel with someone, with whom, well, i don’t know, with
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a man , but he’s not local, he came here by taxi, they met here at the building, and then they walked along the alley and... judging by their gestures, they swore very much, well, in principle, it’s not a problem to identify the taxi driver, there’s a high probability that he i remember something useful about the passenger, okay, i’ll go have breakfast, i’ll go check, everything’s fine, volodya, i found the taxi driver who gave this guy a lift. yes, he took him back, and do you know where he dropped him off? the detective agency has a real investigator. yes, the one that shishkin discovered. certainly. now i’ll go there and find out what kind of trackers live there. that's it, come on, bye. it’s so good, raechka, that you
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came. meet me. this is my husband, timofey. and this is our neighbor on the right. raya. very nice. your wife, a real miss marple, is an old maid with flowers and knitting, well, yes, no, of course, no, no, you just have gray hair and a very young face, i just i noticed this. sofia, how old are you? a year ago i didn’t have a single hair here, and then trouble happened, my husband almost died, i rushed to nurse him, hospital, surgery, it seems that only a month later i looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself, my temples are gray,
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well, you can dye it everything will be as before. “you can, or you can accept everything as it is, leave the past in the past, what are you hiding, otherwise you didn’t know who you were marrying, she will always interfere in your affairs, sailor, premiere from july 22 on rtr, don’t go to him.. "sign up, joke, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how
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to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a pan of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, you sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov in saturday and sunday on rtr. on saturday, well , everything is ready, comrade driver, you can go, thank you, lisa, what’s wrong with your neighbor, i forbid you to communicate with him, that is, arseny can communicate with his sister.
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i don’t want this one, but what did you do in the psychiatric ward? there, three napoleons shot down one kututov. i decided to restore historical justice. humor, humor, humor. on saturday on rtr. so, citizen stepanov, you admit that you came to the hotel last night for... the city where they quarreled with your partner shishkin. i admit it. the reason for the quarrel? you see, georgy and i have been collaborating
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for 2 years. and when i opened this agency with him, i pursued exclusively noble goals. which ones? help people where the police are powerless. clear. continue. here. and i thought that my partner shishkin still shared my beliefs. i thought we were doing one common, noble cause, but unfortunately, it turned out that no, when he left for another assignment, i found his briefcase, looked at the documents, that’s all, that is, rummaging through other people’s documents is yours noble goals allow, you know, i needed proof.
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well, i thought that he would repent and stop doing this, yeah, but he, but he broke my glasses, and you got angry and drowned him. so that means he was killed after all, and i knew, i knew that he
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would finish the game, they knew that you knew, you understand what’s the matter, when we sorted things out with him, i was leaving the pier, i saw how some guy approached him -that man, he was angry, shouted, said that he would not allow him to let go of his hands, so what kind of man can you do him? of course, if i'm not mistaken, it was the owner of this the hotel itself, it’s clear, but david kideonich, why are you carrying such heavy things yourself, earn some money for your radiculum, nothing, bitch, now we ’ll get better at everything, but from a positive positive, the radiculitis will go away, people will become kinder, they’ll reach out to each other. well, what did i say, but my
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dear friend came to his senses and decided to sacrifice his important one.


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