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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 5:00am-8:56am MSK

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then protection from ultraviolet radiation, well, you ’ll be looking at vacationers for a long time, so there’s another one under threat, she’s not even in the water, thank you, but she urgently needs to be saved, from you, apparently, from the effects of the sun on her eyes, run quickly, oh , okay, good, at least i have spare glasses, in a row of sunlight for the eyes immediately after the news, it runs well, perhaps this one. ahead of treatment and rehabilitation in russia , 95 soldiers have returned from ukrainian captivity, and the same number of soldiers in the ssu have been transferred to kiev. another form of money units about the digital ruble and the need for such calculations, vladimir putin said at a meeting on economic issues. more than a hundred
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water releases in crimea and buryat are fighting forest fires; extinguishing is complicated by hot and dry weather. the news will tell you about the main thing in the vera tarasova studio. hello. 95 of our soldiers returned to russia from ukrainian captivity. this was preceded by a long negotiation process. according to the ministry of defense, the united arab emirates acted as mediators. all those released were immediately given medical treatment. psychological help. treatment and rehabilitation, in exchange the same number of captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers were handed over to the kiev regime. the digital ruble can become a full-fledged monetary unit in our country. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. the president emphasized that the introduction of digital currencies is becoming increasingly in demand from businesses, investors, and individuals around the world. the head of state recalled the pilot project, which was launched in august 2023 at the central bank. showed
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her work. we are talking about a test, trial use of the digital ruble. in fact, this is another form of our national currency . its peculiarity is that citizens and businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account with. the project involves 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22.
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at the meeting, the head of state drew attention to the issue of the development of cryptocurrencies, vladimir putin emphasized that the uncontrolled growth of their production, the so-called mining, can negatively affect electricity consumption in the regions, this is already observed in buryatia, the irkutsk region and the trans-baikal territory. the kiev regime lost 1,100 mercenary soldiers in one day only on the western and southern sectors of the front. our troops, having pushed back the enemy, advance. forward in the areas of senkovka, petropavlovka, kharkov region, krasny liman, kirovskaya and chervonaya debrovka. more than 160 servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine were eliminated as a result of a strike by the iskander operational-tactical complex on a training ground in the kharkov region. experts have eliminated a failure at the rostov nuclear power plant caused by a heavy load on the network due to the heat, but temporary power outages are possible in a number of southern cities. the temperature does not subside; over 100 natural fires were extinguished in russia within 24 hours, however.
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most of the fires are still being extinguished, the aviation forest protection department said. in crimea, in the kaktybel region , aviation has already carried out more than a hundred water drops. rescuers have to work in difficult-to-reach areas; dry weather and wind complicate the firefighting efforts. in buryat the day before another natural fire has been discovered; a massif is burning on the border of transbaikalia. almost 500 specialists now work there. about omsk - another element, the city received one and a half weeks' worth of precipitation in a few hours. reportage. omsk was flooded so much that the stormwater could not cope; in a matter of minutes , city highways became more like rivers, streams of water washed away everything in their path. pedestrians and motorists had to literally float along the roads, a real river overflowed on malinovsky street, on zhukovsky there was a whole sea, albeit from the surf only the children were happy. in the leninsky district on telman street, water flooded the fences.
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telman street is located much lower than the main highway, so all the water, look, in a huge stream flows directly into the courtyards of the private sector. due to the pouring rain in some high-rise buildings it was impossible to leave the entrance; the residents of building 27 on academician pavlov street were held hostage by the elements. it was not easy today, and the builder of the future infectious diseases hospital on the left bank had to get the workers out of the water captivity in the bucket of a tractor. like later omsk mayor sergei shelest reported that for the city such a flood was a record one, breaking the historical maximum. over the course of a day, amechey received one and a half times more than a ten-day rainfall. the us secret service has strengthened its security not only with special forces soldiers, but also with drones and even robot dogs. as for
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the investigation into the assassination attempt that already happened, in which trump was wounded, the fbi has still not been able to establish the motive of the shooter, even after interviewing more than 100 people. the washington post writes that the snipers ...could not immediately see the suspect, then they even held the criminal at gunpoint, but the command to neutralize him was given only when shots were fired. in greece, due to the heat , tourist access to the acropolis of athens was temporarily closed. the heat from africa has been testing the strength of the entire south of europe for several days now; it is forecast to linger for several more days. in athens and other areas of greece the temperature is above +43. the country's ministry of culture ordered the closure of the main historical monument for reasons of concern. due to security reasons, visitors to the acropolis are allowed only during short morning and evening hours. in in france, where the summer olympic games start in 8 days, a neo-nazi from the kalmar commune was detained. he is suspected of preparing an attack on participants in the olympic torch relay. the authorities of paris are trying
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their best to put the city in order and achieve a high level of security. on wednesday, another migrant camp was liquidated and they were taken to other regions. the mayor of the french capital risked her health for the sake of a common cause. to convince the whole world of the suitability of the sena for competitions, an and dalgo staged a swim in live muddy water. the action was joined by the deputy mayor, the head of the organizing committee of the games in paris and the prefect. but even the guests and the parisians themselves have little faith that the river meets the standards, and they publish internet memes where, after swimming in such water, it can mutate for a long time. don't switch. surgeons at the irkutsk regional children's clinical hospital introduced new technology into their work; for the first time they performed an operation on a child using intraoperative ultrasound. a sixteen-year-old girl had a tumor removed from her chest. how it all went - ours found out
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correspondent, alexey baklanov. the patient on the operating table is a sixteen year old girl with a massive tumor in her chest . doctors discovered during a routine examination that the case turned out to be complex: a gangleoneuroma measuring almost 10 cm was lodged deep inside the spinal column, and was also closely connected to the large main vessels and the teenager’s lung. this disease, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way, clinically, there are no features of any course, it is an accidental finding on fluorography, or on examination x-ray of the chest organs. to... analyze the anatomy of the affected area, doctors at the irkutsk regional children's hospital used new technology of intraoperative ultrasound for the first time. this is a special sensor that is immersed inside the chest. he scans the tissue and doctors
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see on the monitor all the vessels feeding the tumor, as well as its borders. this allows tumors to be removed from children as safely as possible. this is the first time this technology has been introduced to our hospital; it is completely new. look at the platform in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel, where they send you, mark, it’s very bad now, i know, i was warned, blood type 5, final episodes, today at 21:20, parents are sounding the alarm, grandmother stole their son from them
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and made her a real grandson mowgli, in our studio there is the same grandmother who hides her beloved grandson from his legal parents, i won’t give up my grandson, of course, i won’t give up. the live broadcast started today at 17:30. come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing, good morning, hello, the morning of russia, july 18, doesn’t happen often, we are never together, but we will try so that you don’t get bored, everyone wants to cool off in the heat and
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the animals still want to play. the heat drove the polar bear, aika, from the moscow zoo into the pool, exhausted by the sun, she spends almost the whole day in the water, there is something to do there, so we show you swimming, water aerobics with a sword, and lunch on schedule, service like in a hotel, everything included, delivery of treats directly to the mouth, here is panda katyusha, proper nutrition helps him survive the heat, such a difficult food, only a fiber-rich menu after a bamboo snack, training with a sword and outdoor games with mom, non-stop, listen to how big she has already become, here’s how to protect a child from the scorching sun, doctors warn, starting from 3-4 years old, it is advisable for all children to wear sunglasses in the summer; how to choose the right pair? let's find out, guys, it seems to me that we've had a lot of fun, maybe you 'd like some more ice cream? yes, the higher the temperature outside, the more effort mother
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of twins evgenia makes to walk with her children. were safe, the right clothes, plenty of water and special children's sunglasses, without them they won't go out in the scorching sun, i liked them, it's like an attribute of beauty, it's something, an accessory that they like, for example, roma 4 s half a year, he said that in these glasses i look like a real man, but it’s not only and not so much about appearance, doctors warn that from the age of 3, and sometimes even from one year, children definitely need a protective accessory while they are on active sun. if we we understand that ultraviolet radiation affects the skin, it also affects the strong eyes. well, the most vulnerable group of patients is, of course, children. ultraviolet radiation very strongly affects the retina of the eye and affects the lens. this is confirmed by numerous studies; they prove that just 40 minutes of sun exposure for a child is equivalent to two to three hours of watching tv. by the way, it doesn’t matter where. namely, being in the country, at sea or in the urban jungle, ultraviolet radiation acts the same everywhere, so when choosing
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sunglasses, first of all, we pay attention to the category of ultraviolet protection and the light transmission filter, it should be equal to three or four, firstly, given that children spend a lot of time outside, this is protection from dust of all kinds of small artificial particles, and also protection. ultraviolet radiation, good sunglasses should have 100% uv protection, and this should be written on the frame, if this is not the case, then these glasses are not suitable, and also for children, especially for the little ones, the frame is important, it should be light and flexible, in no case leaving marks behind the ears or on being carried, special devices will help the glasses stay on even the most restless head, if suddenly something doesn’t work out, there are very there are many devices that help to fix glasses on a child’s head, these are stoppers, elastic bands and so on, so psychologists
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add that if a child categorically refuses glasses, you can try to make a pleasant association: let’s go for a walk in park or go to a pond, put on a sun protection accessory, over time the baby will happily start wearing them for a walk and don’t forget to use double protection, panama glasses or a cap, then no sun is scary, it should become scary, finally an airborne debater, i’m sure in the state house, proposes to tighten their punishment. often, the actions of hooligans on board pose a real threat to the safety of passengers. last year, more than 15,500 administrative protocols were drawn up against airborne debaters, including more than six thousand for being while intoxicated. but the authors of the proposal believe that the existing fines are too small and should be seriously increased. but maybe there are some other measures of influence on inadequate travel companions? let's discuss. with kirill kabanov, kirill, chairman of the national anti-corruption committee and member of the public council under the ministry of justice,
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hello, we have the highest fine for disobedience to the order of the aircraft commander: 5,000 rubles. on unfriendly airlines, british, also 500 only pounds sterling, what is the exchange rate there are more than 100 of us, maybe if we equalize, this will finally become inadequate. i think that people are not fined, and criminal liability does not put people in the right state, they even know that they are committing a crime, but of course, when a person knows that he has criminal liability, he will take it more seriously, and most importantly the main thing is that we have to make federal lists braided, flight bans, oh, about the lists, it seems they said, a person ends up on a black list, that’s it, he this airline no longer flies, at least as far as they work, they don’t work because they fly with us, because they sue, they appeal, and most
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importantly, we still have to have this controversy about constitution, because we have restrictions on human movement. should be decided by the court, well, as part of an administrative penalty, why is this not happening, we are discussing all this, because because there was no such order, there was no such order, and by the way, including from air carriers, that is, air carriers with on one side they constantly declare that we would like there to be order, and on the other, of course, they are losing money.
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some kind of federal story, look how we have had a decrease in the consumption of alcohol, alcohol while driving, when by increasing the actual terms, not just liability there, but deprivation of rights, it will work, yes , i think, of course, of course, if people knew that firstly, he may fall under criminal liability, and secondly, he may decide to fly, it will work, well, plus a fine - that’s already the case staff, well, remember, we discussed compensation in general for each passenger, of course, yes, it’s a question, but not, well, the question is a question. that is good, in the end the court will award, well, well, well , 100,000, well, understandable, therefore, therefore, criminally, you are absolutely right, this is the only thing that can probably stop it, it will reduce the times, and i say, but the prohibitions, because there are people who can’t be particularly frightened by anything, yes, well, they have convicted them, they will be released on conditional terms, i’m not saying that they will go to prison, but they are not afraid of smoking on board -
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it’s normal to solder in an attempt at terrorism, that’s how we should do it, do it? what are your plans, what are we going to do, she’s a very nice girl, maybe you can go out to dinner, have dinner, well, is that what you want? bahar named vesna, premiere today at 15:00, i can’t imagine how i could have mixed it up, they mixed it up and mixed it up, with whom it doesn’t happen, but somewhere the same, let’s now understand who
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took our children yesterday, the history of a big country, tomorrow at 23:55. to enjoy ballet, opera and cult theatrical performances, residents of distant cities have more no need to travel outside your small homeland. the best performances are now shown in virtual concert halls. they are created with the support of the national project culture. more than 300 such sites with the most modern equipment have already been opened. the small hall of the art school is sold out today. dozens of maloyaroslavets residents came to listen to alek rachmaninov’s famous opera. among them is georgy razuvaev. a physics teacher at a local school says that art is his passion; in his free time, which is not much, he tries to go to concerts and performances in big cities, but this time, to touch the beauty, you didn’t have to go anywhere. at virtual concerts for the first
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time, i really liked them because they were very good. sound, complete immersion, you don’t need to travel somewhere very far, but in order to visit and watch amazing concerts, listen to professionals play, local residents have this opportunity thanks to a virtual concert hall, it was opened in maloyaroslavets a couple of months ago, for this purpose we purchased modern equipment, a large screen, projector, mixing console and powerful speakers. equipment, technology, high level, high class, allowing you to feel. presence almost live, like yourself, the audience, like in the concert hall itself. the effect of presence is truly maximum - confirm the friends of the high school student sonya. and masha, both study at an art school and are interested in art, admit that they have long wanted to listen to an opera, now it has come true, here you can see everything much better,
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see actors, actresses or some, for example, musical instruments, for us it looks like a real stage, we can come here with friends to see a famous theater production, admire a ballet or listen to classical music, thanks to virtual concert halls, great art today comes even to remote... settlements countries, and not only in recordings, but in online broadcast format. to hold such a concert, you first need high-speed internet, good sound equipment, a screen, and a team specialists who will provide this broadcast. you can watch it in the chat right in the open air. a huge screen was installed here in the central square of the city, no one can pass by, the sounds of music performed by the large symphony orchestra named after chikovsky captivate and enchant. i was really just walking and a little shocked that such compositions were actually being played on the central square,
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but today i found myself here just completely delighted, that is, you are walking with a child, i even have a child, that is, i looked back, standing listens to little ones, to make art more accessible to small adult russians, the main task of the national project is culture, with its support virtual concert halls are appearing in the regions. today there are already over 300 of them and by the end of this year more than 100 more will open, which means that the great power of art will be felt in thousands of people in the country. and then, artificial intelligence will protect against fires, and new developments by our scientists against fire and against pests are coming soon. majestic mountainous country. nature generously rewarded this region, picturesque green valleys, waterfalls,
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mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers. particularly rich in glaciers is belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend, you can find the entrance to... belukha is the highest point in siberia and the cradle of the great altai katun river. a pearl among the mountains, lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. please,
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acquaintance and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white smoking suit, and i’m starting to leave mark anton. and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women and like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much was still to come, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr. what do you think, you know me well, better than you think, artist, today at
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rtr, snow anniversary, wedding flowers, today in the studio hello, andrey, only wedding songs are played,
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from me and i want to be a captain in our village, you are the best groom you won’t find her at all, your character is stubborn like a sheep, that the sea has chosen her, you can help, we will definitely save her, who will she choose, come in a month we will sign you up, and that the decision is absolutely final, that you are rubbing next to me, you are you still messing with my girls? seryozha, maybe you were in a hurry with the wedding, maybe you were in a hurry, yes, it’s up to you to decide whether you will be my wife or not, what happened to me, a sailor, from monday on rtr, a dive into adulthood, the friends of the baltic seal foundation released three seals in lake ladoga, the kids have gotten stronger. after
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rehabilitation, the staff decided it was time. the baby seals crawled into the water and swam away, but one suddenly returned, although nothing foreshadowed such a development of events. but while experts find it difficult to answer why the animal wanted to stay, they decided to support the baby separately from relatives and conduct additional examination. well, maybe the baby is just accustomed to human warmth? by the way, it also comes from the cozy works of inna klimenko from maykop. she creates roller bags and even strollers for animals from paper vines and is ready to teach her art for free, my first basket, which i wove at the request of my daughter. inna klimenko started creating works from paper wicker 3 years ago, today the craftswoman has a real wicker workshop at home, stylish, practical and elegant things captivate with their simplicity and airiness. i started with vases and baskets, and then moved on to lampshades and even pieces of furniture.
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i saw a table in the open spaces. the tubes didn’t work out, sometimes they were short, sometimes they were some kind of crooked, in general, i also needed some guidance, so that before, to wind a hundred tubes, it took me a whole hour, so the average product of a thousand tubes, at first i had to spend several weeks, today it’s she walks faster, she has mastered almost all existing types of weaving and cannot imagine
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her life without this openwork. patterns, of course there are different ones, braids, openwork, that’s why, well, the two main types of wattle are rope and chintz, so they are used to create various products, and some thoughts come to mind, so it calms, in fact, this type of needlework calms. ina recalls that when she first saw a product made from paper wicker, she did not believe what they were made of, they were so durable and beautiful, besides... it turned out that this environmentally friendly material was convenient for experiments, since the craftswoman had already combined wicker with leather , wood, decorative elements and accessories, she mostly gives her creations with joy and great pleasure. and then, my land, you can’t build, just mow it. oh, yes, how much can you mow, gentleman, you milky little fellow, rest a little, i have no time to rest, my soul, they will take away our estate if we don’t mow
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, right? the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. 95 of our soldiers returned to russia from ukrainian captivity. this was preceded by a long negotiation process. according to the ministry of defense, the mediators were united arab emirates. all those released were immediately provided with medical and psychological assistance. after the flight to moscow, they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation in
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the exchange. citizens and businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account with. 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22
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trade and service enterprises from eleven cities are participating in the project. as of july 1 , more than 27 thousand transfers of over 7 thousand payments for goods and services have already been made in this system. in a word, digital ruble platform within the framework of the pilot it demonstrated its performance and functionality. and now we need to take the next step, namely move to a wider, full-scale implementation of the digital ruble in the economy, in economic activity in the sphere of finance. at the meeting , the head of state drew attention to the issue of the development of cryptocurrencies. vladimir putin emphasized that the uncontrolled growth of their production, the so-called mining, could... negatively affect electricity consumption in the regions. the ukrainian armed forces attacked more than ten settlements in the kursk region during the day. injured eight people shot in the belgorod region, in the ovaluisky and grayvoronsky urban districts. private houses were damaged, and
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a gas pipeline was damaged in novopetrovka. a young married couple was killed as a result of a ukrainian drone attack. the drone hit their car in the khutor, tserkovnaya area. experts have eliminated the failure at the rostov nuclear power plant, caused by a heavy load on the network due to the heat, but in a number of southern cities there may be a temporary power outage, the temperature does not subside, over 100 natural fires were extinguished in russia in one day. however, most the fires are still being extinguished, the aviation forest protection department said. in crimea, in the kaktybeli region, aviation has already carried out more than a hundred water drops. rescuers have to work in difficult to reach areas. extinguishing is complicated by dry weather and wind. in buryatia , another natural outbreak was discovered the day before; a massif is burning on the border of transbaikalia. almost... 500 specialists work there now. the kemerovo chemical enterprise released 40,000 grayling and taimen fry in the tributary of the op and tom rivers. the fish were delivered to the release site helicopter. about an important environmental project
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ilya voronin. 80 km by water to the new home of the river inhabitants in 2 hours we will be there. up then to a protected area in the saltymakovsky mountain reserve. kataidon welcomes the year 2013 with pristine nature, we have been doing this, and here it has been for 5 years already, this is the most comfortable habitat for fish species listed in the red book. and here are the new residents of tydon, flying. delivery by air took only 40 minutes. they keep things cool in special containers. transporting it along the river is dangerous; you have to cover 300 km. the fry would died within 6 hours of travel. in a permanent place. all habitats check the water temperature +7 is suitable, you can start, fish weighing 2 g are released into the river. hurray, our fathers, our grandfathers told how rich the tom river, its
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tributaries are with fish, and valuable species, and today we want to continue the tradition, this is ours kuzbass residents’ contribution to the environmental agenda is the stocking of valuable fish species with fry. taimen, grayling, we are releasing more than 200 thousand fry this summer, some will remain in taydon, others will swim to the neighboring ters rivers and tom, will grow to a full-fledged fish in just 3 years. ilya voronin, yuri polkovnikov, andrey mikhailov, host kuzbass. don't switch. in the northernmost seaport of russia, a new port has opened. there we met the first ships of this year that delivered food, industrial goods and fuel to the region for the inhabitants of the arctic. our correspondent anna kravets gives the details. the dry cargo ship mikhail britnev is being unloaded at the seaport of piveka. he opened the 2024 navigation in
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the urban district of pevek. on june 26, the ship left the port of arkhangelsk. we are from the bay cross. the icebreaker guided us, but the ice conditions were very difficult. it was not possible to move at high speed so as not to damage the ship, the ice was difficult to navigate, so we were delayed for several days, without an icebreaker we would not have been able to get through, the dry cargo ship mikhail britnev delivered more than a pivek to the port. already with more acceptable ice
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conditions. simultaneously with the bulk carrier mikhail britney , the fuel tanker bay of the cross arrived in the capital of chaunchukotka from murmonsk. it delivered 18,200 tons of diesel fuel. in total, about 158 ​​should be brought into pevek. tone fuel, of which 38. ton will go to belibino. the second ship is expected from omsk in early august, this is vladimir rusanov. as they said in the district...
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important things: to grow, to eat, to play, to get stronger, the cub will need at least a year and a half, another 6 years to change in this water world, so far only color is on the schedule, now it is clearly different from the mother, but will definitely turn white. around the world, beluga whales are successfully bred under artificial conditions in canada, japan and spain. there were two cases of the birth of a cub in russia at the dolphinarium at russian island. this is a unique case in kuban, including because it is a family affair. one might say, violated the laws of nature. initially, a fundamental opinion was formed that in order for reproduction among beluga whales to be possible, a group of males and a group of females are necessary, that is, reproduction from one individual, one male to one female, is impossible. however, such a miracle happened here, we have sea water, natural conditions are as close as possible, correct selection of diet, observation of the animal, constant monitoring. male alpha female baby - classic example. love , the beluga whale got pregnant the first time, when she
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got to the big mating, alf rejected previous companions, now the family had to be separated, but not because the male does not want to fulfill his duties. he was present at the time of birth, he was with the female, they were at that time together in the same enclosure. alf is very large for a beluga whale, weighs about one and a half tons, is 5 m long, so he can unknowingly harm the baby, taking care of him is now entirely up to the mother. but alf, how real... the father took full responsibility for the family himself, now he will perform on the show, that is, work for two, while the baby mother went on maternity leave. before this, the couple worked in turns, performing show programs; when their cub grows up, the employees hope that they will find hidden talents in him, and he will stay in anapa. after some time, they will be united again, they will be in the same enclosure, and we will only be glad if we have more offspring. ales dmitrenka, alexander zaitsev, lead. new irkutsk
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surgeons introduced the technology into their work; for the first time they performed an operation on a child using intraoperative ultrasound. a six-year-old girl had a tumor removed from her chest. during the operation , doctors used a special sensor that scanned the affected tissue. this made it possible to safely remove the tumor without damaging the vessels and nearby organs. after recovery, the young patient will undergo a histological examination. her further treatment, depending on the diagnosis, will be determined by oncologists. all news is always available on the media platform , watch, stay on the russia channel, you smell very nice, oh my god, what kind of talk are you talking about, greedy premiere, this relationship should not end like this, or you don’t care about our reputation, tell me what to do, get up , we are leaving, in the sense of where, where is bahar, the doctor wrote that they will be gone for about 4 hours, what is happening, where are we... bahar named vesna, today at 15:00 on the
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russia channel, come on, let's go with smile, more, more, more, great, good, so! morning of russia, no sleep through the main thing. good morning, vladislav zavyalov, i am anastasia chernobrovina, we welcome you, today is thursday, july 18, i would add rhythm to this day, this morning, cuban dancer, even the bees don’t interfere, dayron ernest darias, two passions,
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bee ballet, 15 years old life he gave to the national ballet cubes, five beneficial insects dairon holds the hives straight. on the roof of his house in govan and in them live regular bees that do not sting. they are called melipons. in their homes they do not make honeycombs, but something like pots. this is where honey is stored, it is very aromatic, it contains a lot of water, so honey is quite liquid, but no less healthy. the honey is distributed among friends and acquaintances, especially since the theater’s corpse is very large. you can raise bees on your personal plot, the main thing is that there is a proper house there, but what if you built it? this threatens the owner, alexander blinnikov found out, but how to formalize it, we’ll discuss with the agricultural land, what the consequences will be for the guest afterwards. there are quite a lot of such places in our country; according to papers, these are all lands for agricultural work, but in reality a real cottage community has grown up here, but
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it may take years to prove the obvious. the shaggy paws of the blue spruce symbolize peter’s struggle with the bureaucracy; it turned out to be just as long and prickly, it was less than a meter. in just 12 years, it has already become like a house, it is 12 m long. while the spruce was growing, peter tried to change the status of the summer cottage; it is located on agricultural land and was given to his grandmother in the nineties. over time, the grandson moved here with his family. fosenda turned into a country house, but decorate changes on paper turned out to be not so simple. we played football for 4 years, right, not an obligation, well, we need to submit all sorts of formations, wait, to the commission. peter says that at a public hearing everyone agreed to change it. assignments of land, instead of agricultural work, land for izh, but since then the question has stood still, on the eve of filming a new answer came from officials, they promised to change the status of land throughout snt, but peter no longer believes in the end of the bureaucratic epic, a strange situation, land - agricultural purposes, we will pay according to the tariff city, well then we’ll do everything like
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a city, which means the registration in the passport is written as the city of balashikha, but what do you say about the borders? do not enter the city, your land is agricultural, you are outside the city limits. thousands of russians find themselves in a similar strange situation, because when the status of agricultural land was assigned, they were outside the city limits, but today everything is mixed up, experts say, and the nuances do not end there. plots have not only a category, but also a type of permitted use. it can be viewed on the public cadastral map, then there are only 20 of these types, and there you can understand what a particular land should be for. used, well , it’s really difficult to understand, because the legislation is multi-level, today there are millions of houses on agricultural land, in some places snt have grown into full-fledged villages with their own infrastructure, while not all summer residents know that their property is on land for agricultural work and they face problems only when they try to legitimize their
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possessions. it may be a residential building, but it is registered as a non-residential building, non-residential construction, and as a result, a number of these administrative obstacles arise... it’s impossible to register, that is, you can’t register, you can’t connect to a rural tariff. the situation can only be corrected by a federal norm; now a bill has just been submitted to the state duma that will make it possible to take advantage of the dacha amnesty in a simplified form to legalize a plot that is located on agricultural land. the topic is complex, let's continue it, our guest is the chairman of the state duma committee on state building legislation, pavel kroshenenikov, pavel vladivich, hello,
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we are deciding, but all the time some issues come up that are not resolved there, not resolved here, we do not touch the issue of appointment, we are talking about what is needed, dear friends, so that these pripons did not exist, it is necessary to extend the dacha amnesty to them too, so that they submit documents without any work, without any of these commissions, so that they submit and are registered from the point of view of real estate, they live there, they are registered, registered , that is, not my status.
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a huge number of objects, but now these most complex situations arise, for example, stories have arisen where you know, half the house, there are houses like this, i had a house like this at my grandmother’s, where half were the same owners, half were different, the administration doesn’t know what to do, it also needs to be resolved, questions arise about the garages inside these settlements and so on, we are trying to do all this, we will continue to do this despite...
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yes, no, well, insofar as there are more than 14 million have already taken advantage of it, it seems to me that it’s still less, but these are the stories, it’s right that you raise them, we need to speed it up, speed it up, don’t forget about anyone, thank you, thank you, thank you, we talked about the latest changes in the life of the summer residents with the chairman of the state duma committee on state construction and legislation palon kryshenko, have a nice day, thank you, where they send you, mark, it’s very bad right now. yes, i know, i was warned. fifth blood group, final episodes. today at 21:20.
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parents are sounding the alarm. the grandmother stole their son and made her grandson into a real mowgli. in our studio there is the same grandmother who hides her beloved grandson from his legal parents. i won't give up my grandson. clearly, i won’t give it away. live. today at 17:30. blush or necessity. russian teenagers are ready right now to embed a digital device into their body for the sake of convenience - experts have found out that every third person is not against doing this to themselves in the near future, however, there are people for whom chipping is really makes life easier. we are talking about patients with impaired motor and speech functions. an implant connected to a neural network was developed for them. it is installed into a brain vessel without surgery, through a minimally invasive procedure. technology reads thought. and offers text message suggestions based on the owner's emotions. this allows you to correspond with your doctor and communicate with loved ones. and in russia
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, artificial intelligence helps not only in fighting fires, but in predicting them. our scientists have developed a method that will protect the forest from fire and pests. andrey alekseenko will tell you how it works. this is in the city, and fires are more often reported by the victims themselves or vigilant passers-by. in a forest , a fire most likely goes unnoticed until... will not develop into a natural disaster, scientists say artificial intelligence drones could help with monitoring. these images are stitched together into one orthomosaic in order to get a view of the forest exactly from above, the neural system will analyze what it saw and identify the areas of fire so that rescuers can promptly respond to the situation. moreover, the technology makes it possible to predict a fire several days before it occurs, based on smoke analysis and other signs: fly a drone that can find heated surfaces and allow
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a person to indicate that a fire is possible here, or is already underway. even under the surface there are peat fires, for example, artificial intelligence easily distinguishes a variety of objects, for example, the roof of a residential building from a lake, smoke and fire from a forest, moreover, the drone is even able to distinguish tree species, you can see here the classes of birch pine, knowing the type of tree, the neural network can evaluate the condition of the plant, is it healthy or damaged by pests? these are the areas that are specifically damaged by the silkworm pest; this is one of the most dangerous insects for the forest, causing no less harm than a fire. so the use of neural networks to search for pests will help change the situation, so during the experiments, a computer forester coped with the search for foci of infection faster than professionals, we rewind time, since this outbreak occurred in the nineteenth year, we rewinded time , then we found the earliest detection of this silkworm in time using satellite images, it turned out, well, unfortunately,
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after the fact it turned out that we found it. than a forestry specialist found it, however, unlike fires, scientists cannot yet predict future outbreaks of infections, however, the neural network, working in automatic mode, greatly facilitates the work of specialists, which means they will have more time to avoid negative scenarios altogether. hello, i'm arseny, what's your name? further, you will ride with me on the bus all day, on saturday, daughter, where is the world heading, you are so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus driver, a bus driver, there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor, my son and your daughter, why don’t you like him? i
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’m not happy with their whole family, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough, maybe you’re mean to, but i’m not, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to... we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each factor risk should have its own pill, where to look for help, you
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only need five ingredients that will be beneficial. for the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. “i’ve been dating your husband for a year, on friday, you went crazy, why did you tell irina about our relationship, marina konyashkina, that’s it, i’ve had enough men, young, beautiful, you’ll still be there, maybe i need some help, and i don’t need to help you, lord, baby, what am i doing, last
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chance, on friday the parents are sounding the alarm, the grandmother stole their son and made it hers. grandson of the real mowgli. in our studio there is the same grandmother who hides her beloved grandson from his legal parents. i won’t give up my grandson, of course i won’t. live broadcast today on rtr. the western coast of crimea is filled with jellyfish. the water is literally dotted with thousands of bluish sea animals. some people think it's a beautiful sight, but for most it sends shivers down their spines. but experts associate the invasion with warming sea water, with migration in search of food, and reassure that the species of crimean jellyfish are relatively safe. but the meeting, of course, with so many it’s not pleasant.
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read the fairy tale, watch it, after all, in the new film version of ogniv alexander vaitinsky there are not only magical heroes, but exciting adventures. we will be able to verify this in october. now. the creators of the film have moved on to the last stage of work, but we have an exclusive opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy, what started, you were hiding behind the trees somewhere, you quickly imprisoned me in the fire, this is such an unexpected twist right away, fans of the classic fairy tale andersen will probably be surprised, but for sure we are not disappointed, because in the end the creators promise that a whole fireworks display of the unprecedented, unheard of, but familiar awaits us. no jokes, the main character ivan travels to the advantage with an old flint lighter, not for 3:9 lands, but across the berendey kingdom. navigators may not know where this is, but every russian child knows. the characters too, but absolutely ours.
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who are you? i am a traveler, an aeronaut. this genre is generally called historicism, when such poly, as it were, polystylism, when different heroes, different styles appear, and this in costumes, in... not only with the help of beautiful computer graphics, but also as a collage collected from views of the most beautiful places in russia. novgorod kremlin, znamensky compound, ladyshskoye lake. however, the scenery created by the artists also claims to be a masterpiece. the lead actor, roman evdokimov, was convinced of this. the most memorable scene was the scene when we were filming in... in the underground gloomy kingdom, it was a huge pavilion in which our artists built the most complex scenery, such caves, underground caves, with bridges, with abysses, with huge
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spans. however, the film promises to be not only spectacular, but excitingly emotional, because at the heart of all the adventures, as usual, is friendship and love, the main character will be helped to pass the tests of finding himself, by his young companion princess dasha. the heroine is persuasive. she is strong, she’s not afraid of anything, this film taught me to be, to be much kinder, i don’t get salty with my sister so often anymore, i respect her, this fairy tale, it will bring the whole family closer together, there will be something to talk about - at the table, there, for example , family dinner, possible laugh, cry, of course, with joy, because flint is a fairy tale, which means that after the trials of the heroes, there will definitely... be a happy ending, but first you need to wait for the premiere, it is scheduled for october 24, well, that’s all on our air today , in the utor russia telegram channel everything continues, you
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can turn it on at any time and find something interesting for you there. we really like that you react to various hot topics, offer your questions, and we are waiting for you on the air tomorrow, happily, bye. you are watching the news on the russia channel, with you nikolay zubsik, hello, let’s talk about the main thing today. first of all, a welcome call. those who were in ukrainian captivity are now at home, 95 russian soldiers have returned to their homeland, moped engine, remote control toy, serious task, can hold half a ton of ammunition or food, ground drone,
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development of russian fighters in the special operation zone, a drone on tracks withstood mortar fire and brought important loads, all infrastructure, schools, hospitals, residential buildings have been destroyed, the palestinian problem is the most acute and complex, sergei’s speech lavrov at... denmark un security council, the whole world is interested in a ceasefire, but not the united states. rescue in water and air conditioning, records in the south of russia, they didn’t spend so much electricity there even in winter, and siberia is cooling down under the downpour. in omsk, pedestrians floated, roads went under water, cars - 27. a russian aerospace forces plane arrived in moscow, which delivered 95 of our servicemen released from ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger. it was possible to return them home during a complex negotiation
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process, ahead of treatment and rehabilitation in capital. bord was met at the airfield by alexander katsuba. a military transport aircraft carrying russian military personnel released from ukrainian captivity freezes for takeoff. on the landing strip of an airfield near moscow, the home for 95 of our soldiers is getting closer every minute. the long-awaited, most important call to family and friends for the first time in several months. well, that’s it, i’m ready, thank you for stopping my release, i love you, i kiss you, i think we’ll meet soon. in ukrainian dungeons they do not stand on ceremony with prisoners. i, i haven't heard, i have it shell shock, in captivity since february, we are glad that we came, thank you very much to everyone who organized this exchange. having finished, what's going on at home?
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our military handed over the same number of captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers to the ukrainian side. the sensations are still unclear. here we are just in kiev, then a bus, a bus, a bus, a plane, a bus, we still don’t understand. representatives of the united arab emirates acted as mediators in the negotiations with kiev. grandma, in general, i’m very glad to hear from you, we have arrived.
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medical institutions of the ministry of defense, where our soldiers will receive the necessary medical psychological assistance. alexander katsuba, pavel meer and ivan zamorin, lead. the kiev regime lost 1,100 soldiers and mercenary officers only on the western and southern sectors of the front. our troops, abandoned by the enemy, advanced forward in the areas of senkovka and petropavlovka, kharkov region, krasny liman, kirovsk and chervona debrovka, donetsk and lugansk people's republics. in the same kharkov region, according to sources, more than 160 military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine were eliminated as a result of the attack operational-tactical complex iskander at the training ground. personnel were transported there by bus for training. the barracks was discovered by a drone, which then confirmed the hit. there, several groups of ukrainian military were destroyed by our kamikaze ghoul drones, capable of carrying up to 3 kg of explosives.
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the artillerymen were not far behind and hit the warehouse on the right bank of the dnieper with the first shot. these shots show the sniper precision of anti-aircraft gunners; they intercepted a drone flying at very high speed, baba yaga. and in the sky over donbass it was shot down french tactical cruise missile scalp. to defeat it , the shell c1 air defense system was used. about the work of our anti-aircraft gunners, report by vadim topalov. system. deployed here in the donbass steppes, disrupted the plans of the militants of the kiev regime, an expensive cruise missile fired at russian strategic targets is now nothing more than a pile of plastic and scrap metal. at our feet is a million dollars, although in a disassembled state, this is a french-made scalp rocket, here we see the corresponding symbols. this ammunition was shot down thanks to our air defense. the crew was led by an experienced commander with the call sign whale, together with
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it is customary for the military to give names to their vehicles , and against air defense the crew is no exception. i named this shell natasha. this particular complex proved itself during the repulsion of the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive in the kherson direction and reliably protected the defending units of the russian army. my unit worked for absolutely all purposes, for absolutely everything that was used. but the most difficult thing, of course, is it's still ballistics. well, we are working on them. the whale has a wealth of combat experience behind it. georgian-abkhaz conflict syria.
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now he protects the sky here in the special operation zone, was awarded the order of courage for services to the fatherland, in just over two years he trained about 30 crews at the shell control center, one of them is fighters skat and ash, carefully watching the radar screens, coherence at the highest level, they can react to a target almost instantly. we are on duty 24x7, without putting our hands and without closing our eyes. in fact, within the coverage area the complex creates an impenetrable dome within a radius of up to twenty. up to 15 km in height. the complex can work not only from a static position, but in motion. the system is controlled by a team of three people: a mechanic-driver, who served in the police for a long time, has a length of service, could calmly sit not behind the wheel of this complex, but at home, in civilian life, raise his grandchildren, but the military registration and enlistment office came on its own and decided to help the army . hello, krasnodar region, everything is fine with us, everyone is happy, victory will be ours, the marriage will be broken. at least the calculation
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complex and can perform a variety of tasks, the main thing being the defense of the homeland. these soldiers selflessly fulfill their duty and are on duty around the clock. they don’t sleep so that you and i can sleep peacefully. vadim topalov, viktor voloshin, lead donetsk. the digital ruble can become a full-fledged monetary unit in our country. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. the president emphasized that the introduction of the use of digital currencies is becoming increasingly in demand from businesses, investors, and individuals in all over the world. the head of state recalled the pilot project, which was implemented in august twenty-third. such technologies are already beginning to change the usual patterns in trade, banking, services, and international payments. it is important for us in russia , as they say, not to miss the moment, to set up the legal framework and
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regulation in a timely manner, to develop infrastructure, to create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. digital ruble platform as part of the pilot has demonstrated its efficiency and functionality, and now we need to take the next step, namely move to a broader, full-scale implementation of the digital ruble in the economy, in economic activity in the field of finance. washington provides diplomatic cover for israel's actions and by supplying weapons has become a direct accomplice to the conflict, as in the case of ukraine. i talked about this. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov at a meeting of the un security council on the middle east. details from our special correspondent alexey golovko. the main topic of today's meeting of the un security council is the situation in the middle east. the palestine-israeli conflict has existed
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as long as the united nations itself. and all these almost 80 years. first the soviet union, and then russia, are trying to untie the knot of contradictions. the current meeting was scheduled on the initiative. sergei lavrov. the russian minister's motorcade appeared at the un building a few minutes before the start of the meeting. an unprecedented number of countries have been invited to this council. subject the most important thing in a ceasefire, almost the whole world is interested, but israeli activists tried to disrupt lavrov’s speech. they somehow passed the security guards with placards, got to the podium and started shouting: i don’t understand, you need to be more clear, tell me more clearly, more clearly, otherwise i don’t understand. someone alone, tell me clearly what you want?
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meeting on the topic of war in the gas sector. over the past 10 months, this is the fourth time russia has immediately condemned the terrorist attack by militants on israeli settlements on october 7 last year. but what's happening now is it is not selective and collective punishment of the entire peaceful people of palestine. the military cleansing of the sector, the most densely populated place on the planet, has been ongoing for almost 300 days. has been called an open-air prison for many years, the result of the large-scale military operation that israel is waging together with its american allies has been a terrifying statistics of victims of destruction, in 10 months almost 40 thousand
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dead and 90 thousand wounded palestinian civilians, most of whom are children and women, this twice as much, having closed all humanitarian corridors, continues to build illegal settlements, in his own speech, the representative of this country at the un tried to shift all responsibility for the conflict onto iran, he showed a photograph of a clock from one of the streets of tehran, where ... iran supplies weapons to hezbol, supplies
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weapons used to fight in ukraine. iran supplies weapons to the houthis. the islamic republic of iran is the main security threat in the region and the main key to security in the middle east. russia has a different opinion about who is starting the fire in the middle east. providing diplomatic cover for israel's actions, supplying weapons and ammunition. washington, everyone understands this, has become a direct accomplice in the conflict, just like with...
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i hope it is clear what we are talking about. russia advocates an immediate ceasefire in the region and an exchange of prisoners. this is necessary to create a unified palestinian state. sergei lavrov discussed these conditions the day before with regional leaders from bahrain, kuwait and libya. and the iranian foreign minister told reporters what could happen operation against hezbollah in southern lebanon. the israeli regime cannot compensate for its failures by spreading the war to other parts of the region.
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in belgorod, on the basis of the state agrarian university, the rosatom corporation opened a center for additive technologies, in other words, 3d printing. the key task of the center will be research and practical work for the russian federation. new educational programs for agricultural students will also be developed and implemented here. on industrial printers developed by rosatom specialists you can print almost any unit. this will help achieve completely domestic production of all parts necessary for production. there are plans to open several more similar centers in different regions of our country by the end of the year. support, support. in southern russia, air conditioning caused the summer peak in electricity consumption to exceed the winter peak for the first time in history. while the south is waiting for rain, siberia is cooling down under the downpours. reports by alexey grigoriev and
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veronika bugma. despite all the hot circumstances, the city continues to live an active life. most traffic lights work, even where they were de-energized just yesterday. rostov nuclear scientists managed to restart the first power unit of the nuclear power plant, which had stopped the day before, in the shortest possible time. yesterday at 22:28.
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power systems were subject to extreme loads. in order to minimize the shutdown of the population and prevent the shutdown of socially significant facilities for tomorrow, july 18, increased tasks have been issued to limit the consumption mode of industrial consumers. in case of commissioning of generating equipment located in emergency repairs, the volume of outages will be reduced. therefore, the inevitable shutdowns that existed before the failure at the rostov npp are still ongoing. bataysk, microdistrict west. without electricity and water, parents are picking up their kids from kindergarten, the store is trying to work until
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the refrigerators are completely defrosted, obviously we will also bear losses, the chocolate is all floating, in this apartment building under... they turned on the electric generator so as not to stop the repairs. we went to the garage, took the generator, refueled it, and connected the wires. in mineral waters, which are also powered by the rostov nuclear power plant, light was provided in the private sector by the middle of the night. it is most difficult for those whose health and treatment depend on whether there is current in the outlet or not. we need my husband to use an electric inhaler, six times a day. her daughter took her to her friends in the city. temporary shutdowns also affected other regions.
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even the asphalt in omsk could not resist; along with the road surface, a car was washed away in a landslide. omsk was flooded so much that the rainwater could not cope. in a matter of minutes, city highways became more like rivers, streams of water washed away everything in their path. nightmare! pedestrians and motorists had to literally float along the roads; only children enjoyed the waves. one of the underground ones. crossings turned into a water attraction, but for residents of the private sector , the downpour brought nothing but troubles; in the leninsky district, water flooded the fences. telman street is located much lower than the main highway, so all the water, look, in a huge stream flows directly into the courtyards of the private sector, due to the pouring rain, in some high-rise buildings
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it was impossible to leave the entrance. here look, it's knee-deep, you see. what do you see, what was not easy today and for the builder of the future infectious diseases hospital on the left bank, the workers had to get out of the water captivity in the bucket of a tractor, as the mayor of omsk sergei shelest later reported, for the city such a flood was a record breaking the historical maximum, in a day it amounted to one and a half times more than the ten-day precipitation norm. alexey grigoriev, alexander ryabtsev, lead omsk. you are watching the news, stay with us on the russia channel. people of different professions are waiting for you here. and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here comes oh you are good. caress
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the obstinate one. he likes to grab there with his claws. ah, yes. tame the biter. voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, welcome a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, everyone’s talking, guys, to me feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, program for everyone families. on saturdays on rtr. a strange murder, someone hit her on the head more than once. no, what do you have to do with me? your name is on her notebook. what? look at rtr. listen,
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beauty, would you like to treat me to cheykom? hello, good evening, this is grisha, and this? raya, when will he return? yes, it’s hard to say, she’s at a pregnancy consultation, it’s week six, no less, well, remember what happened a month and a half ago, raya knows everything, raya, i decided that this would be my first gift of babies, i’m sorry, i guess it's still i'll go. today on rtr, who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something chill inside,
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anything can happen, no nothing to give up on, i will still do what i... do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never cheat on yourself, it ’s not like every year is a family year, i have every minute a moment of family, in a different way. it’s impossible, now there is a struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that such a responsibility is on me, this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. this is a majora, this one, but with him there is love, in general he
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saved me, the premiere on rtr, marry me, and i want to be a captain, in our village you won’t find a better groom, your character is stubborn like a sheep, what i chose the sea.
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in the lpr, specialists from a repair company invented a new ground-based drone, it took the soldiers about a month to create it, now the vehicle is being tested, what is it for? intended, svyatoslav dolgachev, in more detail, in these... in the footage of a copter testing a new ground-based drone, a tracked drone is carrying cargo to a conditional position. the new drones were invented by specialists from the repair unit of the group of troops - center. it took a little over a month to create the car. a ground drone can carry half a ton of ammunition or food. the drone can also be used to evacuate the wounded. it’s calm here, it can accommodate two people, even three if desired. vehicle range up to two. an engine from a moped is installed inside, it allows you to reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. the tracks were borrowed from a motorized towing vehicle, and the craftsman made the body themselves.
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the electronics are based on the base of a toy car, this is a bullet-shaped toy car, a gazulka, left and right, the launch also comes from here, it turns out that they put the automation there, so it works on it, plus they added servos, it turns out powerful. drive and they regulate all this control. a fighter with the call sign bashkir became the first pilot test sample, before serving in the army he was an ordinary auto mechanic, now one of the inventors of a new technology for victory. left, left, left. next to the ground drone pilot , the uav operator always corrects his partner’s actions from above. i am his eyes, because otherwise, look, his visibility is zero. i see everything, but he sees only partially. participated in the development of the device. about ten people, the platoon commander praises the soldiers for their ingenuity and productive work, this is the call sorcerer, he worked with his hat, this
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they have brain work, that is, they thought about everything, solved all the issues, and vakha and berkut they were engaged in more manual work, that is, they performed the mechanical part. the first tests were successful, the drone withstood mortar fire and delivered supplies to a conditional position. work on experimental technology. and the repairmen’s plans will continue to increase the drone’s range to 4 km; a prototype wheeled platform is also in development. svyatoslav dolgachev, nikolay pyrkh, alexander khvastov, lead lugansk. in the northernmost navigation has opened in the russian seaport. the first ships of this year arrived in pivek, bringing passev to sea routes, food, industrial goods and fuel for the inhabitants of the arctic. dry cargo ship mikhail britnev delivered more than 9.00 tons of cargo to chukotka. until the end of navigation, the ship will make at least two more voyages with necessary goods and products for the regions. in kusbas, fry of valuable fish species have flown to their new habitat.
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grind grayling and taimen were brought as the most dear guests by helicopter. but here you are it took fish farmers several hours to reach the river by water. our correspondent ilya voronin took part in the action together with specialists. 80 km. along the water to the new home of the river inhabitants, in 2 hours we will be there, then up to a protected area in the soltemakovsky reserve, the taydon mountain river meets pristine nature. the river we are on is a specially protected area, all types of fishing are prohibited on it, the reason is simple: all the fish that travel along the river tend to rise into these rivers in the spring to spawn, after which a fry is formed. employees of kemerovo nitrogen will release 40,000 juveniles of grayling and taimen, and during the campaign, more than 2 million in 2013, we have been doing this, and here it has been for 5 years, this is the most comfortable habitat for fish species listed in the red book. here are
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the new residents of tydon. flying. delivery by air took only 40 minutes. they keep things cool in special containers. transporting it along the river is dangerous; you have to cover 300 km. the fry would have died within 6 hours of travel. we release the fish into a certain backwater where it can adapt and go out into the river on your own. at the permanent habitat, the water temperature is checked at +7. okay, we can start. weight fish are released into the river. our fathers and grandfathers also told us how rich the tom river and its tributaries are in fish, and valuable species. and today we want to continue the tradition, this is our contribution of kuzbass residents to the environmental agenda, this is the stocking of valuable fish species with fry. taimen, grayling, we are releasing more than 200,000 fry this summer. some will remain in
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taidu. not others will swim to the neighboring rivers ters and tom and grow into full-fledged fish already after 3 years. ilya voronin, yuri polkovnikov, andrey mikhailov, host kuzbass. and at the anapa dolphinarium , a beluga whale calf was born in captivity for the first time. the newborn does not yet look very much like its parents. it will take at least a year and a half to get stronger, and another 6 years to change color and turn white. the father of the alpha family will perform on the show for two, while the mother named baby. went on maternity leave, the name of the beluga calf has not yet been chosen, everything will depend on its gender. all news is always available on the media platform, look at app or on the website, see you. hello.
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i'm arseny, what's your name? what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? you are so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus or bus driver. there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story about a neighbor and neighbors. my son and your daughter. “why aren’t you happy with him? yes , their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played around with their parents and that’s enough, maybe you’re out of spite, but i’m not, oh, things are under one roof, in saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on
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the ordynka, where"? wait for the wedding flowers to be kept, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures,
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orientalism is a parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new releases of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's look, the first podcasts we watch, i made a wish, and i made a wish, plans, hopes, dreams, everything has changed. i killed my husband, and everyone should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, well, nothing, on our hammer. the blasphemous flower will bloom, your cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemous flower will bloom, on
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saturday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready! explore, nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a spellcaster with mi... this is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, secretly everything light, on saturday on rtr.
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this is the life fate of makhmud isambaev in the memoirs of vladimir berezin. this is a miracle, this is real, this is what we call fate. almost 30 years have passed since you learned, thanks to mahmud isambaev, the great isambaev, your father. mahmud, when i told him, he cried, men, chechens, or they don’t cry.
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thing, he has a similar story in life, there was also a difficult story with his father, he lived for 101 years, was married many times, they also had a very uneven relationship with their son or none at all, that he is talking about his father makhmud zambaev tells you, he
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always said this about his father: my father married 11 times, lived until he was 101, if he had lived until he was 102, he would probably have married the twelfth time. he got married all the time, he was like this, a real, such a chechen, strong man who stood firmly on his feet, but after my mother chechenko gave me life, he took part in this, and in everything else he participated indirectly, because that specifically i was raised by my second mother, sofya mikhailovna. jewish, smart, loving, even when she and her father separated, we were exiled from chechnya, to kyrgyzstan, she said: “moisha, i
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went to kyrgyzstan, she’s over my head, this is kyrgyzstan, only because of you, noisha, she loved me as only my mother could love.” i say, father, and... by that time i was already preparing for my next marriage, but this too, this is also such, such a hint of fate that you must overcome insurmountable obstacles, and among the chechens, the decision of the father, the eldest, is the law, so he overcame it, that’s when he received his first salary, which his father had never received in his life, he brought it, gave it away, his father said, you... where did the bastard steal this money, when i told him, he took me by the scruff of the neck, took me to this philharmonic ensemble, asked, in my opinion, the name of the accountant. tell me: did you give him money? yes, 500 rub. 65 kopecks he
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said, that’s why we live so poorly, that they, who do nothing, because among the technians, dancing is not a job, it’s an asos, it’s a holiday, that’s why we live so poorly, because they dance, they get paid that kind of money, but we work, we don’t see that kind of money. father, lived his own life, he spoke, and was busy with my life... that mom wait outside the door, something is not there and no,
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i open the door, mom is under the bed, there’s a suitcase, that means there’s a felt boot in the suitcase, there’s a bundle in the felt boot, there’s money in the bundle, mom, what is this, maybe i wanted there to be money when i die, so you’d have something to bury me with, you you’ll bury me anyway, that means when you dance the day after tomorrow, that’s where i belong too, i ’m leaving in the first act, i’m just leaving, they’re already bringing flowers, i’ll just finish the part, they’re bringing flowers, i’m done, i have two bouquets of flowers, mom from she singled out the pallbearers, bought flowers so that they could see that her son talented, she always looked, pause, she says, it’s brilliant that you, that you don’t applaud, it’s brilliant, it’s brilliant, and the whole hall applauded, like you are now, let’s listen to makhmud isambaev himself, he’s 100 years old, remember in our this year, that is, if he were alive, he would become the same age.
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i couldn’t buy an ax, i stayed alone at home, and i put the ax down and pecked at the ax all day long because my father loved the ax and not me, my father said this, my son, when i was already 8 years old, didn’t let me dance more i’ll kill, there will be one less, very revealing words, of course, about what their relationship really was like. with his father, how his father, despite everything, accepted the fact that mahmud
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began to dance, and where is he, where did he learn to dance, because there were professional schools in stupid times and so on, the war is just a second, why do the chechens say, the child screams terribly, asks to dance as soon as you were born and screams, asks to dance, it’s in the blood, he studied, watched studied, watched studied, this is talent and greatness and... as a dancer, where he studied, as far as i i remember from mahmud’s stories, these were the classes that a ballet artist had to attend every day at the opera and ballet theater of kyrgyzstan, that’s where he learned this ballet technique, everything else was thanks to, well, various circumstances, in fifty-seven, when he came to the first world...
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the seventh he took part, danced what he could , showed as best he could, and became laureate, then, as a laureate, he represented the country, together with his colleagues and citizens around the world to show, and he came to the ensemble of the great igor moiseev, whom he adored, he said, make me a dance, not the way i understand, i come up with it myself. professionally, and the man who choreographed the dances, practiced, asked how many years, 28, he says, you are 18 years late, 10 years ago you should have come to study, but if you suddenly can now learn, show how to do a dance, an indian god, that very famous, most difficult, incredible, which means that you will be able to perform with this, this will be your trick, because in the world it is rare... how can anyone be able
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to rise from this position, from practically the splits, within a few minutes and make a move so that not a single bell rings.
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and he did, he learned, this is a property, a real property, a genuine property of talent. and as for his studies, he proudly said: i am a people's artist of the soviet union, a hero of socialist labor, a laureate of the state, in my opinion, if not the lenin prize, i am a soloist, i am a deputy of the supreme council for 37 years, by the way, i have four years of education, i said, lord, how can this be done, and these are times when you need to learn, he said:
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such a figure, although, probably, indians can with dance with a different figure, he said, my waist was like lyudmila gurchenko’s, everyone was so happy, he said that you are happy, you know what it cost me, i woke up sometimes in the morning, that’s why, he loved gracefully, he says, because i wanted to eat so much that at night i put my fist in my mouth. put it in order not to get up and get drunk, because thalia had to be, this is also here, and the spanish dances, and his boy dance, which he created at the request, this, look, this is not computer graphics, this and what we saw, i witnessed in the late seventies, when he danced this, we
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could not understand how a man could have such a waist, but because this man is a dancer, and for all dances the people ... of the world , and he, he was a unique artist, in any country in the world, he performed their main most difficult dance, and for this he had to limit himself very much, although i must admit, already towards the end of his life, when he was not actively dancing, he said: and that i have been limiting myself all my life, why haven’t i eaten all my life, because he a brilliant storyteller. was of such a level that listening to him, forgetting that he could dance, and this is the beginning of the seventies, these are the dances of the peoples of the world, the peoples of the world, let’s listen to galina ulanova, the legendary, as she spoke about makhmud isambaev, people like him, this
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happens, i don’t even know how old he is, maybe the same, because he has unique data, he is essentially so plastic, so musical and so expressive, and the most remarkable thing, in my opinion, is that he somehow found the form expressions here art and his people, because he has all these dances that he performs, it seems to me that no one else could have done them, because having such some kind of internal physical even yes... which rarely, rarely happens, these happen only a few people, and especially since he began to essentially study, as i learned that it was very late in the art of ballet, our classical, say, dance, and it is not even necessary that he would have been in his time, if he had started, maybe he would dance in
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a classical school when he was little, but a lot would have been lost, because he still had his nationality, nationality in every sense. this good word, and these are the enthusiastic words of the great one. an internationally recognized ballerina who represents the greatest of the arts, classical ballet, he - mahmud, mahmud ali sultanovich, adored galina sergeevna, when the war came to him in his native land, chechnya, as for him a man of the world, a man of the soviet union, who danced that's all dances of the peoples of the world, what is it for him, how did he experience it all? it was the greatest tragedy. mahmoud said when my mother, sofya mikhailovna, who
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loved me like no one on this earth, left, i thought that i was the most unfortunate person in the world. but when tens of hundreds of people he represented began to die, he did not eat. i didn’t drink , i said the same thing all the time, so fate gave me so much joy in life, so much love, i am recognized, secured, why did this grief come to my people, if it were possible to change all my successes in my life, i would not have them thinking, i gave for, even if i were an unhappy person, in life, nothing achieved, if only it hadn’t happened, but what he
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experienced, i think he died so early , partly because he was so worried, and this is his illness, which he could not cope with , although everyone helped, this is the result - yes, a stroke, he left when he was gone, how they said goodbye, until the end of my life i will remember the call from his nephew said, who said: “volodya, could you come to a forest town near moscow , uncle mahmud died, he is already here, and he asked for hospitals, named the names of people who should definitely come to him, to his..." to approach the lifeless body, he said: “be sure to call berezina, because against
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the backdrop of all the pain, sorrows and worries, i managed to do a good deed for one more person, this, this, this is my victory, i found his father, i found a whole people, and i was the first person, besides relatives, who entered the hall where i was lying on his deathbed, i talked to him for about 15 minutes, i said mahmoud, i will always remember what you talked about, i will always remember what you did , do good to people, he was sent by fate, determined, placed, his authority... this
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kindness is probably the main lesson of mahmud isambaev, taught not only to you, but to all of us, in fact, this is something in which we can all imitate him, looking at his dance, of course, at his life and destiny, life and destiny , makhmud isambaev - memories of vladimir berizin.
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get caught! whether the fish is big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant,
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fiction, can scientific things be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, food formulas on saturday on rtr, you’re married ? this is true. nastya, let's talk about what kind of dress we're wearing on friday. i really need help. we'll come up with something. what
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a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other one loves me, but doesn’t tell me, i’d like to take your portrait, don’t you mind, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, friday , on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark antonevich zakharov disappears into a heap, and for
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me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told. and i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, do you think you know me well, better than you think, skinny? today on rtr poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on july 18. the mariinsky theater presents on the new stage of the great
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theater ballet to the music of boris asafiev bakhchesarai fountain in choreography. in the cathedral of saints peter and paul , the sounds of the universe are organ and gongs, nikolai lgovsky and fyodor stroganov perform works by messiaen, pärt, langlais and other composers. the multimedia theater and circus show antigravity can be seen in the gorbunov palace of culture. a metaphorical journey based on the book by richard bach, the seagull named jonathan levingston, was created by the director and soloist of the dusaley circus andrei koltsov and the artistic project manager nina. on another stage of the sovremennik theater, the season continues with a performance by sergei tonyshev based on the novel by evgeniy vodolaskin chagin in the title role of semyon shomin. the exhibition from small to large takes place in the tretyakov gallery in lavrushinsky lane. the exhibition contains graphic works of extraordinary size. from giant drawings to tiny miniatures, created by borovikovsky, bakst, shishkin, golovyan, kromsky, somov and
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other artists of the 16th, early 20th centuries. in the chapel of st. first concert of the cycle the romantic organ of the white nights is played by olga kotlerova and sergei slovachevsky. the play based on the comedy by alexander nikolaevich ostrovsky handsome man is shown at the andrei mironov theater, stage director yuri turcanu. the arkhangelsk drama theater named after lomanosov concludes the first theater festival vakhtango in the way home in vladikavkaz with a performance by alexei ermilyshev, based on the poem by alexander tvordovsky, vasily terkin. in the museum reserves of history of the far east named after. arsenyev hosts the exhibition project dreams of siberia, which brings together archaeological finds, contemporary art and current technologies to present the ancient history of siberia, the urals and the far east. although we accept. exhibition after the state historical museum, i must say that the material is so extensive and the topic is so deep that it is necessary to record two completely different exhibitions with the same name, in general for vladivostok and for the residents of vladivostok this is
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of course an amazing path to self-understanding, and for the residents of greater russia, i hope this is the very process of siberization, when not only correspondence, but full-time, to incorporate this global theme, such a powerful phenomenon as siberia. allows us not to understand the country better, but perhaps to truly understand it for the first time. london's oldwick theater is starting to show a video of the play present laughter, based on the play by noël cowbard, filmed in 2019. the main role is played by andrew scott. a solo concert by jakob josef orlinsky will take place at the munich opera festival, works by composers of the borocco era will be performed, and a solo performance by irina goranci continues opera festival program. a new gallery in new york is hosting the first large-scale retrospective of paula moderzon in the united states. i am me. the german artist, a representative of early expressionism,
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managed to create 750 paintings and about a thousand drawings in less than 14 years of creativity. many of these works are on display in the new gallery. say, doctor myasnikov shows, good morning, a program about health, that is, about the most important thing. start watching this, it will be informative, it will be interesting, let’s get started, today the program is about the most important thing,
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rabies, from which animals you can get it, who is at particular risk and what to do to protect yourself from rabies, what to do, our rabid wolf bit 11 people, don’t touch them, no matter how cute and good they are. when is it necessary to remove a cyst in the ovary and which yogurt is healthier, full-fat or low-fat? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. i’m just extremely interested in how you will exercise in such an outfit. walking and how to use it to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease diseases, and what rules should be followed when walking in order to improve your health. i tell him. "we are walking and the spine bends smoothly, a resident of the omsk region died of rabies after being bitten by a dog, a volgograd woman
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died of rabies after being bitten by a cat. a thirty-seven-year-old resident of the yaroslavl region died of rabies after being bitten by his dog. such news can often be seen on the internet, while many are sure that rabies is an extreme disease." rare, but this is not at all true: almost every one of us is at risk. what is this connected with? what else popular misconceptions exist about rabies, who most often infects people other than dogs and cats, and whether 40 shots in the stomach are necessary if you suspect you have rabies. let's figure it out. well, in fact, these myths are visible even in this plot.
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yes, the bite, the deeper, the worse, the closer to the head, and this is damage to the brain, the more dangerous, but it can also be through the mule, in the experiment it can even be through breathing. after all, who else is very dangerous in terms of
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rabies, bats, bats in general are rich in everything that people die from, and two spiliologists were known to have died from rabies, precisely after exploring caves, having become infected from mice, and two more researchers died working with the rabies virus, without being injured, precisely by inhaling, my bunny, who is not a bunny, i love you now... 100 stories from the history of medicine, i highly recommend it to everyone, you are mine, the way she talks, you are right, well, let the person talk, not the person, they want to meet, so that’s what was described there, really louis pasteur? and
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there was a huge problem, he was researching viruses rabies, played with dogs, injected them into the dogs’ brains, then further, further made them more quickly acting, but less virulent, when one boy, i think his name was peter meyer, was bitten by a dog, she bit 11 times, then bit the owner, he was taken to paris because... there were newspaper publications that yes, pasteur was working on vaccination there, then he took the courage, this was the first test of vaccination on a person, this boy was vaccinated, he was there through rabbits, they vaccinated the brains of rabbits, sequentially drying it, they injected the extract, so the boy was given the extract, the brain of an infected rabbit, because the virus is highly concentrated in the brain, and the boy survived, so i started... with the fact that why did i
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read in this book that in pasteur’s laboratory , his two employees were working, entering the laboratory with a loaded revolver, not in order to shoot back from rabid dogs, but so that if someone gets infected, gets injected or becomes infected, so that he shoots himself, and then they would imitate suicide, because that no one wanted to die from rabies in such flies, it’s just about science, you know, they die without options, who is the carrier? well, basically 90% of dogs are cats, can small animals get sick? yes, squirrels, mice, mongooses can, but extremely rarely, much less often than is commonly thought, much less often, so rarely that if you are bitten by a squirrel or a mouse or a rat, we don’t even vaccinate against rabies and don’t even test these animals , pets, yes, there is an algorithm, we will touch on it later. with a provoked attack,
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when we talk, for no reason at all the dog attacked me, i mean unprovoked from the point of view of the animal, yes, if i now try to drag the dog away and get between them, they get to know each other, and it bites me, this is not provoked, of course provoked, that you climb, we are talking here, you climb, that is, it must be provoked, not provoked specifically in relation to the animal. maybe it’s a kitty too , you’re my good one, what eyes, the basic rule, if you don’t want your animal to become a source of trouble, this is what, this it is necessary to vaccinate animals, it is mandatory, she is vaccinated, no, you know, this is a sterilized pet and it never leaves the apartment, yes this is also an option, a sterilized pet that never leaves...
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wolves are especially dangerous, you know , the same story with the rescuer, then when the boy was rescued, he became very famous, everyone began to go to paris, everyone began, it turned out there was a lot of rabies, after this story, the statistics of rabies jumped five times, why? well, because no one was counting, then they started driving, yes, rabies, and we saw that the doctors saw that there was a lot of it, and a telegram came from russia, what to do, we have a rabid wolf, one was bitten... man,
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go to paris urgently, only one person could arrive in time, a priest , he was vaccinated, he subsequently survived. alexander ii awarded pasteur with an order and money, such a story also happened. with rabies, interestingly, it can have a very long incubation period, months, up to several months, or even years, the largest case is 7 years, a dog bit in brazil, after 7 years a person has developed rabies, if you were bitten by a dog, once again motivated and motivated, a very big question from your family. animal, can they go into quarantine, if you can quarantine an animal for ten days, then you don’t have to give an injection, watch, you have time, if you can’t, you need to go for a vaccine if you’ve been bitten by exotic animals like these now
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they keep many, many more, well, yes, we still do an analysis on them, but it’s very important to know that the animal is vaccinated, no, if the animals documented to be vaccinated against rabies, then... how old is he? he is 6 months old, are you still teaching him to talk? he speaks almost human language, is he vaccinated? yes, he definitely passed all the tests, but the first dog? yeah, it's crazy, isn't it? yes, you are so persistent, i, i, yes, dogs are my, animals in general, any are my weakness. i have a question from a viewer, katya, what do you want to ask, and if a street cat scratched and did not bite, maybe through a scratch from a claw, maybe even through a scratch from a claw, in general the law is what we do when we see a cat on the street or dog, we run, we start to caress her,
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kiss her, but she doesn’t understand, she doesn’t wait, she doesn’t need it, she can react, not to mention suckers, these diseases of cat scratches are not tolerated... to be heard, then to animals on the street, don’t touch the kind that are desirable, when we were taught, don’t touch them, they’re cute, they weren’t good, it will still work out, the dog turned on you and ran away, it may not be rabid, but you’ll be vaccinated later, you need it in general, yes, so it’s probably calmer, but maybe not...
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yes, well, more questions, i wanted to ask, if an animal is like an anti-cat, we have nets, and the animal never leaves the house, but at the same time we know that vaccinations, every vaccination has a reaction like this to the body, that is, for the animal, how harmful it can be, well, you know, it is clear that no, both in humans and in animals, there is no 100% safe vaccine, 100% effective, but you see, today this is how it is, today she is in the house, i don’t want to say, but in fact, it happens that an animal
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outlives the owner, ends up on the street and becomes a problem, so those are some miniscule fantastic risks, well, yes, but it’s always better. the animal must be transplanted, well, i’ve already told you, so let’s be attentive to our health, you all have wonderful animals, everything will be fine with us, then, when is it necessary to remove a cyst in the ovary and which yogurt is healthier, full-fat or low-fat ? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnyakov asks, you answer, i’m just extremely interested in how you will exercise in such an outfit, fifth blood type, mom, and you won’t leave me, you are a real son, a child should live with
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his own father, i won’t give him to you, stronger than the voice of blood, only the voice of love, can i have one train ticket, oh two, you have a summons, marik. happiness is not far away, well, why do you need to go, dean, i’m just trying to tug at my soul, this is for you, there is such a sign that death won’t find someone else’s things, i came to you with very bad news. fifth blood group final series. today on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly. he will always tell you how to increase your low blood pressure. and... how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take
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medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, doctor , which you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday at rtr. hello, i'm arseny. and what is your name? what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? you are so calmly ready to accept that our
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son is dating a trolleybus or bus driver. there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor, my son and your daughter, why does he not suit you? yes , their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough, maybe you’re playing to spite them? but i don’t, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday on the mouth, you have an anniversary of snow, wedding flowers, today in the studio, hello andrey, only wedding songs and rings are playing.
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time for the section questions from the doctor, i will ask questions to you, you answer, answer correctly, get a prize, answer incorrectly, go exercise, who is ready, raise your hands, what do you think, who will i choose, i want to see how she exercises, go here, what is your name, my name is olga, what? is engaged, i’m a professional model, yeah, okay, how
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about knowledge in medicine, well, 50/50, because i chose you from what, i i’m just extremely curious how you will exercise in such an outfit, well, let’s see, let’s twist it, the bacterium hiliobacter pylori is possible. found out that a bacterium with the letter x lives in the stomach, yes, yes, it can cause
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skin disease? i think not, write, i don’t see the logic either, this is a local bacterium, it doesn’t live in anything else, it can only live in an acidic environment, ph3 everything else is lethal for it, so the answer is correct, hurray, i’m very glad , a cyst was discovered in the ovary after menopause, it definitely needs to be removed. ovary, we know what it is, yes, yes, of course, there may be a cyst in it, maybe, maybe malignant, benign, you have never had an ovarian cyst, no, very often there is a functional ovarian cyst, a simple ovarian cyst , and we don’t always remove it, but this is for young people before menopause, the situation changes dramatically before
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menopause and after menopause, hence the question, exactly if it was discovered, if it appeared after, but it wasn’t, it wasn’t. it wasn’t, it wasn’t, menopause, bah cyst, what’s wrong what to do with her? and i’m thinking of removing it, so write, it definitely needs to be removed, but no, i think yes, that’s right, it should be removed, because a cyst that arose after menopause has a very high risk of degenerating into oncology, and there is absolutely no point in wearing it, especially moreover, the ovaries seem to be of no use. so, my third question is simple, so i won’t see you on the mat. not a fact, yeah, low-fat yogurts are healthier than fatty ones, just think, low-fat yogurt is no healthier than fatty ones, just like low-fat cottage cheese, write, no, she’s not only beautiful, she’s smart,
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well done, sit behind... all three of your keys, open it, one doesn’t fit, you haven’t even put it in yet, insert the next one, well, oops, oops, well done, well, choose, whatever i want, yeah, only in one copy, only one copy, right. what do i want to take here, well, there are just so many temptations, you’ve been reading for so long, i want to take the mug as a souvenir, well done, you took it wrong, take it, and now look, wow, sit down,
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if you want to review us, this is a platform , look at the smotim app or website .ru, and we go ahead. well, who has such an electronic watch, it periodically beeps and says: you’ve walked 10,000 steps, you’re doing great, and that’s right, because 10,000 steps or even walking, it has been proven to prolong life, this is probably the most physiological exercise, because that we walk, we can regulate the pace, we can regulate our breathing, pulse, and this brings a tangible, well, tangible, this is what we live, the rod, the glands, all these things, on the contrary, in principle, they shorten life, but let’s say there are clear ones about american football
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evidence that these people die earlier, the fact is simply a risk factor for such activities. sports, this all leads to inflammation in the absence of cardio, and what is useful is only what is physiological, what we do, we walk, swim, ride a bike, well , when we have to, we have to run, but running is already, so to speak , you are exhausting your resources, we know that physical inactivity is responsible for 15% of mortality, this includes onology. just like that, these are the systems that are activated when walking, with dosed aerobic exercise physical activity, they fight tissue insensitivity to insulin, fight the effects of carcinogens, and today physical inactivity is considered
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a huge risk factor for almost all diseases. before we go any further. i know that we have a guest, he has bechter disease, he came up with some kind of walking system of his own, won’t you tell me, won’t you show me, first of all, what’s your name, my name is dmitry, dmitry, very good, here we go , let's go, let's go, great, how to improve your health with the help of walking and get rid of many diseases? the answer to this question is known to dmitry yurchenko from moscow, a walking instructor and the author of the russian max health technique. its main idea is to engage the muscles of the upper torso, chest, and back of the shoulder girdle when walking. for each step of a straight arm, we squeeze the wrist expander, the work is included, if with normal walking 45-50% of the muscles, then with
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the scandinavian and russian swings up to 85, but dmitry came up with this method of walking for a reason: the man has been suffering from several serious illnesses. doctors forbade him from any physical activity. i have. i have ankylosing spondylitis with damage to the entire spine and most joints, i have coxarthrosis, i have arthritis, i have hypertension with damage to the heart, well, in general, i feel great, this walking helps me directly with this, i look at your rings , yes, yeah, that ki, i turn on my hands when walking, well, we turn on everything, we turn on all the hands that came, well, yes, i turn on my hands as naturally and here. and how does this happen for you? i turn on my hands like natural ones weights, that is, the straight arm goes up
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to the horizon line, respectively, the finger goes up, the second hand goes back, the leg goes in the opposite direction, that is, accordingly we walk and the spine smoothly bends, the muscles of the chest and back of the shoulder girdle work, at the same time we... squeeze expander for every step, we train the muscles of the forearm and the walking itself is activated, the process itself becomes much more effective when we walk for a long time, what happens with us , that you walk for a long time, what happens, but with us , when we live, we move our arms when we we walk for a long time, even if we swing our arms, our hands swell, they become like this, you can’t clench your hands into a fist, because due to the fact that you walk for hours, they are at the bottom. you don’t do something about it, they start to flow away, i’m even standing here, if my hands are down for a long time, i feel that they are swelling, this, of course, drives away the blood,
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he doesn’t point a finger, he’s a crazy deannik waving his hands, no, he doesn’t point his finger, because there is another way, everyday walking, when we walk at 45° we raise our arms, that is, here we are walking somewhere along the street, then they often ask, but you haven’t forgotten the stick, that is, there is no finger, they don’t point, in principle they ask the question, okay. sit down , please, well, you see, everyone for themselves, someone walks with sticks, by the way, it’s also useful, but you need sticks, here you need, well, a certain hobby, because they will really ask there or something, but walk, walk, walking, this is of course very good, what a pace, but usually we tell untrained people, at first you walk so that you can talk to the person walking. close so that you don't choke, so that you could speak without being out of breath, then this pace is comfortable for you. decades ago, when we were talking with cardiac
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patients, i persuaded them to do walking with accelerations, you walk slowly, then faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, then again to nothing, this is such a struggle with accelerations, because you can still control your breathing, your pulse, that's really... what i like about walking, it's accessible to absolutely everyone, all you have to do is get up, go out and just walk along the street, just walk along the street, and i’ll figure out how long you go there and how long you go here, everything that’s needed, but life clearly goes on, because one of the biggest risk factors for early death is physical inactivity, sitting on the couch, even sitting at work... it is deadly, and in many countries they make large standing stands so that people stand while working, and varicose
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veins form, but it is better to have varicose veins than lie in a coffin with normal veins. next, how often should you walk? so that it brings maximum benefit. the body immediately begins to blow. you can help? we will definitely save her. who will she choose? come back in a month, we will sign you up. and that the decision is directly
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final? why are you rubbing yourself near me? are you still messing with my girlfriend? listen, seryozha, maybe we were in a hurry with the wedding? maybe we were in a hurry, yes, it’s up to you to decide whether you will be my wife or not? what's the matter with me, a sailor, from monday on rtr.
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i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here that’s all, play and...
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a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, strange murder. i hit her on the head more than once, no, well, i have nothing to do with it, in her notebook, your last name is boluichik, look at rtr, listen, beauty, you can’t treat me to cheik, hello, good evening, this is grisha, and this, raya, when will she return, but it’s hard to say, she’s undergoing a consultation on
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pregnancy, this is a week. sixth, no less, well, remember what happened a month and a half ago, and raya knows everything, raya, i decided that this would be my first gift to the baby, i’m sorry, i ’ll probably go to this after all, today on rtr, program the most important thing continues, we talk about the benefits of walking. here it says: exercise once every 3 days, well, what does that mean once every 3 days, once every 3 days - this counts as zero, because according to the international standard, you should do aerobic exercise five times a week, 40 minutes a day, what is it once every 3 days, you went once every 3 days, never rest more than one day from one day, if you rest for more than one day, the body immediately begins to think, you can relax, you can rest on the third day, you won’t
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push yourself anymore, i. .. by the way, i do it for myself , i use absolutely the same algorithm, i always study quite a lot, i go to the taiga with yaroskolts, on all business trips with yaroskols, i always have them with me, i’m in the hotel, everywhere on transfers, at the airport on long trips, i study, you know how they look at me when i somewhere in a big airport i’ll find a corner for myself, i understand that i have nothing else to do, i do my stubberpies, he thinks i’m crazy, well, i guess i am. but i want you to do the same, i say again, no one is asking you to do any complicated exercises, just go out, in the rain, in the snow, the weather doesn’t matter at all, i recently showed how siberia snowmobiles, i got lost, but i fell into the snow, i couldn’t lift the snowmobile, it was stuck there, stuck, the guys thought that i had left, well, what did i do, i made a mistake everyone the rest, because -45, it’s cold to stand,
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after 2 hours... but you can walk, you can, you won’t freeze, you can always walk, that’s all i’m saying, you can and should always walk, and how to warm up before training, before training , of course, you need to warm up, of course, just not before walking, but how to warm up before walking, squats, your legs got up, you just walk and walk, first slowly, then faster, then you accelerate, then again slowly, when you walk for a long time, you know, i climbed kilimanjara for a very long time, my assault took me 20.
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with a normal body mass index, but if they engage in physical activity, even while remaining overweight, then their life expectancy risks are the same as those of people with a normal body mass index, it is interesting that physical activity even
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eliminates such a danger as overweight obesity , who has questions, come on, good morning, good, my name is anya, i know that walking barefoot... is very common now, and there are such fabulous paths, yes, that is, it’s kind of good for health, but it’s not always there opportunity to visit them, is it useful to walk barefoot, in our everyday conditions, for example, on asphalt, or is it still better to use some kind of sports shoes, and so on and so forth, how can this affect, well, walking with a bull is great, but of course on asphalt i wouldn’t walk, listen, but this is just one time, but have you thought about such a simple thought that we haven’t stood on the ground for a very long time, because on asphalt, yes, on concrete, yes, but where is the earth? here, that’s good, the city of moscow, i want to stand on the ground, i need to find a lawn, should i come in? no, we have a wonderful place, it’s an elk island, a forest, that is, if you go out into the forest, and there, of course, you
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remember in childhood, well, i don’t know how it is now, but we just walked around, then we got a sole like this, you just generally, you didn’t understand, there i look at some kind of leather, you can cut it, well, you don’t feel anything. and nordic walking is more useful than usual, northern, and what is it, walking in the north, well, this is with poles, this is with a candidate, yes, of course, of course, of course, it’s useful, with us somehow there was a program, there was
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an athlete, an enthusiast, well, you understand, this is similar to the gangway, uh, with dmitry, you also wave your arms, in principle, in principle the same, only you are still pushing off, yes, others are working groups. ask a question, raise your hands, good morning, doctor, my name is anastasia, i have a question, when i go up and down the stairs, a sharp pain occurs in my knee, it hurts for 2-3 days and goes away, everything is fine there for 2-3 months, then arises again, tell me
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whether i should see a doctor, who exactly, well, i i think, most likely, bursitis, around the compound bursa, probably the joint is such a bursa, like an octave fluid and so on, it sometimes... climbs into anatomical weak spots, becomes inflamed, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts , and going up, going down, i’m like that i understand, i guess. says it doesn’t hurt to press in these places, no, it doesn’t hurt, that ’s the first thing that comes to my mind, but if you constantly do this, then it constantly interferes, what could it be there, it’s unlikely to be a ligament, but maybe it makes sense to do an mri knee to referral from a doctor, a rheumatologist or a traumatologist, thank you very much, aleksandryanich, here’s the question, a year ago i used electronic cigarettes, which are like... with tobacco, but they are like steam, in fact,
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during use, i noticed that my gums began to bleed , i bought specialized pastes - against this, but it went away after some time, now it has appeared again, my gums are bleeding again, i don’t use them anymore, these are electronic cigarettes , i don’t know what to do, that is , rinse it or just wait, wait, wait, like you name is yaroslava, yaro, yes, have you tried to see a doctor? i went to the dentist, they don’t see any stones there, nothing, that is, i’ve already gone to the gums several times, but i understand that when a smoker smokes, well, probably, electronic cigarettes, without improving the condition, there is a definite symptom of gingivitis inflammation, it is necessary , as you are right, paste, rubbing, or maybe on a very long basis there are low doses for months... biotics like the tetracycline series, there are different approaches,
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just like that, so if you constantly have grape gums, there is no reason to find a doctor already not to treat teeth, not stones, but to treat gums, gums are the organs that hurt in this case, it hurts, it will settle, form pockets, it will lose teeth, i started with this, then until i lost half a half, halfa, too, they are still dragging blood, well, because i, too , was prescribed an antibiotic for several months... i won’t drink it, rub in the paste, well, i rubbed it for 3 days, then i got tired, well, that is, it’s wrong, like this do what i can’t do, let’s move on, good morning, doctor, good, i have a son at 2 years old, the dog scared him very much, he was 2 years old, 2 and 2 years old he was registered with a cardiologist, the diagnoses changed, but treatment was not prescribed to a cardiologist, to a cardiologist, but what does the dog have to do with it, well... for some reason after that, how frightened the dog was, he began to
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have such symptoms as crying and yawning, his upper lip was turning blue, we didn’t notice this before, so it’s another matter that you didn’t notice, there is a born threshold of the heart, most likely, well, in short, they didn’t prescribe treatment, they said that in the transition period it might outgrow, but that means it won’t has outgrown it, and now he is diagnosed with neurocircular distance of the bagatonic type.
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it's already over, good luck to everyone! next in the program: women's health, impotence, what is sarcopenic obesity and how to regain activity and vigor? what do you think? do you know me well? better than you think. artist. today on rtr. welcome!
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there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, i made a wish, and i made plans,
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hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, but everyone should bear, for her actions, something wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, well, nothing, the blasphemer will bloom on our hammer, our cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemy blooms in saturday on rtr, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here it comes, oh you are good, to caress the obstinate one. he likes to grab there with his claws.
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tame the biter. voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done! to warm up a stray , a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you hurry everything, guys, to feed me hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. good morning! hello! the problem of excess weight is as old as the world, but after the coronavirus pandemic, this problem has become more urgent because, firstly, for quite a long time most people sat in a confined space, and
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accordingly, led a very sedentary lifestyle, and secondly , the coronavirus infection itself, which was suffered by a fairly large number of people, leads... to weight gain, to excess weight, from which subsequently it can be very difficult to get rid of. not only older people, but also quite young people are faced with the problem of excess weight, and a new term has appeared: sarcopenic obesity. what it is? why has it become quite difficult to get rid of excess weight, and how to deal with it? this is what we will talk about today. our tv viewer tatyana contacted us, let's find out her story. hello, the program is about the most important thing, i am asking you for advice. my name is tatyana, about a year ago i got sick with covid, i was seriously ill, i was in hospital, they put me on ivs, gave me oxygen, then i recovered for a very long time, i didn’t have the strength, uh, to cook or clean,
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so i started eating fast food, because of this i gained a lot of excess weight, and a few months ago i... got sick flu, everything continued the same again, fatigue, no strength, i can’t lose this extra weight, before the illness i was an active person, we went for walks, now i have no strength for anything, and no desire to move, do anything, tell me please how can i get back? to your old healthy life. tatyana, today in our studio, please come to us, good morning, good morning, hello, good morning, tatyana, please tell me, did you gain excess weight after covid, and i always had it, but after covid it acquired the size is already catastrophic, how much have you gained, about 10 kg, what other complaints do you have, i get tired quickly, after work i forget
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my friends somewhere, i say, no, i don’t want to stay at home anywhere, and indeed not only people who have had covid face this situation . but also seriously ill viral infection, how to regain an active and vigorous life, to talk about this, i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio. andrey nikolaevich zolotarev, integrative doctor of orthomolecular medicine, sports nutritionist, nutrigenetics, pharmacist. good morning, good morning, andrey nikola nikolaevich, indeed very often after viral infections, after the flu, after covid, especially. there is this terrible weakness, where does this come from? this is due to the fact that the first thing that happens is a violation metabolism, the second is pathological changes in the liver area. fatty hepatosis and changes in the pancreas, which in fact most often leads, as complications, to various diabetic
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manifestations. among other things, most viral infections enter us through the respiratory tract, and here the bronchopulmonary system is also damaged and occurs in a state of hypoxia. this is where fatigue, apathy and a complete lack of desire to do anything come from. and you can’t even imagine, my friends, how quickly our muscles lose muscular. let’s imagine that this is our muscle, it contains muscle fibers, and quite often these muscle fibers, muscle cells, they begin to gradually be replaced by fatty tissue, that is, a person reduces his physical activity, the fibers dry out, decrease in volume, right here adipose tissue is formed, that is, the volume seems to be the same, but adipose tissue appears there for this reason. at first we don’t notice these changes, it is the composition of the muscle fiber that changes, but as soon as it begins this is a critical condition, a person loses
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activity, and after that, please, obesity, and not only that, these cells begin to grow, their number increases, they also attract water, body weight gradually begins to increase, these fat cells begin to be deposited not only in the muscles , sedentary lifestyle, but in subcutaneous fat tissue, this is why sarcopenic obesity begins, but how? to determine whether tatyana has sarcopenic obesity or not, you can do a simple test, for this we just need a chair and a stopwatch, sit down and you need to get up five times without using your hands, let’s try one, two, three, now it’s getting harder, but pay attention. five, if you did this in more than 15 seconds, this is already the initial stage of sarcopenia, but
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if you didn’t even get up, then this is already quite serious degenerative destruction of muscle tissue, 22 seconds, a fairly serious indicator, my friends, what are we doing in first of all, you need to pay attention to your diet, so let’s just take a look, my friends, these are the foods that contain large amounts. of all sugar and fats and salt, delicious-smelling sausage, confectionery, dried apricots, it seems like a healthy product, potassium, but at the same time it contains a large amount, a large amount, this is a very large amount of calories, which must be compensated or burned through active physical work, in in any case, of course, you need to replace them with healthier products, which is why, first of all, you need to pay attention to... those foods that are rich in protein. protein is the main structural element of our entire body, including muscles.
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if you already have the first signs of sarcopenia, then you need to at least consume as much protein in your diet as approximately an actively developing young person, that is, 150-200. moreover, it is imperative to use easily digestible protein, that is , one that is truly guaranteed to be maximally absorbed from food. this includes seafood, dairy products, these are definitely eggs, a very easily digestible protein, we must not forget about vegetable protein, legumes first of all, and of course low-fat sortabo, it’s better not even meat, poultry is still better, the same turkey, the same chicken - this is the most optimal source of protein, in 100 g of chicken does not contain 100 g of protein; protein is present only in a certain percentage relative to the total mass of the product, approximately 100 g. breasts about 20 g of total protein, if we are talking about one egg - this is 6 g of protein, but if we are talking about boiled squid, not
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more than sixteen, and of course we must not forget about physical activity, no matter how difficult it is, you need to force yourself at least 30-40 minutes a day, at least to walk, gradually increasing the load, gradually increasing the duration of the walk, this physical activity will speed up the metabolism your body, but it wouldn’t be you and me. a substance that has been present for quite a long time in the diet of people for whom physical activity is a profession, especially professional athletes. cornozine is a substance that helps this very protein is delivered and transported to the muscles, in fact, thereby enhancing the activity of our muscle mass. in general, cornozine is a geroprotector, that is, in essence, if we translate it yes. conditionally, this is a substance that stops aging, and accordingly, accelerates the metabolism and regeneration of all our tissues, including
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muscle fibers. this substance has... colossal antioxidant properties, which further accelerates recovery, especially after viral loads. a lot of cornazine is found in the heart muscle, in myocardium, and indeed the myocardium is the most actively working muscle in our body; sarcopenic obesity suffers, including this substance, cornosine, which is naturally found in our body, but in fact it is not synthesized in us, we need to take it from the outside. recently, there have been studies that have shown that... nazin , when used continuously, reduces the risk of insulin resistance, and many endocrinologists add it to complex therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. of course, it is better to purchase cornazin at a pharmacy. kornozin it needs to be taken in fairly long courses, at least twice a year, and if you already have sarcopenic obesity , three to four times a year. the russian manufacturer is currently completely competitive, but there is
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a big advantage: it is more economically profitable. be sure to pay attention that the packaging has a gmp certificate, this is an international quality certificate, this will guarantee that the drug you are buying is truly safe and there was complete control at all stages of it production, it’s also not worth trying to buy a cheap drug, because either the quality will be lower or the dosage will not be good enough. tatyana, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that you... you will start leading an active lifestyle , you will feel better, lighter. thank you very much for the recommendations, i will follow them. andrey nikolaevich, thank you very much. well, my friends, following all the rules of a healthy lifestyle: proper eating habits and physical activity and additional intake of nutritional supplements is key to the prevention of sarcopenic obesity after severe viral infections. we wish
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you a good day and a great mood. be healthy. there was a program with you. about the most important thing, you’re married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk, which one will you take on friday, i really need help, something you can come up with, “what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you’re it i would like to, you really love me, the other one loves me, but doesn’t tell me, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, but tell her about yours feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i am,
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of course, a fool, romantic, last chance. on friday on rtr, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello! and let's talk about the main thing today. the first thing to do is call your family. i love you very much, i will call you soon. our military, who were in ukrainian captivity, are now at home, 95 soldiers have returned to their homeland. can hold half a ton of ammunition or food. ground drone, developed
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by russian fighters in a special operation zone. the drone on tracks has held up. brought important cargo. the course has been taken to push through at any cost the so-called zelensky plan, which has a pronounced form of an ultimatum. the conflict in ukraine will end if the west stops pumping weapons into kiev - a statement by sergei lavov during a press conference at the un headquarters. rescues in water and air conditioning, records in the south of russia, they didn’t spend so much electricity there even in winter. and siberia cools down under the downpours. pedestrians floated into omsk, roads went under water, cars went underground. a russian aerospace forces plane arrived in moscow, delivering 95 of our military personnel released from ukrainian
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captivity, where they were in mortal danger. we managed to return them home in the process. complex negotiation process, treatment and rehabilitation ahead in the capital, alexander katsuba met the board at the airfield. a military transport aircraft from... an airfield near moscow, the home of 95 of our soldiers, is getting closer every minute. the long-awaited, most important call to family and friends for the first time in several months. well, that's it, i'm ready, thank you. score my release, love, kiss, think soon we'll meet, in ukrainian dungeons they don't stand on ceremony with prisoners, i didn't hear, i have a shell shock, i've been in captivity since february, we're glad
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we came, thank you very much to everyone who organized this exchange, zhenya, after finishing it, who 's waiting at home, mom, brother , or rather, two brothers, they were exchanged according to the 95x95 formula, the same number of captured soldiers in the ssu were handed over by our military to the ukrainian side, so far... a lot of emotions are still unclear, you understand, we are literally here, here, here, we are just now in kiev, then bus, bus, bus, plane, bus, and we still don’t understand, representatives of the united arab emirates acted as mediators in the negotiations with kiev, grandma, in general, i’m very glad to hear from you, we arrived in moscow, flew to moscow, as soon as we get to the location, i’ll charge the phone, i i’ll call you and we’ll chat about everything, everything, we’ll definitely wait for you at least at night. okay, okay, come on, i love you very much, i’ll call you soon. military personnel from different parts of the country, uglich, podolsk, ural and siberia. the seats in the cabin were occupied
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quickly, army-style, and they were now just a stone's throw away from home. buses go to moscow, to medical institutions of the ministry of defense, where our soldiers will receive the necessary medical psychological assistance. alexander katsuba, pavel meer and ivan zamorin. the west must stop pumping kiev with weapons, then the conflict in ukraine will quickly end, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this at a press conference at the un following his participation in security council meetings as chairman. details from our special correspondent alexei golovko. the work of the russian minister of foreign affairs in the un invariably arouses great interest among the world media and after the end of the security council it appears among journalists.
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in the preparation of early presidential elections, if it had been carried out, ukraine would now be within the borders of 1991, but this agreement was thwarted by the very people who
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signed it on the opposition side, declaring immediately after the coup, occupying the administrative building, that they were canceling the status russian language in ukraine, that they demand that the russians liberate crimea, from the russian population, that is, from citizens. ukrainians living in crimea were unable to keep ukraine within the 1991 borders, because crimea held a referendum and expression of the will of none of the objective observers.
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sentiments, it was during trump’s presidency that the sanctions war began, very much, obama started it, in fairness, let’s say, but under trump there were sanctions. more, both economic and diplomatic, but at that time, as i already said, there was a dialogue between us and washington at the highest and highest levels, now there is no such dialogue, one of days of work of the un security council under russian chairmanship was devoted to the situation in the middle east, whether the conflict in gaza could spread to the south of lebanon, where the forces of hezbollah, which is largely backed by iran, are located. they ask sergei lavrov. iran is not
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interested in escalation. in escalation, if we read analysts, including in the us, in europe. as the practical development of the event shows, israel is interested in escalation. and, uh, hezbollah is very low-key. uh, its leader nasrola made several public statements that position is confirmed.
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will do everything to ensure that such provocative thoughts, if they exist, of course, in the israeli leadership, so that they remain thoughts, or better yet, are forgotten. sergei lavrov answered questions from reporters for almost an hour and a half; as expected, next time in the work of the united nations, he will take part in the fall of this year, during the un general assembly. alexey golovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan udkin, news from the un, new york. 1100 soldiers, mercenary officers. the kyiv regime lost only in the western and in the southern sectors of the front, our troops, having thrown back the enemy, moved forward in areas of french production, here we see the corresponding designation, this ammunition was shot down thanks to our air defense. the crew was led by an experienced commander , call sign whale, and together with him we dismantled the electronic guts of the downed missile. heads, the most important thing is to find their head, well , the head from it, that is, all these...
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defended the defending units of the russian army, my unit worked for absolutely all purposes, already absolutely for everything that has ever been used, but the most complex, of course, is still ballistics, but even then we work on them. the whale has a wealth of combat experience behind him, the georgian-abkhaz conflict, syria, now defends the sky here in the special operation zone, was awarded the order of courage for services to the fatherland, in just over two years he trained about thirty crews. at the shell control center, one
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of them is the fighters skat and ash, carefully watching the radar screens, coherence is at the highest level, they can react to the target virtually instantly. we are on duty 24x7, without putting our hands and without closing our eyes. in essence, an impenetrable dome is created within the complex’s coverage area within a radius of up to 20 km and a height of up to 15 km. the complex can work not only from a static position, but in motion. manages the system. crew of three people, driver-mechanic alexander served in the police for a long time before the northern military district, has a length of service, he could calmly sit not behind the wheel of this complex, but at home, in the civil service, raise his grandchildren, but...
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they invented a new ground-based drone, for its creation the fighters have been out for about a month now the machine is being tested, what it is intended for. svyatoslav dolgachev, more details. in this footage of a copter testing a new ground-based drone, a tracked drone is carrying cargo to a conditional position. the new drones were invented by specialists from the repair unit of the military group creation center. the car took a little over a month. a ground drone can carry half a ton of ammunition or food. the drone can also be used to evacuate the wounded, it is calm here, two people can fit, even three if desired. vehicle range up to 2 km. an engine from a moped is installed inside,
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it allows you to reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. the tracks were borrowed from a motorized towing vehicle. the craftsman made the body himself. electronics is based on the base. toy cars, this bullet itself is a toy car, like a gazulka, left and right, everything starts from here too, it turns out that they put automation there from it, so it works on it, plus they added servos, powerful servos are obtained and they have all this management is regulated. fighter with call sign bashkir became the first test pilot, before serving in the army he was an ordinary auto mechanic, now one of the inventors of the new victory technique, left, left, left. next to the pilot of a ground drone there is always a uav operator from above correcting the actions of his partner, i am his eyes, because otherwise, his visibility is zero, i see everything, but he sees only partially, about 10 people participated in the development of the device, the platoon commander praises fighters for ingenuity and
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productive work, this is the call sign sorcerer, he worked with the hat, this is their brain work, that is, they are all. vakha and berkut resolved all the issues; they were already engaged in more manual work, that is, they performed the mechanical part. the first tests were successful, the drone withstood mortar fire and delivered supplies to a conditional position. work on the experimental equipment will continue; repairmen plan to increase the drone’s range to 4 km. a prototype wheeled platform is also in development. svyatoslav dolgachev, nikolay pyrkh, alexander khvastov, vesti lugansk. watch the news, stay with us on the russia channel, i need a new birth certificate, i should be 6 years older, but i have a son and they want to take him away from me, fifth blood type in the final episodes, today on rtr.
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what task will we be able to open the whole board, if you ask, then with a hint, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep, there is.
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a strange murder, someone hit her on the head more than once, no, well, i have nothing to do with it, your name is in her notebook, little boy, look at your mouth. listen, beauty, can you treat me to cheik, hello, good evening, this is grisha, and this is raya, when will she return, but it’s hard to say, she’s at a pregnancy consultation, it’s week six, no less, well, remember what happened a month and a half ago , and raya knows everything, raya, i decided that this will be my first gift, “i’m sorry, i ’ll probably go to this after all, today on
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rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent beings in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda." why don't you rift? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. the first podcasts we watch. who we are, where we are going, what we are what kind of country is this, what is our value? we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person.
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premiere on rtr, marry me, and i want
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to be a captain, in our village you won’t find a better groom, she has your character, stubborn as a sheep, why, the sea chose her, you can help, we will definitely save her, who she chooses, come back in a month, we’ll sign you up, and that the decision about... is final, that you’re still around, you’re still messing with my girlfriend’s brains, listen, seryozha, maybe we were in a hurry with the wedding, maybe hurry up, yes, it’s up to you to decide whether you will be my wife or not, what happened to me, a sailor, from monday on rtr, in the south of russia for... for the first time in history, the summer peak of electricity consumption exceeded the winter one, but for now the south is waiting for rain, siberia cools down under
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downpours. reports by alexey grigoriev and veronica bogma. despite all the hot circumstances, the city continues to live an active life, most traffic lights are working, even where they were de-energized just yesterday. rostov nuclear scientists managed to restart the stalled on the eve. the first power unit of the nuclear power plant yesterday at 22:28 the power unit again began supplying electricity to the network; in the morning it no longer carried a load of 100% of the rated power - that’s 1.00 mw. while the younger brother is hanging out in the electrically powered fountain near the don public library, the lights were turned off there too yesterday. the elder talks about the advantages of the reading room in the library in a much more interesting way, you can take a book to read, it’s so atmospheric and there... there are tans, you know, it’s cool, right. visiting the library these days is for many took on additional meaning. it’s good not
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only to read, but also to breathe. there is also high humidity here to support the plants. everything was created by this microclimate, that’s why it’s downright gorgeous. in the open air there is no way to call it fresh, everything is more complicated. in the northern reservoir there was a death of fish, mass death from a lack of oxygen, it seems that the water was boiling. people picked up this swift from their cars and brought it home. it’s a pity, of course, for animals, birds, and people in such heat. energy systems are under extreme loads. in order to minimize the disconnection of the population and prevent the disconnection of socially significant ones. facilities for tomorrow, july 18 , increased tasks were issued to limit the consumption regime by industrial consumers. if generating equipment undergoing emergency repairs is put into operation, the volume of outages will be reduced. therefore, the inevitable shutdowns that existed before the failure at the rostov npp are still ongoing. bataysk is a western microdistrict without electricity and
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water. parents pick up their children from kindergarten. the store is trying to work while the refrigerators did not defrost at all. obviously we will also bear losses, the chocolate is all floating. in this apartment building , an electric generator was connected so as not to stop the renovation. we went to the garage, took the generator, refueled it, and connected the wires. in mineral waters, which are also powered by the rostov nuclear power plant, electricity was turned on in the private sector by the middle of the night. it is most difficult for those whose health and treatment depend on whether there is current in the outlet or not. we need to give my husband an electric inhaler, six times a day. his daughter took him. friends in the city. the shutdown also affected other regions. in krasnodar, on one side of the street there are dark high-rise buildings, on the other there is light in the windows. there are kilometer-long traffic jams on the roads due to broken traffic lights. it's just all worth it. and there is no end to it. electricity was supplied in stages. it was resumed in tuapse, crimea, dagestan, and sevastopol. veronica bogma, bulat shakieev, eduard ilin, vladimir
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shumakov and denis denisov. news. the car was washed away under the pressure of the rain that hit omsk today; even the asphalt along with the road could not resist the car was washed away by the coating. omsk was flooded so much that the storms couldn’t cope; in a matter of minutes, the city’s highways became more like rivers, and streams of water washed away everything in their path. nightmare! pedestrians and motorists had to literally float along the roads; they only rejoiced at the waves. one of the underground passages turned into a water attraction. but for residents of the private sector, the rain brought nothing but trouble. in the leninsky district, water flooded fences. telman street is located much lower than the main highway, therefore, all the water, look,
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flows in a huge stream straight into the courtyards of the private sector. due to heavy rain, in some high-rise buildings. it was possible to get out of the entrance, look, knee-deep, you see, what you see, what was not easy today and for the builder of the future infectious diseases hospital on the left bank, the workers had to get out of the water captivity in the bucket of a tractor, as omsk mayor sergei shelest later reported , for the city such a flood was a record one, it broke the historical maximum, in one day it poured out one and a half times more than the ten-day precipitation norm. alexey grigoriev, alexander ryabtsev, vesti omsk. in kuzbass, fry of valuable fish species have flown to their new habitat. grind grayling and taimen were brought as the most dear guests by helicopter. but the fish farmers took several hours to reach the river by water. our correspondent ilya voronin took part in the action together with specialists. 80 km by water to
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the new home of the river inhabitants. the taydon mountain river reserve meets pristine nature in 2013, we have been doing this, and here it has been for 5 years already, this is the maximum a comfortable habitat for fish species listed in the red book, here are the new residents of tydon, flying. delivery by air took only 40 minutes; special containers keep it cool. transporting along the river is dangerous, you have to overcome 300 km, the fry would die in 6 hours. on the way to their permanent habitat they check the water temperature +7 is suitable, you can start, fish weighing 2 grams are released into the river, our fathers and grandfathers told how rich the tom river is, its tributaries are in fish, and valuable species, and today we want to continue
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tradition, this is our contribution of kuzbass residents to the environmental agenda, this is stocking of fish. valuable species of fish, taimen, grayling, we are releasing more than 2000 fry this summer, some will remain in taydon, others will swim to the neighboring rivers ters and tom, and will grow into full-fledged fish. already after 3 years, ilya voronin, yuri polkovnikov, andrey mikhailov, lead kusbass. vesti is following developments in russia abroad, stay tuned.
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hello, i'm arseny, what's your name? what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday. daughter, where is the world coming to? you are so calm, ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus or bus driver. there is no more beautiful story in the world
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than the story about a neighbor and neighbors, my son and your daughter, why doesn’t he suit you? yes, their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough, maybe you’re us? but i ’m not, oh, things are under one roof on saturday on rtr, parents are sounding the alarm, the grandmother stole their son from them, made a real mowgli out of her grandson, in our studio is the same grandmother who hides her beloved grandson from the legitimate ones parents, i won’t give away my grandson, of course i won’t give away the live broadcast today on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, and most importantly, let's start with urgent news. 95 russian soldiers returned from ukrainian captivity. the defense ministry publishes footage of released soldiers who, for the first time in a long time, can finally contact their relatives. the military is already receiving medical assistance. the exchange was carried out in the format of 95 to 95 people. the mediators were the united arabs.
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thanks to everyone who participated in the liberation and who participated in the exchange. these impressive shots show an iskander strike with a cluster weapon. partly at the ukrainian armed forces training ground in the kharkov region. aerial reconnaissance spotted ukrainian militants loading onto a bus, identified the place where they were training, and directed iskander. as a result of the missile's arrival , 160 vsushnikov were destroyed. another blow was dealt to the command post of the security service in kiev, the tas agency reports , citing sources in the security forces.
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ukrainian formations continue to carry monstrous losses, 1980 soldiers were eliminated in one day, the russian ministry of defense reported. at the same time, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine for the first time recognized the departure from the harvest in the dpr and krynok, kherson region. the new york times reports that the harvest is under our control, the publication claims that the successes of the russians on the battlefield have become a sobering factor for... for the ukrainian leadership, kiev now wants to end hostilities and begin negotiations, indirect evidence can be that appointed chief nato representative in ukraine exam, general secretary for military policy, patrick ternov. it was under him that 3 years ago, nato forces cowardly fled afghanistan.
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in the rear area of ​​the special operation, fighters from the north group are honing their skills in storming ukrainian positions. the training battle is a warm-up before capturing a fortification in the kharkov sanitary zone. yes, oops, everything, changed, inserted, yes, everything, always. the attack aircraft move in combat twos, the first group controls the situation in front, the rest cover the perimeter, they started moving, everyone began to move calmly, don’t forget look at the approaches, attention, the group just stopped, get ready, it means we noticed something, and now contact is possible, everyone in this group transmits everything. a short
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training session and the soldiers are alerted, reconnaissance reveals a strong point, houses, houses, we move, boys, scythe, after the work of the dredge operators, positions.
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to the north of the harvest, the landscape is dotted with su-34 fighter bombers. new winged air bombs are rushing to the positions. thousands is capable of covering an area equal to eleven football fields with an explosion. this it's a little weird to show you how a place called sunrise was taken. here we see the equipment of the ukrainian army, we just saw an armored personnel carrier, this is a western -style tank, here it is, destroyed or at least damaged. this place was one of the last that ukraine still held in this region. russian iskanders in the area of ​​the village of peresechnoe in the kharkov
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google ukrainian boys are also taking a blow; at night in the lvov region they tried to blow up the local military registration and enlistment office, they threw a grenade at part of the building where the card index of those liable for military service was kept, and this is dnepropetrovsk, another military car was burned there, another burned car in odessa, pay attention to the inscription odessa is a russian city, which says that it is ukrainian.
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men of military age were required to update their contact information at military registration and enlistment offices. the government will impose fines, perhaps even prosecute those who fail to comply. this is part of the ukrainian government's efforts to maintain personnel levels during the ongoing war against russia. near some recruiting stations in cities such as kiev have long queues. if you are between 18 and 60 years old, and you are either a reservist or of military age, then... from the age of 25 you must register your email, place of residence and place where you can be found in the military database of ukraine. but we are at that stage of the war when those who wanted to volunteer to fight, risking their lives, have long since done so.
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there are people who have returned from the front lines with serious injuries but still want to return, but there are others that we we hear more and more often from those who are afraid of conscription. their argument is that not everyone can be a murderer, they, frankly speaking, the law on mobilization, which was received controversially, it increased the age of conscripts, but what is very important for critics, the law does not provide for a limit on the length of service, but this is the situation , in which ukraine finds itself, against russia it must mobilize as many people as possible to
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continue the fight, if the men do not register their data and they are caught, alexander, you are going to go fight for ukraine, you as a citizen of ukraine, what? fire rhyme deserves special admiration, so today it turned out that the fierce one is not so fierce, the fierce one does not want to fight with the russians, because he is afraid and prefers to hide in turkey, ridno, i haven’t visited nenko
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since the matorka last year, hid behind the children, from he fled the country as a father of many children, as a father, children, as the fierce one himself claims, he and his mother were cursed a long time ago for putin, for the special operation against zelensky. here is a photo of my son in a soviet t-shirt symbolism. lyuty himself published the frame so that subscribers would spank the child. what happens? for years, the fierce one cultivated hatred of everything russian in ukraine; when the war really began, he ran away. and you, mykola, without money connections, are dying under volchansky, while the fierce one is bathing in bodhran, where are you now, immediately asking for turkish?
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full-scale could, you know, you know, in the first days of the invasion, i served for 3 whole days in the vasilievsk territorial defense, i almost killed an ss officer. we had a case with friendly fire friendly fire, and to this day, when i
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remember this incident, my heart just tugs, i’m scared, i piss, i’m a musician in military bands, when something explodes nearby, i just fall without legs, i’m scared, it happens, well, today new details of the assassination attempt on donald trump have emerged, here is the first photo of a mobile phone and transmitter that secret service agents found in... his pants immediately after the liquidation of crux. on the day of the assassination attempt, crooks bought 50 rounds of ammunition and a metal ladder, along which he freely climbed to the roof, from where shot at donald trump. it was truly a miracle that saved donald; look at the computer visualization of the moment of the shooting. donald is literally on the verge of death. pull the killer trigger a split second earlier. before trump jerked his
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head sharply, the bullet would have hit the weight. politico reports that us intelligence does not rule out new assassination attempts on trump and iran could be behind them, that is, the assassination attempt was prepared by the deep state, they are trying to pin it on iran, a very, very american version. new details, look.
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blood sprayed out from there, but the republican did not feel pain, while the eardrum could have been damaged by the energy of the bullet, when something like this happens, adrenaline and cortisol are released, the body reacts with symptoms of shock, the pain is almost unnoticeable. donald himself, in a telephone conversation with kennedy jr., compared the bullet to a large mosquito. i just turned my head to show the diagram and something hit me, it looked like a large, the world's largest mosquito, and it was a bullet flying by. the pennsylvania broadcasting company publishes the first photos of the cell phone and remote control that secret service agents took from the shooter's pockets. a metal box with spent waste was found in crooks' car, a bomb that could be detonated just using the remote control. probably planning to escape; in the trunk there were body armor and three
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horns for a rifle. two remote-controlled improvised explosive devices, three fully loaded magazines with almost a hundred rounds of ammunition, and a bulletproof vest were found in the car. the question arises, did you count on will he be saved, and if so, what was all this for , what was supposed to happen next? according to the tv channel, thomas matthew crooks came to the attention of the police when... he says that some guy is crawling on the roof, it looks like he has a rifle. the director
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of the american secret service, kimberly chchit, continues to cling to her position and gives out more and more new versions, the roof.
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overthrew called a pathetic stuffing and provocation. us intelligence officials do not rule out that this is not the last attempt. with particular vigilance in meluka, where the congress was held republicans, the fbi shot and killed a man armed with a knife just in case. it turned out to be a random passerby. iran has been mulling a plan to replace trump for years, but officials said intelligence has stepped up in recent months and they have become more confident about tehran's intentions. they also said that more attempts could be made on trump's life in the coming weeks. but amazing zhirinovsky, i just can’t help but show these incredible shots. truly a politician who has already predicted everything on our land. so, in 2016, vladimir volfovich said,
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that trump will be shot like kennedy, having failed. to defeat the political donald trump will do something wrong, they will kill him like john kennedy, but by chance in some state some crazy person went and killed him. well, now pay attention to the screen: the bullet hit trump, but killed joe biden, so on the black, look, literally mourning cover. new european magazine sums up the unsuccessful assassination attempt, as if saddened by the sniper’s mistake, and it’s true that donald only got away with a bandage on his ears, but he scored political points. trump's former rivals in the fight for republican nominees nikki haley and ron
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dissantes came out in support of donald trump after the assassination attempt. but biden is coming. to the bottom, according to the poll, joe trails donald in fourteen key states, including five in which he beat trump 4 years ago. the most popular alternative to joe biden, according to these polls, could be senator mark kelly of arizona's trio of governors, wes moore of maryland, george shapriro of pennsylvania and gretchen whitmer of michigan herself. for the first time announced a possible exit from the company, earlier, remember, he i said that i would only go feet first, if the lord orders, today for the first time i referred to the doctors, if the diagnosis forces me, then i will leave the race, a meme began to circulate on the internet, what
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will save joseph biden and the bandage on his ears? is there something that you, specifically, and not someone else, not experts, not family members, pay attention to and say to yourself, if i notice something like this, i will think again. if i had some disease that manifested itself, if one of the doctors came and told me that i had a disease, then that would be a problem. he has absolutely classic signs of neurological degeneration, i mean, problems with finding words, and this is not because he cannot find the word, this is due to the degradation of the corresponding part of the brain. add to this. stiffness and monotony in the voice. what kind of ossification is this? this is when you move your arms little and stand
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hunched over. we noticed that when he turns, he seems to do it slow, not quickly. so, one of the distinctive features of the disease parkinson's, this rigidity is brodykinesia, that is, slowness of movements. but i made a serious mistake in this whole debate, look, when i originally put forward my... god may call him out of the race, but now he only needs the opinion of a mere mortal, an ordinary doctor, and then he will change his mind, that's a plus for
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the democrats, who privately express great concern if joe biden remains on the ballot. hello, bunny, how are you?


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